Ya know, you just don't get that kind of question on the other bubble blogs, do ya?
Here's my take. First, the Republicans, the "party of jesus, god and morality", are also the party of big business, the rich, the REIC, big oil, and money money money. A bit odd, no? And Americans are still buying this BS?
Second, if jesus were amongst us today, what do you think he'd have to say about McMansions? About Nissan Armadas? About credit card debt? About HELOCs used for shopping sprees? About America's negative savings rate and ballooning debt?
What would jesus have to say about mortgage brokers? Anyone think jesus would be a realtor? Anyone picture jesus driving an Armada and living in a McMansion?
You don't have to be a bible thumping red neck fundamentalist hate-filled whacko to appreciate jesus' philosophy and teachings. And boy, if he were around today, he'd have a thing or two to say about the current state of affairs in America.
October 31, 2006
Jesus was a carpenter. What would he have to say about the housing bubble, the REIC, the GOP, and our current consumption-crazed American society?
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Instead of creating fish out of thin air to feed the masses......todays financial 'messiahs' create equity out of thin air to satisfy our consumer spending.
The malls/ikeas/wallmarts of are peoples churces/temples.
It is a sad state of affairs for sure.
I am no religious nut.....but Christs teacing had a sense of humility that is certainly missing from todays society.
People really need to go into a church/temple of their choice, but instead of trying to change the world.....need to change themselves.
I am no religious nut.....but Christs teacing had a sense of humility that is certainly missing from todays society.
And especially from phoney Christians, like George Bush.
"Ya know, you just don't get that kind of question on the other bubble blogs, do ya?"
Jesus would read HP. Definitely.
Jesus loves you no matter stupid you act Keith!
How How How How lol
Jesus and his church members would be
true-blue Democrats.
Instead today,the Republican wackos have perverted Christianity into some bizarre American hybrid religious cult.
Red necks? I know a lot of self-absorbed, self-centered, simpering, stupid, over-satisfied, shop-til-you-drop, suburbanites who live in huge, plastic sided, boxes of air that fill that bill.
I am a conservative Christian. To be honest, I am as puzzled and angry as the "non-Christians" at the positions that the majority of "Christians" have taken today. If you look literally at Jesus' teachings on wealth and war you would find it to be exactly the opposite of the lifestyle and agenda of the evangelical church. Unfortunately many "Christians" today see support for the republican party the same as support for their faith. Many have never stopped to ask questions like "would Jesus launch a prevenative war and kill hundreds of thousands of innocent people out of revenge or "security" or greed?", or "would Jesus live a luxurious lifestyle while billions go hungry?" Looking at the Christian church in America today I can understand why so many have rejected the message of Christianity. However, if you really searched the scriptures you would find that the "Christianity" many see today is not the same faith that Jesus came to live and teach. I can't help but believe that He is even more disgusted and upset than I am.
While the current housing bubble did not exist 2000 years ago, there were a group of people who stood for the greed and excesses that are in large part responsible for the formation of the housing bubble. They were known as the Hellenists.
Jesus wouldn't have to "find a room at an inn." Instead, he'd just go to denver, phoenix or florida and get a house on the cheap...
While the current housing bubble did not exist 2000 years ago, there were a group of people who stood for the greed and excesses that are in large part responsible for the formation of the housing bubble. They were known as the Hellenists.
You gotta be joking right ?? The Ancient Greeks were the wisest people the earth has ever produced.
The Spartans had coins the size of plates so as to make the rich 'suffer'.
If we were to look at their teachings we would be in a better situation today.
don't presume to know the mind of G*d but I think he would not like the king sized egos on display everywhere you look in America today - unfortunately, we are no longer a humble nation.
And if I remember my history lessons, they were made out of IRON. Try to fling those babies into the toll booth slot!
Was this country ever a humble nation? Look at the treatment of Black slaves as less than a 1 person, Manifest Destiny, the Monroe Doctrine, the colonization of Puerto Rico (or as the Americans called it, Porto Rico), etc. Let's not romanticize American history and our supposed past humility. I don't see it.
As for Jesus, I think he'd be appalled with both the right and the left. While I totally agree that the Republican agenda is based on a pseudo Christianity that infuriates me tremendously, the Democrats haven't wanted to play the Christian game, and therefore are called "Godless." It wouldn't hurt Democrats to link moral values and concern for the poor, minorities, immigrants, etc.
Thinker said:
"While the current housing bubble did not exist 2000 years ago, there were a group of people who stood for the greed and excesses that are in large part responsible for the formation of the housing bubble. They were known as the Hellenists."
You weren't paying attention in History class.
The ancient Hellenic (Greek) civilization is universally accepted
as espousing truth over beauty, simple elegance and the inner humanity of man.
You got you're "thinking" mixed up or you're just another intellectual impostor.
It was the Romans...dummy.
Police Stun Gun Kills Teen With Bible
Oct 31 8:42 AM US/Eastern
A teenager carrying a Bible and shouting "I want Jesus" was shot twice with a police stun gun and later died at a St. Louis hospital, authorities said.
In a statement obtained Tuesday by The Associated Press, police in Jerseyville, about 40 miles north of St. Louis, said 17-year-old Roger Holyfield would not acknowledge officers who approached him and he continued yelling, "I want Jesus."
Police tried to calm the teen, but Holyfield became combative, according to the statement. Officers fired the stun gun at him after he ignored their warnings, then fired again when he continued struggling, police said.
Holyfield was flown to St. Louis' Cardinal Glennon Hospital after the confrontation Saturday; he died there Sunday, police said.
An autopsy was planned for Tuesday.
The statement expressed sympathy to Holyfield's family but said city and police officials would not discuss the matter further.
Calls Tuesday to Jerseyville Police Chief Brad Blackorby were not immediately returned. The department has been using stun guns for about five months, according to the statement.
In a report released in March, international human rights group Amnesty International said it had logged at least 156 deaths across the country in the previous five years related to police stun guns.
The rise in deaths accompanies a marked increase in the number of U.S. law enforcement agencies employing devices made by Taser International Inc. of Scottsdale, Ariz. About 1,000 of the nation's 18,000 police agencies used Tasers in 2001; more than 7,000 departments had them last year, according to a government study.
Police had used Tasers more than 70,000 times as of last year, Congress' Government Accountability Office said.
Amnesty International has urged police departments to suspend the use of Tasers pending more study. Taser International said the group's count was flawed and falsely linked deaths to Taser use when there has been no such official conclusion.
The city of St. Louis also drew unwanted attention for crime this week when it was named the most dangerous U.S. city by Morgan Quitno Press. The ranking looked only at crime within St. Louis city limits, not its metro area.
keith deleting again..what a lame ass!
"While the current housing bubble did not exist 2000 years ago, there were a group of people who stood for the greed and excesses that are in large part responsible for the formation of the housing bubble. They were known as the Hellenists."
I would have to disagree, it would be the same exact people- the moneylenders and moneychangers- the banks.
When you base your party on abortion on demand, that doesn't sound like the party of Christ to me!
Remember that bastion of the left Ted Turner once said, 'Religion is for the weak minded!'
Republicans and Democrats both have it wrong...
I am a Christian, and like the Republicans stand on Social conservatism. Helping to make the rich get richer at the expense of the rest of us is definitely not pleasing to God (just read the Bible).
On the other hand, the Democrats are so secular it is sickening. Their stand on being for the little guy is laughable too - many are millionares themselves, and their goal is power and wealth, just like the Republicans. Many want to take from the other rich while exclduing themselves.
I will not be voting for either party - the lessor of two evils is still evil.
For the love of money is a root of all sorts of evil, and some by longing for it have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.
I Tim 6:10 nasb
I would like to remind everyone that the Republicans (I mean the evil Rove) latched on to Jesus for political gain. Jesus had nothing to do with politics, just read the gospels.
In John 13:34
Christ said,
34 "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another."
Wasn't it Ray Stevens who had a song "Would Jesus wear a Rolex on His Television Show? As for organized religions-they are the reason we are in the mess we are today. You don't NEED to go into a building to be a decent moral human being. Some of the most despicable corrupt examples of humanity enter into the doors of a chuch, temple mosque, etc. every day or week, and then pat themselves on the back about how they are so much better than everyone else, and because they are so moral so wonderful, well then THEY have a duty to impose their beliefs on everyone.
What would Jesus say? He'd say "Remember...there is no free lunch. Every action has a consequence."
By the way! Democrats and Republican do not remotely represent anything relating to Christian Values. They both represent corporate power and greed. No I am not Richard posting under AM’s name. Just watch Lou Dobbs and you will understand..
Come now, you rich, weep and howl for your miseries which are coming upon you.
Your riches have rotted and your garments have become moth-eaten.
Your gold and your silver have rusted; and their rust will be a witness against you and will consume your flesh like fire. It is in the last days that you have stored up your treasure!
The Republicans after Nixon hijacked Jesus simply to get stupid people to vote for them
James 5:
5 You have lived luxuriously on the earth and led a life of wanton pleasure; you have fattened your hearts in a day of slaughter.
6 You have condemned and put to death the righteous man; he does not resist you.
anon 2:58:51
Re: The Jerseyville teen killed by police
People in Jerseyville are very religious moral people. Unfortunately, they are literalists. The boy said he wanted Jesus....and the police could think of no better way to give him what he wanted. They sent him to Jesus.
Riches do not profit in the day of wrath,
But righteousness delivers from death.
These anti-abortion nutcases should be labeled "domestice terrorists". They stand outide abortion clinics and abuse WOMEN, who are exorcising their right to choose. They bomb clinics and kill doctors. They abuse their own children by dragging them to these demonstrations and showing picures on huge posters in Community parades.
God gave us FREE WILL. Remember that the next time you are picketing outside the abortion clinic. Anti-abortion activists= terrorists
and no you are no better than Islamic terorists. You are the same. a bunch of crazed fanatics that will stop at nothing, to make the rest of society conform to your point of view.
"I would like to remind everyone that the Republicans (I mean the evil Rove) latched on to Jesus for political gain. Jesus had nothing to do with politics, just read the gospels. "
Hillary Clinton has made a paltry attempts at the same. She is now wearing a cross around her neck.
I won't say she she isn't fooling anybody.. but definitely not anyone with a grain of sense.
Wake up people, both these parties are worthless.
Who cares what Jesus would say, he is dead.
Who cares what Jesus would say, he is dead.
Look closely- Hilary is really Karl Rove in drag. An Obama is Dubya and Condi's love child. If this is the best the Dem's have to offer we are in a sorry state. A cross around her neck huh? What have we come to?
Jesus is not dead. He died once for everyone who would accept the truth and be reconciled to God, but was resurrected and lives now.
He threw the moneychangers out of the temple, we should too.
Jesus is not dead. He died once for everyone who would accept the truth and be reconciled to God, but was resurrected and lives now.
Now I need meds for sure!!!!!!!!No better yet Bartender make it a double.
Keith you little Devil, were you looking at Eve's forbidden Fruit?
"Wake up people, both these parties are worthless"
I so agree with you:
I would never vote for the pander Queen Hitlery. I did not vote for Earth Boy Gore or Count Chocula Kerry. All politicians are just sickening take Arnie in CA, just like Hillary. Specifically; Hillary speaking at a Black Church and suddenly developed the ability to speak Ebonics. “You know whad Im talkin bout”
Just plain sickening Both Damn Pandering Parties…
They stand outide abortion clinics and abuse WOMEN, who are exorcising their right to choose
the procedyre really does exorcise future choice on the issue i suppose ;)
He'd probably say "You all make me sick, especially that despicable bigot Honica Jewinski...and Robert Kiyosaki, that guy really makes me want to wretch."
Would it surprise any of you to know that Jesus lived through an actual real estate bubble, but was crucified just before the ultimate collapse? The real estate bubble in question was in present-day Italy, but I'm certain that as a merchant and small business owner Jesus was aware of speculative excess. Real estate bubbles are as old as the hills. The Annales of Tacitus details the credit crunch of 33CE:
"The Senate passed a measure requiring two-thirds of loaned money to be reinvested in Italian real estate to prevent the collapse of land prices resulting from the sale of assets to repay loans. Tiberius himself later offered 100m sesterces on loan for three years to ease the credit crunch.
From Tacitus: "Meanwhile a powerful host of accusers fell with sudden fury on the class which systematically increased its wealth by usury in defiance of a law passed by Caesar the Dictator defining the terms of lending money and of holding estates in Italy, a law long obsolete because the public good is sacrificed to private interest. The curse of usury was indeed of old standing in Rome and a most frequent cause of sedition and discord, and it was therefore repressed even in the early days of a less corrupt morality. First, the Twelve Tables prohibited any one from exacting more than 10 per cent, when, previously, the rate had depended on the caprice of the wealthy. Subsequently, by a bill brought in by the tribunes, interest was reduced to half that amount, and finally compound interest was wholly forbidden. A check too was put by several enactments of the people on evasions which, though continually put down, still, through strange artifices, reappeared. On this occasion, however, Gracchus, the praetor, to whose jurisdiction the inquiry had fallen, felt himself compelled by the number of persons endangered to refer the matter to the Senate. In their dismay the senators, not one of whom was free from similar guilt, threw themselves on the emperor's indulgence. He yielded, and a year and six months were granted, within which every one was to settle his private accounts conformably to the requirements of the law.
"Hence followed a scarcity of money, a great shock being given to all credit, the current coin too, in consequence of the conviction of so many persons and the sale of their property, being locked up in the imperial treasury or the public exchequer. To meet this, the Senate had directed that every creditor should have two-thirds his capital secured on estates in Italy. Creditors however were suing for payment in full, and it was not respectable for persons when sued to break faith. So, at first, there were clamorous meetings and importunate entreaties; then noisy applications to the praetor's court. And the very device intended as a remedy, the sale and purchase of estates, proved the contrary, as the usurers had hoarded up all their money for buying land. The facilities for selling were followed by a fall of prices, and the deeper a man was in debt, the more reluctantly did he part with his property, and many were utterly ruined. The destruction of private wealth precipitated the fall of rank and reputation, till at last the emperor interposed his aid by distributing throughout the banks a hundred million sesterces, and allowing freedom to borrow without interest for three years, provided the borrower gave security to the State in land to double the amount. Credit was thus restored, and gradually private lenders were found. The purchase too of estates was not carried out according to the letter of the Senate's decree, rigor at the outset, as usual with such matters, becoming negligence in the end.'"
Negative Tabasco, He would have many of us gather his enemies before him and slay them.
Blessed are the cheesemakers!
::that the "Christianity" many see today is not the same faith that Jesus came to live and teach. I can't help but believe that He is even more disgusted and upset than I am.
Jesus never created a faith, that's the Mithraism that Paul had incorporated, after the fact. So, once an official religion is created and dissenters labelled as heretics, you get the kind of situation that you're disgusted by today but in reality, you know that you're probably just as suspectable to it as any other 'believer' out there. That's why we need to go back to spirituality, and not an organized religion for people to discover their true nature or whether or not they're simply conformists at heart. I suspect that many so-called Christians are needy persons, who lack a true spiritual connection/extasis and are looking for someone else to do their bidding for them.
"Blessed are the cheesemakers!"
Blue Cheese and Brie only.
why are you deleting non-vulgar
common sense comments?
Do you feel threatened?
Can't you handle the truth?
Is that why you couldn't make it in Phoenix?
"Can't you handle the truth?
Is that why you couldn't make it in Phoenix? "
Ha, ha! That's the funniest thing I've heard all year!
Phoenix is the fakest city in the country. Truth and that city are not the dearest of friends.
You gotta go easy on the truth with most of these folks. The talmudvision is still reality for most of them.
Why, as a liberal, Kweef, do you care what Jesus thinks? I thought that you did not believe in that stuff anyway?
Really, Jesus is a historical figure and who the f*ck cares what he thought?
Why would he care if people paid too much for houses. He'd just throw a temper tantrum at the local bank or branch of the Federal Reserve and call them sinners. Then, he'd be medicated properly so he could fit into this society.
In 100 years, no one is going to care since the Muslims will be running the world and will behead anyone who does not pray 5 times per day while facing Mecca.
The modern, capitalist, consumer culture will succumb, as Rome did, to the invasion, or immigration, of barbarians into formerly Christian lands.
People these days are so hedonistic, self-absorbed, pampered, impatient, and emasculated that they have no regard for the future of their culture or nation. What a debased posterity this is.
H.G. Wells wrote a good story, "The Time Machine" spelling out the degeneration of the culture into the "Eloi" and "Troglodytes." Eloi are Westerners and the Troglodytes are the Muslim hordes.
Your grandchildren, if you bothered to have any children, will be beheaded by savages.
"Why, as a liberal, Kweef, do you care what Jesus thinks? I thought that you did not believe in that stuff anyway?"
typical brainwashed comment from the fox news set.
memo to the world - people who call themselves christian and are right wing republicans are not christians in my book. they're part of a bastardized hateful religion that is so far from the teachings of jesus christ that they may as well be athiests
pro war? pro discrimination? anti-women? pro-rich? pro-business? anti-poor-people? judgemental? hateful? mean-spirited? angry? that's not christian - that's something very very very different.
::people who call themselves christian and are right wing republicans are not christians in my book. they're part of a bastardized hateful religion that is so far from the teachings of jesus christ that they may as well be athiests
Oh Keith, stop it with your self-righteous, indignation histrionics.
Judging by your prior posts on "dirty illegal" Mexicans, "darker skinned" Muslim terrorists, etc, you're just as impressionable as those you criticize so vehemently. That's part of the reason why you don't win a lot of arguments here because you're a type of faux moderate but is more or less an American living in Europe who's indoctrinated that whites over there are culturally superior than whites over here w/o understanding what people here have really accomplished without letting the Richards, Jenkins, and Honica extremists from exposing your biases which you'd picked up by osmosis then from your own discernment.
Phoenix isn't the fakest city, either Hollywood or Orlando are, unless you like those fake towns like Celebration or Seaside. Phoenix is the America people want (I'm not saying that is good!) and is the quintesential city Broadmere of Frank Lloyd Wright, every man with his acre and car.
As for Jesus, he was a Jew and a Jewish prophet. He didn't come to create a new religion, just purify the one he belonged to. Paul created a new mystical religion and deified Jesus. Muhammed came along to return both Christians and Jews to the worship of the god of Abraham. Islam is a purer form of those two. I guess when the Jewish prophet said, "And in that day his name shall be ONE and all shall worship at his holy temple" he must have meant ALLAH and MECCA.
"Judging by your prior posts on "dirty illegal" Mexicans, "darker skinned" Muslim terrorists"
- it's too bad the idiots post under anon. never have I said anything like the words above. nice try though - very fox news of you, trying to put words in people's mouths
sorry folks I had to feed the troll on that one
What I like about Jesus is his undeniable message of live human sacrifice to satsify God. Only the Aztecs had such inescapable bravado for endorsing the death of a child to buy God's approval. Now that's gutsy. Ya wouldn't see that coming from a new religion today. The pure diabolical logic of it is so starkly Orwellian in nature, it would take a genius to pull that off today. Now it's just accepted in the theistic canon as irrefutable sense, like 1+1=2.
Without it, the Roman's ruthlessly murdered God Jr. and Constantine would have had a pretty tough evangelical message on his hands...
There's nothing human about capitalism. The whole idea of "profit", selling something for more than it's worth, is THEFT. I know, crazy talk in our greed-based, shithole culture. But's that's what it is.
That's why I think of goffing off on the job and getting away with it as very entrepenuerial. You're getting paid for doing nothing- basically profit.
Hollywood has some fake people, indeed, but it is also the home of our country's largest export business, the entertainment industry. Phoenix has a fake economy based on building homes for fake millionaires. I'd give the fake prize to Phoenix.
Jesus was not just a great philosopher. He was either the true Son of God or the ultimate self deluded liar. His words becon everyone to make a decision. Just labeling His Words as some noble moral teaching/philosophy is completely missing what Christ was all about. It was very clear that Christ did not see politics or riches as a worthy place to invest ones life's resources -- His Kingdom was not of this world while this earthly kingdom (as well as the political structure) will pass away. It is likely that he would not have spent a great deal of time focusing upon the housing bubble but more than likely would have focused upon not storing up your treasures on earth but rather in heaven.
Christ also still speaks in His word about not being surprised when people hate you because they first hated Me. Perhaps, it is not "the bible thumping red neck fundamentalist" who are "hate-filled whackos" but rather they are simply labeled that because perhaps they are counter cultural. It seems to me that those the world hates the most are those who stand against their moral depravity --it is not the one who wollows in every greater levels of vile behavior that is condemned by society but only those who would call it for the moral filth that it is. No one has any problem with philosophy but just try to say that the is right and wrong and you are libel to be crucified by slanderous words or perhaps literally.
That being said it does not mean the true christian church is being a good light. Without a doubt the christian church in america is nearly as worldly and backward as our culture. In Christian terms we have lost are saltyness. The church is leveraged by debt and ignores God's plan for financial well being. We in the church all too often think we are wiser than the words of the scriptures which have been handed down to us.
Other words which Christ would surely affirm: Be the lender not the borrower, the borrow is servant (slave) to the lender, do not lend at usury, consider the cost before you build to make certain that you will be able to finish and not come up short and be labeled a fool, love your neighbor as yourself, as well as many more things.
foxwqodlief said . . .
"Muhammed came along to return both Christians and Jews to the worship of the god of Abraham. Islam is a purer form of those two. I guess when the Jewish prophet said, "And in that day his name shall be ONE and all shall worship at his holy temple" he must have meant ALLAH and MECCA."
Sorry, but Muhammed's god, Allah, was a MOON GOD, not the SUN GOD of Christianity or the PENIS GOD of Judaism. He had nothing to do with the god of Abraham, although he was equally obnoxious.
"Jesus would probably want to start a second Deluge."
It is proof of God's love for the unlovable that he let eight of us survive the flood.
Jesus would bring the same message today that He brought back then, a message more important than the things of this world which pass away. He has paid the price for those who accept him, all else is unimportant by comparison.
Hey Keith, I recall the post where you showed a photo of a group of either bearded Sikhs or darker toned Arabs and said that if you look like this (Hint: dark skin) then you need to be profiled as a terrorist. This was during the raid of the bottled waters, a few months ago.
So yes, your posts do border on racism. Imagine, a bunch of NOI (or even friends of) African-Americans being beaten up by the white people who you'd inspired from your post on that topic matter. Yes, it does happen. Remember the movie, "Fisher King", when Jeff Bridges inflammatory remarks got Robin William's wife killed.
So you see, you're not an enlightened person like you think and stop using Fox news as your main counterpoint. I don't watch them. If you were truely a wise man, then you wouldn't have fallen for that media ploy to get all excited about more terrorists attacks on America. That's the alpha and omega of propaganda, that news were designed to excite the Fox news crowd but it also had affected you in almost the same manner without you realizing it.
Keiths 10:45 pm post is right. This modern Christainity is what most call jew-day-o Christianity....It is blasphemy.
Foxwoodlief, Jesus was not a jew. Jews are the offspring of satan himself, via the great seduction with eve and the "serpent" in the garden of eden. The first of the satanic seedline being cain, who Jesus said was responsible for all the rightous blood from Able unto Zacharia. Is it any stretch of the imagination that they would be responsible for all bloodshed, directly or indirectly, from Yashuas time untill today? Jesus said that in the end days, you will know them (the children of the dark, aka the tares, aka the genetic offspring of satan himself) by their works. Now, just what kind of works have these Christ murdering, communist, coin clipping, usery inventing, Christmas and Constitution stealing, currency controlling, nation destroying jews been doing? And does'nt it make sense that they would be masquerading as "gods chosen people", so as to be immune from critisizm? Or would you think they would just be walking around with 666 tatooed on their foreheads?
Panicearly said: is it me or do other notice a hardening of police in america?
it like they are being militarized.
anyone see this?
Yes, it's just you. You must be delusional. Remember cops in riot gear in the 50's & 60's. That's when they used to shoot to kill. Since Kent State they've been a bunch of pu$$ies.
What would he have to say?
Well, he'd probably be blacklisted from the network channels and majority of the print media as being an "extremist".
You could still catch him on FOX though.
Honica Jewinski, are you a Jew? How did you get a name like JEWinski? Are you a self-hating, self-loathing Jew?
Jesus was a jew. His mother was a Jewish. His father (most likely a jew though some think a roman soldier) wasn't GOD.
Jesus was suppose to be descended from King David, of the Tribe of Judah (from whence we get the word Jew, of Judah). If he wasn't a Jew he couldn't be the Jewish messiah.
And where do you get that Jews are responsible for christmas? That came from the Romans, a pagan celebration converted by Rome into a Christian holiday to promote christianity among the masses.
And what gnostic gospel are you reading to get that Cain was the offspring of Eve and the serpent?
Coin clipping? Oh, inflation, a method used by Romans, Greeks, governments, not jews. Jews may have been involved in financial actions from time in memorial but that was because most governments banned them from other professions and trades as well as making it convinient to use Jews as scapegoats and take all their money and not pay back their debts to the jewish money lenders like Queen Isabella did in Spain (just one of many examples). At least Muslims didn't steal from Jews or Christians like Christians stole from Muslims and Jews.
The contribution of Jews to the world of science, religion, medicine, education, economics, law, is immeasurable and far exceed their percentage of the world's population.
Jew-hating has been a tool used by the Catholic and Christian churches for centuries because of their hatred toward them because they wouldn't accept Jesus as messiah, which kind of invalidates the churches claim, that is why they hate them so.
Muslims don't hate jews, only zionists (and usually anyone who wants to upsurp muslim rule in any region of the world.
Jesus wouldn't care about the house bubble or any other issues we face because he taught his Kingdom was not of this world or this age.
The Islamic faith dislikes Zoroastrians, Buddhists, Hindus, and finally, Jews. So yes, they're not these innocent bystanders in the way of the Crusaders (ala Godfrey of Bouillon) or the Ben Disraeli/Golda Meir train (a.k.a. British Empire-to-Israel formation). Everything invented by the so-called Babylonian Caliphate/Golden Age of Islam was stolen from Byzantine and old Persian sources.
They begrudingly tolerate some Orthodox and Coptic Christians, mainly for taxation and maintaining trade relations with Slavic and Mediterranean nations.
I don't think you can honestly blame the GOP for the housing bubble. The bubble was a product of easy credit coming from the Federal Reserve. It began in the nineties and moved from stocks to housing. No politician aside from maybe Ron Paul has said boo about it. Almost everybody liked the bubble. Well those that owned assets that were artificially inflated. As a conservative I can tell you that no one sent us a memo to buy the Nasdaq in 1995. I was too busy reading Pete Peterson and worrying about the S&P at its dangerously high level of 500.
Rather than spending your time blaming people you don't like for this problem why don't we look for a solution. Easy credit and credulous investors.
"Keith, I don't think you can honestly blame the GOP for the housing bubble."
Keith, is a 'don't bother me with the truth' type of false moderate. Yes, credit bubbles are a function of a system that's less manufacturing based and more service (and arbitrage) type of economic machine where the underpinning are based more upon the flow/velocity of dollars than whether or not anything is produced. That's a dangerous type of modern economy, see medieval Venice, because it's short-lived and eventually transfers all the wealth to the truely producing sectors and/or the owners of them. Dems and Reps are all a part of it, however, this current admin is more designed for the current CEOs/execs to get the most bang for the buck before getting out with their platinum parachutes. Dems want to slow down the process and thereby, perhaps keep the wealth local for a bit longer.
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