Guess not, George.
Get ready HP'ers for the messiest two years in DC that we've seen since Watergate.
All in the context of an ongoing and historic housing crash.
October 23, 2006
"I have political capital. I intend to spend it"
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A music video may be in order today Keith...
Mother do you think they'll drop the bomb? (N. Korea)
Mother do you think they'll like this song?
Mother do you think they'll try to break my balls? (Democrats)
Mother should I build the wall? (Mexico)
Mother should I run for president?
Mother should I trust the government? (Patriot Act)
Mother will they put me in the firing line? (No George, we're rich, remember.)
Mother am I really dying? (No George, it's your drinking.)
Hush now baby, baby, dont you cry.
Mother's gonna make all your nightmares come true.
Mother's gonna put all her fears into you. (Don't make Daddy beat your ass George.)
Mother's gonna keep you right here under her wing.
She wont let you fly, but she might let you sing. (Dear National Guard, George won't be flying today.)
Mama will keep baby cozy and warm.
Ooooh baby ooooh baby oooooh baby,
Of course mama'll help to build the wall. (Loan Co-Signer)
Mother do you think she's good enough -- to me?
Mother do you think she's dangerous -- to me?
Mother will she tear your little boy apart?
Mother will she break my heart?
Hush now baby, baby dont you cry.
Mama's gonna check out all your girlfriends for you. (No dirty girls George.)
Mama wont let anyone dirty get through.
Mama's gonna wait up until you get in.
Mama will always find out where you've been. (Secret Service)
Mama's gonna keep baby healthy and clean. (George had a Mexican, Illegal Immigrant Nanny)
Ooooh baby oooh baby oooh baby,
You'll always be baby to me.
Mother, did it need to be so high? (Home Prices)
I love that guy, he rocks, and all you bitter, loser, leftie, liberal Dems suck.
funny to some if you're against the president you're a bitter liberal leftie
perhaps he should check his own party. georgie isn't so popular with true Reagan republicans these days
patch, a song in a blog is gay. Sorry..... it shows your 20 years old (or the maturity level of a 20 year old). It's g.a.y. very left wing too. You liberals think puting words to a song is clever, most think it's g.a.y.
W kicked liberals to the curb twice. Republicans will continue to control congress in Nov. Get over it. Democrats are weak.
sure wish that last anon had a handle so we could mock him in a few weeks
I like this photo better.
Dims think because the MSM tells them the Dims will win, that they'll actually win. Didn't the MSM predict a Dim win in 2004? MSM even reported during the election that the Dims had won. Guess what, they didn't win! Dims and their MSM suck. America loves Republicans.
Guys with tin foil cowboy hats don't have handles Keith; on reality, blogs, or otherwise...
Anon said: America loves Republicans.
Mark Foley loves Republicans too...
Patches grow a pair.
Why is it so obvious who had a dad and who was raised by their mother.
Keith you fit this category as well.
Housing prices are going to fall. Every boom does bust.
W is the President, get over it. Dims sucks hind teet once again. They believe the MSM just like the other sheeple. But, this time is different. Yea, right.
After (insert any noun here - Repub, Dem, Independent, MADD, AMA, MLB Player, etc. etc.) comes the deluge.
"patch, a song in a blog is gay. Sorry..... it shows your 20 years old (or the maturity level of a 20 year old). It's g.a.y. very left wing too. You liberals think puting words to a song is clever, most think it's g.a.y."
Hmmm, I'm 62, straight, conservative and kinda liked it...
"Anonymous said...
patch, a song in a blog is gay. Sorry..... it shows your 20 years old (or the maturity level of a 20 year old). It's g.a.y. very left wing too. You liberals think puting words to a song is clever, most think it's g.a.y.
W kicked liberals to the curb twice. Republicans will continue to control congress in Nov. Get over it. Democrats are weak.
Monday, October 23, 2006 12:09:54 PM"
.. and this post is not "g.a.y."?
I'll agree with the 1st annon, the song themes are silly and annoying in the blogsphere.
The Project for a New American Century:
is not retricted to execution by whom is in office - whether dem/repub/lib/con.
Central bankers and secret groups have the agenda set.
Two years means nothing, but I agree they (the years) will continue to be messy.
I forgot to add the caption for this line:
Mother do you think they'll like this song? (The Anon Posters)
I actually don't want the Dems to win anything in Nov, although I think they might. The government/party that was in control for the duration of this mess should go down with it, not the next guy in line, NOT that the Dems would have been any different. We have become so self-centered and spoiled in this country; nobody takes responsibility for his or her actions.
It would be nice to see those that went along and/or supported this fiasco suffer the consequences of their actions for once, well intended or not!
See New York Times article below.
Quote: "This year ... it is doubtful that the midterm elections will
significantly alter the Bush administration' s way of governing."
Actually, GW Bush will not and cannot change because he is personally
advised on a daily basis by Jesus, as he has informed us.
The only way the US (and the world) could get needed change going is if
US citizens rise up to throw the war criminals O-U-T! Then, perhaps
(just perhaps), the world can get on with the real priorities ahead.
The New York Times
October 22, 2006
The Way We Live Now
The Mere Midterms
When we go to the polls, we are doing two things at once. Pragmatically
speaking, we are hoping to influence government policies and alter the
behavior of the legislators and officials who design and implement them.
Symbolically speaking, however, we're doing something more profound
and less practical: expressing our collective verdict on the state of
the nation. The people's voice is supposed to replace divine
judgment as the ultimate yea or nay on the government in power: vox
populi, vox dei.
Ok, what's up with the Floyd bashing?!
We're talking about one of the top 5 bands of all time.
Man he looks as stupid and foolish prancing on that aircraft carrier today as, well, as the day he was prancing on that aircraft carrier
Man he looks as stupid and foolish prancing on that aircraft carrier today as, well, as the day he was prancing on that aircraft carrier
Check out that package! You can tell he's a real man!!!
"Man he looks as stupid and foolish prancing on that aircraft carrier today as, well, as the day he was prancing on that aircraft carrier "
Hey where is the "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED" banner keefer?
His political capital account is empty of course, but perhaps he can get a political capital equity loan and suck some out of the political capital ATM.
"Check out that package! You can tell he's a real man!!!"
Want to know how I know you're gay? You're checking out W's package.
No one knows what to say anymore in this administration...and if they say something they are not suppose to it is retracted.
Orwellian Doublespeak and lies...the lies...and more lies.
The neo-cons are cornered - we all should be very afraid.
http://tinyurl. com/wkxmm
Diplomat withdraws words on U.S. arrogance and stupidity in Iraq
A senior U.S. diplomat who said the United States has shown "arrogance" and "stupidity" in Iraq said he "seriously misspoke" in an interview aired on Sunday after Bush said he was flexible on tactics, if not strategy.
A senior U.S. diplomat apologized Sunday night for saying U.S. policy in Iraq displayed "arrogance" and "stupidity."
Mission unaccomplished.
Unmarked graves everywhere, chaos, and mayhem when they went to take down the good along with the bad.
when in the thick of things, you often can't see the forest for the trees.
seems a little over-the-top, a little world cop cowboy, a little retarded now when viewed with some 20/20 hindsight applied doesn't it?
I very nearly break into Kenny Loggins Top Gun "Danger Zone" song upon viewing.
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