“Take care, and be on your guard against all covetousness, for one's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.” - Jesus Christ, circa, oh, year 30 or so
That jesus, he was always good for a quote. Now if people who call themselves christians would just listen to the guy every once and awhile, we'd be doin' alright.
hattip to an HP'er in the GOP/GOD thread for the reminder.
October 14, 2006
And now, a word on the housing bubble, runaway American consumerism, and shallow materialism from Jesus Christ
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Would that be 3 BC? Christ hasn't risen yet when he spoked those words.
Jesus wasn't born in A.D. 0 either. In 525 Pope John I commissioned the scholar Dionysius Exiguus to establish a feast calendar for the Church.. Dionysius also estimated the year of Christ's birth based upon the founding of the city of Rome. Unfortunately because of insufficient historical data he arrived at a date at least a few years later than the actual event.
The Gospels record Jesus' birth as occurring during the reign of Herod the Great. Herod's death is recorded by Jewish historian Flavius Josephus (Antiquities of the Jews, Josephus, Book 17, Chpt. 8) and occurred in the spring of 4 B.C. (New Testament History, F.F. Bruce, Anchor Books, p.23). Therefore, Christ's birth had to take place at least four years before the traditional date!
This is just amazing:
Kid is going to buy another house for flip:
"Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." - 2 Corinthians 9:7
Now compare that to your dream of a big government, socialistic nanny state.
Marky Mark
thanks eco - i'm putting up a post now on the kid..
you know, back on topic, I was thinking, jesus was a supposedly a carpenter right?
what would he think about flippers, greedy developers who are now laying carpenters off by the thousands, negative am loans, mortgage brokers, realtors and the assorted REIC scum?
"what would he think about flippers, greedy developers who are now laying carpenters off by the thousands, negative am loans, mortgage brokers, realtors and the assorted REIC scum? "
Then he (Jesus) said to them, "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's." (Matthew 22:21 )
Jesus would think they are acting like imperfect men, like we all are. But Jesus is interested in other things, like what is in their and your hearts.
Oh boy, can't wait to see what our Anti-semite friend hebrew house lender has to say about this one!
To those who are bestowed great wealth, great responsibility is also given!
Big difference between 'rich' in spirit and rich in material crap!
One more Rolex...you know,for the weekends!
What about the new beemer.
Oh that house would impress all my friends!
I'm thinking of buying a boat, you know to take potential clients out for a cruise around the bay!
That Aspen condo is on the market again, If we don't buy in Pompano.
Oh that, well, we borrowed against it.
I can't let the kids drive off to school in anything used, are you kidding!
Why did i buy that? My wife 'always' wanted one!
Wake Up!
He who trusts in his riches 'will' fall,
But the righteous 'will' flourish like the green leaf.
A gracious woman attains honor,
And ruthless men attain 'riches'!
But he who pursues 'worthless' things lacks sense.
He who pursues 'worthless' things lacks sense.
nice thread hp'ers. I thought some would flame for mixing religion and the housing bubble/consumerism, but you're all spot-on (as they would say here in consumerism-crazy london)...
no flamers, the FIBES are watching.
So is GOD.
But just for fun here is THE JESUS JACKET video.
B. Henn was run out og Orlando and now preaches from Texas.
To funny.
run out of Orlando, rather. Sorry, just got up from a nice nap so I could be fresh for my High School Reunion. (:
Instruct those who are rich in this present world not to be conceited or to fix their hope on the 'uncertainty' of riches,
but on God, who richly supplies us with 'all' things to enjoy!
Instruct them to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share,
storing up for themselves the treasure of a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of that which is 'life' indeed!
I Tim.6:17-19
Good stuff ya'll !!!
let's keep it going!
get ready hp'ers - after the devastation that is to come, we'll all need to help out our fellow man.
"If one of your countrymen becomes poor and is unable to support himself among you, help him as you would an alien or a temporary resident, so he can continue to live among you. Do not take interest of any kind from him, but fear your God, so that your countrymen may continue to live among you..."
--Leviticus 25:35-36 (NIV)
so many of the least financially educated among us - the working poor, the paycheck-to-paycheck, were suckered in at the peak by Bush's "ownership society" and the lure of mortgage brokers promising low payments and riches if they would just stop renting
they're about to lose everything. Charity and goodness will never be more important
and it's all so sad. so, so sad.
Give to Caesar what is Caesar's
And what is that exactly?? 100%?? Your children fighting in a war while Caesar's kids party it up with fake IDs???
Always loved this statement, because it was so vague. Thanks Jesus.
Benny Henn (Jesus Jacket post).
Benny Henn a road/tv evangelic pastor who asked all of his followers who could affford it to send him $1000.00. He needs $600,000.00 to buy a jet plane because he is sick of traveling on public air lines and dealing with homeland security.
Anybody want his address?
B. Henn
sad so sad
B. Henn just another fraud using the name of christianity
Like GW Bush
2 Peter 3: 10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up.
11 Therefore, since all these things will be dissolved, what manner of persons ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness, 12looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be dissolved, being on fire, and the elements will melt with fervent heat?
The bricks and sticks (and yes, even the stucco :-) will be melted away one of these days... along with the very elements that comprise them.
What manner of men (and ladies) ought we to be?
Some day He will ask all of us for an accounting.
I'd recommend good Counsel & a great Advocate!
"Give to Caesar what is Caesar's
And what is that exactly?? 100%?? Your children fighting in a war while Caesar's kids party it up with fake IDs??? "
In this case, Caesar is the IRS.
And the problem is that it's not an option like it was for the Judeans because of 1099 statements and bank wire records. A cash economy is the best way to keep 'Caesar' off your back.
Jesus forgives so it's easy to be a lard in one's life but then ask for forgiveness once you're at death's door and all will be ok.
"Jesus forgives so it's easy to be a lard in one's life but then ask for forgiveness once you're at death's door and all will be ok."
Said by a desperate man who believes in nothing - but thinks an insincere acceptance of the Grace of God will save you at the last minute.
1. Do you think God is stupid?
2. How many people actually know when they are going to die or are at death's door – not too many - quite a gamble.
"Jesus forgives so it's easy to be a lard in one's life but then ask for forgiveness once you're at death's door and all will be ok."
Said by a desperate man who believes in nothing - but thinks an insincere acceptance of the Grace of God will save you at the last minute.
1. Do you think God is stupid?
2. How many people actually know when they are going to die or are at death's door – not too many - quite a gamble.
"Said by a desperate man who believes in nothing - but thinks an insincere acceptance of the Grace of God will save you at the last minute."
Oh yes, I know plenty of very desperate believers who believe that they're an embodiment of Job and feel that they can't help but be a screw up in life because the world is against them.
And then they couple this victim status/lack of personal responsibility with being a good christian because JC will look after them when they're gone.
"Said by a desperate man who believes in nothing"
And how to do you know what one's belief is? What if I believe in a supreme being but don't believe in many people's so-called inner intentions?
Are you going to start on the old line..."Screw You! My denomination is purer than yours"?
"Neither a Borrower nor a Lender be."
That IS from the New Testament, is it not?
Not at all. That is Shakespeare from Hamlet, dude.
Jesus said:
Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you. Matthew 5:38
This was part of the 'no longer an eye for an eye' and 'turn the other cheek' passage.
Do you think God is stupid?
Ummm, Do you think Man was actually created in God's image????
If so, may I refer you to one www.iamfacingforeclosure.com
Yeah, humans are brilliant.
what a yawn of a thread
sorry, then go somewhere else!
I'm an atheist, but I think that Jesus waws a good philisopher and America would probably be a much better place if people who called themselves Christians would actually practice what he preached instead of using issues he never once talked about (abortion, gay marriage) to obtain a false sense of moral superiority.
It's hard for me to understand how religion still exists in this day and age. I guess it's partly a vestige of the days when it was necessary for most to follow the alpha ape to survive.
man did we pull the thumpers out or what?
"I'm an atheist, but I think that Jesus waws a good philisopher and America would probably be a much better place if people who called themselves Christians would actually practice what he preached..."
John 14:6
6 Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
From C.S. Lewis:
I am trying here to prevent anyone saying the really foolish thing that people often say about Him: ‘I’m ready to accept Jesus as a great moral teacher, but I don’t accept His claim to be God.’ That is the one thing we must not say. A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic — on a level with the man who says he is a poached egg — or else he would be the Devil of Hell. You must make your choice. Either this man was, and is, the Son of God or else a madman or something worse. You can shut Him up for a fool, you can spit at Him and kill Him as a demon; or you can fall at His feet and call Him Lord and God. But let us not come with any patronising nonsense about His being a great human teacher. He has not left that open to us. He did not intend to.
"Either this man was, and is, the Son of God or else a madman or something worse. "
CS Lewis was a pedantic idiot whose real problem was that he wasn't getting laid so he threw religion around to make people feel bad about themselves. In the latter years of his life, he started having sex with an American woman and stopped preaching his stuff which just shows you where his real problem were. (Hint: Lack of orgasms in youth).
As for theology, the founder of Bahai claimed that Jesus was one of the messengers of God so it's possible to think of him as something extraordinary w/o immediately using the "Son of God vs lunatic" duality which again is a standard born again conformist mind fuck.
To the atheist above, here's why most people become born again types... it's the need to belong.
And that overrides even having a personal mystical, spiritual experience which a lot of true seekers are after. And mysticism isn't only in the realm of Buddhists and Shamins, non-mainstream Christianity had Coptics and other special sects, including Rosicrucians, which used methods of meditation, prayer, etc to have individual transformational experiences.
The problem with born again groups is that they shun these other methods, force group solidarity, and take advantage of the fact that people, in general, fear ostracism much like a lot of (closet) HPers during the rise of the housing bubble in the company of homeowners and relatives. This is why they're taking off in large numbers. People want to follow and the easiest way to be a follower is to follow a pre-ordained path of conformity and group think.
Also, I don't believe that Atheists are truely against Spirituality but more against societies' conformist clubs who call themselves organized religions. Therefore, even as a believer in JC as a personal conduit to extasis, I support them in their quest to shake people up and see the errors in their views of mixing religion and control within society.
To the blogger who said Jesus said nothing about gay marriage?
Leviticus 18:22
"You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female, it is an abomination."
Now I know that doesn't talk about 'marriage' but follow the logic!
What about Romans 1:27
or I Cor 6:9
Keith said: "get ready hp'ers - after the devastation that is to come, we'll all need to help out our fellow man".
I agree it will be important to help those in need, however, there are sheep in wolves clothing to look out for...who, wants to help someone who is really a spendthrift, and got themselves into a financial mess through their own greed?
Maybe my basis for determining if they are truely needy will be to ask if they heloc'd and asked what happened to all the money.
::and got themselves into a financial mess through their own greed?
Welcome to society and this includes many immediate and distant relatives.
The best thing to do is to avoid certain persons during the downturn because they'll turn into vultures and bleed you, the frugal and wise saver, dry.
For some individuals, being forced to be homeless and living off the land (or begging under the overpasses) will educate them as to the reality of being a fiscally responsible adult and the consequences of being a spendthrift.
And I'm excluding the ones who'd been screwed by the medical/insurance establishment for uncovered procedures, etc.
Leviticus contains quotes from Jesus?
I'm constantly surprised by how little "Christians" actually know about their own religion.
I suppose you follow all of the Hebrew laws in Leviticus, including the laws requiring animal sacrifice and ritual purification.
"CS Lewis was a pedantic idiot whose real problem was that he wasn't getting laid so he threw religion around to make people feel bad about themselves. In the latter years of his life, he started having sex with an American woman and stopped preaching his stuff which just shows you where his real problem were. (Hint: Lack of orgasms in youth)."
Funny how you attack the man and not what he said. There is usually a reason for that.
"Funny how you attack the man and not what he said. There is usually a reason for that."
Lewis's statements are too childish to warrant much of a response, but I'll do so to appease you.
What Lewis writes is the equivalent of saying Van Gogh couldn't have been a great artist because he was emotionally disturbed or Newton's theories must be wrong because he also happened to believe in alchemy and the occult. That's an ignorant way to view humanity; reasoning that a person's accomplishments should be judged not on their own merit, but solely on his or her mental state.
For another thing, we don't have any absolute way of knowing what Jesus said and didn't say. His teachings were passed down through the oral tradition for over 600 years before they were ever written on paper. Since, they've been interpreted and re-interpreted by a select group of theologians, most with their own agendas.
Muslims believe that Jesus was a gtreat prophet, but not the son of God. I'm afraid that you and Lewis are vastly outnumbered.
Leviticus contains quotes from Jesus?
= Agree - so many "christians" are 100% ignorant when it comes to their own religion
And so many christians do evil and spew hatred in the name of their religion
jesus would not be pleased...
Cancel my subscription to the resurrection
Send my credentials to the house of detention
I got some friends inside
"For another thing, we don't have any absolute way of knowing what Jesus said and didn't say. His teachings were passed down through the oral tradition for over 600 years before they were ever written on paper. Since, they've been interpreted and re-interpreted by a select group of theologians, most with their own agendas."
Was Jesus a myth?
Jesus as a person did exist. Several Roman and Jewish historians do mention him as an historical figure. They would have had no incentive to lie and are trusted to be historically accurate for other topics. However, as far as most of the historians of the day were concerned, he was just a "blip" on the screen. And a criminal "blip" at that.
A good follow-up question would be: Did the followers of Jesus just make up all this stuff after his death and turn him into a myth?
Myths about an actual event that happened in front of thousands of people take some time to develop. The eye witnesses and the people who knew the eye witnesses have to die off so that there is no one to contradict the myth building. Also, it really helps to have nothing written down (i.e. oral history only for a few hundred years) as each generation of retellers can add their own opinion/perspective and add to the myth before it is finally "written in stone" - Camelot would be a good example.
Now, let us take the case of Jesus. Someone who was killed for basically saying he was a King and Son of God (blasphemy) by the powers in charge (Roman and Jewish). The government wanted Jesus destroyed and wanted his growing movement destroyed (as it threatened their power). If, after 3 days, the followers of Jesus proclaimed he has risen from the dead, (just as he predicted), and is truly our Savior, the High Officials would have wanted to destroy such a "myth." They could have easily done this by producing the dead body of Jesus and saying "Your Messiah is still dead and so is your movement" or producing many eye witnesses of the dead Jesus. But they couldn't.
The letters that make up the New Testament were written by the eye witnesses or people who knew the eye witnesses of the events of Jesus. They were written in just one generation when many other eye witnesses were still alive. They were written without collusion from other Apostles. Even if any of the Apostles wanted to "add" to the "myth" of Jesus, they would have done so in a very disjointed and easily detectable fashion. Yet, the main Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) that describe the life of Jesus are amazingly in harmony with one another and the small differences are consistent with what we would see today if four people witnessed a major event and wrote about the event apart from each other.
In short, there was not the time for a "myth" of Jesus to develop nor is there any evidence that any myth building occurred.
Best Regards,
Marky Mark
liberals were right about Vietnam
liberals were right about civil rights
liberals were right about Iraq
liberals were right about W
liberals were right about the housing bubble
liberals were right about materialism
liberals were right about the hypocritical "religious right"
and liberals are right with Jesus
Give to Caesar what is Caesar's
And what is that exactly?? 100%?? Your children fighting in a war while Caesar's kids party it up with fake IDs???
Always loved this statement, because it was so vague. Thanks Jesus.
The point in question was in response whether to have a revolt (starting with tax refusal) because they were living under, ultimately, a non-Jewish state. (The local establishment who arrested & executed Jesus was, a collaborationist puppet government, like those of Vichy France and Czeckoslovakia & Hungary subjugated to Nazi rule).
The answer, among other things, meant to keep a separation of church and state.
The Mithraism coincidence?
It is surprising that Christianity was to become the international religion, when one considers that the already well-established religion of Mithraism was a natural challenger for that title.
Up until the time of the Emperor Constantine, it was the latter religion which was more popular within the framework of the Roman Empire, and Christianity was regarded as being only one sect amongst numerous other sects. It was only when Constantine decreed that Christianity was to be the state religion, that Mithraism, together with a host of other religions and sects, was put into the melting pot, and ideas of that religion, most suited for the Christian purpose, were absorbed into the new state-approved religion.
Mithraism, the religion followed by those who worshipped the sun god Mithra, originated in Persia about 400 BC, and was to spread its Pagan ideas as far west as the British Isles. In the early centuries of the Christian era, Mithraism was the most wide-spread religion in the Western World, and its remains are to be found in monuments scattered around the countries of Europe, which then comprised the known civilised world.
Mithra was regarded as created by, yet co-equal with, the Supreme Deity. Mithraists were Trinitarian, kept Sunday as their day of worship, and their chief festivals were what we know of as Christmas and Easter. Long before the advent of Jesus, Mithra was said to have been born of a virgin mother, in a cave, at the time of Christmas, and died on a cross at Easter. Baptism was practised, and the sign of the cross was made on the foreheads of all newly-baptised converts. Mithra was considered to be the saviour of the world, conferring on his followers an eternal life in Heaven, and, similar to the story of Jesus, he died to save all others, provided that they were his followers.
For three centuries both religions ran parallel, Mithraism first becoming known to the Romans in 70 BC, Christianity following a century later, and it wasn’t until AD 377 that Christianity became sufficiently strong to suppress its former rival, although Mithraism was to remain a formidable opponent for some time after that, only slowly being forsaken by the people. It was only the absorption of many Mithraist ideas into Christianity which finally saw its downfall.
The big turning point was brought about by the Congress of Nicaea in AD 325. Constantine, a great supporter of the Christian religion, although not converting to it until the time of his decease, gathered together 2,000 leading figures in the world of theology, the idea being to bring about the advent of Christianity as the official state religion of Rome. It was out of this assembly that Jesus was formally declared to be the Son of God, and Saviour of Mankind, another slain saviour god, bringing up the tally of slain god-men to seventeen, of which Mithra, together with such men as Bel and Osiris, was included.
Just as Nicaea can be regarded as the birthplace of Christianity, so too it can be regarded as the graveyard of what we imagine Jesus taught. From that time onwards, Christianity was to absorb the superstitions of Mithraism, and many other older religions, and what was believed to have happened to earlier saviour gods, was made to centre around the Nazarene. The coming of Christianity under state control was to preserve it as a religion, and was the death knell of all other sects and cults within the Roman Empire.
Had Constantine decided to retain Mithraism as the official state religion, instead of putting Christianity in its place, it would have been the latter that would have been obliterated. To Constantine however, Christianity had one great advantage, it preached that repentant sinners would be forgiven their sins, provided that they were converted Christians at the time of their Passing, and Constantine had much to be forgiven for, He personally did not convert to the new religion until he was on his death bed, the reason being that only sins committed following conversion were accountable, so all sins committed by a convert, prior to conversion, didn’t matter, and he could hardly have sinned too much whilst he was lying on his death bed. Mithraism could not offer the same comfort to a man like Constantine, who was regarded as being one of the worst mass-murderers of his time.
The Emperor Julian, who followed Constantine, went back to Mithraism, but his short reign of only two years could not change what Constantine had decreed. His defeat, and death, at the hands of the Persians, was used by the Christians as an argument in favour of the new, against the old, being looked upon as an omen that Christianity had divine approval. If Julian had been spared to reign some years longer, the entire history of international religion would almost certainly have been different.
Under Emperor Jovian, who followed Julian, the substitution of Christianity for Mithraism made further progress, and old Pagan beliefs, like the Virgin Birth, Baptism and Holy Trinity, became generally accepted as the basis of the state religion. The early Christian idea of Unitarianism was quickly squashed in favour of Trinitarianism, and those who refused to accept the Holy Trinity were put to the sword, the beginning of mass slaughter in the name of religion, which was to go on for centuries.
Before Nicea & Mithraism, Christians were supposed to be "Jews, Reloaded"---Jews with a refreshing ethical upgrade.
The trinity and mystical theology was alien (and still is), and irrelevant, to the Judaic and Yeshuan mindset.
Jesus said little or nothing about "mysteries of heaven" and such hermeneutical theoretical theological nonsense and everything about "What the fcuk do you twerps think you're doing, here on Earth?"
The latter is obviously much more dangerous to greedy, indifferent, and even cruel leaders in power and arrogant upper-crusters who ran society.
The last two posts are an excellent example of someone who is trying to write eloquently in order to articulate and advance an agenda of blasphemy.
Concerning the post on Monday, October 16, 2006 3:11:26 AM
liberals were right about Vietnam
Just proves liberals have always been on the side of anti-god, totalitarianism and communism (e.g. Kamer Rouge, Pol Pot, etc.)
liberals were right about civil rights
Not as right as Lincoln, a Repub who freed them. Libs pursued civil rights as a cover to politically enslave blacks as a voting block
liberals were right about Iraq
Wrong. Liberals support dictators and never understood the reason for the invasion and never will. It's a Freedom thing
liberals were right about W
Hah. Your sloganeering doesn't make you right. You now think like Jesse Jackson - LMAO
liberals were right about the housing bubble
It was never a left-right thing and never could be since libs are economically ignorant, anti-business, etc.
liberals were right about materialism.
No, they just the government to take it all via taxation so you can herald in your coming anti-christ one world order leader
liberals were right about the hypocritical "religious right"
Right about what? More stupidity on your part
and liberals are right with Jesus
You and your apostasy will see how right he thinks you are. On gay marriage alone, I'd hate to be in your place.
somebody send that quote to my ex-wife, nah, nevermind, let her run herself into an early grave.
For your sake 'you'd better be right!!!
Liberals were right about abortion?
Liberals were right about Gay Marriage?
Liberals were right about Clinton?
Liberals are right not to believe in a power higher than themselves?
tom said...
Cancel my subscription to the resurrection
Send my credentials to the house of detention
I got some friends inside
Monday, October 16, 2006 12:53:20 AM
Thanks for the link Tom.
Hey Keith.......i'm sure Jesus wouldn't be to thrilled about the abortion on demand liberal crowd either! The mass wholesale killing of the Most innocent!
And I guess because the Ten Commandments came from the Old Testament we should ignore them as well?
For 'All' have sinned and fall short.......
Christ came to 'save sinners' of which I am chief I Tim
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