Olbermann to Bush: Have you no sense of decency, sir?
I hope part of the meltdown and change is to (finally) dump the losers running this country - Democrat and Republican alike.
The emperor is not wearing clothes. Move away from dailykos and foxnews HP'ers, and think for yourselves.
September 06, 2006
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back to back kapow! more!
agreed. kieth Olberman should not have a tv show.. .he should be an ambulance chaser on the back of the yellow pages...along with donnie deutches. they would be like... goldberg and osborn or jacobi and meyers. they say nothing of value, and are not focusing on the truth... like debt and the invasion from the south.
damn that was absolutely fantastic looks like the media is waking up in a big way
It's about time that we have a reporter that will stand up to the president with as much passion as FOX News kisses his ass. Let's recap:
1) Bush didn't even win the first election
2) GOD tells him how to run the country
3) He has taken more time off than any other president we've elected
4) Anything he has ever accomplished he has done with his father and his father's friends in tow
5) Not to mention bankrupting 4 companies on his way to presidency
6) He appoints FRIENDS to counsel him NOT qualified individuals
7) The world must laugh at us everytime he mumbles and stumbles through every speach he has ever read
8) His domestic policy SUCKS
9) Bush has gotten himself caught in so many lies, with respect to the "WAR ON TERROR", that he doesn't have time to fix what is going on in house
10) Condolezza Rice just scares me.....
I need a sex change!
that TV guy is a moron. Totally wrong.
"It's about time that we have a reporter that will stand up to the president with as much passion as FOX News kisses his ass."
++++Agreed. And Olberman was one of the few MSM people who mentioned the e-voting machine problems in the 2004 election. He will always have my undying respect for trying to wake people up to the truth....
olberman had better watch his back, the one with the bull's-eye painted on it that rove and cheney are aiming at.
No More Repubs or Dems!
Hillary for Emperor!
"damn that was absolutely fantastic looks like the media is waking up in a big way"
Agreed. It ONLY took 6 years, but at least it's on the way.
The Bush Junta is the worst thing that has ever happened to this country.
Washington DC is akin to a rotten log inhabited only by fat white grubs.
Olberman has the credentials of a tree rat!! Pure idiot...With an audience smaller than a high school radio station....While Bushs inability to articulate is frustrating the fact that Bush is responding to the media's drivel of the past 2 years is making them
gag....guys like pinchie sulzburger and olberman should be stuffed into a reversed time capsule and sent back to the 1960's......and Olberman had some 20 shows on the Valerie Plame scandal....a put up job based on lies....Has he apologized yet??
Paarl...The Lo(a)st Rhodesian
Great vid to post.
As always, criminals and scum abound everywhere. They may wear and flash good clothes and cars, but they are scum like any other thief and punk out to harm others for their profit.
Olbermann stated.....
"(the admin has) often attacked freedom of speech and freedom of the press and freedom of dissent"
Stop! Right there you should realize that the speaker is an idiot. What newspapers/magazines have been shut down by the administration? Has Olbermann been put in jail for his "dissent"? [insert joke about poor ratings here]
How did this "media giant" miss all of the anti-war demonstrations around the country? Too busy hanging out at his NJ country club?
When asked how he can go on tv and lie Olbermann smiled and replied "Once you surrender your integrity the rest is easy."
I made that last part up. Hey, if Olbermann gets to lie, then so do I.
Yeah, people are waking up, just look at the ratings for Oberman's show -- LOL! And that Air America thing is really burning up the radio ratings books too.
If you people actually believed half the crap you're spouting, you'd grab a weapon and march on DC. It's obvious that you don't have any real convictions (other than DUIs), and apparently lack the gonads for a fight. So keep on truckin' man.
Aww, poor sillyCons....
Can't baffle with brillance or dazzle with bull$#!+...
So you resort to insult, abuse and intimidation....Just like those "Libturds" you hate so much.
Better a rag on your head than dead. Right jip? It's all good.
Jesus Christ! Only now, in the end, do you people understand.
Olbermann is right about attacking freedom of the press.
The democratic leadership has sent a letter to Disney/ABC "asking" them to not show the 9/11 documentary because it makes Clinton look bad.
Our gov't is out of control when it starts trying to censor our free press.
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