Love it. You'll be hearing this one a lot coming up. Mortgage Moms. Women who screwed up (with their husbands most of the time) and got stuck in a depreciating house, with an ARM payment that is going up and up, with inflation taking a bite out of their flat income, and generally not doing well in the Bush Economy.
The housing bubble popping may become the #1 issue this November. Bigger than Iraq. The Mortgage Moms are worried, they're in trouble, and they're pissed.
Yes, they should be pissed at themselves first - pissed they were so obsessed with keeping up with the Jones's that they got into a house they couldn't afford, furnished it on credit they can't pay back, and got into a negative-am mortgage they didn't understand. But alas, people are stupid and people like to blame, so blame they will this November.
Flat wages and rising debt nationally have converged to leave millions of middle-class households feeling acutely vulnerable to bumps in their financial planning. The most visible of these are rising energy prices and a softening housing market.
A less obvious but powerful variable is the interest paid by people carrying credit card debt or mortgages whose monthly payments vary with interest rates. People buffeted by these trends have given rise to a new and volatile voting block.
"People like this are making a large ripple across the body politic," said Republican pollster Bill McInturff of Public Opinion Strategies. When added to the growing opposition to the war in Iraq, he said, worry about this economic crunch "is creating a political environment that is not that friendly to the party in power."
This year could mark the emergence of what might be called mortgage moms -- voters whose sense of well-being is freighted with anxiety about their families' financial squeeze. Democrats are betting that this factor is strong enough to trump security or cultural values issues.
September 06, 2006
New political buzzword: Mortgage Moms. What other group names are there for screwed and pissed housing meltdown voters?
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This is the start of the baleouts.
Get ready for headlines in the tabloids that say...
"Sexy single soccer moms slung on streets, say it isn't so Mr President?"
Get ready for Weimar Germany rates of inflation as the fed prints up money to avert the rioting in the streets (see New Orleans but country wide)
Anyone who seriously believes gold is in a bubble, topped out, will be $300 in a year, wake up and take a sniff of the frappaccino!!
instead of mortgage moms, how about screwed singles, f**ked fathers and busted boomers
I don't think this will be an issue in this years election since election day is two months away. Most politicians are so out of touch with reality that they can't turn onto a new issue. The Democrats already have their talking points for the election and the Republicans obviously can't use this issue since they are in power and will be seen by many as the cause of the problem. I don't think it will be a specific issue in 2008, but I believe people losing their homes will be seen as a small part of a large recession.
Hey, I found Mrs. Condits problem:
But these are parts of a lifestyle that Sharon Condit, a deputy clerk of court, describes as dogged by a sense of limits: "We have dreams of this future, but we can't get it right now."
Can't have it right now. Dag, what a shame. In the past people would save over the course of years for big ticket items, but now they want it right away. I'd venture to guess the crappy shitbox she's living in currently and SUV were things she wanted 'right now' 4 years ago, and she managed to get them thanks to ridiculously low interest rates and her impulsive nature. 30 years ago you make have had to wait 10 years to save for those things and you'd appreciate them more because you really knew how much they cost, because you saved for it, or after saving for it you asked yourself if it was really worth it. Now of course she's dealing with paying for the must haves of 4 years ago and doesn't have any more money to move forward with more non-needs. Oh well.
I think society should ask itself why everyone went from "dreaming" to "getting" whether they had the money to do it or not.
I would suggest that "dreams" are good, but hard work and saving are the way to get there, not option-arm, no-down mortgages
Ka-plop, Ker-splat.
The governments were delighted by the increased tax revenues from the inflated evals. They aided and encouraged the absurdities.They have to share the blame and take the fall with the rest of us.
"Mortgage Moms. Women who screwed up (with their husbands most of the time) and got stuck in a depreciating house, with an ARM payment that is going up and up, with inflation taking a bite out of their flat income, and generally not doing well in the Bush Economy."
But, Suzanne researched this!
Suzanne said the listing was special!
Suzanne said, "You guys can do this!"
We should take all our tax revenues used to fund schools and use it to bail out mortgage moms and their ilk. It's quite clear, throwing money at public education doesn't work.
They better not bail out these people with our tax dollars. That would be a slap in the face to people who are responsible with their money.
I'm deraming of a MASSIVE recession...
No debt here except for my $500 monthly mtg. payment.
If it weren't for "mortgage moms" the US GDP would be in the toilet. I have to constantly restrain my wife from spending on all manner of "things" that she has been convinced she "needs." And of course, the children have infinite "needs." It's all self-induced slavery to the consumption beast and status-conscious thinking: have to impress the neighbors. The culture is definitely feminized and consumerized. When men like myself try to impose frugality, practicality and restraint, we are castigated as ogres, controlling, and stingy. It's very frustrating, especially when the man is the one going to work every day just to wacth his income being fritted away on "needs." Can't these BFHs understand that debt is slavery to TPTB. Until one builds incomes generating assets, he is just a wage slave.
If it weren't for "mortgage moms" the US GDP would be in the toilet. I have to constantly restrain my wife from spending on all manner of "things" that she has been convinced she "needs." And of course, the children have infinite "needs." It's all self-induced slavery to the consumption beast and status-conscious thinking: have to impress the neighbors. The culture is definitely feminized and consumerized. When men like myself try to impose frugality, practicality and restraint, we are castigated as ogres, controlling, and stingy. It's very frustrating, especially when the man is the one going to work every day just to wacth his income being fritted away on "needs." Can't these BFHs understand that debt is slavery to TPTB. Until one builds incomes generating assets, he is just a wage slave.
My sentiments exactly. This recession will be good for the Men's Right Movement. The squandering of resources in this country the past 15 years has been very feminine in nature. I'm looking forward to the depression if for no other reason than to see soccer and now mortgage moms brought to their collective knees. Seems like most men these days have to deal with this consumerism via their wives and significant others, and it's just sickening anymore.
By the way, where do they come up with the Product in GDP when it's really measuring nothing but consumption.
Now that the bubble has burst I suppose the next interesting thing to watch will be the social fallout from all of it.
Bailing out people who are destined to end up in debt again - what a great idea!?!?!?!?
Mortgage moms? By the sound of this soundbyte you would think American men have no balls.
Trailer trash, please pick up an economics textbook.
"Get ready for Weimar Germany rates of inflation as the fed prints up money"
Why's every inflation analysis about Weimar?
For one, the post WWI Germany did not have the world's reserve currency. For the most part, only banks accepted marks for payment purposes. No major player considered the Deutchmark to be of any value.
On the other hand, the British pound was the defacto world's reserve currency starting from the early to mid 19th century up until the second world war. So, when the British Empire went bankrupt and started dropping its colonies starting with India in '47, the pound took 25 years ('47 to '72) to lose 2/3 of its forex value.
Now, starting with Bretton Woods, in '44, the USD started to come into its own as the new World's reserve currency so it's more likely that the course of the USD in the years ahead will mimic the pound during the fall of the British empire.
Trailer trash, please pick up an economics textbook.
Trailer Trash II, please expound on your point, because it's not obvious, at least the guy you were refering to as trailer trash actually defined and defended his point, which by the way is accurate.
Excellent post, and my thoughts exactly. Fortunately, my wife does not feel compelled to keep up with the Joneses, although she has long since cured my over-frugality!
About your last sentence:
"Until one builds incomes generating assets, he is just a wage slave."
You and I are financial brothers! I say the same thing all the time!
Most consumers have unwittingly made themselves 21st century versions of slaves - owned by their companies, bosses and the banks they borrow from.
"The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower shall be a slave to the lender" - from the Bible.
This isn't just a debt fueled consumption for women. I know several men who blow cash or go into serious debt to buy expensive toys and crap destined to become 2007, 2008 or 2009 garage sale items. True, you don't see news reports about male "shopaholics" who buy clothes or shoes they don't use or need simply because it is on sale so it may be that women have a greater slant on the consumerism end but it is not just women. I will say that it seems women do have the more expensive taste where housing is concerned, especially if someone else is picking up the tab on the mortgage and month to month expenses every month.
This isn't just a debt fueled consumption for women. I know several men who blow cash or go into serious debt to buy expensive toys and crap destined to become 2007, 2008 or 2009 garage sale items. True, you don't see news reports about male "shopaholics" who buy clothes or shoes they don't use or need simply because it is on sale so it may be that women have a greater slant on the consumerism end but it is not just women. I will say that it seems women do have the more expensive taste where housing is concerned, especially if someone else is picking up the tab on the mortgage and month to month expenses every month.
Yes, I see men who blow money too, but the majority of 'problem consumerism' definitely resides with women. For every guy in an F-150 pickup truck that never gets used as a truck for fear of scratching it and instead is used to commute to some cushy white-collar paper pusher job there's 4 women cruising around in Explorers and Lexus SUV soccer-mobiles. For every guy that buys a waverunner there's 5 women who blow $1200/month on unneeded clothing and other accessories. For every guy that stupidly dropped $35k on a 20 foot walkaround sport fisherman that requires $120/trip that he'll have to slash the price in half to maybe get and offer that he could have bought used and fixed up himself there's 5 women who feel obligated to make the annual pilgrimage to worship DisneyWorld.
I dare U to show this post to Ur Wife.
Ur just like that poor sap in that comercial.
I dare U to show this post to Ur Wife.
Ur just like that poor sap in that comercial.
Does everybody on this thread feel compelled to post twice in immediate succession!
Do we always have to have a cute, catchy name for every group that comes down the pike?
Face the got screwed and got in too deep!
Everytime someone does an F-up, they want to be bailed out by someone else. Boo Hoo, poor me!
I have more respect for some guy who will admit he paid to much and at the wrong time in the market. Than some A.H. who whines and cry's he was taken advantage of, and wants some entity to rescue him (her) and their credit as well!Just because they bought beyond their means and it caught up to them!
I'm tired of this already, and we ain't seen nothin yet!
Andy, I agree with you completely. But the problem lies with men and the constant pussification of our gender that has been taking place for the past 30 years that allowed this overconsumption by women to take place. The C21 "Suzanne researched this" commercial illustrates this perfectly.
My outlook is grim. When the Clinton/Pelosi "vagina" ticket wins the presidency in '08, look for the complete psychological castration of men to come full circle. Protect yourselves now by staying single...
Andy said: "By the way, where do they come up with the Product in GDP when it's really measuring nothing but consumption".
Indeed, this is frightening.
Budvarr said...
This is the start of the baleouts.
Get ready for headlines in the tabloids that say...
"Sexy single soccer moms slung on streets, say it isn't so Mr President?"
Get ready for Weimar Germany rates of inflation as the fed prints up money to avert the rioting in the streets (see New Orleans but country wide)
If Bennie starts printing too fast, the Japanese start unloading US short term paper. Since the average duration of US government debt is so short, maybe they do not roll over any more paper if the US government prints too fast. That make interest rates go up. I think foreign banks will help to keep things going as long as they can, but some day soon music must stop.
"Why's every inflation analysis about Weimar?"
OK the $US is the world reserve currency, but they're inflating it by $1.4 trillion a year ($800billion trade deficit and $600billion federal deficit per year) which works out at $4666 per year for every man woman and child in the country and growing.
These rates make the likes of Argentina and Brazil look like rank amatures!!
joe logic is right on the money if you see the "vagina" ticket as you so eloquently phrased it make a strong showing or (G*d forbid) score a victory.
Do yourself a favor if you are a single man and stay that way because all the feminized and castrated idiots attached at the hip to a bunch of whiney, sagging, aging, material girls are going to wish someone would just shoot them and put them out of their misery. It will be either that or busting ass for 2 - 4 decades trying to get the whole system out of the debt crater sand trap they've driven into with their beloved SUV. Alot of these dopes will just slog their lives away like the good worker drones their mommies and wives have brought them up to be.
i know many mortgage brokers who relate virtually once a week stories of single and divorced women and single mothers selling their souls to get into an exotic mortgage just so they can "have a house" (or condo) and not "throw their money away renting". most of these women should not be mortgagees, as many or most are uneducated or marginally so, underemployed and/or poorly paid, have variable incomes, including child support and alimony from men no better off financially than they are.
then there are the educated women (similar situation as above in many or most cases) with much better incomes who buy far too much house/condo, again, using hopelessly complex and unsuitable exotic loans with balloons, pre-payment penalties on piggy-back loans, etc.
these women will be black toast when the fit hits the shan in the years ahead.
most of my friends wives spend money like crazy, keeping up with the Jones. my wife makes a lot and spends very little, only buys things on super sale. I think she might be from outer space.
seriously though, you guys all need to get laid more.
I dare U to show this post to Ur Wife.
Ur just like that poor sap in that comercial.
Me and my wife to be have already talked about this. She agrees.
Jesus, what a bunch of whiny-assed titty-babies. Are y'all so insecure in your manhood that you've got to pacify yourselves with this sexist drivel. Pathetic.
Andy, I agree with you completely. But the problem lies with men and the constant pussification of our gender that has been taking place for the past 30 years that allowed this overconsumption by women to take place. The C21 "Suzanne researched this" commercial illustrates this perfectly.
My outlook is grim. When the Clinton/Pelosi "vagina" ticket wins the presidency in '08, look for the complete psychological castration of men to come full circle. Protect yourselves now by staying single...
I agree, I am however getting married. Took me til 37 to find someone I can trust and agrees with my outlook.
As far as pussification goes, that absolutely happened and the effects are staggering. The most recent hooray for feminism I saw was a minivan ad where it looks like a family out having a grand time in the Grand Caravan or whatever it was, til the end when the wife driving dumps the guy off at his house and he sheepishly says "Thanks for inviting me along." Yeah, ok, what a fag. Any man with his balls intact would tell his wife to pound her fake family fun day out up her shallow ass.
ibc said...
Jesus, what a bunch of whiny-assed titty-babies. Are y'all so insecure in your manhood that you've got to pacify yourselves with this sexist drivel. Pathetic.
Dude, you live in the Matrix. Step out of the Matrix then we'll banter with you. The line you just regurgitated comes straight from the Feminist handbook.
ibc said...
Jesus, what a bunch of whiny-assed titty-babies. Are y'all so insecure in your manhood that you've got to pacify yourselves with this sexist drivel. Pathetic.
Typical feminist tactic, attack the messenger rather than provide any debatable content as well as shed doubt on the guy's manhood. How'd you make that leap from a guy that critically thinks about his environment to being equated with someone who's unsure of their manhood? I don't see the connection there because there is no connection there. It just seems like a connection because these bullshitters having been using this tactic for years to keep stupid mangina type men in line. Repeat something often enough and it gets mistaken for truth, problem is, it's not true, but nobody notices because everyone's collectively chanting a lie, until of course a man who truly is in touch with his manhood stands up and calls everyone out on their bullshit. Women may be a pain in the ass these days, but manginas are just as to blame for allowing it all in the first place. Men need to start collectively shaming manginas.
I showed this blog to my wife and she shoved her credit card up my ass and informed me that:
1. the pussification will continue and be increased
2. I will vote for the "Vagina" ticket, or else...
3. She needs a new SUV - she's tired of the present one's color.
Whiney-assed blogger.
I think most of the mortgage mom constituency would just assume that lowering rates forever will solve the problem while at the same time being totally clueless as to how that would affect international finance. "But whatever, all we have to do is lower rates and keep them their, it's obvious that low rates lead to a robust economy so we should keep them low forever. Hhhmmmppff. Problem solved."
"These rates make the likes of Argentina and Brazil look like rank amatures!!"
Yes, the M3 characteristics of the USD is scary, however, the world isn't holding and exchanging Argentine or Brazilian currencies for gold, oil, or commodities. That's where the USD and the Pound Sterling of 1945 are in congruence as oppose to the merging nations' currencies. Back then, despite the British Empire being bankrupt, the world used the Pound heavily in all forms of trade, exchange, and asset allocations.
Likewise, when the current empire (i.e. Uncle Sam) starts a clear and present descent into oblivion, it'll have to go through various ranges of devaluation bands until it loses some 2/3 of its value. Right now, we haven't even broken through the two year high of 1.36 USD to 1 Euro. First, that level will have to be tested until the next support level is reached. So perhaps by decade's end, it'll be 1.5-1.6 USD to 1 Euro and then a few years later, 1.8-2.0 USD to 1 Euro but as you can tell, that's a far cry from the Turkish Lire which went from 9 Lira to 1 USD in 1966 to 1.65 Million Liras to 1 USD by 2001.
i know many mortgage brokers who relate virtually once a week stories of single and divorced women and single mothers selling their souls to get into an exotic mortgage just so they can "have a house" (or condo) and not "throw their money away renting". most of these women should not be mortgagees, as many or most are uneducated or marginally so, underemployed and/or poorly paid, have variable incomes, including child support and alimony from men no better off financially than they are.
So, is this really that much different than that stereotypical loser guy who has a chronic gambling problem?
I wonder who will get all the sympathy and who won't.
More seriously, we have to get through to people the idea that, like a gambling habit, it's quite easy to "throw away huge blowchunks o' money by borrowing and buying" and not just "throwing it away while renting".
Can you imagine the same BS in 1999, "why are you throwing away your money in a stupid savings account instead of owning part of a business! Amazon rocks!"
BTW: i feel sorry for you guys infected with parasitical harpies.
Two words: foreign women
My wife grew up in a near 3rd-world country and, despite a reasonably good middle-class background, she's more thrifty than I am. She doesn't even use the A/C driving in the car to save on gas. Her main expense is low-fat frozen yogurt.
My question about the Euro versus USD:
You can't beat somebody with nobody.
The Euro is in little better structural shape than the US Dollar.
Already with the euro as high as it is, there is significant political pressure to devalue it because of the pain it is causing to their industries, and that's at 1.25 EUR to USD.
Obviously against the Chinese Yuan, Korean Won and the Japanese yen, the USD will decline, and probably the ruble too, as long as their oil holds out.
Swiss francs, too, as that's a partially gold-backed currency.
My balls are tiny, I wacked to porn before I came to this site!
My wifes at work and I get to jerk-off all day.
"Are y'all so insecure in your manhood that you've got to pacify yourselves with this sexist drivel."
Classic 'return to sender' method but w/o the repartee.
Here's a snippet from the Suzanne thread to clarify the intent...
Date the bad boys but marry the dependable guy. Isn't that a phrase from the self-assured woman's guide to dating? Hmm... point the mirror at the "INSECURE" banner.
I think the shoe, this time, is not on the guy's foot. I've done all my appreciating of women, during my 20s when I thought women were these sensitive, spiritual (into Buddhism or Shamanism), bootstrapping (see Kathryn Hepburn), Ivy educated (or seven sister, or state uni w/ full ride) type of sophisticated individuals working at a Salomon Smith Barney but instead, I'd discovered they were actually psychotic control freaks who did everything in their power to dispower men.
Yes, even my beloved biological sister mistreats her husband and he tolerates it indefinately because he doesn't believe in divorce (some sort of Catholic guilt trip). Well... he's in the hole today but is a workaholic who puts in 12hr days just to make her and the little one happy. Would I want his fate? Absolutely not! That's not a partnership but an indentured servitude lifestyle.
And this is not an isolated story.
So yeah, even if the realtor was a Sam (instead of Suzanne), I'd use the bitch label on the wife since she's still the progenitor of the problem. And Sam would simply be a boiler room sleezebag. Again, look at the "INSECURE" label because if I'd said the above at a social gathering, I'd get pummelled but if you said that 'All Men are dogs', you'd get a standing ovation at many parties. And BTW, I've heard the phrase 'All Men are dogs' many times throughout college, jobs in the work world, social clubs, spiritual, & meditation groups, you name it.
Someone responds:
"The culture has shifted so that guy started out behind the 8 ball from the get-go"
Yep, and the so called sensitive, enlightened women (perhaps 10-20% of the American female population) date a/o marry the 'bad' boys and end up becoming jaded by 29-31 but what the jaded ones have forgotten is how they'd overlooked the nice guys, back during the 18-22 age bracket, because they either didn't wear the right clothes or were too civilized for their wild side needs. Hence, the Puff Daddy vs Clark Kent story persists.
:The Euro is in little better structural shape than the US Dollar.
Yes, and this is one of the candidates that'll replace the USD, gradually, as a predominant reserve currency. All and all, this process will take time which is why I don't see a Weimar Germany or Turkish Lira devaluation of the USD.
Also, once the pan-Asian regional bloc is formed, they might have an even stronger unit of exchange than the Euro in 30 years.
"Two words: foreign women
My wife grew up in a near 3rd-world country and, despite a reasonably good middle-class background, she's more thrifty than I am."
Dude, it's not a panacea.
In many situations, there are cultural differences and in some cases, things start to change once the visa conditions are lifted.
All and all, it's palatable but the person, meaning the American guy, has to be a bit more internationally aware and discerning to work through the issues as they come up. Of course, the person could be an ex-pat but that's an entirely different set of circumstances.
Anonymous said...
"Are y'all so insecure in your manhood that you've got to pacify yourselves with this sexist drivel."
Classic 'return to sender' method but w/o the repartee.
Here's a snippet from the Suzanne thread to clarify the intent...
Date the bad boys but marry the dependable guy. Isn't that a phrase from the self-assured woman's guide to dating? Hmm... point the mirror at the "INSECURE" banner.
I think the shoe, this time, is not on the guy's foot. I've done all my appreciating of women, during my 20s when I thought women were these sensitive, spiritual (into Buddhism or Shamanism), bootstrapping (see Kathryn Hepburn), Ivy educated (or seven sister, or state uni w/ full ride) type of sophisticated individuals working at a Salomon Smith Barney but instead, I'd discovered they were actually psychotic control freaks who did everything in their power to dispower men.
Yes, even my beloved biological sister mistreats her husband and he tolerates it indefinately because he doesn't believe in divorce (some sort of Catholic guilt trip). Well... he's in the hole today but is a workaholic who puts in 12hr days just to make her and the little one happy. Would I want his fate? Absolutely not! That's not a partnership but an indentured servitude lifestyle.
And this is not an isolated story.
So yeah, even if the realtor was a Sam (instead of Suzanne), I'd use the bitch label on the wife since she's still the progenitor of the problem. And Sam would simply be a boiler room sleezebag. Again, look at the "INSECURE" label because if I'd said the above at a social gathering, I'd get pummelled but if you said that 'All Men are dogs', you'd get a standing ovation at many parties. And BTW, I've heard the phrase 'All Men are dogs' many times throughout college, jobs in the work world, social clubs, spiritual, & meditation groups, you name it.
Someone responds:
"The culture has shifted so that guy started out behind the 8 ball from the get-go"
Yep, and the so called sensitive, enlightened women (perhaps 10-20% of the American female population) date a/o marry the 'bad' boys and end up becoming jaded by 29-31 but what the jaded ones have forgotten is how they'd overlooked the nice guys, back during the 18-22 age bracket, because they either didn't wear the right clothes or were too civilized for their wild side needs. Hence, the Puff Daddy vs Clark Kent story persists.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006 6:39:36 PM
I bet there's quite a growing discontent among men out there that will really start to rear it's head as we move into an economic depression.
You know the end is near when Katie Couric is supposed to be taken seriously as the anchor of a network evening news broadcast. America has its collective head up its collective ass.
>>Anyone who seriously believes gold is in a bubble, topped out, will be $300 in a year, wake up and take a sniff of the frappaccino!!<<
Just make sure it's in coinage. Bars might be confiscated (again)...
Ouch! nuff said!
I use to work collections. I called all across the country to collect credit card bills. I found out that America is a matriarchy. The wives nearly always ran the checkbook. If you are married, and your wife has the checkbook, I'll bet you are broke and do not know it yet. Pull your credit report. Most married men do not realize that her credit card debt is his as well.
What would Suzanne say about this deal?
Hey just think of the saved marriages...ok keep up here ANONS...
See - let's imagine a Mortgage Mom - stay at home mom - soccer mom - whatever...watching her friends unload tired and beaten down hubbies of the last 15 years AND cashing in on 1/2 the inflated value of the house -
So in July 2005 - this mom gets 1/2 and starts a new life (with pool boy).
In July 2006 - mom tries this move again - and wammo - no buyers AND she is stuck with hubby of 15 years.
So she decides (for the benefit of the children [of course]) to stick it out.
See Keith - this crash keeps couples together - how sweet!!
"See Keith - this crash keeps couples together - how sweet"
How little has changed since Suffrage.
You have to study how your future spouse deals with money BEFORE you marry. Not all women are irresponsible. When I became successful, I used my salary to pay off our home. I am purchasing my next home without the help of the lenders. It is not all of the ladies, gentlemen. But, you guys are hysterical to listen to.
Why don't you hire a pool girl, Richard?
You have to study how your future spouse deals with money BEFORE you marry. Not all women are irresponsible. When I became successful, I used my salary to pay off our home. I am purchasing my next home without the help of the lenders. It is not all of the ladies, gentlemen. But, you guys are hysterical to listen to.
Why don't you hire a pool girl, Richard?
No it's not all of them, it's the 90% that give the other 10% a bad name.
It's not a male/female thing per se. Over the past 100 years, TPTB have honed their skills at emotional manipulation of the masses. This has led to out of control consumerism and the state of our current politics.
Women are:
1. more susceptible to emotional manipulation than men, and
2. better at learning and employing those tactics against men to get what they want.
Women are simply one of the casualties. I don't really blame women, they've been brainwashed.
It seems that the men are just as easily manipulated if they are allowing it to happen.
Do check your credit report though. Some of my neighbors have credit card debt their husbands know nothing about. Back on point. This mortgage mom thing is just a way for our media to create a story. The scary part is that the children of debt ridden families will learn to spend money just like their folks.
:It seems that the men are just as easily manipulated if they are allowing it to happen.
Here's a question... do men really have a choice?
I mean for beginners, men have to get a woman's permission to date her to start with. Afterwards, during the dating process, the woman then has to ascertain how malleable the guy really is and if he doesn't fall in line, then he's a fling and not 'marriage' material. So, with all the concentric layers of the courtship rituals, control and power is the biggest key to a guy's wallet and many guys, at some point, relinquish control just to either get laid or have some female companionship.
The bad boys, however, prey on the low self-esteem of a lot of these so-called enlightened women which then reverses the roles and allows them to have their way with them, more or less. The problem is that usually, this leads to bitterness on the woman's side so when the "marriage" quotient guy comes by, he's often targeted with a lot of venom for all the bad boys relationships that went awry. Afterwards, he gets converted to a checking account because she can't really respect the fellow as an equal since he didn't raze her like the earlier 'Puff Daddy' fling but instead, sees him as a line of credit.
It's not a male/female thing per se. Over the past 100 years, TPTB have honed their skills at emotional manipulation of the masses. This has led to out of control consumerism and the state of our current politics.
Women are:
1. more susceptible to emotional manipulation than men, and
2. better at learning and employing those tactics against men to get what they want.
Women are simply one of the casualties. I don't really blame women, they've been brainwashed.
This is true. Feminism is an elite brainwashing mechanism. It's essentially an off-shoot of communism. In fact the US is currently more like a communistic country than what it was intended to be. But even so, a major goal of communism is to destroy the family and make everyone a ward of the state. TPTB ultimate goal is to destroy the four pillars of civilization, nation, family, race and religion, and they're doing a damn good job at it too, so they can be in control of everybody and everything. Feminism is just one tool to that end. Feminism hits the family and religion part, possibly even the race part too. Public Indoctrination, ur, I mean public education is another tool to control sheeple and enslave them in the serf-consumer/big business paradigm.
The gay marriage thing is another tool to undermine family as well as promote a state of arrested development, all the better for controlling the sheeple. Keep them distracted with the homosexual lifestyle (even of they're heterosexual) of constant distraction with the over-importance of sex. Bling-bling also ties in with that and consumerism. Divorce people from any meaning in their lives and them offer them meaning and identity through consumerism and alternative lifestyles.
:Keep them distracted with the homosexual lifestyle (even of they're heterosexual) of constant distraction with the over-importance of sex.
Yeah, but it also keeps men from complaining properly, as a group, because being labelled gay is almost as bad as being gay.
Think about how as kids, you could give backslaps and hi-fives to your guy pals openly w/o any perceived messages whereas as adults, our hands are to our sides unless we're holding hands with a female.
I've noticed how old male friends have to create a huge distance with one other, almost like they barely know each other (ala business lunch/dinner) just to seem appropriate in well-to-do restaurants and bars. If there wasn't all this attention on homoerotic lifestyles, perhaps guys could feel more at ease hanging out, without women around who muddle the social dynamics of an egalitarian meeting of minds. Instead, it's usually couples meeting and the women driving the social dynamics of the unit.
"Anonymous 10:12:58 said...
Here's a question... do men really have a choice?
I mean for beginners, men have to get a woman's permission to date her to start with......"
NO THEY DO NOT! That's the trouble with the males in this country. No good, real, male role models.
Think about it. Daddy's off all day long, working on that early grave, sometimes on weekends; he's not around!
Who is the young males first female contact, his mother! Disobey or disrespect mom, what happens, he gets his fanny smacked. Fast foreword to young adulthood and what do you have, a wussified mommas boy, although he may not think so, (or even know it) who is conditioned to do everything a woman wants, give her everything she wants, ask permission, etc. to gain her respect and favor, just like he was taught to do with mama.
All he gets instead is the new woman's total disgust and disdain from day one, only he's too brainwashed from his female upbringing to realize it, and just does more and gives more, even as the relationship goes south. Women want a man, a real man, not a new best friend or girlfriend wannabe!
Men have to learn how to be men again in this country. There's help out there dammit! Stop whining and grow a pair for God's sake!
I'm not saying that to be the "bad boy" means you have to physically or mentally abuse women, which I do not approve of for any reason, but this constant generation-to-generation conditioning of males to roll belly up at the first sign of a skirt is just disgusting! Continuing it on into later life is just futile and stupid. Internal emotional disaster and unhappiness in the making! Think about it. How many times have you dated a really fine pretty young thing, wined and dined, chased like you were supposed to (or at least thought you were supposed to,) did everything right, and it just didn’t work out. Two months later, you see her out on the arm of a total complete a##hole jerk who treats her like the dirt under his heel. AND SHE LOVES IT! Why? She’s nuts, you say? NO! Because SHE DOES NOT CONTROL HIM! not like she controlled YOU from day one. Its human nature to have little regard and to place little value on something handed you for free, including your manhood when you obediently hand it over to her even before the first date when you ask “permission” to take her out. Women want the men to be MEN, not their approval seeking little boy
At least mortgage moms will reinvigorate the cottage brothel industry. The houses won't be the only thing cheap and easy.
Definetely time for mens rights. Being controlled and blackmailed into being a slave by women, lawyers and the state is not freedom(they do this with marriage and kids and threaten divorce and child support).
In some cultures, the woman walks 10 feet behind the man.
In Europe, the woman walks next to the man.
In the United States, the woman walks 10 feet in front of the man.
Again.. MEN assert your rights.. stay single. But if you find a woman you want to marry, make sure you have complete and open honesty. Some women claim they want an honest man, but we all know they've been saying one thing and wanting another for all of civilization.
Give her the test: Tell that bitch there is a housing bubble and you're gonna rent for a while.. if she complains and recruits Suzanne to do her persuasion, dump that self-serving ho fast! Otherwise good luck and remember the pre-nup.
"Its human nature to have little regard and to place little value on something handed you for free, including your manhood when you obediently hand it over to her even before the first date when you ask “permission” to take her out."
We all know this. And it's a first layer analysis.
FYI, I've even razed my sister for wrecking her hubby's life so I'm not exactly afraid of the women close to me. And dad was the punisher in the home, not mom. She didn't get involved with us.
BTW, I've done the role reversals with the dating scene but unfortunately, what happens it that I lose interest in stupid, insecure, passive-aggressive buffoons like the so-called enlightened women of today . Realize, these ladies hang out with each other and reinforce one anothers' psychotic patterns.
As far as I'm concerned, the reason why they want an abusive person is that they want to tame 'a beast', but then once they lose (on the long haul) at that game, they take it out on a pussywhipped guy. The problem is that they know that the guy is whipped but they date him anyways because at that point in life, they see men as subhumans and want to use them then to try to treat them fairly.
And I've brought these unbalanced patterns to light and as Jack Nicholson said, 'they can't handle the truth'.
So, as someone else on this blog said, it's best to travel the world to meet interesting women than the offbased Ally McBeal/Sex In The City/Desperate Housewives types in America today.
Yea, by playing tough, going solo from time-to-time, etc, etc, and keeping 'em guessing doesn't change who they are on the inside. Yes, for a short while, you get their respect (and some play) but at that point, who really wants it?
"Ally McBeal/Sex In The City/Desperate Housewives types in America today"
I shudder just imagining having a conversation with one of them...
Can't say I dsagree with this possibility. In fact, congrats for identifying it as a likely campaign issue. What puzzles me is the logic (or lack thereof) behind such reasoning. To wit:
The government is to blame for my sleeping through history class (Dutch tulip mania - BO-RING!, South Sea Bubble - I wonder if that guy across the room notices me. 1929 stock market crash - What does any of this have to do with MY life?)
The government is to blame for my refusal to take Economics in school (I heard it was hard, and had MATH!)
The government is to blame for my failure to read the contracts before I signed (They are so LONG, and so full of legalese - UGH!)
The government is to blame for my buying so many things on credit that I really could not afford (All my friends had nice things, and besides, I didn't want to wait - I wanted them NOW!)
SO -
By changing our elected leaders, I will become familiar with history and economics, will read before I sign, will no longer buy that which I can't afford, and will no longer be a stupid person!
No one is ever accountable for their own stupid decisions. Everything is always someone else's fault. Let's blame others. Let's sue!
Responsible people should NEVER be required to bail out these irresponsible dolts, no matter what happens to them. They fully deserve whatever happens to them.
God help us!
Anonymous said...
:It seems that the men are just as easily manipulated if they are allowing it to happen.
Here's a question... do men really have a choice?
I mean for beginners, men have to get a woman's permission to date her to start with. Afterwards, during the dating process, the woman then has to ascertain how malleable the guy really is and if he doesn't fall in line, then he's a fling and not 'marriage' material. So, with all the concentric layers of the courtship rituals, control and power is the biggest key to a guy's wallet and many guys, at some point, relinquish control just to either get laid or have some female companionship.
The bad boys, however, prey on the low self-esteem of a lot of these so-called enlightened women which then reverses the roles and allows them to have their way with them, more or less. The problem is that usually, this leads to bitterness on the woman's side so when the "marriage" quotient guy comes by, he's often targeted with a lot of venom for all the bad boys relationships that went awry. Afterwards, he gets converted to a checking account because she can't really respect the fellow as an equal since he didn't raze her like the earlier 'Puff Daddy' fling but instead, sees him as a line of credit.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006 10:12:58 PM
I've experienced this myself. Spot on.
what is tptb?
I wonder if you jackasses mouthing off have even LOOKED at the prices of homes lately or are you still living with mom? I'm a college grad, make more money than my father ever DREAMED of and STILL can't afford a home. My mother never had to work outside the home, but to maintain HIS standard of living takes at LEAST 2 incomes incomes. And save up for a down payment? When I'm forced to pay $2800/month rent for a one bedroom apartment? And I'm in a low rent district! Anonymous is right on. Busted Boomers. Those of us who came along at the end of the baby boom years are not only lagging behind our parents, we're lagging behind our older brothers and sisters in earning power even though we did all the right things, went to college, got decent jobs etc.
Anonymous said...
I wonder if you jackasses mouthing off have even LOOKED at the prices of homes lately or are you still living with mom? I'm a college grad, make more money than my father ever DREAMED of and STILL can't afford a home. My mother never had to work outside the home, but to maintain HIS standard of living takes at LEAST 2 incomes incomes. And save up for a down payment? When I'm forced to pay $2800/month rent for a one bedroom apartment? And I'm in a low rent district! Anonymous is right on. Busted Boomers. Those of us who came along at the end of the baby boom years are not only lagging behind our parents, we're lagging behind our older brothers and sisters in earning power even though we did all the right things, went to college, got decent jobs etc.
Thursday, September 07, 2006 6:07:14 AM
Mouthing off about what?
Yes, we have looked at the price of houses and wages, that's what this entire blog is about. It's all related.
As far as two incomes go, when you increase the labor pool (more women in the workforce) you dilute the wages. Add to that outsourcing of jobs, particularly manufacturing jobs, and you get what you see now as far as 'needing' two incomes. Add to that a Federal Reserve that keeps blowing serial bubbles in equities to offset the gutting of the US economy and to forestall a monetary collapse and you ultimately get a housing bubble. It all works together hand in hand. Stick around a read up. The last thing you want to do now though is buy a house. Wait a couple years.
I feel bad for anyone who graduated recently, it's obvious the past 10+ years they're been raking people over the coals for tuition under the pretense that it'll get you a good job. Truth is you learn everything on the job. College is only necessary for the college receipt, ur, I mean degree that shows you're allegedly 'Thumbbody'. Colleges have beeen using this cultural 'truth' to make a killing. Problem is this cultural truth is so ingrained that we now have a glut of college graduates and no real economy. They set out to create a sevice sector economy and they got it. How many paper pushers does one economy really need? Get enough of them and the labor cost goes way down. The concept behind college was that graduates were supposed to fill the 15% of slots about the average worker, because that's about all the critical thinkers and managers you really need in a manufacturing based economy. That's why college grads historically made more money. But now that American doesn't make anything and we just service each other, how many college grads are really needed? The worst part is they convinced people that it's a good idea to go into debt to the tune of $50k - $100k to get out and make $40k/year. In particular the money that's spent on girls educations would be better spent on a dowry for the girl to set up a life with a man. Tell me what sounds better, her $100k dowry for a down payment or her making $40k/year with $35k in loans, and then when she's around 30yo+ she'll work parttime if at all (if she works full or partime there's still daycare to be paid, which has blossomed into an industry that takes a large chunk of the woman's paycheck) and the guy has to pick up the slack in a sagging economy. So in essense, that second income is a total illusion, but yet families still need two incomes. What a scam.
tptb - 'the powers that be'
:offbased Ally McBeal/Sex In The City/Desperate Housewives types in America today
Yuck! Run for the hills. One's better off being a monk than dating any of those cunts.
Shit, the truth's been on TV for years and only now is there a blog on it.
Yes "Foreign Women" are great and not parasitical harpies. My wife
also grew up in a *real* 3rd world country where people with good salaries make $100 per *month*! She does not spend money except on what she needs.
Feminist hypocrites are the worst! They preach the independence and/or superiority of women and then live off their man. Any man that puts up with that deserves it. Guys should just get accustomed to one night stands or consorting with prostitutes if they need sexual gratifaction so badly. If they are so emotionally needy, then psychiatric care is in order along with the proper medication.
Castrating harpies is a good term. Brilliant!
"Feminist hypocrites are the worst! They preach the independence and/or superiority of women and then live off their man."
And don't forget all the spirituality and literary claptrap. These so-called intellectuals hide very nicely behind the Lady of the Lake clubs and Beowulf regurgitation camps. A lot of mumbo jumbo on Mary, feminine spirituality, and Grendel's mom as a role model along with a lot of Shamanistic sloth, as if they were Native American mystics or something.
Oh and don't forget, men have minimal intuitive faculties. Hmm... last I'd checked, Nostradamus was a guy.
I enjoy reading this blog but was rather shocked at the venom and vitriol in many of the comments to this post.
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