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HP was also recently endorsed by God himself. Every other source of housing bubble information should be seen as untrustworthy, anti-Christian and un-American. Why? Because our site has this flag, and others don't.
July 25, 2006
HousingPanic - The Official Bubble Blog of the United States of America and God Himself
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Very funny.
Bubble Meter Blog
This is the word of the Keith!! All hail the all knowing, self riotous, enlightend one. Bow your heads for he has spoken and we are but mere peasants who need his guidence. Do not attempt to think for yourself simple ones, Keith is all knowing!! He will protect you from the evil Fox news and those evil conservatives. Give thanks and praise to the awe inspireing Keith!! Do not question him or have a diffrent view..even if you are right... HAIL KEITH, HAIL KEITH!!!!
(Yes this is sarcastic)
screw Cox News,I mean Fox News and all that are affiliated with it..dont like it tuff shit
All you trustworthy, Christian flag waving Americans.
You've just been sold.
Most Expensive US home $135M on mkt belongs to Saudi Prince Bandar
Hopefully people in the US will wake up soon from the brainwashing but I fear it may already be too late
Funny that this blog gets attacked for being conservative by liberals and liberal by conservatives
I like Fox News though - hot babes!
does the BBC have a Union Jack or maybe the Queen's face flying on their screen? hmmm
oh man its gonna hit the fan now
does the BBC have a Union Jack or maybe the Queen's face flying on their screen? hmmm
Neither, it has Parisian concrete pillar icon...
You are either with us, or you are with the flippers.
When did they stop making televisions that could switch channels? I find it amusing how the advocates for sensitivity and diversity are the ones who try to eliminate symbols whenever they offend their "enlightened" sensitivities! Get a friggin' life Keith, if you don't like Fox News, then don't watch it.
The latest example of this foolishness is the ACLU's legal action demanding that the city of Las Cruces, NM remove three tiny crosses from their logo because it supposedly implies a link between government and religion. Never mind the fact that the name of the town (The Crosses) and the symbols date back hundreds of years before the U.S. Constitution was written.
That Megan Kendal is one hot piece of A$$!!!!!
Why should history matter to the ACLU when the ultimate goal is domination and control?
"He who controls the present, controls the past. He who controls the past, controls the future."
-George Orwell, 1984
lol...Keith, you've got that Republican schtick down perfectly
now, if only the Dems could catch on maybe they could actually win an election
The latest example of this foolishness is the ACLU's legal action demanding that the city of Las Cruces, NM remove three tiny crosses from their logo
Honestly, this is the fault of these municipalities and corporations who don't fight back and instead back down to these liberal fascist organizations.
I heard today that the RNC has $30M more to spend on the 2006 elections than the dems. Even though the fox news ignoramuses have flown our country staright into the side of the mountain, it appears they will likely maintain control merely because of the loot. Should I suppose some of it came your way?
Old boy..
Your right who cares what they think about us! F em all....let them start trading oil in Euros. Who cares it will only destroy our economy. Let China stop providing us credit who cares. We'll only go broke! Unfortunately old boy this isn't your parents good old US of A when we actually made something. We can't afford not to care what the other countries think about us. You say F the turbinheads. But what happens if the turbinheads decide to start shipping all our oil to China. Hmmmm...I have a hunch quite a few good "oldboy's" will bend over and take it in the ass....
To make a long story short "Oldboy" your a moron...
People are only obsessed with us because they think we're rich and the streets are lined with gold. Actually the streets are lined with easy credit and we're an argument with China and Venezuela away from being poor toothless sluts!
P.S. I hope the effing market in Phoenix collapses. The weather here is the absolute WORST in the world! This will be coined the new death valley once the bubble has collapsed.
I know this is off topic but can anybody recommend a good book on ideas for tax shelters.
I highly recommend John Dean's new book, "Conservatives Without a Conscience". He nails what the current reps are, authoritarian thugs. They are proto fascists. If they are allowed to keep getting away with shredding the constitution we will slide toward a dictatorship.
He also points out that the followers of the current regime will listen to anything that is said and follow blindly. Even when the things said are contradictory
Even though I think Fox News is produced well, and has good talent, I do admit they lean right. I do not think they lean any more right than CNN leans left. Do you? In addition, this weekend I read Newsweek onn the train, and I found that the entire magazine was leaning quite hard to the left. I really dont think that Fox is any worse than any other MSM outfit. Why do you single it out? Here's why...because it is the one right leaning network in a sea of left leanng ones, and you are a left wing, liberal, Dem.
Hey Oldboy
Can't run the military on safflower oil. Takes oil and most oil comes from countries that hate us. If you want to be the "big dog" better be nice to the master who feeds you. Seems to me it is time for our eagle to wrap its wings around our land here and forget about empire.
Watching the tactics, smears and insults by O'Reilly is almost like watching joseph goebbels - which was the mouthpiece of another right wing regime of the past.
These conservative talk show listeners are the scary part. They are ignorant because they don't read and are proud of the fact. They have been worked up into a constant rage by the daily talk radio hate session.
It's funny that Jesse Jackson has almost no influence in the US today- he holds no office and can barely get his name into the newspapers anymore. Yet he is held up daily by the radio talk show hosts as an example of the "liberal" control of the country. Hate pours forth from the listening audience as the talkmeister spits out the latest words of Jesse.
These folks don't even understand how bad they are being manipulated.
funny to read the fox news/right wing zealots respond on this thread, instead of joining in on an intelligent argument, they just call people names or tell you to f off
michael savage aka Michael Alan Weiner. lol
need i say more
Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are conservative.
John Stuart Mill
one russian friend once told me the big difference between ussr and usa in regards to propaganda.
in the USSR no one believed a word that came from the gov. or the media.
the avg. person knew to be suspicious,
to be skeptical.
in america he said, a lot of people
cant distinguish what is propaganda because a lot of them dont even know that it exists. they dont know the connections between holywood, tv, video game makers and the military.
they sit back and just watch, its militainment. its far more advanced then anything in the old communist block.
thats why you get a lot of rubbish like rush limbaugh and weiner savage,kristol, cheney, and the clowns at fox news passing for news and patriotism.
how else could bush continue to have
even 30%, he is a total failure and
the people his policies will hurt for the next 30 years continue to support him.
its a not a left right issue when facists have taken over the whitehouse. 2000 was not an election, that was a coup. a neo con
The big difference I see on this blog is that the liberals try to analyze and rationalize, whereas the conservatives spew hate and name calling. Why are they like that?
No More Tax Codes! Fair Tax Rally at Orlando City Hall, Sat. July 29, 2006. 10,000 people expected. The Fair Tax will solve all our USA fiscal problems! Even illegals will have to pay their taxes.
Whatdaya think HPers?
"I like Fox News though - hot babes! "
Yup!! That Laura Dew can dew me anytime!
Screw CNN. Forget ABC, CBS, NBC. I refuse to watch any of those.
You people that hate America because you do not like the politicians ought to move to another country. Oh wait, keith did just that already.
Hey boomer/bubblesitter/etc
I've heard something about the fair tax. Do you have any links regarding the fair tax?
As for the Fox news bashing. Besides being a flag waving republican cheerleading station, maybe rupert murdock noticed that CNN and the other MSM outlets leaned left and decided to start a news station for the other 1/2 of the country that lives in the red states. Not to be a champion of conservatives but to ca$h in, maybe? Interesting to think that FOX news is 'conservative' while the original FOX station started out with 'family' shows like Married with Children....
As for:
"Anonymous said...
The big difference I see on this blog is that the liberals try to analyze and rationalize, whereas the conservatives spew hate and name calling. Why are they like that?"
I recall the posts on this site about which cities are great and which suck... the liberals from Portland Ore. came out swinging and bashed anyone with a bad comment about Portland and not being very rational and spewing some hateful comments....
The big difference I see on this blog is that the liberals try to analyze and rationalize, whereas the spew hate and name calling. Why are they like that?
because the conservatives are so great that they can sit in judgement of us all, where as the liberals are so great that they have their "reasons" for protecting us from ourselves.
PS. Don't forget about Libertarians.
(The author of the Fair Tax Book, Neal Boortz, is a Libertarian)
I really hope Keith’s sight is about “PC/Equal opportunity” verbal bashing and “fair across the board” insulting and inflaming remarks.
So much fun.
Shadow Gov = Fed BAnk?
The recorded BUSH "stop the S@it" comment was part of the PLAN. Oh No We Are DOOmed.;
If they implement it, the FAIR tax will be the biggest con job in history. Peel away all the Boortz BS, and you see it's a direct tax on consumption spending. The near term result will be catastrophic for the U.S. economy because 75% of GDP is based on consumer spending. Instant depression as both demand and production fall off a cliff.
Oh and it'll be great for RE sales -- imagine house prices increasing 23%, with that amount due to the Feds on signing -- LOL! You FAIR tax proponents must be smokin' some good sh*t to think this is a viable option.
Just would like to see the IRS go Bye Bye.
The FAIR tax doesn't get rid of one IRS emplyee -- they all go to work collecting the new sales tax. Small businesses will have yet another paperwork and accounting burden because they have to collect and remit this tax to Uncle Sam.
They will also have to beef up their investigative (aka Gestapo) division to deal with the inevitable black markets that will pop up to try and bypass the huge tax increase. Boortz glosses over that part and pretends that prices will "eventually" come down to offset the 23% tax. Man, what is he smoking?
Glad to hear the real story about the boortz fair tax, because I am not reading the book. I would rather read HP. (:
Why is it that liberals find they need to tag conservatives with hate or ignorance labels?
As an independent I've always found that liberals "think" they are smarter because most of them believe in humanism, versus conservatives who mostly believe in religion, something liberals like to call superstition.
Another reason liberals think they are smarter is because they use the language of double-speak, the language of the UN to sound smart, but usually parse everything to such a degree as to effectively say nothing at all of any importance. That's why you never hear Democrats say anything as direct as a Republican would state it (think Kerry vs. Bush).
As far as the hate label they throw around, it's all part of them wanting to be a victim of something in order to reap some form of entitlement from it, which is why liberals are always so much in favor of government handouts to certain groups, of course only those that support their anti-god agenda.
I think liberalism is a pychosis that occurs in societies that are advanced in which many of its people become lazy and dependent upon others.
If you think this through well beyond what I've written, some of you may actually have an epiphany about it.
You hit the nail on the head. The U.S. was founded on the idea that human rights originate from a source beyond the realm of Man. We've educated a couple of generations of lawyers and academics using the ideals of Marxism, humanism, and reductionism. Should we be surprised that large forces in politics, academia, and the courts now seem willing to reject that founding principle as incompatible with “modern” thinking?
The media crudely portray this as a battle between Blue-state intellectuals and Red-state religious zealots. It's more important than that, and IMO represents a true turning point in the history of this republic. We now have a society where supposedly intelligent, rational people can vigorously oppose the death penalty for a convicted serial killer, and at the same time tacitly support the forced starvation of a severely handicapped woman. The confluence of these three philosophies may also also explain the many examples of hostility towards religious symbols in public places, the forced medication of millions of students in public schools, and naïve beliefs that science and technology can predict or even effect changes in systems as complex as Earth’s climate.
as a Canadian, watching american news is disturbing. we don't get Fox news ( I think because its considered to be government propaganda, not news), and CNN, which some consider to be "left" is a joke most of the time. I assume the more enlightened viewers watch and read some international news also. Even CNN is generally so grossly one-sided it is frightening!
Can't take it anymore, there is nothing wrong to be a conservative or liberal (check dictionary). Far extremes are dangerous...
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