I'm telling you, I'm gonna find a nice place in the world, rent, wait it out, protect my limited wealth, spend less, and then come back to the US and buy a great place (or two) in a few years for pennies on the dollar with cash.
How will I know when it's safe to buy again? When the cost of owning is less than the cost of renting. Period. That whole idea of "fundamentals" that got tossed out the window during this stupidity.
Here's the interview highlights:
What do you think is happening to the housing market right now?
The smart money is getting out. The inventory of homes for sale is increasing dramatically across the country. That's typically what happens before you see price declines.... The investors who are flipping homes for profit, like non-owner occupied condominiums, those are the people you would expect to sell first. You're already seeing that happening.
How much do you think prices will decline, and how long do you think it will take?
I think that it's a worldwide phenomenon, and in the 25 cities that have had price run-ups, which make up 40% of the market, we'll see corrections of 40% to 50% in real terms over the next six years. It has already started, and you'll see it happening in more cities in the May-June time frame.
What happens to the U.S. economy if the downturn you predict really happens?
I think it will be a disaster. Not only will people in fields like banking be unemployed but consumers themselves will spend less. They're spending a lot now because they think their house is worth a million. If they find out it's only worth $400,000, they'll spend less.
June 01, 2006
Business Week interviews housing bear - predicts 40% to 50% real home price declines
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We all might not have to waite a couple years if the FED starts raising interest rates at a 50 clip.
I really think there is going to be a big supprise in store in June!
The smart money is getting out.
Snigger. The smart money is already out.
Dear Keith:
This is The Mother of All Flippers
I hope you do not mind a another Craigslist.com Post (:
Date: 2006-05-31, 2:09PM EDT
flipping great picture i love this blog!
My prediction is that we fall back to 2002, to maybe 2003 prices (adjusted upwards for inflation of course). I'm hoping the atmosphere of panic and distress will push them even further down however. I think it will, as long as the economy, spending, and job growth tank along with it as I'm predicting it will probably do.
Dear hemorrhoidforhousing,
who do you blame?
I think that prices will see a real decline (although 50% seems extreme)
However, just like during the Depression, there won't be joy or exuberance, even among those of us who chose to rent during the bubble years and saw it all coming.
The pain will be too real, for too many.
I just want to see $5 lap dances and $100 overnights again.
Ironic to see a mega flipper dumping his investments and selling "equity" at the peak. There are many different types of humor....
"The pain will be too real, for too many."
There is no way Congress can resist the angry mobs that will scream at the first hint of real financial pain. Remember what happened after Katrina? Congressmen tripped over themselves to see who could spend $200B the fastest.
There WILL be a federal bailout for these fools and as usual, the productive people in this country will end up paying for it. The only way to avoid getting screwed is to move significant assets overseas, but even that is getting harder to do every day.
I really think all of you are off about how low this will go and how bad this is going to be.
We're talking soup kitchens and hungry babies.
Just how many nail salons, BMW dealers, Motor home lots will be boarded up. Back in the 30s people could still grow things on their own land to feed them selfs. How maney vegies can a person grow on a KB lot?
this thing is going to last 30 or 40 years! In fact a lot of us will be dead before this country diggs itself out of this mess!
When this thing really hits, buying a house at a lower price will be the last thing on any of our minds.
I know we all joke about buying a house off the court house steps,but, some of our loved ones will, pass away before their time because of what Greenspan and Bush have done.
Parden my spelling. I'm Dislexic.
Where is my spell check.
dang dude........stay away from high floors and medicine cabinets......geez
it will only be as bad as people let it.........if a person is screwed, they did it upon themselves
all you renters need to take responsibility for the lots you are in
good one last anon.....i was ROTFFWYMALMAO
For homebuilders and homesellers !!!!
Bad Omen: 30-year Mortgage rate at 6.66%
The uber Omen would be mortgage rates @ 6.66% on 6/6/06. Then the first screening of the Omen movie coincides with Angelina Jolie giving birth.
But damn, Angelina already had her Satan child. All of that would have surely freaked some people out.
Make th trains run on time.
Hear this same panic talk since 10 years now and nothing happened. Well almost.
I took this from a link that broadband had in his comment:
"The group's seasonally adjusted index of refinancing applications decreased 4.8% to 1,409.0. A year earlier the index stood at 2,142.1.
The refinance share of mortgage activity decreased to 34.9% of total applications from 35.7% the previous week."
Now I ask, is this a sign that the FBs cannot get out of their adjustable because they are upside down because they are financed 100% (or more, remember the 125% loans?) on a property that will no longer bring any appraisal it needs to "make the loan work"?
I think that the piper is coming to be paid and the FBs do not have the coinage. That means foreclosures, which are up a bunch over last year when the banks were all about getting the money out.
Snigger. The smart money is already out.
True story!
In the business but ready to get out - TOO many people jumped on the
real estate band wagon and now its OVERSATURATED with 20yr old hot shots who don't have a license (or a CLUE how to do business the right way).
Anyway, 2 new developments from the subprime co I work for:
1) Higher credit score required for 80/20 financing but 2)rolling out a 50yr loan which will soon be an industry norm. So folks, if you can push your appraisal, still keep marginal credit and are willing to go for 50yrs, some idiot lenders can prolong your soon to be foreclosure:)
People have been talking about he crash for awhile, and it hasn't totally materialized- YET. That just means that Warren Buffet was right when he said he got rich by, "selling too soon". Some of us, see things before the rest, but that doesn't mean it's not actually going to happen. Denial takes a very long time to unwind.
Hear this same panic talk since 10 years now and nothing happened. Well almost.
Just every major stock index dropping in the month of may..
your right no big deal!
My prediction is that we fall back to 2002, to maybe 2003 prices (adjusted upwards for inflation of course). I'm hoping the atmosphere of panic and distress will push them even further down however. I think it will, as long as the economy, spending, and job growth tank along with it as I'm predicting it will probably do.
That's a good guess, that would put my $220K house back to $130K. Sounds right to me. Doesn't bother me much, I have 11 years and $70k left on a 15 year note. Besides, gold and silver will make up for the 'loss'.
Must be nice to pay only $220K and have $70K left on a 15yr note....you must live outside CA, or, you bought years ago when things were more affordable.
A 15yr fixed note on my $392K mortgage and I'd NEVER afford the payment. And no plans to ever leave Ca no matter how cheap it is somewhere else.
30 or 40 years sounds bad but I have to agree with lee in some respects.
Understand that if things really get as bad as they could, no one here (including myself) will be gleefully running around and doing the i-told-you-so dance. Your brothers, sisters, cousins, co-workers, parents, etc. Just think about the many home owners you know. Imagine that 10-20% end up in dire straights.
Hopefully, it will not be that bad and instead will be more like the dot.com. But when you are talking about people's homes....
Hey I think I figured out how this rotten government of ours will clean up the housing mess: all they have to do is release a deadly strain of bird flu here in the states.
Defaltionary depression. The world is overdue for one. It will be caused by too much debt, like always, not by Bush, Greenspan or any other elite of the political class.
Collapse of the welfare/warfare state would be a nice side effect.
Best thing about a housing crash- it will deal a strong blow to the greed-culture.
I hope the country is dotted with desperate, angry people living in parks and tents.
Then we can start rounding up the greed merchants- the republicans- and do really horrible things to them.
Must be nice to pay only $220K and have $70K left on a 15yr note....you must live outside CA, or, you bought years ago when things were more affordable.
A 15yr fixed note on my $392K mortgage and I'd NEVER afford the payment. And no plans to ever leave Ca no matter how cheap it is somewhere else.
I actually live in South Jersey, about 15 miles from center city Philly. The neighborhood is actually ok too. scale of 1 - 10, it's a 7, mostly blue-collar whites, in fact hardly any ethnic mix, it's just not a McMansion-ville. The house is a 3 bedroom 2 bath Cape Cod with a Florida room on the back and 2 car detached garage. Full finished basement. The first and second floor are about 1350sq/ft, but if you add the basement and the heated porch your looking at a 2200 sq/ft house. Yeah, I bout back in '96 for 93k. Knowing that it's now 220k (my neighbor just sold for 210k and mine is nicer) I can definitely see the bubble even here. Under normal appreciation (4%)that house shuold only be worth about $135k. Definite bubble. I sure as hell wouldn't be trying to buy it now. Remembering back at similar houses at the time in the area, I can clearly see that houses even in this 'non-speculative' area are about 59% over-priced. This bubble is going to be a mess. I remember when I refianced 4 years ago to the 15 year mortgage thinking I was making the right choice going to a 15 year mortgage and I asked the guy at the time how many people are switching to 15 yr mortgages and he said "Hardly any, maybe 5%".
Best thing about a housing crash- it will deal a strong blow to the greed-culture.
I hope the country is dotted with desperate, angry people living in parks and tents.
Then we can start rounding up the greed merchants- the republicans- and do really horrible things to them.
I second this.
Then we can start rounding up the greed merchants- the republicans- and do really horrible things to them.
Why wait? Oh nevermind, you haven't waited now have you? There's enough blame to go around and an R or a D on one's sleeve isn't going to make a difference.
Can I interest you in some cattle futures?
"Then we can start rounding up the greed merchants- the republicans- and do really horrible things to them.
I second this."
Oh boy, here come the lefties, right on schedule. My advice is to get some good music to rile up the dumb masses. Most bands today are part of that "greed" culture (and their music sucks) so maybe you can prop old Pete Seeger up on a chair and he can pick some "workin' man" tunes for your proletariate revolt. LOL!
...and then come back to the US and buy a great place (or two) in a few years for pennies on the dollar with cash.
Might it not take 10-15 years like it did in Japan?
My advice is to get some good music to rile up the dumb masses.
Sorry. The right-wing talk show hosts like Limbaugh and Hannity already figured this one out.
It appeals to the ditto-heads.
Talk about sheople...
I say strap yourself in for a wild ride, cause if these men who are in the know, say it all is going to end real bad, you know for sure things will get desperate for sure.
*ONLY* 40-50%? No way. Southern California did that in the early 90's, this bubble is MUCH MUCH bigger.
I say strap yourself in for a wild ride, cause if these men who are in the know, say it all is going to end real bad, you know for sure things will get desperate for sure.
Well David L. from NAR says it will be ok, so I'm not worried.
Well David L. from NAR says it will be ok, so I'm not worried.
And china said screw gold we have faith in the dollar LOL!
But they ain't hippies anymore, they are armed, ready to kill..............
OK men, saddle up and ride to the sound of the double-bubble bongs!
Who said anything about Marxism?
Republicans are largely reesponsible for our current culture of greed. They started the trend back in the early 80s. It's time to move away from that corrupt ideology and onto something mroe sustainable.
It was regulated capitalism mixed with limited socialism that got us out of the depression. It should be no surprise to anyone that unbridled capitalism and unrelenting cuts to social spending have taken us right back to the brink of collapse.
Pumping the prime works. Trickle down does not. All the talk of gun rights and Marxism is irrelevent. Republicans and corporatists have failed. They must go.
It's going to be a long dreary sizzling summer here on LA. With the explosive mix of a Re Market ready to go down and the illegal immigration issue plus the high gas prices there will be a lotta pissed off folks here in Scal.
Look for a sharp spike in crime and road rage incidents all over greater LA Metro as the lowest dregs who get the ax due to a slowing economy do some "Jackings" on some unlucky whities.
Look for laid-off illegal alien offspring gang-bangers to take potshot drive-bys at any unfortunate vehicles who happen to cut them off, or angry homeowners who are stuck with their ARM's and are upsidedown and cannot sell or are treading toward foreclosure going berserk down the hwys.
As the slowing RE market leads to a slowing economy which leads to massive layoffs of the lowest grunts on the economic food chain, there will be unrest on the streets of LA, more homicides, carjackings, sharp rise in wife beatings, girls getting snatched off the street to get raped by cruising gang-bangers, more 2 am freeway shootings, more idiotic Fox/msnbc reporting on latest co-ed murder. ect.
As millions of Scal homeowners discover their "easy" equity vanish and get into massive and ever-rising Debt over increasing costs and inflation eating up their entire meager earnings and see Illegals getting free money and Gov't benefits using fake forged documents this will only lead to still more calls for draconian measures against illegal alien flood.
Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.
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