Well, here you go
This article by Jim Puplava in Financial Sense, from a year ago, spells it out. It's a good Sunday morning read - I'd recommend taking the 10 minutes of your life and reading the whole thing, as what the author covers will affect your life more than anything else you'll read about today. Here's the crib notes.
And yes, I'm looking to pick up some more gold this week...
One way to lower entitlements would be to bring the inflation rates down, which would translate into lower Cost of Living Adjustments (COLA). The way to do this was to bring down the rate of inflation. However, this was not done by natural means, but artificially through statistical manipulation.
The rise in money and credit would mean higher inflation rates. Higher inflation rates would mean higher COLA adjustments, which would lead to bigger deficits. The solution was to change the way inflation is measured.
Substitution also plays a role in reducing the CPI. In place of exploding real estate prices, the Bureau gave more weight to the price of rents, which were falling as more households bought homes. Rents were given more weight even though 69% of households own a home versus the 31% that rent.
then, for how it will all go down:
As the US debt burden increases with each passing month, the Fed has only one option, which will be to print money. In effect, the US is exporting its inflation and it will ultimately result in deflation in the rest of the world, which is heavily laden with overcapacity and hyperinflation in the US when foreigners no longer finance our deficits
What we can say now is that the US is experiencing real inflation in the economy that is much higher than what is reported (6-8%). In addition to real inflation in the economy, the US has experienced hyperinflation in the financial economy—first in the stock market (the tech bubble between 1995-2000) and then in the mortgage, bond and real estate markets since 2000. If inflation continues to increase as I suspect in the real economy, I can guarantee you it will never show up in the CPI and PPI. Real inflation will be removed statistically through the magic of hedonics, geometric weighting, substitution, and seasonal adjustments.
The truth is that we are experiencing real inflation rates of 6% in the real economy and hyperinflationary rates in the financial economy in bonds, mortgages, and real estate. When the next downturn comes, it will most assuredly alert investors to keep a sharp eye out for the next asset bubble to hyperinflate. Will it be stocks as occurred in the Weimar Republic, Japan and the US? Will it be hard assets such as gold, silver, and other hard commodities as has occurred throughout all of history when governments inflate?
May 14, 2006
Wonk Alert - Want to understand why you're spending so much more for the same goods and services, but the CPI inflation rate remains tame?
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So, I am trying to understand. If hyperinflation is coming, wouldn't you WANT to buy real estate now? After all, the prices are high, but you are financing the purchase of a hard asset with dollars soon to be made worthless by inflation--why not buy now if you believe this prediction??
No you wouldn't.
This is different than in the seventies. This time you can't expect your paycheck to rise with inflation.
If prises rise but peoples incomes are stagnant, it means people are getting poorer. They may spend more than ever before but thats because they take on ever increasing amounts of debt. And if this debt is at variable interest rates, no amount of inflation will come to their rescue.
Well,I bet if you buy some blue chip properties when the real estate market tanks you will do well in hyper inflation.
The average joe who has to borrow will be killed by the comming year's rising interest rates. The wealthy who have their own cash will want to protect that cash from losing its value and select real estate is one way to do it. If the dollar crashes, wealthy foreigners from countries with strong currencies will be looking to select US real estate as an investment too.
If I had the cash, I would be already window shopping for select real estate although it is probably too early to start buying yet.
Well,I bet if you buy some blue chip properties when the real estate market tanks you will do well in hyper inflation.
The average joe who has to borrow will be killed by the comming year's rising interest rates. The wealthy who have their own cash will want to protect that cash from losing its value and select real estate is one way to do it. If the dollar crashes, wealthy foreigners from countries with strong currencies will be looking to select US real estate as an investment too.
If I had the cash, I would be already window shopping for select real estate although it is probably too early to start buying yet.
Sorry bout the double post!
The agony of Old Timers Disease!
"So, I am trying to understand. If hyperinflation is coming, wouldn't you WANT to buy real estate now?"
Buying RE is not a good idea. Yes, RE can be considered as a store of value, but in a hyperinflation, wages can't keep up, interest rates rise to crazy levels, and home prices might change so much during the loan approval, the deals could fall through before closing. You could own a house "worth" 10X what you paid for it, but trying to sell it and capture the profit might be almost impossible.
The aftermath of a hyperinflation is usually a period where the currency is sharply devalued with government price controls and a lot of unemployed people wandering about. In other words, not a very good time to try to sell RE.
Owning a working farm property might make sense as it could serve both as a place to live and a source of steady income.
Hey Wacahootaman - take your cash to Zimbabwe. Inflation there is running 1000%. Great deals all around for land, houses, etc. What's that? You don't see many people standing in line to buy over there?
Hmm, I wonder why?
Buying Blue Chip Properties
might happen later in the game when foreign money comes in, but it ain't gonna happen for a few years. . .smart money isn't going to settle for 10% off when they can pick places up at auction for 50% off. . .
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