Man, I've got deja-vu all over again
What is it about this little piss of a country that gets under our skin so effectively?
Will we soon run into another haboob?
May 14, 2006
Another shrinking American president gets it stuck to him by Iran
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Man that guy has close-set, shifty eyes. The Iranian does too.
wonder if the cia is looking to pop the guy?
Piss country Keith?? Hmm......
And if you have not figured out that (for the US) NG and Oil reserves ARE why we even care - then you may need to brush up on the 11th inalienable right of the bill of rights - "the freedom of americans to consume at will with complete disregard for anyone else (including their own)"
Everyone keeps assuming that either Iran is either squeezing this poker chip for maximum leverage, or wants to build nuclear weapons. A third answer also makes sense: That they really do want to enrich it themselves, and they really do plan to use it for domestic power production.
Iran is likely to be experiencing declining oil recovery now [look up the arguments yourself, Iran is of course a very opaque place to analyze but the case for this presumtion is strong].
Therefore they have a powerful incentive to substitute something else to obtain energy. The ability to enrich uranium themselves is a matter of their own energy independence and security. No country ever easily gives up what it perceives as a vital strategic interest.
Yeah, they just want to fuel their nuke plants. Sure, makes perfect sense 'cause they're peaceful folk. All that talk about New Persia and restoring Sharia in the old lands (France, Spain, Portugal) is just talk, nothing more.
Can't we all just get along? Pass the joint man...
Anon who posted on Sunday, May 14, 2006 2:26:08 PM,
I think you're right. The MSM always seems to gravitate to over simplified explainations, part of the dumbing down of America.
Your thoughts on Iran make sense and are a viable explaination.
Osman dude, got any mushrooms? My old lady ran off with my stash of buttons and I can't huff with this damn cold. You're right man, leave Iran alone. I got to find a job or soethin' tomorrow.
Actually its not a viable theory and this is why. Iran is sitting on one of the largest NATERAL GAS deposits in the world. They have trillions of tons of it and can make the cheapest damn electricity in the world. If you ever needed a better indicator (and there are many others...) that what they really want is a nuclear weapon there it is. Any and all talks of Iran needing energy are a complete and utter laughable lie.
There a reason that Iran wants...... no.... needs a nuclear weapons program.....the slack jawed empty headed mouth breather at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue! Its seems that we are only the home of the free and land of the brains against countries that don't have the ability to fight back! Chimpy isn't threatening North Korea is he? Nope....because Kim il wouldn't hesitate to vaporize any American troops that set foot on Korean soil! Our Iranian friend sees that and thinks, "Hey, I'll get one too"!
Fish dude, if that little MF in N Korea nukes Hawaii, will the fallout mess with my leper grass? It's my own Rx for ED and just a few tokes give me that Johnny Holmes feelin'. Ain't medical MJ wonderful?
Oh yeah, leave Iran alone dude. They really know hash oil and I can't imagine a world without it. God I gotta get me a job tomorrow or somethin'.
If we stumble into a conflict with Iran, the economic consequences will make those of a housing bubble look puny. Avoiding this needless catastrophe is the central reason why the grip of the Bush apparatus on our military, and our foreign policy, has to end. There are semi-credible rumors afoot that Special Prosecutor Fitzgerald will be indicting Karl Rove this week, and there are indications that strong evidence of Cheney's complicity exists. For the sake of our country and whatever remains of its tradition of lawful republicanism (small 'r'), we'd better hope that these rumors pan out.
-- sglover
Just clip that picture of Dubya and save it your desktop! Now focus on El Presidente, focus....thats right focus....focus.....! Hows that ED now...Feeling that forgotten swelling....Isn't it just like before the first election when dummy promised no nation building and a balanced budget? Ah remember the good times! Now just picture yourself elbowing Sean Hannity out of the way for a turn at the presidential unit! There isn't that better....! Okay now go towel off and think about what you've done!
I never said, "leave Iran alone." We don't have that option when the interests of the United States are jeopardized.
However, we shouldn't just jump on whatever oversimplified explaination is tossed at us. It's easy to distill things down to good vs evil, but hardly ever a useful (or accurate) explaination for anything.
Despite his antics, Amadinejad is probably not a real nutjob. If you are willing to suspend the notion, the next question is why is he acting like a nutjob. That's where my response was aimed.
By the way, according to the Economist, "Ahmadinejad does not decide Iran's nuclear or foreign policies. These are in the hands of the supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, and his lieutenant at the top of the National Security Council, Ali Larijani, a political rival of the president's."
Bush et al are such maroons.
The right way to deal with Ahamanijad is to say, "He is a puppet and has no control over the foreign policy and nuclear policy.
We'll only talk to his bosses."
Diminish him, rather than elevate him.
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