April 18, 2006

MSNBC's Scarborough show discusses Iran nuking NYC, Seattle, Chicago and LA

Ah, ya gotta love a classic march to war... like napalm in the morning...

Joe on Iran nuking NYC: "One second after detonation, 75,000 killed.. 4 seconds later killing an additional 300,000 people.. final tally 830,000 killed..."

Looks like Scarborough got his talking points - hope it helps get those pro-war numbers up

Has anyone ever read "The Fifth Horseman" - terrorists hide a nuke in NYC and threaten to blow it up unless we drop our support of Israel. Well, here we go...

Oh, hope those open houses do well this weekend!


Anonymous said...

Any nuclear attack on the U.S. must be met with a response that Muslims will talk about for 10,000 years. Iran's government needs to understand what 1,000 simultaneous airbursts would do to their terrority. Perhaps we can draw them a map showing the Gulf of Hormuz at 600 miles wide. Allah also will need time to prepare 1.2 billion virgins.

Anonymous said...

well I guess if all this paranoid fear-mongering ONLY helps to lower housing prices, maybe it is worth it.....

Anonymous said...

If the muslims stopped to think about it if the US realy wanted to wipe out the muslim world all it would take is one nuke sub launching its full copliment of missles each with multiple targated warheads and 24 minutes later every major city in the middle east would be rubble and glass.

Unfortunatly the only way the american people will wake up is once their lives are disrupted and they know people personaly who died and/or the basic standard of living is disrupted. Have a major attack on our ports and kill a few million people and after people are worrying about getting food and water for a few weeks and staying alive rather then what is on TV or who is dating who then maybe we will grow the spine to treat these people they way we should.

Yes I know there are many people over there that are inocent and want to be left in peace but the inocent non-combatants are always the ones to pay the price when they let evil people rule them. There is a reason we are free and that is because we were willing to fight and die for it. This is why the whole "bring Iraq freedom" will fail. It can not be giving but must be earned to have meaning.

blogger said...

"but the inocent non-combatants are always the ones to pay the price when they let evil people rule them"

-I'm sorry, were you speaking of Iran or the US there?

Anonymous said...

Keith said...
-I'm sorry, were you speaking of Iran or the US there?

Either one, it is what happens when you only have 2 choose from and they both are after increasing thier powerbase and could not care less what happens to the people.

This is not a Dem or Rep thing as both parties will screw over the general people no matter what country they are in. We are as guilty as we sit in our McMansions and drive our Hummers and watch American Idol.

Anonymous said...

who is the evil one you ask? Well, who has used nuclear weapons in the past? Who is illegally invading other countries? who is now threatening an unarmed country with a nuclear strike? I think it is fairly obvious who is the evil one....

Anonymous said...

He is bang on, but for one thing: He got the city names wrong. He meant Isfahan, Teheran, Qum, Shiraz and Tabriz. Better shock value than what Bush and Rummy are really going to do...

Anonymous said...

This is not a fight between the American and the Iranian people. This is a concocted battle between the nutcase religious leadership in Iran and the nutcase religious leadership in the US.

Neither the US people or the Iranian people have anything to gain from this.

And Iran has never once threatened the US with a nuclear weapon or with any other conventional forces. They know well that the result would be suicide. Likewise with the Israeli forces with their 200 nukes.

The Iranian 2005 military budget is estimated at $5 billion. The US military budget 2005 was over $600 billion including the Iraq expenditures. We are not in any kind of danger from Iran.

Anonymous said...

john s said...

"Any nuclear attack on the U.S. must be met with a response that Muslims will talk about for 10,000 years. Iran's government needs to understand what 1,000 simultaneous airbursts would do to their terrority. Perhaps we can draw them a map showing the Gulf of Hormuz at 600 miles wide. Allah also will need time to prepare 1.2 billion virgins."

You're very witty. Great closing line.

Anonymous said...

Allah also will need time to prepare 1.2 billion virgins."

HeHe, I'm going to use that line at work tomorrow.

blogger said...

I heard they were out of virgins in heaven for the time being - so no more bombings for now

Anonymous said...

"We are not in any kind of danger from Iran. "

This is obvious. Why is no one listening?????? HELLO PEOPLE PLEASE TAKE NOTE

Anonymous said...

Our dollar is in danger from IRAN due to their wanting to remove their oil backing for our USD.

Iraq tried the same thing, so we invaded and promptly put Iraq oil squarely back under the USD.

Anonymous said...

"Go ahead and stick your head up where the sun don't shine if it makes you feel safer. "

That's right. It's a damn good thing that the U.S. invaded Iraq to save you from those WMDs in Iraq!!!! LOL
How many people dead because of that invasion? Do you feel safer now????? This would be hilarious if it wasn't so sad.
It's quite obvious that Iran needs nuclear weapons to protect itself from the U.S. - too bad they are 5 to 10 years away from developing them....

Anonymous said...

"Nobody ever said Iraq had nuclear weapons. They were trying to build them. Once they have the nukes, it's a little too late isn't it? Try growing a second braincell before spouting off your stupidity."

ooga booga LOL. The news outside of the U.S. was that these myths were all debunked and that the intelligence was found to be faulty. did your president deliberately lie? What was the real reason for the invasion? I recall Joe Wilson had something to say about the intelligence proving iraq was building nuclear weapons. Oh yeah that's right they did have them, and rather than use them while being invaded, they hid them! LOL I'm sure its more fun to call people names than face the facts though!