April 21, 2006

HP's 2008 Centrist Third Party Presidential Candidate Prediction


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Let’s put somebody in charge that doesn’t comment on my personal liberty. NOT ONE PEEP! It’s mine - it was not earned but rather inherited! That means no abortion debates, no smoking debates, no gun debates, etc.

Someone who is not politically correct

Someone that is not tied to either political party or ideology

Someone who is concerned about our dependency on foreign oil

Someone who is a common sense capitalist

Someone who is not afraid to tell the American People the truth

Someone who will reduce the pork barrel earmarks that inflate our debt

Someone who will institute an initiative that buys down the US debt

Someone who will tell the American People to stop spending beyond their means

Someone who speaks softly yet carries a BIG STICK (you got that Iran, North Korea)

Someone who tells (warns) the Chinese to stop manipulating their currency at the expense of the average Joe

Someone who will stop the madness of the every expanding US Barrio

Someone who will panelize corporations, small business and individuals that employee know illegals (put some teeth into it)

blogger said...

uh, that's my platform

Anonymous said...

well thought out and a FANTASTIC idea!! now how do we get her on the ballot?

Bill said...

exactly anonymous, clean house totally, not just the office of the president, congress also.

And start term limits 2 years after 2 years new blood and fresh idea's non of this 30 years in congress bull shit 2 years and your out and can not be re-elected after you have served your time. This would solve the corruption problem in congress.

There are many great americans with great idea's that love this country who would love to serve in congress for the people not self interest.


As far as the other countries go fuckem we were the givers before we became the takers, time to revert back and take care of our own.

Rid our-selves of welfare and make an obligation that all americans can earn a decent living working hard, not dependent on other to do the work for us.

You have a kid you get a job you support that kid, by working hard and taking pride in your work. I could go on but ill close with :

If there is another terroist attack here in these united states and bush declares himself the war president, and no elections, let the tanks roll down pennsylvania avenue.

Anonymous said...

borkafatty said . . .

"If there is another terroist attack here in these united states and bush declares himself the war president, and no elections, let the tanks roll down pennsylvania avenue."

How ridiculous. Bush's term will be over in two years, and that's that, whether there are terrorists attack or not. And if a Dem takes his place, he or she will be equally revolting.

Bill said...

How ridiculous.

The only ridiculous thing I see is that you actually think he's going to make it another 2 years with those numbers..and nothing is going to happen.ok..your forgetting who were talking about here GEORGE W Bush shows all the signs of being a paranoid schizophrenic, in a world of dilution..but whatever you have you ideals and that is fine...no other responce on my part is even worth my time or yours so take care now bye bye.

Anonymous said...

borkafatty said...

"Bush shows all the signs of being a paranoid schizophrenic"

Oh really, what signs are those?

I don’t like Bush, but I don’t like you fu_king kooks either. The Tricky Dick play isn’t going to work this time freak!

Anonymous said...

Signs of GW's Schizophrenia:

sleep problems - don't know
social isolation - check
hyperactivity or inactivity - check
inability to concentrate - check
hostility - check
paranoia - check
unusual emotional reactions - check
deterioration in personal hygiene - don't know
unusual sensitivity - no

Anonymous said...

Who the hell is that person, and waht is her platform?

Bill said...

The Tricky Dick play?

Umm No.1 leave my dick out of this, yes it does play tricks and 2. it is freaky, so that being said.

You dont like bush huh, then get out of his bed cause the way you seem so Defensive of him soundS like your in bed with him to me, so who is playing with who's dick here. but like I said your opinion is just that yours so leave it at that, and ill go check my profit for the day.

kook nope a realist try it some time.