April 21, 2006

Get these men out of politics and the world would be a peaceful place

The fools bastardising their religions in the name of these two prophets should be dismissed by their people. When governments and religions mix, you get disaster.

Shame on George Bush, Karl Rove and the Republican Party. Shame on Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the Central Council of the Islamic Society of Engineers. Your people should rise up, put you in prison and throw away the keys. If not worse.

Before it's too late.


Anonymous said...

What here, Keith?

Have you no faith? Do you not believe that all of the future is foretold in the Book of Revelations. Do you not believe that Jesus will return to rule the world for a thousand years? Do you not believe that that the faithful will fly naked through the air when the trumpet calls?

Good. It is time to chuck these religious hucksters out of office and throw their praying butts in the slammer. They are a menace..and a damn unpleasant one at that.

And we better do it soon before they pull the nuclear trigger in the ME and start a sequence of events that will be out of our control.

Anonymous said...

Isn't bashing religion going a bit too far? If you are an atheist, fine, but this post is insulting and not about the housing bubble. I cannot say that I support your topic - it isn't funny or called for. Stick with housing. Someone's God will deal with you.

Anonymous said...

the global economic meltdown caused by the religious wars of 2001 - 2008 will impact every part of society - especially housing

wise up.

Anonymous said...

housing topics please.....

your posts on politics are tiresome......you write them under the guise of saying that (insert topic here) will lead (insert catastrophe here) which will cause housing to fall

if you want to talk (insert topic here), start a new (insert topic here) blog

Anonymous said...

Shame on the "American" voters. Our radical rebel founding fathers would be rolling in their graves if they knew how far we have drifted from the principals that they honored. It was a fight for them to keep the puritans from eroding the separation of church and state back then. I'm afraid that it's too late now. We've forgotten who we once were. "Religious values" in government and socialist control of our lives is now the norm supported by a majority. Real Americans are too far and few. This slow erosion of liberty and separation of church and state has caused us to be fundamentally lost. Only a rediscovery of liberty and freedom will give our children the happiness and prosperity that they deserve.

Anonymous said...

Great previous post. I agree entirely. Religious (and any other dogmatic) politics always lead to impairment of freedom. Religion is for personal conviction, not for politics.

michael.dufel said...

Being a Christian, I can concur that government should NOT justify its actions on religious reasons. I would say that it is in the benefit of society if its leaders were moral, just, and selfless. That is the stuff taught by religion that seems to be lacking in the people we elect.

Anonymous said...

i love posters who try to tell the blog author what to post


why are ignorant uneducated blind people so afraid of any information which goes against their narrow belief system? will they implode if they hear or see anything that challenges them?

so sad

Anonymous said...

Yeah get religion out like Stalin and Mao did in the Soviet Union and China. Then we will all have peace and harmony. LMAO

Anonymous said...

I realize Bush is a Christian and professes so, but I have a hard time equating him with that Iranian lunatic. Have you guys lost all touch with reality?

I am not a Bush fan. His spending is totally out of control, and has risen at a faster clip than Bill Clinton could have ever dreamed of. I think he is also way too insular in that he probably has a bunch of loyalists and "yes" guys around him. The others, i.e. Powell, left long ago. His PR skills are HORRIBLE, and that alone would go a long way towards getting along better with our allies.

But to say the seperation between church and state has somehow been totally abrogated is simply an example of intellectual laziness totally unconfirmed by actual facts. It's kind of like someone screaming at Bush that he's the new Hitler and we're living in the 3rd reich, and then absolutely nothing happening to that person. They sure don't make fascists like they used to.

Here's a hint. In order to make the most effective arguments, one has to be appear reasonable and objective. If you equate Bush with the Iranian president, you're way out in left field and you are immediately discredited.

If Paul Krugman rips on Bush, it's just Krugman being Krugman (and I think Krugman is right on some things). But if George Will goes after Bush then it is given far more credence (and Will has gone after Bush on a number of occasions).

Anonymous said...

I never blamed Bush I blamed the "American Voter".

Anonymous said...

Paul Krugman is the real Messiah. W. Bush is a dry drunk with delusions of grandeur not befitting his IQ.

The good that comes from religion is almost always eclipsed by the insanity it creates in so many.

I would more compare Mr. Bush with Jim Jones.

One cannot live on housing bubble news alone.

Metroplexual said...
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Anonymous said...

autofx in Phx said...

" The title of this thread implies that secular people would keep things all calm and peaceful.

Bull. Human nature is human nature. Lust for power runs across all belief systems and worlviews.

Where did this idea come from that religious fanaticism is the source of all our problems? "

The woes of this great nation have in recent years been exacerbated by an end times zealot who like pick ing fights with people who are not his size but could eventually undue us. "w" is a loon.

m reynolds

Friday, April 21, 2006 5:23:47

Anonymous said...

"hu the man said...
i love posters who try to tell the blog author what to post

Well, a few of us thought that it was a housing blog. True, the blog author(s) can post what they want, but when they stray from the given topic, they start to look like a whining, 16 year old. Why not just get a MySpace account with other teeny boppers of similar thinking?

Anonymous said...

"Isn't bashing religion going a bit too far? If you are an atheist, fine, but this post is insulting...."

AKA: "If you're an atheist, fine, just don't talk about it."

Followed closely by:

"If you're gay, fine, just don't talk about it or show it in public."

Anonymous said...

"why are ignorant uneducated blind people so afraid of any information which goes against their narrow belief system? will they implode if they hear or see anything that challenges them?"


Why do you think they don't want evolution to be taught in public schools?

Anonymous said...

"Where did this idea come from that religious fanaticism is the source of all our problems? It's only one of the ways our warped human psyches express themselves."

Yes, humankind can be warped. There's all kinds of mental illness out there. The thing is, religion is the only socially-acceptable mental illness, so it is more prevalent and thus takes more blame.

Anonymous said...

Most religious folk would agree with Keith's post. Keep up the good work! Ignore these naysayers.

Anonymous said...

Before religions like Christianity and Islam, there were no wars. LMAO

Have you idiots ever heard of

Ghengis Khan
Persian Empire
Roman Empire
Peloponnesian War
African tribal wars
Sino-Japanese wars

The list goes on forever.

WWI was about politics and ethnicity.

WWII was about the master race and Nazism vs Communism.

When was the last time Christianity was used as the main reason for war? The Crusades? Spanish Inquisition?

So what good has come from religion?

United Way
Red Cross
Catholic Charities

and thousands of smaller charities

Which charities have been founded and funded by atheists?

I consider myself an agnostic, but I recognize the basic teachings of most religions are good, not bad.

1. moderation in life
2. the golden rule

Whether people follow those teachings or not is not the fault of the religion, but of the follower

Anonymous said...

... A sermon and it's not even Sunday yet.

I ate fish today. I'm forgiven for monday through thursday sins. I get to live it up Saturday then go to church on Sunday. All is forgiven.

If only politics were as easy.

Back to the bubble .... anyone know if the price of churches these days?

Anonymous said...

autofx in Phx said...
"The title of this thread implies that secular people would keep things all calm and peaceful."

In the case of the U.S. presidency, we will probably never know. The demon-haunted*, superstitious majority in this country will not vote for an evil *secular* candidate. To them, non-religious=SATAN. Idiots.

*shout out to Sagan

blogger said...

straight and christian, while you're ignorant and judgemental


Anonymous said...

keith - You just lost a shit load of support and viewers thanks to that comment - this will be forwarded to many.

Anonymous said...

"judgmental"...yes - aren't you? Keith - Who the hell are you kidding you are a hypocrite?

Anonymous said...

Religion and christians are not what they used to be. If you disagree with them they want to tear you down and call names.

That is the opposite of what the nun's taught me, right before they pinched me hard when I questioned them. True story.

Keep being yourself Keith. You may lose a few hyps but you lose none of yourself respect.

Anonymous said...

Government without ethical values is like a religion without the same. There was a Gulag archipelago where ten million perished serving prison slave labor sentences without enough clothing and food rations in the cold winters of Siberia. All in the name of removing religion, Stalin's concentration camps. USSR bread lines around the block while a religious tolerant country had bread and a slices of meat for sandwiches by the billions.

You may hoard all the gold you want, inflation is coming. The price of real estate is not in an endless downward spiral.

Copper prices have doubled, coal, natural gas, and oil prices skyrocketing, your average vinyl siding aint as cheap as it used to be.

The houses of the rich and famous are getting more expensive to build, they will want to flaunt their riches in showing off their palaces.

Immigrants living ten or more in a small house, sending money back to the mother land.

Anti-immigrant laws on the books, unenforced. The round up of the CEO's of companies hiring illegals to convict them, fine them, and make them do community service, might put an end to illegal immigrants attending pilot school to learn how to crash jet liners.

Anonymous said...

Not Phoenix condos, not gold bars, but oil company stock is where your money ought to be, then one day you might load up your truck and move to Beverly...hills that is, swimming pools, movie stars, Texas tea, black gold.

Chinese oil barrons bought a Nigerian offshore field, pools of Sudanese crude, Kazahkstan sweet light crude. Not in gallon increments; they bought it wholesale, entire oil fields, millions of barrels.

The average oil speculator might do well to buy shares of companies owning giant fields on the NYSE or other exchange. The thing about oil, they are not making more of it and the half they have not used up is becoming more depleted as time goes on.