Uh, what the heck is going on back there? Talk about backfiring - these protests are going to finally wake up America to the problem it's politicians have refused to address.
Good god folks, 500,000 of 'em in LA alone? I'm starting to think that 8 Million number the government quotes is probably short by another 20 million or so? Well, I'll give them a break, as it's hard to count illegals - especially when you don't want anyone to know.
But alas, the bursting of the bubble. That's gonna cause a bit of trouble with this little angry beehive we now have on our shores. You think they're pissed now, wait until their jobs are all gone. Roofers? Dry Wallers? Foundation Pourers? Remodelers? Fence Builders? Goodbye. Not needed anymore.
Now will they go back home (probably not) or will they stay in the US and find money any way they can? (yup, you got it - see last week's posting on the crime rate about to soar)
Call me racist, that's the easy thing people do for anyone who brings this subject up or calls it like it is. But folks, we're (or used to be) a nation of laws. And millions of illegals from Mexico have broken our laws, yet our government has looked the other way, so that we could outsource our manual labor for cheap prices, businesses make more money (Republicans love) and the Hispanic vote turns out (Democrats love).
My solution? You got it, get tough. Immigration raids (hell, golden opportunity missed at that rally - should've cordoned them off and asked for papers right there). Send them home now. $100,000 fine for any business who hires an illegal, per instance. No US citizenship granted for anyone born to an illegal. And then encourage LEGAL, documented and orderly immigration from Mexico. Want to come here? Then get your documentation, pay our taxes, and enjoy. Until then, stay out or go home.
Los Angeles -- In a mobilization that far exceeded the expectations of organizers, hundreds of thousands of people rallied in downtown Los Angeles on Saturday to protest legislation in Congress that would tighten enforcement against undocumented immigrants and erect more walls along the southern border.
The Los Angeles Police Department said an estimated 500,000 people joined the peaceful demonstration, which culminated at City Hall just before noon. Organizers said they believe more than 1 million participated, showing the measure of opposition to legislation that would toughen criminal laws against illegal immigrants and the people who employ them.
March 26, 2006
Waaaaayyy more illegal Mexican immigrants here than we thought? 500,000 protest immigrant legislation
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Americans used to do construction at living wages. Then the greedy businesses figured out that they could pay illegals half the wages that Americans needed to survive. You see, illegals are willing to live 30 to a house and go on welfare. It's the same as outsourcing manufacturing to Cnetral America. They can afford to live on $2/day because they live in mud huts. So in order to compete, we have to either live 30 to a house or move into mud huts and wear rags. There's no such thing as a job Americans won't do as long as the pay is fair. Anyway, kiss the American middle class good-bye. We've been sold out by the Republicans and Democrats.
This is too much like the rioting North Africans in Paris. I was at the Honolulu DMV yesterday watching the protests on CNN while waiting in line. Watching them demand many things from the United States, I could hardly contain my disgust, even though I was in public.
Please fix your home country, where you are a citizen, and not an invading criminal. Mainlanders have their own way of doing things. Respect it or GO HOME!
FYI, in Mexico, one has to be a Mexican citizen to work there. If I worked there, I'd be thrown into prison! They also have laws against throwing a worker out of a job for no reason or for throwing a tenant out of an apartment for no reason. And we say Mexico is backwards compared to the US?! It's called basic quality of life (working, being able to pay the bills, not starving.)
I live in Phoenix.
I heard at work today , where most co workers of mine are illegal migrants.
....... you think you seen a parade? (Refering to the huge demonstration down town today)
You ain't seen nothing yet amigo. This place is ours !
There you are folks. They are here , and they are not leaving.
I think we have already past the point of no return. It would be an ugly mess to deport 15 or 25 million people ( or whatever the real number is ).
There are probably another 20 million people at least from all the latin american countries that would emigrate here tomorrow if they could. In their view the only problem is that it is too difficult to come across the border.
To those that defend legislation such as HR 4437 as patriotic I say to you that it is not patriotic to be racist. Some wrongly believe that this legislation will protect our nation from future terrorist attacks but the facts have proven that not one of the 911 hijackers crossed the US border with Mexico or wired money out of the US to help support their families.
As a concerned citizen I am just appalled at such mean spirited legislation. The simple truth is that we are all immigrants and immigrants have always been the source of our national identity.
You American are so clueless, and thats why i dont ever want to be an American. I will proudly wave my Mexican flag everyday in this country, thanks to the great freedom of speech rule. too easy, i pretty much walked across the border. why should I pay taxes here, i am not rich and my family is poor. Yes we are here to stay, and soon the rest of us will be here too. The rules here are too easy to break, too easy to cheat the system. my cousin needed welfare, so she gave birth to a beautiful American son. Thank you America for his education and living expenses. Thank you medicaid and the ob/gyn at the hospital who took care of her and gave her a cesearn. thank u social security. You racist Americans dont get it do you? you cant stop us now we already become too strong and you're spending all your money on iraq haha. the protest last few days shows we have political power too. Vive Mexico!
Let's drop a bomb on the next rally.
Problem solved.
Maybe not. Maybe that would cause a civil war in the US.
Oh yeah like the one we created in IRAQ.
I'm sure 500,000 protester are NOT all illegal immigrants. They are citizens, legal residents and illegal immigrants of all races who are very concerned about the proposed legislation.
That being said, I agree with a couple of things with the first poster, especially the fact (I'm 97% sure) that there is no job Americans won't do as long as the pay is fair.
Another point of agreement:
I do think it'll be far more effective and rewarding if they concentrate their efforts in "fixing" their countries, in making their countries a place where they can lead a "better life."
I mean psychologically speaking, if the US is no longer available as a convenient way of escaping a harsh conditions in one's home country, then don't you think that person is more likely to focus on tackling the problems, organizing and demanding social, political and economic changes from their government along the way?
Then again, how much of that are we doing it here in the US ourselves?
yes, very ironic that they will with great pride, organize, protest, and wave their mexican flags to fight for a better life in the United States, yet not do the same in their own country.
Radio Address by President Bush to the Nation
Saturday March 25, 10:06 am ET
WASHINGTON, March 25 /PRNewswire/ -- The following is a transcript of a radio address by President Bush to the Nation:
THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. On Monday, I will attend a naturalization ceremony here in Washington. It's always inspiring to watch a group of immigrants raise their hands and swear an oath to become citizens of the United States of America. These men and women follow in the footsteps of millions who've come to our shores seeking liberty and opportunity, and America is better off for their hard work and love of freedom.
America is a nation of immigrants, and we're also a nation of laws. And our immigration laws are in need of reform. So at Monday's ceremony, I will discuss my vision for comprehensive immigration reform that will secure our borders, improve enforcement of our immigration laws, and uphold our values.
Comprehensive immigration reform begins with securing our borders. Since I took office, we've increased funding for border security by 66 percent, and the Department of Homeland Security has caught and sent home nearly 6 million illegal immigrants. To improve security at the border, we're hiring thousands more Border Patrol agents. We're deploying new technology, like infrared cameras and unmanned aerial vehicles, to help our agents do their job. And we're installing physical barriers to entry, like fences in urban areas.
We're also working to end the unwise practice of catch-and-release. For decades, many illegal immigrants were released back into society soon after they were caught, because we did not have enough detention space. So we're adding more beds so we can hold the people we catch, and we're reducing the time it takes to send them back home. When illegal immigrants know they will be caught and sent home, they will be less likely to break the rules, and our immigration system will be more orderly and secure. We're making good progress, but we have much more work ahead, and we will not be satisfied until we have control of our border.
Comprehensive immigration reform also includes strengthening the enforcement of our laws in America's interior. Since I took office, we've increased funding for immigration enforcement by 42 percent. We're increasing the number of immigration enforcement agents and criminal investigators, enhancing work site enforcement, and going after smugglers and gang members and human traffickers.
Finally, comprehensive immigration reform requires a temporary worker program that will relieve pressure on our borders. This program would create a legal way to match willing foreign workers with willing American employers to fill jobs that Americans will not do. By reducing the number of people trying to sneak across the border, we would free up our law enforcement officers to focus on criminals and drug dealers and terrorists and others who mean us harm.
One thing the temporary worker program would not do is provide amnesty to those who are in our country illegally. I believe that granting amnesty would be unfair, because it would allow those who break the law to jump ahead of people who play by the rules and wait in the citizenship line. Amnesty would also be unwise, because it would encourage waves of illegal immigration, increase pressure on the border, and make it more difficult for law enforcement to focus on those who mean us harm. For the sake of justice and for the sake of border security, I firmly oppose amnesty.
In the coming days, the United States Senate plans to consider proposals on immigration reform. This is an emotional debate. America does not have to choose between being a welcoming society and being a lawful society. We can be both at the same time. As we debate the immigration issue, we must remember there are hard-working individuals, doing jobs that Americans will not do, who are contributing to the economic vitality of our country.
To keep the promise of America, we must enforce the laws of America. We must also ensure that immigrants assimilate into our society and learn our customs and values -- including the English language. By working together, we can meet our duty to fix our immigration system and deliver a bill that protects our country, upholds our laws, and makes our Nation proud.
Thank you for listening.
41 - thanks for posting. Here's HousingPanic's radio address transcript:
Fellow Americans
We're going to clean up our illegal immigration problem immediately problem by taking the following actions:
1) We're going to seek to expel every illegal immigrant out of our country by hiring 10,000 new immigration agents to patrol our cities, who will actively ask for documentation at any time from anyone in our country
2) We're going to enforce a $100,000 fine on all businesses or persons who hire any undocumented worker, at any time, per instance, effective immediately
3) No person shall gain US citizenship unless both of their parents are legal US residents at the time of their birth, and this is retroactive to 1985.
4) No person shall receive any benefit of the US government unless he or she is a legal US citizen or documented visitor
5) We're deploying the US military to our Northern and Southern borders, effective immediately, with shoot to kill orders
6) We've cut off all trade with Mexico, and and this blockade will stay in effect until we are satisfied with the Mexican government's protection of their border with the US. We also will reward the Mexican people and government with a $20 Billion per year aid package should they meet our border protection effort requirements
Thank you for listening. God Bless the United States. Gracias Amigos.
12:29:43 AM Anon:
If you are so proud to wave your flag of your home country, why not live there? Why praise a country that you do not wish to live in?
Do you admit you are a parasite? It sounds like it.
The Mexicans are quick to take to the streets to demand "justice" for themselves in America. How come they don't protest against their own Mexican government that stole all their money and bankrupted their country? When was the last time you saw people taking to the streets in Mexico City to demand an end to corruption there?
This used to be a blog about the housing bubble. What happened?
When was the last time you saw people taking to the streets in Mexico City to demand an end to corruption there?
They would be killed if they did that.
Let us form a new region consisting of 7 states: Arizona, Colorado, Utah, Arizona, Texas, New Mexico, and Nevada. The name of the new entity will be Aztlan. Any person in North America will be able to live there regardless of legal status( but only if they have hispanic origin).
I counted Arizona twice in the post for Aztlan. Replace one arizona with Idaho so that there will be a continuous land bridge from Canada to Mexico. Immigrants will be able to move freely across the US to Canada without having to enter the racist hate filled non-aztlan states.
Deploy the military/police. to the southern border with machine guns and "shoot to kill on sight" orders/
Grant amnesty to the vigilantes who shoot and kill illegal immigrants in Arizona.
They missed a great opportunity to round up at least 500,000 illegal immigrants on Sunday.
Living in the colored society of Florida I get tired of hearing of MExican pride, Cuban pride, etc. These illegal sissies walk around like they own the place yet they don't want to pay taxes and support a lawful society by driving with car insurance.
Soon to be the lower 45 (or 13?)
This talk of a guest worker program or amnesty, followed by increased enforcement, is such a sham. The gov't ALREADY DID THAT about 10 years ago. It didn't work.
The public fell for it once. Are we going to fall for it again?
so long as Mexico sells us oil we will not close the border...however as of last week Canterella oil field is in severe decline (like 20-50%) per year...won't be loing before they nationalize thier oil and shut off the sigout...and to the one poster who thought it was the housing blog site...it really is all connected my friend.
Every morning in Monmouth/Ocean NJ - Outside the 7-11s, dozens of Mexicans are waiting for construction trucks to pull up and offer them work. The police are also going to the 7-11 every morning for their coffee - why not ask a few of those Mexican solicitors to show a green card? This is a sick and scary situatation all over the US and I worry for our children.
Nice photo of those hundreds of pissed off Mexicans rampaging down the US streets... we'd be shot if we tried that on their side of the border!
I for one am sick of taking my son to his soccer practice at his own school and waiting for the 50 Mexicans to get off of their field. When they leave, they toss their trash on the ground, steal the kids bike and sweatshirts and treating the US like crap.
Am I a racist? No... but if that were my kid, I would smack his ass, make him pick up his garbage and turn the bike and sweatshirts into the police.
Values, pride and appreciation of your town. You don't get it from people that expect everything handed to them for free.
>> There you are folks. They are here, and they are not leaving.
Oh yes, they are going to be leaving. Haven't you heard? The concentration camps are ready all over the US - fully staffed, just waiting for the 1st arrivals.
Oh yes, it's going to be a beautiful thing.
As for fixing the US/Mexico border issue, it's simple: build a big wall. Then shoot them as they climb over. Then - and here's the key - throw the bodies back over. Problem solved.
I was driving on the 101 and saw all my AMIGOS waving their flags with excitement what a great day.
Then I saw a sign .
What a disaster that would be.
My lawn is long , my car is dirty, no fajitas, my house is dirty, who will do my addition, where is my plumber, no sewers at my wifes factory, no busboys at my bar.
My life is spinning out of control I almost crashed and then it hit me, a lot less traffic, a lot less graffiti, a lot less crime, the public schools are a lot better, health costs plunge.
F it I will do my own lawn and clean my car and house find a new bus boy and my wife will find new sewers.
The addition who cares .
How great is everything else, less crime, better schools, less traffic and affordable healthcare.
The illegals are criminals if they like it or not. I am an immigrant. Came to the country legally paid taxes from day one, worked the same jobs the Mexicans work.
They need to get the f out.
Viva mexico my ass go back and viva.
File your papers get a work permit and come back with legal status.
We do not need your SH T.
Go change the problems in your country before you totally F this country.
They are turning into Palistinians with this is my land sh t.
GO BACK and come back legal.
This is the perfect issue to drive Iraq-nam from the headlines prior to the 2006 elections. For the next 6 months this will be the issue to turn out the base for the republicans. Then after the elections absolutely nothing will be done because the corporations ( those who really run this country) like the cheap labor. Getting rid of the illegals would be bad for business, bad for housing, and bad for the stock market. They arent going anywhere, they will continue grow in number.
Didn't you hear that the Mexicans are having our border patrol shot?
...."Deploy the military/police. to the southern border with machine guns and "shoot to kill on sight" orders/...."
How about we relocate all of our federal prisions to the border lines. The yards will border the wall - then when the illegals come across the borded, they'll land into playtime with convicts.
To you "mixing pot" theory jerks - We have been here for generations and earned our citizenship. Of course we all immigrate...a long time ago.
If you support these illegals so strongly, go to the border and pass out free lunches while you're at it.
Build a wall. It's that simple.
I think they should spend 4 years in the military first before they become legal citizens, the government can teach them english, respect, a trade, and if they dont get their ass shot off in Iraq then they can become americans.
They can live in the barracks of all our military bases while protecting this country that they want to live in so bad.
Some of them may stay in the military as a carrer.
I own a construction company and pay top dollar for my labor. I hire no illegals. They are worthless. You get what you pay for
The crap work they do costs twice as much to fix it. They complain and try to sue you from their first day on the job.
1. build the wall
2.Repeal the law that grants foriegn citizens who have babies here the right to file for the babies citizenzship.
3. Allow a certain amount of foreigners to come to this country legally every year.
4. creat a law that makes illegals
5.send them back and charge their government for the costs
Immigration is great but illegal immigration is a crime.
When humans do stupid things like building the Panama Canal, they enable the introduction of foreign species into unfamiliar territory. This causes tens of thousand of local species to be destroyed (made extinct), and irreparably damages the ecosphere. The same thing happens when unrestrained immigration is allowed. When the poor can simply go where there is money and demand it, native cultures and economies are destroyed.
The United States should be pressuring Mexico to fix its utterly corrupt government, and provide for its own people. We cannot support fifty million Mexicans, which, of course, would multiply into a hundred million, then two-hundred, and so on, and neither the Mexican nor U.S. government should expect us to.
The simplest way to stop this mess is to prosecute employers who hire illegal immigrants, and to cut off all but emergency (humanitarian) aid to illegal immigrants.
Nearly 1/3 of violent criminals in the U.S. prison system are illegal aliens. The notion that all Mexicans are wonderful, sweet people just trying to provide for their families is spurious.
Our politicians have sold us out in return for slave labor (big with Republicans) and illegal votes (big with Democrats, who can't get elected without the votes of illegal immigrants and dead people).
I don't blame poor Mexicans for coming, but I do blame them for not overthrowing their tyranical leaders. If they invested half as much eneregy in re-claiming Mexico as they do in trying to escape it, they could transform it into a paradise.
When humans do stupid things like building the Panama Canal, they enable the introduction of foreign species into unfamiliar territory. This causes tens of thousand of local species to be destroyed (made extinct), and irreparably damages the ecosphere. The same thing happens when unrestrained immigration is allowed. When the poor can simply go where there is money and demand it, native cultures and economies are destroyed.
The United States should be pressuring Mexico to fix its utterly corrupt government, and provide for its own people. We cannot support fifty million Mexicans, which, of course, would multiply into a hundred million, then two-hundred, and so on, and neither the Mexican nor U.S. government should expect us to.
The simplest way to stop this mess is to prosecute employers who hire illegal immigrants, and to cut off all but emergency (humanitarian) aid to illegal immigrants.
Nearly 1/3 of violent criminals in the U.S. prison system are illegal aliens. The notion that all Mexicans are wonderful, sweet people just trying to provide for their families is spurious.
Our politicians have sold us out in return for slave labor (big with Republicans) and illegal votes (big with Democrats, who can't get elected without the votes of illegal immigrants and dead people).
I don't blame poor Mexicans for coming, but I do blame them for not overthrowing their tyranical leaders. If they invested half as much eneregy in re-claiming Mexico as they do in trying to escape it, they could transform it into a paradise.
Greedy open-borders businessmen want to use the illegal alien slave labor to enrich themselves and let the taxpayers take care of the education, healthcare and welfare of the illegals. Before we talk about shooting any illegals, let's start lynching the people who KNOWINGLY hire illegals.
When humans do stupid things like building the Panama Canal, they enable the introduction of foreign species into unfamiliar territory. This causes tens of thousand of local species to be destroyed (made extinct), and irreparably damages the ecosphere. The same thing happens when unrestrained immigration is allowed. When the poor can simply go where there is money and demand it, native cultures and economies are destroyed.
The United States should be pressuring Mexico to fix its utterly corrupt government, and provide for its own people. We cannot support fifty million Mexicans, which, of course, would multiply into a hundred million, then two-hundred, and so on, and neither the Mexican nor U.S. government should expect us to.
The simplest way to stop this mess is to prosecute employers who hire illegal immigrants, and to cut off all but emergency (humanitarian) aid to illegal immigrants.
Nearly 1/3 of violent criminals in the U.S. prison system are illegal aliens. The notion that all Mexicans are wonderful, sweet people just trying to provide for their families is spurious.
Our politicians have sold us out in return for slave labor (big with Republicans) and illegal votes (big with Democrats, who can't get elected without the votes of illegal immigrants and dead people).
I don't blame poor Mexicans for coming, but I do blame them for not overthrowing their tyranical leaders. If they invested half as much eneregy in re-claiming Mexico as they do in trying to escape it, they could transform it into a paradise.
Here, Here! I 100% agree with you!
I saw these rally's as a perfect opportunity for an INS raid if we are serious about this.
I will say I have trouble pinning you down on this site. Many times I whisper to myself "liberal", but then you go ahead and publish the hard truth like this. I guess that's why I keep coming back to the sight....
I also agree we need to fix this at the employer level who look the other way with obvious fake "ID's" and papers, and even cities such as Seattle who don't let the police ask immigration status.
I believe we should allow people in to fill needs to grow our economy and participate in the American dream, but we must do it in a way that people come in to fill a need and have right right infrastructure. I want government to stay out of health care, but we should not allow employers to take in people and not give them benefits so they put a burden on our emergency rooms. There should be a "deal" in which if you sponser a guest worker, you are providing the proper benefits and infrastructure for that person rather than relying on the "tyranny or the commons".
Don't you just love how the organizers always inflate the numbers. Like the "million man march...."
We can't support 100 million illegals in this country, the overpopulation of the US greatly concerns me. The first step should be to heavily fine businesses for employing illegals, but I believe that would have a fairly strong negative effect on our economy. If its bad for business, its not going to happen, IMHO. If the illegals became unemployable in this country, I doubt they would all rush back home. We would have 20 million people running around without jobs. Finally I doubt that 1/3 of violent prison population are illegals, but I'm too lazy to go look it up. I bet black violent offenders are a higher percentage and many black people take financial assistance. Should these facts be the basis to repatriate african-americans to their namesake continent of origin?
"Open borders are inevitable. Get used to it. "
If open borders are inevitable, then the end of the United States' glory days is also inevitable. Surveys say 50 million Mexican citizens want to move to the United States, and open borders would result in a gradual migration of all of them here. Do they really intend us to believe that none of these 50 million Mexicans will take any of our jobs? The US is only 300 million people; is our economy strong enough to absorb several millions of people who may be impoverished, unskilled, and will not pay for taxes? The health care system has already been foreshadowed to be overloaded by 2020; medicare and medicaid will be in shambles, physicians and nurses, of which there is already a shortage, will be burdened by not only having to take care of the ever growing elderly population and the poor, but now by a large illegal immigrant population who can't afford health care. Expect social security to be demolished, and there will be millions and millions more people on welfare. taxes will skyrocket; after all, somebody has to foot the bill for these inevitable millions of illegals, and that somebody is the rest of us. by 2050, we will be 50% hispanic country. I suppose once that happens, at least that will deter immigration influx from other countries, because they will no longer want to move here after our country becomes an impoverished extension of Mexico.
On a side note, just a warning to you all. One of my buddies got into an accident with an illegal who was driving without insurance. the illegal did not yield properly, and demolished his car. Let's just say it was quite the messy situation. Be careful, with millions of them driving without insurance, and some even without licenses, beware; it can happen to you too.
I'm very happy that people are finally seeing things my way! Perhaps the USA will pull out of this one!
Si, se puede!
by 2050, we will be 50% hispanic country.
That's is assuming an awful lot of fertilizer doesn't hit an awful lot of fans between now and then. I don't think your prediction can come to pass. The country would come apart well before then.
I think we will see 50% hispanic. All of the frenzy about the issue will settle down after the election. With a strong immigration crackdown a couple of million would go home at the most. I bet that nothing will happen, there will be no crackdown. Either way, they are here to stay.
50% by 2050? Nah...that's stretching a bit.
its supposed to be 25% by 2050.
check out this link
"Nearly 67 million people of Hispanic origin (who may be of any race) would be added to the nation’s population between 2000 and 2050. Their numbers are projected to grow from 35.6 million to 102.6 million, an increase of 188 percent. Their share of the nation’s population would nearly double, from 12.6 percent to 24.4 percent"
This is of course assuming that immigration policies stay the same. Thus 1 out out 4 by 2050 will be hispanic. So start learning spanish, cause they sure as hell dont feel like learning any english.
Opened Eyes said "Be self employed and rent, and taxes will be no problem at all.."
So you mean be a tax evader through hiding your income in self employment?
As far as renting, taxes raise the costs of the property, and long term you will pay it in rent. Otherwise, the supply of properties for rent will dry up. Sure, lots of people will lose there shirts when the housing bubble pops, but long term rents will converge with costs.
I work as nurse in an emergency room in LA county. The hospital i work at mainly caters to people of the poorer economic class, including illegal immgirants. I am fluent in Spanish (after all, i have to be), and i use it all the time. I really do care about all the people that truly need medical care, but the system is breaking down. Feels like nobody ever has insurance, and they come to the emergency room for any reason whatsoever, even if it is not an emergency. It is not worth the cost to taxpayers to pay Emergency medicine doctors as much as they make (around 200 bucks an hour)and have illegals who come in and waste their time for basic abdominal pain or headache that could be treated by your local general practitioner. And for you illegal supporters, you will somehow ratiolize that because they are poor and dont have access to general practitioner, they have no choice to but to go to the ER, where health care is virtually guaranteed. But one of these days you will be in a painful possibly life threatening situation, and you will find the ER overburdened and lacking in resources, and as a result, unable to provide you, the citizen taxpayer, with immediate quality health care.
It is a right wing fantasy that we could round up 8 million illegals and bus them all across the border in few years time, it will not happen that way, guaranteed. They are here to stay. The balkanization that might occur will follow from narrow minded racists who are scared of brown people speaking a language they cannot understand.
The balkanization that might occur will follow from narrow minded racists who are scared of brown people speaking a language they cannot understand.
No, it will happen because that is human nature. Or do you think nations & countries are just a thousand-years aberation?
Anonymous said...
"It is a right wing fantasy that we could round up 8 million illegals and bus them all across the border in few years time, it will not happen that way, guaranteed. They are here to stay. The balkanization that might occur will follow from narrow minded racists who are scared of brown people speaking a language they cannot understand."
This has nothing to do with the right-wing or "narrow minded racists who are scared of brown people speaking a language they cannot understand." It has to do with upholding the laws of the land and telling the people of ANOTHER NATION they cannot come in without being invited. Period. No other county on Earth allows foreigners to come and go as they please, creating chaos.
To raise the race card is typical of unintelligent individuals trying to demonize the opposition to avoid having to argue logically. Since the letter writer accuses those who oppose illegal immigration of being right-wing, I think it safe to assume the letter writer is left-wing. Is one wing on a plane better or more "fair" than the other? What a retard.
Citizens of this country should not be expected to provide jobs, education, health-care, and whatever else is needed to the citizens of another country who have illegally crossed the borders with the express intention of violating our laws, and "stealing" public services that we, not they, pay for. Mexico is supposed to take of its own citizens, not dump them on us, which is exactly what it is doing.
If you think illegal immigrants have a perfect right to come here and crowd our schools and hospitals at our expense, then you are possibly certifiably insane. What these people have is a moral obligation to not create life (children) they cannot support, and to stand up for their rights in their own country.
Illegal immigrants consistently vote in American elections (usually Democrat): a felony. They are demanding rights in a foreign country in which they have no rights in the first place.
All employers who hire illegal immigrants should be hugely fined, and thrown into prison. After a few hundred CEOs and others are prosecuted, perhaps corporate America and greedy Americans will stop looking for slave labor. Pretentious twits who want cheap maids and cheap gardners need to spend a few years in prison, too, to shake them out of their arrogance. They are perfectly capable of cleaning their own houses, and of mowing their own lawns. If not, they should be willing to pay the going rate for LEGAL maids and gardners.
Illegals who protest in the streets should be arrested and sent home. Our constitution doesn't protect them; on the contrary, it requires our government to protect US. These people have no more right to come in than strangers roving the streets have a right to enter ones home and treat is their own.
I suggest the politicians who turn a blind eye should also be prosecuted for failing to uphold the law. City councils that provide sanctuary to illegals should be prosecuted as well. Such polliticians are not heros or humanitarians, they are fools harming, of often endangering, everone else.
"These people have no more right to come in than strangers roving the streets have a right to enter ones home and treat is their own."
Please excuse the typo. This SHOULD read, "and treat IT AS their own." I didn't proof it.
I think a guest worker program with a covercharge per day of aceess would be appropriate. We still have the best party on earth going, and a cover is required. If you try to get into the club by going thru the kitchen you should be enjoined from doing so in the future. This isn't racist, this is a supply demand function. I was born in a DP camp "refugee for those of you younger ones" it took my parents a four year wait to get to the US. Why let gate crasher in. Everyone in the world wants a better life for themselves and their kids. Why do Mexicans think they are better than others
We all know that the very large numbers of illegals in this country poses a serious problem. I'm saying that the solution is not going to be the forced removal of 8 million people. It won't happen that way. The primary reason being that it will harm the employers of these people. They need the cheap labor. As for playing the race card, I'm really talking to the people on this thread who are talking about shooting illegals and dumping their bodies in Mexico. Totally sick racism. This is all bluster in advance of the Nov elections to rally the republican base. Nothing is going to change.
Anonymous said...
"We all know that the very large numbers of illegals in this country poses a serious problem. I'm saying that the solution is not going to be the forced removal of 8 million people. It won't happen that way. The primary reason being that it will harm the employers of these people. They need the cheap labor. As for playing the race card, I'm really talking to the people on this thread who are talking about shooting illegals and dumping their bodies in Mexico. Totally sick racism. This is all bluster in advance of the Nov elections to rally the republican base. Nothing is going to change."
What rubbish. You have no way of knowing the political affiliation of people making these statements. Keith, who started this post, is very liberal. To claim this is all bluster to rally the Republican base IS AN ASSUMPTION, not a fact. Again, you missed the point that a plane has two wings and cannot fly with one, and that, therefore, neither wing is better or more important than the other. Only the left wing (which can't see to the right) and the right wing (which can't see to the left) thinks it is superior.
I know many Republicans, and not one would ever dream of harming an illegal immigrant. I also have ultra-liberal Democrat friends who can't stand illegal immigrants.
Do not make assumptions based on your own narrow-minded view of reality. Democrats have encouraged illegal immigration for decades because, as I stated, illegal immigrants almost always vote (illegally, of course) Democrat. California voting officers are overwhelmed with the number of MEXICANS voting in California city, county, and state elections, and the Federal Government is overwhelmed by the number of MEXICANS voting in presidential elections.
Republican and Democratic politicians have a long history of violating the law to suit their own selfish ends. This time, they may be forced to uphold the laws, because the citizens are starting to sit up and take notice.
Why not merge with Mexico, Canada and Central America and make one big united states, with our government cleaning up the corrupt, and appointing new political leaders? It would be cheaper in the long run.
I think the Mexicans have something we can all learn from...
"as reported by Amnesty International
Mexican Immigration Policy for GUATEMALAN IMMIGRANTS
while Mexico cries foul on our immigration policies, lets look at how THEY handle illegal immigration from Guatemala to their south.....
The federalizes apprehend the immigrants at the boarder if possible, or shortly after the Guatemalans are trucked to the boarder in cattle trucks where the federalizes strip them naked, then beat them senseless and drag them back across the boarder.
When the federalies where questioned about this practice they responded , these peons need to be taught a lesson, how dare they violate our boarders. they have no rights here. and we can do what ever we want.
this practice has gone on for years despite the objections of Amnesty International and other human rights organizations there have been countless deaths and injuries associated with this inhumane treatment."
Forced removal is a joke. Do you really think we can get 8 million people packed up and moved out in short order? It just aint gonna happen. It is a fantasy. This is the issue that republicans will run on for the November congressional elections. After they kick the democrats ass again, the issue will be dropped.
Forced removal is not going to happen. It can only happen voluntarily, though we can give them a little push out the door. We give them each 4 months of amnesty, and afterwards any violators will be arrested and deported. Their arrest will be documented, and if they become repeat offenders, then they will be imprisoned.
Anonymous said...
"Our politicians have sold us out in return for slave labor...
I don't blame poor Mexicans for coming, but I do blame them for not overthrowing their tyranical leaders..."
Maybe you should take some of your own advice on overthrowing tyranical leaders?
Housing Panic - There Goes the Neighborhood...
Massive glut of homes???
Not if you are ANTICIPATING several million new inhabitants to be legally employed...
Anybody putting 2 and 2 together here?
A few thoughts:
"Nearly 1/3 of violent criminals in the U.S. prison system are illegal aliens." - I doubt the figure. But at the same time, I don't want to take time to research it.
I think Amnesty will send a wrong message to would-be legal immigrants. I immigrated to the US as a teenager, and my parents had waited for 8 years for their turn. I wonder how long the wait is nowadays. It's not fair to other people all over the world who are patiently waiting in line.
I'm very firm on that illegal immigration breeds abuse. Starting from human smuggling/trafficking to legal immigrants/citizens exploiting the illegal immigrants because of their illegal status. I've heard it's not uncommon in Chinese restaurants, and it helps to keep the prices low. Is that a good thing?
Illegal immigration definitely does not help their host country, but it doesn't help their home countries either. It's not an accident that Mexico (the biggest exporter of illegal immigrants, to the US anyway) remains corrupt with a majority of population poor. People look outward (i.e., the US) for their solutions rather than inward, thereby almost guaranteeing the root factors of their poverty to remain in place.
I immigrated from S. Korea in 1988. Some people envied, but I think more people saw us as a deserter/traitor (but too polite to show it). I've heard that it was much worse in the earlier times, when the country was going through rough economic and social transformations from the ashes of the Korean War.
They/we (identity crisis, I'm a Korean American citizen) pulled together, practically overthrew the dictatorship, brought free elections back, tried and imprisoned 2 former presidents (who were military generals), and achieved pretty amazing economic developments all the while. They've just achieved GDP per capita of $20,000 (just over 1/2 of that of the US), but they'd had a national health care system for over 10 years. Also, the disparity between the rich and the poor is much milder than in the US. (I'm frankly surprised that people here are not revolting against the "power" already)
Heck, they've recently forced a prime minister (No. 2 man) to resign, because he was found playing golf instead of working on the first day of rail workers strike. Even though it was a national holiday! Can someone even imagine asking Bush to step down for sitting on his ass for 6 days after Katrina hit?
I'm listing these things to show that it IS possible to transform a country. It's not easy. Thousands of people died or went to prison for it. But as a result, 48 million S. Koreans are benefiting from their struggle, including their own children and grandchildren.
If one country (there are other successful examples) in the world can do it and has done it, Mexico can do it too.
By the same token, we Americans can also pull together and put the country back on track (whatever it means to you) if we want to and are committed. Comments like "It's never gonna happen" or "Learn Spanish and get used to it" or "It's too late" or "We're done for" are not only helpful, but very possibly suck the last bit of enthusiasm from people and make them so.
It almost pains me to imagine so much intelligence and talent gathered in this blog disappearing in inaction. Am I taking it too personally or what? But isn't love of a country personal?
Anonymous 12:41:17 AM, stop baiting people. You’re a jerk.
Illegal immigrants are free riders in a social welfare state and as long as there’s a big enough difference btwn wage/benefits in the US and wage/benefits in their home country, they’ll keep coming. The only way that can be stopped is if US as a society cuts off their income and benefits. Bush’s guest worker program is just a way for greedy businessmen to arbitrage the difference to maximize their personal benefits.
I consider myself a liberal but there’s a lot of liberals out there with no concept of scarcity. They can’t realize that you can’t have both a sustainable social welfare state and an ever increasing population of 3rd world illegals. When the inevitable housing bubble burst recession hits, race relations (since too many idiots left and right associate illegal immigration with race) will get very very ugly, like it did in the 1930s.
Anonymous said:
"Maybe you should take some of your own advice on overthrowing tyranical leaders?"
We don't live in shacks while our government leaders live in luxury, and with a police force doing the bidding of the drug industry. We have it pretty good here, which is why miserable Mexicans want to come here. Don't try to turn the argument around, because doing so won't work. Illegal is illegal is illegal is illegal.
Anyone who knowingly hires illegal aliens should be shot on sight. That would put an end to the whole mess.
I'll summarize into english what the half mill illegal immigrants were protesting about:
Long live Mexico!
We deserve welfare and same rights as citizens!
How dare you ask us to pay taxes, we are citizens of Mexico!
F u, we dont want to learn English, it's time for you to learn Spanish!
We deserve free health care and benefits because we are poor!
We don't take Americans' jobs, if you let 50 million of us in, we still will only take shitty jobs, we promise!
We demand higher wages!
We deserve reform in this country even though we have no right to be here. We would ask for reform in our own country but that would take too much work.
May Mexicans one day reclaim the entire Southwest!
"If you don't trust gold, do you trust the logic of taking a beautiful pine tree, worth about $4,000 - $5,000, cutting it up, turning it into pulp and then paper, putting some ink on it and then calling it one billion dollars?"
Kenneth J. Gerbino
LOL. Let them all in? That's got to be the worst solution ever. 50 million impoverished, unskilled, and uneducated, leeching off our country. not only that, visitors from other countries will stay long after their visas expire, knowing full well that our policy is now NOT to enforce immigration laws. a massive number of extremist middle easterners (after all it is now the moral choice to just let everybody in no matter who you are) will flux into this country, and hold huge protests threatening a jihad upon anybody that is not Muslim. The economy will be in shambles after having to take care of millions and millions of uneducated nontaxpaying immigrants who refuse to learn english and are all put on welfare. Yeah let's just let everybody in no matter who they are, becuase we can't stop them. great idea.
There are 12 million illegals. If they live on average 12 per dwelling then there will be One million empty dwellings. This will be very good for bitter priced out renters. After we've loaded up 12 million people on cattle cars bound for Juarez, we can pass a law declaring black people illegal ( they had no visas when their ancestors came ). Then we will have more free houses to move into.
How about passing a law to make STUPID PEOPLE, like the one who wrote the above letter, illegal?
Being pissed by illegal immigrants does not make one a racist. It makes one a realist.
I don't know if we can send those here back, and it might be cruel to do so, but we can certainly stop more coming in.
Unfortunately, many Mexican-Americans are more obsessed with Mexico than with being Americans, and they threaten American politicians who speak of actually upholding the laws of this country.
If American employers were forced to pay illegals the same wages, plus benefits, they pay American workers, at least they would learn that evil is not an appreciated business model. Exploiting the poor has got to be one the lowest forms of human behavior, and believing in Jesus doesn't cancel the karmic penalty. Neither does making a death-bed confession.
In the meantime, our borders must to be closed to illegal immigrants (many poor Mexicans are embracing Islam, an extremely dangeroud turn of events), and English must be required in all public schools (bilingual education doesn't work, as California proves). This is not Mexico, and illegal immigrants shouldn't be permitted to treat it as their property, or to demand that we accomodate them and their culture. I think it telling that Spanish-speaking immigrants routinely cling to their ethnic customs and traditions, often refusing to learn English or to adapt to American behavior. My grandparents came here LEGALLY from Sweden, and the day they arrived they stopped speaking Swedish. But, then, they were grateful to be here, and had manners.
Jesus, Don Knotts died last week and you guys are talking about THIS garbage!
"Open borders is the only moral and intelligent choice. Why limit yourself and others? Do you think you are so special? You're not.
There is no "we". I have no solidarity with blacks, leftists, or evangelicals.
Let them all in. They are coming anyway. You cannot stop them."
I guess 'Opened Eyes' work as well as closed eyes when your head is firmly lodged up your a$$.
This is about illegal aliens of all races breaking the law. Don't let the slimy race pimping weasels use the race card
>> ...at least they would learn that evil is not an appreciated business model.
Sure it is! Just look at WalMart - they're doing GREAT!
Hey, Opened Eyes go f++ yourself.
Anon 8:32:00,
Anon 11:24:07,
It's SOOOOO obvious you're not an illegal. So why don't you just stop. It's embarrassing to see what you're doing.
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