Make up or post your best. Here's the first, from an HPer:
brokersleaveyoubroke said...
Question: Which of the following items does not belong with the rest?
A condo in Miami
Answer: Syphilis, it's the only one you can get rid of.
March 29, 2006
Here they come... the first (of many) housing bubble jokes (WARNING - DON'T READ REPLIES UNLESS YOU HAVE A SICK AND TWISTED SENSE OF HUMOR)
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How many Realtors does it take to screw in a light bulb?
They screw homebuyers; not lightbulbs.
A new low here, cause not one of these comments is funny, more child like in my opinion
A Realtor® closed a big deal and treated himself to a cruise. As he and a crowd were looking at a pack of hungry sharks circling he fell in (or was pushed). The horrified crowd stared in disbelief as he nonchalantly bobbed to the surface and calmly swam back to the ship. Onlookers gasped, but why didn't those voracious beasts attack? He replied, "professional courtesy."
Glad to see also that cowards have no compunctions about revealing their racist nature and profound lack of ability to tell the difference between national policy and hate speech.
Anonymous said...
"Why do they call camels the ships of the desert? Because they're full of Arab semen."
"Why don't they teach driver's education and sex education on the same day in Iraq? They don't want to wear out the camel."
Actually, I think these are funny. And guess what? Lightning isn't striking.
A litttle moderation please. I think there are many people who refer to this site because it isn't base. I like the idea of jokes, but keeping the vulgar posts here debasses your blog. I hope no one is turned away in disgust.
To lighten thigns up:
A Mexican and a real estate agent are standing on a street corner holding their will work for food signs. A rich Jew driving by stops and asks what each is willing to do for him and how much it will cost.
The real estate agent says he will accept a 6% commission on a trailer selling at $1 million. The Mexican says he can build a house and maintain the garden for under minimum wage. The Jew and the Mexican drive away together.
This is going nowhere. Keith may be facing his first post retraction.
yikes. this blog is getting wild.
Are there any hate speech laws that the owner of this blog has violated for Britain? It would just and deserving for Keith to get deported from Britain, just as he wants the forced removal of 12 million honest decent people from the USA.
free speech and what not ya ok , but keith, please! We understand what you tried to do, make a funny topic of the current houseing debate, but this is going in the wrong direction, please hit the delete key.
free speech and what not ya ok , but keith, please! We understand what you tried to do, make a funny topic of the current houseing debate, but this is going in the wrong direction, please hit the delete key.
How to report Keith to the British government for posting hate speech? I will laugh hard when he gets deported for racism and hate speech. Enjoy your deportation, Keith.
"It would just and deserving for Keith to get deported from Britain, just as he wants the forced removal of 12 million honest decent people from the USA."
What 12 million honest, decent people?" Those who violate our laws and abuse our system rather than fix their own back home?
read this---> No mercy now, no bail-out later
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard (Filed: 23/03/2006)
Oh so we should deport all 12 million and it is up to them to fix their own system. That is childish and stupid. We owe them. Why?
In 1954, a CIA-backed coup overthrew the democratically elected government of Guatemala and established a brutal military dictatorship in its place. Though the U.S. denied its participation at the time, the evidence is overwhelming, particularly since the Freedom of Information Act has made available many documents which leave little doubt of U.S. involvement. In early 1999, President Clinton even made an almost apology for the U.S. role in Guatemalan politics.
The coup resulted in 40 years of repression and the killing of over 200,000 Guatemalans.
dang - i come back to the site for a sec....and this is what I see? I am going back to Ben's blog.........HousingPanic has become idiotic
Without the Mexicans that are dubbed ' illegal' - that the gov secretly welcome- many industries would suffer tremendously.
here is something to laugh at (not)
Fed props up economy with TONS of new cash
According to Axis of Logic:
Three separate sources in the U.S. Treasury have told me that this week, the federal reserve ordered TWO TRILLION dollars to be printed! The U.S. Treasury is allegedly running printing presses 24/7 to accommodate that order. Treasury employees were specifically ORDERED not to talk about this to anyone because it could cause economic collapse.
Even worse, I was also told that the whole Immigration Amnesty Debate (especially the well-funded well-attended protests) was deliberately scheduled to take place now, to divert attention from this massive printing/devaluation of the U.S. Dollar. The feds allegedly figured that by the time anyone found out, they could smooth things over. They figured wrong. Surprise, boys, you've been exposed!
If you think they're printing this money to prop up the physical economy, think again.
might i add
Watch for Gold and silver to skyrocket in price within days as the world wises up and begins dumping the U.S. Dollar.
UPDATE: As of 9:05 AM this morning, Silver is at a ten year high and Gold is within a few dollars of a 25 year high. The U.S. Dollar is falling against all major world currencies. . More details as they become available.
"The coup resulted in 40 years of repression and the killing of over 200,000 Guatemalans."
Hate to tell you, but Guatemalia is not Mexico.
We don't owe Mexico squat.
Yes industries would suffer if our immigration laws were enforced. So what? Do you think it's good for businesses and cheap people to exploit the poor, paying them a fraction of what they would have to pay legal immigrants?
Of coure our politicians have chickened out. Republicans want big business to keep giving big money, and Democrats want illegal aliens to keep voting (illegally) Democrat. Until politicians are answerable to us, and not to special interests, nothing will change.
Forgive the typo. GUATEMALA is not Mexico.
Anonymous said...
"here is something to laugh at (not)
"Fed props up economy with TONS of new cash
"According to Axis of Logic:
"Three separate sources in the U.S. Treasury have told me that this week, the federal reserve ordered TWO TRILLION dollars to be printed! The U.S. Treasury is allegedly running printing presses 24/7 to accommodate that order. Treasury employees were specifically ORDERED not to talk about this to anyone because it could cause economic collapse.
"Even worse, I was also told that the whole Immigration Amnesty Debate (especially the well-funded well-attended protests) was deliberately scheduled to take place now, to divert attention from this massive printing/devaluation of the U.S. Dollar. The feds allegedly figured that by the time anyone found out, they could smooth things over. They figured wrong. Surprise, boys, you've been exposed!
"If you think they're printing this money to prop up the physical economy, think again."
And Now from Ben's Blog:
Comment by Robert Cote
2006-03-29 09:44:06
"Freakin’ idjit tinfoil hat thinking. The Fed doesn’t really -print- money. When you hear the people that understand this and they say “print money” they are using shorthand for injecting liquidity into the banking channels. When you hear somebody claim “The U.S. Treasury is allegedly running printing presses 24/7″ you can be sure they don’t have a clue and can be safely ignored."
I think the second comment is more credible. So what if metals are going up in price? People are always falling for the lastest whopper.
The main thing I don't like about Ben's blog is the "nesting" comments. Makes it hard to come back and read the same thread, and quickly see what's new. Appending comments one after the other to the bottom works better.
Unfortunately, this blog has a higher "Wingnut Factor".
How is this for a good laugh..
Buy stock in this blog
What's the address for Ben's Blog? I can't stand all the racism here.
Never mind found it. For anyone else disgusted with all the racism, it's at
I am going to delete this site from my favorites. This has become a right wing racist web site! Is this site linked to Shawn
What's the difference between a counterfeit dollar bill and a skinny real estate babe?
One's a phoney buck -
ANON 2:21 -
Is that you Sean Hannity???
I believe the UK has a hate speech law that is applicable to Keith. They do not have a similar 1st ammendment right like in the US. Now that he is in the UK on a work visa, he might want to consider that he is subject a different set of laws.
Notice that none of the other housing bubble sites have posted similar hateful content about the forced removal of 12 million Latinos. Keith, you need to follow UK law. Stop posting racist comments and apologize to your readers for your hateful comments.
I noticed you will delete reader comments that are sexual in nature and inappropriate, but you let stand those that are outrageously racist. That says a lot about your character.
Notice that none of the other housing bubble sites have posted similar hateful content about the forced removal of 12 million Latinos.
No one suggested any such thing. One suggestio is after due process that regardless of race or nationality that persons in the US illegally be deported at US expense.
Wow, racism by proxy, the UK certainly has some advanced legal theories. God save the Queen and all that bliff. Please explain how a blog operator can be held responsible for statements made by anonymous posters.
the stupidity of some of HP's readers is beyond comprehension
perhaps they'll go away and us smart people can continue our conversation
Keith, I agree with you on this one.
Oddly enough, I've heard remarks by Sean Hannity that IMO put him in the camp of the people who favor amnesty. Many years ago when he had a local radio show in Atlanta, he told about working in the construction trades and how much he respected the honesty, work ethic, and family orientation of most of the Mexican who traveled North to find jobs. He compared this to the laziness of many poor Americans who sit on their butts and watch TV.
The hottest building in Miami Beach has 40% of its units on the market
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