March 17, 2006

Dammit, I'm just as addicted to this site (and topic) as you all

OK, that retirement didn't last long. Call me Ali, or Clemens.

How could I walk away when one, I have a base of loyal readers (yup, even The Banker) that need their craving satisfied, and two, Bob Toll is out there shooting his damn mouth off again today.

Maybe I'll rebrand this HousingJijad. 'Cause that's what really gets me up in the morning - not the reporting of the bubble, but the bashing of the fraudsters and liars who are the puppetmasters of the bubble - Toll, Lereah, Greenspan, Bush, the flipper guy, your realtor, the appraiser, etc.

Someone has to try to take them down, and change the system. However sisyphusian that may be.

Do know that I'm going to step up the heat from here on out on the whole lot. And for those of you in the shrinking 36% who still approve of the amazing work this administration is doing, I'm going to really be going after them, and also the corrupt and ineffective Congress. One good thing that could come of the mess we're in today is some new blood in Congress in 2006. Note I didn't say "Democrat Takeover" - what I said is some new blood. The Democrats perhaps are even worse than the Republicans if that can be possible.

So throw the whole bought bunch out and start over, hopefully with some new ones that are not so indebted to the power lobby and instead are Clean Elections or $10 internet donation politicians. Hell, perhaps yours truly will come back one day and run. Someone's gotta step up the heat.

Here'd be my opening on the floor: "Fellow Congressmen and Women, what the f*ck have you been doing up here? How the f*ck did you allow this country's finances to spin so wickedly (I like that word now) out of control? Why the f*ck did you allow China to be our daddy?" Or something like that.

So anyway, I'm back, I'm addicted, and I'm pissed.

Bob Toll, you're mine.


Anonymous said...

Heh, knew it. I should get an identity on this blog so I can take credit for my predictions.

Anonymous said...

I'm confused?
Who's picture is that, Keith's? Bob Toll's?

Anonymous said...

I noticed you pulled off the blue ribbon post, What's up with that?

blogger said...

uk - actually, no, you can expect more opinion and speeches and blasting from HP. this will become more an activist blog - not just reporting, but holding feet to the fire and doing a small part to incite change

anon - blue ribbon is still there - scroll down

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you're back

Anonymous said...

good to see you were drunk in thinking you were leaving keith.

keep up the great work you do here..knowledge is power

Anonymous said...


Welcome back! How was your vacay?

Now get back to work! There are a lot of dirt bags to skewer and only 24 hrs. in a day.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you're hanging in there.

This really is as frustrating as watching internet stocks double and triple every couple of weeks back in 1999-2000. Right now we're the ones rending our garments at the seeming endlessness of this impossible situation, but we'll live to see a "March 2000" turning point by Memorial Day.

Anonymous said...

Hi Keith,

I have a friend who insists that in the next local, state, and federal elections, EVERYONE should vote against EVERY incumbent, regardless of political affiliation, ideology, etc. In other words, throw all of them out, and start over. This would so shock the newly elected politicians, they'd be terrified to follow in their predecessors' footsteps.

People need to stop voting for what is familiar, or for politicians who espouse their own views on hot-button issues, and simply start afresh. If the new crop of politicians turn out horrible, we'll throw them out, too.

Until politicians are answerable to us, and not to special interests, nothing will improve. So forget stem cell research, sexual morality, gay marriage, abortion rights, or government giveaways, and try something different. The old way hasn't accomplished anything worthwhile, and these boring issues are never resolved. One thing is certain, unless we get all new players, we will repeat the same mistakes forever.

Anonymous said...

WHOOPEE! The Blog continues! Check out that story on mortgage forclosures in USA today, MONEY Section.

Anonymous said...

this is great!

Anonymous said...

Glad you are back. I hope my vacation lasts a little longer than yours did this year.
Now, can we start by directing the New "Keith" Congress, to tell the Fed Reserve and its system, "You’re Fired"? Problem solved.

Anonymous said...

Holding that knob-polishing bimbo Noonan up as evidence of anything is pretty humorous.

Here's a little more blunt, straight into the heart of the matter commentary around the Noonan rats of the world scurrying off the ship:

Money quote:
Anyway, when a lifetime camp follower like Noonan edges away from the barracks, you know the garrison is surrounded.

Anonymous said...

don't let the screen door hit you... etc etc. :)

Maybe fox-news, LGF or some kook echo chamber site would provide more comfortable commentary and conclusions that are comforting to you.

Also I think over there they're still pretending that there are grownups in the R party, which can also provide some comforting fluff for those who share these beliefs.

former GOP voter

Anonymous said...


Keep up the good work. Just saw V for Vendetta. The movie was good, but not as good or as funny as your commentaries.

People need to wake up and see what is going on.

If you can make Bob Toll your Bichon Frise.. you will be my hero!

Anonymous said...

3/17/2006 CNBC TV commentator says.... Traders are dumping Real Estate to buy stocks !!!

Noticed an increase in trading volumes lately !!!

Anonymous said...

You got one thing right...the democrats ARE far worse than the Repubs. No 06' takeover either. What tool would see V for Vendetta? Portman is hot though, will give you that.

Anonymous said...

Dude -
Love, love, love your post.
You are SO gonna OWN Bob Toll.


How is Keith gonna own Bob Toll? Bob has large cash and doesn't even know some guy named Keith who sits in England bitching and moaning about expensive houses. Bob is chillin' on a mega yacht in somewhere. Keith is hitting on chicks in the UK with bad teeth. I'm there a law against selling stock? It is a market ladies...if you see Bob selling, maybe dont buy so soon, let it come off a bit.

Anonymous said...

i just moved here from CA (what a mess down there).......anyone have any insight on Seattle?


Anonymous said...

Cereal - I don't know whether to laught at you or feel sorry for you. What is the asking price for you house? Are the others the same?

Keith - Why are you blaming Democrats for this mess? They are not the ones who had the power for the past 8 years.

blogger said...

tooth - i'm not blaming dems - the blame is 99.999% republican's to take.

but, for an opposition party, the dems are disorganized, toothless and pathetic.

where's the leader? where's the outrage? where's the policy? where's the new ideas?

Time for a change. wish I could do it myself