I've seen enough.
The housing bubble has burst.
The Fed has admitted its error.
The leading bond economist predicts a "wicked" housing reversal.
Prices are falling.
The yield curve has inverted.
Inventory is exploding.
Builders are doing fire sales.
Our president's approval rating is at a historical low, and heading lower.
The Democrats are meaningless, directionless and pathetic.
We're in a war we can't win.
Iran is building a nuke and we can't do anything about it.
Bird flu is on the way.
We're China's poodle.
We created a Medicare/Medicaid/Social Security Ponzi scheme we can't fix.
We're 8 Trillion in Debt and heading higher.
Yet American's could care less - American Idol is on after all.
So, what's a blogger to do?
I quit.
Unless someone can convince me otherwise.
Thanks for reading all. Best of luck.
March 17, 2006
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It probably is easier to think it looks hopeless if you are still out of the country.
The 300,000,000 still stuck here have strong motivation to see things keep rolling.
YOu are my first blogg in my life and I love it. You are so fun and funny to read. Every day for 10 years I have gone to Rense.com first thing in the morning with my coffee. Now I come HERE first. We need the truth. Plus, you can really write and the research you find is great reading in one place! You are appreciated here in Orlando Florida. DOn't go. DON'T Blink...
Cheer up, Keith. At least you saw a lot of it coming.
You can't change people, only yourself. If people are happy doing what they're doing, that's about as much as one could hope for.
The world will not end because of us. No matter what we do, Nature is way bigger, and will always win in the end.
There will be another idiot president, and we'll all groan about him or her, too.
People will keep showing off, because that's how they compensate for inferiority complexes.
Ponzi schemes will continue forever.
Remember, the physical universe operates on the principle of polarity, without which, it would cease to exist, so it cannot be Utopian.
According to some economists, the amount of money in circulation in this country is almost exactly equal the amoung of debt: that is, money (with no material backing) is manufactured by the government out of thin air only when somebody or something borrows, and the apparent wealth of the nation is an illusion offset by the equally ethereal debt (since the money borrowed is without any real value). Zero sum. This also fits in with the polarity principle. You have wealth and anti-wealth, which appear identical, but one is something owned and the other is something owed. Most Americans function in the world of anti-wealth, but don't seem to grasp the difference. Poverty, or the absense of wealth, is something very different. It's the nothing in the very center between the two polarities.
Have a drink, and be happy, because you can't change Natural Law. You've kept us laughing with your great graphics and funny comments, so you are appreciated.
I am off to other blogs
See you on the other side!
Please stay.
And so the Housing Panic Blog steps into history. Thanks for the Memories!
But I would not underestimate the RE Industry or Bernanke who denies the Bubble.....
I would keep the Blog going until JUNE..... just to see the listings in the Northern part of the country balloon and then crash.
"We're in a war we can't win.". You are seriously, a numbnuts. A war we cant win...did you steal that from John Keryy? How do you explain how we CANT win the Iraq war? I have to hear this one. You have nothing to back up your gloom and doom, non-sense, left-wing crap. "Bird flue is coming" wow, you really have no clue. When will you join reality?
There is no way this is over. The story is just starting! Don't quit..take a break. My bet is that you'll be rejuvenated when the reality becomes evident even to the NAR!
Don't stop now, things are just getting interesting. I check your site everyday, great stuff.
I bet you don't quit.
Your work is far from over here. Take a week or so off and gather your thoughts. Then come back to the loyal readers that look forward to reading your work. I dont always agree with your politics but almost always agree with your message..
Wait Keith, only two articles back you were calling yourself "a very upbeat, positive, optimistic person". Now you're frustrated and quiting. Dude either get some new meds or fire up a bowl and get back to making this the awesome blog that it is!!
Wait Keith, just two articles back you were calling yourself "a very upbeat, positive, optimistic person."
Now you are frustrated and ready to quit?
Dude either change your meds or go smoke a bowl and get back to making this the awesome blog that it its.
Besides what the fuck would I ready everyday first thing when I get up in the morning?
I think Keith emotionally invested himself in this endeavor to the point where he lost some perspective.
It's a bubble. It will end. The question is how it will end.
The war in Iraq will end. Vietnam ended. We will leave and maybe Iraq holds it together, maybe it won't.
The "war on terror" isn't a war, it's a condition (like an STD). We have to deal with it. We will go on. This is new for the US, unlike countries like Israel. In short, it will come and go.
This administration will end, hopefully people will learn, and hopefully these tax cuts don't get permanently extended.
Globalization is happening, and in 25 years we'll have dealt with it.
The baby boomers are going to try and milk the ole cow to save their Social Security income, so we'll see what happens when the GOP tries to reduce entitlements.
There are plenty of good blogs out there on this subject. There were funny pictures, but Keith seemed to get bogged down on the negative side of things.
There is much to look forward to, but you need to know where to look. My 4 year old daughter's face does the trick for me.
I especially like the head-up-the-ass responses from some of the pro-Bush christian jihadists who respond to this site. I'm gonna miss their whacked out hubris.
I'm coming back to this site regularly to see if Keith needs a hit or two from his sarcastic addition. It aint that easy to quit...
Please stay until the population of Riverside exceeds the population of San Diego, not too much longer: http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/metro/20060316-9999-1n16pop.html
Please stay until the population of Riverside exceeds the population of San Diego, not too much longer: http://www.signonsandiego.com/ news/metro/ 20060316-9999-1n16pop.html
you are my first blog too :-)
Don't Quit!!!!!
People in our narcissistic society will only wake up and smell the coffee when a great amount of financial hardship comes there way...It's not that you failed.
There will be so much more enjoyment, satisfaction and humor to be had in the blood bath
It’s just getting interesting now....
Your Colorado Readers
W in 08'
Not now. As you can read the denial crowd is alive and well, another sign the demise is upon us.
And as for the moron who is dismissing bird flu,the 1918 spanish flu which killed 25 million humans, was avion flu.
You need to pick up a copy of "How to Stop Worrying and Love the Bubble"
Remember, the dot-coms looked pretty invincible too right up until the end.
I hope you stay.
Your suspicions about a housing crash are likely to come true. See it out to the end - don't quit now.
I missed "Peak Oil" in your list.
That's when the s**t really hits the fan.
keith when you say we cant win the war in iraq your being as short sided as when you tell people dont be a day trader. Think longer term then a day trader. Iraq i dont believe we should be there but to think we cant win is short sided. as for the real estate market i think areas like boise id, austin tx, oregon, seattle, maui hi, salt lake ut and more will still continue to go up up up up. real estate pros(cons) pumping and people feel the need to keep up with the' "jones". People would rather have a mortgage and have no vacation or savings, eat at mcdonald , kids in public schools then rent something they can afford. because most cannot really afford the house there buying at this point. So now they have huge mortgage,mcdonalds, high car payment, no savings, cc, no vacation, public schools, no college savings, bad teeth(no dentist), NOOOOO FREEEDOOM. enjoy.
keith when you say we cant win the war in iraq your being as short sided as when you tell people dont be a day trader. Think longer term then a day trader. Iraq i dont believe we should be there but to think we cant win is short sided. as for the real estate market i think areas like boise id, austin tx, oregon, seattle, maui hi, salt lake ut and more will still continue to go up up up up. real estate pros(cons) pumping and people feel the need to keep up with the' "jones". People would rather have a mortgage and have no vacation or savings, eat at mcdonald , kids in public schools then rent something they can afford. because most cannot really afford the house there buying at this point. So now they have huge mortgage,mcdonalds, high car payment, no savings, cc, no vacation, public schools, no college savings, bad teeth(no dentist), NOOOOO FREEEDOOM. enjoy.
Why quit when the fun is just starting? Doesn't make sense. We need you to document these moments into history (so it can never be repeated) and we can tell our grandchildren that we survived the Great Depression of the new millenium. It will be great fun, Really!
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