December 01, 2005

Fresno, CA: Realtors say there is a surplus of listings and they are not surprised by the slowdown.

It getting some kind of ugly!

When realtors tell the truth (pigs flying alert! pigs flying alert!) it's gotta be bad

But I'll miss 'em. And the mortgage brokers, and the title agencies, and the builders, and the ...

With the real estate market slowing, houses are taking longer to sell, buyers have more choices, and Kristine Sorrells is expanding her reach.

The Guarantee Real Estate agent still represents sellers, but she said she also is targeting first-time home buyers. Prices are leveling off, and families may actually have a chance to purchase their first home, she said.

"I'm redirecting my whole focus," she said. "First-time home buyers have so much more to look at."

The number of houses for sale has climbed dramatically in recent weeks, from 1,380 in November 2004 to 2,700 last month to 3,050 today. Real estate agents say many people, sensing values are peaking, have staked "for-sale" signs in their yards.


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