The good news for Obama? The bar is set low. Really, really low.
The bad news? George W. Bush, the GOP (and many of Obama's fellow Democrats in Congress) wrecked America, spent all the money and demoralized the nation.
Thanks to Bush's incompetence and corruption, Obama's got his work cut out for him.
But no matter your politics, I think you can be proud to be an American tonight. This was a race for the ages. And the better man, and better campaign, won.
November 05, 2008
HousingPANIC congratulates President-Elect Barack Hussein Obama on his historic win. America thankfully chose hope over fear.
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Must be pretty sad over at the Biltmore right now! BOO HOO HOO!
I voted for Ron Paul, but Obama is the better choice. At least the idiots picked the lesser of the evils this time around.
You really believe this but a corrupt media was responsible because without them he is still 1 of 100 but I hope he doesn't squander this opportunity otherwise it was for naught but I am going to bed and pray I wake up and it was all a dream
You guys are soooo decieved!
Obama was hand picked by the elite. Keep telling yourself that you got CHOOSE.
And it's not over until the court battles are over!
Curious how the incumbents are doing. Anyone have a listing? Kieth?
Yay! I don't have to pay for my mortgage and gasoline anymore
i voted third party. don't care that obama won. not really any difference from my perspective. but, i notice that it's okay to use his middle name now, huh keith?
Awesome stuff!!!
O-B-A-M-A our savior has arrived!!!
That's it. It's time to close Housing Panic and America Panic.
The Panic is over.
Thank you Keith.
Thank you Obama.
Thank you Oprah.
America can now get back to being America again because He is here to save us all.
It's disheartening to see America bounce from one incompetent party to the other, although as a conservative independent I can say that Bush, whom I never voted for, was a complete, fiscal disaster. We have been on a long downward slide to national bankruptcy, the credit boom of the late '90s notwithstanding. Bush helped accelerate the slide, Obama will finish off the job.
So congratulations to the new President of a nation that has never had a clue. And still doesn't.
A little humility would be nice Keith. Some of us are feeling pretty hurt right now.
Congrats to Obama from a disappointed Republican. The one silver lining I get from Obama's convincing victory is that this is dramatic evidence that we're not even close to being a racist country.
Cspan has a live stream from the Chicago rally here
"Yeah. We won. We won! We won!" What the f*ck did we win?
Hope over fear?
Denial over reality.
The real deal:
You bail out my Wall Street banks. You get your immigration bill.
Ding Ding!
Of course, the super majority did not want this. OK, time to shutdown HP. Mission accomplished.
Still up keefer? Until the banksters and criminal political element are hoisted up by their ivy league ties and run through with pikes their will be no recovery.
Coming up on 4am but I think the networks call it at 4:00:01
Otherwise I'll have to switch from caffeine to crack cocaine. Maybe Amy Winehouse has some for me
I'm not going to miss the speech in Chicago. It will be a moment in US history that will be played for the rest of time.
Not many moments like that in your lifetime.
please stick around and don't shut down HP. Not until Mozilo gets arrested.
Just a pinch Keith. Just a pinch.
Hope over fear? Fear is what gave control to the Dems.
It's offical. He's president elect.
SWEET! God Bless the new America.
I'm definitely not a happy guy tonight. Congrats to Obama for his historic accomplishment. I hope he finds a way to get us out of this mess we're all in.
The Democrats have definitely been given a mandate tonight. The Republicans failed miserably when given the same opportunity. I can only hope it turns out better this time.
McCain has been my guy since 2000 and it's very sad to see him lose. I blame the Republicans for destroying him 8 years ago and unwittingly dismantling him in '08.
Yes we did!
Now, please, everyone, let's get to work. This ship is still sinking.
I'll still never understand the 45% or so of Americans who don't see what I see
The best candidate won. And McCain and Palin and Rove and Hannity and Rush are over.
The people are taking back the United States.
It was a dark, dark eight years. It may still suck pretty good coming up because Bush and the GOP put us in such a deep hole. But I think you're witnessing America reinvent itself again.
The American brand, and the American promise, has just been renewed. The world will celebrate tomorrow. And they would have been sickened if McCain won. That should tell you something.
I can't wait for this speech.
Florida went to Obama.
"...What the f*ck did we win?.."
Isn't it obvious? The best Bag Man to hand the blame to for all that is coming.
He was already being blamed months ago; a half-year before he took office.
I knew it, McCain was for Obama all along. That's why he couldn't be himself for one single minute, and picked Sarah Palin as a sub-conscience, almost conscience way to throw the election.
He gave a great speech, praising Obama, and putting his hands up at the preppy 'boos'.
For the first time, he is being himself.
ummmm, they chose a fairy tale over the truth.
obama's team noted that they had to start reducing the expectations over the next few weeks.
so obama could be no better then Lereah.
God, those are scary white people that voted for McCain.
FLA turns blue, and I am pink with delight!
Free housing
Free gas
Free Groceries
Free cigarettes
Free medical
Free everything
Thank you Mr Obama
Welcome to USA the welfare state...
Obama Elected.
Nikkei plunges 200 points.....
Good riddance keith. Nice blog, but the politics were a bit too much. Nice to know my children will grow up in a socialist nation. Perhaps I'll move to Australia.
RE: I'll still never understand the 45% or so of Americans who don't see what I see
Unfortunately, that is the problem. America has become so polarized (and split almost down the middle) with each side intolerant of the other and unwilling to work things out that we all lose, regardless of who wins the elections.
One of the candidates said something about "disagreeing without being disagreeable", which I hope is the direction we move in. People are neither bad or stupid for having different opinions. I'll give Obama a chance.
P.S. I'm not a registered Democrat or Republican
Great blog. It's too bad more people weren't turned on to this earlier.
The German movie parody was an awesome farewell YouTube video.
How 'bout this for a final farewell poll question:
"Now that we know who is president, will Americans be better off in four years?"
a) Yes
b) No
c) Hell No.
China, Venezuela, Russia prepare to stuff Obama into a locker and steal his lunch money on the world playground.
My country is finally color blind.
Good riddance keith. Nice blog, but the politics were a bit too much. Nice to know my children will grow up in a socialist nation. Perhaps I'll move to Australia.
yeah,dood idea. Australia is just so much better. Don't hang around for your socialist security check. More money for the rest of us.
The really sad thing is that the Colbert Report and Daily Show won't be nearly as funny without the GOP to kick around.
I apologize to the World that
48 percent of the vote went
to McCain-Playin.
Thanks for everything Keith.
Because I waited I can now get a 500k 1BR condo in Seattle for 450k.
Thank God prices are back to normal now.
keith, i know that you've been living as an expat trying hard to wash out the stench of being american for years now, but, to hell with the opinion of the "world," by which you mainly mean europe. i don't care what they think. maybe they ought to take care of the messes in their own backyard before they pass judgement on us.
China alreay making the US its Bitch......
From Bloomberg--------
China has also led emerging economies in sending the message that the U.S. and other rich nations are mainly responsible for coming up with a solution to climate change. The Asian nation is seeking to gradually shift its energy structure without sacrificing economic growth and has called on the U.S. and Europe to step up with financing and technology.
"Yo, bitch, you all is responsible for global warming, bitch. You fix it bitch, we can pollute as much as we like......
And after you get me that beer, bitch, you all need to come up with some coin to build up our infrastructure......
and hand over that high technology.......
casa de dolor - who said your country is color-blind? in exit polls a significant percentage said that race was a consideration - and that group overwhelmingly voted obama. massive numbers of african americans who have never voted, registered and lined up to vote today - solely because they wanted to vote for an african american. the vote breakdown by race is going to be somewhere along the lines of 95+% of african american vote to obama. no ethnic group is that monolithic in it's politics. don't for a minute think that race isn't a huge factor. just because enough white votes proved color-blind does not make this whole country color-blind. the sooner we realize the racism is harmful when practiced in all directions, the sooner we can really grow.
Are you going to shut down your hot dog stand now (housingpanic)?
5:30am.. and now I get to go to bed
That was amazing.
Today was a great day for America.
"The people are taking back the United States."
Which people? If we were taking back the United States we would have elected a candidate that adheres to the Constitution.
"It was a dark, dark eight years. It may still suck pretty good coming up because Bush and the GOP put us in such a deep hole.'
"But I think you're witnessing America reinvent itself again."
"The American brand, and the American promise, has just been renewed. The world will celebrate tomorrow."
What's to celebrate? Another rigged election. You are getting another insider sold to the public as an outsider.
"And they would have been sickened if McCain won. That should tell you something."
McCain or big dog and pony show. We will not pull out of Iraq. We will not return to the constitutional landmarks.
This was a cathartic for the african-american population. I'm glad they are able to throw off the shackles of the past.
As far as who should be President, we got what we deserved. The people lost this election a long time ago when we were limited to the choice of one of two insiders.
I would have been very happy to vote for Alan Keyes. He like Ron Paul would never have been allowed to get past the primaries.
"obama's team noted that they had to start reducing the expectations over the next few weeks."
Shutting down HP? He he...
"The best candidate won. And McCain and Palin and Rove and Hannity and Rush are over."
You are nuts! Their ratings will be higher than ever. Do you not remember the Clinton era?
You are really losing it kweefer.
Wait until everyone finds out that
the Corporations control America . Until we get rid of the lobbying system you are not going to get a government that will be able to make intelligent decisions .
Yes we did!!!
48 vs 52. Wasn't that the same ratio back in 2004 between Kerry and Bush? (I voted Badnarik) Weird. History doesn't repeat itself, but it certainly rhymes.
I am so happy. God bless Frank from Scottsdale.
Why do I get that hollow feeling that I'm about to be cut off from my daily dose of vitamin HP?
Thanks Keith, from the bottom of my heart.
After Obama imposes a Federal Equity tax to redistrubute the wealth that is all we wil all have.
This was not a choice for hope. It was a choice for wealth redistribution and government handouts.
The fact that the Democrats failed to reach 60 seats in the Senate is the only thing that will prevent us from becoming the Union of Soviet-American Republics.
There has never been another time in history where people have come into the streets to celebrate someone winning a presidency. I am so very proud of him his family and his supporters. Screw everybody else. Perhaps this is proof the reason alot of people didn't vote was because there was nothing to vote for and that is why corruption in Washington is so rampant people just didn't care. All I can say is RIGHT ON OBAMA, and may your presidency be blessed with good decisions and a country that will be healed and ignore all the HATERS and there are many. Any one that put up with the SHIT you put up with and did not let it hold you down and sour you and you with stood the test and came out a winner. CONGRADULATIONS
We kicked them to the curb.
What a great day for America!
Thanks Keith.
Today we can all be proud Americans again.
bar is set low?
hardly. obama has huge expectations. look at the worldwide coverage.
I worry the expectations are too high. no matter what, he may only be able to disappoint.
first he has to get busy getting us all hooked up with free gas and cover our mortgages.
who was the last black prime minister in the UK?
last black president of France? Germany? Italy? Sweden?
And to think they would have looked down on us if we didn't elect obama.
f'in eurotards
Good riddance keith. Nice blog, but the politics were a bit too much. Nice to know my children will grow up in a socialist nation. Perhaps I'll move to Australia.
let's hope it is just socialism.
I worry about what obama has in store with his proposed national security force.
news is that in some districts in PA the polling machines came pre-loaded with votes for obama.
anonymous said...
Obama Elected.
Nikkei plunges 200 points.....
November 05, 2008 4:36 AM
Nikkei is up over 400 for the day. You really are a stupid f@#k.
I didn't vote for Obama so this is a personal observation.
200 points on the Nikkei is a rounding error these days.
It's a pleasure trading against people like you.
I'll still never understand the 45% or so of Americans who don't see what I see
I look but I see very little substance there. Great author (at a minimum co-author).
I see a lot of bitterness and hate on the left, even in victory. very sad.
I fear they will turn obama into being more polarizing than the clintons.
they are already pushing the fairness doctrine. open ballots for union voting. civilian security force (perhaps they can wear arm bandannas with knee high boots).
The posters of obama done in the central america communist\revolutionary style freak me out a bit.
Great! Now maybe Keith will stop calling America racist, you santimonious jerk!
"The people are taking back the United States."
Keith, you are getting tired. Go get some sleep.
the better campaign won.
not sure about the man.
almost 60 million votes for obama. that is about $10 per vote, isn't it?
" upthecreek said...
Free housing
Free gas
Free Groceries
Free cigarettes
Free medical
Free everything
Thank you Mr Obama
Welcome to USA the welfare state...
upthecreek, you should really stop smoking that stuff
Yes we can!
re-elect most incumbents.
way to go two party sheeple.
Savior? I am going to throw up
from some ap article:
In the park crowd was Lisa Boone, 42, of Chicago, who said she burst into tears earlier in the day pondering what an Obama victory would mean.
burst into tears? what the hell was she pondering? free gas? obama paying her mortgage? everyone gathering around singing kumbaya?
these are some emotionally unstable people....
i just don't see what 51% of the population sees.
i saw two loser candidates running for the top office. one loser won, the other loser lost.
the better man, and better campaign, won.
but, i notice that it's okay to use his middle name now, huh keith?
In response to this 1 brain cell request. I guess your the charcter that will play the 2008 version (dumb a$$) of Mice and Men... Huh George? George is my Friend...Right Goerge? Where did he go George ? Where did he go? Duh!!!! Remember Barack won because George screwed us!!!!!
Bush should have a shortest presidential pardon list as almost no one has been ever convicted on his watch.
Whoopee, the new captain of the Titanic! Hope he is good at organizing those lifeboats....
panicearly said...
Bush should have a shortest presidential pardon list as almost no one has been ever convicted on his watch.
Ummm... you don't have to be convicted or even indicted of anything to receive a presidential pardon. Get a clue!
Keith, I respectfully disagree. I think the American people voted for fear and not hope, and that a decade from now, when we see the levels of indebtedness and capitalist destruction that he has brought upon us, then we will indeed be all very fearful of the future hole that he has dug us further into. God bless the man for overcoming racial issues and becoming president, but God bless America more with hopes we can survive the socialist financial fiasco that we are about to get thrust into.
Many of the House and Senate incumbents who voted for the bailout won reelection. Notably, E. Dole, who voted against the bailout, lost her reelection.
My House rep--who voted for the bailout--won by a landslide.
I have absolutely no confidence in the American political system. Someone with integrity, like Ron Paul, will never win. Our only choices are shills for the corporations. Unfortunately, the public loves them and the crap they are fed from the media.
But America will implode and the next election will be decided by bullets and not ballots.
Thanks Keith. Great blog. It's been fun.
United Apes of America.
So we come to 2012 with a Hussein in Office. Bodes well.
tim73 said...
"Whoopee, the new captain of the Titanic! Hope he is good at organizing those lifeboats..."
Exactly, Tim. Does anyone here think that Keith (former Ron Paul supporter) really agrees with Obama's socialist agenda? Of course not!
He has been very clever here in his somewhat bewildering support of the Manchurian candidate, but I am on to him.
Keith, you seem to agree with me and Peter Schiff. Since the country is going down the $h!tter anyway during the next four years, why not let Obama's big government philosophy take the heat for it? Whichever party is in power during these next four years is in deep kimchi; therefore the Democrats are doomed from 2012 (possibly 2010) going forward.
You've done your part, Keith. Your fake support for the Obomunist has helped him win the election. You can stop pretending now that you actually agree with this central planning, big government, warmonger.
Finally the democrats will maybe shut the fuck up!
No we can get "Don't blame me I voted for McCain" and "Obamanation" bumper stickers! Be obnoxious and uninformed about everything and just say 'He's stupid' and make other intelligent comments!
Can't wait for these 'tax cut' to never happen.
Nothing has changed Keith.
No Thing...
Enjoy the die off.
And I thought your were resigning today...
Remember remember the 5th of November...
Good grief.
Now the selected Bush/Cheny Empire has been defeated,the Zen Master said to the little boy. "We'll see."
(Quote from a true story called
Charlie Wilson's War)
One of the very best movies ever made. With special thanks to Mr.Tom Hanks, Mrs.Julia Robert and Mr.Philip Seymour Hoffman for an outstanding performance.
LOL, u f-ing idiot. Obie is an insider no different then Bush and the other elite reps. You are either a change agent or too stupid to be called human to think Obie was a victory for anything, or a change for good. It'll be a change alright, thanks to the millions of idiot Americans, especially the dumb white youth, we will have horrors upon horrors for rest of all our lives.
I never thought the human condition could fall for a collective losing of the mind. People will now be destroyed as a result of their insanity and lack of knowledge and selfishness. And likely the blacks will get it the most.
Proof positive of large numbers of stupid people...(i.e. white trash, illegals, hip hop wannabees, libs, dems, Hollywood freaks, Oprah Klingons and the weak minded) voting!
What the Hell are you going to do when Obama doesn't pay your mortgage or pay for your gas???
You lemmings could be driven off a cliff for a false promise from a false doctrine from a false messiah!
nice to see that democrats are bad winners as well as sore losers. keep thinking that voting for one candidate versus another means anything. keep thinking that your interests will be guarded. why do you think that obama received even more contributions from big business than mccain? because he's going to shaft them in your favor?
same crap, new packaging. you'll see.
for decades both parties have been actively engaged in the creation of a massive government on your dime. big money is always represented and always protected. false promises to protect or help the poor or the working class or the middle class are a distraction. gay marriage, abortion, and family values are a distraction. the parties need you to be all worked up about class warfare and culture wars so that you don't wake up and see where the money trail really ends.
the middle class has been and will continue to be squeezed because we can neither buy a candidate or threaten to riot in the streets.
partisanship leads to stupidity. it's like rooting for one sports team over another without respect to management or performance. people vote dem or rep because that's how they've defined themselves just like they define themselves as yankee fans or cub fans. the parties and the powers behind the throne want you to keep rooting for your home team. unconditional brand loyalty precludes the need for real positions and real actions. you think it's us against them so you don't notice that they've both screwed america.
as foretold, factionalism is bringing about the demise of our republic.
Bush and co. wrecked America - and what they haven't broken they're going to loot on their way out, and give to their pals. What a bunch of cynical crooks.
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