Remember all the trolls for the past couple of years that doubted this day would come? Once again, should have listened. We told you what would happen, and then it happened.
But oh, what a mess he'll have on his hands. Thank you Republicans. Thank you Democrats. You took the REIC's money, and f*cked America.
November 01, 2008
Special HP open thread to talk about the Obama landslide victory, and what it means for America and the world
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He aint won yet. Get out there and vote you lazy bastards.
Hey man,quit f*cking with the time machine or you might screw up the election results!
-The Management
Does this mean I no longer have to pretend to be Canadian when traveling abroad ?
DO NOT count your chickens before they are hatched.
Remember how corrupt, dishonest, hateful and desperate the GOP is and act accordingly.
Bring a baseball bat if necessary.
VOTE for Obama! Do Not sit on your ASS on Nov. 4th No Matter What.
This is the greatest moment in American history.
This is where we turn the corner and embrace fairness, hope and change. America has been held back by that antiquated document, the Constitution for too long. It might have made sense back in the day when America was just farmers and red indians but now it's time for a transformation.
He is a rising sun shining down on that shining city on a hill that is America.
He will bring us peace and prosperity and hope for the future.
He is our savior.
He is O-B-A-M-A.
Taxes, taxes and taxes. Government increases it's lead as the America's largest employer as entrepeneurs will be crowded out by crony zombie companies. Tax the job creators and provide fiscal stimuli to poor. Hello Argentina.
Obama's landslide victory is proof that you can fool some of the people all of the time. All it takes is a smooth-talking con artist backed up by the most biased press in history.
A lot of you argue that the media (except for radio and Fox News) is in the bag for Obama, and that is indeed the case.
Now why is that?
Serious question.
The Obama campaign leads by better than 23-1 in newspaper endorsements from dailies and weeklies, based on our tally so far. But the Democratic ticket has an even more impressive lead when it comes to college newspapers -- 63 to 1, according to UWIRE's Presidential Endorsement Scorecard
A lot of you argue that the media (except for radio and Fox News) is in the bag for Obama, and that is indeed the case.
Now why is that?
Serious question.
If America had a free press it might mean something.
America does not have a free press so that means Obama is the chosen one. He is the new brand of corporate fascism because the people have grown tired of the Bush brand of corporate fascism.
You know, no matter what happens I am still proud that the damn ultra-conservatives have finally been spanked. The big babies can't get their way no matter what anymore! But I'm hoping for a real victory will be they poop in their diapers! Wouldn't it be sweet!
I am ready to turn in my guns, accept my government check, and get a barcode tattooed on my wrist that I use to pay for goods and services.
Yeah Jim 10:11,
You looser. You still want more beating he. Bush was not enough.
Yeah, come on you racist bastasts. We want McCain to start WWIII. Come on you freaking racist loosers. Not even all the shit that's going on will change you. You bastards. You are the reason the US is in ruins.
I still don't discount the ultra-conservative cheating machine. They took it in 2000, 2004, and am not surprise if they take it in 2008.
What's Obama gonna do. Another revolution????
Yeah, maybe that is what we need. Spank those racist supremacist bastards. I'm down.
Landslide my ASS!
If 'he' is your savior,
You are a sadly mislead, lead astray, lost soul!
He was on NBC tonite. Seems tired. Looked like he's aged 10 years since he was nominated. Was trying not to complain about just being a regular person anymore.Life in a bubble. Not being able to just go in a store and buy something, but having to send someone to get it. Tired of all the media. No privacy.
Maybe he didn't realize the misery index of all of this.
Maybe he will get elected and can just sleep for a week.
Landslide victory and he realizes he doesn't really want it after all.
Sounds like a movie.
Fuck Voting ya Morons.
The Sock puppet against the inflated Condom. Whatever.
The Chimp Bush trashed the Idea of America while saying how much he loved it.
The Chimp McCain is the same.
Obamma bucks,and food stamps for everyone ,and the poe folk still dumb.
.McCrap vs McDonalds
McCrack-vs-Barak on crack.
Condoms,KFC,and VD- VS- Global thermo Nuclear War.
Falty Education vs I cants read nohow nay damn way.
Gimme mo money VS Oh ,we're sorry about your losses.
Realism =Racism VS Realism = terrorism
Take your choice,and be good little voters.
The Voter/Taxpayer is responsible for his situation.
Not Barak,not McShame,Not Mozillo,Not Martha,not Boosh,Not Clinton.
Barak will be partying on for 4-8 years,and you'all have volunteered to pay for it.Boosh Partied,hobnobbed,and wiped out a couple of countries,and before that hobbed nobbed with the Playboy himself Bill Clinton(You Go BILL!!!) who himself regulated entrapenuers to death,and pulled off the grand dissappearing act of soc.sec.Bunny.Then put a moritorium on Private property.
Bill was cool YO!!!I few yo pangs babee ooh poopooo baby votah.
If this beez to damn rassissm fo yall -good,you cant read anyway,and McCock all up in ya will win for that very reason.
Prediction-The POE,inna Citah peepoe will will demand new ballots because the arrangement of th names was skeweed so that the illiterate elctorate would guess at who's name was first or second on the ballot ,which skrews up fair voting cuz all the retards that vote juss know Barak's name is foost cuz he be the Messiah-n-shit.McCumbubble is drooling at the strategy.
Smart people don't vote,they get in on the fleecing of taxpayers,and voters.
keith said...
"A lot of you argue that the media (except for radio and Fox News) is in the bag for Obama, and that is indeed the case.
Now why is that?
Serious question."
As a preliminary matter, are you agreeing that the media is in the bag for Obama? If so, that (in and of itself), should speaks volumes to you, as I cannot recall the media ever having supported a worthy candidate in my life. Do you recall how hard and long the mainstream media pushed George W. Bush on us in 2000, while all but disregarding Al Gore?
In any event, the answer to your question is simple, Keith. The corporate elite (who control both of these candidates by the way -- hate to burst your bubble) have now sensed that the sheeple are getting restless. The last two elections were stolen to achieve the neocon agenda, and now the corporate elite realize that they may have gone a WEE bit too far. A U-turn is in order. The sheeple are getting anxious, the economy is collapsing, a stampede could be imminent.
Enter Dar Komisar Obama.
And so the same fawning schmucks who spent an entire election cycle praising the utterly incompetent and unaccomplished George W. Bush (yes, I'm talking to you, Chris Matthews) and practically danced a jig the night the Court handed him a victory in 2000 are now pushing Obama on us hard to keep alive the myth that we still live in a *democracy*, that the electoral system still *works*, that the *will* of the people is being respected.
Now, everyone on this board agrees that Americans can't take another day of Bush. But here's the problem: that doesn't mean the sheeple are willing to take any old hack that the DNC sets in front of them or that the media crowns. And by any reasonable measure, a man who only polls at 50% or below in what are without question the best possible circumstances for a Democratic candidate in American history is simply NOT the people's choice.
Something else is going on here, but you probably don't want to acknowledge it. America does not love Obama. Rabid, crazed kids love Obama. Black people love Obama. Wealthy, guilty liberals love Obama. The media loves Obama.
Everyone else is wary of him or hates him. They are suspicious of his Reverend Wright associations. They don't pay much attention to Ayers and Pfleger and the Khalidi tape, but they have a gut sense that something is amiss. Where there's smoke, there's fire. The can't connect with him on a visceral level because he strikes them as cold and aloof, despite his ability to fill stadiums. They're not sure if he was actually born in the United States. They wonder if he really is a Muslim (and the slip in the Stephanopoulos interview definitely did not put their minds at ease). And now they worry that he is going to try to spread around what little wealth they have left.
And that, my friend, is the problem. There are too many red flags about Obama to put him over the hump to an easy victory.
And so the media has now set to work in convincing the other 50% to fall in love with Obama. But it's not working. Because no matter how many infomercials he runs or fireworks he lights or Greek stages he rents, he will always be a less-than-50-percenter in a year in which he should have a 20+ point lead.
So, my dear Keith, that is why the media has to whore itself so hard and deeply for Obama. Because without their tireless assistance this hack would probably plummet to 30%. And McCain would win.
And the sheeple would doubt that a Democrat could ever win, and then they would start getting all sorts of other dangerous thoughts in their heads. And before you know it, you've got problems. Nothing spells trouble like 300 million angry cattle ready to stampede.
It's not that the sheeple WANT McCain. They desperately want a Democrat; but not Obama.
Yes, Obama will probably win, thanks to the media and the unique brand of fraud and corruption that he honed for years in Chicago, in addition to the dubious voting registration requirements in OH that now allow a homeless person to register using a park bench as a place of residence.
But it's going to be close, Keith. It isn't going to be a landslide. My gut tells me these polls are WAY off. Obama's 5 point lead is just outside the margin of error, there are as many as 8% undecideds in the battleground states, and although you may have forgotten that Obama is black, a good chunk of folks in OH, PA and FL have not. The Bradley/Wilder Effect is still in effect. Count on it.
And you have to ask yourself how and why someone who could possibly be inclined or persuaded to vote for Obama would still be "undecided" at this late stage in the campaign. If $800 million in campaign advertising, non-stop praise from lap dogs on MSNBC and CNN, a rock star convention, endorsements from every celebrity who has ever recorded and album or filmed a movie, endorsements from all the Major Kennedys, Colin Powell, Paul Volcker and the Clintons can't pull an undecided voter off the fence...then I ask you, what in God's name will?
I suspect Obama's poll numbers are the BEST he can expect on election night. McCain's numbers, however,can actually improve. Because of the undecideds.
Does that mean McCain will win? Of course not. Because every election can be stolen now, and I would expect that every election will be stolen.
Now, as a side note: I went to Harvard Law School with Obama. I worked on the Law Review with him for two years. I even voted for Obama to be the first black president of the Law Review.
And you know what? There is no way on earth that I would vote for him again.
Unlike you (and I'm going to go out on a limb and say that you have never worked with Obama or even met him), my perspective and opinion comes from experience.
Know this:
Obama is a very dangerous, soul-less man, without a core, without an identity, without a real opinion, and with only one real goal in life: to advance the product known as Barack Obama.
You can continue to smoke the hope pipe, but I've seen the Messiah up close. And he scares the living hell out of me.
Yes, even more than McCain.
So that should give you some indication of just how scary and unnerving I find Obama.
And by the way, I'm a black woman. So please don't call me racist.
I'm leery of any pre-touchdown celebration. FL is where the repugs will likely steal the vote. One early voting place mysteriously had a 1+ hour power outage the other day.
I'm voting at the last minute. The less time they have to F with my vote the better.
Go O!
You Americans are screwed either way.
You really believe that this man would be where he is had it not been for the corrupt media then you are the one who believes in fairy tales like Bill Clinton said this is a fairy tale and we shall see. You may have been right on the housing debacle but you are wrong on this but the polls are closing and McCain may pull this off and I will be ready for blood in the streets that has been fortold by no other than Erica Jong.
The media has jumped on Obama's bandwagon for selfish economic survival.
They sold their credibility for Bush's war and its 'surge' of ad revenue by the MIC profiteers.
The big media corporations are now teetering on the verge of bankruptcy.
A McSame presidency would guarantee their financial demise.
They deserve our contempt and scorn.
This may turn into an ObamaNation.
McCain just pulled ahead in the Zogby poll.
I think he has been ahead all the time. They were just polling the wrong people previously.
These politicians had better watch it this year. People are pissed off. I'm not sure what will happen though. I think polls are usually wrong when a lot of people vote.
I can see that this world is a great, and a funny place to be,
The gambling man is rich, and the working man is poor,
And I ain't got no home in this world anymore
-woody guthrie
Keith said:
"A lot of you argue that the media (except for radio and Fox News) is in the bag for Obama, and that is indeed the case.
Now why is that?"
Fair question. For all I know, it's because they're more enlightened than me. But I find it unconscionable that there is so little fundamental fairness. How is it possible that the media has given more due diligence to Joe the Plumber than to Obama?
By the way, a recent Pew study found Fox news to be more balanced than all the other TV news.
The independent Pew Research Center's Project for Excellence in Journalism looked at coverage in the six weeks following the conventions through the final debate and found on FOX News 40 percent of stories on John McCain were negative, while 40 percent of stories on Obama were also negative.
In contrast, on MSNBC the study found that 73 percent of stories on McCain were negative while Obama received just 14 percent negative coverage on that channel.
On all networks and other media outlets, the Pew Research Center found Obama's coverage to be more positive than negative while McCain's coverage was 57 percent negative to 14 positive.
"America has been held back by that antiquated document, the Constitution for too long. It might have made sense back in the day when America was just farmers and red indians..."
.. and black slaves
McCain has spent more time as a prisoner of war than Obama as a Senator!
So bitter, but sooooooooooooo awesome. Keep it up.
It means that our chances for hyperinflation are a little higher than they would be if McCain.
It means that I don't have listen to whiny Democrats as much.
It means the Democrats will have a chance to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that they are equally as corrupt and devious as the Republicans.
It means the Fox News will be as entertaining as MSNBC has been during their whine-fest for the last few years.
As far meaningful change for average Americans, it means absolutely zero.
I don't think all the people that are buying lots of guns now are Obamaists.
I don't think the next civil war is under-way either, but I do believe lines are going to be drawn.
Just as I know, the strong are getting weapons to defend themselves, and as I also realize that the Obamists will never be satiated, thusly driven to extreme, sooner or later.
It may be that he wins, but there are many people that are dead tired of busting their asses all day and then have to play this game of who is right and who is wrong.
I just don't think that a socialist agenda can work in this country, and anyone that attempts to implement such a thing, may have serious problems.
It's not that he's a certain color, it's the lack-of trust he can't transpose and reliability is what everyone wants and is comfortable with.
If I could choose, I'd say not Obama this election, but 4 years from now, after some dedicated service to the country in the mean time.
He is a rising sun shining down on that shining city on a hill that is America.
He will bring us peace and prosperity and hope for the future.
He is our savior.
He is O-B-A-M-A.
wow, you guys are really going to be disappointed. jimmy carter disappointed.
The Obama campaign leads by better than 23-1 in newspaper endorsements from dailies and weeklies, based on our tally so far. But the Democratic ticket has an even more impressive lead when it comes to college newspapers -- 63 to 1, according to UWIRE's Presidential Endorsement Scorecard
wow, just about the same as kerry had.
A lot of you argue that the media (except for radio and Fox News) is in the bag for Obama, and that is indeed the case.
Now why is that?
Serious question.
they are always in the bag for the left, it isn't anything special about obama. heck, even hitler had media "in the bag"
Yeah, come on you racist bastasts. We want McCain to start WWIII.
you leftist idiots with selective memory. obama wants to invade a nuclear power Pakistan.
Landslide my ASS!
well, yea, now the confused left believes that the electoral votes matter. they are such a fickle bunch. sometimes against the electoral system, sometimes for it.
McCain will win.
Behind all the media hype was the voter that just doesn't want Obama as president.
Sorry to break the news to you.
Come back in 4 years with a real candidate
problem is, obama's solutions will not work. he will have an approval rating less than bush's by the time he leaves office. it will be so bad that hillary will challenge him for the dem nomination in 2012.
obama is slipping in the daily polls, like all dems do in the last week.
It is going to be close. word is mccain is leading in florida, but you won't find that on the leftist MSM, you have to go look for it.
this is so typical of an obama supporter
fear mongers.
this is the idiot you all are voting for. every once in a while the true obama gets recorded, like the "cling to guns and religion" remark in SF.
It Means we are screwed,...Get ready
for a welfare nation....My only question is where do I move too???
It's going to be Ugly...
DO NOT count your chickens before they are hatched.
In Obama's case:
DO NOT count your chickens before they come home to roost.
I'm afraid you've been smoking the same multiculturalist weed that your European friends smoke -- Obama isn't going to win.
Obama's a good man. But niether Obamo nor McCain can fix the many things that are currently wrong with the country.
Hmmm. Obama or McCain...
Better yet... Palin or Biden?
Really, it won't matter.
But I like Palin better than Biden ;>)
To me the Obama victory would mean many disastrous socialist policies, likely to make my future house purchase even cheaper than under McCain.
I have positioned myself well for the damage Obama will cause.
Geez, I don't think i'm a troll, just because I don't worship the chosen one.
He might win. He might not. Either way, looks bad.
BTW- what the heck is a "looser"???
I see this term crop up on on blogs and never heard of it before.
Democratic ticket has an even more impressive lead when it comes to college newspapers -- 63 to 1, according to UWIRE's Presidential Endorsement Scorecard
This is a surprise? I am astounded that there are any college newspapers for mccain, or any republican. Kind of like saying 63 to 1 KKK clansmen endorse mccain.
or like saying 70% of those who pay taxes oppose obama's health plan (true fact). no duh, people who pay taxes realize that they will have to pay more taxes in order to provide coverage for those who don't.
people all already talking about obama's re-election.
"I still don't discount the ultra-conservative cheating machine."
How come this cheating machine didn't cheat in 2006 and allowed democrats to flood the congress?
How come a majority of the state legislatures and governorships are now controlled by democrats?
If McSame wins and the dems increase their lead in congress, will it still be a cheating machine?
I can't wait until the voting is done so you will finally shut down your stupid blog like you promised....
"A lot of you argue that the media (except for radio and Fox News) is in the bag for Obama, and that is indeed the case.
Now why is that?
Serious question."
Simple. The ideology of the TV and newspaper media matches that of Obama and the Dems. It always has.
Obama landslide?
In three days we'll be calling each other comrade, get use to it.
Could the October surprise be illegals get taxpayer provided housing while Americans lose their homes?
I'm planning to close my business for his 4-year term. His tax plan for small business is simply too oppressive (for you Obama-living libtards, I've read the whole thing at
For us it will be living on the cheap in Paso Robles wine country until this communist anti-American, anti-white nut is either replaced in 2012 or assassinated, whichever comes first.
On the bright side, I'll be laughing my ass off when the greedy little pricks who voted for Obama will be standing in the unemployment line and filing for bankruptcy.
But this is what "Americans" want now. A free handout. A check without having to work for it. "Soaking the rich."
Welcome to Looter Nation.
A lot of you argue that the media (except for radio and Fox News) is in the bag for Obama, and that is indeed the case.
Now why is that?
Serious question.
It's a good question. Why did the Media completely marginalize Ron Paul? Why is the media all about fear? Every news teaser ad is FEAR, FEAR, FEAR. Global warming, mad cow, bird flu, terrorism, war, cancer...It's taking a toll on our collective consciousness.
Over the years, I've had a few experiences where I was involved or witnessed "news events." Then, when I saw the story on the news or in the newspaper, it bore little resemblance to what I'd seen and heard. Just last week I attended a Board of Education meeting, then saw the coverage...a 3 hour meeting, boiled down, distilled, mischaracterized into a 10 second soundbite. They ran 10 seconds of someone presenting a point of view, turned off the sound, and did a newsroom voiceover to tell us what the person said. WTF...let us hear what the person said! A parent had said a lot of important things, but you'd never know it.
I was a Ron Paul supporter. Then an Obama supporter. Now I'm undecided. All I can say is right now the undecided voters hold all the cards. Someone say something to convince me. The more Obama says, the less I like him.
Selfish? Me? Maybe so. For the first time in my life, I think I want a shot gun in the house. Then, this:
Gun sales boom in the Wilmington area
Posted: Oct 28, 2008 03:53 PM EDT
WILMINGTON, NC (WECT) - With fears that crime will increase due to the poor economy, firearm sales are up in the Wilmington area and around the country.
New State and Federal data shows ammunition sales are up 8-10% nationwide, with fears that crime will continue to increase due to the poor economy.
Managers at Shooters Choice in Wilmington say sales have risen 30-40% over the past year.
"We have had a lot more interest as far as traffic coming in and a lot more interest in terms of concerns with crime," said employee Kim Moore.
Employees at the gun store said the upcoming Presidential election is also influencing the boom.
"A lot of people are concerned about what party is going in, so depending on gun rights and how they feel about that, they want to get them before a new President comes in [to office]," said Moore.
I think my popcorn moments are coming to an end.
I don't believe there will be an Obama landslide. I believe we will have a contested election that has the potential to tear our country apart.
"I'm leery of any pre-touchdown celebration. FL is where the repugs will likely steal the vote. One early voting place mysteriously had a 1+ hour power outage the other day.
I'm voting at the last minute. The less time they have to F with my vote the better. "
Yes -- you go ahead and do that. In the meantime, you can get re-fitted for a new tin-foil hat!
"You know, no matter what happens I am still proud that the damn ultra-conservatives have finally been spanked."
There has been nothing ultra-conservative about the Bush Administration, with the the possible exception of his position on stem-cell research.
Get a clue as to what conservatism is, you dummy!
Keith, way to ask an open question to get comments.
No one mentioned Sarah Palin. Isn't that dimbulb enough of a reason for the press to go solidly for the other major candidate?
My B.S. detector is pegged by partypup, (links to an empty blog called The Whole Truth). For one thing, the writing style doesn't fit her purported background. For another, her reasons for being afraid of Obama are vague opinions from about 20 years ago. One might hope that partypup has matured and grown wiser from her own days as an ambitious young grad student. I'm about Obama's age, and, despite having always had the curse of being an old soul, I have a different perspective than when I was in my mid-twenites.
Did they teach you logical fallacies at Harvard. Because:
1. The press has never supported a worthy candidate.
2. The press supports Obama.
3. Therefore Obama is not a worth candidate.
is flawed reasoning. You are a fraud, not Mr. Obama. And this is not an isolated case of sloppy thinking in this thread/blog. Love ya, Keith, but I'm starting to think I won't miss HP.
Well, this about sums it up. And if you're a Bush/Fox/McCain/GOP backer today feeling hopeless, glum and miserable, just wait. The rest of your life may be hell as the GOP destructs.
Better yet, come to grips with the fact that your party got hijacked, they wrecked America, and fight these bastards. And get your party back on track.
More John McCain supporters feel glum about the presidential campaign while more of Obama's are charged up over it, according to an Associated Press-Yahoo News poll released Saturday.
The survey shows McCain backers have become increasingly upset in recent weeks, a period that has seen Obama take a firm lead in many polls. One expert says the contrasting moods could affect how likely the two candidates' supporters are to vote on Election Day, possibly dampening McCain's turnout while boosting Obama's.
While 43 percent of the Democrat Obama's backers said they are excited over the campaign, just 13 percent of McCain's said so, according to the survey of adults, conducted by Knowledge Networks. Six in 10 Obama supporters said the race interests them, compared to four in 10 backing McCain, the Republican senator from Arizona.
On the flip side, 52 percent of McCain supporters said the campaign has left them frustrated, compared to 30 percent of Obama's. A quarter of McCain backers say they feel helpless, double the rate of those preferring Obama, the Illinois senator.
More McCain supporters also feel angry and bored, while Obama's are likelier to say they are proud and hopeful.
The war the brainchild of neoconservative interventionist ideologues. The free-market free-for-all and trickle-down tax cuts for the rich comes directly from conservative Milton Friedman. Then there's the right-wing anti-intellectualism spawned by religious fundamentalism. I could go on. With the exception of increased federal spending, the Bush administration was about as conservative as imaginable. Carefully encoded racism is part of the picture, too, by the way.
I'm left of center, but I would at least give ear to, and maybe even vote for a moderate fiscal conservative. But the Republican party has been hi-jacked by the far right and the super rich. Clinton was actually a fiscal conservative. I'd like to see the gummint live within her means, but how the money is spent is also important. Republicans put a priority on putting "democracy on the march" (with criminal ineptitude) and bailing out banks after the surprising revelation that corporations won't self-police. I can think of a few better ways to use our treasury than the kleptocrat Republicans.
'Obama is a souless man, without a core, without an identity, without a real opinion, and with only one real goal in life: to advance the product known as Barack Obama.'
Sometimes creative people come off as cold and heartless. It's not so much that they are self-centered, altho it may appear that way, but that their minds are always working and putting together new ideas.
I think Barak is incedibly creative, that is why so many artists are behind him. They see it in him and can idenify with it.
This being said, it really is a toss up as to how he will re-act as president. I think his grandmother's illness is causing him to re-weigh many things. I think she is afraid for him.
I think HE is afraid of someone hurting his children, and how can he not feel some deep sense of revulsion if he reads any of the hate-filled blogs. How can he not be sick of McCain's smears and sneers.
Also, the country as spun out of control economically, just since he was nominated. Is there any amount of money any of us would accept to take on the problems this country faces right now?
I am afraid, not because I think he is cold and heartless, but because he is tired and hurt, and this would cause him to be much more intro-spective and to be more inclined to deal radically with racial issues then with the current problems we face. They would be secondary to him. Because race is his central issue.
I'm not painting him as a 'girly-man', but as a human being who has feelings like any man or woman would in his situation.
But I have more faith in the creative mind, to plummet the depths, get to the core of the issue, pull together seemingly random information, and form something new and better.
Even tho he is by far the more terrifying choice, I will vote for him. I will vote for change, no matter how scared of the consequences I may be. Because whatever happens, probably needs to happen.
I feel the the schadenfreude already.
Imagine the crowd of one million people in Chicago awaiting the Rapture, and Obama loses.
Bummer dudes.
Hope they bring gas masks and body armor!
Jesus would Not vote for Obama. Obama supports abortion on demand.
'Obama is a souless man, without a core, without an identity, without a real opinion, and with only one real goal in life: to advance the product known as Barack Obama.'
Sometimes creative people come off as cold and heartless. It's not so much that they are self-centered, altho it may appear that way, but that their minds are always working and putting together new ideas.
I think Barak is incedibly creative, that is why so many artists are behind him. They see it in him and can idenify with it.
This being said, it really is a toss up as to how he will re-act as president. I think his grandmother's illness is causing him to re-weigh many things. I think she is afraid for him.
I think HE is afraid of someone hurting his children, and how can he not feel some deep sense of revulsion if he reads any of the hate-filled blogs. How can he not be sick of McCain's smears and sneers.
Also, the country as spun out of control economically, just since he was nominated. Is there any amount of money any of us would accept to take on the problems this country faces right now?
I am afraid, not because I think he is cold and heartless, but because he is tired and hurt, and this would cause him to be much more intro-spective and to be more inclined to deal radically with racial issues then with the current problems we face. They would be secondary to him. Because race is his central issue.
I'm not painting him as a 'girly-man', but as a human being who has feelings like any man or woman would in his situation.
But I have more faith in the creative mind, to plummet the depths, get to the core of the issue, pull together seemingly random information, and form something new and better.
Even tho he is by far the more terrifying choice, I will vote for him. I will vote for change, no matter how scared of the consequences I may be. Because whatever happens, probably needs to happen.
Hey McCain can make Joe the Plumber the next Secretary of the Treasury, he's as qualified for that job as Sarah Palin is qualified for Vice-President.
Seriously, America hangs on whether Obama wins or not. American's know that and cannot pretend that God, guns and pick up trucks will be the prescription for keeping the world safe. You have to have a brain and a heart that knows no prejudice. But mostly a brain.
Keefer loses again! McCain, the liberal, wins!
I'd vote for Bush to be King, before even considering voting for a guy that wants to spread the wealth around. Spread you're own wealth around and don't be so NIGGARDLY OBAMA.
Didn't the liberal MSM press overwhelmingly predict Gore and Kerry would win??? You forget too easily. McCain will win.
keefer, Axelrod (obama's cheif) has bribed most of the media (maybe including you) so they hosanna him nonstop....problem is the few thinking Americans left abandon US media for foreign media, many non English language media have english editions...
O.k., against my recommendation (second post on this thread), Keith fast-forwarded by a couple of days.
Here are the BIG questions:
(1) Assuming Obama wins, WHAT will the stock market do on November 5th?
(2) What will the overseas markets do?
(3) What happens to the price of Gold?
But if McCain/ win, what do you think will happen re: (1), (2), and (3)?
Anyone that thinks this Marxist nobody-left-wing-media creation from Chi town is the answer to our problems is smoking some serious crack.
Dude needs to be sent back to the obscurity of his hateful, communist, Afro-centrist, anti-American environs, post haste.
Now please pass a an ample portion the frosted Post Toasties, pronto!
Great stuff real estate 101. It shows your true racist colors. You deserve a nice black eye you idiot.
I find it hard to believe how smart people would rather settle for this mess, than take a stab at change. I cant understand it. The only thing that makes sense here is racism. How can you that ask for change today guys and girls.
We could not get our wish, Ron Paul, let's get Obama in and stop this crap.
Good point Mammoth,
I think whomever wins will settle markets a bit. However, long term, all I could see McCain doing is starting another war. For a sneak peak, just look into his eyes.
Obama on the other hand will bring more long term stability to the country, like Clinton did.
It is important to note that a market crash is inevitable, regardless of who wins.
Do you dumbass republicans honestly think, if Obama was a socialist/marxist/unamerican activist:
(i) the Daily Family (da Mayor), who have controlled Chicago since, oh, the 1950's, would have allowed Barrack to hold any political position above dog catcher?
(ii) that the powerful Illinois Bar would have let him become an attorney?
If Obama could have only found a way to say the above in a commercial!
When confronted with this basic info, even some of the hard core red necks I work with in the Florida Panhandle stopped and thought for a moment. Actually stopped and thought...and gave me some hope.
i love joe the plumber. such delicious irony and the retardlicans can't even get it. he is the perfect symbol of the faith based delusional factless retardlicans and their bone ignorant base. a phony plumber with a fictitious company and an imaginary income. he has all the retardlicans stomping around their trailer parks mad as hell that the democrats are going to raise their taxes they don't even pay. as the imaginary murtha on snl said "bone ignorant".
Very interesting post, PartyPup.
I'm curious. Since you know Obama from Harvard law school, do you have an opinion as to whether his memoir "Dreams From My Father" was ghostwritten? We have very few examples of his earlier writing, and out of nowhere he produces a very well written, critically acclaimed book.
I've seen some plausible arguments that Bill Ayers may have written Obama's memoir ( I'm skeptical myself, but it's an interesting theory.
Anonymous said...
Does this mean I no longer have to pretend to be Canadian when traveling abroad ?
Yes, and you can take those little red mapleleafs off your luggage.
This is a great couple of paragraphs by Peg Noonan, and embodies why I've given more than 5k to McCain this cycle, and won't regret a penny of it even if he loses.
>It was a night during the Republican Convention in September, and two former U.S. senators, who had served with Mr. McCain for a combined 16 years, were having drinks in a hotel dining room. I told them I collected stories of senators who'd been cursed out by John McCain, and they laughed and told me of times they'd been the target of his wrath on the Senate floor.
The talk turned to presidents they had known, and why they had wanted the job. This one wanted it as the last item on his resume, that one wanted it out of an inflated sense of personal destiny. Is that why Mr. McCain wants it? "No," said one, reflectively. "He wants to help the country." The other added, with almost an air of wonder, "He wants to make America stronger, he really does." And then they spoke, these two men who'd been bruised by him, of John McCain's honest patriotism.
Those who have historically been sympathetic to the Republican Party or conservatism, and who support Barack Obama -- Colin Powell, William Weld and Charles Fried, among others -- and whose arguments have not passed muster with some muster-passers, go undamned here. Their objections include: The McCain campaign has been inadequate, and some of his major decisions embarrassing. All too true. But conservatives must honor prudence, and ask if the circumstances accompanying an Obama victory will encourage the helpful moderation and nonpartisan spirit these supporters attempt, in their endorsements, to demonstrate.
Dear Friend,
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Obama for America
wow,the obama bashing here is something else.funny how they can't come up with anything positive to say about McCain at all.they're not voting for McCain because they like him,they're voting for McCain because they can't stand the thought of a half black man being their leader.
this are shameful times for us true republicans.
oh, like there is SO much positive, tangible, comments on this board in support of obama. and I mean tangible, not things like "he is positive, up lifting", "style and substance", love that one, what substance??? two books?
hell, palin has negotiated with more countries (trade with canada) than obama has.
the left always complains about bashing if anyone has anything negative to say about obama, or questions his qualifications.
Sometimes creative people come off as cold and heartless. It's not so much that they are self-centered, altho it may appear that way, but that their minds are always working and putting together new ideas.
and sometimes they are just cold and heartless.
A person is not racist simply because they generally do not like a group of people.
Good point Mammoth,
I think whomever wins will settle markets a bit. However, long term, all I could see Obama doing is starting another war (Pakistan). For a sneak peak, just look into his eyes.
"America has been held back by that antiquated document, the Constitution for too long.'
The above is a perfect example as to why we need a sterilization policy.
So now we hear, though you have to search for it, that obama's aunt, the closest living connection to his dearly departed mother, is an illegal alien, living in government housing, receiving welfare, and has donated to his campaign.
Where to start?
1) you have a multi-millionaire who's mother's sister is in abject poverty. He wants to raise my taxes and give it to his aunt and calls me selfish if I complain. what has the millionaire supper boy given to his blood relative?
2) he claims he didn't know her immigration status. BS. he would have heard if she had become a naturalized citizen, it is a big deal, therefore he highly suspect she wasn't legal. either he is lying or is an idiot.
3) has he returned the campaign donations???? how many other foreigners have contributed to his campaign?????
obama is a deceiver. a lying sack of.... dishonest or at the minimum not willing to be frank about a situation.
“Obama’s aunt is here ILLEGALLY living in poverty, and is a deportation FUGITIVE. She’s collecting WELFARE and has DONATED to Obama’s campaign, ILLEGALLY! Obama. Family in poverty as he makes millions. Complete lawlessness. Giveaway your hard earned tax payer money to illegal fugitives. CHANGE WE CAN BELIEVE IN.”
The nationalization of our banks and the greatest bailout and transfer of wealth by our federal govt. in the history of the USA has been brought to you by Republicans & their brothers on Wall Street, yet everyone continues to call Obama a Socialist? It's not Obama who is asking me to cough up for Nick's cheap ass condo conversion in inner city Chicago. It's not Obama who is asking me to pay off Nick's credit cards that he uses to pay for all his groceries.
These are Republican policies.
Get a new label cretins.
The presidency and future of the free world is at stake and the best the Republicans can do is flame Obama because of the status of a relative of a father he didn't know?
The brain dead followers of Fox News and Rush Limbaugh are truly sad people. If this is all you got, you got nothing.
Go away. The adults have serious work to do now.
Jimmy Carter disappointed...OUCH!
I don't give a Damn about his color!
It's his Socio/economics that scare me!
Crow can be yummy with some salt Keith.
If Obama were white, would I even be posting this message?
Be very afraid of large numbers of stupid people voting!
Obama= Proof
You Democrats would sell your very soul to the lowest bidder.
Calling him 'the savior' is proof!
You have no idea of the implications of calling him the savior, or the chosen one or the one we have waited for!
Liberalism is a mental disorder!
A Pro-abortion messiah?????
I don't think so.
At that time if anyone say's to you, 'Look, here is the Christ!' or 'There he is!' do not believe it.
For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect-if that were possible.
See, I have told you ahead of time.
"So if anyone tells you, 'there he is, out in the desert,' do not go out;or, 'Here he is, in the inner rooms,' do not believe it.
For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.
Matt 24:23-27
Republican scum will be soon humiliated with many looking to relocate to the Nazi skinhead camps in Idaho, the last refuge of low intelligence racists.
TICK-TOCK , the most dreaded words for this uneducated scum.
The time is here to Crush the Spirits of these fat lazy Americano pieces of white garbage Mr. Magoo lapdogs.
it will be a historic day tuesday.
We are about to elect our first arab-american persident.
Yes, obama is more arab-american than he is african-american. he is the descendant of arab slave traders.
The presidency and future of the free world is at stake and the best the Republicans can do is flame Obama because of the status of a relative of a father he didn't know?
The brain dead followers of Fox News and Rush Limbaugh are truly sad people. If this is all you got, you got nothing.
Go away. The adults have serious work to do now.
such a hypocrite! imagine if mccain had an illegal relative living on welfare and donating to his campaign! I doubt all you would say is "grow up".
>The brain dead followers of Fox News and Rush Limbaugh are truly sad people.
With regard to Fox, I'm not going to try to defend their dopey Fox and Friends or daytime entertainment news. But...
I was watching CNN the other day and this was their "balance".
David Gergin (the guy no the right) had only mildly negative things to say about McCain, other than that he didn't have many thought to share at all (yep, another Einstein).
David King in the center expressed that he was fairly certain McCain is an asshole.
Then they had a left-wing nut to round out the presentation.
You don't get that kind of shit on Fox. If that's what they were serving up I'd probably spend a lot more time on CNN as a balance.
And you expect thinking repub hp'ers to believe this noise because a chorus chants it 50 times a day. Please, you gotta know us better than that Keith.
Oh, and why don't you go ahead and explain CNN, NBC to us. Queue the crickets.
Kind of hard to write positive, uplifting stories about the McCain campaign. Even factual reporting would reveal McCain's campaign to be nothing but scare tactics, anti-Obama screeds and outright ugliness.
There's negative ads and then there's over-the-top personality assasination. Both candidates have run lots of negative ads but McCain's have been along the lines of "Obama is a Muslim terrorist", "Obama hangs out with terrorists", "Obama partied with a Palestinian terrorist", "Obama will get you killed by a terrorist" with very little positive messages at all.
It would be like if Obama's ads had all been, "McCain is an angry old man who is mentally unstable", McCain collaborated with Vietnamese enemies", "McCain took expensive gifts from Keating who screwed millions of old people out of their life savings". Oops, that last one is true!
See the difference, brainstems? Attacking the man's policies and politics as Obama has done to McCain is far different than spreading lies, rumor and innuendo about a man as McCain has done to Obama. It's much harder to get positive, glowing stories about your campaign when you never rise above petty lies and distortions.
These are Republican policies.
OMG, are you that stupid or just pretending to be??? who wrote the legislation???? who marshaled the votes necessary to get it passed???
and your empty suit savior voted for it!
Republicans can do is flame Obama because of the status of a relative of a father he didn't know?
he knew her well enough (or at least his ghost writer did) to put her in his book.
The brain dead followers of Fox News and Rush Limbaugh are truly sad people. If this is all you got, you got nothing.
Go away. The adults have serious work to do now.
Keith, you have such a shallow, cartoonish perception of those who disagree with you. Why don't you respond to those who have legitimate concerns that the media is recklessly covering for this presidential candidate like none other in history?
The presidency and future of the free world is at stake...
No shit. Then why the hell has the media ignored the connection of Obama to Ayers, Dohrn, Wright, Pfleger, Khalidi, Rezko...? Why does the media try to destroy Joe the Plumber, and evade Obama's "Redistribute the wealth" response to his simple question about taxes?
I'd like a civil, adult response, but I'm not holding my breath.
The presidency and future of the free world is at stake and the best the Republicans can do is flame Obama because of the status of a relative of a father he didn't know?
well, that and breaking campaign finance laws. but hey, don't mention that, it really doesn't matter that foreigners are financing obama... no biggie.
obama has utterly destroyed public financing of presidential candidates. He lied about accepting public funds and spending limitations. Do you really think the republicans are going to limit themselves next time? obama's subversion of campaign financing has created a monster that will total corrupt 2012.
liberals had better not complain (like they have in the past) when the table is turned on them.
wake up man! here is a post that typifies the hard core obama supporter and I would even say obama himself:
"This is the greatest moment in American history.
This is where we turn the corner and embrace fairness, hope and change. America has been held back by that antiquated document, the Constitution for too long. It might have made sense back in the day when America was just farmers and red indians but now it's time for a transformation."
held back by the Constitution????
obama is a marxist-lite when it comes to the economy and social issues.
That is why I cannot vote for him. period.
mccain leans a bit that way too but much much less. mccain will not nominate judges that will reinterpret the constitution.
An Obama victory means...
Death for the Uniteds States and pain for the world.
My flag will be flown at half mast on Wendsday.
Hi dickheads. Boy what a shit thread this is. Here's a little decent reading.
Why is it that you libs can't see through transparency?
This obama talks a good line...but says nothing!
I, for one, am happy to do the pre-touchdown celebration. All you ultra neocon scum crying about your multi-million dollar trust funds being subjected to an extra percent or two of tax can now either get on board the Obama train to socialism with the rest of us proles, or you can buy yourself a first class ticket the fuck out of here!
This whole half-aunt thing just goes to show you that the media has not vetted obama. they work overtime to dig into palin's past, which they should. if they had investigated into obama's past just half as much as they have with palin they would have discovered his aunt a year ago.
but no, the press has given obama an "easy button".
what other skeletons are in obama's closet?
Get a clue as to what conservatism is, you dummy!
Conservatism is the heart of George W. Bush, and George W. Bush is perhaps the purest child of conservatism.
Conservatism is about wealth redistribution upwards from the middle class to the elite -- we got that with Bush's Paulson Bailout Plan that hands $25 billion to JP Morgan and 8 other major banks... and hands us $700 billion in new debt to pay.
Conservatism is about using government power to marginalize and punish people you don't like, who go against your so-called "values." Bush delivered this with his anti-gay laws, his anti-Wicca stuff, and his constant war on Muslims and atheists.
Conservatism is about hating and fearing those who are different from you, and hiding from the world. America has never been so disconnected and out of touch with reality as it has been under Bush.
Conservatism is about lying to the peasants because you, as the tough strong leader, know what is right. PS -- ever find those Iraqi nukes we were told "we know exist?"
Conservatism is about hypocrisy -- calling for a ban on abortion because a two-celled zygote is a "human" while also calling for nuclear strikes on entire civilizations in the Middle East. (Think I'm exaggerating? Go to a conservative site like somewhere and read the rhetoric).
Conservatism is about ignorance and stupidity -- the belief that a book of myths written by shepherds and edited by European royalty to bolster their positions is "the word of God," and that dinosaurs walked the earth with man but evolution is implausible. Just look at Shit-for-brains Sarah Palin and her mockery of "researching fruitflies" -- because gene therapy isn't that important, right?
Conservatism is about lying and self-deception. Just look at all the guys bitching about Democrat socialism when, under a conservative administration and Congress, federal employment tripled, entire new bureaucracies were funded, and federal budgets ballooned.
So yes, George Bush is a conservative.
And while I'm no Obama fan (and will not be voting for him), I will proudly raise a glass to the collapse of the hate filled, uneducated, superstitious, destructive, mendacious, foolish and authoritarian philosophy that is conservatism.
Your friend the Libertarian
All you ultra neocon scum crying about your multi-million dollar trust funds being subjected to an extra percent or two of tax can now either get on board the Obama train to socialism
it is not the multi-millionaires that will fee the pain, dork. do you really thin Buffet is worried about a percent or two?
I think this video sums up the Obama presidency pretty well. Just like the banks with their hands out for the bailout money. Only thing is this woman has smaller fists but there are millions like her out there. Remember people - this is what you wanted.
Not that I want McCain but I hope Obama doesn't win. He'll turn this country into a cesspool, just like Europe, with his National Socialism.
Conservatives are such uneducated dumbshits.
They believe the Earth is 5000 years old and that dinosaurs and humans walked the earth together.
They believe the Bible is a literal account of the history of mankind, but that evolution and biology are Satanic ideologies.
And they keep talking about Obama as a "Marxist."
Which just shows their tendency to be stupid and to repeat what they hear on their incestuous talk radio.
Obama is not a "Marxist." Marxism calls for the abolition of private property and the creation of a society where all property is held in common and there is no government.
Even freshmen in political science (or anybody who has read any of Marx's treatises) can tell you this. But conservatives are stupid and anti-studying, and thus don't read or take classes.
Obama is properly classed as a socialist. Which sets off the conservatives again. Too bad that McCain and Bush are also both socialists.
This election is a competition between two views of socialism. Obama's says we need to redistribute money from those who make a quarter of a million a year to the rest of the country. McCain's says we need to redistribute money from the middle class to JPMorganChase, Halliburton, and Bank of America and maintain a massive standing army of poorly educated cannon fodder to steal stuff on behalf of those various monied interests.
I'd like to take a chance on capitalism and freedom -- but those are anathema to both conservatives and liberals. Instead, we get a contest between populist socialism and European-style imperial socialism.
At least we can take comfort that not everything is unfamiliar. Conservatives are still as stupid, vile, vulgar, bigoted, illiterate and superstitious as ever.
It funny how much I just don't give a shit about this election.
By the way, if Buchanan ran he would easily defeat these two candidates.
Over and out.
Sometimes the comments by the socialists and liberals (better known as Democrats) on this blog, and in this thread in particular make me wonder how they actually learned how to read, write, and operate a computer.
There are two things these wackos get wrong, time and time again...1) who the Nazis were, and 2) who enslaved the blacks, created Jim Crow, and ran the KKK.
Here's a history lesson for you stupid left wing Democrats (a/k/a as Socialists and Communists).
1) Nazi is an acronum that stands for National Socialist German Workers Party. THAT'S RIGHT YOU MORONS, THE NAZIS WERE SOCIALISTS. Also, the word Fascist comes from the word Fascia, which means "bundle". This was the word the Labor Unions used to describe themselves, and then used as a name for their political party headed by Mussolini.
2) The people in the Southern States, from the founding of the Democrat Party under Andrew Jackson in the late 1820's through the end of the Civil War in 1865, were ALL DEMOCRATS. The Democrats seceeded from the Union because they wanted to continue slavery. They almost caused this country to split into two. By wanting to keep blacks enslaved, they cost this country 500,000 lives. After the Civil War, the Democrats instituted Jim Crow laws to disenfranchise the blacks and some of them formed the KKK, which we all know killed and terrorized them. As another tidbit of history for you, the Republican Party was formed in 1854 with the sole purpose of abolishing slavery (you may have heard of the Lincoln (republican) vs. Douglas (Democrat) senatorial debates. Then again, you are dumb ass liberals and Democrats so you probably don't know anything about them...go look this topic up and you'll get an education.
Yes, it just amazes me how the liberals on this board like to call Republicans racists when it is the Democrat Party that enslaved the blacks, created Jim Crow and kept them down, and murdered them for so long.
It wasn't until the Southern Democrats' brethern in the North, and Republicans, forced them to stop their racist ways in the 1960s and 1970s.
Likewise it amazes me that you call Republicans fascists when it's the Socialists -- your intellectual compatriots -- who were, and still are, the fascists. You can't change history, no matter how much you may want to. Just face the facts of who you really are deep down. You're nothing but control freaks who need to use centralized institutions and authority to make people do your bidding because, of course, you have all the answers for mankind. And anyone who gets in your way is an enemy of the State who needs to be either silenced (your speech codes and discriminatory media) or eliminated (Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Fidel, KKK, etc.). That's your history, present, and future.
You liberals are so dumb it just makes my head spin. You are unfit to lead anything. You are fit only to be re-educated into the Enlightenment, the basis of our the American civilization. (I know you don't know what that means...go look it up and study it and maybe you'll find out...that is, if you know how to read).
Hope all of you who condemn Obama as a socialist aren't looking forward to your social security check...probably the one thing that has saved our parents and hopefully us.
Below some brilliant anti-socialist thinking.
Will gladly provide link if you would like to read more.
'The crown jewel of the socialist welfare state in America is Social Security. Rooted in the socialist predilections of Otto von Bismarck, the “iron chancellor” of Germany in the late 1800s, Social Security is one of the most immoral, anti-family socialist programs in America today. It also perfectly embodies the American people’s denigration of the great God-given gift of free will.
One of the Ten Commandments, of course, is “Honor thy father and thy mother,” but implicit in that commandment is the notion that individuals are free to say “No.” That’s what freedom and free will are all about. If the state forces a person to honor his mother and father or punishes him for failing to do so, then that person is not truly free. Moreover, to the extent that his decisions are motivated by threat of punishment by the state his actions mean nothing in terms of virtue and morality.
The state justifies Social Security on two grounds. One, that it is actually a retirement system in which the government taxes a person, puts the money away in a safe place, and then gives it to the person when he reaches retirement age. But it’s all a lie. There is no fund and there never has been a fund. From the very beginning, Social Security has been based on plunder and coercive redistribution of wealth. The state uses its taxing powers to plunder the income of the young and productive in order to distribute the loot to the elderly. It would be difficult to find a more perfect example of the manner in which the American people have enshrined a direct violation of God’s commandment against stealing within their political system.
Once the lie behind Social Security is exposed — that the entire system is based on socialist confiscation and redistribution of wealth — the advocates of Social Security resort to their alternative justification: that Social Security is based on the moral duty that people have to honor their parents. They suggest that this socialist program — Social Security — puts into action the love and compassion that the American people have for their parents and the elderly. Nothing could be further from the truth. By relying on the coercive apparatus of the state to achieve its ends, the program actually reflects a continuous violation of God’s commandment against stealing, an absence of compassion for others, and a lack of faith in themselves, their families, and others.'
ad-nausem and bullshit.
This is so deja-vu for some reason.
Oprah's mother lives in a $980 month apartment in Chicago.
I saw a picture of it once at it's nothing special, but she's happy there.
Go figure.
Anon 12:55 - how do you know that you are not the one that is lead astray? Remember how many people watched Jesus carry his own cross and then cried about it for the last 2,000 years. Personally - I don't think he is "the" savior. But I do believe that he has run a far better campaign, raised huge sums of money and has demonstrated better ability to pick people to rally with him than McCain. It leads me to believe he will not be stupid enough to pick his crony friends to be the head of FEMA or other major government organizations. He also picked a well respected running mate and not some discredited floozy who gives all women a bad rap and shoots from the hip. He is the only one of the two that has even the remotest hope of leading us through to a better tomorrow.
You can watch Michael Moore's 'Slacker Uprising' for free.
Anyone who thinks Obama will win easily or at all needs to watch this.
"But I have more faith in the creative mind, to plummet the depths, get to the core of the issue, pull together seemingly random information, and form something new and better."
ummm, remember what happened during the Hoover administration?
moreover, Barack doesn't seem all that clever;
for example, he's going to pay off your college tuition if you promise to go to war for him or work as a low paid public servant.
isn't this called indentured servitude? history is repeating itself and Barack will be loading up metaphorical slave ships.
for american adults, Barack wants them to make penalty free withdrawls from their 401k's! why is that clever? except, though, he's figured out a way to make the middle class pay for the elite's lifestyle without a tax increase...
so, just like Clinton who sent our working class jobs aboard, the sentimental democrats will again vote for Obama, a democrate, who's aim is to make their children slaves to the state...
I'll be voting for McCain, not because he's the change that I believe in, but because he's the change that the aristocrats want and those aristocrats will get their change regardless of who wins.
And I rather vote for someone who honestly represents the true direction of the country so us lowly peons can figure out how we should really get organized.
friendly neighborhood libertarian said...blah blah blah
You know that you shouldn't talk about that which you don't have a F**king clue about!
Obama is just the lesser of two evils.
Nothing will change.
Even if a "good person" were elected it would still be like putting a shiny new spark plug in a dirty engine...and we all know how that would turn out.
This country doesn't need "bondo", it needs DYNAMITE!!!!
The whole system is corrupt and rotten!!!!
I think there is a pretty good chance the Middle East blows up. Obama's crew hates Israel which will embolden Iran, Syria, etc.
The most significant risk is that Israel then goes nuclear.
If this comes to pass, all talk of housing bubbles and stock crashes will be meaningless...
This election is irrelevant.
Two fun facts for you to review:
1) America is a declining Empire.
The evidence of this is overwhelming.
2) Capitalism + Democracy (or "Republic") = Failure.
Only one can survive. Eventually we will become truly socialist, or lose our freedom and have direct governance by corporations.
It won't really make much difference to most of us which path we take.
Anyone with money should have retired to a remote island with a lifetime of supplies by now.
Or we could just rock the vote!! BWAHAHA. LMAO.
oh, this is getting better and better.
Now obama wants to create a "civilian national security force"!
hmmm. perhaps they will wear little bandannas on their upper arms.... and have a talking with anyone who isn't falling into line.....
Obama is not a "Marxist." Marxism calls for the abolition of private property and the creation of a society where all property is held in common and there is no government.
kind of like taking over the GSEs? or buying preferred shares in the banks? GM? AIG? healthcare??
JaneZ said...
These are Republican policies.
Anonymous than answered... -------------------------------
OMG, are you that stupid or just pretending to be??? who wrote the legislation???? who marshaled the votes necessary to get it passed??? and your empty suit savior voted for it!
OMG yes, I spend all my days pretending to be stupid so that retards such as yourself can feel a teensy bit smarter. I am providing a public service.
You find me one person walking this earth who does not have one relative he'd/she'd rather not know!
And you find me one rich person who distributes his/her wealth to every member of his/her family.
Let’s see…
1) In California car sales are down approx 30 %
2) Have you been out to a resturant lately.. most of their sales are down 20-30%
3) The malls are very quite or shall I say you see many people hanging out ..not to many holding shopping bags.
4) Commercial property for lease signs are popping up like wilflowers after a desert shower.
5) if you are in the construction Biz…Well not much I can say about that can we?
6) and the state of california is in the hole by 26 billion or is that 30 Billion I lost track it changes by the minute.
7) We are screwed… and who can we thank???….
Dny November 01, 2008 3:30 PM:
"Great stuff real estate 101. It shows your true racist colors. You deserve a nice black eye you idiot."
Niggardly means cheap, you moron. Life would get easier for a dumbass like you if you bothered to look things up once in a while.
Out of the two candidates, Obama is clearly more qualified.
However, he's going to be stepping into the biggest crap storm brewed up by this corrupt administration since the day this country was founded.
Obama, if you (or any of your associates) read this blog, do your darn best to flush out any of the rats you can up on capital hill. One rotten apple spoils the entire barrel.
If all this is wishful thinking, and this country makes the unforgivable mistake of putting McCain/Palin in charge, we can expect another 4+ years of the same.
Do the right thing voters, vote for what is best for the nation as a whole, and not just for your own pocket books. Your children (if you have any) will thank you for it.
Here's a prediction for you. One term. Regardless who get's in. There is so much crap coming down the pipe, it's going to turn into a right royal slinging contest.
HousingPanic Attacks!
Gee, Keith I think you need to keep Politics on this blog for a few weeks.
All "isms" are "wasisms".
kind of like taking over the GSEs? or buying preferred shares in the banks? GM? AIG?
Yeah, I guess you're right... Paulson, Bernanke and Bush do have Marxist tendencies.
As for the conservetard who didn't read my expose of conservatism, I'm not surprised. Conservatives don't like to read, they're too lazy.
It's much easier for them to pound the table, and quote the Bible while ranting against "illegals, fags, and Muzlamics."
As another tidbit of history for you, the Republican Party was formed in 1854 with the sole purpose of abolishing slavery (you may have heard of the Lincoln (republican) vs. Douglas (Democrat) senatorial debates. Then again, you are dumb ass liberals and Democrats so you probably don't know anything about them...go look this topic up and you'll get an education.
I live in Alabama, the reddest of the red states, and with one of the largest black populations. All of the repbulicans here would gladly join the KKK.
The republicans have been acting like the democrats used to and the democrats are trying to BRING BACK republican values.
The hats have been switched you moron.
Considering how radical Obama COULD have been, given his circumstanes, I think his he has remained pretty level-headed and for the most part, un-affected by them.
These Democrats have actually got people believing that they will pay for their gas and their mortgages for the vote!
Great video of a woman that say's she won't have to worry about either when she votes for B.O.!
You cowards will deceive even your own!
People have always fallen for slick packaging then been very disappointed with the product.
They never work as advertised and the return policy stinks so your stuck with a the piece of crap til something better comes along!
This election is proof of,
The Dumbing down of Amerika is alive and well!
i don't care who votes for who
just make sure he has some substance
not just Hot air
"Obama, if you (or any of your associates) read this blog, do your darn best to flush out any of the rats you can up on capital hill. One rotten apple spoils the entire barrel."
it sounds like you want another bush administration since you're saying: "you're either with us, or against us."
that's why Obama could indeed become a Hoover or simply "yet another president."
Olde conservatism: small government, defense, balanced budget
Neo conservatism: big government, pre-emptive offensive war, borrow&spend...
Those are the substantive changes. The political tactics involve tossing bones like homos, abortion, bibles and Schiavo to the rubes.
Obama is the perfect fall guy for all of our chickens coming home.
It's already his fault months before he takes office; read the parrots above.
They are fertilizing the ground for all their fellow whiners; forgetting just how much they said it was unpatriotic to not support our war-time president.
Giving up your flag-waver identity so soon?
You really let the cat out of the bag about a year too soon. Completely transparent and oblivious to it as well.
Well it's easy to get a landslide when you have acorn registering Mickey Mouse to vote for you.
Anonymous said...
This is the greatest moment in American history.
Really? Greatest?
Better than thesigning of the Declaration of Independence? Better than Gettysburg? Better than winning WW2? Better than putting a man on the moon?
Give me a break.
>By the way, if Buchanan ran he would easily defeat these two candidates.
Dude, they played that tune in 92 and it didn't go over very well. Try to get a clue before posting.
Anonymous said...
These Democrats have actually got people believing that they will pay for their gas and their mortgages for the vote!
Great video of a woman that say's she won't have to worry about either when she votes for B.O.!
And that's why he will win. Americans have become lazy entitled fat asses.
Obviously The Messiah won't be able to deliver 90% of what he promises. But the sheeple have been so brainwashed into believing his socialist message they will have a huge letdown when it doesn't happen. People like that stupid woman will wake up on Jan 21 and ax where's my mortgage check? Where's my free gas? Where's my free health care? How come my income didn't double? Why am I still living in a shithole and driving a POS car? Obama said I'd be a millionaire after he got elected!!
Prediction: Obama's approval rating will be at 20% by July 2009. And in 2010 the GOP will win back control of congress and the senate. Only the deranged DailyKos /HP crowd will stick with him until the end.
People will look back on 2009-2010 as fondly as they do at 1930-1931. And the word Obama will replace Hoover as synonymous with presidential failure.
"Well it's easy to get a landslide when you have acorn registering Mickey Mouse to vote for you."
Man, I wish people would think before posting (and believing) Fox News talking points
Yes, ACORN paid people to sign up voters, and some of these people gamed ACORN out of some cash and put Mickey Mouse or whatever on their forms
But that's fraud against ACORN. And then those names are extracted by the state when approving new voters for their rolls. If a voter doesn't have a verified SS# and address, they don't get to vote. Good luck showing up at a poll as Mickey Mouse.
Get it?
Voter registration fraud is not voter fraud. But hey, if that's how the GOP wants to spin their defeat, fine. Gotta blame someone. Anyone but themselves.
The real fraud is the massive lines to vote, especially in poor or minority areas. The real fraud is the 20 or so states that don't allow early voting. The real fraud is the Diebold machines. The real fraud is that we're in 2008 and we don't have ATM-style or internet-enabled voting.
But this is what "Americans" want now. A free handout. A check without having to work for it. "Soaking the rich."
Welcome to Looter Nation.
So let me get this straight, you dont mind hand-outs, socialism for the rich, bailouts for Wall st and greedy bankers.
But if the average American has the audacity to want to have the same tax breaks as a guy who just shoves numbers around a computer sceen and gets paid millions for doing it- thats commumism and socialist like behaviour!!!!
Socialism for the rich but not for everyone else!!!
mmmmmmm you Americans are strange breed.
Olde conservatism: small government, defense, balanced budget
Neo conservatism: big government, pre-emptive offensive war, borrow&spend...
Look, I cannot stand Democrats, but I am perfectly willing to point out that under Reagan, spending and the deficit soared and government got MUCH larger.
Under Clinton, the budget was balanced (and Clinton delivered a balanced budget every year to Congress for several years), the deficit stopped growing, and government shrank as a share of employment and the economy.
Under that standard, Clinton was an "olde conservative." Yet the "conservatives" couldn't stop screaming about him and Hillary and his penis and where it was and how Clinton was a big librul commie.
It's sheer irony.
Conservatism these days is a mental disorder. When people proudly announce that they are conservatives, they are saying that they are stupid, reactionary, hate science and critical thinking, and get all of their talking points from talk radio and TV.
It's hilarious. Everything they hear from their dumbed-down media, they repeat on online forums a couple of hours later -- just like the dumbest of the liberals they claim to abhor.
They scream about "small government" and 10 seconds later demand wars, a bigger "security operation," and new laws to ban everything from smoking to abortion to pornography to gay marriage.
They talk about "freedom" yet demand a unilateral end to the Fourth Amendment.
They talk about "values" and ceaselessly lecture people on family, faith and freedom while they cheat on their wives, cruise parks for mansex, and dodge their child support.
They talk about "individual responsibility" yet happily demand their gummint cheese and vote for retarded morons like Bush and McCain who hand over ever soaring hunks of pork to their banking, "defense" industry and "no-bid contractor" buddies.
They brag -- BRAG -- about believing that the earth is 5,000 years old and that science is "satanic." They believe that a Jewish zombie rose from the dead to atone for the sin of a rib-woman made from a mud-and-breath guy eating an apple -- and that that's more plausible than genetic evolution and mutations over millions of years.
Conservatives of today are perhaps the stupidest people in American history -- and they're determined to drag the rest of us down with them. The most dangerous thing about them is that they are PROUD of being stupid, and are determined to force as many people as possible to be as stupid as they are -- with the power of government.
Ive had it is says
"There are two things these wackos get wrong, time and time again...1) who the Nazis were, and 2) who enslaved the blacks, created Jim Crow, and ran the KKK."
I say "you are an idiot who obviously listens believes what retardlican radio tells you."
1.Mussolini: "Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power."
2.The modern retardlicans aims are more closely aligned with the american fascist whigs than the pre-nixionain retardlicans. Also I'm sure you are aware that its Nixon's "southern strategy" that flipped the script on the civil rights issue as to who is for and who is against. Its the reason the retardlicans have their "solid south" which basically means all the inbreed redneck racist vote for retardlicans now.
in 2010 the GOP will win back control of congress and the senate
At which point, they'll decry government "socialism" by handing another $500 billion in no-strings cash to their buddies at the banks, Halliburton, Cerberus, and other failing companies run by their buddies.
And conservatives will cheer and whoop as the debt soars and the deficit soars, and will celebrate by donning their white sheets and burning a cross on the White House lawn.
Two of the Biggest Libs around
Tom Brokaw and Charlie Rose
just a couple of days ago
were talking that there's a lot about Obama that they don't even know about
like what does he really believe...
etc etc etc
Great guys, Now you wonder about your golden Boy.
Food for thought,
Blacks riot when they Win an NBA game, what the F**K would they do if they lost this election?????
Flavr Flav fo Preziden!
Flavr Flav fo Preziden!
"Hope all of you who condemn Obama as a socialist aren't looking forward to your social security check...probably the one thing that has saved our parents and hopefully us."
You are dreaming if you think the social security check will buy anything in another decade or less. The real price inflation for food and medicine (what the elderly need) has been running at double-digits, while the government is giving you 1 or 2% increases. Ground beef has just as much protein in it as steaks, and so does canned cat food. Enjoy the sutstitution effect! What's really happening is the collapse of the pyramid scheme. Social Security System works just like all the Credit Default Swaps: an insurance premium is collected every year but no reserve is set aside. The party went well for a while for the looters who give you false promises and false hopes, then you are the one given the tab.
Social Security was instituted to buy votes from the elderly, whose life savings was about to take a bath in FDR's gold confiscation and dollar devaluation. Without government's power to constantly devalue dollar, our parents and grand parents could have saved on their own, just like their forefathers had done for generations.
Alls I'm hearing is the crickets. Where's the civil discussion about CNN and NBC I put my request form in for yesterday?
Real State 101 (Anon) November 02, 2008 5:20 AM
I did not called you racist for that word. Just read your first post you idiot.
You would vote for Bush even if he came to your home and beat you down with a chain????
Why don't you tell me how that is not a racist view. The only thing different than Obama and Clinton is their skin colors you moron.
To the liberal poster from Alabama who challenged my factual history of the South:
1) You clearly agree with me that the Democrats enslaved, tortured, oppressed, raped, and murdered the blacks. Thank you for confirming this.
2) The vast majority of Democrats in Alabama would ALSO join the KKK, along with some Republicans, if it weren't so taboo. The Republicans who would join are those who are descendants of racist Southern Democrats (that's redundant by the way) who jumped to a weak and fragmented Republican party in the South during the 60's, 70's, and 80's. (The Republicans from the former slave states gained a majority in House for the first time since Reconstruction only in 1994. Prior to this the Democrats from those states had a huge majority). These racists jumped parties because, as you suggest, the Democrat Party started to get them out (but certainly not completely) and they found a weak Republican political party in which to find refuge. However, the vast majority of southern Republicans are not racist; it's just the opposite...the vast majority of southern Democrats are.
To the moron who talks about "retardicians" in his response to my factual history on fascism:
I don't know why you are calling anyone a "retard" since, from your expository writing abilities, it is clear that you are the one who is mentally challenged. Yup, just another unrepentant liberal who won't face up to his own Socialist's history of fascism and resorts to hurling falsehoods and lies at his prosecutor (me) in order to slither away from the awful truth. My adversary, you are GUILTY, GUILTY, GUILTY.
Dear American Democrats and Liberals: you are the original fascists and the original American slave holders. Embrace this truth and get over it. Once you do, you will be on the road to mental and emotional repair.
Our country was looted both financially and morally.
Regrettably, Obama was setup to take the fall. So sad.
We have to still vote for Obama.
It is going to be like the 1970s, unfortunately.
Obama is airing this morning's Cheney endorsement of McCain as an ad.
well i'm still kind of amazed that we will have a black guy for president. "bottom rail on top this time, massah, bottom rail on top"
A Black man for President??
And still we are considered a racist country???
It means the far left now has four years to screw the country over before we react by reversing hard right. Yawn.
One thing that happened on Halloween night in South Florida that left me thinking today….was when different people walked across the stage the crowd would clap or cheer..nobody ever booed… then somebody dressed as Obama running for president walked across the stage. What was amazing is the very loud.. physically…boo …boo he got. I mean it was LOUD and strong…they booed him with ferociousness. Now what is strange is this crowd reaction is the complete opposite of what media has been brainwashing everybody. I sat there and looked around and found myself stunned by the crowd reaction that was happening amoung thousands. I would have thought he would received cheers as our county is a democratic majority as is South FL. I found this moment very interesting and have reflected what if this is really the way many people feel and the media is attempting to control the thoughts of the masses. Granted many people do support Obama..but the fact is thousands upon thousands last night in a democratic geography booed him with tremendous force. I would never …ever expected this reaction from the crowd to Obama’s image last night based on the perception I have gotten from the media. This election could be interesting if this crowd reaction is any hint of the way many people are feeling. I don’t know but it was shocking and at the same time amazing as it is only days from the election.
Keith says . . .
The presidency and future of the free world is at stake and the best the Republicans can do is flame Obama because of the status of a relative of a father he didn't know?
The brain dead followers of Fox News and Rush Limbaugh are truly sad people. If this is all you got, you got nothing.
Go away. The adults have serious work to do now.
Peter Schiff, your erstwhile hero, just said on CNBC that Obama's economic policies will trigger a depression. I guess he should go away too and let Dodd, Frank, and Obama get down to the serious business of running the country. Well, when David Lereah is named HUD secretary don't come crying to me.
We're f*cked. In desperation, Americans are going to elect a Communist.
Just placed my order for a new rifle.
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