Maybe we could get an apology for their bit part in this debacle.
March on soldiers.
A time capsule of the greatest financial mania in the history of mankind, told in real-time by regular folks and patriots. May future generations better understand the madness of crowds, and how power and money corrupt.
Maybe we could get an apology for their bit part in this debacle.
March on soldiers.
Posted by
Like said before. WE can do this!
Get a blog set up for the sequel to this commercial. All talent can offer their services from production to script writing to lighting, makeup etc.
We can work on an ad-hoc basis to get the groundwork laid for filming this in HD.
Who's with me?
Who wants to start the blog?
Who wants to write the script?
Whose forreclosed house can we use to film in?
Who knows how to find these two actors (who should of course get Emmys for their roles - This will go down in history like Lang's depression era photography).
Let's use this thread to get started. Pick your name and we'll agree to a blog name, etc.
Your Film Producer Guy needs you now!
Our real estate bubble in Bend Oregon has definitely burst. It does look like we will hit bottom in the Spring of 2009.
"Did you see the size of that garage?"
Forget the size buddy, for your sake, I hope it's heated, cause you're gonna be sleeping in it real soon!
Me too. Scumbags.
He can put his HumVee in that garage. Along with the John Deere riding mower and the pool-cleaining equipment. These items will go with the house when the bank takes it back.
"Jim Johnson CRS said...
Our real estate bubble in Bend Oregon has definitely burst. It does look like we will hit bottom in the Spring of 2009.
October 26, 2008 1:53 PM"
Bwa ha ha ha.
"Get a blog set up for the sequel to this commercial."
I'll be the sheriff.
Also, people should save their love for people, and the world. How people can love an inanimate object is beyond me.
The agency of record for century 21 is mcgarrybowen.
Woman: "What is the point? What?"
That's what a man with balls would say.
A woman cries to Dr. Laura about pushing her husband to buy a house they couldn't afford. She's lucky he only broke the cell phone.
@film producer guy -
I'm afraid there's many, many movies that could/will come out of this, now the story is much bigger than one commercial. Don't get me wrong, I like dark humor commercials, but this is almost, well no, it is TOO dark, what is happening with peoples lives etc.
But, count me in if you get it rolling, I'll keep an eye out, its a good idea.
So here's the setup. Both work so they have to pay for child care ($$$ 1000-3000 for two kids). New house (overpriced). Two new vehicles at $35k a pop. And dollars to donuts she does all the spending in the home and has maxed out the credit card, over her husbands objections.
Two years on:
They're divorced. She got have of what was left. He's stuck with TWO child support payments and living in the dumpster. Happens to guys all across America every single f@cking day.
Hi Everyone- its mcgarrybowen...
Heres the famous PR Release...
PARSIPPANY, N.J., March 8 /PRNewswire/ -- Century 21 Real Estate LLC, the
world's largest residential real estate sales organization, today announced
the launch of its new "Agents of Change" national advertising campaign
developed in partnership with mcgarrybowen, the CENTURY 21 System's creative
advertising agency of record. The new campaign focuses on the CENTURY 21
System's worldwide network of more than 143,000 real estate professionals and
their roles as "Agents of Change" in the lives of their home buyers and
That actor has a special talent for looking gravely concerned.
You could almost conclude that in real life he'd been through a divorce/forclosure before he ever shot the commercial.
"This listing is special"
"We can lie on the mortgage app"
Why should the actors apologize? They played as the sponsor asked them to and got their pay. They are as innocent as an actor playing a fraudster in a movie. That said, I find the idea of a follow-up with the same actors intriguing.
This commercial is almost too perfect. Its erie.
I love this commercial, especially the modified version with the Oompa Loompa girl.
Sometimes, my fiance' gets a little spend happy and sends me one of those little gift-hint emails. I let her know my feelings by sending her the Suzanne link with something like "Oompa Loompa" in the title.
JIM, Keep dreaming about Bend, OR its way, way overpriced and a great place to live twenty years ago.
vanilla ice said...
Also, people should save their love for people, and the world. How people can love an inanimate object is beyond me.
Oh, I don't know. Boston Legal has a couple of episodes about OCD Jerry who has to have an unlit cigarette in his mouth in order to grow cojones and do his lawyering job. He falls in love with another OCD client who has an electronics fetish and she betrays him with a clock radio.
It is much easier and more economical to tuck in the little clock radio at bed time than to grab the pillow and blankie to sleep on the beloved granite counter in the kitchen.
The moral of the story to me is that you can use a fake prop to grow cojones (BMW) or you can fantasize about inanimate objects (granite). But, before you commit make sure that you can afford the love of your life.
HE is joe the plumber.
seriously though keith...i have been saying for awhile now that i am not gonna vote or vote for a third party candidate.
...but barney frank is scaring the shit out of me with his comments lately.
i am re-thinking my vote. i think mccain is a socilaist but a divided government does give me some comfort even if it is slight.
what are your thoughts?
Bend is a dead goat!
"...WE can do this...the sequel!...
...I'll be the sheriff..."
Got my vote. Get it going and I'll bet piles of people will chip in. :^D
Definite bump on the Dr. Laura link.
Am I the only one that notices how neurotic and labile the wife is? She's probably frigid in bed and uses it to her advantage to extort the poor overfed guy.
If she were real, she might have attempted suicide already.
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