Housing has crashed.
Stocks have crashed.
The fake wealth is gone.
HP'ers were right.
And yet the criminals walk free.
So, how do you feel now?
October 30, 2008
HousingPANIC Stupid Question of the Day
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And yet the criminals walk free.
Not only that - $70 Billion of the $700 Billion bailout is going towards BONUSES to these criminals.
Thank you democrats...
Mark you are funny. Blaming the Dems. Nice one. Plus the jews, homosexuals and the blacks too, it's their fault. I can't wait to hear the mouth breathers blaming Obama for absolutely EVERYTHING if he gets elected.
I feel violated like a prison bitch.
Without the 125 GOP Senators and Representatives who voted YEA: 40-59 Senate; 172-262 House.
Thank you, GOP.
"The Administration will revisit the regulatory goals for these corporations’ purchases of affordable housing loans, which are set to expire in 2003...
...Today, President Bush announced a new goal to help increase the number of minority homeowners by at least 5.5 million before the end of the decade. The President's aggressive housing agenda will help dismantle the barriers to homeownership..."
It is essential that we make it easier for people to buy a home...
News releases for June 2002
Search "homeownership." ;^D
It's taken years to get to this point. Just give it time. What goes around comes around. Tick tock.
I feel the other shoe has yet to drop. Obama winning will drop the stock market since strong regulations will limit obscene schemes, principle forgiveness on those toxic loans will bite Banks in the ass, so on and so on.
I don't care since I'm not wealthy anymore. Anyone making $100k or more can be taxed at 48% as far as I'm concerned. Have actors and sports figures pay Soc Sec taxes up to the maximum of their salaries. I don't care.
I have been harvested of my hard earned savings for the last time. It's time the rich guys pay and pay big. Maybe the rich guys will have to tell little Johnny he can't go to Princeton Boo Hoo
Yes I am pissed and will be for a long time. Republicans are of no interest to me since I am not rich anymore. I voted early in my state and for Obama, and cast my ballot against all the incumbents.
How do I feel???
Have lost my job, am depleting my savings, and scared to death.
Good Luck to everyone...There is no rule of law in this country anymore!
I have a feeling our country will explode financially NO MATTER WHO is elected.
After the election, look out.. and PLEASE don't blame Obama, who I can't even believe would want the damn job.
What a freaking SEWER he will be left with.
I feel like I've been used in order to support the elitists agenda. Like I've been busting my ass in order to get paper that will someday be worthless.
Bitter retired boomer:
You think anyone who makes 100k or more should be taxed at 48%???? Do you think making 100k in the DC area makes you rich? You are an asshole.
Boomers falked themselvrs over and dragged everybode with them. my kids will be still paying off this mess. go to www.infowars.com for the truth
They still want $500/sf for condos in any decent city.
I feel like I should have bought in 2005 for 400/sf.
The entire Dept. of Justice should face prosecution for aiding and abetting the Bush Administration in the destruction of our country.
The corruption that's taken place on their watch is a national disgrace...
i was rooting for the crash for the last two years but now that it is finally here, i feel bummed out. maybe a little despondent even. i still have my state job and i can still afford my mortgage so i am good.
Wit McCain & Palin elected the economy will go from Recession to Depression without a doubt. Remember McCain voted 90% of the time with Bush. A leopard never chnages its spots....Hmmmmm. Let's get real!!!! ...It's time to stop allowing the Greedy few to ruin the country and blame others for the damage they have caused!!!!!! It's Time For a BIG CHANGE!!! John McCain needs to stay senator and senator Obama needs to become the next US President!!!! Nuff Said!!
This about sums it up:
There's still a ton of rich folks and well funded financial managers out there propping the stock market up on its last leg every other day or so.
We have to wait until they lose their shirts to market volatility before capitulation can take place.
Basically we're waiting on the last few loaded traders to step on the ever increasing land mines, it's inevitable.
Until then, we've got 80+ VIX days.
I FEEL GREAT and sad.
Been an HPer for years. Got out of Debt. Own land with house on it outright [fee simple].
BUT, I'm expecting a 2nd 9-11 style false flag combined with a USD Collapse to jump start the war with Iran. [Will miss Graceland.]
As much as I have tried to prepare for the changes that are comming, in my heart I know that my future is going to totally suck compared to my current lifestyle.
If Iran's agents, who are now embedded in both North America and Europe, release their ABWs* I give my entire family one chance in three of surviving the aftermath.
So, yea I feel great that I am not being crushed by the financial storm now hitting everyone else; but I'm sad because I know what is comming.
Good Luck and God Bless.
* ABW (Advanced Biological Weapons) These weapons were developed by ex-Soviet genetic engineers who fled to Iran after the collapse of the Soviet Union some 15+ years ago.
General Motors on Wednesday said it had continued to feel the impact of the financial crisis in its third quarter sales but that the US had reached the bottom of its economic downturn.
I'm PISSED that Peter Schiff is obviously almost completely wrong on the commodities market. I'm PISSED that nobody is talking about our ridiculous illegal alien problem. And I'm PISSED that while we should be rallying behind obama people are crying because his NAME sounds foreign and like a terrorist. I'm PISSED that as a 21-year old male, not only can I not afford college, but there would be no jobs even if I could! I'm pissed that even while I'm working hard in a union job I may get laid off because some of the illegal aliens in the union have more seniority than me. I'm SOOOO PISSED that this is America now, and I pray that it will change for the better
The stupid are still among us. This survey JUST came out:
17% of homeowners told Zillow they think their own home’s value stayed the same over the past year, while 32% said their home has appreciated in value.
The survey was conducted Oct. 7-9, while stock markets tumbled in one of the worst selloffs in history, making the results all the more surprising.
Some 40% believe their home’s value will stay the same over the next six months, while 21% think their home will appreciate. But that stability ends at their door, as 57% said home values in their local market will decrease over the next six months
@ Bitter retired boomer -
From your comments, I can tell that you're either waxing poetic about the "good old days" when sodas were 10 cents, or you don't live in an expensive city such as L.A., New York, Chicago, etc. I agree that those with more wealth should pay taxes, BUT, you're ridiculously behind the times when it comes to definitions of "rich".
I live in LA. My wife and I, combined, make approximately $100K/year. We rent a two-bedroom apartment with no central heat/air (window units and a gas radiator), no dishwasher or modern appliances (no space for them in an apartment that was built in 1945). We both drive sensible, under-$20K cars (one five years old, the other seven years old). No credit card debt. After rent, car payments, student loans, insurance, gasoline, utilities, health care costs, taxes, etc. we're still able save a little money each month, but certainly can't come close to saving 10% of our gross income each year. And now we're expecting our first child. Say goodbye to those monthly savings. And we're really stuck in our jobs now. With a child, we can't afford to be on only one income. It's imperative that both of us stay working.
So, you might want to reconsider your views about "taxing everyone over $100K", because in many cities in the U.S., $100K is now lower middle-class.
Hey Mark in Philly.
Let's not be selfish with handing out the blame.
I mean why be so generous to the Democrats only? I think the Republicans deserved to be thanked just as much, maybe more since they've been the administration in the WH since 2000. Dontcha think?
Even more, why draw a line between the two parties? They are the same beast with two heads.
Blaming it on Democrats alone is like blaming your fist for punching you in the face.
"Stupid Brain" - Homer J. Simpson
"Thank you democrats" - Mark in Philly (and 1 million dittoheads)
Anonymous Mark in Philly said...
And yet the criminals walk free.
Not only that - $70 Billion of the $700 Billion bailout is going towards BONUSES to these criminals.
Thank you democrats...
October 30, 2008 12:42 AM
And lets not overlook the fact that banks are not lending our hard earned money we are giving them but instead they are keeping their dividends healthy they pay out to shareholders (too include all the executives who get shares on the cheap via options and were told they had to have salary caps. They just winked and nodded to Hank & said "Sure, no problem" and then went back tot eh boards they control and said up the dividend & give me more shares instead of cash so we can back door getting the free gov't cash despite our incompetent, blind greed based decisions made over the last decade.) But heaven forbid we give the working poor a F'ing WIC check or food stamp boost and your damn sure we are going to make sure they use it only on basic food staples and not buy soda pop. If we are going to have "workfare" for the poor then we need to have Work fare for the corporate executives and they get no luxury spa resort trips or limos or steak dinners at the Palm. This BS has to end, right here right now
USA is toast and Keith: Stop calling us continental Europeans lazy and slobby. Find one "sloppy" EU country (except fubar UK) in which yearly imports are bigger than yearly industrial production.
Maybe it is YOU ANGLOS which suck big time this time. You London and New York trader idiots even shorted Volkswagen and BIG BADABUM, Porsche announced they have majority of the stocks and the stock price skyrocketed, resulting in huge short squeeze. HA HA HA HAA!
oh poor qweefer
nothing's changed. banks are still handing out 100% mortgages like it's candy. only this time taxpayers are eating up any costs.
as for this crash in stocks, did you look at asia this morning? up 12%. futures up 3% today. this will be the shortest lived crash in the history of crashes.
but you all go ahead and keep renting a shithole 1 bed 1 bath and earning 2% on your CDs if it make syou feel bettr
Without the 125 GOP Senators and Representatives who voted YEA: 40-59 Senate; 172-262 House.
Thank you, GOP.
Liberalism truly is a mental disease. Proof? Democrats control both houses. Yet idiots like the writer above blmaes the GOP for legislation passed.
Bitter retired boomer:
You think anyone who makes 100k or more should be taxed at 48%???? Do you think making 100k in the DC area makes you rich? You are an asshole.
October 30, 2008 2:42 AM
48% will look feel like the good old days in a few years when we're paying 65%
anon 8:06:
I agree in principle with you. $100K is nothing these days. I make $165K a year and while not exactly starving, I'm by no means rich either. $150K is the new $75K in most American cities. A comfortable middle class existence, but hardly lifestyles of the rich and famous some people make it out to be.
I disagree with your first statement though...'I agree that those with more wealth should pay taxes'
In case you haven't noticed those with wealth DO pay taxes. The top 10% of income earners pay 70% of federal income taxes. You don't think that's enough? And despite what Keith's pal Obama might tell you, 40% of people pay $0 taxes. And yet Obama plans to give these people a tax cut, ie a welfare payment, while people like you and me - the so called rich - get fucked up the ass once more.
Class warfare is bullshit. How about instead of expecting the govt to give you shit, you go out and earn it? 10 years ago I made 1/2 of what I make now. And I hope that 10 years from now I'll make twice as much as I do now. I don't want someone getting taxed at 50%+ if he makes $300K today. That's because I hope to one day make $300K myself.
Unfortunately too many people are content with making their $50K a year and expecting the govt to subsidize everything else.
"I agree in principle with you. $100K is nothing these days. I make $165K a year and while not exactly starving,"
I love all the bullshit claims of 6-figure salaries made by internet bloggers.
My business has gone downhill. I'm in commission only sales so when there are no sales, there is no income that month. Basicly I'm unemployed at present only I can't collect Unemployment Insurance. IT SUCKS!
A friend who owns her own company had to start visiting church food pantrys for groceries after her business dropped by 75% in the last 3 years.
Everyone I know is worried about losing their jobs.
Now they want to pay those bastards on Wall Street their million dollar bonuses even though they lost billions and brought down the whole economy!
Where are our kids Christmas presents coming from?
I'M MAD! A lot of people are getting mad. I fear it could get ugly.
My wife and I have taken to sharing our bed with Mr. 9mm.
If you live in say Manhattan a married couple with a kid or two who both earn six figures will not be "rich" by any stretch.
Of course it's their fault for choosing to live somewhere where if you are lucky you can find a two bedroom apartment for $4k/month...
I feel great. I feel that I made out like a freaking bandit!!!! LOL, LOL.
I am mad as helloooooooooooo. I will not vote what for it make no difference there's no one out there that has the same values that my family have. Were only going to worry about ourself's and kid's were going to be all about us! Who but some of the blogger's can I trust .Sheep I say sheep!!!!
Have you driven a Volkswagen lately?
I owned a Jetta up until 3months ago; it was my first experience with a European car,
It was also my last
Never again will I fall for an overpriced tin can.
My VW Jetta fell apart like a ‘dollar-store’ wanna be Barbie doll, the crappiest car I’ve ever owned.
European cars post Y2K make American made cars look very attractive
Not only are Europeans sloppy, fake liars, but the products they produce are of the lowest quality.
IMHO most European products are of lower quality then junk made in China or Mexico and cost ten times more.
The thing about this economic meltdown is that it is exposing Europe as a shiny copper façade with rotted moldy wood underneath.
VW shares = plastic Tulips
Anonymous said...
If Iran's agents, who are now embedded in both North America and Europe, release their ABWs* I give my entire family one chance in three of surviving the aftermath.
Look under your bed...
After months of reading this blog and some other sources as well, I am no longer an uninformed, or confused, American.
I understand enough about the greed and corruption in government.
My conclusion is that the problem that Americans are STRUGGLING with is the problem of evil.
It is the deception and confusion of most of us that has enabled evil to get away with whatever it wants. That is how it operates. The way to fight it is to straighten out the confusion and bring to light the lies.
We definitely need to change our government.
Countrywide investigated by the Feds..Finally.
comeback_kid said...
That's the problem....your pissed!
Your whole worthless generation is pissed!
You live in the Best most generous country in the world,
and your pissed!
Your ranting is all about you,
Can't pay for school....neither could millions before you
Your Pissed because of no work...whats new?
Illegals bothering you... you and everyone else!
You said you pray that it will change for the better,
You pray? To who?
Or is it just self serving Give me, Give me, Give me?
Your young and jump at the first flashy thing to come by, look at the issues kid, your very future and safety are at risk with Obama!
Well voting for Obama 'Will' change things....and Not for the better!
Change is not always necessarily a good thing...just ask Coke when they 'changed' to New Coke...that damn near killed em!
You think America is bad now?
You just wait til the Constitution is run roughshod over!
Then you'll really be pissed, and finally for a good reason!!!!!
This is what happens to Low-Life Realtors who do not budget properly padawans.
"Disgusted in Ohio said...
My business has gone downhill. I'm in commission only sales so when there are no sales, there is no income that month. Basicly I'm unemployed at present only I can't collect Unemployment Insurance. IT SUCKS!
A friend who owns her own company had to start visiting church food pantrys for groceries after her business dropped by 75% in the last 3 years.
Everyone I know is worried about losing their jobs."
Fuck you and your Friendly Realtor pals.
The purpose of the credit collapse (and 9/11) was to drive America into the warm, caring arms of Socialism. It worked.
JaneZ said...
Look under your bed...
Jane, whom are you defending?
Is you real name Ahmed?
How do I feel? Pissed beyond words - wish I'd never seen HP. The smart move was to buy a McMansion in 2006 with a 110% LTV option ARM liar's loan, stop making payments a year later, and wait for the taxpayers to pay your mortgage for you.
I admit it - I underestimated how stupid, lazy, and irresponsible the average american is, and how incredibly stupid, lazy, and corrupt our leaders in Washington are. The government is passing out trillions to big corporations, rich investors and whining homedebtors, at the expense of the few responsible people (like the HP'ers) who still pay taxes.
My only consolation is the thought that the whole economic system may yet collapse to the point that all americans will be eating bugs to survive. I'll be the only one eating bugs and laughing my fanny off.
Personal responsibility people. To the boomer who complained about all his money being lost. Taxing the rich people won't get your money back. It might get you a lousy $500 voucher to buy peanut butter, but it won't make you any better off. It's all cyclical folks. Just watch the prosperity that we'll enjoy in this Country after this down period. It will have nothing to do with Obama's socialist agenda, it will have to do with the cyclical nature of housing and financial markets. Stop looking for people to blame and take responsibility for yourselves.
Anonymous said...
If Iran's agents, who are now embedded in both North America and Europe, release their ABWs* I give my entire family one chance in three of surviving the aftermath.
To Jantez who said, "Look under your bed...":
Please pull your head out of the sand.
For the first time in my 36 years of service as an RN; last month every employee at my County Hospital was fitted for a level 4 biohazzard suit. An entire floor of the lower south east wing was converted into a negative air bio containment zone.
How do you feel?
It is like the gift of Somalia left by the other Bush...soon to be appearing in a north american city near you.
You just wait til the Constitution is run roughshod over!
You don't have to wait for that. The fat, selfish, lazy, self-centered boomers already put their boy Bush into power.
He revoked habeus corpus, the presumption of innocence, the fourth amendment ban on unreasonable searches and seizures, the second amendment right to bear arms free of restrictions, the 14th amendment right to equal protection under the law, and the eighth amendment ban on cruel and unusual punishment (authorizing torture in Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib, and elsewhere).
Republican boomers have no brains.
Well, actually I am wrong.
They have shit-for-brains. They rant about the Constitution and the lazy kids and the faggots and dykes and gooks and spics and libruls and whoever else they want to hate today.
But the reality is, it's their fat, diabetic, pasty, indebted, plastic-surgeried, lazy, stupid-and-proud-of-it, religious mysticism-believing asses that transformed America from the richest and most prosperous country in the world in the 1960s -- when they came to power -- into an indebted third world shithole with a ruined constitution as they head into retirement.
how do i feel?
There are relatively few people I'm NOT pissed off at.
The govt. is #1 on the list since it is the source of this problem with its criminal activity of forcing banks to lend to poor people, as well as for keeping interest rates too low for too long (The Fed should be prohibited from setting the Fed Funds rate).
I'm pissed at the Democrats for saying that it was only Wall Street that caused this problem. THAT'S A LIE! Yes, the Street is to blame for securitization and derivatives, but there wouldn't have been any of that if there hadn't been a housing bubble...a housing bubble they caused by forcing banks to lend to poor people.
I'm pissed at Congress and Bush and Paulson and Bernanke for raiding the public treasury to pay off Wall Street. I am out of my mind knowing those asswipes are going to get huge bonuses this year when they are partly, and hugely, responsible for bringing us to where we are today.
The only solution is for the American people to rise up and force the Dem and Repub parties to disband. They are the chief problem in this country. Even electing new Dems and Repubs won't make a difference. It's the parties that control the agenda and the parties that need, and want, to be greased by special interest, not the invdividual politicians. When the new ones get elected they will just become part of the corrupt Party machine.
America has strayed far from the Constitution. I'm afraid that this country no longer resembles the country created by that document. I don't know what you can call us today. All I know is that we're not the United States of America.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
How do I feel? Pissed beyond words - wish I'd never seen HP. The smart move was to buy a McMansion in 2006 with a 110% LTV option ARM liar's loan, stop making payments a year later, and wait for the taxpayers to pay your mortgage for you.
I admit it - I underestimated how stupid, lazy, and irresponsible the average american is, and how incredibly stupid, lazy, and corrupt our leaders in Washington are. The government is passing out trillions to big corporations, rich investors and whining homedebtors, at the expense of the few responsible people (like the HP'ers) who still pay taxes.
My only consolation is the thought that the whole economic system may yet collapse to the point that all americans will be eating bugs to survive. I'll be the only one eating bugs and laughing my fanny off.
October 30, 2008 9:00 PM
Yep, keeping falling sorry for yourself. No one forced you to live a HP'ers lifestyle. But too bad, now you will lose, and lose big!
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