Give up folks on the bail out pushback, and focus your efforts by contacting the media, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid to name a special prosecutor and start the investigation.
And if Reid and Pelosi won't do it, then citizens arrests and mass civil disobedience will be called for as we head into 2009.
Here's O'Reilly, usually a partisan jackass in my book, but in this case doing the right thing. Finally, the rage. THE RAGE. But the RAGE shouldn't be reserved just for the Dems. Remember, the GOP was in charge during the bubble years 2000 - 2006 when the most damage was done.
That said, we need rage if we're going to fix this mess, put the criminals in jail, investigate the congress, and cleanse the system. Rage on the left, rage on the right, and rage in the center.
Enjoy the video. Feel the rage. It's about time.
October 03, 2008
And then the popular uprising started against the corrupt and incompetent Dem & GOP monkeys in Congress who got us into this mess
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No Panic yet???
Yesterday at work we all received an email from the 401K provider. Below is an excerpt:
“The extraordinary events of the past week are testing the portfolios and the confidence of investors worldwide. Fidelity’s strength and stability have helped us weather challenging markets before, and Fidelity remains steadfast in its core investment principles.”
Translation: The markets are crashing and will continue their downward spiral.
Everyone is trying to withdraw their money before it completely evaporates.
Please just trust us, and don’t withdraw your money (anyway, we don’t have enough of it left).
-Your 401K provider
Let me repeat the question - No Panic yet???
Who better than Barney Fag, who once had a call boy service running out of his house, to head up the American dream of home ownership. Half of the time, I can not understand what Mr.Magoo is saying with all of that slurping. The blame game is getting heated now. Bill OReilly looked like he was close to bashing Barney during a recent shouting interview. So, we will pass the Baby Boomer Bailout, and keep borrowing trying to save the economy. Too bad our biggest export is debt.
HPers, after this Bill passes in a few Minutes, think about this.
You will be paying my mortgage while you rent! Losers! We told you so you didn't listen!
This baby is going to pass! Yeeehaaaaa. My house will go back up in value, tax payers like HPers who rent will pay my mortgage! What a deal. Thanks!
silly poster.. after this bill passes i will be picking up my gold and taking it back to my debt free apt. THen heading to costco to get ready for whats coming... you however.. .will be stuck :-)
Today is a day of Infamy for HPers! HP Renters become Mortgage payers for the Elite, while they rent!
The previous two posters are clearly thinking short term. If you believe 700b will fix your issue.. continue. Its bigger than you however. 5trillion covered by fdic.. 2 trillion not...
ill be very liquid.. almost water.. you however have a ball and chain.
How can I pay off your mortgage with money we don't even have... eventually you have to pay the tab ;-)
This bailout if for foreign investors... to get their money out..and for the rich to get their money out. 250k upgrade in fdic isn't for you buddy ;-)
Alas... the market will drop.. for a lil time in which i get my bear etfs and gold and silver and wait for the inevitable.
Its bigger than houses buddy.... much bigger....
This is a Wall Street Bail out ,not a Baby Boomer Bail Out . This is a Obstruction of Justice Bail out .
The cat is out of the bag about how bought off the politicians have been
regarding giving Wall Street their way . The cat is out of the bag just how much Wall Street has influenced this bogus emergency Bill that could of been handled in much more taxpayer protective way .
Now Wall Street is already calling for a rate cut ,even when the Bill hasn't passed yet . Is there anything that Wall Street doesn't get? I think its time for all Americans to see who owns the
Politicians. We Americans already did it Wall Street's way by buying into a fake housing bubble that they funded and made fortunes on ,until the losses came ,so now they are crying help .
Just like with the rah rah housing boom ,the Main Stream Media has their talking points that we must pass this Bill ,in spite of it being a bad Bill . Does anyone buy that . Does anyone buy that we couldn't buy more time to construct a better Bill . This is the Wall Street/Bankers Bill ,and its won't solve the real problems but create more problems . The net effect will be that we give the Bankers money at the expense of giving true aid to the economy .
The criminals that destroyed the
financial stability of the USA by the biggest financial scheme of a
fake bubble will go unpunished .
Mozilo get to keep his wealth and his freedom . The Wizards of Wall Street get to take the gambling bet back,while the average American receives the Bill with interest charged .
make no mistake that if the Politicians wanted to create a bill that would create credit they could of without giving Wall Street a bail out .
Make no mistake ,this Bill chooses who the winners and losers will be and it chooses who will avoid justice and who won't.
There is no Justice anymore and those most responsible and criminal are being bailed out along with the liar loan borrowers and their team of enablers .
Put out the fire ,so you can't see who the fire starter was is the name of this game .
Ha! You think the rule of law still exists in AmeriKKKa. What a joke.
This country is run by the corporate interests, the elites, the...
Well 232 years was a good run.........
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Pay my mortage! :)
Wall Street and Big Business already sold out American when it dumped
American workers for out-sourcing and cheap labor manufacturing . Now they get bailed-out of their scheme to keep the Americans buying on credit even when they didn't have jobs or raises or benefits or even the ability to pay .
I don't think I have seen anything that can be more evil than Wall Street and Big Business Greed left unregulated . Big Business controlls the air-waves ,the boob tube ,and they have no qualms about brainwashing Americans .
Make No mistake that Big Business and Wall Street doesn't care about Americans ,to the point that they have the nerve to demand this massive bail out ,when they were the parties that came up with the scheme to induce people into a
economy based on debt .
The 171 members that voted against the Bill deserve to keep their job ,the others don't . Never forget the Politicians that voted for the Bill because they are the bribed ones . Remember the Politicians
that voted against the bill .
I believe that this Bill's passage is the beginning of the American demise and capitalism as we have know it .I say be very afraid of the new brain-washers that can't see the forest through the trees because they kill their host in the name of profits .
They should of told Wall Street to go to hell ,and only than could American or main street of had a chance of changing the folly back to a functioning economy that was based on true incomes and productive activity ,instead of fake debt and bubbles . Sad day ,really .
This is on Fox news. And I thought all good liberals like you are supposed to ignore anything on fox news and get all your news from MSNBC and DailyKos.
Me confused.
Why are you HP'ers always angry? Too bad you live in a shit hole apartment, live in your mother's basement, you haven't had sex in ages and still drive a 1983 Honda Accord. You made the decision to live below your means. So don't be angry at us who did the exact opposite.
By O'Reillys own math (to paraphrase):
"You presided in the last 2 years over the biggest financial crash this country has ever seen....don't blame the republicans, etc."
By that math we should be outraged about the republican president who, with his administration, presided over the biggest run up in gov. spending, the most serious attack on U.S. soil, the most sweeping changes with regards to citizens constitutional rights and liberties, not to mention the most illegally started war in the history of the US.
Bill O', please just go back to wanting to hump your not-so-hot office chick, get a rug for your head and just be a horny old fart who thinks he's sexy enough to buy himself a hooker-girlfriend because he's got a few million, a soapbox on a fascist TeeVee network and auto-erotic semi-autobiographical wank fest of a book with a loofa.
Barney Frank is a major first-class a**hole. Always has been, always will be.
I wanted to throw up looking at his smugness in that video.
Now we get 4 years of his buddy Barry Obama to pull the same sh*t from the Oval Office.
Today is a day of Infamy for HPers! HP Renters become Mortgage payers for the Elite, while they rent!
Only employees who have taxes taken from their paychecks. We business owners pay a FAR lower effective tax rate. To me that's reason enough to get out of a job (working to make someone else rich) and start a business.
Bill Gates, who consistently pays an effective tax rate of about 5%, when asked what's the most important thing to do to get rich, he said it's knowing how to work the tax code.
My Fellow HPers:
Will someone more eloquent than I composde a letter that can be cut, pasted and e-mailed, faxed sent or shoved up their ass in person demanding an investigation? Name Mozilo Perry, Dodd, et al directly.
The HP Nation will rise to the occasion and start bombarding the MSM and Reps in Govmnt.
Allude to those who voted YES to this piece of shit sellout that they will also be looking for work soon! Make sure yu name Feinstein, Boxer and Bella Lugosi Pelosi.
Thank you!
only the most partisan trash like Guy with a sandwichboard could possibly not think Democrats weren't at least partially responsible for all this
bush has plenty to answer for, but to think Dodd or Frank are innocent is beyond stupid
He who still defends Barney Frank is as disgusting as he is. Please leave the country and don't breed.
I'm a home owner, but I certainly do not agree with the passage of this bill - generations to come will be taxed to death paying this off.
The sad and unfortunate part is, housing prices will continue to spiral downward.
Once confidence in the market and those who are supposed to represent us fail, there is no more hope for the system.
The prior house debtors who made these remarks have a severe case of miopia (unable to see far)
Housing is such a small part of the problem really, the derivatives market alone is 40x as large which will unravel.
700bil is a drop in the bucket and won't even scratch the surface in the months ahead of us for the really large problems heading our way.
Watch as congress tries desperately to throw more tax-payer's money and "sweeteners" at the growing financial crisis.
These folks sold out America in order to save the ruling elite.
All the did was buy some time, but the end will still be the same as if the $700bil "bail-out" wasn't passed.
Anonymous said...
The previous two posters are clearly thinking short term. If you believe 700b will fix your issue.. continue. Its bigger than you however. 5trillion covered by fdic.. 2 trillion not...
ill be very liquid.. almost water.. you however have a ball and chain.
How can I pay off your mortgage with money we don't even have... eventually you have to pay the tab ;-)
This bailout if for foreign investors... to get their money out..and for the rich to get their money out. 250k upgrade in fdic isn't for you buddy ;-)
Alas... the market will drop.. for a lil time in which i get my bear etfs and gold and silver and wait for the inevitable.
Its bigger than houses buddy.... much bigger....
Even though I'm a renter, I won't be paying anyone's mortgage. It will be paid with money borrowed from the Chinese. And I won't really be paying the interest on that money either, because the government will borrow that, too. And so on, and so on, and the debt will continue to increase faster and faster, just as it has for years, while we pay a higher and higher interest rate and foreign confidence in our financial system continues to decline. It won't be much longer now until the Chinese stop lending and start selling dollars. And that will be the end of America as we know it. Enjoy your house. Hope you have room for a garden - you'll need it.
$700 billion Pump and Dump
about sums it up
Nick the Dick said:
Why are you HP'ers always angry? Too bad you live in a shit hole apartment, live in your mother's basement, you haven't had sex in ages and still drive a 1983 Honda Accord. You made the decision to live below your means. So don't be angry at us who did the exact opposite.
Your mother should have drowned you in the bathtub.
The prior house debtors who made these remarks have a severe case of miopia (unable to see far)
I suuspect those posts are all from the same troll
why is it that people automatically assume you are a democrat when you criticize bush or fox news? Guy with a sandwich board was tagging on o'reilly from what I read and he's right. He's a blow hard loudmouth.
Get your head out of your ass! There's only one party in this country and you're not a member of it.
BIPARTISIAN BLAME!! I will no longer be duped by the "it's the other guys fault" It is the fault of rep. dem.s AND the people of the USA who had their heads up their asses and let BOTH paties get away with this.
To all the anonymous trolls who think they won the white trash lottery with this bailout-Have you read the 451 pages of the bill? Have you even listened to any of the talking points that the MSM was hammering all this week while doing PR to insure the passage of this abomination?
Obviously not because you seem to think the $700 billion is going to be used to take over the payments on your stucco and stick shitbox way out and gone in the deep, deep exurbs of BFE.
The bailout is part of an effort to keep the value of the assests in the toxic CDOs and MBSs inflated at bubble levels. This a blatant attempt to use tax payer money to defy reality and can not work for long but make no mistake the powers that be are going to do what they have to to make sure that you keep paying your bubble level mortgage at bubble levels even though your your beloved home now has a market value hundreds of thousands of dollars less than what you owe on it.
Understand this-You will be paying your over valued mortgage until you walk away. Wall Street, now with they full faith and credit (and police powers) of the Government of the United States of America.
And if you think you can just stop paying your mortgage and live rent free until you are foreclosed on and kicked out you really are as dull witted as your posts make you seem. The mortgage payments that you are not making will be tallied , totaled, compounded and laden with punitive fees and it will essentially be the Federal Government or rather Hank Paulsen's quasi government bailout squad that will be calling to collect the past due amount. I'm sure the IRS will be able to give them collection tips that would make the guards a Gitmo look like preschool teachers.
And when you think you're really winning the game because they are taking there time foreclosing, that is just them padding the account. As long as they legally keep you on the hook the more money they will get eventually. Once they foreclose the value of your house will mark to market so they are going to prop that value up for as long as they can. Even if you walk away they are not going to be in any hurry to cut you loose they will foreclose when they have recooped their loses.
Hank Paulsen did say that they tax payers might even see a profit from this bailout. Maybe he was not lying. Maybe this is how Hank is going make a profit on that $700 billion plus. Maybe you will one day realize that you are so screwed and there is nothing you can do about it. Maybe you will realize you are the bitch in this economic prison rape.
Thanks for doing your part to insure that the investment of my tax dollars will turn a healthy profit and also for doing your part to make sure the housing bubble has well and truly burst so that in a year or two I will be buying a house at a price that is based on real world fundamentals while you will still be paying your bubble mortgage.
Thank you so very much.
rate cut? less money for giving the fractional reserve system money to loan out at 10, 20, 30, or 100 times my deposit to put competing bids on house buying against me? driving the prices 10, 20, 30 or 100 times their fair market cash value? anhouse price inflation not counted as inflation to screw the dollar and savers?/
I hate Barney Frank but I think O'Reilly should be cut up into little pieces and fed to dogs.
Never thought I'd see the day when I'd be rooting-on Bill O'Reilly. Pigs with lipstick must truly be flying.
This is our country, if we don't stop this rape of our motherland now, when do we?
It is about time we take our country back.
I have plenty of venom for Frank, Pelosi and Co. Don't get your undies all bunched up just because I critcized our fearless leader and because I think o'reilly is dog food.
Only the most fascist of republican talking pull-toy dolls would fail to see that the corruption and lawlessness starts with busch and chainyburton.
But I wouldn't expect more from a one-eyed Nazi who thinks any criticism is automatically coming from a democrat.
I wish people would stop it with all of the "GOP was in power during 2000-2006".
Who was it that was pushing for the reform during this period?
A majority does not mean a filibuster proof majority.
Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, et al. were receiving so much money from Fannie/Freddie it is DISGUSTING. Obama has also received more money over the last 24 months than some of these dems in the last 24 years.
If you look back at the reasoning for fannie/freddie and the CRA it was almost exclusively for minority/low income families to get a home they could not afford. Dems pushed back in committee at every mention of lowering limits or requiring more capital. How did they push back? With the threat of racism! The same old card the dems always use...even though they were the ones fighting against the 1964 civil rights act! WAKE UP!
This blog has been good in one sense, but has not told the truth about who is truly responsible for the housing crisis. Mainly people such as: Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, Chris Dodd, Barney Frank, Jim Johnson, Franklin Raines, et al.
Is it just a coincidence these are all democrats? Is it just a coincidence that the people in charge of Frannie/Freddie during this mess also are part of Obama's campaign in one way or another?
Keith, you need to pull your head out of the sand. McCain may not be great, you may not even like him, and maybe you don't even care about this country since you don't live here anymore. But Obama is not good for this country, if you want to talk about the economy...he is like million dollar house with a 4 year ARM of politicians...and we only make $30k a year.
Barney Frank
Obama while your at it!
Nike @ 2:30 PM said...
"This blog has been good in one sense, but has not told the truth about who is truly responsible for the housing crisis. Mainly people such as: Jimmy Carter,..."
FYI, Carter's presidency ended over 25 years ago!
Please elaborate on your comment.
One thing we can say about Jimmy Carter, is that if this country had continued down the road toward energy independence - where he was trying to lead us - we would today be a lot less vulnerable to the ups & downs and the whims of the Oil exporters.
But Reagan, in his infinite wisdom, took this country down a different path. His symbolic gesture against energy independence was having the solar panels removed from the White house roof.
i actually agree with Frank. Fannie/Freddie as well as many financials were on their death beds by 2004. Their entire business model is flawed. There is nothing anyone could have done to save them, short of deleveraging and winding down parts of their business.
You dumb shit,
If Fannie and Freddie were on their deathbeds as of 2004,
Why?? Did he do or say nothing!
Especially since the Dems have been in control of so much of it.. mostly in the last 2 yrs!
Nike said...
I wish people would stop it with all of the "GOP was in power during 2000-2006".
Between mid 2001 and Jan 2003 Democrats were in control of the Senate. People forget about Jeffords of Vermont who switched sides and gave the Dems control for 1.5 years.
And in reality the GOP controlled in name only. This control was with "Republicans" like Susan Colins, Arlen Specter and Lincoln Chaffee who almost always voted with the Dems on major issues. Hell Chaffee is now working for Obama.
So this whole notion of "Republicans" or even more laughable "conservatives" ran the show for 6 years is total bullshit.
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