Luke 16:13 (NIV) "No servant can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money."
Heb 13:5 (RSV) "Keep your life free from the love of money, and be content with what you have."
1 Sam 2:7 (NIV) The Lord sends poverty and wealth; he humbles and he exalts.
Luke 14:33 (Phi) "Only the man who says goodbye to all his possessions can be my disciple."
Mat 6:24 (NIV) "No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money."
Job 31:24-25,28 (NIV) [Job:] "If I have put my trust in gold or said to pure gold, 'You are my security,' if I have rejoiced over my great wealth, the fortune my hands had gained... then these also would be sins to be judged, for I would have been unfaithful to God on high."
Jer 9:23-24 (NAS) Thus says the Lord, "Let not a wise man boast of his wisdom... let not a rich man boast of his riches, but let him who boasts boast about this, that he understands and knows Me... "
September 21, 2008
This one is for all those realtors reading "The Secret", hoping against hope that the housing bubble comes back
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Oh, one more question - how did the Republicans, the party of business and money and Halliburton and Hank Paulson and the rich, become the party of god?
Just asking
Serious point too. Since the party of god and the party of the rich got us into the mother of all financial messes
The only weapon that we as individuals have is control over our individual money.
If everyone was to pull all money out of banks and sell off all stocks, etc. they would be powerless.
It comes down to this people. Do you have the guts to actually do something for the country as a whole or are you more interested in adding a little interest to your personal portfolio?
If you are more interested in your portfolio, than you are no better and are just as greedy as the creeps of wall street.
I pulled all my money out of the bank months ago.
Does anybody else have the guts to put their money where their mouth is?
Realtors are Republicans
"let not a rich man boast of his riches"
Greg Swann was boasting of finally having a listing the other day does that count?
I liked this thread Keith, because I can slam the NAR. I wonder if the NAR is holding any vigils hoping that the bailout bill becomes law. They actually believe that this will improve the housing situation. It just goes to show how clueless/blind this NAR organization really is.
Hey Yun, let me give you a little clue about something: If the government comes in and buys up every one of the foreclosed houses, then that will only mean that the government owns the houses, and not the banks/investors. The government (meaning us taxpayers) becomes the bigger sucker. The bankers? Well, the bankers get to laugh all the way to the bank.
Long-term interest rates will be going up, and taxpayer's bank account balances will be going down.
But, the NAR will still keep their real-estate agent members happy with the foggy-minded idea of "future" increases in sales. It's kinda like a mirage on a desert; it looks like a sure thing from a distance, but it starts to fade as you get closer to reality.
BTW, I like the Bible verses too. They add more relevance to the plight of the real-estate industry.
"It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God." (Matthew 19:24)
How about a link to Denninger's latest video?
Denninger Deconstructs Hanky's Panky
Great post.
"Let all REIC and every used house peddlers eat Ramen with their water forever."
-HPers, Vol 1, Paragraph A.
Im a new Realtor that has yet to do a sale and have a part time job.
Im working on my first sale. The rate is 5.7 and the house is a REO with an approved price at a 2001 level. Now I think that if more people would start buying these homes then there would be no need for a bailout. My office was busy last week. It looks like theres an uptick in activity. I think the public has been sitting on the fence waiting for this moment and the media and blogs have been pushing for more declines and swaying public perception.. Then what happends.. Huge bailout. The blogs are going off about how Un American it is. Well... If you focus on the negativity and your minions do to and spread it around then thats what you get. Now the rescue is coming and I feel sites like these drove that.. Negative gets negative. I love the secret. Im positive and I will look foward to more sales. Thank You Very Much. Positive flame shit on..
Realtors still don't understand that they caused this mess
Hey HPers
Email this attorney (fights for liberty) asking that he assist in an emergency motion to prevent the upcoming theft of the US Treasury!!
Can you imagine how big of an idiot you'd have to be to be a new realtor?
Uh, talk about coming late to a party? It's like 5am dude. Sun's coming up. There's puke all over the place. All the cool kids have left.
Too good. The gift that keeps on giving.
I think that in every profession there are good and bad. Can you blame your car mechanic for a flat tire? Possiably but you to might be at some fault without knowing it. Thats the point of the Secret. Now Greed is bad and I think the root of this problem is Greed. It's not a spiritual path.. Greed.. But wanting wealth for yourself and family in not bad.
In fact health wealth and wise is the true point of the Secret and visualizing that is good. I wish that for myself and I wish that for all. Jai Shri
I've read the secret.
F*cking people over, lying and cheating for money is not what that book intended.
Need I say more?
Just like the bible or the koran, people take good teachings and bastardize them to cover and try to justify their own misdeeds and evil ways.
If the govt. can STOP the downward price pressures, and people start buying, it will end the vicious circle of deflating RE values.
I mean, how much is a home worth? Could it fall to $0?
Typically in the last Stage of the Housing Slump and the first Stage of the Housing Recovery the Home Affordability Index would become the highest.
Yes, this means in some cities the median price of a home will fall below the value used to gauge a traditional mortgage.
Therefore the price of a median home will never fall to zero, but instead the median home price should fall somewhere to the level were a traditional mortgage can be supported by the median income.
Traditional mortgage means people earning the median income can afford a mortgage payment with 20% down at no more then 28% monthly debt (including property tax, insurance, and etc) to gross income ratio.
The price of median home has been overvalued because over the years it has gotten alway from this concept by mortgage innovation that is nothing more then a fancy name for a LEAST a house program.
This LEAST program allowed people who can not afford a traditional mortgage payment to become temporary home owner, and at the same time has inflated the price of the median home.
It is like last year when many of the Auto Dealerships were discounting all of their cars or having special least program to get their banner selling year.
Now they are expecting the same thing this year with more discounting, but all the Auto Dealerships have done was taken out future sideline buyers who would have brought this year but were enticed to buy last year.
Not like the Auto industries the mortgage industries have been having these innovated mortgage program for over the past five to six years, wouldn't it be safe to say that many of the sideline buyers who would normally be saving their down payment to purchase their home are already in a least a house programs.
The Secret = Realtors, Con Men, Drug Dealers
The Bible = Farmers, Teachers, Cops
Republicans/conservatives adopted the God thing to insulate themselves from criticism. Their ideology is vile, cruel and based on selfishness and greed. The people themselves are some of the worst humans on the planet.
If they can claim holiness, it makes their perverted view of life acceptable to at least themselves. By claiming that God is on their side they believe they have trumped any efforts to make them wrong.
Plus, the deeply religious are as dumb as a box of hammers, filled with fear and easy to manipulate. The perfect combo for republicans who want votes.
Hey you missed the section in Romans 1:22 just about Realtors!
Professing to be wise, they became fools and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man....
"Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator...
"For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. Likewise also the men... men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due.
"And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased [depraved] mind, to do those things which are not fitting; being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness."
"They are whisperers, backbiters, haters of God, violent, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving, unforgiving, unmerciful; who, knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them."
Oh and the "Secret" is just the Prosperity Doctrine movement(aka name it and claim it..Benny Hinn) without all that silly religion and god in the way.
Good thing Jesus isn't in his grave, or else he would be turning in it!
the secret!
The secret was a scam.It was set up for oprah's book club to swindle more sheeple.Why in the hell are we bringing religion and political fighting into this? this is americas problem, both the democrats and republicans.God is simply laughing at all the greedy people on earth.
"Realtors, Con Men, Drug Dealers"
I think the term, Con Men, cover the rest.
Dear Alex3191,
Great idea, taking your money out of the bank, but what did you do with it? In your mattress, in a hole in the ground?
John3:19 this is the verdict: light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil
John3:20 everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed
Romans1:29-31 They have become filled with every kind of wickedness evil, greed, depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malice. They are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, insolant, arrogant and boastful, they invent ways of doing evil, they disobey their parents they are senseless, faithless, heartless, ruthless
Timothy6:9-10People who want to get rich fall into tempation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge men into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs
and then the best
James5:1-6 Now listen, you rich people, weep and wail because of the misery that is coming upon you. Your wealth has rotted and moths have eaten yor clothes. Your gold and silver are corroded. Their corrosion will testify against you and eat your flesh like fire. You have hoarded wealth in the last days. Look! The wages you failed to pay the workmen who mowed your fields are crying out against you. The cries of the harvesters have reached the ears of the Lord Almighty. You have lived on earth in luxury and self indulgence you have fattened yourselves in the day of slaughter. You have condemned and murdered innocent men, who were not opposing you.(Poor Mr. Hussein)
I could go on but this was fun enough (for today anyway)there are tons more, but what difference does it really make people are gonna do what they want to do and justify it by blaming black people. (Susan Smith) Whites just can't stand the idea of blaming themselves for distroying their own country out of greed.
Alex 3191 - You're right - the only solution is to drain the banks. I'm going tomorrow to withdraw a good amount, though not all. I've already suspended payments to my 401k (they'll steal it eventually anyway) and taking the hit on an early withdrawal from said 401K. It's over.
Caution:F bombs, graphic photos
That book, "The Secret" is the work of the devil. Oprah's is an angel from hell. She was sent here to promote that book.
Whatever happened to all those teachings of the bible; don't steal, you must earn something, worship god, not money. Oh yeah, no one reads The Bible any more, or the Torah, Koran. I'd rather people read and practice any of those because they all teach humility. It's something we as a nation are forgetting!
Hey Keith I wanted to thank you for taking down that pesky HP end time counter. Also, it would be nice if you could put up the non-topic specific discussion room again, unless you don't want it up of course.
Hey everyone, went over to the NAR website and guess what exciting event is going on there? It's Realtor Safety Week.
Also Lawrence Yun made a brief analysis of the bailout saying that in the end it the government will probably make money from the whole deal with these conclusions:
"* Mortgage lending criteria will not be as overly stringent. Mortgage rates will remain low.
* Home sales will pick up.
* The Treasury has made a bet with taxpayer funds, which could turn a loss or a profit."
Lawrence made no mention of how sorry he is for his organization getting us into this mess.
Some more thoughts.
The most energy sapping thing about this whole rescue is that there is not one word about people paying for this mess.
There is no mention about the bill to the taxpayer. There is no mention about bringing charges against everyone from the CEO's of Lehman to jailing the genius homedebtors who won't or can't pay.
And on top of that Paulson, Bush, and Bercracky are acting like they did some big brave act by handing over trillions of dollars.
I don't want a bailout. I want a second great depression. If these companies were too big to fail then they should have failed. This keeps hapening over and over, when will it end?
Let the whole system fall apart. Let economic growth reverse and let us stop killing the planet to rescue homedebtors and banks.
Now I think that if more people would start buying these homes then there would be no need for a bailout.
Yup, you are a real-estate brainiac, alright. YOU SOLVED THE REAL-ESTATE CRISIS SINGLE-HANDEDLY! You need to contact Paulson, and give him your "Secret". BWA HA HA HA HA
Did you learn that at one of those real estate "universities" - where you sip coffee all day, gawk at the fresh meat and get a laser- printed certificate of completion?
Maybe, you can enlighten us on the latest "techniques" (scams?) used by you realtors. Do you like the "fishing technique" or the "auction effect" better?
PLEASE enlighten us with some more of your "knowledge". We're just dying to hear the spin, and all, because we need something else to LAUGH at today.
And, please tell us if ignorance is really "true bliss". You would definitely be able to answer that one without a hitch.
FROM: A humble "minion"
Just curious as to your thoughts on an agent in say, Manahattan or San Fran? One who's doing mostly rentals anyway?
Most of the rest of the country is admittedly a totally different different story.
Im positive and I will look foward to more sales. Thank You Very Much
So was Lawrence Yun (your hero). He was saying the same thing yesterday, last year and the year before that.....
Are you getting the picture yet, there, newbie? NAH, you're stuck in the fog! You couldn't see reality if it came up, and jerked out your nose hairs!! BWA HA HA HA
FROM: A humble "minion"
Investment can be a good concept in that you invest in a Company that will grow and with time that use of money pays off if your choice is
good . You don't expect overnight riches with this sort of investing .
The Wall Street Casino has become a
gambling house in which the game is rigged and it has nothing to do with long term growth anymore ,but how Wall Street can rig the game in their favor .
Same with real estate ,which was just a deal where you brought a home you could afford and by paying your equity down ,it was a hedge against inflation and just a forced savings plan over time .
Wall Street decided to turn real estate into a speculation game Ponzi scheme in which they would provide the financing ,much like they did with stocks in the 1929 crash .
With Wall Street ,the whole game is leverage and how to use other peoples money to make them rich,never mind the true value of the asset that was used to leverage ,(The Housing Bubble used real estate ).
The Greed of the financial sector got to the politicians,which paved the way for removing all the protections they put in after the the 1929 stock market crash . The protections were removed and Wall Street immediately got about their dirty tricks of schemes with leverage again .
The Politicians are worried that the public will discover just how corrupt and stupid they are and how much they helped the financial section be able to go on this greed cycle . Paulson is the big savior who is going to try to sweep this under the carpet with a blank check ,but Paulson is only trying to save the corrupt .
When evil becomes so massive that it has invaded our financial systems ,than purging is the only way out .The corrupt need to die ,Paulson is not King in charge of obstruction of the free markets and obstruction of Justice in favor of greedy Pig men .
"F*cking people over, lying and cheating for money is not what that book intended.
Need I say more?
Just like the bible or the koran, people take good teachings and bastardize them to cover and try to justify their own misdeeds and evil ways."
Amen Keith. Truer words have never been spoken on this blog.
"I don't want a bailout. I want a second great depression."
Be careful what you wish for. Make sure you've read your history books.
More people, whether they like it or not, will be pulling their money out anyways.
Alex3191 said...
The only weapon that we as individuals have is control over our individual money.
If everyone was to pull all money out of banks and sell off all stocks, etc. they would be powerless.
It comes down to this people. Do you have the guts to actually do something for the country as a whole or are you more interested in adding a little interest to your personal portfolio?
If you are more interested in your portfolio, than you are no better and are just as greedy as the creeps of wall street.
I pulled all my money out of the bank months ago.
Does anybody else have the guts to put their money where their mouth is?
If I was God and I was looking down on this mess I would say,
"Darn, the devil really gained a lot of footing this time ,they are going to destroy themselves ."
And if I was God ,I would know that I could not force humans
to do something against their free-will. The good people will be slaughtered if the men of the dark continue .
So if I were God ,I would look down and I would wish that the good in the souls of men and women would rise up and stop this evil that has gone to far .I would wish that the truth could set them free .
And I as God would look down and hope that the God -given brains that I gave people will prevail .And I would wish that the God given heart and soul that I gave people would rise up and strike the men of evil ,for the good they will have power if they take it .
And I as God would hope that the good in men and women would see and have faith that if the right things are done ,than a new beginning will dawn, and it will be better than anyone could imagine . And I as God would hope that the God -given courage that I gave to all humans will come and
challenge the men of evil with exposing the lies . As I have said for eons ,The Truth will set you all free .
Really great post, and a nice reminder to all the neo-cons that the bible mentions greed a heck of a lot more than gays or any of the other knee-jerk issues.
Reminds me of a great line from the NY Times the other day: "Jesus was a community organizer."
An idiot named BitterRenter wrote:
Republicans/conservatives adopted the God thing to insulate themselves from criticism. Their ideology is vile, cruel and based on selfishness and greed. The people themselves are some of the worst humans on the planet.
If they can claim holiness, it makes their perverted view of life acceptable to at least themselves. By claiming that God is on their side they believe they have trumped any efforts to make them wrong.
Would you please take your partisan political bitching someplace else!! The intelligent adults in this forum recognized long ago that both political parties have screwed us royally and are to blame for the financial disaster in this country. However, since you are neither adult nor intelligent, you cannot see that.
Plus, the deeply religious are as dumb as a box of hammers, filled with fear and easy to manipulate. The perfect combo for republicans who want votes.
Like the Al Gore crowd who will believe anything he has to say about the environment when he could not even pass a high school chemistry test, but who has made millions off his propaganda?
I will challenge you to an I.Q. test any day. You, of course, will back down because your brain is not as big as your mouth!
The premiere to the sequel to The Secret, named The Opus, was held at the Scottsdale Center for the Arts reportedly because The Secret has an unusually large following in Scottsdale.
Is anyone actually surprised by this?
Interestingly, I haven't heard one word about The Opus since the premiere a few months ago. I guess it was a big flop.
"One thing you lack," he said. "Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me."
In other words, you cannot even get to Step One, if you don't sell everything andf give the money to the poor. How can so many rich christians not even know this?
Greed has been around forever.
Trillion dollar bailouts have never happened before.
It is not the fault of the little people who are actually going to pay twice for this shit. They lost their homes, and it will be added to their income taxes.
But it is the rich people who are in the process of robbing the country blind RIGHT NOW. Can't you see them, cleaning everything out, before they go? Are you people that stupid? Please tell me no!
I hope that everyone had a great International Day of Peace.
Once again Keith I ask:
where did all the blame thrown at FBs themselves go? all of a sudden the Casey Serins of the world are innocent bystanders in your world.
please explain.
Jesus Christ Superstar THE TEMPLE
I like this thread, because I've seen lots of people trying to blame this whole mess on Christianity, and this PROVES that Christ does not approve of any of this nonsense.
There are many, many more verses condemning greed, which should not to be confused with "self-interest". Adam Smith's "invisible hand"... self-interest is looking working hard to take care of yourself and family (so others don't have to), and reaping rewards of your work (while at the same time providing VALUE to others and the rest of society). Greed is wanting material goods so badly that you don't care who you step on or what morals you violate to attain them.
Here are verses about riches that describe their proper place, in response to this post (which was for a particular individual who asked "What must I do to be saved?")
"One thing you lack," he said. "Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me."
In other words, you cannot even get to Step One, if you don't sell everything andf give the money to the poor. How can so many rich christians not even know this?
Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life.
1 Timothy 6:17-19
The Bible does not condemn becoming rich through hard work and patience. It condemns loving money, being selfish, and not caring about your fellow man.
Picture Jesus as a REALTOR or a banker instead of a fisherman
It is not the fault of the little people who are actually going to pay twice for this shit. They lost their homes, and it will be added to their income taxes.
They lost their homes that they shouldn't have owned to begin with.
matt 7:21-23
not everyone who says to me lord, lord, shall enter the kingdom of heaven. but lord, we did this and that in your name. get the f*ck out of my face, i never knew you.
god has a plan for all the evil people in the church, you know who you are. for this i am thankful.
Picture Jesus as a REALTOR or a banker instead of a fisherman
Carpenter. Jesus was a carpenter. Some of his disciples were fishermen.
But I don't think they had a housing bubble when he was building, so he's still "just all right with me."
anon said -Picture Jesus as a REALTOR or a banker instead of a fisherman
make sure you stand a long way from me and picture yourself as a dumbass because that's what you are
At 5:16am, a dumb-as-a-box-of-hammers christian said:
Would you please take your partisan political bitching someplace else!! The intelligent adults in this forum recognized long ago that both political parties have screwed us royally and are to blame for the financial disaster in this country.
The thread is about how the conservatives try to claim God as one of theirs. Even if there was a God, he'd wipe conservative christians off the face of the earth. Conservatives are like a disease, a cancer on society.
I removed my last comment.
Let me say this instead...
I'm really sorry that bitterrenter feels the way he does.
Many who lived the high life are now sucking wind.
"No one ever saw it coming," Nick Vasilakis says.
Vasilakis was forced out of the mortgage business barely four months after he had entered it. A casualty of a 7,000-employee layoff by American Home Mortgage in August 2007, he had been hired as a software quality engineer the previous April. At the time, the company was the 10th-largest mortgage retailer in the U.S. and appeared to be on a roll.
LOL. No clueless morons saw it coming. Those with IQ's above the amoeba saw it.
C'mon doc, say what you want to say. If you're a xtian con (I SAID IF) you think bad thoughts all the time. You vote your dark side. WHy not put it out there?
Christian cons are bad people. I love the way they smile and act all pleasant and then do all sorts of evil things to groups they secretly loathe.
When the shit hits the fan I hope the first to burn are the con churches.
I just went to Doc's blog and saw that he's from Missouri. I left Misery after living there my whole life, up to my late 30s. Geezus, I am SO glad I left that cesspool of conservative white trash!
I also saw the link to the Missouri Carry website. I had left and went back for a conference in St. Louis in 2004. I noticed a lot of the bars and public establishments had the no gun symbol (gun with red circle and line) on their doors. I asked a sibling what it meant and he told me they passed a concealed weapon law. Man, what a state. Like one big hillbilly steeped in profound ignorance.
Here's something I found online that describes people from St. Louis. It's about Florida but reminds me of Missouri:
When I travel, I live the life of an intellectual. In Florida, I hang out with jocks and retirees. I try not to talk politics with them. When, it happens that I have no choice but to hear what they think about politics I take note of it. Here is what I have heard:
Obama is a Muslim. His pastor hates America. In fact nearly everyone outside of America hates America. If you travel outside of America, go on a cruise, so you won't have to eat whatever it is one eats in those places. You don't want to talk to the people either, but that’s not a problem because none of them speak English. And, anyway they all hate us for our freedoms. Obama will put Al Sharpton in the cabinet. Dick Cheney was the greatest Vice President in history. The Jews are running the country anyway.
I am not making this up. This is not a caricature. I wish I carried a tape recorder.
Why do these people vote Republican?
It is common to make the assumption that people are thinking when they vote and they are making reasoned choices. I harbor no such illusion. No argument I have ever gotten into with these people, (despite avoiding talking to them, I sometimes can't resist saying something true) has ever convinced anyone of anything. They are not reasoning, nor do they want to try. They simply believe what they believe. What do they believe?
1. They don't like blacks. Forget the rest. It isn't that they are racists. They will be polite if a black person ever appears. (This doesn't happen much, although I am sure they must live here too.) They just don't like them. They have no reason. If you ask them today, as a result of recent remarks by Michelle Obama and their pastor, they will say that blacks hate America. This is not the reason, but they sound more reasoned in their own minds if they say it that way.
2. They don't like wussies. The Democrats are always nominating wussies,—men who are not men. Obama looks like his wife runs the show at home. Kerry? Gore? Dukakis. Wussies. Not real men. Bad people are trying to kill us. We need to kill them first. Those guys wouldn't pull the trigger. (I am not making this up. I wish I were.)
3. They worry about money. Who wants to take their money away? Liberals of course. They want to give it to the blacks.
Where I live is not redneck country. There is a lot of church going but no talk about abortion or of being born again. There is a just a distaste and distrust for people not like us (which I am sure includes me.)
Republicans do not try to change voter's beliefs. They go with them. Democrats appeal to reason. Big mistake.
Alright, I confess. You caught me. It's true. I currently live in Missouri (near St. Louis), but I grew up in a town of 375 people in Iowa. I went to church three times a week, every week, until I was 18.
Yes, I own guns. Yes, I hunt deer. Yes I have a license to carry. Yes, I believe in the personal right (and responsibility) of each individual to defend themselves and innocent people from attack in whatever ways they have at their disposal.
No, I don't hate blacks, or dislike them. I would have voted for Alan Keyes before he ran against Obama... then I thought he was "carpet bagging" just like Hillary, so I decided I wouldn't vote for him in the future.
I'm not a racist. My wife is Korean and my two beautiful, smart, wonderful kids are mixed-race.
I'm a software engineer for a small defense contracting firm. I graduated summa cum laude from college with a degree in Computer Science. I graduated with honors with a 97% average from the Defense Language Institute, Monterey, CA in the Korean language (one of the hardest for Westerners to learn). I won't mention my IQ.
I'm not ignorant.
I'm an 10-year US Air Force veteran who served 3 1/2 years in Korea as a linguist for intel, and 5 1/2 years in Oklahoma City as a computer programmer. In Korea, I was only a couple hundred yards from an explosion which killed 14 people. It could easily have wiped out my entire flight. I've sacrificed for my country because I love my freedom, particularly my freedom to worship as I please, to speak my mind, to defend myself and my family, and to share my faith.
I'm a loyal, patriotic American.
I have friends from a variety of different ethnic groups and religions. I do my best to get along with people. I abhor abortion and the sin of homosexuality (though on the rare occasions when I meet a "gay" person, I try to be extra kind to them), as well as the sins of adultery, theft, murder, etc. I'm a sinner, saved by grace, so I'm not in a position to judge the sinner, but I can judge the sin and its effects on people.
We help others as much as we can.
I live in a house which would currently sell at about 1.2-1.5x my income. My house payments are less than 25% of my take-home pay, and I'll be paid off in 10 years. I have no other debt, having paid off the last one a few months ago. My house is 3bdr ranch house... very modest compared to the ones many of my co-workers live in.
I try not to be greedy, and I try to live within my means. We sacrifice a lot for our kids to prepare them to be useful, productive, involved American citizens.
Tell me, BR... what in all this above do you find so totally offensive and repulsive that you have to paint me with a broad-brush and attack my friends and neighbors? What have I done to you to earn your scorn?
Lose the bitterness, man. A man's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions. Your bitterness doesn't really hurt me (I don't know you), but it is going to put you in an early grave.
I apologize to the rest of you that had to read through that...
I know Florissant, I have two siblings living there. I grew up in a community nearby.
I also notice you're a Mac person. We have one thing in common.
The difference between us is that I don't condemn how you live and don't try and limit your freedoms to live as you'd like. You and those like you don't offer others the same courtesy. You love your freedoms but work diligently to keep others from attaining theirs. I've never heard of liberal groups who relentlessly pursue laws to negatively affect the lifestyle of religious zealots but there are countless examples of the zealots working against others, often with tax exempt status. And it hasn't been done with any of the sing-song niceties your kind displays publicly.
It's probably not your fault. Most conservatives, particularly those of the strongly religious kind, grew up in strict, authoritarian homes. The religion brainwashed you much like a prisoner of war. The authoritarian upbringing is why conservatives always side with authority, never questioning it and preferring to deal harshly with others whether it be foreign policy or criminal justice. Minus the religion, that's how I grew up and why my siblings are like you. Narrow-minded, fearful, rigid. I am grateful to have escaped that programming, crediting a quirk of genetics for my good fortune.
I'm glad you live there and that I moved to the west coast. It confirms my feelings that we will never, ever agree on what a civilized society should look like and why this country needs to be split. There's no magic in a country that runs from ocean to ocean. I'm hoping that the coming economic downturn hastens the dissolution of the country. We'd both be much, much happier. Me on my open, free, progressive side, you on your oppressive, intellectually -stunted side that resembles the Dark Ages.
Your bitterness is there, it's just hidden under layers of fake compassion. You've also had one of yours running the country for 8 years and until 19 months ago, were running Congress. When that changes in a much bigger way, your bitterness will increase accordingly. The difference is that when your kind gets frustrated, people get hurt. That's why all of our domestic terrorism has been perpetrated by conservatives. From the KKK to Timothy McVeigh, they have all been angry, fearful conservatives.
Thanks again for reminding me why I chose to live in a place that costs me considerably more than St. Louis did but one that has hardly any of the suffocating ignorance that holds back cultural development.
I think I'll print up your post and show it to several of my politically liberal friends, those who really know me.
If they think you have painted an accurate picture of me, they love me enough to tell me and help me to see where I need to improve.
But I imagine that if they think you are wrong about me, they will agree that you are a prejudiced, anti-Christian bigot who is angry that anyone would dare to suggest that a libertine lifestyle might possibly have detrimental effects to society.
Bitterrenter and his constant ranting, which is nothing but the same ol' bitchy-gay rhetoric. "Me me me...we're a special, even though we're less than 1% of the population." "I hate all religion and Republicans only because I'm gay!"
Seriously, go seek a shrink. We're no guilty if you're gay. BTW, you should know that it goes against nature's normal flow, if you really look at it. You guys can try to turn into something special, but it's still at odds with nature's normality. Male and female have a roll in nature, which is to procreate and extend life. Fight as much as you want, nothing will change that. That's normality, it's right in front of your face.
Flash News About Your Hero:
George Michael Arrested For Drug Possession In Public Bathroom
British singer George Michael was arrested on drug-possession charges Friday in a public bathroom near his home in North London, according to The Daily Telegraph.
The newspaper reported that police officers - responding to a tip from a lavatory attendant - caught Michael, 45, using a "small amount" of crack cocaine and marijuana in a public restroom. He was taken to a North London police station where he received a cautionary warning and was released after he accepted responsibility for carrying the drugs.
The arrest was just the latest in a string of drug (and public restroom)-related incidents involving the singer. In 1998, he was famously arrested outside the men's room at the Will Rogers Memorial Park in Beverly Hills, California, and charged with "engaging in a lewd act." He pleaded no contest to the charge, and performed 80 hours of community service. In February 2006, he was arrested in London and charged with possession of Class C drugs, after police found him slumped over in a car. In May of that same year, he was again found passed out in a vehicle, and when he was awoken by a member of the public, he drove off, hitting a traffic divider. In October of 2006, he was found unconscious in his Mercedes-Benz, taken to the hospital and then charged with possession of marijuana. The following May, he plead guilty to driving while unfit through drugs, and was banned from driving for two years.
Let me guess, he's probably endorsing Obama, like his Beverly Hills friends, right? We should listen to people like this, right? Sure, the so-called "ultraliberals" know what they're doing.
Well Doc, let them read your blog, too.
And really, if you live in St. Louis, there ARE no true liberals there. Just the wishy-washy kind who only voted democratic so they didn't lose their cushy union jobs. There are no liberals in St. Louis, that's why it was refreshing to leave there.
You're so convinced that your gun-loving, just as prejudiced (if not more) lifestyle is superior to mine. The arrogance of the xtian con is astounding. But then, you've got God on YOUR side, right?
Gee Anon, I don't see in my post any place where my sex life even came up. I don't hate xitan cons because I'm gay (though it doesn't help), I hate them because they're ignorant, judgemental a**holes who spend their lives making other peoples' lives harder. Sort of like all conservatives do.
Oh, and here's a little item about one of your heroes. There's plenty more since lots of cons are closet homos:
Craig forms legal defense fund
WASHINGTON (AP) — Idaho Sen. Larry Craig has formed a legal fund to help pay for costs associated with his effort to withdraw his guilty plea from an airport men's room sex sting case.
Craig's legal expense fund, called Fund for Justice, is disclosed in papers filed with the Senate's Office of Public Records.
Craig told Congressional Quarterly that the Senate Ethics Committee has approved the new legal fund. In February, the Ethics Committee chided Craig for spending $213,000 in campaign funds to pay legal and public-relations fees without the panel's approval.
Craig's lawyers argued before a three-judge state appeals court panel in Minnesota last week that he should be allowed to withdraw his guilty plea.
You know what they say. Toilet sex is toilet sex. LOL
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