When I say "goes to hell" I mean, worst-case scenario, worst than 1929 goes-to-hell. Worse than you've ever let yourself imagine.
Take a few minutes, just in case, and think about it. At least give it some thought. If that happens, what's your plan? Do you have one? Because if this bailout doesn't work (anyone remember the "super SIV"?), it could get quite, well, interesting.
Side note - on an HP'ers recommendation I just finished "Last Light", a peak-oil slash terrorism slash Goldman Sachs/Skull & Bones worst-case-scenario societal-breakdown book set here in the UK and Iraq. Good read. Check it out. Even if you never need to activate your "worst case" plan, it's good to have one.
Don't worry, I'm not getting all survivalist / truther on you. But you have to admit, the headlines these days are unlike anything you've ever seen.
We're spinning out of control. Housing panic is here.
September 25, 2008
So, if this last, desperate, neutron-bomb housing gambler bailout doesn't work, and it all goes to hell, what's your gameplan?
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They're trying to scare everyone so they will give up their rights. And freedoms. That's the end-game. Total Global Control. That was the reason for 9/11. That's the reason for this financial armageddon nonsense.
If the system actually ever crashed the results would be unpredictable. They could very well lose all control. End up ruling over a pile of rubble or a tomb. Or get torn to pieces by an angry mob of 1 billion people. That's the last thing they want!
People are in for a rude awaking - wait till the "October Surprise".
Its going to be bad. I guess all we will be able to do, is just have food and shack up with relatives - like they did during the depression.
KABUL, Afghanistan - Pakistani troops fired at American reconnaissance helicopters near the Afghan-Pakistan border Thursday, and ground troops then exchanged fire, the U.S. military said.
No injuries were reported, but the incident heightened tensions as the U.S. steps up cross-border operations in a volatile region known as a haven for Taliban and al-Qaida militants.
Two American OH-58 reconnaissance helicopters, known as Kiowas, were on a routine afternoon patrol in the eastern province of Khost when they received small-arms fire from a Pakistani border post, said Tech Sgt. Kevin Wallace, a U.S. military spokesman. There was no damage to aircraft or crew, officials said.
U.S. Central Command spokesman Rear Adm. Greg Smith said Pakistan and American ground troops exchanged fire after Pakistani forces shot at the helicopters.
Everybody run for your lives!
Thank you for acknowledging peak oil on your site, Keith. Albeit, Peak Oil is currently being over shadow by financial events. There are two ways going forward IMHO.
1) 20% unemployment & $2.00 gasoline
2) 7% unemployment & $5.00 gasoline
in three years give or take a year
Escape from New York - a classic.
farmland in Iowa - check
greenhouse - check
chicken coop - working on it
I was just thinking about this. I give a 1/4 chance of a new great depression. If that happens I guess I just go into survival/farming mode. What else is there to do? I have no savings but almost no debt as well. I guess I'm just free to roam the country.
News alert ; Senator Shelby just
made a announcement that he does not support the Paulson plan and he has
5 leading economist supporting that the plan wouldn't work.
News alert: Sign carrying protesters converging on Wall Street with signs . News media is
painting them as fringe people from the internet .
News Alert; Cheerleaders for Bill passage flipping out because Shelby is objecting .
Harvard professor says cash injection would be more cost effective ,than Paulson Plan .
This is getting interesting
I'm going to ride the rails and play my harmonica, sing for my supper. Probably throw in a couple of numbers about old Andy Hac and the Snapper Turtle!
Get guns
Cheerleaders thought BILL was a done deal and they are getting opposition on Bill passage and admit that the Bill doesn't need to pass by tonight .
If all goes to hell, I will be moving my family to Brazil. That place is awesome and the people are great people that are nothing close to as materialistic as here in the USA. I am so tired of the selfish crap in the USA.
Its time to march on DC!!!!
If it completely collapsed, take what I need from my neighbors, and only look out for myself and my family.
Even a few weeks ago people who mock those posters who said the global financial markets were facing meltdown.
I have been wondering what they think now, seriously, it would be quite interesting to see how they rationalise this.
Snake Plissken rules!
"I have no savings but almost no debt as well. "
The better way would be to have loads of debt but no assets. What are they going to do? They have their own problems
Didn't the Y2K bug destroy the world back in 2000? So now problem is the economy, well, great! Imagine the number of oportunities this will create in the coming years.
A depression is simply a new opportunity. Plenty of people made out like bandits in the last down turn.
News alert: Sign carrying protesters converging on Wall Street with signs . News media is
painting them as fringe people from the internet .
for real? Links baby!
as soon as my ipod touch finishes upgrading to 2.0 I am going to head down and take a looksee
My iPhone and I will be ok as long as the don't cancel American Idol.
I'm getting all my news alerts right from the news on TV .I'm sure it will be in print before to long .
And to think you were ready to call it a day with the blog!!!!
I have always found it interesting how Paulson and his Sidekick painted this 700 billion dollar rescue as a emergency . We certainly had not come to that point and shoring up
money market accounts along with FDIC should of calmed any run on the banks .They had not even allowed the 300 billion dollar
Housing Bill that was due to go in effect In Oct. work yet .
So, my take is that Paulson and his sidekick was using the classic ploy of creating a fake emergency in order to get a Bad Bill passed .
I think Crammer has been throwing out a lot of panic talk ,and Wall Street in general seems to make their demands in this manner as to get a advantage .
The dial has moved firmly into "fear" now, pushed there by the Bush administration.
Desperation and Panic are dead ahead.
And by the way, thanks for your insightful, humorous, and uncannily prescient posts over the last few years. If all Americans had been reading your blog, there would not be so much confusion and pain right now.
This latest scam is not going to work, PERIOD!
Bush gave a good hand to bin Laden whose avowed goal of 9/11 was to wreck the American financial system and topple America's way of life.
Instead of paying attention to the thieves at home, Bush followed his God inspired, natural, dumb instincts. He thought fear was the best way to govern. From there came the "Shock and Awe" tactic he embraced both at home and abroad. He failed miserably on both fronts, but he's still using the same fear tactics.
Now he's warning the American people that they are standing on the edge of the abyss, and that they will lose everything if they don't throw their money at the financial monster he helped create.
Have you ever heard of a president driving his people to despair all the time?
Fear! That's Bush's real doctrine.
Bush is a masochist, folks! He got so addicted to scaring his own people that he creates bad news and crises and disasters out of thin air, because he cannot govern without them.
Keith! Your call to throw incumbents out is not realistic. I think the "majority" of Americans, especially those who elected and re-elected Bush, have become themselves addicted to fear. If they throw out those jerks and not vote for McCain, who's then going to scare them to death after Bush leaves office (if he does)? They need to be scared and they simply cannot live without fear!
I've already sold off all my possessions and plan to go nomadic. As long as my ATM card holds out, I will be ok - if that goes, well, I don't have a plan for that.
We should all be strategizing on how to best take advantage of this sitution! Understanding the cause of the boom (http://www.thefreedomfactory.us/contributing-factors-to-the-housing-boom/) will help recognize where and how to get into the market while it's collapsing.
Every downturn comes with a ton of fear, lots of doomsday talk, and reasons why you should bury your cash in your backyard. Downturns also come with the kinds of opportunities that make fortunes. Let's be optimistic, folks!
Everyone always talks about bringing these people to justice.
Well, if all goes to hell, I'd like to think we could bring justice to the guilty. It'd almost be worth it.
Yes, the Second Coming is soon and thou, the Bushy lovers, the Republicunt, will be judges.
Degradation is inevitable for the land of the Americano AKA the land of the Snapper Turtle.
When you have dumb-ass occupants voting for turkey to lead the nation, you will have to expect the consequence of a hilarious outcome to appear sooner or later down the line of history.
Add in the mentality consisting of selfishness, greed, immorality, no social ethic, no family value, the me-me-me now-now-now screaming out loud wishes, the fat-ass shallow-thinking of a bemuddled brain, and you have yourself a pile of sh*tty problems in hand that are unsolvable.
So how do you rescue a nation at the brink of destruction ? None.
Looks like the good old ancient Snapper Turtle may just outlive the fat-ass, tape-worm belly gut Americano homo-sexual erectus !!!
Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the center cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.
Surely some revelation is at hand;
Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi
Troubles my sight: somewhere in sands of the desert
A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it
Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds.
The darkness drops again; but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?
thing about having a 3 month supply of MREs and the same in water.
what could it hurt?
In my opinion this has always been a game of who pays for the losses .
Master Chess Game
(1) First Move -Wall Street floods
the market with easy money faulty loans ,with bogus risk ratings ,which creates fake inflated real estate .A mania is hatched
(2) Second move is public buys into the housing gamble to the point of fraud on loan application ,liar loans ,cash back fraud .
(3) Third move- Cheerleaders try to keep fake market going ,it failed ,market or Ponzi -scheme
starts crashing .
(4) forth move -Public starts walking on debt because they can't sell to a greater fool .
(5) Wall Street tries to fake out public that the market is good and Paulson enters the picture .
(6) Market doesn't re-bound like cheerleaders said and Fat Cats start plotting how to change bag-holder to taxpayers with using stressed fraudulent homeowners as grounds for bail-outs ,
(7) All kinds of bills passed and money is shot down a rat-hole .
Government take-overs and bad companies being given money to sweeten deals or have time to BK. Some banks are allowed to fail
(8)Move number 8 -Paulson and Sidekick claims emergency need for 700 billion ,and World gets upset.
Paulson can't really explain why its a emergency ,other than vague statements .Paulson claims no credit will be extended if he doesn't get 700 big ones
(9) Public rejects paying for
thieves and PR campaign ensues from Cheerleaders in news to support the bill quick and ask no questions .This will save you type stuff .
(10) Next move from taxpayers is that they are rebelling and
Politicians don't know what to do .
(11) Cheerleaders beef up campaign to convince public the Paulson Plan is for their own good
or its curtains . Part of the public isn't convinced and thinks there might be a better plan .
(12) Opposition from People opposing bill . Damn Wall Street is saying can't get her done .
Some objectors want better deal from thieves .
Bill in Limbo for a while
Who will check-mate ?
I am going Lord of the Flies on everyone.
Burn Baby Burn
Self-contained travel trailer with generator.
Fishing gear.
2 acres with a well, good crop potential and lots of deer, near outstanding fishery with crab and salmon.
Good to go.
Well, since I don't have a lot of money, I am going to live in my neighbor's basement. I intend to stay there for 6 months or whenever he discovers me living down there - whichever comes first.
Break up with my girlfriend and move back in with my parents. That would conserve a lot of cash.
I'm seriously considering the question.
This one goes out to anonymus 10:25
Rodger Miller and KING OF THE ROAD:
If you still haven't put together a Bug-Out Bag (BOB), you're a fool.
This country is so fragile at this moment that ANYTHING could serve as the tipping point, including attempts from shady groups, riots from the Obama base, natural disasters (the big one hitting San Francisco or LA), shortage of oil through terrorist attacks or Russia trying to create conflicts to pump the price of energy, etc, etc. I mean, ANYTHING could make this country implode right now.
Make sure you get a nice AR-15 and a Glock to go with your BOB.
Not only do I have a BOB, but also an ocean escape plan with my boat, since I live on the coast. I also have a property overseas with money stashed in several currencies. My next project is my organic farm, with renewable energy and a bunker, to wait for December 26, 2012. I've been preparing many years for this.
Check the Zombie Squad forum for tips on how to put together your BOB:
JP MORGAN Bought WAMU's assets in a
government brokered deal . FDIC involved ,but no bank run necessary
because JP Morgan bought deposits .
Apparently stock holders eat it .
JP MORGAN will now run WAMU . No need for run on bank .
I don't care anymore. Thanks for the insight, I tried to use it to tell my kin in California to sell their shitboxes in 2005 - 2006 to no avail. I hate to admit it, but I am now a tin-foil hat wearing mo fo. I no longer trust anybody and will not lend a helping hand to any swinging dick out there. Fuck the american public and their non-knowing asses about anything other than dancing with the stars and american idol. Say hello to China and inflation and goodbye to the US Constitution and this once great nation.
I served my time as a soldier believing in the ideals of the United States and till this day would kill or die to defend the oath I swore to 20 years ago. However, now I can literally see myself killing a fellow comrade in arms trying to uphold the agenda of this current administration in order to remain faithful to my oath. This is definitely a sad time for America. I must now leave and shed a tear and hope that the worst will not come for I do not want to destroy a fellow brother to defend the Constitution of this land.
I am out for good. Take care and may the best come out of this situation.
I'm going to go to Washington and try to get involved in the purges of conservatives, the trials where we ferret out conservatives and send them to work camps in the desert for crimes against the country.
If it gets more violent than that, ever more the better. The only good conservative is a dead conservative.
You know that bridge at the end of the movie Escape from New York? It was filmed near where I grew up, was closed for years prior to filming. I used to ride my bike there with friends and we'd smoke pot underneath it on the pillars.
Fun fact from a liberal who thinks it'd be fun to throw Wall Street types off that bridge.
I'm putting my best Abercrombie & Fitch t-shirts inside my Diesel messenger bag, a picture from the Messiah, and then I'll run with my iPod touch playing Amy Winehouse very loud. I'm so stressed out!
My first thought would be to grab my guns and go to my Mother, Father, and Sister...and arm them for their protection.
Eventually we would let more and more people in our little group. I would try to start a community in which people would grow food, make weapons, make clothes, build houses, etc. Fortunately, riots and mobbs don't last forever, and people eventually settle down and start communities where everyone has a role to play.
This problem could be solved.... Pass a new law to put people in debtor prisons that default. The fucking deadbeats would figure out how to pay. These assholes should be in jail. Everyone blames Bush, congress, mortgages companies, realtors. What about the scam bags that bought the houses. I can't BELIEVE a fucking house bought America to it's knees. People need to suffer. People need to be ACCOUNTABLE!!@# OMG How un-American of me!
Fire up my Telecaster and become a 21st Century Woodie Guthrie singing songs of hope and defiance for the working men and women of this country who have gotten run over by this train wreck called Wall Street. The songs will be different but the theme is the same-THIS LAND IS YOUR LAND THIS LAND IS MY LAND. My goal is to inspire the people of the USA so that we might work together to rebuild the country we love which big busines stole from us and then destroyed.
If it is enough for the fear-mongers in their secret and undisclosed locations, it counts in my book.
(aside -- my VERY smart 11 year old was just looking at a book on observing the moon. He noted it seemed old and saw the copyright was 1969 and laughed that it was "old". Reading it he laughed and said "It does say "in this prosperous country of ours"). I guess there is hope -- too bad hope is such a cynical concept these days.
And now back to the PANIC!!!
My gameplan?
If the s... really hits the fan,
I'm going to run down the street, naked, screaming, "Kagunga! Kagunga! Kagunga!"
Girlfriend in Thailand: check
House in Thailand: check
Enough money to live on forever: not check
Well, I guess I'll probably have to resort to cannibalism. I don't like the idea any more than some of you might, but if that's how it's going to play out I guess I'll just have to get out my malt vinegar.
I suppose after the cannibalism I could play cards for a while. You know, to pass the time. After that I don't know. Long term planning usually isn't my thing, really. Maybe I'll take a pottery class. Who's up for some pottery?
Already ready. Been planning 3 years.
No worries from me.
And thanks to HP, you helped me prepare.
I think we're heading for cannibalism. First we'll have a full financial meltdown. Then a systemic breakdown in energy, food and public safety. Finally the only nourishment left will be the kind on two legs and wearing designer shoes.
But if you have a gun, the right attitude and access to canning supplies, this will be no problem. Human meat is tender, very high in protein and vitamins, and cooks up easily in a variety of tasty sauces. All you need to do is harvest and preserve it.
Come on guys: let's put the "can" into "cannibal'.
Keith, you probably forgot that we live in the U.S.A. We have a developed society and people respect the rule of law. Even if the economy tanks, society won't break down because we are a very developed country (socially, politically, economically, etc...).
Now, if one lives in Somalia, Pakistan, Iraq, etc... then they have something to worry about if the economy enters a Depression.
I predict that we may experience a little bit of turbulence but in the end as Americans we will pull together. We always have and always will. Unlike most of you HP'ers, I have faith in our country.
HahahahHAHA!! You read some crazy conspiracy theory fiction book and you don't even know that the real world is a much crazier conspiracy theory!!
Try reading some non-fiction like this one:
The New Pearl Harbor Revisited
9/11 baby!!! It was an inside job! By the same criminals that are trying to screw the American people for every last cent right this minute!!
Anonymous David in So Cal said...
If all goes to hell, I will be moving my family to Brazil. That place is awesome and the people are great people that are nothing close to as materialistic as here in the USA. I am so tired of the selfish crap in the USA.
Its time to march on DC!!!!
September 25, 2008 10:32 PM
Yeah, go move to Brazil. I hate people like you who don't have faith in our country. Remember, "stand by her and guide her. Through the light in the night from above".
Not that this scenario would happen but my immediate thoughts are, I need more ammunition. Not just for intruders and protection, but for hunting game as well. Ive been thinking about buying a better long range rifle also.
Need to pull more cash out just in case, and stock up on the items needed for survival, early on, while money still works in the stores.
Plant and tend a good garden next spring and just lay low and watch over things.
We're only at fear so far. There's more to come in this play.
If you listen to the uneducated public, they are still pointing fingers, blaming the party opposite of their ideology on the talk shows and discussion boards. They think that this is just a another chapter of the political soap opera game. To them "housing collapse" is just a buzzword like "abortion" or "alternative fuels" to argue about.
You see it with the leaders. The broken system is currently on display for all the world to see. Rome burns while the leaders debate the color of the firetrucks to send. If they were panicked, this would be a slam dunk passage in desperation, instead being treated as Stimulus Package II, complete with political photo ops.
Bush's speech last night didn't help though. It probably spooked more people than it soothed. Banking is a confidence game, and it's never good for the President to interrupt a season premier to tell you that the financial world as you know it may end, even if you don't understand it. The only solace is that many people think that the President does nothing but lie, so the message didn't take.
The more you understand economics, the more frightening this is.
Wamu bit the dust.
They took over on a THURSDAY NIGHT. Hey idiots, you're supposed to take over on a friday night so nobody can react to it.
Friday will be a BLOODBATH on the market.
And monday too. look out below.
Oh look, conservative republicans - a tiny minority of elephants REBELLED against the bailout. (the party majority of the republican party is"neocons" - code for leftists/communists/socialists/statists)
Finally someone stood up against the bankers and for the taxpayer. Oh, will this blog mention that?
Naah. Only one party is evil, worship Obama on this blog, when really both parties have gotten evil.
If they can't get their precious bailout goodies, next up will be an attack on Iran, or some other scheme to scare and bamboozle the sheeple.
Hey Keith,
I am retrofitting my car to have steel plates, NOS system, slick oil capabilities, smoke screen, dual gas tanks, and many other special upgrades.
Just Kidding!
Silver and Gold anyone.
China has begun making some disturbing comments regarding treasuries and halting lending to the U.S. This is not a good sign at all and maybe this is why the crime family is acting so demanding. If China demands payment for treasuries, we are in deep s...! This would lead to a dollar collapse which might bring on a Mad Max environment.
What's my gameplan? I have a few weeks worth of Twinkies, Cheeze Whiz and a few gallons of water saved up. What's your Emergency Plan?
I'm selling my gold and silver to buy mortgage backed securities, collaterized debt obligations, and other misc. structured investment vehicle derivatives.
Moving from the farm to downtown New York. Trading the tractor for a bimmer and shotgun for an espresso machine.
Stopped farming to study for real estate license.
I ain't gonna be no hillbilly no more.
I wish for another "great depression" every waking moment -- we're actually headed towards a Kondratiev winter.
I'll but the entire country for $2
"Didn't the Y2K bug destroy the world back in 2000? So now problem is the economy, well, great! Imagine the number of oportunities this will create in the coming years."
Dork - Y2K was a cakewalk because billions were spent to fix it, and many excellent programers spent a great deal of time fixing the problem.
"Keith, you probably forgot that we live in the U.S.A. We have a developed society and people respect the rule of law. Even if the economy tanks, society won't break down because we are a very developed country (socially, politically, economically, etc...). "
Dork - New Orleans, post Katrina, like a mad max movie, and that was after 2 DAYS of hardship. We got years of bad times on the way.
"I'm selling my gold and silver to buy mortgage backed securities, collaterized debt obligations, and other misc. structured investment vehicle derivatives.
Moving from the farm to downtown New York. Trading the tractor for a bimmer and shotgun for an espresso machine.
Stopped farming to study for real estate license.
I ain't gonna be no hillbilly no more. "
Thanks for the laugh, brother, I needed that.
buy a farm in kentucky check
livestock check
lots of guns check
generator check
cut woods for winter check
canned food check
I am ready
>> But if you have a gun, the right attitude and access to canning supplies, this will be no problem. Human meat is tender, very high in protein and vitamins, and cooks up easily in a variety of tasty sauces. All you need to do is harvest and preserve it.
OMG! Jeffery Dahmer is blogging from Hell! How cool is THIS? I didn't know a WIFI signal could go down that deep?!?!
Anonymous said...
I'm putting my best Abercrombie & Fitch t-shirts inside my Diesel messenger bag, a picture from the Messiah, and then I'll run with my iPod touch playing Amy Winehouse very loud. I'm so stressed out!
Too funny. Hope I see you sprint by.
Best kept secret:
Get goats instead of cows. Goats are low maintenance and they provide more nutrition. Goat's milk is freakin' rich, eat anything, and bread like rabbits. Their meat is delicious and easier to store.
buy a farm in kentucky check
livestock check
lots of guns check
generator check
cut woods for winter check
canned food check
I am ready
Not yet. Learn how to build lathe machines from scrap metal and a home made foundry:
However, if you're one of those San Francisco elite pu$$ies who just write cute dashboard widgets for Macs while listening to Death Cab For Cutie, disregard that.
Keith, a gameplan is hard to come up with when I don't exactly know what the bottom will look like. You obviously have a better idea than most. I can handle the truth as can most HPer's, please don't worry about sounding survivalist. Can you give us a basic emergency kit/list of things to do like in other disasters when we don't know what the magnitude of the coming disaster will be. Sure would appreciate it.
If I lost my job and house, I still have a 18 acre ranch free and clear. Would move there and farm. It doesn't seems all that bad to me. I hate my job anyways.
And as a bonus, maybe we'll get rid of all the f-ing lawyers!!!
I plan to escape to my 500,000 acre ranch that I recently purchased in Argentina. Fortunately, it is located right next to an abandoned Argentinian Air Force runway that can accommodate my new "Bush Force One" jet that allows me to continue my life of luxury after I leave office (if ever!). As far as the US sheeple are concerned, "Let Them Eat Cake!"
Your Dictator,
Why go to Brazil, when Brazil will come to you.
Yeah, learn how to shoot and care for a firearm. People's ethics and morality get twisted when their children go hungry. Oh and buy some razor wire and cement. Ever seen what nice homes look like in Brazil? Cement fences with razor wire.
Headed for my compound in the Cascades. Have plenty of guns, flour, salt, spices. Got a hard headed country girl wife, two strong boys, and three large dogs to live in a 1930's rechinked Log House, off the grid. Planto hunt, fish, and read by the fire place with a solar powered led lamp. Better than retirement, and no, you are not gonna be able to visit when the assclowns with a sense of entitlment loot your city.
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