Five minutes of rage from Rep. Marcy Kaptur from Ohio. Maybe she gets to stay.
I hope this represents the growing mood in middle America.
Too bad it was all for naught HP'ers.
Bailout approved.
America has been robbed in the night.
Plan accordingly.
[UPDATE - original video was pulled... hmmmm... but here's Marcy Kaptur going off again from another source, and a bonus rant too. I hope she has good security... And sure can't wait to see Jim Bunning single-handedly throwing a wrench in this tomorrow with a filibuster. Oh, wait, you mean they got to him too?]
September 28, 2008
"Wall Street's big banking boys are bankrupting America. These plunderers of our economy are now running home to mama"
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Bailout failure 'will cause US crash’
The US stock market could suffer a devastating crash with shares losing a third of their value this week if Hank Paulson’s financial bailout plan fails, US Treasury officials have warned.
The financial system could face a meltdown of 1929 proportions unless US politicians succeed in their efforts for a $700bn rescue scheme, experts added.
The warning came as Republicans and Democrats met in Washington for a rare weekend debating session to attempt to seal agreement on the contentious plan, aimed at preventing a long-lasting recession in the US.
Deal reached on financial markets bailout
WASHINGTON (AP) - Congressional leaders and the Bush administration reached a tentative deal early Sunday on a landmark bailout of imperiled financial markets whose collapse could plunge the nation into a deep recession.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced the $700 billion accord just after midnight but said it still has to be put on paper.
"We've still got more to do to finalize it, but I think we're there," said Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, who also participated in the negotiations in the Capitol.
"We worked out everything," said Sen. Judd Gregg, R-N.H., the chief Senate Republican in the talks.
“Wachovia has a real problem,” said Len Blum of the investment bank Westwood Capital. “Option ARMs are probably the worst mortgage products out there and Wachovia has a lot more of them than it has in tangible equity.”
Wachovia’s shares, which are down nearly 80 percent in the last year, plunged 27 percent Friday, to $10, as investors wondered about its health after the government’s seizure of Washington Mutual on Thursday.
People have to stop the corruption. The snowball is getting bigger and bigger. Stop it nowwwww!!!
Any rep who votes for this garbage deserves to be voted out of office.
Hello McFly!
The markets are going to crash anyway! This was just a going away gift to the bankers!
' "but I think we're there," said Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson'- Yes, we certainly are.
Of course it passed...Did you have any doubt it would? When was the last time Congress said....Nah...We better protect the good old taxpayers on this one.
Paid Shills spending our future and 75% of the sheeple just don't care.
So, even though this bailout is for the average American, the farmer, the nurse, the policeman, so we can better our lives, Congress' biggest worry this weekend seems to be getting an agreement "before the Asian markets open." Sure, that makes complete sense because the average American is soooo affected by the Asian markets.... Yup, all the incumbents need to go.
I blame all of this at the fault on America's minorities. The government passed a law called the Community Reinvestment Act and Congressman like Barney Frank FORCED Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to lend to minorities that could not afford to buy a home. Thus Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and many banks were FORCED by the government to make imprudent loans to minorities. Now minorities can not pay their loans and thus they are being foreclosed upon. While the hardworking, patriotic, church going and financially responsible White man get's it in the ass.
White man, unite! When will you wake the hell up and see that your country has been taken over by blacks, and illegal Mexicans?
Video no longer available? WTF
I can't believe it. I am actually rooting for the house Republicans on this issue. I hope they stay tough and minimize the bailout.
Keith, I thought you already knew it and had invested accordingly.
Oh my, Paulson got his $700B for the banks. His future as CEO of a bank is ensured.
Now I understand why it's $700bm for the bailout. About billion a piece to con the congress and senators and $300bn to bail out Paulsons bank buddies. You know I bet Paulson is pissed about the billion a piece for the con game but that's not anything like how pissed he will be when this one fail too and there is another next weekends bailout coming and he has to pay $2bn a piece to congress and senate for a much larger bailout. NEWSPAPERS, please print a list of which senators and congress voted for this bailout, since at least 65% of the public didn't want this bailout, it will go a long way to helping us with a decision on election day.
"Wall Street's big banking boys are bankrupting America. These plunderers of our economy are now running home to mama"
Heh Heh. You really don't get it, do you Keith?
49% of Americans said "NO".
49% of Americans said "HELL NO".
But the only voices the politicians listen to are the wealthiest 2% and the big corporations.
Say "HELLO" to the Libertarian New World Order.
Another 700 billion. Guesstimates range up to $5 trillion in losses before this is over and I have not seen one person led off in handcuffs. What a joke of a country.
It's a sad day for America.
I see stock market rallies on Monday that fade by the end of october, perhaps by the end of the week. When this latest rally fades, that is when you get the full on, full-frontal panic.
The dollar will be turned into confetti.
Silver and gold (and oil) will be the only forms of safety. The next 2 days are perhaps the last and best opportunity to buy precious metals before they begin their long rise.
Maybe stocks rise and fall and there may be days where you kick yourself for not being involved but in the long run the value that silver and gold represent will be safe.
I don't like being threatened with "if you don't approve, stocks will lose 1/3 of their value!"
Who says? Paulson? What kind of remark is that?
The truth is that there is still more failure to come, BIG ones at that. They know and that is why they are pushing this through.
Yes, it's to make sure Bush's friends escape cleanly on the backs of the American worker.
Passports ready?
Video no longer available? WTF
YES, the powers that be are fighting back by deleting materials from the net that expose them for the frauds they really are.
This is an information war... what they have not figured out yet is that they changed the political game with 9/11 and the banking fraud. They woke up a critical mass of the public to their smoke and mirror games. The people are looking behind the curtin and don't like what they see!!!
I have heard this racist rhetoric coming the Rush Limbaugh followers over and over out in the general public. It is also spreading through some of the fringe religious propaganda out there. Gee what do all these types have in common, they are Republican and they are just the worst people on the planet. I am nicknaming the party of bigots, racist and slimeballs. If you are Republican do you really buy what this guy is saying as arepresentative of your party inside ideaology:
Mr. Frustrated White Man says "I blame all of this at the fault on America's minorities. The government passed a law called the Community Reinvestment Act and Congressman like Barney Frank FORCED Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to lend to minorities that could not afford to buy a home. Thus Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and many banks were FORCED by the government to make imprudent loans to minorities. Now minorities can not pay their loans and thus they are being foreclosed upon. While the hardworking, patriotic, church going and financially responsible White man get's it in the ass.
White man, unite! When will you wake the hell up and see that your country has been taken over by blacks, and illegal Mexicans?"
September 28, 2008 2:42 PM
By the way I am white, find this quote deplorable and embarrassed to call him a fellow white man. We need to do away with people like you.
I think that it is a evil lie that its only a 700 billion bail-out .
The public needs to realize that its borrowed money that is being used for the bail-out . So if you add the borr0wing cost over 30 years
on this bail out its more like a
10 trillion dollar bail out cost. That is why it will effect the future of America.While Wall Street gets a clean slate for business the taxpayers will get less for other public goods and
the taxpayers pays for the borrowing costs that Wall Street is spared .Wall Street thinks the public is stupid , and its fraudulent they way they are selling this Paulson Plan .
We've been here before haven't we? The Dems have said they have a deal before, we need to wait and hear from the Repubs. They are strangely absent. The pattern seems to be Pelosi coming on TV w/Reid claiming she has saved the day, followed by Repubs. claiming there is no deal.
GT Charlie
Not only is Hank Paulson and the spinners misrepresenting the true cost to taxpayers of the cost of these bail outs ,because it will be borrowed money , but its making it so Wall Street will be more profitable
for the next 20 years . Paulson wants Investments firms/Banks to be profitable in the future by getting a direct grant from taxpayers ,without them paying any interest
even on this direct grant without interest .I don't like giving 0 interest penalty grants to Banks/Wall Street that caused this .Wall Street/Banks should be paying the 10 trillion in borrowed money costs for years to come ,not taxpayers . I would rather the money go to job creation for the public .
So Democrats, who are against Wall Street largesse, and Republicans, who are against government overspending, are BOTH against this BS, and yet it's gonna pass overwhelmingly, with no serious opposition or filibuster?
What the hell is going on in DC? Seriously, what the hell is going on in DC?
A) out of control corruption
B) It is really so bad that if this doesn't pass the country could go up in flames
"illegal Mexicans",
that's redundant!
RE: "America has been robbed in the night."
The current rash of bank failures got me wondering about the ability of the FDIC to continue bailing out banks once its $50 billion reserves are exhausted.
According to the official FDIC website, America's banking system seems to be secure:
The FDIC protects you against the loss of your insured deposits in the unlikely event that an FDIC-Insured Institution fails.
The official FDIC website also has this reassuring news:
In the FDIC's 75-year history, no customer has ever lost a single penny of insured deposits.
And this encouraging tidbit:
FDIC deposit insurance is backed by the full faith and credit of the United States government. This means that the resources of the United States government stand behind FDIC-insured depositors.
The assumption is that the United States government will bail out the FDIC once it becomes insolvent. Unfortunately, this is only an assumption because this apparent obligation of the US government to bail out the FDIC is NOT legally binding:
"...a joint resolution of Congress (H.R. Con. Res. 290) adopted in March 1982, which reaffirmed that the United States pledges its full faith and credit behind the federal deposit insurance funds, may have served as a moral pledge on the part of Congress to support the deposit insurance funds should they ever need it, but, because of its status as a
non-binding resolution, did not serve to create any legal liability on the part of the United States Government to support the funds."
"While any final conclusion on this matter rests with the Attorney General of the United States and ultimately with the courts, it is our opinion that Title IX of CEBA merely represents an expression of the intent of Congress to support the FDIC's deposit insurance fund should the need arise."
So, what we have here is a Moral Pledge made by an immoral Congress.
I guess if the government felt morally obligated to bail out Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, it might also feel morally obligated to bail out the FDIC.
Let's hope so.
This game of taxpayers taking the losses plus interest costs while Banks and Wall Street re-position themselves to back to business with no debt is not nice.While the public is back to struggle and hardship and a big debt they took off the hands of Wall Street it is a alarming re-distributing of wealth to the parties that caused this pain . This my friends must be the most unjust thing I have ever seen .
Hank Paulson will be viewed in the History Books as the most evil man in history of financial screw jobs ,and the Politicians that supported this deliberate transfer of wealth to the bad guys will be viewed as his supporters . Fire their asses and most importantly
fire the Politicians that are the main promoters of this bill . We cannot allow this group of con artists to be the ones that make the decisions on how the remaining amount of bail-outs will be spent.
Any way you slice it you might say that Wall Street/Banks has been given 2 trillion or more ,with no borrowing costs.
Take all the bad debt from the banks and than tally it up and than charge banks not only the immediate grant ,but also the interest costs of this bail-out . The banks are to pay with their future earnings being less ,not the taxpayers .
I am White as well,
I also notice fewer and fewer if me in So Cal.
Everyone bitches about the Mexicans pouring over the border.
Then explain to me why so many Pakistanis and Indian types are overwhelming our neighborhoods?
Southeast Asians as well.
35, 40 years ago we were killing each other in Southeast Asia, today some lil ol Vietnamese lady in her Mercedes is turning right with the left turn signal on!
3 yrs ago whites in this area were a solid majority... not so today!
Every time you go to Costco You Are a minority!
I'm buying tube socks while the family of 11 in front and behind me have a cart piled with rice and lentils
I honestly feel like I need a passport.....and vaccinations to go out!
These foreigners actually made a run a few months ago on bulk rice to the point where the stores actually had to limit sales!
All of this within 3 years?
This is the biggest con in history to spare Wall Street/Banks the cost of their folly ,while taxpayers will be very penalized by interest costs on the bail-out ,the bail out costs ,and the costs to taxpayers that those funds aren't spent on something more constructive .
During this liquidity crisis the government could directly set up injections for lending to the public with a interest charge while the banks sell out their asset and positions to cover their losses .Make the taxpayers the new lender on the block who gets interest on the new prudent loans that need to be made . The taxpayers become the good bank that will make money and the bad banks have to face the music of
taking loss and mergers and what ever it takes to resolve their bad balance sheets .
Its clear that the financial sector stocks would suffer on the stock market ,but good companies on Wall Street that are profitable would
still maintain potential stock market value .
The fact that the stock market will get more discernment on what companies will be profitable and ones that won't is also what will take place .
While this might create a sell out of Companies that might be less profitable during a recession .
Keith on the McLaughlin group this morning they showed a list of CEO pay which has all been cut in half or more due to the loss in stock value of these companies. You should look for that clip on youtube its very telling. We are bailing out the CEO's of Wallstreet cause thier portfolios went down!!!!!!!!!!!!
That and China which holds out bad debt. China annouced they were going to stop lending to US banks. Look into that also for us. They are also the cause of the bailout.
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Billionaire Warren Buffett told congressional negotiators that if they can't agree on a proposed financial bailout, the nation will face "its biggest financial meltdown in American history," two sources familiar with the talks said.
Obama and his party believe everyone in America is entitled to a house, whether they can afford it or not.
Obama is nothing more than a step and fetchit for the Limosine Liberal America hating elitists.
Caucasians, you all can step back as the Negroes and the Mexicans start the race war.
Whitey done be whooped and the New Age of Reparations Be Here!!
You alls jes about done gots what yo want!
everyone knew this crisis was unfolding for years. so now a few weeks before the election everyone is trying to get their money before the game changes. oil companies, rice companies, corn companies, food in general, housing, credit cards, stock market they know it's only a few weeks and it's now or never. it was a planned crisis and they knew they were gonna stick it to the taxpayers to make sure they didn't loose a dime and get a little extra to boot. if bush didn't know this mess was going on then why would anyone say that Obama has no experience, obviously you don't need alot to be president if bush is an example. or if he didn't know it was because he really didn't care. i opt for the latter...he just didn't give a damn. just like he left california swinging in the breeze beause they didn't vote for him (and swartzenegger just becoming govenor)he left the whole america swinging in the breeze because he is mad because you don't like him. somehow all these people act like petulent children (bush, cheney, mccain) rather than seasoned politicians who should be able to handle a hit in stride and recover without the world knowing they are offended. oh well we knew we were never in charge and this proves it. your vote means nothing because they are going to do whatever they want to do and you'll go to the polls and vote for the same jerks over and over. BOHICA
The facts laid out.
And yet the King Henry gets what he wanted.
I wonder how much money was offered to each elected official to "seal the deal". Even if they each got a million dollars that would only be about $700M or about 1% of the $700B total. And whose counting?
Even with their actions/agenda exposed the financial elite (and their bought and paid for minions) get what they want.
What that means is that their control is now absolute. That also means we are all screwed and that this country will now be 5% wealthy and 95% poor with nothing in between.
Our country is completely controlled by evil.
Paulson Plan
Keep the stock market in a fake bubble so discovery will not take place of the true value or lack of value of stocks .Stock investors should be long term investors in stock ,not short term investors ,so stock holders that might lose in the short run will
gain in the long run .Short term betters should eat it because its just as much a bad bet as speculators in real estate who where going short term . Its not the government role to insure short term profit for stock-holder gamblers .
Directly grant Wall Street and the Lenders 2 trillion in total (if you add what they have got already )to get rid of their bad debt ,make the taxpayer pay the borrowing costs spread out with time instead of Wall Street/Banks,
and leave the taxpayers with the liability of toxic debt that is worthless or has low value .
Tell the taxpayer that it's for their own good in spite of being very bad for the taxpayers or our society as a whole . Tell the taxpayers that a Depression will take place if they don't bail out the same parties that got us into this mess .
Deprive the tax payers of better future uses of tax-payers funds than bailing out loss of the bad guys ,therefore insuring that the social good is spent on the bad guys instead of productive uses of future tax dollars .
The government should of just assisted in a orderly de-leveraging or bad loss taking of bad banks .The government should of shored up FDIC and insured accounts and that is it
The market will end up doing what it wants anyway and all the wasted money will fall on the backs of the taxpayers .
Oh its the governments role to insure no loss in bad stock market investing by investors . This is getting absurd .
I have to say that I have a very bad feeling about the future Keith. Web Bots predicts that something big is going to happen. Web bots uses some really bizarre program that looks for nuance in the web and has been scary accurate predicting what's going to happen next. They say it's going to be really, really scary big and it's going to happen in the first or second week of October. It's going to be catostrophic.
I don't want to be an alarmist and I never have been, but I feel the need to prepare a little bit and plan on buying extra food and water.
Thanks for posting this Keith. The 'red dress' video is my personal favorite. It's good to hear from from her that she knows they are being manipulated, and she knows how they are being manipulated. Alas, it wasn't enough.
And btw, YouTube has been censoring A LOT of videos lately. And it might have something to do with the fact that Google was started with seed money from the See Eye Aye. And is also in bed with them.
Frustrated White Man said...
I blame all of this at the fault on America's minorities. The government passed a law called the Community Reinvestment Act and Congressman like Barney Frank FORCED Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to lend to minorities that could not afford to buy a home. Thus Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and many banks were FORCED by the government to make imprudent loans to minorities. Now minorities can not pay their loans and thus they are being foreclosed upon. While the hardworking, patriotic, church going and financially responsible White man get's it in the ass.
White man, unite! When will you wake the hell up and see that your country has been taken over by blacks, and illegal Mexicans?
Never stressed, (my best friend is a white woman) black man said...
Hey bro don't you get it? The minority issue was just a smoke screen to pull off this whole fraud. You think the goverment really give a sh*t about us? (Didn't you hear KANYE WEST live from Katrina). If they did they would have given them (not me I rent) a 30yr fixed @ 2%. This scam had one purpose and one purpose only...Break The Middle Class!!!
This means you sir.
Or you could look at it as payback for America's racist past, present and future.
frustrated white man said:
I blame all of this at the fault on America's minorities. The government passed a law called the Community Reinvestment Act and Congressman like Barney Frank FORCED Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to lend to minorities that could not afford to buy a home. Thus Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and many banks were FORCED by the government to make imprudent loans to minorities. Now minorities can not pay their loans and thus they are being foreclosed upon. While the hardworking, patriotic, church going and financially responsible White man get's it in the ass.
White man, unite! When will you wake the hell up and see that your country has been taken over by blacks, and illegal Mexicans?
He forgot one group of people!!!
I wonder where white man frustrated lives! If u are still showing up on this post please reply. I am assuming he does not live by the beach in florida or california or anywhere near NYC. The forgotton group of people he failed to mention in his rant is.... c'mon just guess!!! I know u know the answer!!! It is the ....JEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They aren't church going and they do not want to help the average white guy out. They are the greed in the problem we have right now! They only help their people when it comes down to it and that is what the bailout is for the jews!
How funny to see Joe Biden speak yiddish in Boca Raton,(jew central), fl and he was at a temple and spoke yiddish phrases! How funny when hilary came to florida she came to boca raton! Obama did the same thing! Our nation caters to the jews and the rest of the world hates the fuckin dirty jews. Iran want to nuke jew haven which we support israel!!They are the ones which have their daggers into the american people!!
OK any other policy wonks out there that watch CSPAN know that the House chamber is nearly empty during this speech. This is the time when blow hards get their speeches read into the Register. The ONLY other elected officials in that chamber are waiting in line to spew their own political cover. They use these in political ads to make it look like they are fighting with congress. If you are ever in DC you can sit in on these late into the night if you have nothing better to do. The line is long on this one, and went will past 2am.
WOW!! Way to go OHIO! Absolutey fair and logical.
Can she be our president?
It's refreshing to hear that perspective - but why bail out irresponsible home-borrowers either? I didn't take out a loan I couldn't afford and I don't play the stock market. Why should I have to bail out anyone at all? Who cares about the idiots in Ohio. What I wouldn't give for one of those biblical ills that only goes after the wicked and the greedy.
I'm a stereotypical GOP-votin' churchgoin' "gun nut" from Idaho but I like Marcy Kaptur and hate John McCain.
As a taxpayer I say .Ok ,you say it is a emergency and your industry needs 700 billion now .OK.we the people will give you 700 billion ,but any banks that partakes of this loan will pay interest from the moment of receiving this loan .Simple as that . Also I don't think I would let some banks even have part of this loan because we will be better off without them .
Are you guys really this bitter, clueless and pathetic? Take your 800 fico score to a toyota dealer and try to get approved for a used but late model, low mileage Camry. The best the dealer could do for someone is 11%. In normal times, a 650 score could get 7% from various sources. With the tight credit, the dealer loses a customer and the customer can't get their car. This is why we need a bailout morons, tight credit. If housing stabilizes or another bank doesn't fail, then deal with it, we need credit to make the whole economy run smoothly...on main street. Keep blaming "Wall Street" because most of you couldn't pass your Series 7 and keep a customer service job, much less spend a career getting into position to be truly wealthy. Keith, well, he seems to flip flop between his love of socialist countries and a love of a free market, depending on which way the wind is blowing.
Is this what Congress is going to vote for tomorrow. They want to bail out these people.
Shalonda McGill, a Florida mortgage broker and her husband, Rodney McGill, a pastor and popular radio show host, are facing numerous felony charges stemming from a state investigation that found the couple allegedly scammed consumers in a real estate investment scheme.
Investigators said the couple has been enjoying expensive leased vehicles while sticking their “clients” with more than $1 million in mortgage debt.
at about the third or fourth "mama"...i puked in my mouth a little.
Anonymous Frustrated White Man at Frustrated White Man said...
I have heard this racist rhetoric coming the Rush Limbaugh followers over and over out in the general public. It is also spreading through some of the fringe religious propaganda out there. Gee what do all these types have in common, they are Republican and they are just the worst people on the planet. I am nicknaming the party of bigots, racist and slimeballs. If you are Republican do you really buy what this guy is saying as arepresentative of your party inside ideaology:
Mr. Frustrated White Man says "I blame all of this at the fault on America's minorities. The government passed a law called the Community Reinvestment Act and Congressman like Barney Frank FORCED Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to lend to minorities that could not afford to buy a home. Thus Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and many banks were FORCED by the government to make imprudent loans to minorities. Now minorities can not pay their loans and thus they are being foreclosed upon. While the hardworking, patriotic, church going and financially responsible White man get's it in the ass.
White man, unite! When will you wake the hell up and see that your country has been taken over by blacks, and illegal Mexicans?"
September 28, 2008 2:42 PM
By the way I am white, find this quote deplorable and embarrassed to call him a fellow white man. We need to do away with people like you.
September 28, 2008 4:01 PM
If you are white and you TOTALLY DISAGREE with me, then you are an idiot. I lost my job and my self-pride was stolen from me. Just so that the blacks, mexicans, and asians can buy a home they can not afford. YOU are the problem! I heard on Rush's show that the government made this housing mess by helping out minorities! Look at the FACTS and not the POLITICAL CORRECT NONSENSE.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I am White as well,
I also notice fewer and fewer if me in So Cal.
Everyone bitches about the Mexicans pouring over the border.
Then explain to me why so many Pakistanis and Indian types are overwhelming our neighborhoods?
Southeast Asians as well.
35, 40 years ago we were killing each other in Southeast Asia, today some lil ol Vietnamese lady in her Mercedes is turning right with the left turn signal on!
3 yrs ago whites in this area were a solid majority... not so today!
Every time you go to Costco You Are a minority!
I'm buying tube socks while the family of 11 in front and behind me have a cart piled with rice and lentils
I honestly feel like I need a passport.....and vaccinations to go out!
These foreigners actually made a run a few months ago on bulk rice to the point where the stores actually had to limit sales!
All of this within 3 years?
September 28, 2008 5:04 PM
Right on brother, at least YOU GET IT. While many White liberals don't see the real problem; too many minorities in our nation. All they do is leech of us hard working white folks.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
frustrated white man said:
I blame all of this at the fault on America's minorities. The government passed a law called the Community Reinvestment Act and Congressman like Barney Frank FORCED Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to lend to minorities that could not afford to buy a home. Thus Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and many banks were FORCED by the government to make imprudent loans to minorities. Now minorities can not pay their loans and thus they are being foreclosed upon. While the hardworking, patriotic, church going and financially responsible White man get's it in the ass.
White man, unite! When will you wake the hell up and see that your country has been taken over by blacks, and illegal Mexicans?
He forgot one group of people!!!
I wonder where white man frustrated lives! If u are still showing up on this post please reply. I am assuming he does not live by the beach in florida or california or anywhere near NYC. The forgotton group of people he failed to mention in his rant is.... c'mon just guess!!! I know u know the answer!!! It is the ....JEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They aren't church going and they do not want to help the average white guy out. They are the greed in the problem we have right now! They only help their people when it comes down to it and that is what the bailout is for the jews!
How funny to see Joe Biden speak yiddish in Boca Raton,(jew central), fl and he was at a temple and spoke yiddish phrases! How funny when hilary came to florida she came to boca raton! Obama did the same thing! Our nation caters to the jews and the rest of the world hates the fuckin dirty jews. Iran want to nuke jew haven which we support israel!!They are the ones which have their daggers into the american people!!
September 28, 2008 7:20 PM
Ok, since you asked where I live? I live in Ohio. Outside of Cincinnati and close to Kentucky. I made a good living at a furniture factory. That closed down. Then I opened up my own business (cleaning and fixing furniture) because that is what I knew how to do. Sorry, I don't have a fancy college degree and I don't want one (I don't want to be brainwashed by the liberal "educators"). You sir are an anti-semite. I don't blame the Jews for anything. They are God's chosen people and the Good Lord has special plans for them. I support Israel completely. Because that is what my church, pastor and Bible tell me. From now on, I won't be "anonymous", my name will be Angry White Man because hell yes, I am ANGRY about what is happening to my country. And you should be too.
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