Nice to see another adult in the GOP speaking up.
Sad to see the children in the GOP so rabidly putting America at risk.
But hey, what's another four years. If you're going to destroy a country, do it in flames.
September 04, 2008
Nixon/Ford insider Ben Stein throws Palin under the bus
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I think Palin is perfect for the job. She's already has a frim grasp on how things work in Washington:
Palin Refuses to Testify
It didn't take long. We've already brought you news of the official investigation into Gov. Palin's firing of Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan. Steve Branchflower, the lead investigator, began trying to arrange a deposition of the governor days before her veep selection. And despite claiming executive privilege to shield requested emails, up until that point Palin had promised full cooperation with the probe.
Now, however, she is refusing to submit to questioning by Branchflower unless he and the legislative committee that appointed him agree to relinquish control of the investigation and turn it over to a state review board made up of three Palin appointees.
Yesterday, Palin took the unusual step of having her lawyer, Thomas van Flein, file an ethics complaint against her with the state's Attorney General. This, she hopes, will lead the AG to give the investigation to the aforementioned state personnel board. Unless that happens, and Branchflower agrees to close down his investigation, she will refuse to testify.
The last time she was around a man that much, she had a baby.
Ben Stein is an idiot. He was long CFC all the way down. And the rest of the scam financials.
Wow - it is amazing how afraid the obama zombies are of this woman...
Yaaawn. Are there any other good housing blogs besides this RepublicanPANIC one?
Ben Stein is a total tool. (OK. He's right about Palin but he's still a tool.)
I suppose it depends on what one thinks of Ben Stein. I just can't stand the guy based on my browsing of his pop culture based analysis.
Just when did Ben say this nonsense before or after last night and I will say it again this women has more men trembling it is starting to look really funny and I say that it is Joe Biden that will be replaced because he was the wrong choice and for you Democrats who love affirmitive action well you got it and it isn't pretty you lose again.
Rove and GOP strategists decided to throw S. Palin in the lion's den. She's only the latest victim of GOP politics. I really feel sorry for her, her kids, and all women in America. She's gullible if she thinks McCain couldn't find a better qualified woman as a running mate, but McCain knows that the game is over and that Americans want time to heal from the deep wounds left by Bush/Cheney and the GOP, so he went ahead and fielded this neophyte to dispel the notion that the GOP is a sexist, male-dominated party.
This move was meant to be a historic gesture towards women, but it was deliberately ill-timed, and the sad truth is that McCain selected this woman because he knew his party had no chance at winning this race.
I believe S. Palin will be the first and last woman on the GOP ticket for the foreseeable future. The problem is that she'll be the GOP sacrificial lamb. She'll be slaughtered by the media, thrown to the wolves and forgotten forever. If she really cares about her family, the best thing she can do is to drop out from this race.
O-NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Keifer's las great hope just channged his mind:
Scarborough Completely Reverse Positions On Palin In Just Five Days....
SCARBOROUGH: How can Barack Obama’s campaign criticize an inexperienced number two on the Republican side when Democrats have picked, I would say, probably the most inexperienced person to run for President of the United States in the Democratic party probably in a century?
The Dems will be punished for not vetting their #1
More from the alaskin blog: This blog is a must read!!
Part of me really didn’t want to watch last night. Several of my friends here in Anchorage couldn’t bring themselves to do it, and I understand why. Doubtless there are many others in Alaska who were glued to their sets. I knew Palin would deliver the speech well, considering her sportscasting experience. I knew she’d look good, and have an air of sincerity and straight talk. But I also knew she didn’t actually write the speech, so this was going to be more a test of delivery rather than a thoughtful dissertation full of policy details. But I watched anyway. It was kind of like a personal test of strength. I passed.
The stunner of the speech for me? “I said thanks, but no thanks to that Bridge to Nowhere”. Frankly, I was surprised she said it the first time, shocked she said it the second time, but again? Almost incomprehensible. This must be her test to see if that old George Bush theory that if you say something enough, people will just believe it, is true. No other explanation seems possible. This is easy to fact check. Really easy. Palin decided she didn’t want the bridge when she learned that Alaska would have to pay too much for it. If Stevens and Young had been able to pull it off, we’d be motoring to Gravina Island right now.
The nastiness of the speech surprised me a bit too. I had imagined that she’d be playing the Mom card - sensitive, caring, tough when she had to be, but the feel-good human side of the Republican party. It would have made it much more difficult for Joe Biden to flay her in the debate without looking mean. But time and time again, she stuck it to Obama with relish, and not on policy either. She talked about elitism, lack of ‘executive experience’, did the whole “parting the waters and saving the world” snark, mocked the use of the dreaded columns at Mile High Stadium, and criticized the Obama logo. Are we really reduced to logo bashing? McCain has been on the wrong side of so many issues that matter to people in this election, there’s obviously nothing left. And that’s what gives me comfort.
But the cherry on top was her sneering, snarky comment about how being a mayor was like being a community organizer, only with “actual responsibility”.
A commenter on this blog summed it up so well: (hat tip MH&
“Jesus was a Community Organizer, and Pontias Pilate was a Governor.”
Can we cram that all on to a bumper sticker, or will we only be able to make t-shirts…
The fact that this derision of community organizers was met with rousing applause by the delegates did nothing but cement the fact for many viewers that this is really the opinion, and the spirit of the Republican ‘base’. What did all the good-hearted Republican community organizers out there watching the speech think, not only of the comment, but of the reaction from their own party? Whoever the speech writer was, it became apparent rather quickly they were going for zingers, barbs, and clever one-liners, and not really thinking much about how the non-bloodthirsty segment of the viewing audience would feel about it.
Sarah Palin was the Hail Mary pass of the GOP. The McCain campaign is counting on voters being dazzled by the package, enchanted with the newness, and pumped up by the fightin’ spirit of this unusual political figure. And they are also counting on the fact that most people will go no deeper than that.
Soon the Republican convention will be wrapping up, and we’ll be ready to move to the next phase of the campaign. How will Palin fare in an actual interview? What will happen in the debate with Joe Biden, who just said he would be “unrelenting” in his challenge of Palin? What will Hillary Clinton have to say about this? Stay tuned.
ahhh Keith normal people are speaking up. Keith you are doing a great job.Keep the faith.
Remember the Danish Tale:
An emperor who cares too much about clothes hires two swindlers who promise him the finest suit of clothes from the most beautiful cloth. This cloth, they tell him, is invisible to anyone who was either stupid or unfit for his position. The Emperor cannot see the (non-existent) cloth, but pretends that he can for fear of appearing stupid; his ministers do the same. When the swindlers report that the suit is finished, they dress him in mime. The Emperor then goes on a procession through the capital showing off his new "clothes". During the course of the procession, a small child cries out, "But he has nothing on!" The crowd realizes the child is telling the truth. The Emperor, however, holds his head high and continues the procession.
Ben Stein is such a dip -- reminds me of my son's girlfriend. He has part of it correct (backwoods fundamentalism) but he is just so far out there on so much that ... I can hardly stand to listen to him.
Because Ben Stein is clearly an authority on economic knowledge and predictions.
If it makes you feel better, I will personally donate whatever it costs to get her subscribed to Peter Schiff's newsletter.
Not that that's necessary. You don't need to be a genius to understand the economic fundamentals. It's simple supply and demand. If you print money like it's toilet paper, it becomes worth as much as toilet paper. Most of your readers understand it, many well enough to profit from it. And I'd be willing to bet that the average age of your readers is younger than she is, and that none of them have her level of executive experience. (How many $40 billion deals have you negotiated? About as many as Ben Stein, I'll wager.)
John McCain, our first Mullah! Hadn't thought of that. The nation was founded on Christian beliefs, right? Why not a theocracy? Then we can go fight the holy war that Bush/McCain have wanted all along. God will be so happy! Oh, wait, Theocracies hate women. Palin can be the first woman beheaded in the public square. Women, know your place!
He is smart enough to realize that he will soon be unemployed in a few months and no longer get to comment on TV unless he jumps ship FAST.
Can't wait until Limbaugh and FOX jump ship. I think Murdoch realized FOX News is toast and has already started recruiting Obama.
As the election news, the GOP hatchet men could all jump on board with Obama. LOL
Palin is hot but her big titted daughter is hotter. Let's all vote Republican because... well, they are hot! Yeah, that's the ticket! Titties in 2008. Forget that low taxes and an ever increasing national debt are Republican credos. Ignore reality. Vote for the titties!
since when do you respect ben stein's opinion?
you are desperate.
Please put nader, barr & "other" on your poll to make it slightly more like the actual voting experience.
PS you said your pick will win by a landslide -- it's looking awfully tied up right now, so you should add on the major third party candidates that can make a difference between who wins & loses. they have more power than you would like to think given how early you threw in the towel on RP.
I'm loving these quotes from Ted Nugent:
It’s wrong to suggest that just because Gov. Palin is not a career D.C. politician that she lacks the experience and intelligence to lead the nation. She clearly has more executive management experience than Sen. Obama, who has zero experience at running anything. He’s not qualified to run an all-night donut shop, much less America.
Those pundits and Fedzilla fanatics who proclaim Gov.Palin has no experience to run the country are the very punks who want to continue to feed Fedzilla. They advocate taking more of our paychecks, wasting more of hard earned money, and not being held accountable. I would like to buy these Fedzilla punks a one-way ticket on the express train to Hell.
I was watching on you tube Protesters at the Republican convention 1984.
I watch Protesters at the Republican convention 2008.
Someone please tell me what has happened. You must watch both to believe.
In 1984 the protesters clearly sprayed painted, entered Neiman Marcus, only then were action by the police taken. The Police were very kind and did their job.
Today, wow....Another story. I am in tears to see people beaten, peppered sprayed and so on by the Police. The Police look as though they are in war.
This disturbs me.
That is your voice..Peoples voice.
Don't sit here and BaSH Protesters..You need to support their rights. If we can't speak we are silenced...That is dictatorship.
I wish someone would cover this important story..
Scary....Very scary stuff kids/
Sarah Palin will turn out to be Hillary's Revenge. Watch. Just watch.
Ben Stein's one of these so-called intellectuals who's found *God* in bantering like a man with Crohn's disease. He's actually drawn a karmic connection between free lifestyle-licentious behavior to the effects of Hurricane Katrina but then fails to address why the same thing didn't happen to Amsterdam, NYC, or Rio where there's even more immorality going about? Perhaps he should read some Theosophical writings on karma before acting like St Augustine.
Next, he seems to think that he's the only person, from an ivy type of college, who believes that there's some divinity providence in creation (or existence) but yet, there are countless of educated smart people (including Newton and Tesla, BTW both smarter than Ben) who believe in God. BFD, Mr Stein read the 'Tao of Physics' if you want some pop rendition of science to spirituality concepts (Hint: they came up ages ago).
Ms. Palin, please, please do not take any advice from Kissenger.
""He was long CFC all the way down."
Or maybe he wasn't?
Dude Keith,
You REALLY REALLY need to get off MSNBC and try tuning inot the real world about Palin. Look at the new Rasmussen poll this women is loved in Alaska and now by America. Sorry Dems, she aint gonna quit and she is gonna steal the election from Obama I never thought it was possible. Wait until the deabte between her and Biden thats gonna be so funny wactching his pompus smary ass get put to task. Not to mention since this is a housing site I have failed to see any mention of Mr Biden and his sponsorship of the Bankruptcy bill for his son which is one of the biggest things hurting America right now? Forget that? Seriously turn off Olbermann he is a reject sportscaster.
Whats funny is how you mock the media and their false reporting of housing yet accept them on politics? Why is that?
If Palin is being thrown to the wolves I feel sorry for the wolves.
John McCain finally admits!! "WHAT HAVE I DONE"???
You and Ben Stein can make out all you want. I hate to break it to you. Next president of USA in Palin 4 yrs from now. After decimating your styro foam Greek Emperor and his deputy, they are sending Hillary to fight with her. The two (half women half men at teh top of Dem ticket) cannot fight Sara alone. Hillary will be blown into smitherines. How long will it be before 50% of Hillary followers will support Palin ?
I enjoy your pain and your pathetic fellow BO worshipper's. I told the ballon will be burst. All you can do is just pick up the pieces.
Great to watch all the pathetic fools on your site panic. You aint seen nothing yet. Keep digging your hole deeper. You are reaching a point you wont be able to come out of the hole.
"Today, wow....Another story. I am in tears to see people beaten, peppered sprayed and so on by the Police."
You are aware the protesters were breaking car and store windows etc., right?
I suppose that would be OK in your book until it was your car or your store...but then again, you will probably own neither in your lifetime.
Titties in 2008.
Oh why not?? We have had Boobs in the past two elections, why not titties?
Wonderful excerpts from Obama's book
Ben is a dipshit. While he may have negative things to say about Palin that many may agree with, this is the same imbecile that created the movie "Expelled".
I lost all respect for the man when he equated scientific progress in the realm of evolutionary biology to the Nazi Holocaust.
Obviously you are not satisfied to show how sick you have been. Seems like are intent on showing how much more sick you can be. Keep it up.
How long its going to be before you replace ,Palin count down with Biden count down ? I will give you 2 weeks max !!!
Good luck anyway. You are going to need it.
BTW keep up the graffitti on Sarah. You are doing Sarah's job without spending a dime of Sarah's money. i.e. sending voters her way with your gutter trash.
Here's a wonderful example of Obama's strong supporter Charlie Rangel's upstanding work. Rangels wonderful deed
The Sarah Palin Church Video Part One
...And how many people of prominence have said they like the choice of Palin?
You and all the other democrats screaming about Palin are shooting yourself in the foot, Kieth.
If democrats want Palin to step down, that would probably be because they think that her stepping down would increase Obama's chances, yes? And so that means they realize that this pick is a good one: it's likely to get people like me (a 44yo very conservative woman) out to the polls to vote for Republicans, as opposed to staying home or voting 3rd party.
BTW, I am still probably going to vote third party, but I am leaning just a little bit toward McCain, open borders scum that he is.
She has democrats trembling because she's a redneck, gun-touting, environment-wrecking, pro-death penalty, right-wing, PTA mom that stumbled into governorship because she didn't screw up as mayor of her small town - who could one day be our President because Americans don't want to own up to the fact that the party's over and it's time to take our medicine.
>>didn't screw up her small town<<
Mr. Stupid: Is taking a town with a $6 million budget and leaving it $20 million in the hole somehow not screwing up?
Well, yeah, I guess it is when you compare it to Bush taking a trillion-dollar surplus and turning it into a $53 trillion deficit.
So it's OK to you that you're now eye-deep in debt? What do you suppose is going to happen when China cuts up your credit cards, eh?
You think it can't happen to you...
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