Dude needs his own blog.
He's like that guy at a party who's real quiet, listens to everyone with a smile on his face, and then the one thing he says when he finally opens his mouth is the one thing you remember from that night.
Dude scares me a bit. And he kinda repeats himself sometimes. But damn, it's good stuff.
Thanks for dropping by Andrew Hac, whoever you are. Don't hurt us.
OK, Snapper Turtle, fat-ass Americano and all other tortoise-like creepers out there,
Listen and listen hard:
A house is a place to sleep in, eat your meal, do your homeworks, make kids, get piped-up, get shitface, smoke a doobie, take a doo-doo, etc...
A house is not an investment, a Las Vegas casino, a stock purchase certificate, a trading commodity, a bank, an ATM machine, etc...
Not every turtle is entitled to own a house. Owning a house is a privilege, not a right, not an endowment from God or Uncle Bushy.
Most Americano believe that it is their God-given right to own a house. Heck NO !!! That is incorrect. It is also stupid to heed that belief. If you are poor, ignorant, illiterate, dumb, uneducated, buckteeth, harelip, fat, obese, or just plain WACKO then you do not have the right, the mean or the privilege to own a house. No BUT, IF, HOW, WHEN ,WHY, WHAT, etc...
The game of survival is simple. You are strong then you will survive and prosper. Your descendant will grow strong and will not have rotten teeth or marry his/her cousin as spouse. Joe6Pack is like a gazelle in the African Segenreti plain, his destiny is to be hunted down, chased after, pursued relentlessly, devoured by the lions, the leopards, the hyenas, etc...
Joe6Pack does not simply possess any right or privilege to own a house in the land of the Americano AKA the land of the Skunk.
Got it, Turtle ???
September 27, 2008
Ladies and Gentlemen, one more time, I give you the words of Andrew Hac
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Keith, this guy is not brilliant. He is a biased, brain-washed, foul-mouthed jerk. The kind who tailgates minivans, flipping the bird to the family inside when they don't get out of the way fast enough.
Joe6Pack did not cause this problem, in spite of what the media has told you. Joe is the one faithfully paying his mortgage every month on his quickly depreciating house in the suburbs.
He is working everyday at a job that he is afraid might not be there tomorrow, paying his taxes and budgeting his money so he can fill his gas tank to get him to work.
His children are going to schools ruined by bussing, diversity training and political correctness.
He put 20% down on his house, but his neighbors got in under another program. They put next to nothing down and have no vested interest in their property or the neighborhood. Soon, there are a half dozen cars in the yard, as the house fills up with friends, relatives, boarders.
Cars full of scary looking people cruise through the neighborhood late at night.
Sometimes there are the sounds of gun shots.
Joe can no longer feel safe taking an evening walk with his wife. Occasionally he calls the police, but it is in vain. They say there is nothing they can do.
The neighborhood is now known as the hood, or barrio, depending on where Joe lives. He can't escape because his house is not even worth what he paid for it.
Then, Joe's neighbors abandon their house in the middle of the night and a foreclosure notice is posted on the door. The grass grows up around the property and so ole Joe mows the lawns of these properties himself, to keep down the snakes and vermin.
The government, who created all kinds of programs for barrio/hood dwellers so they could move in next to Joe, have a solution. Not only do they want Joe to mow the lawns of the abandon properties, they also want him to take over the payments. If he doesn't, the economy will collapse and it will be his fault for not loving his country enough to sacrifice.
Is it any wonder Joe and his friends are talking about revolution? The people in charge have created this mess. Not ole Joe.
Joe is the backbone of the country. He is the only one holding things together right now. If he decides that it is no longer worth the effort, then we are really in trouble.
Instead of poking fun at Joe, you should be kissing his feet. He is all that is standing between you and the hoards of barbarians that will descend upon us when the last barriers - Joe and his kind - are removed.
Joe6Pack's Wife
anon - that joe six pack you describe truly is the backbone of America.
Guy who works hard. Tells his kids to study and turn off the PS2. Pays his bills. Contributes to society. Coaches his kids baseball team.
That Joe six pack is indeed a hero, and the backbone of a dying America.
Unfortunately, this country is not full of those Joes anymore. It's full of absent parents who are raising a generation of idiots. It's full of guys (and gals) who wanted to get rich quick by gambling on housing, them blame anyone but themselves when the ponzi scheme caved it.
It's full of Joes who voted a thief and an idiot into office for eight years because they hate the fags. It's full of union Joes who destroyed their own companies by making them uncompetitive. It's full of Joes who sit around and watch Fox News (or MSNBC) and nod their heads without thinking for themselves.
I like the Joe six pack you describe. I miss him. And I want him to rise up, get pissed, identify the con men who got us into this mess, and take action.
The true Joe six pack needs to take back America.
Because Andrew Hac's New Joe Six Pack is killing us.
"The fundamentals of the economy (the American workers) are strong".
The game of survive has gotten more complex for Joe6Pack, because he does not even know what is coming.
For many years Carry Trades have made many investment bankers and hedge fund managers very rich.
Due to the low volatility many of these investment bankers and hedge fund managers have been able to make huge amount of profit off of interest rate differential.
These huge profit was the mechanism that has allow Global Excess Liquidity to flood the market and inflate the price of perceived asset (Hard or Soft).
Hard assets are material things like houses and commodities while soft assets are things that have a implied potential growth like the value of a stock.
Global Excess Liquidity from carry trade has allow the profit gain from investment bankers and hedge funds to become the seed money of the technology sector in the mid 1990 creating the first stage of the tech bubble.
At the middle stage of the tech bubble - stock options became an alternative visible source of Domestic Excess Liquidity allowing more liquidity to be recycle back into the tech sector.
Then individual speculators wanted to join the fun creating the peak of the tech bubble in 2000.
But from 2000 to 2001 the tech bubble busted, and the Federal Reserve lowered interest rate and provided the initial seed money for the mortgage sectors, but as investment bankers and hedge fund managers got more creative with packaging mortgage back securities (subprime loans) some of the profits from MBS derivative went into the emerging markets like China.
Fearing that to much Domestic Excess Liquidity from lower US interest rate was going back into the global markets causing oil and commodities price to raise the US Federal Reserve started to raise interest rate around June 2004 to prevent to much Domestic Excess Liquidity to fan another bubble, but Bank of Japan (BOJ) had other plans.
This other plan allow Yen Carry Trade to boom a second time and the profits from Yen Carry Trade continue to climb and some these profits found its way back into the hands of the mortgage brokers.
In order to minimize risk investment bankers and hedge fund managers were able to become more creative with MBS derivative (Alt-A, Option ARM) channeling a second Domestic Excess Liquidity to be funneled back into the housing market which in turn created more Global Excess Liquidity. See why the US Federal Reserve had to keep interest rate at 5.25% so long during this time.
During this same time individual speculators begin to realize how profitable Yen Carry Trade was and join in. Global Excess Liquidity came to a climax and BOJ then decided to stop the fun by raising interest rate to 0.5% from 0.25%.
This lead to the first unwinding of Yen Carry Trade, but this also created a domino effect on the MBS derivative market creating the first Credit Crunch in July 2007 when carry traders took profit after carry traders though BOJ was going to raise interest rate again.
At the same time fearing a slow down in the US economy the US Federal Reserve inadvertently speed up this domino effect by lowing US interest rate putting a bigger squeeze on rate spreads which speed up the unwinding of Yen Carry Trade.
In order to regain lost profits from Yen Carry Trade speculators, investment bankers and hedge fund mangers took higher risk with other form of FX carry trade and derivatives which created a second boom in the commodities market.
This second boom in the commodities market started an US consumers recession at the same time many the subprime loans were reseting. This combination lead to more home foreclosure which lead to a second Credit Crunch. This is were we are at now.
So as you can see it was the easy profits from carry trade that has allow Global Excess Liquidity to chase more profits which lead to one bubble to another bubble starting in the late 1980 after the Japanese economy fail.
Now with the second Credit Crunch starting what mistake will Central Bankers make this time around.
Carry Traders are worry that rate spreads will contract and returns will dry up. Do you see why the US Federal Reserve did not want to lower interest rate last month. It is because they can not.
Carry traders know that they are at the rear end of a major profit opportunity and given the inherent risks and diverging fundamentals, they will most likely be ready to flee at the first sign of trouble.
If this happens this will cause a major unwinding of the 600 trillion dollar derivative market, causing the third Credit Crunch.
May you live in interesting time Joe6Pack
You are so right!
You're right I always remember the biggest asshole at a party
This guy must be fore real. You can't make this shit up!
Unusual way if saying it, but I do agree with him.
Andrew Hac said...
"Joe6Pack is like a gazelle in the African Segenreti plain"
Joe6Pack is exactly like a gazelle if gazelles had fat asses and beer guts and were trying to run away from lions wearing Crocs, baggy camoflage cargo shorts and a XXXL Nascar T shirt with a Super Big Gulp in one hand and a three pound cheeseburger in the other.
Joe6Pack thinks the lions are chasing him to bail out his mortgage.
Joe6Pack is too stupid to survive.
Very complex instruments, and our government wants us the tax payer to buy these, when they are getting ready to explode?
Anon - thanks for details on the yen carry trade. Appreciate the education.
"Keith said...
anon - that joe six pack you describe truly is the backbone of America."
No that is Joe Lunchbox. Note the difference in thew defining characteristic. Six Pack is all about self-indulgence. Lunchbox is all about responsibility. Big difference and J6P outnumbers JLB in this county. J6P thinks JLB is a tinfoil hat wearing bubble head. J6P is wrong and J6P is screwed.
It's 5:00 on Saturday morning J6P is still passed out from Friday nights sixpacks but I have to grab my lunch box and pick up a little OT because, hell, times are tough but JLB is tougher.
I like it
Joe Lunchbox
PS- Joe Lunchbox is a Union Man. And he's here to tell you that it is the greedy CEOs who destroy the companies not the unions.
The companies blame the unions for thinking US workers should get paid better than Chinese slave labor. But the companies survive, outsource the manufacturing jobs, blame the unions and the CEOs pocket the six-figure bonuses.
You decry the loss of US manufacturing but you blame the wrong people. It is corporate greed that has done this not union labor.
You are a smart guy Keith but when you blame the unions you sound like you are drinking the same Kool Aid that Frank from Scottsdale Sucks drinks.
First Joe6Pack needs to quit drinking !!!
Get sober and then vote.
Joe Lunchbox was laid off last week.
Below is an email received at work yesterday. Another example of what is wrong with America, where it is perfectly acceptable to lay off a person who has served his employer for 30 years:
Dear [Mammoth],
We are at a loss how best to inspect the XYZ tanks. Joe Lunchbox [the person who I laid off last week] developed a visual check inspection procedure that could use some update for the XYZ tank.
Can you please work with [new inspector] directly to assist him in identifying what specific items need inspection on these tanks? The parts are hot and we do not have a specification that is meaningful.
Director Quality Assurance and Regulatory Affairs
[Un-named American Corporation]
Last week I laid off an inspector who worked here for 30 years. We just received a complex part from a vendor, and the new inspector has no idea how to inspect it, so Engineering needs to provide support for this.
And since Production needs this part right away, please drop whatever you are working on right now and help.
This asshole will probably vote for McSh*tstain in every election.
-Another Andrew
Isn't the more common term "Johnny Lunchpail"? Like Suzy Chapstick, Mary Rottencrotch or Billy Bigrig.
Anyway, that's a great comparison. And a great sentiment: times are tough but johnny lunchpail is tougher. It's true, if only the yahoos in washington would get out of the way and let the misallocations of capital correct themselves and let johnny lunchpail get re-trained.
Johnny lunchpail may not be the brightest guy but he's a hard worker and a loyal friend.
the problem with "survival of the fittest" is the system is rigged. everywhere you go there is nepitism, favoritism, the weak get suckled if they politic and kiss enough ass. the problem is the hardest working guy in the room is rarely the highest paid. the problem is the scammer, ass kissin, weak minded suckler is promoted, awarded given pay raises and in many cases, becomes boss of the hard working joe 6 pack. joe resents this, doesn't like it and becomes less productive...
hell, look at the bailout, its all right there spelled out for the world to see.
i like what andrew hac has to say, i profess it all the time. i wish the world were truly like that. but again, it is not. andrew is being a bit naive and believes in a utopia that doesn't and will probably never in our lifetime exist.
and as i watched the debate last night i saw nothing that gave me confidence in either choice to lead us back to where we need to be. only thing worth hearing in the whole thing were two short comments from mccain. one about getting rid of some of the useless govt depts and the one about a spending freeze. he said one line on it and that was all. leher even asked them both how the current crisis would effect thier spending. i'll give it to mccain, he did say he would consider a spending freeze.
but jesus flippin christ! consider is all you can muster??? how about, "we're not going to spend one more mother fuckin red cent until we get this situation under control. we are going to fire everyone who is on a government payroll that is not really needed. as president, i don't need all the perks and money because i am already VERY RICH. i am going to do the job for $50k per year. and all the senators and congressmen, they are going to get HUGE paycuts too. we are going to cut the government spending by 50%-75%". how about TRUE LEADERSHIP. but again, we will never hear anything like that.
and obama didn't even address the issue. for him its more programs, more handouts, MORE SUCKLING OF THE MOTHER FUCKIN WEAK!
there is no true free market left. survival of the fittest, strongest survive and thrive, its all a threat to those that have. and they got two more puppets for us to choose from come november.
if americans had any ballz at all, ron paul would be the next president and we would privatize everything. but again, i highly doubt we'll see it in our lifetime. so my advice to all of you, don't work as hard as you can, don't buckle down and save, don't speak up and point out lazy/worthless co-workers who just get promoted because of ass kissing. no, thats not going to work. you just gotta drop to your knees and join them.
but yeah, andrew hac is right. unfortunately, being right is just not enough.
I get what he's saying - but there are plenty of Joe-six-packs that work very hard and have Jill six pack wives that are also working 40-60 hours per week that are barely making it and that didn't try to buy their own homes because they knew how to do basic math. I don't think the Joe's and Jill's are as much to blame as the fraud that was committed by allowing these people to borrow in the first place. Arrests should be made, property seized and the wealth put back into the system.
How come you only name Americanos and "Joe 6 pack"? There are millions of non-english speaking homebuyers who are now sharing the same sinking boat with J6P...
If Joe Lunchbox is a union man that's why he's out of work and his job has been shipped overseas
Unions, who once served a purpose in the US, became corrupted by power and greed, and destroyed the very jobs they were designed to protect.
Unions caused productive companies to become unproductive. They stifled innovation. They demanded too much money and too many benefits. And the 'greedy ceo's' had no choice but to eliminate jobs and look for more productive ways to make their products. While those same greedy ceo's were looting their companies too of course.
I know it's not PC to rail against unions. But it's the truth.
I do foresee a reindustrialization of the united states though over the next ten years, as out-of-work folks become grateful to have a job, any job, for less than they made before. And I see workers who will work harder and smarter, not the lazy worthless workers they became.
Getting kicked in the ass can be a good thing some times.
Also, the devastation of the dollar will have companies around the world looking for a cheap talented labor force, and they'll see that the US offers that.
I see president obama investing in infrastructure and plant modernization as well. it's gonna take government dollars to get manufacturing restarted.
And I see unions coming back, smarter, leaner and less corrupt. I see workers realizing that they can't hold their companies hostage (like Boeing today). That if they do, the company goes away and so do their jobs.
And I see Joe Lunchbox reclaiming his rightful position as the backbone of America.
Or hell, I could be totally wrong and America simply falls into the abyss, one giant Detroit hellhole.
We'll see.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Keith, this guy is not brilliant. He is a biased, brain-washed, foul-mouthed jerk. The kind who tailgates minivans, flipping the bird to the family inside when they don't get out of the way fast enough.
Joe6Pack did not cause this problem, in spite of what the media has told you. Joe is the one faithfully paying his mortgage every month on his quickly depreciating house in the suburbs.
He is working everyday at a job that he is afraid might not be there tomorrow, paying his taxes and budgeting his money so he can fill his gas tank to get him to work.
His children are going to schools ruined by bussing, diversity training and political correctness.
He put 20% down on his house, but his neighbors got in under another program. They put next to nothing down and have no vested interest in their property or the neighborhood. Soon, there are a half dozen cars in the yard, as the house fills up with friends, relatives, boarders.
Cars full of scary looking people cruise through the neighborhood late at night.
Sometimes there are the sounds of gun shots.
Joe can no longer feel safe taking an evening walk with his wife. Occasionally he calls the police, but it is in vain. They say there is nothing they can do.
The neighborhood is now known as the hood, or barrio, depending on where Joe lives. He can't escape because his house is not even worth what he paid for it.
Then, Joe's neighbors abandon their house in the middle of the night and a foreclosure notice is posted on the door. The grass grows up around the property and so ole Joe mows the lawns of these properties himself, to keep down the snakes and vermin.
The government, who created all kinds of programs for barrio/hood dwellers so they could move in next to Joe, have a solution. Not only do they want Joe to mow the lawns of the abandon properties, they also want him to take over the payments. If he doesn't, the economy will collapse and it will be his fault for not loving his country enough to sacrifice.
Is it any wonder Joe and his friends are talking about revolution? The people in charge have created this mess. Not ole Joe.
Joe is the backbone of the country. He is the only one holding things together right now. If he decides that it is no longer worth the effort, then we are really in trouble.
Instead of poking fun at Joe, you should be kissing his feet. He is all that is standing between you and the hoards of barbarians that will descend upon us when the last barriers - Joe and his kind - are removed.
Joe6Pack's Wife
September 27, 2008 11:08 AM
Now I agree with you that Andrew Hac is a jerk. I also agree with you that it's the liberal government's fault for creating policies to "help brown and black people" to obtain housing that they couldn't afford. Then all of a sudden they move into "Joe Six Pack's neighborhood" and it was such a great neighborhood and now because of them it is now the ghetto or barrio and there are gunshots and scary people riding around in their cars at all hours of the night.
I swear to God, this entire housing crash can be blamed on; 1. The liberal government's policies to help minorities. 2. Minorities moving into white neighborhoods and turning them into shit.
Why is it that whenever there is an economic downturn in our country, the lower class will blame minorities like "Joe Six Pack's wife" just did on the very first post? I am a white guy and in every recession, a lot of people want to blame minorities for their finances turning sour. Take responsibility for your own actions European-Americans! Live within your means, take pro-active actions, and most importantly, when things go down, don't blame the minorities for all of your troubles.
Keith said: If Joe Lunchbox is a union man that's why he's out of work and his job has been shipped overseas
Keith, I totally agree with your statement.
Also, I like this discussion. The yen carry trade was an excellent post.
And, one may or may not like Andrew Hac, but you can say one thing: He can sure start a good discussion.
"Joe Lunchbox said...
PS- Joe Lunchbox is a Union Man. And he's here to tell you that it is the greedy CEOs who destroy the companies not the unions."
That maybe minimally true, but the dipshit line blue collar luch boxers workers were the first ones to strike the companies for more of everything when times were good and there was plenty of work.
Fuck Joe Lunch Box. Get up in the middle of the night to hurry down to the swaetshop asshole. If you could budget your money properly and live within your means you wouldn't need those extra pesos.
Don't look for sympathy here when YOU and YOUR FELLOW UNION BOYS are to blame. Have you planned for when your job goes to a little yellow man 4 thousand miles away because he does as good or better job than you for a fith of the overhead?
Didn't think so Charlatan.
Why not move to Detroit with your fellow union boys? They have houses there for free if you pay the back taxes...
Joe Six Pack or Joe Lunch Box:
Give them 'special treatment'...
Many posts before me have addressed the problems with the mixture of
carry trades and excess liquidity from foreign Countries, as well as the shift of the labor force to slave labor Countries which ended up flooding the country with cheap
foreign junk , and cheap money ,which created a monopoly .
The monopoly has always been the
destroyer of capitalism ,and price-fixing is also along the same order .
Financial systems of any Country should be closed systems and labor force costs should be closed systems also .
As the flood of excess funds hit American ,the flood of excess cheap low cost junk products from
across the sea hit America .
Both "Open Systems " produced the destructive damage to the American economy we see today .
The Unions being to demanding for years did force the Corporations
to seek a solution . The Corporations decided to sell out America .
Where the Corporations were not intelligent about their solutions was that they didn't look far into the future with what elimination of jobs and companies and outsourcing would do to Americans buying power .
So, with the mistakes that were made in long term solutions ,the Corporations in response to Unions greed proceeded to buy out Politicians for the policies that made it possible for a new plan .
Unchecked Globalism is just as bad as unregulated loan and money markets .The markets became a big Casino where the smart knew how to take advantage by placing bets and side bets on the distortions between American markets and other countries markets.
So,now the Corporations/Wall Street have cheap foreign products ,but Americans have no jobs to buy those products and they have been living on credit to long . The Corporations faked out America in the new system ,but
they were short sided in what the effect would be when you kill the buying power and competition ability of Americans in the cheap slave labor world markets .
The Corporations/Wall Street sold out the American progress that was made for 100 years ,rather than striking a balance with the Unions . Both sides of the Unions and Corporation contracts were to greedy and one-sided ,and near-sighted to say the least .
So the blame lies in one-sided Union demands and the liability demands that did crack the backs of the Corporations .Both sides should have a proper balance of power . Unions drove the prices and costs of doing business to high and now the Corporations got back and have gone to the opposite extreme in the selling out of the American workers by creating a Global market .
So, whenever either side of a self-interested party goes to far in demands ,it creates a opposite reaction .
Now the new Corporation plan for
keeping costs down ,whereby the Corporations don't even have to
consider American worker welfare anymore has created a failing America ,that will increasing down-hill ,at least standard of living wise .
And Joe Lunchbox will lose his job or lose his buying power and the GREAT MIDDLE CLASS worker is
gone . No American dream of working hard to get ahead any more ,just bubbles and schemes from Wall Street ,like the Housing Boom which has broke the Nation .
Americans need real jobs that can pay for the costs in the society they live in . Americans can't work for 75 cents a hour to be competitive without being forced into living in a ditch and not having enough money for even utility .
Wall Street and the Corporations presented the HOUSING BUBBLE go in debt scam on the American people ,
and the Americans got side-tracked by false wealth which was a replacement for income and jobs .
The people who already cut a good deal with the Unions will be ok while so many of their fellow Americans will be fleeced .No wonder every one hates everyone else and everyone is acting in a self-interested manner to the demise of America.
So you either look at America like a big BEE HIVE where all the worker bees need to survive and get a cut of the pie ,or you think I got mine ,who cares about the rest. The rich are showing you what their attitude is . The poor will break down their Mansion walls when they start to starve
Wall Street is telling you that they want to remain rich and they want you to pay for the big scheme that didn't work well . Just give us a couple of trillion so we can get back to business with the big Globalism Plan that we resorted to .
Now Wall Street and Corporations are looking for positioning and if we give them 2 trillion and more , they get the NEW PLAN and American is no more.
Accept the Paulson Plan and you have accepted the demise of America . The Paulson Plan is not the answer .
The fact that you people on this blog actually believe Obama is the better candidate, says all anyone needs to know about your commentary and analysis of other subjects.
The end of the world is now upon us. Those who have not accepted Christ, nor bothered to study bible prophecy are going to be in for a shock in the coming days, and subsequently eternal torment, for the offer of salvation they were offered, but foolishly declined.
Unchecked Globalism is just as bad as unregulated loan and money markets .
And, I say, soooo true. Globalism has become so politically-correct. At the same time, we're getting burned left and right, with all this imported junk, increased deficits and loss of jobs.
Hey anon 11:08. Do you think you could be any more racist? Just wondering.
The fact that you people on this blog actually believe Obama is the better candidate, says all anyone needs to know about your commentary and analysis of other subjects.
dont make snap judgements
a lot of people on here like Obama
some like McCain and some like other candidates
u mean the poor idiot at the party that judges because he lives in a mud hut and cooks in his piss pot.
"The end of the world is now upon us. Those who have not accepted Christ, nor bothered to study bible prophecy are going to be in for a shock in the coming days"
I call bullshit and will bet $1,000 on it. Will you? Of course not.
Right there in book of Falwell 4:20 it reads, "Thou shall not put your money where your mouth is."
If "coming days" means something reasonable, say, 1 year and I see bodies flying up into the sky to meet Jesus, I will pay $1,000 to anyone you care to name, since you'll be up there nekid with a big old shit eating grin on your face, flying through the sky.
How dare the Political powers and Big Business start out with a concept of growth for the Middle Class 1940-1980, which allowed people between 45 and 80 today to get their bite of the American dream and Union protections,employee protections and benefits , and than switch the game for the 45 and under group
to fend for themselves while the
younger ones fail to have the same chance .
This was a American game switch by Corporations/Big Business that makes it impossible for the younger generations to get their piece of the American pie or even be able to operate in a capitalism system that isn't rigged to much now in favor of Wall Street .
I ,am one of the older ones , but I will continue to fight for the younger ones because I take no pleasure in getting mine while you younger people get the American Concept demise and a stacked deck against you . I cannot be happy when I know the younger ones are threatened ,just because I got to partake of America when it was at it's best.
So I will continue to fight for the American system that I think will give the younger people a fighting chance to get their piece of the pie. It requires hard work on the part of young people ,because this entitlement spin is not what the Good American System of pursuit of happiness was all about .
I'm retire ,but I'm not living it sitting on my ass . I'm going to work for the younger generations and do everything in my power to get America back to the one that allowed me to flourish . I will do everything in my power to influence my generation ,who doesn't seem to understand what is happening .Everybody has been brainwashed into not being able to see who is really threatening Americans future . I'm just saying that if you think that I can be happy leaving younger people with a wrecked system ,while Wall Street dreams up one more scam, while they buy off the Politicians ,your crazy. Forgive the older generations ,they don't know what in the hell is happening .I will work for the rest of my life ,whats left of it ,to advance the return of the Real American Dream ,and it isn't a house or going into debt.The American Dream is to have a system that is free for the pursuit of happiness without a stacked or rigged deck . Reward and punishment depending on your actions ,not a demand for a hand-out .This is my purpose now ,to make sure you younger people get your piece. I'm working every day at it .
Ouch... my head hurts from reading all this trolling.
Before anyone else (I'm talking to you, Keith) bashes much more on the Unions, here's my 2¢
Yes, there is corruption and yes some unions do demand too much.
BUT remember, we have them for a reason. Just look in your history books and see what workers had to deal with in the early 20th century. Look at what workers in China (or any other country where unions are illegal) have to deal with.
Companies are solely driven by profit, they have no qualms with paying their workforce pennies or any reservation about poisoning/maiming their customers, as long as it is profitable.
The unions are like a checks and balance system. Yes, they make big mistakes on both ends. But hell, I'd rather live in a country with unions than slave labor.
I'm a USW member working at a refinery making the gas you put in your car, the asphalt you drive on and the bunker oil that powers the ships that bring you crap electronics from China.
Now if you'll pardon me, I have to get to work and work my 12 hr shift to keep up with your demand for gas.
To: Joe6Pack
Read this article on Yen Carry Trade.
It just came out about 2 hours ago. The following is part of the main article:
Lynn Walsh, editor Socialism Today
One measure of the surge in speculative activity is the sharp rise in foreign exchange (FX) dealing. In September 2004 the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) published its sixth triennial survey of foreign exchange and derivatives trading activity. (BIS press release, 28 September 2004, www.bis.org) Average daily global turnover in traditional FX markets rose to $1.9 trillion in April 2004, up by 57% at current exchange rates and by 36% at constant exchange rates compared to April 2001.
Another measure is the trade in derivatives, which are complex, security-like instruments for trading equities (shares), bonds, currency, futures, options, swaps, etc. Derivatives trading also increased sharply. The average daily turnover in trade of derivatives sold by banks (so-called ‘over the counter’ (OTC) derivatives) increased to $1.2 trillion in April 2004, a rise of 112% at current exchange rates and of 77% at constant exchange rates compared to April 2001.
Only a small fraction of this foreign exchange is required to finance cross-border trade of goods and services. Most of it is being used to trade in securities (shares, government and private bonds, etc), derivatives, commodity futures, etc, and increasingly to gamble on currency markets themselves.
The growing dominance of financial activity over production and trade points to the deep-rooted crisis within world capitalism. Massive global over-capacity in most major industries has resulted in saturated markets and falling prices for many manufactured goods. There are always some new growth sectors and regions but, overall, scope for profitable investment in production has not kept pace with the accumulation of capital.
The international capitalist offensive against the working class in the 1980s and 1990s intensified the exploitation of workers everywhere. Existing inequalities were widened, dramatically increasing the share of the wealth taken by the capitalist class. At the same time, the squeeze on wages and cuts in public spending, together with stagnation or decline in most underdeveloped countries, restricted the growth of effective (money-backed) demand. Unable to harvest sufficient profits from productive investment (either through intensive investment in new technology or through extensive development across the whole world), the hyper-rich ruling class has increasingly turned to speculation in the financial sector. Money is churned to make more money, skipping the intermediary stage of producing useful goods and services. Never has capitalism been more parasitic.
A. Cyclical trends in the 1990s
B. Hedge funds lead the herd
C. Hedge fund profits lagging behind
D. The collapse of LTCM
Andrew Hac is addressing the aspect of our American society that turned into the fat-ass entitlement group
that is greedy ,selfish,lazy, and over indulgent and always looking for a hand-out .Andrew isn't talking about Joe Lunchbox hard working American citizen that is the backbone of anything that was good in America.
I think Andrew does a good job of showing us Americans what we are starting to turn into if the trends continue .
Andrew is the RED FLAG . Andrew is telling us that we are so stupid that we won't be able to survive ,if we keep doing anti-survival acts of destruction. Andrew is saying that the BEE HIVE of American is rotting from within and we will be eaten up .
This guy is a Schmuck
Blue collar guy - I agree, in the early 1900's, unions saved america and did good for their people. Unions around the world when they start up usually do good
And then they went horribly, horribly wrong. For a good example just look what's going on at Boeing today, where the employees are taking that company into the ground. Compare that with the realists at Airbus, who know their company is in tough times, and they're working on saving their company first.
America has now lost its manufacturing base, I think you'd agree with that. And Unions were part of the problem. The cause in many cases. I had a summer job once during college that had mandatory union membership and I saw first hand how unproductive and destructive unions had become. And then it got even worse.
But now it's time for the recovery. Re-industrialization. Everything is cyclical. And the jobs are going to be coming back to America. Union workers will never make what they did before, but they'll have jobs. Airline pilots won't make $300,000 a year to drive a bus. $60k - $100k, but not $300k. Period.
Picture a company who wants a cheap labor force, massive tax breaks, and lines of applicants for jobs. Now predict what Michigan will do to get any company from anywhere in the world to come there. And all those unemployed ex-union workers, who'll do anything for a new job.
The US standard of living will of course now decline. There won't be so much money (and debt) for all those toys. But people will have jobs, they'll be able to feed their families, they'll be able to buy homes (which will be much, much cheaper).
But unions need to understand where they went wrong, and how they screwed their own members. They need to work with their companies, not against them. They need to earn fair wages and fair benefits, not outrageous ones. And they need to be partners with management and owners on driving profitability, instead of only in it for wages, screw the company.
Unions were parasites that killed their hosts. And yes, their hosts in many cases were evil themselves. But hopefully both sides have now learned.
And then 30 years down the road, after we're back on track, unions can f*ck it up again.
Who still think that there is NO CREDIT CRISIS.
Central banks across the world scrambled to meet desperate demand for cash yesterday, with Europe's big three offering billions of one-week dollars for the first time to break a quarter-end money market logjam.
As the financial crisis went from bad to worse, the European Central Bank stumped up $35 billion, the Bank of England offered $30 billion and the Swiss National Bank put up $9 billion of one-week money.
Demand from cash-hungry banks, particularly for the ECB cash, was hefty as lending between banks on money markets remained virtually paralysed.
"There is no term lending of note between counterparties. Any term funding there is coming from the central banks,"
In Asian time, the central banks of Japan, Australia and South Korea also pumped in cash to lubricate their markets.
I see we need diversity:
how about also "40 ounce Reggie"
and "Juan Corona"
The BOJ has kept the key overnight lending rate at 0.5 percent since doubling it in February 2007.
It shelved a policy of gradual rate increases in April.
BOJ policy makers have said they consider core prices to be stable if they stay between zero and 2 percent over the mid- and long-term period.
Well consumer price inflation stays at 2.4 percent for a second month shouldn't BOJ revisit the policy of gradual rate increase
Yeah, since I live within 100 miles of Boeing, and my brother-in-law is an engineer there, I do agree that Boeing's unions do push too hard. SPEEA is now planning to strike as well, really grinding them to a halt.
This is the catch 22, and why unions are supposed to be that checks and balance system. But as long as we're pointing out Boeing, let's not forget about pro sports... their union is the worst offender. C'mon, $300K minimum salary to hit a ball on a team that has lost over 100 games? Flagrant example of something very wrong.
I read Andrew for the visuals.
All the talk about greedy union workers wrecking it...
Sure; the big ones became abusive. How abusive do you see Big Government and Big Business becoming?
ANY thoughts on how big a role health care costs played in this?
Military expenditures?
Anon - thanks for details on the yen carry trade. Appreciate the education.
Agreed. That was a nice summary of the last 10-20 years. If he can do that for the next 10-20 years I'll really be impressed :).
I don't share your enthusiasm for Mr. Hac. Factually, he is correct - home ownership is not a right. And it is true that a large segment of the American population have taken on an entitlement mindset. But his anger and blame are completely misplaced.
This "J6P" populace may be stupid, may be lazy, might even be greedy (we can debate the origins and size of this population at a later date). It's true they create a bit of drag on society. But for the most part they are NOT malicious. They don't want to bring everyone else down for their own benefit.
The blame should be placed squarely on those among the rich and powerful who understand the consequences of their actions and consciously use their intelligence, resources and influence to steal, swindle and con at a great cost to society in general for the sole benefit of themselves.
Given the choice between someone who harms me through incompetence and complacency and one who harms me with malice, intent and conscious effort, I'll side with the former.
Of course you have to have the Unions ,or Corporations will clobber the workers .
. But, as Keith said ,the workers can't demand so much that they make their employer go broke as well as deprive the next generation of workers any benefits .
I haven't totally figured out yet how to undo the damage of the wrong moves being make ,but the new World order is not looking so good for the middle and upper middle class . Nobody want to compromise or give up positioning
or even discuss the real issues .
The poor will just become poorer and might sink so low that even getting food might be hard .
I find that the Politicians and Wall Street/rich love it when they can confuse the public and get them to go off on some side bar ,so they wont look at the real issues .All week I have been watching Wall Street and Paulson Promoters / Cheerleaders try to sell the Paulson Plan . America didn't buy it and they keep re-selling the same deal with the devil ,trying to put it in a different package ,same screw-job .
The American people, as brainwashed as they are ,somehow feel that Wall Street is getting the better of them . All the more reason to sell a scare tactic that makes Americans think they have to concede or Great Depression 2 or 3 is days away .
Just because the Maker Makers sold a Housing Boom scam ,doesn't mean that the public is buying this
Paulson Plan bail out Wall Street, while they find out every day just how corrupt the game was .
I wrote to the Politicians and threatened them with voting them out of a job if they pass the Paulson Plan, that will cost my kids their job .
I think I can sum up what is happening by a sound bite on the TV ,where a Paulson Plan promoter(Politician)
said in essence that they were working hard to make sure the Bill got passed before the Asian Stock Markets opened . Figure it out .
"Hey anon 11:08. Do you think you could be any more racist? Just wondering."
What is racist about describing, verbatim, just exactly what has happened to the neighborhood where I live? Why does THE TRUTH always sound racist?
I will tell you why. It is because we are not allowed to speak the truth anymore in America. We have to pretend that what we see with our own eyes is not really happening.
The fact is that the retired white couple next door are not the ones dealing drugs from their homes. It is the Cubans from Miami who moved here, bought houses in the suburbs and proceeded to grow marijuana. We have had more than 50 drug houses busted in less than a year in this small town on the outskirts of Ft Myers. 100% were operated by Cubans. Why is it racist of me to quote a statistic?
The fact is that crime was minimal here until the local government decided that the problem caused by 22,000 vacant, decaying homes could be solved by giving Haitian immigrants a section 8 voucher and sending them to live here, in what was once a quiet haven for retirees. Now, we have shootings, strong armed robberies, hold ups at the ATM. And, guess who is the culprit? Again,it is not the retired white couple next door.
These are just the facts. Not that there are not a lot of decent, hard-working minorities. I am just
telling you what has happened here in Southwest Florida.
And what is coming to a neighborhood near you soon.
Joe6pack's Wife
How can anyone say that illegals aren't gaming the system . Again ,the big Corporations benefit from them because they pay them low wages and than they expect the government to provide medical care for free and all the other things that they get .
Government is in bed with Big Business or any business ,so you can figure it out why there isn't enforcement at the border . So hear you have big business again
wanting cheap labor and over-looking the law to get it .So, again the taxpayers are supporting big business by supplementing
Corporation business costs by cheaper illegal labor .
The illegals are just taking what is being offered .
Joe6Pack's Wife,
You are the Suzanne-researched-this wife, aren't you?
You are not a racist but I left America because people living in 90% or more white suburbs are tend to think I am not a part of their society.
Well, there were a lot more reasons to leave America though.
Don't you all like the photo and snapper turtle green font for Hac's posts?
Guy needs his own blog. Seriously. And notice that he never responds to any of us, just leaves his post hit-and-run and gets out of dodge.
#1) John Steinbeck
#2) Andrew Hac
#3) all other authors
"Keith said...
But unions need to understand where they went wrong, and how they screwed their own members. They need to work with their companies, not against them. They need to earn fair wages and fair benefits, not outrageous ones. And they need to be partners with management and owners on driving profitability, instead of only in it for wages, screw the company."
EXACTLY!!! I get tired of trying to explain this to both union and non-union people. The goal of both labor and management has to be a sustainable, profitable organization. Not CEOs trying to goose the profits to cash out on stock options or workers using the threat of a strike as a club to beat ridiculous concessions out of management.
The "I'm gonna grab all I can with both hands" attitude on both sides has screwed the entire US economy.
As far as the "punch the clock and do nothing" model of union labor goes those days are numbered and the fat, lazy slobs who think their big bad union is going to protect them are in for a surprise.
In my work situation the Joe6Pack clock punchers have lots of free time to drink cheap beer and watch Nascar because they are the ones who get "spun" (sent right back to the hall) when they are called out on a job because the contractors we work for are not going to waste their money on a bum who thinks he deserves a pay check.
And as far as the troll who commented that I "had to" work OT today because I need the money to pay bill I can't afford. Not even close I was given the opportunity to work OT today because the general foreman knew he would get a good days work from me some of the guys on the crew were not offered OT. The money I could care less about. Taxes eat up most of it when I work OT anyway and other than my rent and utilities I don't have any bills. I'm Union but I was an HPer before I even found this blog. So no soul crushing mortgage, no car payments etc.
Oh I do have one debt a few grand left on a student loan. 'Cause some of us Union guys dun gradyated from universities and got the degrees and student loan payments to prove it.
As far as the rest of you union haters out there read your history and I mean read it not watch it on TV or get it from AM talk radio. Every citizen in this country benefits from the struggles of organized labor everyday-your weekend, your eight hour work day, your time and a half overtime pay, your child labor laws all of this and more were brought to you by organized labor. And that is not ancient history the AFL-CIO still fights everyday to defend the rights of all workers not just the union workers and not just the workers in the US but all workers and John Sweeney, who has ran the AFL-CIO for the past ten years or so knows that the days of labor versus management are over.
grilledsnapperturtle.blogspot.com would look nice.
keith, he is still an idiot. Let him go chase his chem trails and let us all begone with his rant
Oh yeah, so what about JoshIpod? Here's an elitist sissy boy, who's 20-something and still lives in mommy's basement. He smokes pot and plays video game all day. Then, once in a while, he gets a job at Circuit City, Starbucks, or coding stupid java crap, just to pay for his iPhone or to buy Abercrombie & Fitch t-shirts and Amy Winehouse Cds.
An idiot who never had a childhood, never climbed a tree, never saw a cow or a chicken, who couldn't survive a day outdoors. He thinks that the answer to all problems in the world is a program written in Pearl away.
This group of sissies bought into the ultraliberal bull$hit, thanks to his union parasite-teacher at school who brainwashes all students with Marxist crap: Corporations aver evil! Unions are great! Nuclear power is bad! Religion is bad! Abortion is wonderful!
Once in a while, these sissy boys put some money together to make a cheap trip to Europe for a week or two. When they come back, you can't stand them because they have all figured out. They fake jet-setters with cheap trips...but they never learn a foreign language, have you noticed?
Now these losers have been brainwashed by rappers, Oprah, and $10k handbag celebs, who are nothing but a bunch of high school drop-outs, to vote for an empty suit who has only 140 days in the Senate voting "present" as experience.
I hope the big one hits California hard, especially in San Francisco. Don't come crying for help, sissy boys.
Agreed. That was a nice summary of the last 10-20 years. If he can do that for the next 10-20 years I'll really be impressed
Listen to Doug Noland talked about his view of what has been happening since the Lehman Brothers collapse.
It ties allot of things together.
One thing you should note is that this Credit Crisis is just in it early second stage.
When Corporation pay low wages ,
the net result is that it puts people into a lower tax bracket and
the government actually gets less proceeds from taxation . The Middle Class getting reasonable wages insured a reasonable tax flow to the government
.So,whenever the government doesn't get the taxes it needs it comes time where they try to figure out where to take it from .
Of the Government doesn't have the money they have to borrower it or print it .
Not only are the taxes being mess up by the housing bubble ,but all this forgiving on the part of the government results in less tax revenue .
People don't realize how much the MIDDLE Class and upper middle class was the stability of the Nation for a great deal of its history.
The housing bubble brought in a lot of fake tax revenue to the
government also during the housing boom ( in the form of property taxes and taxes from spending from debt, being sales tax ) ,and again it was wasted .
So ,my point is that taxes will have to be raised ,or if the money is printed the dollar will fall more .
So , the gains from debt purchases also created tax revenue that will seriously go down hill with the crash . Less jobs ,less parties to collect tax from and more unemployment insurance to pay,as well as welfare requests .
I can't see why Wall Street should be made whole again when all these other aspects of society will be left in dire shape .
What is racist about describing, verbatim, just exactly what has happened to the neighborhood where I live? Why does THE TRUTH always sound racist?
I will tell you why. It is because we are not allowed to speak the truth anymore in America. We have to pretend that what we see with our own eyes is not really happening.
The fact is that the retired white couple next door are not the ones dealing drugs from their homes. It is the Cubans from Miami who moved here, bought houses in the suburbs and proceeded to grow marijuana. We have had more than 50 drug houses busted in less than a year in this small town on the outskirts of Ft Myers. 100% were operated by Cubans. Why is it racist of me to quote a statistic?
The fact is that crime was minimal here until the local government decided that the problem caused by 22,000 vacant, decaying homes could be solved by giving Haitian immigrants a section 8 voucher and sending them to live here, in what was once a quiet haven for retirees. Now, we have shootings, strong armed robberies, hold ups at the ATM. And, guess who is the culprit? Again,it is not the retired white couple next door.
These are just the facts. Not that there are not a lot of decent, hard-working minorities. I am just
telling you what has happened here in Southwest Florida.
And what is coming to a neighborhood near you soon.
Joe6pack's Wife
September 27, 2008 9:59 PM
You White Trash, "I blame all of the minorities for all of my problems" are typical. You remind me of my dad.
I grew up in a white, union, Reagan-Democrat household. I never heard my old man say anything negative about minorities until he lost his job. Then he became bitter, upset and very angry. He could not get another job making $23 per hour (this was back in 1985 so it was very good money). So he blamed everything on "niggers" and "illegal fucking Mexicans" (those were his words). Anytime he saw a black, brown or Asian (he really hated Asians for taking over "his country") he got pissed and so did most of his laid off friends. So now, with the nation experiencing an economic downturn, some of America's hidden racism comes out. My next door neighbor is Indian and he own a gas station and some people call him racist names and threaten him. Like I said, take responsibility for your own actions. I guess that is very hard for some people when it is so easy to blame minorities.
Joe Six Pack's wife, you are not the only one blaming minorities for this mess. At work, people were talking about their financial hardships. So I said who do you think is the ultimate blame for all of this? Then one gal said "illegal Mexicans and black". Then another said "those Arabs". Then another said "foreigners".
I am a Joe who worked his way out of grinding poverty, through college and then came back for a graduate degree. I wore triple hand-me-downs and went to sleep hungry. Now the government programs are moving hoards of lazy, lowlife trash into my neighborhood that I worked so hard for. My neighborhood will be overrun by illegal immigrants within 10 years. I can see it happening already. I see them at the stores with their five children tagging along barefooted, shirtless, and in diapers as they whip out their WIC cards and welfare debit cards.
Anono politically correct Moron 3:14 PM said...
"My next door neighbor is Indian and he own a gas station and some people call him racist names and threaten him."
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Did you mean a dot-Indian or feather-Indian?
Hey, I suggest some of you hypocrites put your best clothing and jewelry on and go for a walk at night in places like South Central LA, Compton, East LA, Little Haiti, Bronx, etc. Go for it and tell us all about it, utopia retards.
It's not a question of being black, brown or purple. It's all about how you behave. That's it. Behavior. If you can't behave, people are not going to want you around them. It is not racial. It is behavior. You must have respect for other people.
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