Oops, should have told you... I know some of you like to short the market when I'm gone...
So how did the old fart do?
September 05, 2008
In France... back Saturday night
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More from alaska's Blog Mudflaps.worldpress.com
This is must read:
Well this is interesting. Chuck Todd dropped a little bombshell this afternoon.
CHUCK TODD:Well Ron, We’ve been able to see that there are a few folks who are saying [Palin is] actually going to hole up in Alaska for a little, she’s got to see her son off who’s going to be deployed to Iraq, so we may not see her on the campaign trail for a little while.
RON ALLEN: Yes she hasn’t been home for a long time, and she’s obviously got some business to deal with there.
Hole up in Alaska? I was thinking to myself after her polished but snarky performance at the Republican National Convention, “I wonder who will get the first interview?” Because obviously, questions need to happen. Nobody even knows who she is. She read one prepared statement twice in a row, and then gave a speech written by Bush’s speechwriter. Unless you’re on the internet searching compulsively for YouTube videos of obscure Palin moments in churches and assembly meetings, or diving head first in to the blogosphere, you haven’t got a clue.
Don’t get me wrong. I understand the desire to see your child off as he heads to Iraq. So do thousands of other parents who are shipping children off to Iraq. I mean, I hate to be rude, but don’t you have anything else you need to be doing?? You will potentially be one heartbeat away from being commander in chief of the armed forces. Shouldn’t you be out there telling people why you think you can do that job, and earning the trust of the nation that is turning over their own sons and daughters to fight this war? Can’t the hug good-bye happen now??
There are 60 days left before the election. Track ships out on September 11th. That’s one week from now. That’s more than 10% of the available time left, that she’ll be on hiatus “holed up” in Alaska, dealing with “things”. So what’s the real story?
First, and most obviously, fleeing from the media probably sounds pretty good right about now.
Second, remember when Palin told the Alaska State Legislature through her new attorney Thomas Van Flein that she wouldn’t be around to testify because she’d be too busy? And remember when Van Flein said that she shouldn’t even be investigated by the Legislature at all, but rather by a 3-person panel which she herself appointed? And remember when she filed ethics charges against herself to force this plan to happen?
Well…TPM Muckraker talked to former Alaska Attorney General John Havelock (I know him! Good guy.) who said basically that the Legislature can investigate whatever it likes. Van Flein knows this, undoubtedly, but is trying to stall things so the ruling comes after the election on November 4, instead of on the planned date of October 31st. In addition, Frank Bailey (the guy in Palin’s administration who was tape recorded by the Troopers applying pressure to axe the governor’s ex brother-in-law, Mike Wooten) has now refused to testify. So, he will have to be subpoenaed. And now that the governor is back in this neck of the woods, does that mean she will testify? Or will she refuse too, and need to be subpoenaed?
In addition, there are new developments just breaking that the Police Officers Union of Alaska has filed an ethics complaint on behalf of…you guessed it…Trooper Mike Wooten. NBC News says:
The complaint alleges that the governor or her staff may have have improperly disclosed information from Wooten’s personnel records. The complaint alleges “criminal penalties may apply.”
This all has to do with the aforementioned phone call. Bailey, while being recorded talking to Trooper Rodney Dial, dished all kinds of personal information about Wooten - shooting the moose, driving under the influence, etc. Wooten says the only way he could have known this is by accessing his personnel file improperly.
Palin…er…The McCain Palin campaign says that there was nothing illegal here because Wooten had signed a waiver allowing a divorce attorney to look through his records. So the info went down the line from file, to divorce attorney, to Molly McCann (Palin’s sister), to Todd Palin, to Frank Bailey, to Trooper Dial, and then back to Mike Wooten….who is now filing a complaint. And Bailey does say that Todd Palin was the source of the damaging information on Wooten that he passed along. And Sarah Palin knew NOTHING about this. That’s her story and she’s stickin’ with it. Hmph.
So, there you have it. Is it legal? We’ll find out. Criminal penalties may apply.
(And McCain knew all about this, right?)
Now that you’ve slogged through all that, sit back and enjoy this excellent summary of Troopergate (minus the new developments) from ABC News. Hat tip to Gryphen at The Immoral Minority, one of my favorite local blogs, for finding the clip.
Today would have been a great day to short the market... actually yesterday would have been better. Unfortunately, I got out of the market all together a while back.
McCain supports housing gamblers!
"I fight for Americans. I fight for you. I fight for Bill and Sue Nebe from Farmington Hills, Michigan, who lost their real estate investments in the bad housing market. Bill got a temporary job after he was out of work for seven months. Sue works three jobs to help pay the bills."
By offering up a McCain/Palin ticket, the GOP is simply repackaging an inferior product.
That product is actually represented by Cheney and his neocon henchmen.
Even if McCain has the country's best interests at heart, the soul of the GOP is still dark and malevolent.
Cheney is the true face of the GOP.
Don't buy the same old crap.
Love France Have Fun -
Ah Keith,
The GOP resurgence got you so shook up that you had to seek refuge in frog land?
McLoser up big on Intrade, something like 5+ points.
It is quite amusing to see that the cultural elite (so they think of themselves), ie the media (includes you too Keith) just don't get Palin. She has all the right pieces to be a Ronald Reagan, who the "cultural elite" ridiculed just like they are doing to Palin. they belittled his college education, his acting.
I'm now thinking a McCain landslide is possible.
The democrat party is controlled by the same sort of people who hijacked the party and thought they would kick Lieberman out.
Palin is going to trounce Biden in the debates.
Actually, I would love to see a Palin/Obama debate. She would connect with common voters and make Obama seem elite and out of touch.
You should live here in the San Francisco Bay Area. They would love your far left, pro terrorist mind set.
Don't know about the old fart, but thought you'd find this interesting:
While in France take a trip to the outskirts and visit some Muslim housing projects and get the feel of the future of Europe courtesy of the left with their liberal immigration agenda that the Obama man would like to see for America nothing like a little Sharia Law, and maybe the U.S. Memorial at Normandy if your not to busy
"Bill and Sue Nebe from Farmington Hills, Michigan, who lost their real estate investments in the bad housing market."
Want to bet that when these two morons were children, they always lost when playing the game, 'Musical Chairs?'
Enjoy some Freedom Fries while you're there, Keith.
We're all such brainwashed fools engaged in this meaningless dog and pony show. It's ridiculous.
There is so much more going on in this world than the election of these meaningless puppets that represent the status quo. There is ZERO meaningful difference between these clowns.
The real division is between the people and the elites. The elites run both parties and the people are divided and rendered ineffective by the false two-party paradigm.
You should live here in the San Francisco Bay Area. They would love your far left, pro terrorist mind set.
September 05, 2008 6:00 PM
Get some psychological help... you need it bad...
I love HP and just love Keith. Why does HP have to die?
have sum freedumb fries
If you think this is contained to the US - think again.
Here is the best rant I've yet seen and it's based in the UK:
The US dollar is punking nearly all the other world currencies for yet another week... W00T!
Maybe we can finally go to Europe again some time!
Ne me quitte pas.
Its like the beverly hillbillies are making a run for the whitehouse. Palin is a fundamentalist religious nutcase who believes iraq war is a mission from god she believes in abstinence "didnt work in her family" she is cruel to animals, shes a liar, she is a irriresponsible mother with 3 daughters at home one pregnant by a white trash hick and a retarded baby too. Shes has her hands full and is a total hypocrite.she really scares me! Mccain is way old out of touch in poor health, horrible judgement picking Palin and the surge Iraq.... This is going to be the end of America if its a Mccain win.
Kieth; as far as McCain goes you didnt missed anything mindnumbingly boring speech. BUT I JUST HEARD FANNIE AND FREDDIE ABOUT TO BE TAKEN OVER BY THE FED...INSOLVENT?
Picked a noteworthy time for hiatus.
Annon said: "Palin is going to trounce Biden in the debates.
Actually, I would love to see a Palin/Obama debate. She would connect with common voters and make Obama seem elite and out of touch."
Rednecks are afraid of intelligent people so they vote for someone like themselves in order to feel less inferior and mundane. Someone they can have a beer with. Just look at the last two elections. Sorry but I'll have an intellectual heavyweight from Harvard running the country thank you very much. Unlike the rednecks Harvard grads won't run the country into the ground.
More from mudflaps blog from Alaska, This is getting very interesting...
Book banning. This is just getting downright medieval. It’s out now that Sarah Palin, while mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, tried to fire City Librarian Dorothy Emmons for not agreeing to remove “objectionable books” from the Wasilla Public Library. Dorothy Emmons, to her credit, and the credit of librarians everywhere, refused. Something about….which amendment was that?….oh, that’s right….the FIRST ONE.
Here’s what happened after Palin asked the librarian if she’d be “alright” with removing books that Palin found unacceptable.
According to news coverage at the time, the librarian said she would definitely not be all right with it. A few months later, the librarian, Mary Ellen Emmons, got a letter from Palin telling her she was going to be fired. The censorship issue was not mentioned as a reason for the firing. The letter just said the new mayor felt Emmons didn’t fully support her and had to go.
Emmons had been city librarian for seven years and was well liked. After a wave of public support for her, Palin relented and let Emmons keep her job.
The question everyone wants to know is, “What books was she trying to ban?” Unfortunately, no concrete information exists on this…yet. Emmons has not been reached for comment, but may be able to shed some light, especially since she now lives in another part of the state and is no longer in Wasilla, where perceived “Sarah bashing” can be risky.
But until then, I present for your literary amusement, a random selection of “the most harmful books of the 19th and 20th century” as compiled by Newt Gingrich’s conservative online cabal known as “Human Events”. Presumably, knowing what we do about Palin’s ideology, it doesn’t seem unreasonable to assume any or all of these would be on the hit list. (No link provided to Human Events because, trust me, …you don’t want to go there)
Das Kapital, The Feminine Mystique, The Communist Manifesto, The Course of Positive Philosophy, Beyond Good and Evil, Mein Kampf, On Liberty, Introduction to Psychoanalysis, Silent Spring, Coming of Age in Samoa and….wait for it…The Origin of Species by Charles Darwin. And I’ll go ahead and do some wild speculation that the name Harry Potter may come up. It wouldn’t surprise me.
Ironically, the first time I remember Sarah Palin being portrayed in the national media was in a piece on the Daily Show where she was salaciously compared to a “naughty librarian.” I’d like to claim my very own Lloyd Bentsen moment right now and say to Sarah Palin, “I know librarians. Librarians are friends of mine. Governor, you’re no librarian.”
sorry the website is www.mudflats.worldpress.com
excuse me for the mistake I am a cancer surver who serived chemotherapy...Little mistake on my part..
This is a must must read blog by a citizen from Alaska..All the answers regarding Palin are here...Kevin you have to read this blog...
ok heres another snip it from mudflats.worldpress.com
This is Getting Ugly. New Palin Rumors Fly.
It’s hopeless. Just when you think you’ll get a few minutes to eat, or work, or have a life, more cars on the train wreck that is the McCain-Palin ticket derail.
The latest story the National Enquirer is working on is that Palin had an affair with Todd’s ex-business partner in an Anchorage Car Wash venture. This was an interesting twist because it was also rumored that Todd Palin had an “Edwards problem”. Maybe he has an Elizabeth Edwards problem. I generally try to resist getting too caught up in the smarminess, unless it becomes impossible. It just did.
Two days ago, Todd’s ex-business partner filed an emergency motion to have his divorce papers sealed. Yesterday the motion was DENIED.
Buckle up. I’ll post updates and links…unless the entire intertube network collapses first.
I love the anomymous posters who tout Palin. Palin is nothing but a sarcastic witch who has been ushered through politics by the oil and gas industry. She was a mediocre student at a mediocre college. She ran a mediocre town using pure venom. And she was hand picked by the oil and gas lobby to sit in the governor's seat in Alaska so they could run amok. And you dumbo Republicans get fooled once again!
"Actually, I would love to see a Palin/Obama debate. She would connect with common voters and make Obama seem elite and out of touch."
check out how out of touch Obama is here:
Take a look at Simon Property Group "SPG". That stock reminds me of CTW when the orange man was saying all was well and Countrywide stock rallied and wiped out shorts. Commercial R/E AND far flung shopping malls does not seem like such a great bet right now but someone is buying SPG.
This is an historic time. I am waiting for a bottom and then I believe the next bubble will emerge from a beaten down market. Keep your ammo dry and keep a good "watch list" of stocks. A good source is:
Keith you will be missed!
GT Charlie
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