The one hope America has is that people under 30 are getting their news from Comedy Central and the blogs.
Because the political "experts" infesting the MSM are worthless. Lying, spinning, deceiving, self-enriching, two-faced conmen, saying anything in order to convince an unsuspecting and gullible American public that they should buy their dog food.
September 07, 2008
At least Jon Stewart is there to show the truth, while gasbags like Karl Rove and Dick Morris spew their BS on a gullible American population
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Your re-education has already begun.
You just don't know it yet.
There are millions of us.
We never went away.
We grew.
Here forever.
all true.
She still will make McCain the winning ticket.
Keith, i'm ready to take you up on your $100 bet on the election. How do we set this up now?
Why doesn't one of Fox News 'journists' ask Rove about his statements?
This is exactly how to hit back...With their own words...
Barack take notes...
John Stewart who would have guessed? Brilliant...
Colbert is right up there with him.
Keith you are right up there as well...Don't leave please I am begging....
Keith we are here with you...
Can you tell us how many hits you get on this blog?
I am spreading the word about this blog...Oh i don't think I have to..
Keith man you have to stay at least until the election...
It is going to be very interesting.
$100 McCain loses.
Pissed Off Accountant
McCain up by 4% in new Zogby poll.
It's over for Hussein Obama.
Qweef, just say you were wrong and get back to talking about housing.
Karl Rove is a heart attack waiting to happen just like Dick Cheney.
How does a fat white maggot like Karl Rove get anywhere except assistant manager in the paint shop at Wal-Mart?
Oh yea, Bushco is a haven for fat white maggots...
He reminds me of one of Hitler's staff.....Bormann.
Keefer don't abandon us to the Palinbots! PUHLEEEZZZZZ!!!! I'm begging you to protect us from the evangelical nutters!
Stewart/Colbert 2008
I couldn't imagine anyone doing any worse for this country...
"Keefer don't abandon us to the Palinbots! PUHLEEEZZZZZ!!!! I'm begging you to protect us from the evangelical nutters!"
yeah, and while you're at it Keith, protect us from these athiest morons.
Liberal Media is in desperation after Sarah Barracuda showed up to kick their arses (and Hussein's). bwahahahahaha
I love that entire family, former long-time registered Democrats, is voting for McCain/Palin. We want the corrupt mainstream media and the disgusting DNC to go down in flames.
This is one damn good piece of journalism: good research, good movie cut, just John Stewart's boyish presentation could have been better (no testicles and no meaningless name stretching). Where normal media might have feared the accusation of partisanship; Comedy Central just moves along. I'm looking forward to four years of critical coverage of the Obama administration.
{4:15} Nancy Pfotenhauer; McCain Sr. Policy Advisor...
SOMETHING VERY FAMILIAR about that name...
That's her husband; caught smirking his way through a PBS interview on the housing crash.
His section commences @ {10:45}.
"This is one damn good piece of journalism: good research, good movie cut, just John Stewart's boyish presentation could have been better (no testicles and no meaningless name stretching). Where normal media might have feared the accusation of partisanship..."
1. It isn't journalism, it's a comedy show;
2. John Stewart can have a boyish presentation, it's a COMEDY show;
3. The Daily Show isn't "normal media", it's a COMEDY SHOW;
4. John Stewart and the producers of The Daily Show don't have to fear accusations of partisianship, because IT'S A COMEDY SHOW.
Damn, often do people have to correct you when you go repeating The Onion as fact?
$100 McCain loses.
Pissed Off Accountant---
So... emotional.
But, no. I have no desire to bet the world. Merely Keith, who invited the bet, to which i respond with a "yes". My analysis of election dynamics has nothing to do with personal wishes. I believe the palin choice will pull in enough ambivalent voters even whilst shoring up the conservative base, to give McCain the win.
Keith invited the bet. I accept his bet.
Still waiting for someone to stuff an apple in Rove's mouth and have them roast him on an open fire like the PIG that he is.
Keefer don't abandon us to the Palinbots! PUHLEEEZZZZZ!!!! I'm begging you to protect us from the evangelical nutters!"
yeah, and while you're at it Keith, protect us from these athiest morons.
So those who don't subscribe to evangelicalism are athiests? I guess that makes mainstream Christians, Catholics, Jews, Muslims,Hindus and Buddhists athiests in your moronic brain.
The clip is not comedy. It is news.
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