Have at it with this cool interactive electoral map. To change a state, one click for red, two clicks for blue.
Show us how McCain wins in a landslide. He carries New York, California, hell even Massachusetts right?
Good luck.
You'll need it.
For those of you who'd like to know the future today, the final electoral vote for 2008 will be... drumroll please... 309 Obama, 229 McCain.
Although I'm tempted to give housing-crash-central Arizona's 10 votes to Obama too. They're starting to hate the McCain there. And housing-crash-horror Florida is also a possibility. If you add both of those, it's 336 Obama to 202 McCain.
But again, educate us Bush supporters. Tell us how your boy gets to that "landslide". Tell us how the incumbent party, led by the Worst President of All Time, and now championed by the Oldest Candidate of All Time, gets put back in power during a historic economic crash and ongoing foreign policy disaster.
August 26, 2008
Some of the few remaining hard-core Bush/Cheney voters appear to be confused, predicting McCain to win in a landslide. So here's the electoral map
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I don't know. The Ohio and Michigan evacuations might be complete by this fall.
Really, America is a strange, strange country. After a disastrous and illegal war, in which 4000 American soldiers have died, in the middle of an economic crisis largely caused by the investment houses that finance the Republican party, you would have thought it almost inconceivable that the Republicans could be re-elected. Could any political brand be more toxic? Has any party in history deserved to be thrown out at an election more than the Republicans in 2008?
BUSH won twice! How does it feel to suck liberals? Dumbocrats are LOSERS. McCain is a liberal republican, he'll win. The economy is going down no matter who wins.
Got Debt?
A year ago I'd of said that there was no chance of any republican winning, now with the US trying to start a war in Iran, possibly having an accidental war with either Russia or Pakistan, then who knows.
Also, the "silent majority" of americans may not want a black, almost muslim president.
I think Mccain may pull it off, not crazy about the idea, but he may. FWIW Bush is a complete idiot, granted, so how in the hell did he become president??? Are we that stupid??
McCain in a landslide-blowout of historical proportions.
How is that possible?
The Palast factor.
Greg Palast (BBC) studied the 2004 election cycle, and figured that voter fraud ran at about 6 percent in favor of the rebublicans wherever electronic voting was used. So, look at that map, any state that is +5 or +5.5 Obama will be a McCain win.
How is that for a chilling thought.
Not just a win, but a fricking 'mandate' from the voters to uphold Bushism, and the 'Way of the Scumbags'.
God almighty, what a mess.
Dukakis had a 17% lead in the summer of 1988.
Gore had a 15% lead in the summer of 2000.
Kerry had a 10% lead in the summer of 2004.
Still waiting... tell me how McCain wins that landslide
(sound of crickets chirping)
The electoral college is not McCain's friend.
The housing crash changed everything
Forget electoral maps. Look at intrade. McCain was at 30 early this month. He's at 37 now. That's a big jump and the momentum is definitely with him.
I don't know about a blowout, but I'm quite confident McCain will win the election, probably by 25 to 30 EVs. His selection of Biden as VP just sealed the deal for McCain.
And yes I have put my money where my mouth is.
anon 10:50:
How come you never hear anything about the war anymore? Oh yea because no bad news is coming out anymore and the democratic press corp (aka MSM) refuses to release anything positive about Iraq.
Second, in case you didn't get the news, the demoRATS have been in control of congress since 2006.
But why would I expect a dipshit lib like you to know any of this?
That depends. Can we get the U.N. to supervise the elections?
To my surprise.... Many Republicans blame the Dems for all the current problems. This is spite of the fact that Rep. have been in control of the House, Senate and the White house for for much of the last 8 years.
Don't worry, only 7 people in America think Buscho-Cheneyburton doing good of any kind and 6 of those (if you count the dogs) live in Texas near Houston.
Bushco-Cheneyburton the new Hitler of the 21st Century.
Impeach and Prosecute.
Punish Accordingly.
I don't care about the housing disaster. My home is just fine, thank you. I am a loyal American. I want my freedom to shop at Wal-Mart, get my disability checks on time, watch American Idol, and go to the auction on Saturday night. I don't want no gays marrying each other, no abortions, no blacks in the White House, and if those damn Russians get out of hand, I want John McCain to go in there and wipe em out. And that Iran guy too.
McCain will lose 49 states including Arizona in an epic loss.
McCain will be beaten like a gong in November. He is an embarrasment to his trade and America. Good thing grand/daddy were Admirals or McShame would have been greasing arresting hooks on aa aircraft carrier somewhere instead of losing in combat and crashing fighter planes over enemy territory
He will be lucky to still be a Arizona resident when the dust settles and the Big O may have hime deported to McCains beloved neighbor Mexico where he can get a job as a lobbiest for the drug cartel.
McCain = Sacrificial Lamb posing as ?
Tony1790 hit the nail on the head. You can ask a person (white) if he would vote for a black man for president and he'll tell you sure but when he's in the voting booth they won't do it. I watched the DNC lastnight and every shot was black people or black people talking about how great Obama is. It got to the point I just change the channel I couldn't stand it anymore. If I was a adviser to the DNC I'd tell them to ease up on ramming black folk down the throat of white America. Also wait untill a few weeks before the election when all the dirt the Republicans dug up on Obama comes out, you anit seen nothing yet.
The alternative is the most corrupt, racist, inexperienced, mosty liberal(tried and proven failed policies for decades) incompetent, failed senator from Illinois to lead the most powerful country in the world at most troubled times in its history !!!
If that doesn't scare you, either you are a racist like the 90% of blacks that are voting for him or you are an absolute idiot voter that thinks this guy can part red sea and "Gods gift to mankind" like (desparate Dem)Pelosi. Which is it ???
Obama is not the Housing Messiah.
The Dems' housing prescriptions are worse than McCain's.
Very simple. Unless you are like the sheeple that carried away during Naz bubble or housing bubble.
No matter how bad economy crashes, you dont understand economics.
WHy do people around the world move to Dollar in trouble times, in spite of debt, wars, spending etc... "Perceived Flight to safety". Same reason reason they will run away from most corrupt, incompetent, inexperienced, full of Lofty empty rhetoric, arrogant, holier than thou, Change (means change positions everyday), Dem candidate Obama, the worse economy gets.
You pretend to understand economics. 3 simple words in troubled economic times, applies to politics too. "Flight to safety"
I tried to watch Obummers wife speak, but they kept cutting away to some chick in the audience bawling like that shot of some chick bawling when Sanjaya sang on American Idol. PUKE! I had to turn it. THat little bit of "hollywood" cemented my vote for McCain right there. And I am a registered democrat. I wont put this Obammanation in the white house. No way, no how. "Wouldnt be prudent".
But again, educate us Bush supporters. Tell us how your boy gets to that "landslide". Tell us how the incumbent party, led by the Worst President of All Time, and now championed by the Oldest Candidate of All Time, gets put back in power during a historic economic crash and ongoing foreign policy disaster.
Because most Americans are stupid, knuckle-headed, arrogant and self centered selfish people. Otherwise how will things come to this state ?
Anon 10:50,
Check the donation records, the investment houses have always been heavily weighted towards Democrats! Yes, all those great society programs have to be run on borrowed money.
Another thing in favor of the Republicans is all those eurotrash who do not know a thing about America yet wouldn't stop yammering. Obama's lead in the polls got annihilated after his European tour. It's an election for the US President, not the High Priest of the New World Order . . . most Americans would like to keep it that way. It's sad that the Democrats still haven't learned from the Gore and Kerry debacles. Coming off the prosperous Clinton years, Democrats should have won 2000 and 2004 by landslides, but they didn't. I don't think it's the electorate clueing in on the dangerous Democrat-Banker alliance (W's administration is the first Republican administration to ingratiate itself with banking cabal anyway).
Sigmond Freud noted that a society would have a small fraction of angry and violent people so the majority can live in peace and happiness.
So, the republicans might suck, but they get the job done and they bring home the loot and so, DOPES, don't ask and don't tell how it's done!
"To my surprise.... Many Republicans blame the Dems for all the current problems. This is spite of the fact that Rep. have been in control of the House, Senate and the White house for for much of the last 8 years."
Rome is not built in one night. This economic fiasco that we have been witnessing started under Wilson (FED Reserve Act), got significantly worse under FDR (fiat money and Fannie), became disaster waiting to happen under LBJ (Great Society, Fannie spin-off). Republicans are no saits, but it's the Democrat "saints" who really sowed the seeds of "Crony-Capitalism" (i.e. national socialist fascist state) in America. Don't think for a moment you will be able to enjoy free speech when the government is in charge of your retirement, healthcare and the education of your kids; if you say the wrong thing, your ration card number may just mysteriously disappear from the central computer.
I wonder if Obama refers to his brother as 'jorge' in unhinged lothing mockery.
You are so delusional it's hard to comprehend.
I don't know a single Republican who believes McCain will win in a landslide. He is a flawed candidate running after a two-term unpopular Republican president, in the face of a weak economy and during an unpopular war. In addition, a party seldom holds the presidency after two terms (think Clinton - Gore) even when things are perceived to be OK.
My God, read that again... the Democrats SHOULD WIN IN A LANDSLIDE a la Reagan (49 states) after the useless Carter.
BUT, they chose to nominate the MOST UNQUALIFIED candidate in the history of US presidential elections. A total, complete empty suit. A great teleprompter reader but a man who cannot put a sentence together when asked to think on his feet. The most liberal candidate ever who has accomplished absolutely NOTHING in his political career.
SO, unbelievably, McCain has a chance. And, it may not be that close if he can win Michigan and Pennsylvania in addition to holding Ohio and Florida. NH may also break his way.
Your contention that the housing crash works to Democrats favor is laughable. The Democrats CAUSED the damn crash by compelling banks to loan to the unqualified (to end "red-lining") which spawned the whole sub-prime segment. Add to that the FACT that the "friends of Angelo" list is dominated by Democrats, that Fannie was pilfered by Clinton hacks like Franklin Raines who committed fraud while pocketing $90M and that the speculator bailout bill was led by Dodd and Frank... it any pretty for the donkeys.
McCain will win. The housing market, the national debt, unemployment, the war - none of that will matter. Voters are stupid, the right wing controls the media, and they will stop at nothing. Obama will be swift-boated to oblivion. We are now a one-party system - get used to it.
Democrat, Republican, Democrat, Republican
I could care f*cking less.
That said, someone do the electoral math and show us how McCain wins in a landslide, as so many hardcore GOP posters here predict
The map is not McCain's friend
And yes, the housing crash and Iraq debacle will rightly or wrongly send the GOP to the sidelines for a generation.
I'm just letting you know how it's gonna be.
The real problem with potential president Biden is that he is bad in too many places, and the only place where he is good-- he is still not as good as Mc Cain. America wants to believe that things are going to stay relatively the same (with some minor improvements), and Biden will make things worse.
..., What? You mean Biden is going to be the VICE President?
Well who is going to be President?
That kid? Okay, well at least Biden will keep him from hurting himself or getting in too much trouble. It would be okay to have a President that has a curfew earlier than many high school kids, but I don't trust the babysitter. Biden seems the type to drink all the liquor in the cabinet and call his boyfriend for a little snogging.
I think we need a republican president to be at the helm when the financial crisis gets unleashed after the election. You know the bush admin is holding the door closed with both feet to keep the monster inside.
Then, after we destroy McStain, placing his head on a stake in front of the White House as a warning to other republicans, a liberal populist will emerge who will address the people living in their tents and order them to start rounding up republicans for transfer to the re-education camps in the desert.
Can forced sterilization of conservatives be far behind? Would anyone with half a brain stop the masses from persecuting conservatives? DOUBT IT!
That's my latest fantasy of the future!
hitler was also elected so anything is possible.
Also too if dubya can get into office, so can McSame, whats elections got to do with that anyway.
have forgotten florida in 2000 or ohio in 04? already?
hitler i read was also elected so anything is possible in the land of opportunity.
But McSame is so boring, it will make the coming depression well just more depressing. to hear that old retard start every other sentence with "my friends....
"Law enforcement sources told CBS affiliate KCNC in Denver that one of the suspects was directly asked if they had come to Denver to kill Obama. He responded in the affirmative."
I wonder what my life will be like as an illegal alien in Canada. I just can't stand this shit anymore.
Yes libvet, the conservatives are animals. Did you expect any less from them?
Don't forget that all of our domestic terrorists have been conservatives. The KKK, McVeigh, Eric Rudolph, abortion clinic bombers, etc etc etc. And most if not all of the assassins.
I was going to vote for obama,
but I think McNut is the better choice. Good luck next time Keith.
"That said, someone do the electoral math and show us how McCain wins in a landslide, as so many hardcore GOP posters here predict
The map is not McCain's friend"
I haven't seen many predict a McCain landslide. Looking at the state polls, McCain is looking pretty good in all the states that Traitor Bush won.
McCain will likely pick up NH. Even if Obama picks up NM and CO, McCain still gets 276 electoral votes.
Everything hinges on OH and the polls show a tie there.
If Obama keeps sliding, he could lose OH, PA, and IA. If McCain picks cult member Romney, then MI could be in play. That gives McStain a 328 to 210 victory.
Never underestimated the stupidity of the American voter. Esp. the GOP voter. Actually, as much as I loath the Bush years, and also consider McMidget a total loser, I believe America WILL vote in McSh1tstain. The Dems made it very difficult to win by picking possibly the most polarizing candidate possible in Obama. Even more polarizing than the witch Clinton. Sadly, I predict the Dems, once again, have snatched failure from the jaws of victory after the worst President EVER. God help America, it's going down.
Looks like McCain can lose OH and still win if he picks up NH, 270 to 268. That's assuming however that all of NE's votes go for McCain and all of ME's votes go for Obama. You could get a 269 vote tie.
In that case, it goes to the house where each state's delegation gets one vote. So McSame wins.
McCain is gonna win 272 - 266
ME goes Obama 3-1
NE goes McCain 3-2
All the other states are McCains
Even if I give McCain Ohio (not gonna happen) and Florida (better shot there especially if he goes with Crist) plus Iowa and Virgina, it's still 271 to 267 Obama
I love the electoral college by the way. Only an idiot suggests getting rid of it and going with popular vote. Our founders were brilliant, even if our current leaders are monkeys
Bitterrenter, still clinging to his ignorance and insanity.
Well, if the voters of this country are dumb enough to elect another fool, solely because of his skin color, then we have no room to complain when things get even worse for the shrinking middle-class.
Anonymous said...
Tony1790 hit the nail on the head. You can ask a person (white) if he would vote for a black man for president and he'll tell you sure but when he's in the voting booth they won't do it. I watched the DNC lastnight and every shot was black people or black people talking about how great Obama is. It got to the point I just change the channel I couldn't stand it anymore. If I was a adviser to the DNC I'd tell them to ease up on ramming black folk down the throat of white America. Also wait untill a few weeks before the election when all the dirt the Republicans dug up on Obama comes out, you anit seen nothing yet.
Never underestimate the sheer stupidity of the run of the mill republi-scheitt-stain.
Thats how Mccain gets in 2008, but it really won't matter because the bush built scheitt sandwich is already cast and we will be eating it all.
The people in Michigan are fed up with the Dems. No matter who McCain nominates for VP they will be red this cycle.
Nevada is still a Red state even with the influx of Californians. Most of those newcomers are libertarian types who are sick of dealing with California's high taxes, cost of living, and hostile business climate and they know who's responsible for it.
VA will be blue this year because of the massive expansion of the liberal DC suburbs over the last 4 years. They may be the newest permanently blue state like NY and CA.
Ohio is the key. While i feel it will stay red its gonna be very tight. Whoever wins Ohio will be the next president.
272 - 266 McCain
How about responding to bostonobserver at 3:34 Keith? You should really stick to covering the housing stats and leave the politics to the qualified.
> I wonder what my life will be like as an illegal alien in Canada.
Watch the gas prices come down to $3/gallon and all of the Americans will be happy gas fell about $1 to $1.50/gallon and will vote for Republicans. Republicans are good at negative campaigning too: Remember Al Gore is too young to run for President. Every one I talked to mentioned one thing about Al Gore that he is too young to run for President. Where are Democrats stating McCain is too old to run for president. Democrats need people who are good in negative campaiging to win this election otherwise they are toast again. Personally I want McCain to win and Republicans take all of the blame for the state of the economy. Because if Democrats win, the Republicans are going to state the economy was still in a good shape when they left, Democratic President and Congress messed it up.
"I love the electoral college by the way. Only an idiot suggests getting rid of it and going with popular vote."
Democrats did that en masse in Y2K...
Bitterrenter said...
"Don't forget that all of our domestic terrorists have been conservatives"
Not true and please do not massage the data to fit your ideology.
I bet most of the people voting for Obama in Keith's rigged poll are from outside the US. That's another reason to vote for McCain. Screw those European bastards who think that they're superior than us.
I was a registered Democrat for 20 years. I'm voting for McCain and for a Republican for the first time in my life. The DNC is dead to our family. Perhaps many others will follow.
Don't forget the October Surprise. It never fails.
Ok, by way of disclaimer I am not voting for either of the two candidates, I am voting for someone else as a means of showing my dissatisfcation.
That being said, Obama may have just shot himself in the foot with his Vice President choice. Look, you have a young Washington outsider with no real experience, who has picked a Washington hack to be his Vice President. What will happenshere is that the Vice President will control the agenda for his/her special interests and the President gets hung out to dry for the agenda/direction.
How do I know this will happen? Because I have seen this blueprint before, Bush/Cheney 2000...
That said, someone do the electoral math and show us how McCain wins in a landslide, as so many hardcore GOP posters here predict
2008 will look pretty much like 2004. Colorado may go blue, probably won't. NH may go red, probably won't. Flordia is a slam dunk for McCain. Ohio is too. Michigan could very well go for McCain.
What Obama will do is win by bigger margins in California and Mass than 2004. He will also lose by less in Texas, Georgia, SC, NC and Idaho. Won't mean anything when it comes to EVs.
And jeezus Keith, for a guy who claims to be independent you sure do love to bash republicans.
Regardless of who wins the election in November, the same group of elite over class Libertarians will still be calling all the shots. Socialism for the rich. Everyone else can go live in a card board box.
My God, read that again... the Democrats SHOULD WIN IN A LANDSLIDE a la Reagan (49 states) after the useless Carter.
"BUT, they chose to nominate the MOST UNQUALIFIED candidate in the history of US presidential elections. A total, complete empty suit. A great teleprompter reader but a man who cannot put a sentence together when asked to think on his feet. The most liberal candidate ever who has accomplished absolutely NOTHING in his political career."
An unqualified empty suit. Heh Heh. Sounds exactly like the Chimperator's qualifications. Wake up folks. The wealthy Libertarian over class in Washington wants only one thing: another puppet.
Now I must go and bow to my Libertarian Overlords. Maybe pray for their forgiveness.
Fellow HPers. This is the thing about writing on a blog. It's even better to read them if the posts make SENSE! This is not talk radio or having a casual conversation with a friend. When writing, however short or long your response, you have to have a premise and then follow with statements or facts that support that premise. These are basic rules of logic and effective writing (these rules apply more to longer posts).
Your writing often (not always) portrays how you think. What you believe. Some of the posters here are VERY confused. Your writing indicates you know what your position is, but you are not at all clear why you support that position.
This might explain why some of you in your posts continue to support not only a completely failed Bush/Cheney presidency, but also a candidate who wants to continue the Bush policies that will only extend this record of failure.
Where is the logic in that?
Here's how I look at it:
Country is train wreck. McCain supports policies that caused train wreck. McCain wants to continue those policies.
Obama supports different set of policies. Makes case to clean up and prevent future train wrecks.
If we want to improve the country do we
A) Pick candidate who supports train wreck policies
B) Pick candidate who wants to clean up and prevent future train wrecks
You make the choice (logically).
gutless and lazy's sober analysis said...
Good post. I disagree. But good post.
Very simple. He is playing the race card, misjudging that it helps him get black vote solidly behind him but whites dont care. You cannot have cake and eat it too. It may look subtle for his leftwing extremist handlers or blind Democrat faithful, but its not that subtle for rest of us Independents and Republicans. Its going to backfire. Whites will not vote in the same ratio like 90% as voted by blacks, but there will be definitely impact on whites and atleast will vote for MCCain 55 to 45%.
Thats enough for landslide.
Keith, have you been to Ohio? My husband is from northwest ohio, farm country, and no way is Ohio going to vote for Obama. Vote for a black man with a muslim name? And how about his radical wife? A liberal? Well, sure he's bright, but too risky. The best you can hope for is some people to stay home. Obama may very well get Michigan, Romney or not, because economically things are so bad here, but Ohio???Please, reality check. Never going to happen,my friend.. kind of like that Appalachian thing.
"...at least Biden will keep him from hurting himself or getting in too much trouble..."
Heh. Considering the last 8 years, that was a good one.
Not as good as the "Is he black enough" theme though.
THAT was a brilliant subliminal; right up there with uppity; er, I mean elitist.
An obscure reference to a university explosion? Is that all you got? Must have taken you a while to find that one what with all the conservative terror stories.
When you find one that compares to the decades of KKK terror, McVeigh blowing up a federal building containing a day care center or the snipers that picked off abortion clinic doctors and workers, let's compare.
Conservatives are violent, unstable savages who need to be sterilized.
I am not a hard core Bush/Cheney supporter, but I have enough common sense to know that this country will not be electing a black man (or woman) with a Muslim sounding name for a very long time.
Keith, it's time to wake up to reality.
"Can forced sterilization of conservatives be far behind? . . . That's my latest fantasy of the future!"
As much as you wish the rebirth of another Hitler (or envisioning yourself being one), forced sterilization is quite unnecessary when you can just convince the same target that they are really gay . . . talking them into rediscovering that 10% innerself . . . voila! you have turned them into genetic dead-end just the same. No violence necessary.
Only stupido American mongrels of white garbage heritage will vote for Mr. Magoo and Slut Lady,Mrs, McPillpopper.
KKK members were Democrats when they reigned the country side in the South with terror campaigns. Remember, the target of their violence were "carpetbaggers" supported by the Republican reconstruction administrations. Today's KKK members are just clueless skinheads who are more likely to be beaten up in their so-called marches than beating anyone else up.
McVeigh's misguided actions doesn't shed any light on whether he was conservative or liberal. Both the left and the right have violent elements. For someone who's advocating forced sterilization, you are fitting the old French idiom: you can't avoid seeing the Eiffel Tower anywhere in Paris unless you are in it :-)
In effect, the Klan defended the interest of the planter class and Democratic Party by working to curb the education, economic advancement, voting rights, and right to keep and bear arms of blacks.[12] The Ku Klux Klan soon spread into nearly every southern state, launching a "reign of terror" against Republican leaders both black and white. Those political leaders assassinated during the campaign included Arkansas Congressman James M. Hinds, three members of the South Carolina legislature, and several men who served in constitutional conventions."
Uh, Keith, you shouldn't make domestic predictions when you've lived out of the country for so long.
McCain has pulled ahead in NH. He's also polling ahead in PA and OH. Give him those three states, and FL (where he's well ahead), and he clinches the election with 285 electoral votes, even if you throw all the other ambiguous states to Obama.
You should stick with housing crashes and leave the politics to someone who actually lives in the country and understands the mood.
Seriously shrunken 401k's and eight years of dead money in the stock market is just a couple of the many economic ills that will propel Obama to victory. The headline stories are already being written. You can't have such a screwed up economy -- look at the price of food and gas -- without the American people taking notice. Mother Theresa could be running, and they will vote against her.
Ummm... steal the election... again? Rig the black box voting machines? Create a national security crisis... again? The irony now is that the "winner" will surely be a loser. I mean, really, who would want to preside over this unfolding debacle? The Republicans have really set the stage nicely for the first black President...
Poor reality brainstem. Now he's trying to revise history.
The KKK were CONSERVATIVES just like the government-hating McVeigh. Just like Eric Rudolph, just like all of out domestic terrorists. The reason everyone called themselves a democrat in those days was because after the Great Depression the republicans caused no one would identify as a republicans. But what party does the south cling to these days?
You probably think there's lots of Obama voters among the KKK members, right? LOL, idiot.
Obama's finished. It's unprecedented for a candidate to fall behind in national polls during the week of his own convention!
Nobody takes him seriously anymore. He's lost his chance to achieve credibility. It's been over a year of vague promises and slogans but no concrete plans, except to nationalize healthcare (which would destroy it) and raise taxes (which would sink the economy even lower). Even if he presents a concrete plan now, it's too little too late. He blew it.
Yes, people may want change from the GOP, but they're also smart enough to realize the difference between bad and worse, and they're not going to choose worse.
I don't know why this logic is so hard to understand for those of you suffering from Bush Derangement Syndrome - just because you don't like the GOP doesn't mean you elect someone who is far worse.
The Dems blew it yet again by nominating someone so radical and extreme that he alienates the center of the Democratic party as well as independents. Maybe they'll learn from this and nominate an electable candidate in 2012 but at this rate I doubt it.
You probably think there's lots of Obama voters among the KKK members, right? LOL, idiot.
No but Obama definitely has the Taliban vote locked up.
Get a clue Bitterrenter, KKK reign of terror took place in the 1870's-1890's. The Great Depression took place from 1929-1946. How could people decide to be Democrats in the 1870's because the Great Depression was to come 70 years later? I want that crystal ball, or what you are smoking.
KKK members identified themselves as Democrats because Republican Party was doing the abolishing the plantation system and giving blacks the right to bear arms and upsetting the existing feudal order of plantations taking care all slaves, from food to medicine to education. Instead, Republicans wanted to give former slaves the choice to be a free person in the free market economy.
Is that conservatism or liberalism? Hard to say as the term "liberalism" has been turned on its head over the past 80 years or so. What we do know is that, Republicans were for blacks' right to own guns and participate in the economy as free agent . . . whereas Democrats/KKK was for a system of removing blacks' rights to guns and putting them into cradle-to-grave care/control. Apparently Democracts have succeded in the 20th century in rebuilding the plantation-slave/serf system in the innercities of America than their KKK forefathers could ever dream of.
Bitterrenter needs to study more about history and political science. The more he vomits here, the more he exposes his ignorance. And let me remind you that this guy is the voice of the gay community. So next time you meet a gay person, you know what to expect.
like rush limbaugh said, guns, babies, jesus. (or something like that.)
those things win campaigns because our educational system are so laughable now that grown americans don't see how its none of their business what a) people believe and b) what they do with their bodies. for that matter, they are not smart enough to question whether or not christianity is a) real or b) if real, the one true faith or not.
also, because education is so laughable in so many parts of this country, they seriously think that a gun is the most important thing they can own, because they are not intelligent enough to sort out their various paranoias.
then again, these are the same folks that keep raising the whole "Hussein" question in regards to barack obama, like having a given name makes you something. That's like an Iranian presidential candidate who spent a few years in Southern California having a middle name of "John" and being brandished by the opposition as *gasp* an american.
whatever. i will die happy if america picks itself up and dusts itself off and goes back to being a leader again (and if i can figure out a way to help), but in the meantime, will be surprised and amazed watching us descend into chaos. must-see tv, that's for certain.
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