[UPDATE - ZZZZZZZZ.... I guess I'll go read some Neil Kinnock speeches.... boring pick, won't help him win a single vote. But at least Biden the attack dog will make McCain his b*tch..]
I like longshots and surprises, so I'd be pretty disappointed with a lying pompous career DC hack like Biden, the overwhelming favorite right now...
My top recommendations would be
1) Wes Clark
2) Mark Warner
3) Michael Bloomberg
4) Anthony Zinni
The worst picks I think would be
1) Clinton
2) Dodd
3) Bayh
4) Biden
In the end, it doesn't matter, unless the Veep is caught with a dead girl or a live boy. Nope, this election is about two things and two things only.
Obama and housing.
August 22, 2008
Open thread to talk about Obama's Vice President pick - Joe Biden
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Doesn't matter. No VP pick can conceal the fact that he's a Marxist at heart.
It may not matter who Obama picks. He has moved so far to the right that most Americans no longer want him to be their President.
You really have your blinkers on Kweefer.
Yeah, that's all it's about, riiiight!!
Never mind the rising police state, the destruction of the dollar, the exponentially expanding national debt, the destruction of the Constitution, the illegal wars and out of control government spending.
No, it's just about Obama and housing. Sheesh!!
Just to make it clear I don't think Obama or McCain are the answer. They are one and the same.
Everybody needs to take this crash course in US economics to understand the problems we face and understand that neither candidate is addressing them:
The Crash Course
I'm thinking Edwards.
Biden always pokes his finger in the eye of power. That would fill the role of VP pretty good.
McCain will win this by a large margin; but regarding BO's pick for VP...my guess is...wait for it....
Ludacris! With Rezko as Sec. of Treasury!
I dont think it matters. This idiot makes Dan Qayle looks like a genius. McCain will win in a lanslide.
Blogger Fred Reed made an interesting observation about Obama's VP choice. Fred thinks he needs a guy who could walk in to a VFW hall, order a drink and talk comfortably with the guys there. Unless his VP can do that, Obama has a snowball's chance in hell of getting enough votes in the midwest and south.
John McCain's condo in a D.C. suburb:
Rev. Wright!
Snoop Dog.
Personally, I think Jesse Jackson would be a logical pick for Sen. Obama's VP.
Rev. Jackson exemplifies everything the Democrat Party stand for; OBAMA-JACKSON IN '08!
How about Obamma's rapper-friend Ludicriss?
Chuck Hagel
How about you for VP, Queef? You could advance the gay-rights platform!
You've got the blinders on me boy. Obama is going to tank...he only wins if he truly has the support of the Corporatocracy.
Hillary is the only VP selection that will unite the dems. Any other means McLoser wins.
(i.e. Obama just makes it look good, but in reality he is no different than the rest)
There’s one Democrat who would seem to have little or no chance of being picked by Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) to be his running mate – his former opponent, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.).
But it’s not for the reason you think.
Obama has often said, most recently on NBC’s “Meet the Press” on July 27, that Clinton “would be on anybody’s short list.”
But apparently not his.
“She was never vetted,” a Democratic official reported. “She was not asked for a single piece of paper. She and Senator Obama have never had a single conversation about it. How would he know if she’d take it?”
The official also said Clinton never met with Obama’s vetting team of Eric Holder and Caroline Kennedy.
And the official said she was never asked for medical records or for any financial 2008 information about her or former President Bill Clinton. The last information the couple has disclosed about taxes and financial holdings was for 2007.
See Also
No single-term pledge for McCain
McCain family owns 8 properties
Politico's guide to the conventions
The Clintons also were not asked about donors to the William J. Clinton Presidential Library.
“This would be the biggest leap of faith ever,” the official said. “She’s waiting for the text message like everyone else.”
An Obama aide said "absolutely exhaustive research was done on her over the course of the 16 month primary. She was researched more closely than any candidate in history."
oh man, there is a link on obama's website to housingPANIC!
I agree - Obama need's a guy's guy as VP - like Reagan, who would pop into an Irish bar and tip one down.
And on the election being about Obama and housing, it just is.
If the American people decide that he's capable of being president, then he will be. McCain is irrelevant.
And housing has taken over from terrorism and Iraq and gays and abortion as the #1 issue far and away. It won't get better in the next few months, so that kills the GOP, who's seen as the cause of the economic collapse (rightly or wrongly)
Obama in an electoral landslide, with a 55/45 popular vote. Won't even be close. I'm just telling you how it is. If you feel otherwise, go to intrade and make yourself some serious money. Or I'd be happy to take some off you too.
Are you really this stupid? This election isn't about housing, its about job-creation and which candidate has the best plan and mental fortitude to push GDP forward, as opposed to letting it fall. Housing as an issue on a macro-level is all smokescreen.
You obssess over housing, yet less than 3% of actual mortgage-holders and outright house-owners are in trouble financially...this is a fact! Yes, a few banks will go under, probably more than a few; but life will go on...its all about jobs, Keith...understand this you'll be ahead of most.
By the way, I don't see Obama winning in November...the DEMS should have picked Hillary if they wanted a realistic chance of winning...McCain's got this locked-up.
Bloomberg's the magic name for Obama or McCain.
Personally I think Bloomberg's running in 2012, when the economy will be in shambles.
You know a real interesting choice? A shocker?
Gore? That would be funny!
I think Obama's rapper-friend would be a smarter pick than Gore!
oh goodie goodie, the anointed one is going to select a disciple.
I wonder which corrupt beltway insider he will select?
My God Keith, why don't you get a blog.
Come on soothsayers - get on record here with who you think it's gonna be
Only way to get credit tomorrow
Anon's are invisible
DOn't you get it? Noone is sending you serious guesses because we don't friggin' care who BO selects!
You need to get over this puppy-love, Keith; because he's not going to win and your obscession with BO makes you look like an idiot.
**BREAKING NEWS** - McShitstain picks Richard M. Nixon was running mate.
GOP digging up the corpse now.
I'm not going to guess because this is a stupid thread. Obama is a poor choice for the Democrats; his nomination seals the deal for McCain...end of story. Now start talking about housing again.
I disagree with Obama on many things, but I'm an optimist, and I like candidates who run on an optimistic, hopeful, forward-looking, America can be great footing. Reagan did it, Clinton did it and now Obama is doing it.
And if you remember, things were pretty good under Reagan and Clinton.
McCain on the other hand is running a negative, mean-spirited, backward-looking, fearful, hopeless campaign. How he'll get anyone to vote for him is beyond me. Fear is his only message.
The two party system sucks, I'll agree. I'd love a 3rd choice, or a strong and viable 3rd party - centrist and libertarian.
And regardless of my lukewarm support for Obama, I'm simply telling you how it's gonna be. I told you over two years ago that he'd win. And now he will.
Deal with it.
And get ready for a mess. Obama is screwed and his hands are tied, thanks to eight years under the Worst President of All Time. It'll take a miracle for him to be successful.
Gore would be a great choice - and I bet he'd take it.
And if you remember, things were pretty good under Reagan and Clinton.
Clinton? All he did was get blown by a fat chick under his desk while a fake dot-com bubble created the false illusion of economic growth. The guy did nothing but live in luxury for eight years.
I'd have to disagree that housing is the big issue. It *was* until gas prices became #1.
The timing was bad on housing. People think in a "right here, right now" mentality. They've accepted the housing crash and they're over it. All they care about right now is gas prices. Even economic fallout from housing will now be blamed on oil.
Since people are all stupid enough to believe that all things, good and bad, are attributable to the sitting President, Bush gets credit for falling oil prices, Democrats look like jerks for blocking the offshore drilling vote, and McCain sails in by a 5-point lead in the election.
I think no matter who wins, he will be a one-term president. The economy will be a wreck for at least the next 4 years. And like always, the president will be blamed for "not fixing it".
Taking a VP position would probably be a dead-end politically. Some of the stronger VP candidates (like Bloomberg) would be better off waiting until the next election.
I'm glad Ron Paul is sitting on a pile of donation money - he'll be better positioned in the next election.
Rush Limbaugh Online, "John Kerry’s Resume":
[Kerry] has lived the life of a millionaire living off the inherited wealth of his two wives. As an Ivy League educated millionaire who did not have to work for his fortune, Mr. Kerry never had to worry about the money he earned, the taxes he paid, or the programs he and Ted Kennedy forced the rest of us to pay for. . . . Mr. Kerry Heinz is not effected (sic) when these neighborhoods are destroyed and working class families lose the largest asset in their retirement plans—their home’s value.
So now they're trying to levy the same attacks they used against Kerry against Obama, but the reality is that this time around, the opposite is actually true:
McCain, who has portrayed Obama as an elitist, is the son and grandson of admirals. The Associated Press estimates his wife, a beer heiress, is worth $100 million. Obama was raised by a single mother who relied at times on food stamps, and went to top schools on scholarships and loans. His income has increased from book sales since he spoke at the 2004 Democratic convention.
Just so we are clear- visiting your grandmother while vacationing in Hawaii, the state where you were you were born- elitist.
Meeting the millionaire heiress daughter (who you will soon begin an affair with and divorce your first wife and then go on and buy a ton of houses) in Hawaii and then going on and honeymooning in Hawaii – not elitist.
John McCain cheated
JFK cheated
Bill Clinton cheated
John Edwards cheated
Politicians are corrupt whores with low morals who screw America while enriching themselves
Deal with it. And try to elect the best of the worst.
A former Senator and vice-presidential candidate misused campaign contributions and money pledged to fight poverty so he could bring his mistress on the campaign trail with him during the presidential campaign where he was constantly making appearances with his widely admired cancer stricken wife then fathered the mistress's child sometime around the time he was getting a Father Of The Year Award and then asked his loyal aid who already has a wife and kids to falsely claim paternity while the fake dad and the mistress were funneled money so they could move to be near the mistress's psychic healer friend while the former candidate continued to meet the mistress and baby until he was caught by tabloid reporters and hid in the bathroom and then confessed on national TV a couple of weeks later but both he and his wife continued to lie during that interview and in subsequent statements.
Best: Colin Powell
Worst: Dodd, Clinton
Bayh does give Obama Indiana, while helping in Ohio and Michigan, so it's safe
Only problem is Bayh is so damn boring!
Reminds me of Dave in that one president movie
I like Clark, too. Gore is a pipe dream, but that would pretty much guarantee victory.
I should be Obama's #1 choice for VP. I'd promise to lay low and keep out of his way. I think I'd be able to bring California electoral votes in for Obama. Easy.
Should Barack go in another direction, I think it'll be Biden. He needs an old guy who is a warhawk on the ticket.
Wesley Clark would be Obama's best choice. He's a straight shooter and has the support of the troops. The first one to have openly criticized Bush's policies and exposed his approach to national security after 9/11. He'd make a terrific VP.
I'm content with Biden.
It would have been nice to have Ron Paul a heart beat away from the Presidency.
The MIC might have let Obama live in that scenario.
God forbid! If Obama pulls a Dodd or a Biden on us, it will be over!
Bayh will be even worse than any of them. He works for lobbyists-not for the American people. From his voting record, he never stood up for anything meaningful.
better be careful about that Bayh fella......he's got such purty hair, kinda like Jonny - come lately - Edwards.
if the Obamanator picked Hagel I admit it would raise his stature to me.
I'm not going to guess because this is a stupid thread. Obama is a poor choice for the Democrats; his nomination seals the deal for McCain...end of story. Now start talking about housing again.
yep. the VP selection is creating more buzz than the candidate himself and what he stands for. Not a good indicator that he can beat mcloser.
I love the option for Bloomberg. A savvy businessman who has done an outstanding job leading New York. For the most part I agree with his politics and his fiscal sensibility.
About Obama:
>he's a Marxist at heart.
> He has moved so far to the right
If Obama gets hit from right and left, he must do something right.
I'm for Clinton as VP pick, to make Obama's election most probable. Then he should lock her out of the White House and get a good doctor.
Chet Edwards...
Brings the house and senate together under the executive for a trifecta.
Reclaims Texas and the South for the Democrats.
Mr. Anonymous
> And housing has taken over from terrorism and Iraq and gays and abortion as the #1 issue far and away.
I don't think it's housing, it's the economy as a whole that will determine the election, again. Even the housing market plays second fiddle to the job market.
It is amazing that you actually believe your top four choices
would be good picks which is why he is going to lose this election, you insane Democrats went with the most inept over the most qualified person as you almost always do and John McCain will take it and Mr. O can return to his church with the reverend that has been in hiding.
Maybe Obama will pick his destitute brother from Nairobi as veep:
Obama's Biological Half-Brother in Nariobi
And Obama is not an elitist scumbag but McCain is?
Come on you numb-nuts!! Can't we just understand that both parties are criminal and corrupt and both candidates are utter scum that are not worth voting for.
The problem with you Kweefer and the media is that you're just acting as a commentator. You're just trying to pick the winner of this meaningless horse race. This election is a complete waste of our energies when we should be focusing on the real issues facing this country and not just those issues that these corporate sponsored clowns are comfortable addressing!
We don't need another Chris Matthews or George Stephanopolous!!
It's Bayh.
Related To Story
Obama Veepstakes
Bumper Sticker Fuels Speculation About Obama's Veep
Gill Studios President Talks To KMBC
Bumper Sticker Could Indicate Bayh Is Obama's Veep
Company Would Not Confirm Information
POSTED: 1:01 pm CDT August 22, 2008
UPDATED: 7:16 pm CDT August 22, 2008
LENEXA, Kan. -- After weeks of speculation and days of intense rumors, the answer to who Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama would name as his running mate may have come down to a bumper sticker printed in Lenexa.
KMBC's Micheal Mahoney reported that the company, which specializes in political literature, has been printing Obama-Bayh material. That's Bayh as in U.S. Sen. Evan Bayh of Indiana. Word leaked out about the material as it was being printed up by Gill Studios of Lenexa. The Obama campaign had said it would make the announcement by text message on Friday.
Gill Studios, which invented the bumper sticker, would not confirm information about the material. They would not deny it either.
OhBummer and McCan't -Both DC career hack politiwhores.
But Americans will go ahead and vote dem/rep anyway. Then, in a couple of years they will scratch their heads and wonder why nothing has changed.
Completely disgusting.
I wish it was Sen. Jim Webb of Virginia.
Since people are all stupid enough to believe that all things, good and bad, are attributable to the sitting President
Oh, yes, Frank. That is why nobody cares about who wins, and nobody spends any money on politics at all. It matters not one iota. Everything is free market, and tax policy does nothing to the economy.
Doesn't matter. No VP pick can conceal the fact that he's a Marxist at heart.
Frank has nothing to contribute to the discussion, so he engages in name calling like a little girl.
Larry Sinclair was arrested at the National Press Club on June 18, 2008 for an alleged Delaware fugitive from Justice warrant. Sinclair was kept in a local DC jail and later transported to Delaware. Sinclair appeared before a judge in Delaware and was released on his own recognizance. The Attorney General of Delaware is the son of Senator Joe Biden. Senator Biden is often mentioned as one of the front runners for the VP slot of Barack Obama.
Listen to the events surrounding Larry Sinclair’s arrest in his own words:
Larry Sinclair was arrested at the National Press Club on June 18, 2008 for an alleged Delaware fugitive from Justice warrant. Sinclair was kept in a local DC jail and later transported to Delaware. Sinclair appeared before a judge in Delaware and was released on his own recognizance. The Attorney General of Delaware is the son of Senator Joe Biden. Senator Biden is often mentioned as one of the front runners for the VP slot of Barack Obama.
Listen to the events surrounding Larry Sinclair’s arrest in his own words:
Its going to be Biden, what's wrong with that. Anytime I've seen Biden in hearings I've always been impressed. He has not been afraid to rock the boat, and I remember him putting up a big resistance to going into Iraq questioning the validity of the WMD arguement. He'll be a good VP but personally I'd like to see him as Secretary of State more.
Sam Nunn, if he would.
Colin Powell, if he can.
Sam Nunn, if he would.
Colin Powell, if he can.
top recommendations would be...
Step-n-fetch it
Slappy White!
Obama needs to reach across the aisle for his VP - Hagel would be an excellent choice.
The massive task of cleaning up after Cheney/Bush will require extensive bipartisan cooperation.
McCain the son of admirals.....
that S.O.B.!
How dare he!
*** Breaking NEWS ***
Obama aims gun at foot - pulls trigger. Democratic base to stay home on election day.
McCain to be next president of USA.
Keith said "And housing has taken over from terrorism and Iraq and gays and abortion as the #1 issue far and away."
Where? In California, Texas, Florida and several cities in Ohio and Michigan maybe but I can tell you here in eastenr Pa it's rising prices and stagnant wages. These will however seem like the good old days when McChainey starts WWIII. The so-called military expert who was terrible student, 894 of 899, at the military academy. That doesn't impress me as a great military genius. We're fooked.
Nice to see the McCain camp get right to work on this little gift from Obama:
McCain spokesman Ben Porritt issued the following statement on Barack Obama’s selection of Joe Biden as his running mate:
There has been no harsher critic of Barack Obama’s lack of experience than Joe Biden. Biden has denounced Barack Obama’s poor foreign policy judgment and has strongly argued in his own words what Americans are quickly realizing – that Barack Obama is not ready to be President.”
Biden is a great critic of Bush and the war. A man of guts, who does not take any sh*t. But I can't see how he is going to help the ticket.
Ron Paul would have been an interesting choice.
Don't know what the future would hold if that were to happen.
But it was nice to dream about.
Biden is a wise choice.
Obama has not to win - he has to avoid loosing. It is enough if his ticket is not motivating enough Republicans to vote to prevent Obama.
Keith, the vote is NOT about the housing. Obviously you still believe it is "contained".
I'm disappointed ;-)
Any sane American man considering Obama better take a long look at Biden's incredibly bigoted and sexist Violence Against Women Act.
Way to go, Obama. You just alienated 49% of the population.
Boring Choice and what has this got to do with so called change..Im a Dem and wanted somone interesting and to really give the ticket a boost dems needed..I like Hillary and so did everyone here in Florida.. I wanted a VP canidate that would motivate people to Not to vote for Mccain. This choice of VP almost ensures she will be our Predident in 4 years. I just hope America can stand up to another 4 years of more of the same..I call housing to bottom in 2012.
This pisses me off I wasnt even sure I would Vote for Obama but now he has gone back on his change POLICY and speeches. Perhaps its true he is nothing but a speech..What a shame. Ill see and give Biden a chance but what a snoozer. Im sure my friends in Florida will be voting Mccain.
Id like to vote neither!
Keith, just see the ad already on the McCain website:
No evil Karl Rove machinations here. Just show Biden's own criticisms of Hussein Obama Barack (peace be upon him), and his praise of McCain.
Great ad.
Dont even bother to compare. McCain at 72, the vietnam warrior, will make both much younger BO and Biden his bitches and part of his harem. They are both combined no match to him. You are expecting dumb and dumber to take on McCain. Both arrogant light weights. This is the most expected, idiotic decision. You can watch the Dumocratic ticket slide in polls day after day. I am shaking my head at the Democratic party.
I tell ya, you are like a kid, no clue about politics. Thats why you like this juvenile (phoney Herbalife, Amway MLM style excitement building) phoney stuff around BO. Its best for you to stick to housing, and not make a fool of yourself any more than you already have.
He did your worst(last) pick number 4 on your list.
What kinda decision you expected from an idiot that got Harvard degree under affirmaticve action and stole election by manipulating caucus states where only 4% of the people vote ??
I have never seen more phoney candidate in American politics than this guy at the top of Democratic ticket.
Now I have a feeling, Executive branch is gone. Its questionable if Democrats will take over Senate and Congress ???
I have never seen so many items on a single Housing blog, about BO. You are the only one in the world cares so much about this decision. And you got your worst pick.
If you continue at this rate, you might as well change name to stinky BO blog.
What a pair of f'n idiots, you and BO, birds of a feather.
Guarantees BO in the toilet. No need to say any more.
Hmm let's see. A young socialist who thinks we have 57 states and an old socialist who likes to plagiarize.
What a dream ticket!
And housing has taken over from terrorism and Iraq and gays and abortion as the #1 issue far and away.
On what planet? Only people obsessed with housing are people like HPers. Avergae folks, ie the 98% not foreclosing don't really care.
Why are you so in love with Barack Obama? Neither candidate understands that our country is headed for economic collapse.
Biden doesn't excite me but after IOUSA, I think the elite know that "it's all about the war economy!"
Blogger AZDavidPhx said...
*** Breaking NEWS ***
Obama aims gun at foot - pulls trigger. Democratic base to stay home on election day.
McCain to be next president of USA.
That is pretty much the way I see it. O'bama is so far right now that he is competing with McCain for the Libertarian vote.
"I wanted a VP canidate that would motivate people to Not to vote for Mccain."
ohhhh my democrat friend...he picked the right vp for that.
if he would have pick clinton i would fought my way to the gates of hell to vote against obama.
now i am just going to stay at home or vote for a third party candidate.
Obama was always depicted as someone who's selling words to Americans. By picking Biden he's bringing in more words to the ticket! Biden has a disease called "verbarrhea." He also has the “gift” of speaking from both sides of his mouth. I lost track of the instances in which Biden spoke vociferously against a bill, only to end up voting for it. He’s the ultimate demagogue.
The problem here is that we might end up with Biden in the Oval Office should something happen to Obama—a not-too-far-fetched scenario, I might add.
After this VP pick, don't expect change, Keith. It's going to be business as usual.
At best, Biden could make a good Sec of State, no more.
Is this the 'change' Obama talks about?
Anyone else notice that neither Nobama or McInsane talk about balancing our budget and paying down our debt?
I can only assume they, like Gravyface, believe deficits don't matter?
I am getting depressed.
Biden voted for Iraq war.
Barak Obama = politics as usual
lol @ michael, that was funny man. And lol at everyone else who thinks these assholes or their parties give a shit about you.
I do not plan to vote for BO, even though I do respect his tact and public speaking ability. I think a great Obama VP would be Newark NJ mayor Cory Booker.
Very similar to Obama, part white, part of a younger generation of less confrontational black leaders who are willing to actually talk to white opponents, not simply yell at them via megaphone like Rev. Al does.
1) Wes Clark
2) Mark Warner
3) Michael Bloomberg
4) Anthony Zinni
Keith, Wes Clark as your top pick? You got to be kidding me! LMAO. What a joke!
Jen, you and Shelly crack me up. You both call Keith an idiot and you both completely failed to comprehend his post. Getting your fourth worst pick is preferable to getting your first worst pick! I'm betting both of you were home-schooled.
Does anyone think either of our choices is worth a damn?
Most people I know don't like either of them...
Nobama has no chance of even coming close to winning the election for President. His pick of Biden just closed the door on his ridiculous "Change You Can Believe In" blather and made him look like a total fool. By the end of this week, NoBama can just pack it up and go back to his sinhgle mansion and stew in his own juices as he's got nobody to blame but himself for his complete demise.
McCain may not be much better, but now he'll win in a landslide.
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