August 28, 2008

John Kerry threw McCain under the bus pretty good last night... I guess getting swift-boated by Karl Rove wakes you up (too late)


Anonymous said...

McCain Owes America An Alzheimer's Test.

But McCain's age is no joke. He will turn 72 on Friday and would be halfway to 73 if elected and sworn in on January 20.
The United States cannot afford the risk that McCain would die suddenly in the middle of an international crisis.
Nor can we afford the risk of dementia. 22% of Americans over 70 are affected by mild cognitive impairment, while 13% of Americans over 65 have Alzheimer's. Ronald Reagan was diagnosed with Alzheimer's at age 83, but early signs were evident during his first term. Britain's "Iron Lady" Margaret Thatcher developed dementia at age 75.

Prescriptions can also adversely affect mental function. McCain takes Simvastatin, an arthritis drug that can cause memory loss. McCain also takes Ambien to sleep, which can cause amnesia and "fugue states" like the one that caused Rep. Patrick Kennedy's late-night car crash. If the phone rang at 3 a.m., would McCain even wake up?

Think about this.

Anonymous said...

Really? Kerry had not such nice things to say about a Republican? Shocking, just shocking I tell ya.

And what exactly was swift boating again? Oh yea speaking the truth about a guy who went to Vietnam, got a hang nail, came back home and called his fellow soldiers brutal savages.

No matter, your golden boy is quickly fading. From Gallup:

Gallup Poll Daily tracking interviewing from Saturday, Sunday, and Monday indicates that Barack Obama has received no bounce in voter support from his selection of Sen. Joe Biden to be his vice presidential running mate. The race remains virtually tied with John McCain now slightly ahead 46%-44%.

Anonymous said...

Kerry put McCain right where he belongs, being drug under the bus and spit out like a common dog at the end.

Karl Rove will go down in history as someone even more dispicable than Hitlers Goebbels.

Rove is a judas goat and more dangerous than Osama Bin Laden ever dreamed of being in my view.

Give Up McCain. You are a doomed old, old out-of-touch GOP hack.

Anonymous said...

I guess that Kerry threw McCain under the bus since that's where most politicians are these days.

Anonymous said...

It is clear that clear that John McCain is already senile. The man can't remember how many houses he owns. Do we really want someone who is that out of it with his trembling old hands on the levers of power?

Beyond McCain's current senility are the mental health issues resulting from his incarceration during the Vietnam War. These issues are serious and are not mere Democrat slime. They were ones that were revealed by members of McCain's own party during a prior election.

McCain is not fit to be president irregardless of his Max Cleland "woe is me" stance.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Ash said...

"McCain Owes America An Alzheimer's Test."

Great idea. Make all the Republicans take it, especially that Libertarian Ron Paul. Republicans live in a fantasy world where $5 million is the average income, and everyone has seven houses.

A pox on the houses of all the Right Wing conservatives who have brought the looming disaster down upon their country.

Put Alan Greenspan on the stand too. I would like to know if this economic mess is part of a Libertarian conspiracy to destroy America.

Bye Bye Chimperator......

Anonymous said...

Republicans live in a fantasy world where $5 million is the average income, and everyone has seven houses.


And Democrats live in a fantasy where unemployment is 95%, everyone is dying on the steps oh hospitals due to lack of health insurance and the earth is warming up at 10 degrees an hour.

Anonymous said...

I used to be a democrat when I was acquiring my wealth. Now I am a republican because I EARNED my wealth and it is scary how much jealousy there is towards successful people and how many democratic hands want to steal what is rightfully mine! QUIT WANTING TO STEAL MINE! MAKE YOUR OWN! If I can do it, you can too!



Anonymous said...

Great speech!

Anonymous said...

You people are such suckers. Kerry is a distant cousin of George W Bush and both are part of the eastern establishment and members of Yale's Skull and Bones Society. They're all elitists you dumb numbskulls. Here's the proof:

Kerry and Bush Admit They Are Members of the Skull and Bones Society aka the Brotherhood of Death

Now what does it all mean? It means you're being played for chumps and you're not part of The Club in Washington. It doesn't matter which party you hold allegiance to.

PS - Dubya is not a good old boy cowboy from Texas. That's just a Rovian PR stunt.

Frank R said...

Oh no, he got thrown under the bus by a loser who is now a nobody!

Oh the horror!

I used to be a democrat when I was acquiring my wealth. Now I am a republican because I EARNED my wealth and it is scary how much jealousy there is towards successful people and how many democratic hands want to steal what is rightfully mine! QUIT WANTING TO STEAL MINE! MAKE YOUR OWN! If I can do it, you can too!

Exactly! Very well said! The democrats are the party of envious jealous losers and would-be thieves and looters!

Anonymous said...

"...democratic hands want to steal what is rightfully mine! QUIT WANTING TO STEAL MINE!..."

Fannie bailout supporter, no doubt.

Anonymous said...


bring the debates.

I think the polling process is flawed. Most younger Americans aren't home during polling hours, and have too much going on to pick up their home phone. If they happen to get a call from a polster, I doubt they would want to talk to them. I would probably just hang up. Therefore, the polling pool is biased toward the elderly, who of course are going to support their own.

Mitesh Damania said...

More NWO talk. More Empire. More Corporatocracy. What's the difference between a dictatorship and a Duopoly?

Who's voting for the Blazing Saddles president?

LovePug said...

Polls also don't take into account the tremendous number of newly registered voters, in the under-30 and African-American demographics.

Anonymous said...

Every politician is slime...make no mistake about it. With the troubles looming in our world, whoever is elected will become known as the worst President ever. I feel for whichever candidate makes it, they are inheriting a meltdown in the works. God bless them all.

Anonymous said...

The problem with our electoral system and government in general is that it is broken. Eliminate the party affiliations, eliminate the electoral college. Whoever wins the popular votes takes all. Realize it is always partisan actions that ruin the party. No matter how good a bill or law is, if it is the other party, then they won't vote for it. A bunch if immature, egotistical, pompous bastards all sitting around a sand box trying to flex their muscles to show how much better they are than the other person. Meanwhile we the people pay the price. Sad.