"In the 21st century, nations don't invade other nations"
- John McCain, old and senile or assuming the American voter is stupid, or possibly forgetting that 2003 is included in the 21st century, and that he voted for invading the sovereign nation of Iraq on false pretenses
August 15, 2008
John McCain proves that he's an idiot.
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As did Hillary and Harry Reid and John Edwards.
How quickly the liberal mind forgets.
BTW see the polls lately? Obama-mania is quickly fading.
Absolutely unreal
The only thing that is proven here is the liberal bias of the majority of bloggers, and all of the MSM. For how much the people on this blog supposedly hate the MSM (I guess only when it goes against them) they sure sound like them.
Iraq, 18 UN Resolutions violated.
Forgot that? Now who's senile.
This post isn't about McCain (and Clinton and most of our brain-dead leaders) voting for the Iraq Debacle.
No, this thread is about McCain forgetting that the USA invaded the sovereign nation of Iraq. In the 21st century. Like just a bit ago.
Idiot. Laughable idiot. Probably the dumbest quote I've seen by a candidate for president since, well, Bush.
The keyword here is "nations". John just told you the U.S.A. is not a nation.
That would explain why international laws doesn't apply to it.
Once again, the Europeans and the US Left have demonstrated that, when it comes to those Olympian sports of synchronized self-loathing, team hand-wringing and lightweight posturing, they know how to sweep gold, silver and bronze.
There's a routine now whenever some act of aggression is visited upon us or our allies by authoritarian regimes. While the enemy takes a victory lap, we compete in a medley relay of apologetics, defeatism and surrender.
Gerard Baker, Times of London
Well then I guess Keith you need to go look at all of Obama's gaffes.
My favorite, not listed on the site above I think, is that we need more arabic translators in Afghanistan...when they do not speak arabic? Interesting...
I have no problem making sure all of someone's faults are known, especially when they are running for president, but not if it is going to be one sided.
Keith is right. Iraq was a sovereign state and we invaded it. No matter how you count,anything from 2001 on is within the 21st century.
First we had Bush who admitted he doesn't read much, Now McCain who admits he knows little about computers, and leaves that "up to his wife", you know the wife he recently offered up to compete at The Miss Buffalo chip competition during his pandering visit to bikers at Sturgis, SD?
Yes, another cluelsess GOP Senator fueled by hubris and an impossible dream...
Where do these mutants come from? The only place bad enough to spawn a creature like this would be anywhere in Texas...
PS: YES, the American sheeple ARE a very STUPID lot. Ask the next one you meet where Georgia is and in the same sentence ask them about something that really matters, like the freakish olympic results. Compare your answers. Come to a conclusion. Get It?
>> Iraq, 18 UN Resolutions violated. Forgot that? Now who's senile.
The UN: unelected, unaccountable, ineffective. Now who's stupid?
Some dems voted to invade Iraq but ALL republicans did. And why did dems vote for it?
Because the bush admin lied about connections to 9/11, WMDs and because voting against it after 9/11 happened was seen as treason. Bush knew this, too.
But that's ok. The young men getting blown to bits over there are almost all republicans and the tab for the war will be paid for by someone else's kids. I don't have any. This country can crumble for all I care. And the more republicans coming home in bags the better.
It seems that clip was cut short. Perhaps he goes on to explain his statement.
Keith, you judge the MSM so harshly and they deserve it, but why do you stoop to their level. This clip is inflammatory sensational, and unbalanced.
Sure, the USA invaded Iraq, but only after numerous UN resolution violations. If Iraq had continued to give open access to inspectors, the USA would have no excuse to invade.
It was not the USA alone who invaded Iraq. They did so with the support and backing of other nations.
Russia invaded with no warning, no UN consultation...
"In the 21st century, nations don't invade other nations"
Wow. Was John McCain really stupid enough to say that?
Viva el Chimperator!
Here, for once and for all, let the current twice-elected (well, once for sure anyway...)President clear up what a sovereign nation is.
Remember, this is the product of not one, but TWO ivy league degrees.
Is there any question why you should not vote for or support the GOP?
Pass the cheese doodles. Nascar is on soon...
The only thing McCain is in touch with are his Depends.
it is a stupid statement from a politician, they make them all the time. obama has said as much too.
The fact is that nations will still invade nations and there are good reasons for doing so. If Canada hit us with a couple of nukes, I would expect that would would invade and would have the right to invade.
Idiot. Laughable idiot. Probably the dumbest quote I've seen by a candidate for president since, well, Bush.
no, the dumbest so far has to be obama's properly inflated tires will solve our oil problems. I know liberals are mathematically challenged, but can't the man think his way through a simple math problem?
I think you'll be hearing a "reminder" like this coming out of Putin pretty soon now as well. For all the "anonymous" dimwits here, the point isn't some tired, worn-out "lib vs. con" dialectic. It's bigger than that.
The mistake made by the Bushies was always to see all their international policies through the lens of domestic politics; thus, they did things internationally, based on how they would play with uninformed voters in Redneckistan, rather than on whether they would deliver victory in Afghanistan. Seven years down the road, we can see how that's playing out: the U.S. is staggering towards defeat in the actual war against terrorism, and Bin Laden is laughing until he wets his djellaba, secure in his cave, with an Al Qaeda organization that is today stronger than the one that took out the Towers.
"Iraq, 18 UN Resolutions violated. Forgot that? Now who's senile."
From Israel's Definance.
During the period between 1967 and 2000, Iraq was the subject of 69 Security Council resolutions. By comparison, Israel, our closest "ally" in the Middle East, has been the subject of 138 resolutions.
besides hypocripsy, the US refused to believe the weapon inspectors or believe european newspapers since they discredited US assertions.
And this has WHAT, exactly, to do with the housing crash in this country Keith?
Why do I still come to this website? I suppose I can't get McCain bashing/Obama shilling anywhere else on the web.
>> Iraq, 18 UN Resolutions violated. Forgot that? Now who's senile.
>The UN: unelected, unaccountable, ineffective. Now who's stupid?
Ineffective is the key word there.
18 UN violations! So what! Then why didn't the UN invade Iraq?
Iraq never attacked the USA. Their US-supported puppet of a dictator Hussein only threatened the US from time to time the way a gnat threatens an elephant.
We know the answer.
Nobody questions that the US is and was the only country with enough taxpayer funding and military hardware to extricate Saddam Hussein.
The real question is should they have done so?
And then why does the US stop there? With the logical behind the Iraq invasion, why not save North Koreans from their Messianic leadership too, or Zimbabwe for that matter, or Russia itself? There must be an American inside every Iranian dying to get out, right?
Just because we can, doesn't automatically mean we should.
We should check ourselves before we wreck ourselves.
Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld accidentally set a horrible precedent with Iraq. No longer can Chinese and Russian military inventions ever be questioned, thwarted or condemned by the UN or even the US.
Sorry Georgia. No dice.
And for Taiwan, you're on your own dudes! Good luck to you.
Anything goes. Invade your neighbors without provocation at your heart's content.
This is the world order GW Bush has established. Get used to it.
Cafferty destroys McCain
I don't think McCain can remember back that far.
And yes, Hillary and Edwards both voted for the war. Karma came around and bit both of them in the ass.
Obama 08!
IRAQ was not Sovereign !
They lost the war !
Had it been won by the Roman Empire, the men would have been sold as slaves, the women would have been raped and murdered and the children tortured and hang, so that they could never avenge their parents....
But hey it is the 21st Century now, peace and prosperity... and with 9/11 geez what a start !
This is the type of low-regard-for-your-audience rhetoric that one would expect from a Hannity or an Olbermann. Or from a Karl Rove-style political op.
Taking a quote, amplifying it, misrepresnting it as being a fully articulated position, and then using that misrepresentation as the basis for name-calling ("senile"), is fine as troll bait to the easily worked up on both sides.
Fine, if that's the direction you want to go. It's your sandbox.
But, to HP readers of above average intelligence (most of who come here to read about housing/financial bubble issues rather than politics (for which there are countless better and more insightful blogs)), it is, at best, boring and, at worst, insulting.
Obama & McCain are both retarded. Both, them and congress are incapable of running this country.
"Iraq, 18 UN Resolutions violated.
Forgot that? Now who's senile."
And in that same time period Israel violated 16 resolutions!
Forget that? Wait.... they are the "good guys" so them ignoring them was the right thing to do......... PUKE!
McCain Bomb Iran
Uuuh - so what is Iraq - chopped liver?
I think all of you need to go back to school, or probably pay attention in class if they're even teaching this.
According to the cease fire agreement from desert storm, we reserved the right to return and finish the job in Iraq if Saddam did not abide by the UN resolutions. He didn't. The Iraqi regime under his rule therefore forfeited their "sovereignty". Too hard to understand?
All of you need to get over it... this is like complaining if Churchill went in and took care of Hitler before they blitzed Poland and steam rolled Paris.
These are serious matters in the world, for everything that is holy pull your head out of your butt and pay attention. WWI and WWII did not happen on another planet...it happened here and it will happen again. People who ignore history are doomed to repeat it. Do not follow in the foot steps of Neville Chamberlain. Everyone needs to realize there are people in this world who crave power and are not into the whole " lets have a dialogue and work out our problems".
I don't know if you're aware that Russia has made a nuclear attack threat on Poland for making an agreement with us for a missile defense shield? DOES THAT SOUND LIKE AN OPEN AND HONEST DIALOGUE?
You hope and change people are going to get more than you bargained for if you keep going down this road. There are many reasons why I don't like McCain, but there are better reasons why I like him better than Obama. Please do you're own research and make an educated decision based on the facts of history and logic.
Invade Iraq? We liberated them and their oil wells.
The USA is the biggest hypocrite on the planet. We don't "free the hearts and minds" of other peoples unless you count bits of brain and heart on the pavement.
We can't tell ANYBODY about morals, ethics, etc.
When we try it is as laughable as if Hitler tried to scold Stalin about human rights, aggression, etc....ad nauseum.
Anonymous said...
Obama & McCain are both retarded. Both, them and congress are incapable of running this country.
August 15, 2008 11:53 PM
But that is the best your Libertarian Overlords could come up with. To be a Candidate you must be blessed first by the Libertarian New World Order!
Sure, the USA invaded Iraq, but only after numerous UN resolution violations. If Iraq had continued to give open access to inspectors, the USA would have no excuse to invade.
It was not the USA alone who invaded Iraq. They did so with the support and backing of other nations.
Russia invaded with no warning, no UN consultation...
Boy... how do you Americans put up with such idiots in your country?
Oh... never mind... you elected 'Dubya' twice.
In answer to the above - although the UN did have resolutions against Iraq, they never voted to invade. The US did that all by their lonesome by making up the "Coallition of the willing".
Also, the IAEA said that Iraq was allowing its sites to be inspected.
So stop trying to rewrite history. NO nation supported the US invasion of Iraq except those who were either bribed or threatened. (Except for loopy Blair of course.)
And the fact the US did this without the UN's approval makes it a war crime... and you an accessory.
Wow. You idiots now think had Bush not invaded Iraq, Russia would have left Georgia alone. The insanity of the liberal mind knows no end.
No... but true democracies are held to a higher standard. The problem is that Russia did less damage to Georgia than the US did to Iraq.
If you're going to start acting like a dictatorship then at least be honest and admit that you are.
The answer of course will be for the population to revolt in order to restore democracy.
Sadly... the world is not fair. You don't get to do the same things Russia does and then say that you're better than them.
According to the cease fire agreement from desert storm, we reserved the right to return and finish the job in Iraq if Saddam did not abide by the UN resolutions. He didn't. The Iraqi regime under his rule therefore forfeited their "sovereignty". Too hard to understand?
But the fact is HE DID!
The fact that IAEA said the inspectors were allowed to visit sites showed HE DID!
The fact that no nukes were found showed HE DID!
The fact that it has now become apparent that it was a grab for oil showed HE DID!
It's too bad small minds such as yours are unable to grasp that your government colluded in a massive war crime which has ended up killing over two million Iraqis.
But hey... that's ok... you're already living in a dictatorship of your own making. I guess you'll only realize your mistake when you wake up in a concentration camp.
It's too bad you don't see that the people who crave power are the ones running your own government.
Wait, you think Russia is wrong getting pissed about NATO in its backyard? If Russia goes to Cuba, I guess we just shrug and say ok. We are putting missiles on their borders, and you think they should be ok with that? Talk about provocation. I used to laugh and ask what bush would do for an encore, guess re-starting the cold war will do.
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