If McCain, who's loaded and has lived a life of luxury, can convince the American people that his self-made opponent who grew up on food stamps is an elitist by comparison, then yes, the American voter is truly dumb, and will believe anything.
I don't think he'll get away with it though. I have faith in America on this one.
Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) said in an interview Wednesday that he was uncertain how many houses he and his wife, Cindy, own.
"I think - I'll have my staff get to you," McCain told us in Las Cruces, N.M. "It's condominiums where - I'll have them get to you."
The correct answer is at least four, located in Arizona, California and Virginia, according to his staff. Newsweek estimated this summer that the couple owns at least seven properties.
In recent weeks, Democrats have stepped up their effort to caricature McCain as living an outlandishly rich lifestyle – a bit of payback to the GOP for portraying Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) as an elitist, and for turning the spotlight in 2004 on the five homes owned by Sen. John F. Kerry (D-Mass.) and his wife, Teresa Heinz Kerry.
August 21, 2008
John McCain forgets how many houses he owns. And he calls his opponent an elite? Give me a break.
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Labels: john mccain is just another rich guy pretending to be for the common man
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Obama is the closest thing to a average American, poor/middle class, broken home raised by a single parent/grandparent and had to work, and college loans. The real elite are McCain and Bush they have had a silver (oil) spoon in their mouths since day one. Obama had to work for everything he has.
remember, according to McCain, to be considerd "rich" you need an annual income of at least $5 million per year. Yes, the GOP live on another planet, we should elect a president who lives on this one.
NEWSWEEK has become a corrupt shill operation like NBC.
Picking up a line from a recent post, NOT ONE DAMN CLICK.
Get this quote, as he tries to correct his "$5 million" error.
“I define rich in other ways besides income,” he said. “Some people are wealthy and rich in their lives and their children and their ability to educate them. Others are poor if they’re billionaires.”
Here is the Mirriam-Webster (who I trust inifinitely more than McInsane) definition of rich:
"Having abundant possessions and especially material wealth"
Kind of getting sick of the GOP sidestepping the isses by redefining the words.
Get a life. Empty suit Obama is going down.
keith said:
"then yes, the American voter is truly dumb, and will believe anything.
I don't think he'll get away with it though. I have faith in America on this one."
Not Me. Americans are too fucking stupid to be allowed a choice of anything except McDonalds or Burger King.
Who remembers Bush criticizing Kerry's war record, albeit indirectly through "Swift Boat Veterans for the Lies"?
This from a draft dodger, with a DICK "The Coward" "5 times deferred" "How is he still alive?" "The dicks live forever, while the good die young" CHENEY.
If America elects another incompetent arrogant little prick from the GOP, then I would say it will be curtains for the USA, in its current form. Those crows will surely come home to roost, and as you all reap what you sow, rememeber, you fools voted for the economic, moral and ethical destruction of your own country.
McCain married a rich woman. Big deal. Good for him.
Get over it.
If he had said any number, you all would be flagellating him for being obsessed with material possessions, or laughing at him for getting it 'wrong'. The media is just pissed that they didn't get their sound bite of him saying, "I own five houses" or making a 'mistake' depending on how you count his REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. You have heard of those, right?
Seriously Keith, please no more shilling for Obama. This has WHAT to do with housing?
"that his self-made opponent who grew up on food stamps is an elitist by comparison, then yes, the American voter is truly dumb, and will believe anything.
How is growing up on an entitlement program anywhere near "self-made?"
The brainstems don't care how many houses McStain has. They WORSHIP the wealthy, can't get off their knees when around the wealthy.
See, brainstem conservatives practice aspirational politics. They're not rich but plan to be real soon, and when they get rich, they want to get out of paying taxes too.
Nothing thrills a brainstem more than money. They can smell it like a rutting elephant smells a female in heat. Their behavior is similar except that they let the wealthy mount THEM.
It would be nice to vote for a president that lives on this planet, but neither party has produced one in decades.
To say that Johnny boy being an elitist negates the fact that Obama is an elitist is simplistic.
There is an old movie called "The Unsinkable Molly Brown". It is a story of a poor girl who marries a poor guy that strikes it rich. She acts like a complete ass for the first 3/4 of the movie, flaunting her new wealth in the face of more established society. They try to paint the establishment as stuffy and stodgy, but she wants to be part of it.
If St. Barry worked for much (big if), he is in the same boat. He wants to "hang with the big dogs", so he turns on the great unwashed. He says he wants to help people, but he disdains the poor people.
Johnny boy is rich, and comes from a well to do family. He has a curiosity about poor people, and he feels it is his responsibility as rich to help the poor not be so. In his mind, poor is not something to aspire to, and he doesn't understand why the government makes so much effort to help people to stay poor (wellfare, socialized 'security' food stamps, etc), rather than helping businesses create jobs to help people to stop being poor. It is a little naive, but the thought is in the right direction, unlike his opponent. St Barry wants to be a savior to the poor, and the more poor people to worship at his greatness, the better savior he can be. In short, St. Barry is a megalomaniacal despot, hoping the people would rather his brand of tyranny than the uncertainty of self responsibility.
The Democrats have the wrong candidate. He is not a decendant of black American slaves. Furthermore, his church of 20 years, where the stained glass has Jesus as black, and teaches Black Liberation Theology, that is, Jesus is black and blacks are God's chosen people is not known to many voters. Omama's house was 1.2 million by the way. I require that my President be strong, and tough enough to use the nuclear option to keep other nations like Russian and Iran in their place. Obama is Carter write large. If American's want socialized medicine, and other democratic ideals, then put the bill in the house, the senate, and override the president.
How is growing up on an entitlement program anywhere near "self-made?"
The fact that he graduated from Harvard Law School and got his success without family connections maybe?
Happy renter proves my point about brainstems and their slavish devotion to the rich.
You can almost smell the drool from the brainstems when they hear that their guy is so rich he doesn't even know how many dwellings he owns.
McCain is ebil lets all go vote for Obama and everything will be great and he will fix the country. Get real they are both douchebags
>"that his self-made opponent who grew up on food stamps is an elitist by comparison, then yes, the American voter is truly dumb, and will believe anything.
How is growing up on an entitlement program anywhere near "self-made?">
A damn sight more than being born into it.
Please stop worshipping obama. he's richer than Mccain.
Both are rich guys out of touch with the average people.
I have a HUUUGE question, what is about Obama that makes him elitist. His father left them when he was two, he grew up with his Grandmother on food stamps. He worked very hard by all accounts to achieve the academic, financial and political success he now has.
So, how can he be elitist, because the trust-fund frat boys of the GOP say so? This is a classic ploy to distract us from the fact the McCain and his croneys are the elitists. By calling Obama elitist first, they make the label stick on him.
I really do despair, and cannot fathom why even 1 % of Americans think the John "Bush III" McCain would be a good idea. Does Americans have such a hard time swallowing their pride, and admitting that the last eight years have been a disaster of MONUMENTAL proportions.
Today, America stand on the brink of total collapse, and you think electing a man who clearly is losing his mental faculties, when, let's face it they were never up to much in the first place. McCain graduated only a handful of guys from the BOTTOM OF HIS CLASS.
>1:43, Get a life. Empty suit Obama is going down.
>3:37, The brainstems don't care how many houses McStain has.
Can't you guys rise above this level? You're both idiots ok, and here's why. You can't demonstrate any command of the english language. No ability to entertain, inform, develop thoughts, edify. Just thrusting your empty thoughts upon the blogosphere like some sort of discharge. Monkeys the both of you.
I guess your writing styles are understandable if you're both teenagers. But in that case you should probably read more and write less for a while.
remember, according to McCain, to be considerd "rich" you need an annual income of at least $5 million per year.
and dems think 100k per year is rich.
Geez Keith, you say you are party neutral that you hate all incumbent politicians but your obama blathering says otherwise.
They are BOTH elitist and neither should be president.
Sundry honey, this isn't PBS. This is from-the-gut, no-holds-barred communication.
We have too little of this in the world of politics. At least here, we the commoners can throw rocks with impunity.
In case you haven't noticed, talk radio has spawned several millionaires many times over whose careers were made with this kind of rhetoric.
Was that a highbrow enough comment for you?
How does McLoser being an elitist not make Hussien and elitist?
warped logic, seriously warped, only a liberal can come up with an argument like that.
I have a HUUUGE question, what is about Obama that makes him elitist.
elitist is a state of mind, you an be poor and still act like an assh*le elitist. Obama has the elitist state of mind (witness his comments when he thinks he is off the record). McLoser has the trappings of being an elitist but not the mindset.
Both Keiths, this one and the idiot Olbermann, are desperate, have you noticed? Since the bump on the polls favoring McCain, Keith has been trolling for Hussein like crazy here.
Yeah, that's right, your boy Hussein is going down. Just wait for the October Surprise (never fails) to put the last nail in the coffin. Bye-bye Hussein Obama.
PS: At least McCain's home wasn't received as a bribe from Rezko.
You People are STUPID !!!!
OBama middle-class???? Do middle class go to harvard, have a wife that is a Dean at a college, purchase houses with the help of some crook, earn +1 mill a year and send kids to private schools.
How about McCain, who married rich? And God knows how many millions he own.
It is all the SAME, you get it, all poster children for each party.
So sick of the stupidity of this nation!
Folks, it's the year 2008 and Senator McCain is still fighting the Vietnam War. He has all the symptoms of a Colonel Kurtz which could be disastrous in foreign relations. Really, a more isolationist type is needed rather than another Robert McNamara.
OB, on the other foot, is an empty shell for a party which has to take the fall for the economic decline of the US, from now till 2012.
See, this is what's wrong with America. Obama's family lived like parasites on welfare and you think that makes him a hero. Couldn't Obama's mom stop breeding if there wasn't any money? Could his mom or family work for their food like mine always did? My family wasn't rich and never got anything free in life. That's the new America now, where welfare parasites, who are too lazy too work and breed like flies, are considered heroes. Seriously, what's wrong with you people?
I call BS that Bitterrenter has advanced degrees. I say he works in dumb jobs, like waiter, bartender, or some gay non-profit parasite company whe he pushes paper, etc. The reason bitterenter is the bitchy gay type is because he can't earn any decent money and is waiting for handouts from the Democratic party.
McCain married a rich woman. Big deal. Good for him.
Get over it.
Yes, he was screwing the rich, underaged girl while he was already married, and then he dumped her his first wife, since she was disfigured in a car accident, even though she waited for him the whole time he was a prisoner.
Real family values.
Oooooo, big deal. McCain and his wife own 4 homes. The guy is 70 years old, earns a pension from the Navy of at least $60k + $170k Senator salary = $230k annual salary. Why would be odd that a 70-year old earning that much for a lifetime ended up with 4 properties? I'm on my late thirties and I own 3 properties in 2 different countries. I'm not even considering that McCain's wife is one of the richest in the country. It's a pathetic argument.
I see cheap desperation everywhere to bump Obama ratings, but it won't work. After kicking Hillary voters like crazy for 2 years, Obama won't get any votes from them. Now the dirty DNC is giving both Clintons 2 nights in the convention. Wow, that's desperation. Red flags everywhere, Obama is doomed.
I want an elite President. The problem is the average person is average, and will vote accordingly...
As H. L. Mencken once observed:
"When a candidate for public office faces the voters...he does not face men of sense; he faces a mob of men whose chief distinguishing mark is that they are quite incapable of weighing ideas, or even of comprehending any save the most elemental -- men whose whole thinking is done in terms of emotion, and whose dominant emotion is dread of what they cannot understand. So confronted, the candidate must either bark with the pack, or count himself lost. His one aim is to disarm suspicion, to arouse confidence in his orthodoxy, to avoid challenge. If he is a man of convictions, of enthusiasm, or self-respect, it is cruelly hard...
The larger the mob, the harder the test. In small areas, before small electorates, a first rate man occasionally fights his way through, carrying even a mob with him by the force of his personality. But when the field is nationwide, and the fight must be waged chiefly at second or third hand, and the force of personality cannot so readily make itself felt, then all the odds are on the man who is, intrinsically the most devious and mediocre -- the man who can most adeptly disperse the notion that his mind is a virtual vacuum.
The Presidency tends, year by year, to go to such men. As democracy is perfected, the office represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. We move toward a lofty ideal. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their hearts desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron."
McCain said Obama was a celebrity, not an elite, you idiot.
McCain said Obama was a celebrity, not an elite, you idiot.
You're still buying the food stamps story?
Obama grew up with a silver spoon going to the most expensive private school in Hawaii.
"If McCain, who's loaded and has lived a life of luxury"
C'mon... be fair. Homeboy lived in a North Vietnamese tiger cage for seven years. Maybe not recently, but the dude certainly has experienced hardship beyond anything anyone here could possibly imagine.
Yes, he was screwing the rich, underaged girl while he was already married, and then he dumped her his first wife, since she was disfigured in a car accident, even though she waited for him the whole time he was a prisoner.
Real family values.
you make McLoser sound like a democrat!
Oh, wait, he basically is a democrat, well that explains a lot.
Hmmm, let's see...
Barry is PROMISING on every campaign stop to help the poor and the middle class.
McCane GUARANTEES he'll help the RICH by keeping the tax cuts FOR THE RICH that the middle class is paying for with inflation, job losses, future SocSec cuts, etc.
Hmmm, which one is elitist?
Hmmm, gee, that's a tough one. Hmmmmmmmmmm.....
"...Both are rich guys out of touch..."
Ah yes; the good old FALLBACK position:
all politicians lie and screw us, so please attribute that to your pick to get the attention off of mine.
"...elitist is a state of mind..."
Edited for truth: "is a label I will employ for political advantage; nevermind financial facts"
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To the anonymous retard regarding keeping Russia in their place... keep in mind they have a nuclear option too.
If McCain were a true republican he would have screwed an underage BOY rather than a girl.
I assure you, Anon 5:23, I not only have advanced degrees (from a top university), I am an expert in my field. I can also run laps around you and most other brainstems, intellectually.
The truly accomplished and intelligent people in this culture are liberals. It takes a more developed intellect to understand and appreciate what it means to live in a contributory culture. Any, well, brainstem, can grunt out their selfish wants and needs, and remain under-appreciative of the power of the collective. It takes a higher form of intelligence to see beyond one's narrow self-interest, something that is lacking in the brainstems.
Great, we should all rally 'round the guy who was the lil' latch-key kid who grew up on free blocks of cheese and peanut butter 'cause that's what make a great leader...
Paaahlease...get a grip, Queef. Obama has ZERO business experience, LIMITED legislative experience, ZERO management experience, ZERO foreign policy experience...I could go ON and ON and ON, but I'll stop here.
From what I've read, Obama lives in a real mansion (not a McMansion:) in Chicago, so he's as out of touch with "normal" people as anyone else on Capitol Hill.
Well, McCain suporters, hope you like being hoist on your own petard (yeah, google it). How does it feel to be subjected to a bit of your own medicine?
Not surprising Johnny 'forgot' that answer - I'm still waiting on him to 'get back to me' about the question asked by HIS OWN AIDE Carly Fiorino: 'if Viagra is subsidised by health insurance, why isn't birth control?"
Guess McCain's hike in the AZ mountains is more important than answering that little doozie.
The fact that he graduated from Harvard Law School and got his success without family connections maybe?
He was a B student in high school and got into college thanks to affirmative action. He got into law school through affirmative action.
Wow, what an accomplishment!!
I hope by the time I'm 71 I'll own so many homes I won't be able to keep track of them all.
McCain did what we all hope. He married a hot young rich chick. Bravo for him.
John McCain doesn't own any homes. The homes in question are owned by his wife, trusts, jointly w/ other family members, etc. So if she really keeps her finances separate, I don't see it as that big of a deal him not knowing exactly.
"Obama is the closest thing to a average American, poor/middle class, broken home raised by a single parent/grandparent and had to work, and college loans. The real elite are McCain and Bush they have had a silver (oil) spoon in their mouths since day one. Obama had to work for everything he has."
Yeah, when Barry Obama was attending the most expensive elite prep school in the State of Hawaii, followed by college at elite, incredibly expensive universities Pomona (LA), Columbia (NYC), and Harvard (Boston), he really was poor. Give me a break. At his age, John McCain was getting tortured, not snorting cocaine in a Manhattan loft. The only silver spoon he had was one being pried under his finger nails and burning a brand into his backside.
Umm. I recall at least one of his homes was featured in Architectural Digest, oh, maybe two or so years ago.
Granted, he doesn't have a spread like Travolta (Florida house with runway access, and the quaint 737 parked out front!)
But still....in the AD.
"Obama is Carter write large"
Only in the sense that he is going to be the patsy that follows years of douche bagery (Nixon-Ford-Carter; Bush-Bush-Obama(?)).
Whoever the next president is, may they have the courage to bring back Robert Rubin and/or Paul Volker. Both will be able to administer strong dollar and excellent economic policy.
Obama is the closest thing to a average American, poor/middle class, broken home raised by a single parent/grandparent and had to work, and college loans. The real elite are McCain and Bush they have had a silver (oil) spoon in their mouths since day one. Obama had to work for everything he has.
LMFAO!!!!!! OH - MY - GOD
Are you people serious? Have you read ANYTHING about Obama's background?
Born with a silver spoon, went to the most expensive and connected private school in Hawaii, went to Ivy League colleges, has never ever been in touch or around working class people, is seriously mixed up in Chicago Machine politics, and on and on.
Man, you people are S-T-U-P-I-D
PT Barnum wasn't kidding when he said there's one born every minute.
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I lived in Hawaii for a couple of years and it is the nation's largest welfare state. Every day you see people paying with food stamps in the grocery store and then getting into their new $80,000 Mercedes outside.
Makes me f*cking sick.
It takes a more developed intellect to understand and appreciate what it means to live in a contributory culture.
Sounds like someone is pissed off about going $300k into debt for school and has far less to show for it than guys like me, who quit school and understood the value of getting to work instead of going to class every day and smoking pot in the dorm rooms at night.
I hate to break it to Obama fans but a lower-to-middle income White or Asian (yes, even the survivors from the Khmer Rouge killing fields or Burma) can't get accepted to Columbia undergrad without an "A-" GPA and a 1350(+) pre-re-centered SAT, back in those times. BO definitely got some preferential treatment back then but has, at least, made something of it so it doesn't really bother me, however, I am bothered by my Cambodian friend, with a 1300 (English second language, btw) and "B+" GPA who'd gotten rejected by Columbia, Cornell, and a host of other programs because being Asian made him a model minority who didn't qualify for squat outside of his local state college. Yes, his dark skin tone also gets him discriminated against so BO isn't alone in that dept.
Heh heh. The Libertarian Over Class is going to have trouble with their candidate from the Republican party.
Maybe Diebold will leak the November election results ahead of time. And then we can all stay home.
"Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I lived in Hawaii for a couple of years and it is the nation's largest welfare state. Every day you see people paying with food stamps in the grocery store and then getting into their new $80,000 Mercedes outside."
EVERY DAY? really? Well, today then can you get pictures of this common occurrence in Hawaii?
No? Didn't think so, Liar...
Obama is going to win this because the nation is ready for change. He is the only one who is likely to put Volker on the Board and this will be the beginning of the end of stupid debit spending...
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