"For now, our earning goal is $1,000 a day, each, call it $700,000 a year, gross... In the near term, I think we can double our numbers to something like $1.5 million a year... we might be able to knock down $3 million a year in gross commission income"
-Phoenix real estate clerk Greg Swann, from December 2006, having never read "Manias, Panics and Crashes" and clueless as to how bad the sh*t was gonna hit the fan, while mocking HP'ers as "Brown Shirts" and "Flying Monkeys" who would "someday bawl balefully in private, but they will never, ever admit that they have been very publicly very foolish"
Now flash forward to today...
"I’m a small real estate broker who survived the last two years. I not only don’t have capital to invest, I’m carrying a lot of new debt."
- Greg Swann, August 2008.
August 19, 2008
HousingPANIC Quote of the Day
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It ain't over yet Swanny...not by a long shot.
Enjoy poverty.
I wonder HP and the other "so Called flying monkeys" give him nightmares at night? Good luck with that Greg Swann.
I hear these days Greg Swann spends his time running around the sewers like the clown in Steven King's IT.
Hat tip to prev. hp poster.
Probably had posters from Boiler Room hung around the office. Now he surveys the back parking lot of the local Burger King for discarded fries.
Greed and arrogance bit him in the ass
Proverbs chapter 29
23 Arrogance will bring your downfall, but if you are humble, you will be respected.
HP wins again
A clue to this moron's problems lies in his inability to do basic math correctly:
"For now, our earning goal is $1,000 a day, each, call it $700,000 a year, gross"
Even a child should know that there are 365 days in a year. $1,000 a day = $365,000 in a year - NOT the $700,000 this moron calculated.
Imagine having this loser as your realtor trying to help you calculate square footage, PITI, 10% down, points, interest rates, etc., etc.
""For now, our earning goal is $1,000 a day, each, call it $700,000 a year, gross"
Even a child should know that there are 365 days in a year. $1,000 a day = $365,000 in a year - NOT the $700,000 this moron calculated."
I believe he meant between him and another when he said each. 2x365x1000=730,000
There will always be a need for Gregg Swann's unique talents, such as picking California lettuce.
As summer progresses, Gregg can move up the coast to pick cherries, pears, and, lastly, delicious Washington apples.
"I’m a FAT, DISGUSTING, OUT OF SHAPE, small-TIME real estate PIMP who survived the last two years. I not only don’t have capital to invest, I’m carrying a lot of new debt."
- Greg Swann, August 2008.
mr. rational,
Try reading.
The words "our" and "each" in "For now, our earning goal is $1,000 a day, each, call it $700,000 a year, gross" mean more than one person is being talked about, otherwise the words would be "my" and "".
Given the $700k number anyone with more than two braincells can (without reading any context) see two people are being referred to.
Maybe learn how to read and myltiply by 2, before labelling someone else as a moron.
Learn to bus tables, you greedy idiot.
Do you think this moron will somehow benefit from the bailout now?
Even a child should know that there are 365 days in a year. $1,000 a day = $365,000 in a year - NOT the $700,000 this moron calculated.
You dope. Here's a free clue, Einstein: is "our" singular or plural?
He works with his wife. Two people. 2 * $1K * 365 =~ $700K.
Hey-zeus, Keith, your blog sure does attract a lot of dopes.
How is he able to back up the claim that he has "survived" when all of his "capital" has gone poof!
Swann is a total, complete and absolutely pathetic loser. If I used his services and lost money, I would sue him based on his publicly stated moronic utterances
I got a new HP phrase...
He took a Swanney...
That is to say he was a greedy sort who thought the gravy train w/biscuit wheels would last forever.
You're slipping keith, where's the link? The only place I find that august quote is on this blog.
greg swann eats crow here
Of all the gall, check out the gs quote:
The market is what it is, but it would be a boon for all of us if we could turn back the clock on those four years and play the game over — by the old rules.
Last Meal, Blinfold, cigarette
Mr. Rational:
With all due respect to Mr. Rational, I think the scumbag meant "net"...
How the mighty have fallen!
Ummm...I think he said "each" - as in husband and wife.
How does that math work? His other calculations are not so hot, but he is pretty good at basic math ;)
what a tool!
What he actually said was very doable ... he was ofcourse going to make that money by manufacturing, marketing and retailing Crystal meth.
Now unfortunately for him, the meth market collapsed along with the market for the .com domain names and fluffer programmers who could steal HTML like no other ... they were his best customers. They went through a whole 8 ball each and every week.
Too bad, most of what they "created" was junk and they went the way of the dodo. Just like Greg Swann himself.
He should repay all the hard working americans he screwed during the boom.
I think I saw him at walmart last week looking at ladies underwear.Times are tough my friends.
I don't know why I'm doing your work for you, but here it is.
mr rational is one thic mo-fo
dude, read that again, it says $1000 *****EACH***** as in more than one person as in probably 2 people as in $2000 a day as in $700K a year gross
I'm not defending Swann by any means, but holy shit, learn how to read and comprehend
I expect Swann was referring to himself AND a partner (hence the word, 'each') making a grand a day, for a COMBINED total of $700,000. Swann's a jerk, but I think he can do Grade 3 multiplication.
Mr Rational,
He implied $1000/day net.
then doubled that to $700k gross.
Reasonable back of the envelope calc, despite being a REIC hack.
Proves HPers are not the smartest people in the room, rather a bunch of childish amateurs.
dont make hpers look bad
How? By not dying while racking up debt and pounds?
How come people can end up thinking they're gonna become millionaires without providing any amount of actual value into the economy?
Granted, banker do that, but they have superpowers.
cluck cluck cluck clukaatoooeyyy
chicken little wins !!
(jăk'ăs') pronunciation
1. A male ass or donkey.
2. A foolish or stupid person; a blockhead: “You've acted like an irrational jackass and it's time you stopped”
3. Greg Swann
Check out these scum:
Bankruptcy is next
To quote Oscar Wilde:
“You would have to have a heart of stone not to laugh...”
It's a full bale, all right.
"...You will know and I will know and in the secret chambers of their hearts they will know they were wrong all along..."
real estate is an incurable ailment. you can tell people who are infected with it. they are always talking about making new "deals."
same with stocks. stocks don't always go up. the people with the incurable ailment think they do and have been trying to buy the bottom in bank stocks for 3 months.
He's such a shit REALTOR he can't even sell his own house
$1000 a day when he was skinny doing 'favors'?
Didn't go through all the comments - is there a link to this Swann dive?
(Apologies if that pun has already been used. Actually, apologies - period.)
Keith, you should post a list of links to the juiciest clashes you've had with this guy over the years.
Greg Swann is only responding as someone from Arizona would - like an ignorant fool. In this state no one is well educated. The school systems are very bad and the colleges and university are no better. The housing prices haven't gone done much because Arizonians are notorious for trying to con each other out of their money.
When a person goes to one the service centers, for example the ACORN housing this characters act like regular white collar workewrs not like community organizers, whic is what ACORN is. They show no sympathy as a community activist would. Probably because they are confused and do not understand that the jopb they hold is to advocate for the poor. Kind of like the guy who is one of the leaders in the pro immigration movement, yet his livelihood is made from processing papers for immigrants. This is a leader with slot of self intere4st.
What is scary is that a lot of these idiots were making that. What really bit this idiot in the ass is that he spent all that money. If he was pulling in that much money, spent a quarter of it, and then just put the rest in the bank, he would be humble but laughing at all of us wage slaves for quite a while.
It seems that the same personalities that become Realtwhores, Sales slugs, Mortgage slugs, title company dopes etc. all suffer from one singular problem, they think they are invincible and that it goes on forever. The real smart 6 percenters are sitting on the sidelines now, ill gotten gains in the bank, living of modest means with all the time in the world.
How the mighty have fallen.
Swann isn’t as evil as Steven Kings IT, but if he were spotted scurrying around a sewer, it wouldn’t raise any eyebrows. His goals were doable but instead he chose to build junk. Greed and arrogance bit him in the ass. Capitol is gone, poof, and he can’t even sell his own house. He asks himself, I’ve acted like an irrational jackass, why? Why did I think we would be millionaires without providing any amount of actual value to the economy?
It would be a boon if we could replay those years by the old rules, that is, with some integrity. We wouldn’t have acted like small time real-estate pimps.
Greg was always talking about making new "deals", but ended up taking a Swanney, and we thanked him for establishing a new hp term for later enjoyment.
He can do grade 3 multiplication, but sentence construction is stuck at the 2nd grade level. Does he mean net, gross, 1 person, 2? It will be debated by scholars and imbeciles alike for years to come.
He spends his time studying the bus tables and searching for discarded french fries, but soon he’ll be picking fruit from California lettuce to Washington apples, and shoplifting at Wal-Mart to survive. As it stands, survival doesn’t refer to a business plan or career path, but literally not dying.
You and I will know, and in the secret chamber of his heart he will know, he was wrong all along. Karma takes care of assholes like Swann.
Bwahahahaha. HP wins again. Triumph of the flying monkey warriors.
How is the humble pie Mr. Swann? Judging by your waistline you've eaten quite enough!
Casey will go down as the world most hated Blogger, and Greg as the worlds worst Realtor.
Now he and his stooges are selling seminars! BWaaahahahahahhahahahah!
RE: "For now, our earning goal is $1,000 a day, each, call it $700,000 a year, gross... "
So which is it, two people -- each one earning $350,000 ($700,000 total) in profit per year?
Two people -- each one earning $700,000 per year ($1,400,000 total) -- from which overhead, payroll, taxes, commissions, interest payments, rent, car payments etc. are deducted, leaving a profit of $350,000 each?
When I first read the statement, I felt that the latter scenario was being discussed.
However, it appears that neither calculation came to be a reality.
Here's to Greg Swan bawling balefully IN PUBLIC, admitting how very foolish he has been!
If you like, I’ll send you a listing for a reasonably priced house suburban home, the kind of property that attracts premium tenants. You can drop me an email any time you want to kick yourself for not having bought it.
Swann dive July 2006
A few days ago he stated he hasn't promoted an investment in 2 years.
What a scumbag.
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