Miss Palin, although a political novice, adds a refreshing voice to the debate. Her experience in the Alaska PTA, and her in-the-trenches role as the mayor of Wasila Alaska shows that with perseverance, anyone in America can be President.
John McCain has shown the American people that he is not bound by political dogma or cautious behavior. John McCain is a man of boldness, a man who acts first, then asks questions later. America needs this type of bold, some would say reckless, leadership as we enter into an era of world geopolitical instability.
Sarah Palin will bring a fresh face and fresh thinking to the McCain campaign. America needs fresh ideas, fresh faces and fresh experience. Sarah Palin is a welcome addition to the campaign, and we hope to see John McCain show the strength, even given all the criticism coming from his own party, to keep her on the ticket through November.
August 30, 2008
HousingPANIC congratulates Sarah Palin on her historic Vice Presidential nomination, and wishes her well as the debate moves into the general election
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This isn't funny
Obama's pick of an inside the beltway old school/fart rich white elitist belies his invocation of "Change".
McCain's selection of an outside the beltway, young/inexperienced (on a national/Federal level) but tough and down to earth woman is CHANGE.
Obama is only "talking the talk," its McCain who is "Walking the walk"
Nice one, Keith. I get it now. I was pretty confused until reading the article.
I have to say, I don't like Obama and all his plans to take credit for spending my money. But I think he's a bright guy and stands a chance of not being completely at the mercy of Washington lobbyists.
In some sense though, this choice of vp is a return to the traditional role of vp, that of a powerless figurehead within the administration. Remember how Roosevelt put Truman on the ticket but wouldn't trust him to park his car? When Roosevelt died and Truman became president he was shocked to learn about the powerful new weapon (atomic bomb) that Roosevelt hadn't bothered to share with him.
Just because Clinton and Bush gave their vps a meaningful role doesn't mean Sarah Palin would have one.
Close your eyes and imagine Sarah Palin with the codes to America's nuclear arsenal as Russia invades Poland
Democratic Vice-Presidental Candidate Senator Joe Biden, at the Democratic National Convention:
As we gather here tonight, our country is less secure and more isolated than at any time in recent history. The Bush-McCain foreign policy has dug us into a very deep hole with very few friends to help us climb out. For the last seven years, this administration has failed to face the biggest forces shaping this century: the emergence of Russia, China and India as great powers; the spread of lethal weapons; the shortage of secure supplies of energy, food and water; the challenge of climate change; and the resurgence of fundamentalism in Afghanistan and Pakistan, the real central front against terrorism.
In recent days, we've once again seen the consequences of this neglect with Russia's challenge to the free and democratic country of Georgia. Barack Obama and I will end this neglect. We will hold Russia accountable for its actions, and we'll help the people of Georgia rebuild.
I've been on the ground in Georgia, Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan, and I can tell you in no uncertain terms: this Administration's policy has been an abject failure. America cannot afford four more years of this.
Republican Vice-Presidential Candidate Sarah Palin, Governor of Alaska for about 18 months, and former mayor of Wasilla, pop. 6000:
I've been so focused on state government, I haven't really focused much on the war in Iraq.
Andrew Sullivan agrees.
Think about how the key factor in this decision was not who could defend this country were something dreadful happen to McCain in office but how to tread as much on Obama's convention bounce and use women's equality as a wedge issue among Democrats because it might secure a few points here or there. Oh, and everyone would be surprised. And even Rove would be annoyed.
This is his sense of honor and judgment. This is his sense of responsibility and service.
Here's the real slogan the McCain campaign should now adopt:
Putting. Country. Last.
How embarrassing to be a Republican right now.
She will mop the floor with phoney empty suit, affirmative action graduate of Havaad, who makes Dan Quayle look like genius with his memorable quotes, too many to list here. He thinks we have 57 states in USA. He flunks basic geography and basic yes or no questions in saddle back church. I wonder who made calls to get him into havaad and more importanly who made calls to get him out with a degree in hand ??
Just fasten seat belts. Its just beginning to show what a moronic candidate Dems have at the top.
It is over for the O man and Senate Joe America likes this women and her story and she is the future not Obama and his leftist past so sorry to all of you on the other side of the wrong side.
Yes ,I admire BOs commitment for Change i.e. Change Positions Everyday.
" Anonymous said...
Close your eyes and imagine Sarah Palin with the codes to America's nuclear arsenal as Russia invades Poland"
Now close your eyes again and imagine George Bushco or Dick Cheneyburton or Bela Lugosi Pelosi.
ohn McCain first met Palin in February of this year and had a telephone conversation with her. That is the full extent of his familiarity with Palin until he spent time with her last week. That's how seriously he is taking the presidency of the United States. It's simply unbelievable recklessness. It's Bush-level recklessness.
Putting country first? This is a reckless act of egotism and politics. The more you think about it, and the more you consider how many charges he has leveled against Obama's alleged inexperience in a time of peril, the more outrageous it is that she he picks an unknown local politician he has only met once before to be a heartbeat away from the presidency.
Palin isn't the issue here. McCain's judgment is. It's completely off the wall. Is there something wrong with him?
McCain picked her because he needs a new hottie. Albeit 43 y.o.. Just another woman to have an affair with.
Once a cheater always a cheater. McCain should have picked Ann Coulter. She puts out I hear.
I will never vote for anyone that pretends to know the will of God when it comes to my body. I would never have an abortion myself but would never dare tell another woman she couldn't - that's between God and her not the government and her. Especially when so many men refuse to step up to the plate. The most impoverished population in America are made up of single moms and their kids. There is no logic in someone that calls themselves pro-life but would sign a death penalty bill and does nothing for the very unwantedkids she forces into this world. Hypocrite b*tch. She may get him votes but they won't be the same votes that would have gone to Hilary.
Phoney, empty suit, people can last only so long, until people find out Emperor has a crown but no clothes.
Soon Dems will run for the hills in embarassment of their #1 pick.
Silent majority will run away from the fraud campaign of most unqualified on zillion grounds candidate BO.
Here's a pretty effective response to your dripping-with-sarcasm post:
"[Palin's]done the stuff [Obama's] merely a poseur about. Post-partisan? She took on her own party's corrupt political culture directly while Obama was sucking up to Wright and Ayers and being just another get-along Chicago machine pol."
"Real people don't define "experience" as appearing on unwatched Sunday-morning talk shows every week for 35 years and having been around long enough to have got both the War on Terror and the Cold War wrong."
I will never vote for anyone that pretends to know the will of God when it comes to my body. I would never have an abortion myself but would never dare tell another woman she couldn't - that's between God and her not the government and her.
Dude, that's over the top 'subtle' media manipulation ... and kinda gay as well.
When she loses she can always get a job as a Fox News Babe
"Close your eyes and imagine Sarah Palin with the codes to America's nuclear arsenal as Russia invades Poland"
i'm imagining what kind of nightie she is wearing when she answers that 3 A.M. phone call.
Enjoying watching Obamaholics loosing hot air from the tires. Yes its a slow leak but in a few days or weeks at the most it will be flat.
"...genius with his memorable quotes"
don't forget the one about putting air in our tires as a solution to soring gas prices.
(wow keith...this "taking someone completely out of context and turning it against them" stuff is really fun...i see now why you get out of bed in the morning)
The Obama campaign wasn’t as charitable a few hours earlier, when a spokesman issued a statement blasting McCain for putting a “former mayor of a town with 9,000, with zero foreign policy experience, a heartbeat away from the presidency.”
At his afternoon stop, Obama distanced himself from the first, harshly critical remarks.
“I think that, uh, you know, campaigns start getting these, uh, hair triggers and, uh, the statement that Joe and I put out reflects our sentiments,” he said, apparently criticizing his staff for going overboard, as he did occasionally in the primary.
obama can't even control his own campaign how could he expect to control his staff in the white house? is this how he will run the country, loose cannons going off and then he tries to make excuses?
She probably has a half a dozen things to bring up on McCain, to get him impeached as soon as they takes office. It is the way that she operates.
...fart rich white elitist belies his invocation of "Change".
Biden is not rich. He is at the very bottom of the list of senators wealth. Why don't you look it up?
He also is from Delaware, which has very favorable laws for business, so he does deal with that. But that is like sliming Reid for dealing with casinos because he is from Nevada.
Let's face it, America wants their leader to be someone just like them, someone they can drink a beer with, work around a ranch with; someone who appears to be a maverick and independent (yet really just goes along with all their buddies); and now someone who is just like their PTA leader in their local neighborhood.
America, now think about this: would you want that ranch hand, that maverick, that hockey mom to ACTUALLY make decisions about war, about life and death, about our future in this uncertain world, about bailing out Fall Street? What makes them qualified to do that? Are you qualified for the job? I know I am not. Why would you want you for the position?
I think the Repub’s are taking a very calculated risk, but one that has worked well before, and in all likelihood will work again!
Sarah for Republican VP is hilarious. McCain totally misunderstands women voters.
Social conservatives don't want a women on the ticket and would have been much more energized with Huckabee. Social liberals and feminists who supported Hillary would never vote for her as she would be an embarrassment to all women rather than reaching a glass ceiling.
I think the Republicans want to lose intentionally so Obama will look like Jimmy Carter Ver 2.0 and last only 1 term followed by 2-3 Republican terms.
Changing your tune, Keith?
What happened to the count down of when McCain would replace as the VP candidate? What happened to the vitriol that had been aimed at her on this site yesterday?
Did you get your cues from Obama? (they now are taking a different tach on Palin)
Brilliant move by McCain, wouldn't you say?
Welcome to politics.
Dickheads like Biden, and to a lesser extent, Obama, get us into foreign adventures and wars we have no business fighting. Look at the 20th century and it was Democrats who sent Americans off to die in wars. Obama is on record as saying he will invade Pakistan if necessary to get Bin Laden.
If I were Palin and Biden started spewing some shit about "What will you do if country X invades Z?", my reply would be to quote Adams "“We are friends of liberty everywhere but guardians only of our own liberty". And from what I've seen of her, she could put an old wanker like Biden in his place.
We have enough warheads riding on Trident submarines to turn any adversary's country into a wasteland. There is absolutely no reason, other than the interests of powerful lobbies, for the U.S. to have forward bases around the world with half our military deployed in places like Japan, Korea, and shitholes like Uzbekistan.
"Once a cheater always a cheater. McCain should have picked Ann Coulter. She puts out I hear."
Um, Ann Coulter is a dude.
1: a sharp and often satirical or ironic utterance designed to cut or give pain
2 a: a mode of satirical wit depending for its effect on bitter, caustic, and often ironic language that is usually directed against an individual b: the use or language of sarcasm
She's pretty. I like her.
"would you want that ranch hand, that maverick, that hockey mom to ACTUALLY make decisions about war, about life and death, about our future in this uncertain world, about bailing out Fall Street? What makes them qualified to do that? Are you qualified for the job? I know I am not. Why would you want you for the position? "
What are you saying? That high offices should be reserved for those born into those positions? i.e. monarchy? If you are not born to be future head of state due to blood relation, you have to start on some kind of real job somewhere . . . and apprentice head of state is not a job offering when you are fresh out of college.
Besides, being the state governor with the hightest approval ratings among all 50 states is much more apprentice training in the executive branch than being a junior Senator who votes "present" on whenever an issue is slightly controversial.
"a man who acts first, then asks questions later."
I'm so happy about this.
Since there was no way in hell I would vote for a muslim n*gger; I can now patriotically give my support to the Honorable Senator McCain and Governor Palin.
I am so proud to be an American. The only thing that could make this day better: Free Beer!
"...would you want that ranch hand, that maverick, that hockey mom to ACTUALLY make decisions...?"
Therein lies the great illusion: that our leaders "lead."
Horseshit. They're theatrical employees following orders, not a darn thing more.
I believe of all the clowns in both houses that this mom from Alaska with five children would have no problem protecting America should she ever find herself in that position. I will take a mom with an infant watching our safety than 35 year government employees who no nothing, thank you
Make up your F**king minds HP!
You hate this woman or
You love her?
Anonymous said...
Close your eyes and imagine Sarah Palin with the codes to America's nuclear arsenal as Russia invades Poland
Oh yeah in a little nighty and high heels. Thats my NeoCon Wet dream! :) ahhaaha can Cindy be in there also? 20 years younger of course!
I can wait till McBanana dies!
I have to say, I don't like Obama and all his plans to take credit for spending my money. But I think he's a bright guy and stands a chance of not being completely at the mercy of Washington lobbyists.
I would implore you to read up on Obama's record in Illinois. Everything he did and every decision he made was at the mercy of lobbyists and donors. This guy is the biggest sellout we've seen yet.
Nice post, Keith. Her inexperience does worry me in the campaign but I like her morals and vision and she deserves a lot of credit for what she's done.
I heard a commentator on Bloomberg yesterday, saying that she seemed comfortable reading from the tele-prompter (a subtle jab referring to her past experience as a sports-caster on some local Alaska T.V. station. Cool thing about Alaska, it's the land of opportunity. So few people, so you can basically be anything you want to be!).
I couldn't believe what I was seeing on an interview with Maria Bartiromo (on Wall Street Journal) this morning, where Gov Palin admits to not being sure if she'd be more effective in the role of VP vs her staying as Governor of Alaska:
Wow, can you imagine anyone showing such hesitation, indecision, and uncertainty on a job interview, and still getting offered the job only (4) days afterwards? WOW.....
It seems pretty clear to me that McCain is playing the 'gender card' here, and is using Palin, hoping to pick up some of of Hillary's disaffected supporters in a 'hail Mary' act of despiration.
If true, that really does bring McCain's judgement into serious doubt, as the guy's not exactly a spring chicken! She very well could be dealing with the (5) kids (the youngest has Down's Syndrome) while the hot-line from the CIA is ringing at 2 a.m.!
I guess she's supposed to be McCain's attack dog now, although it was funny to hear her criticizing Biden's vote on the Alaska pipeline from 30 years ago, as it only points out her own inexperience: he was voting in the Senate on important issues when she was only 14 years old, no doubt worrying about her first kiss!
You know how ignorant brainstem conservatives are. McCain could have put a head of cabbage on the podium and announced that as his choice for VP and the republicans would cheer.
One of the defining characteristic of the brainstem is their authoritarian belief system. They'll do anything their leaders tell them to. The poor brainstems keep waiting for that big tax cut the republicans have been promising them for 30+ years so they can go out and buy all the neat stuff they saw at WalMart.
Ummm, WHAT EXACTLY is it that a VP does again"?!!!
This is a MUST WATCH VIDEO CLIP of Sarah Palin--it will answer ALL QUESTIONS!!
Some Facts--
1. McCAIN picked Palin after MEETING HER TWICE IN HIS LIFE!!
2. Sarah Palin wears glasses to make her look "smarter"..hee hee Ask her about her eyeglass prescription...SHE HAS NONE.
3. She preaches "ABSTINENCE"..yet her teenaged daughter is PREGNANT. I guess bringing her on stage the first night would have not looked too good....
4. She has 5 young children including a 5 month old BABY with Downs syndrome. Excuse me, but the VP job is 24/7. Looks like McCain has early alzheimers at BEST!!
5. She would deny YOUR DAUGHTER the right to an abortion, EVEN in CASES of RAPE OR INCEST!!!
WOW....Mind Numbing, isnt it??????
Haven't we already had 8 years of reckless leadership? We need a McCain regime like we needed the Bush Regime.
As far as the housing mess, what we need is for the government to do nothing and let the chips fall as they will. Both people in the race want to intervene. And McCain is playing the gender card. This is the dirtiest election ever, enough to peg the gauge out.
Sarah Palin
After two years of an intense candidate selection process. After all those debates. After millions and millions of voters had their voices heard. After the most intense primary election in US history. After sending Clinton, Romney, Paul, Rudy and all the rest the rest home.
The next President of the United States could very well be (after McCain dies or resigns)...
Sarah Louise Heath Palin.
Mayor of Wasilla Alaska (plus a few months as Alaska governor)
I'd gotta give it up to the United States. She proves that in America, you can indeed do anything.
I don't know when I'll stop being dumbfounded by this one. If I ever will. It's truly amazing.
And to see the GOP die-hards fall in line without any hesitation is very, very, very scary.
[Governor Palin’s] oldest girl is rumored to have actually been the one who had the last baby, the one with Down’s Syndrome. She was taken out of school the last 4 or 5 months of her mother’s pregnancy.
On March 5th, 2008 Alaska’s Republican Governor, Sarah Palin, announced to the media that she was 7 months pregnant with her 5th child. She is currently 44.
Palin’s daughter Bristol is 16 and attends an Anchorage high school. Students who have attended class with her report that she has been out of school for months, claiming a prolonged case of mono.
Palin does not appear pregnant in any recent photographs. The announcement came as quite a shock to people who had worked closely with her, and have been quoted as saying that she did not appear pregnant whatsoever during the prior 7 months.
Did Republican ever vetted this Lady Sara.
Information from Alaska has it that the so called 5th child is actually her grand kid from her 17 year old daughter. Chechk this picture to see who is actually 4 months pregnant.
When Newsweek interviewed her in California, the lady who interviewed her said Palin didn't look like she was pregnant takless of 7 months pregnant. The lieing governor has to call her 2 days to appologise she did not tell her she was 7 month pregant. All her aid did not know she was 7 months pregnant until she decided to go public. Her 17 year old daughter according to her classmate was absent from school for months on excuse she was sick.
Also she lied that her water broke when she was in Texas to give a speach and had to be flown back to Alaska to give a birth. Medicaly is not possible.
This McCain VP is a toast.
1. Bristol Palin left school for an extended period of time, due to mononucleosis according to her family for the last 4-5 months of Trig's pregnancy. Some classmates claimed later that they had seen Bristol Palin pregnant.
2. Sarah Palin did not reveal to anyone outside her family that she was pregnant until 8 months into her pregnancy. Even then, she showed no signs of pregnancy. Alaskan news outlets commented on this, but did not go further. There are pictures of her at Super Tuesday (just a month before the baby was born).
She is notably a very trim woman, so it would likely be difficult to hide a pregnancy.
3. There are supposed photos showing Bristol Palin having gained weight, possibly significantly so in the abdomen. I haven't been able to verify these.
4. Sarah Palin went into labor in Dallas just before she was due to deliver a keynote address at the Republican Governors' Energy Conference, and flew to Seattle, then Alaska while still in labor.
Supposedly, she was in labor during the 8 hour flight, and the crew and attendants did not know.
(Quote from the Article Above):
""Governor Palin was extremely pleasant to flight attendants and her
stage of pregnancy was not apparent by observation as she didn't show
any signs of distress," Boren said."
This is extremely risky behavior, and you are advised by doctors, traditionally, not to fly once you are past 7 months pregnant. If airlines are made aware, sometimes they will prevent you from flying. Sarah Palin did not inform the flight.
5. Sarah has had four children before, and a prolonged labor that lasted a flight from Dallas to Alaska is extremely unlikely, as labor times usually decrease with the number of births.
6. There is also some rumor of an interview with a co-worker of Todd Palin at the oil fields in Prudhoe Bay (North Slope, where Todd Palin worked for BP), though I haven't been able to verify this. The co-worker claims Todd told him of the situation, supposedly.
7. Likewise, there were at the time a few classmates of Bristol's that claimed they had seen her pregnant.
8. Sarah Palin appeared 4 months before the baby's birth in Vogue magazine, and was "trim and lithe." (Searching for photos.)
Now, the counterpoints are that:
-Of course, this is all very far-fetched. Republicans would have vetted her and this would have never slipped past them
Can we call you MFr or SOB with affection ? Its your choice.
Fairbanks Daily News-Miner:
She has never publicly demonstrated the kind of interest, much less expertise, in federal issues and foreign affairs that should mark a candidate for the second-highest office in the land.
Republicans rightfully have criticized the Democratic nominee, Sen. Barack Obama, for his lack of experience, but Palin is a neophyte in comparison; how will Republicans reconcile the criticism of Obama with the obligatory cheering for Palin?
Most people would acknowledge that, regardless of her charm and good intentions, Palin is not ready for the top job. McCain seems to have put his political interests ahead of the nation's when he created the possibility that she might fill it. It's clear that McCain picked Palin for reasons of image, not substance.
Palin was also critical of Washington's attitude towards the pipeline project. She said last year she had written a letter to Vice President Dick Cheney asking for help with the pipeline, but didn't receive a response. "So many federal agencies and permitting processes," she told Fortune. "It's mind-boggling."
Sure I've been hearing from the left (for years) that the Bush white house is corrupt. But they could never point to any actual facts.
Of course many on the left suffer some sort of derangement syndrome or have hopelessly poor writing skills (hi bitter). After a while you just stop listening.
But this is the first thing I've seen that points directly to corruption on Cheney's part. Nice to have our new girl giving Dick Cheney the testicle beating he so richly deserves.
She's like the prez on BATTLESTAR GALLACTICA!
Me Likey!
In a few years, Sarah Palin will be a small footnote in history
Gone by Monday
JUNEAU, Alaska — Gov. Sarah Palin and her husband are expecting their fifth child in May, she announced Wednesday.
Palin, 44, who just three months ago was modeling for the fashion magazine Vogue, doesn't look seven months pregnant.
"I will be delivering an addition to the first family," Palin told a stunned group of reporters.
The Republican governor, now in her second year as Alaska's chief executive, said she does not believe the pregnancy will affect her ability to run the state. Palin has been mentioned as a potential running mate on the Republican presidential ticket.
She said her work as Wasilla mayor had only a brief interruption when she had her youngest daughter, Piper, six years ago.
"I had Piper on a Monday and I was back to work on a Tuesday," Palin said. "I even brought her to work with me."
Poor fast actin'. The brainstem is is nearly silent about his party's pick for Veep.
But like all brainstems, fast actin' will vote for the republican candidate no matter what.
From the news story:
"Trig is the governor’s fifth child. She told her staff members that Trig was the easiest delivery of all her children."
Well of course it was easy. Her daughter pushed the little republican zygote from her body not the Lady Governor.
Aren't brainstems funny? I can't wait for the tearful confession about the baby in the near future. I LOVE seeing brainstems caught in an ethical bear trap.
I find it funny that some of the commenters think this was a serious post.
Go read it again.
I think that says something about people. Nobody pays attention to detail anymore.
McCain nominating Sarah Palin to be his VP is an awful lot like Bush tabbing Michael Brown to be the head of FEMA. How did that turn out?
Actually I didn't even read the piece Keith. You can get a little wordy at times.
Women like Palin scare HP'er types.
And they don't date people that still live in Mommy and Daddy's basement.
Those traits alone make her qualified for anything.
I am very happy about McCain and Palin to me it's GOOD CHANGE
John McCain was aiming to make history with his pick of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, and historians say he succeeded.
Presidential scholars say she appears to be the least experienced, least credentialed person to join a major-party ticket in the modern era.
So unconventional was McCain’s choice that it left students of the presidency literally “stunned,” in the words of Joel Goldstein, a St. Louis University law professor and scholar of the vice presidency. “Being governor of a small state for less than two years is not consistent with the normal criteria for determining who’s of presidential caliber,” said Goldstein.
“I think she is the most inexperienced person on a major party ticket in modern history,” said presidential historian Matthew Dallek.
Anonymous said...
She's like the prez on BATTLESTAR GALLACTICA!
Me Likey!
RIP America.
I am thinking that Cindy McCain might not be crazy about this. John threw the first wife under the bus for beautiful, youthful, rich Cindy. Now Cindy gets to sit backseat while lovely Sarah Palin sits upfront with Big John. (Actually Cindy probably will find it a big relief to have him working late all of the time.)
Damn that Karma.
PS: Still no word on housing crash, bank insolvency, upcoming depression from any of these people, but we get the full low down on how easy her 5th birth was? If that is criteria for VP of the U.S., I think any woman from the third world would be totally qualified.
---Close your eyes and imagine Sarah Palin with the codes to America's nuclear arsenal as Russia invades Poland---
Not as scary as Obama with 'em.
It's sad that we've had two women picked as VP candidates and both were token picks made in desperation
There are and have been many qualified women that would have been good president or VP candidates.
McCain's pick shows the Fox News Babe Syndrome or CNBC Money Honey Syndrome though - you have to be a young babe first, competent or credible second.
Anonymous are you that ignorant? The more you challenge her inexperience for VP you expose BHO total lack of experience for President. All Americans expect the PRESIDENT to be ready on DAY 1!
Here's your post with minor changes:
Democractic Presidential Candidate Barck Obama,: Community agitator, US Senator for 141 days, State senator boldly voting present 132 times.
"I want to apologize for being late to tonight's debate, my pastor's sermon ran a bit long. Did you know the US goverment infected black people with AIDS? Anyway, it's a wonderful church and I'd like to invite you all to our service next Sunday. Pastor Wright will be preaching on why "God will bless America" and why cults are really OK."
No way, Nobama!
Lost Cause said...
...fart rich white elitist belies his invocation of "Change".
Biden is not rich. He is at the very bottom of the list of senators wealth. Why don't you look it up?
He also is from Delaware, which has very favorable laws for business, so he does deal with that. But that is like sliming Reid for dealing with casinos because he is from Nevada.
August 30, 2008 5:10 PM
Biden came from Money. Between his father and himself, they squandered it all away. This is the change that St. Barry brings to all of us. We work hard so our children can squander our money away.
gwk said...
I believe of all the clowns in both houses that this mom from Alaska with five children would have no problem protecting America should she ever find herself in that position. I will take a mom with an infant watching our safety than 35 year government employees who no nothing, thank you
This guy points out in painstaking detail why this is the dumbest political mistake in modern history.
Thank you John McCain and Sarah Palin. Thank You!
Obama/Biden '08.
Do you even remember how Obama was elected to the Senate? Despite being a Democratic candidate in a heavily Democratic state, he was poised to lose in a landslide. Then his opponent withdraws due to a scandal 4 months before the election, and the Republicans had to run an out-of-state opponent with no money or time to prepare, whom Obama defeated.
In other words, he was basically handed the Senate seat, then spent the next two years as a yes-man for Harry Reid before announcing his Presidential Run. Voting party line for two years in the Senate does not say "change" to me.
Name ANYTHING worth noting Obama has accomplished in his career...
(cue the crickets...)
"Presidential scholars say she appears to be the least experienced, least credentialed person to join a major-party ticket in the modern era."
No, that would be Obama.
There is no way Bambi bin Biden will be elected. So, for better or worse, McCain and the Babe get in by default. Get used to it.
"McCain picked her because he needs a new hottie. Albeit 43 y.o.. Just another woman to have an affair with."
Yes!!! This my friends is the reason for the pick.
Historic, landslide loss. Might as well have some fun on the way down (all puns intended).
Although I don't know how Cindy is taking this. Maybe a threesome?
>Presidential scholars say...
In left wing circles the word 'scolar' is used rather loosely. Hell they call William Ayres a 'professor'.
What is he gonna teach you, bomb making???
How many times has Sarah Palin been to Iraq and Afghanistan? Zero
Obama has been to both countries several times.
Palin couldn't find either one of those countries on a world map.
If McSame and Cheney's love child Palin are elected the USA is fucked. It's over. It's done. Stick a fork in it.
“I think she is the most inexperienced person on a major party ticket in modern history,” said presidential historian Matthew Dallek.
She's more experienced than Obama. Neither one of them have enough experience to be president.
Keith, you are missing one HUGE point. Sarah Palin brings in votes that McCain was not going to get. She brings in evangelicals that woulda stayed home esp if McCain picked a prochoice candidate. She will give him SOME (maybe not more than 10%) female votes- it may be enough to tip the scales in some states. AND, she brings in unlimited upside with little downside. If everyone agrees with you that she is inexperienced and she goes out there and beats Biden in a debate, this race is over. If Biden wins, its no surprise and no bump in the polls. And it makes McCain look more palatable. Plus, rednecks will rather vote for a woman than a black any day of the week.
"Suffering Brainstems", truth is indeed stranger than fiction.
"who no nothing"
Yeah, like the difference between "no" and "know".
faked her pregnancy to cover for her teenage daughter What a liar
Abused her power to fire people when she was mayor and governor
Left her small town in Alaska in millions of dollars of debt
Yeah, a real prize
Cheney lite
Inexperience? Alaska vs. Rev Wright (or wrong) I'll take Alaska.
“I think she is the most inexperienced person on a major party ticket in modern history,” said presidential historian Matthew Dallek.
You forgot to include the following from the article in your quote:
UPDATE: After reading this article, the McCain campaign issued the following statement: "The authors quote four scholars attacking Gov. Palin's fitness for the office of vice president. Among them, David Kennedy is a maxed-out Obama donor, Joel Goldstein is also an Obama donor, and Doris Kearns Goodwin has donated exclusively to Democrats this cycle. Finally, Matthew Dallek is a former speech writer for Dick Gephardt. This is not a story about scholars questioning Gov. Palin's credentials so much as partisan Democrats who would find a reason to disqualify or discount any nominee put forward by Sen. McCain."
"What are you saying? That high offices should be reserved for those born into those positions? i.e. monarchy? "
Couldn't agree with you more. Absolutely not. Anyone should be able to aim for the Office. Thank god Bush it out after the crap he pulled. But was Obama born into it? Biden? I could be way off here, but I thought they came from modest backgrounds.
And how far is Alaska from DC?
"Therein lies the great illusion: that our leaders "lead."
Horseshit. They're theatrical employees following orders, not a darn thing more."
Amen. Amen. Amen.
Now, HP'ers, who helps to pull the strings from behind the stage? Why haven't they been exposed, and how can they continue to wield their power?
Why can't Cheney be touched?
i'm imagining what kind of nightie she is wearing when she answers that 3 A.M. phone call.
Careful, she's prone to pumping out the pups -- probably get her knocked up just by flirting with her.
Enjoying watching Obamaholics loosing hot air from the tires. Yes its a slow leak but in a few days or weeks at the most it will be flat..
I'm not voting for Obama, I'll vote for Bob Barr, but it is a fact that pumping up the tires saves a lot. I hypermile and step one in hypermiling is to pump up your tires to the max sidewall pressure. Running at the minimum sidewall (32ish pounds) makes the ride softer, but costs a good 10%.
I went from 29mpg all around to 33mpg just by pumping up the tires 45 pounds (max is 46). On a 12 gallon fillup, that's 48 free miles, or 1.3 gallons free if you want to look at it that way. With some other techniques, I've been able to hit as high as 37.6mpg -- about 100 free miles, 3 free gallons of gas, or a $13 rebate per fillup.
Quit being a political hack and pump up your damn tires. Lower demand = lower prices for all.
You're welcome.
You Rock...
I get so upset about what is happening. I know I can read your blog and say ahhhh I am not crazy!!Hannity,O'reilly,laura Ingrahm, Rush, Rove, Cheny, Reagan's old bag speech writer Peggy Noonan, Coulter.....I can't take it...
McCain's choice reminds me of when Bush picked his buddy Brown to take charge of Fema...
You all should read the real Truth about this little lady under investigation. People from Alaska are speaking out. The bogus 80% approval dropped a while ago.
Do the research.
I just see the whole Bush radical religous nuts coming out and voting again...
Nice to see this blog post this morning. Keith, you're irreverent, provocative and often very funny - and right on the money! But this is one of those postings that show you to be a real class act.
Read the post again
It's sarcasm
"John McCain is a man of boldness, a man who acts first, then asks questions later. America needs this type of bold, some would say reckless, leadership as we enter into an era of world geopolitical instability"
I know this is incredibly trite, but does anyone else equate Ms. Palin's voice with nails on a chalkboard? I had to switch off the TV, it sounded so damn annoying. And that wasn't even because of what she was saying, though no doubt I would've eventually done the same thing for that reason alone.
This whole abstinence/pro-life morals issue is ridiculous. If you follow it to its logical extreme, abstinence is actually a form of abortion. Just think of all those potential babies you are killing because the eggs never even had a chance to get fertilized. All thanks to your reckless celibacy, you murderer!
"Presidential scholars say she appears to be the least experienced, least credentialed person to join a major-party ticket in the modern era."
>>No, that would be Obama.
If only Obama had joined the PTA and held a few bake sales instead of sitting on the foreign relations committee for four years. Then McCain would be heartily endorsing him.
Biden did not come from money you liar. His father was working class.
Biden is not super rich because he never made the kind of cozy insider corporate deals that the Bush administration is so famous for.
Watch this video, and realize how far right wingers are willing to go to try to justify this insane pick
I feel sorry for America if, eight years later, they're still listening to idiots like Steve Doocy
She'll be gone by tomorrow, Romney in
she has EXACTLY what Amercia needs at this time.....perky breasts. look at the Vogue cover if you don't believe me!
"Biden doesn't come from money". right, he left the lobbying and hedge fund moola for his sons.
Anonymous said...
Biden did not come from money you liar. His father was working class.
Biden is not super rich because he never made the kind of cozy insider corporate deals that the Bush administration is so famous for.
August 31, 2008 10:22 AM
There was a book written by some guy that talks about Biden's family wealth that got squandered. The book is called Promises to Keep, and oh- wait- it was written by Joseph Biden Jr. The self-same senator from Delaware. There are others, but I wouldn't want to get accused of using partisan sources.
It turns out Sarah Palin DID NOT give birth to a baby recently.
It was her DAUGHTER Bristol's baby!
To find out all about it and see the evidence go here:
Palin's Baby Mama
Lost Cause said...
...fart rich white elitist belies his invocation of "Change".
Biden is not rich. He is at the very bottom of the list of senators wealth. Why don't you look it up?
He also is from Delaware, which has very favorable laws for business, so he does deal with that. But that is like sliming Reid for dealing with casinos because he is from Nevada.
August 30, 2008 5:10 PM
Sorry cheeseball but I am from Delaware & I can certainly tell you that what he reports has no correlation to reality. The only way he can live the life he lives is due to all the money he has and is raking in under the table.
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