[UPDATE - HERE'S THE ACTUAL QUOTE - "We can't afford four more years of a government that does nothing while they watch the housing market collapse. As you know, it's not just the millions of people facing foreclosure. It's the tens of millions of your neighbors who are seeing the values of their homes drop off a cliff along with their dreams."]
.... um... maybe it's just me.. but wasn't the real problem that the government did nothing while home prices, aided by rampant fraud and speculation, went stupid?
Too bad we were run by REIC-corrupted monkeys who let the realtors, mortgage brokers, builders and bankers run wild, when they should have been on watch.
Next up - the epic and historic bailouts of Fannie and Freddie. Because Joe Biden and his friends in the Senate sat on their asses and did nothing.
August 23, 2008
Biden just ripped on "a government that does nothing while they watch the housing market collapse"
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While introducing Biden, Obama referred to Biden as the next "president" twice.
Think Obama has an inferiority complex?
I caught that too... kinda funny
Also, Biden called him Barack America... like a superhero
And this election will be about housing
Right ON, brother Keith!
Median Seattle owner-occupied household income is $60K.
x 2.5 gives us a median sustainable home price of $150K. $180K if we stretch it to 3x income.
Let's get this deflation ON!
biden was a huge mistake.He looks like a corrupt official like most of the others.They lost my vote.
mccain all the way
Huge mistake here people.Even clinton would have been better than this ugly, wrinkly fool.
If housing is crashing, why are rents in my area soaring?
Like everything else, rents are a function of supply and demand, driven by local incomes
That said, the supply of rental units in most American cities is soaring as accidental landlords do anything to try to pay the bills.
I'd suggest looking at single family homes and condos, and not apartment complexes. Craigslist is your friend.
And be happy you live in a town with a vibrant economy and stable if not rising incomes.
Unlike Phoenix of course.
Let's see ... government causes U.S. dollar to deteriorate, which causes housing crash. So the answer is MORE government. Ingenius. Read: Would Biden Have Chosen Obama As HIS Vice President?
Well, he has a point: it is mostly just smoke and mirrors -- a meaningless bone thrown to most people who are in trouble, while the fat cats get the real help.
"Next president" probably referrs to his position in line.
He who laughs last, often laughs best. Now that Obammy has played his hand, McCain has many opportunities to school the young man in real-world politics.
Hillary must be laughing her ass off as she watches the two one-termers duke it out.
Why support any one of these fools? DON'T VOTE! DON'T GIVE THEM LEGITIMACY!
Put in another way: the government did EVERYTHING with home prices in past decades (in Russia they were able to pack the US expericence into a few short years) - by establishing GSEs, allowing mortgage tax deductions and otherwise making a sacred cow out of mortgage - in effect helping toward appreciation of an otherwise mediocre product. To no surprise, it is now expected to so something more. I hope it fails this time.
Obama just announced that he's content to be a figure head and that Biden is the new Chief Executive.
I can live with Biden.
"but wasn't the real problem that the government did nothing while home prices, aided by rampant fraud and speculation, went stupid?"
lol...they didn't "went stupid" they went "bought and paid for".
don't forget about bailing out the car companies. at least with the car companies we'll get more fuel efficient cars out of the deal. that will save consumers money. what do we get out of the wall street bailout? interest rates will go higher anyways.
"mccain all the way"
a vote for McSame is a vote for bush. there is no disputing that.
Hey Qweefer,
The man of change has picked the ultimate beltway insider!!
Andy Taylor
Hi Andrew from Russia.
Ha ha ha
What a bunch is cretins this country has !
Agent for and of Change.....And you choose a lifetime politician that excels at Senate alley deals and ill means committees ????
And everybody in Crapville, Illinois clapped...
How can one nation be so STUPID ?????
Biden (D-MBNA) is just one of 100 interchangeable Senate parts - another republicratic whore.
Change you can believe in? Yeah, right.
I am voting Obama/Biden for the American dream and our principals. You commies can laugh and vote McCain but the real patriots know this ain't know joke.
Biden is a blatent plagierizer (wiki him) and also stated that Obama wasn't ready to lead the country. Anyone else get the 'psycho' vibe from him?
No 'psycho' vibe here from Obama. McCain maybe. "Realist", definitely.
The "conservatives" are making quite the deal out of Biden's previous statements against Obama. Yet, the Bush Regan Primary was no different. Regan irked the crap out of Bush.
1) Bush had been a combat pilot in the Second World War, but Reagan was widely known for his war movies.
2) Bush had actually "met a payroll" as an independent oil company executive, while Reagan had simply preached the free-enterprise system to appreciative audiences.
3) Bush was a devoted family man, while Reagan won attention for defending family values, despite being divorced and estranged from his children.
Regan was a big fat phony and Bush knew it and expressed so during the primary.
How typical...these elected scum balls sit in office for 30 plus years and only when they are up for re-election or in Biden's case running for VP, now they stand up, act tough and act like the government (which he has been part of like a flea sucking blood from us taxpayers) has failed...he is government...how quickly they forget. How often the idiot public forgets as well.
Biden: We need another bailout.
Great choice Keith, awesome really.
Oh man the republicans are going to have a field day with Biden. This was Obama's early x-mas gift to McCain.
Better start practicing the phrase President McCain.
Vote for McCain the napalm bombing babykiller ONLY if you want to maintain the status quo.
Take a look at Drudge right now. There is a photo of the dynamic duo hugging each other's wives. Obama is kissing Bidens babe on the lips. Wierd!
GT Charlie
Well, to parphrase Reagan, here we go again. The nine dollar an hour white guy gets to choose which spokesman for his boss's boss's boss and/or the holder of the note on his overpriced crackerbox house he wants to help screw him over even more.
He could have had Dennis Kucinich, the real candidate of change, but of course he "couldn't win". unlike Adalai Stevenson, Hubert Humphrey, George McGovern, Jimmy Carter, Walter Mondale, Michael Ducacus, Al Gore, or John Kerry.
Soon we can add Barak Obama to this list of distinguished losers. Why are they losers? Because they are supposed to lose. It's part of the Great Game. They are simply there to keep Joe Sixpac from wandering into the left-wing wilderness.
There be socialists in them thar woods.
.... um... maybe it's just me.. but wasn't the real problem that the government did nothing while home prices, aided by rampant fraud and speculation, went stupid?
It bothered me for a long time too. But then I realized the Washington politicians are just puppets for the real people with power.
Blogger Galen said...
"Well, to parphrase Reagan, here we go again. The nine dollar an hour white guy gets to choose which spokesman for his boss's boss's boss and/or the holder of the note on his overpriced crackerbox house he wants to help screw him over even more."
Welcome to the real world.
I think Obama just lost. Majority of Americans don't want any sort of bailout for any one. Biden is a corporate shill.
"...but wasn't the real problem that the government did nothing..."
Why should the government do anything? Looks like the market is working the way it should. People got caught? People shouldn't be stupid. It's how you learn in the real world.
If they proceed with multiple, trillion dollar bailouts, that's it for me. I would leave.
If they do this, then this country is no longer the one I grew up in or want to live in.
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