"It is time for New York and other governments to cut up our credit cards. The era of buy now and pay later and later is over!"
- New York Governor David Paterson, July 31, 2008
August 01, 2008
And then the Governor of New York gave the honest economic-realities speech that George W. Bush the Idiot hasn't had the courage or wisdom to give
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True vision from a blind man...
That was inspiring
Great speach ... now let's see what action will be taken.
I like that comment about vision from a blind man!
Does Barack Obama have this kind of leadership? Does anyone in Congress (except Paul, Bunning and a handful of others) have this kind of courage?
I don't know what Ron Paul is announcing in Minneapolis today but I hope he is announcing the formation of a new political party for whom he'll run for president. Because Obama just does not have the stones for this.
And of course the only solution this libtard has is...drum roll please.... MORE TAXES!
YAWN. This sounds like one of John Edwards' "two Americas" speech. Blah blah blah, everyone's starving, people are dying on the steps of the hospital, blah blah blah.
No mention of the fact that millions of illegals in NY are consuming billions of dollars a year in government services.
Courage my ass, this is your run of the mill far left politician using the classic socialist class warfare argument. Been there, done that a million times already.
Eliot Spitzer is laughing his ass off right now and thinking man did I dodge that bullet.
Oh and Qweefie, a question for you: if Bush is the worst ever because he gave us the biggest deficit ever, couldn't the same be said for Spitzer/Patrick? Or does that formula only work for Republicans.
Thanks for your kind reply.
I read a while back that new york had "hired lawyers" to find a way to get around the "constitutional mandate" that it pay pensions. times could get rough.
Bush's effect on the American economy and it's citizens.
It's Just Amazing!...
When will the place the "Master of Disaster" under arrest?
NY budget from 5 to 6.5 billion and he's telling new yorkers to cut up credit cards?
great speech up to that point.
He's done. Nobody wants to hear about cutting back. It's all good until somebody's favorite program gets cut.
The blind man does not know what month it is.
August 29 is a Friday.
He meant to say Tuesday July 29.
Our politicians are so out of touch with reality.
Haha - like he really means it.
Remember when:
"The era of big government is over. But we cannot go back to the time when our citizens were left to fend for themselves. Instead, we must go forward as one America, one nation working together to meet the challenges we face together. Self-reliance and teamwork are not opposing virtues; we must have both. "
JANUARY 23, 1996
Government never, ever gets smaller or less expensive by its own recourse.
Does the Governor plan to "sell off" state infrastructure to "private" entities for money?
What a shock, a Marxist state like NY has fiscal issues. Who woulda thunk it?
Wait, istn' this ths fine upstanding gentleman that replaced Spitzer ($5,000/hr hooker)?
Isn't this the same corrupt, morally bankrupt a-hole that has wild flings, and cokes up?
Why are we listening to him?
Can we elect this guy as president?
It over for him, for he told the truth.
Last good governor of NY = FDR!!. . .do we see some similarities here? 1929 and 2008???. . .perhaps McCaine or Obama will be a one-term "depression" president, and then Patterson will be drafted. . .history repeating itself??
"It is time for New York and other governments to cut up our credit cards. The era of buy now and pay later and later is over!"
Wow. He must be a Liberal!
"...And of course the only solution this libtard has is...drum roll please.... MORE TAXES!
Ever notice that this criticism has at it's heart the belief that we needn't pay our bills?
Yes; I live about 3 miles from Art Laffer, and understand the theory.
How did the actual practice work out for us?
The BEST part: the same people who believe this now whine to bailout/suck off the same teat they criticize for generating the taxmilk.
Notice that it takes a crisis to even get THE MAN's attention. Now, after the horses are long gone from the barn, this guy claims he's going to do something about it.
Where was he before? Wasn't he an elected official all along? Why didn't he speak up before? He had a platform.
If he wanted to tell the truth, he'd admit that he and his ilk have failed miserably and RESIGN!
Sorry, pal, but it's way too late and WAY WAY WAY too late!
one down, 49 more governors to go.
OK, who's the next one that will be convinced?
The problem with NY state is its fu*king government workers and their government workers unions leaching off the taxpayers, who they think has bottomless pockets.
Cops, firefighters and teachers making between $50-150K? And then getting that into retirement?
Fu*king absurd!
Yeah, and you don't put your lives on the line everyday like you all love to whine about - soldiers in Iraq combat zones do! Yet a private first class in the Army in a combat zone probably makes about 15K/year. So, fu*k all you!
I hope he cuts the pensions and the benefits from all your sorry, fat asses.
Fu*king leaches.
And, the only reason Spitzer is not there is because he was set up by the investment banks and elites who he was going after.
And, what exactly is the big deal about paying money to have consensual sex with a hot chick? Are the parties involved not adults or free thinking individuals?
Wake the fu*k up people, it's all a scam!
The Government leases over 600,000 vehicles for it's daily operations!
What about fuel costs?
Wat? True economic pain? In my USA?
These workers will be feeling the pinch though as well - whether they like it or not. Don't forget overpaid county workers as well, who rely heavily on property tax income to keep supporting their inflated salaries.
Riding on the "coat-tails" of tax paying citizens will be coming to an end.
Here in Huntington Beach, the police and firemen spend more time whistling at women, chatting on the street with one another, spending time down at the marina and waxing their cars. The same is true for many other cities.
This is just a fact - they really spend most of their time here getting paid to do very little.
On the 4th of July, they put on a show for the folks in full uniform as they spend the entire day policing 1 or 2 streets, and the rest of the time is spent partying at someones home or apartment - with pay.
The policemen and firemen who aren't always "on the take", get hazed/harrassed by the others - it's a real "good old boy" club.
Anonymous said...
The problem with NY state is its fu*king government workers and their government workers unions leaching off the taxpayers, who they think has bottomless pockets.
Cops, firefighters and teachers making between $50-150K? And then getting that into retirement?
Fu*king absurd!
Yeah, and you don't put your lives on the line everyday like you all love to whine about - soldiers in Iraq combat zones do! Yet a private first class in the Army in a combat zone probably makes about 15K/year. So, fu*k all you!
I hope he cuts the pensions and the benefits from all your sorry, fat asses.
Fu*king leaches.
God bless you David Paterson for your honesty.
The $4.75 billion Echelon Resort Mega-Development in Las Vegas has HAULTED CONSTRUCTION at a non-finished 12-stories tall. The developer has already spent $500 million on the project to date.
The iron skeleton beams will remain, as the construction workers were laid-off and sent home today. 8-1-08
end flash * * *
How's that 2006 vote for demoRATS going NY?
Don't believe anything that comes out of a politician's flapping yapper.
I will cast a vote for anyone in any office not an incumbent, and will repeat this election day ritual till the day I die...
I have to rant on this one. It is somewhat unrelated but is in that incompentance just continues....
GW Bush spouts off about how he is happy to see "growth" in GDP and then states that "Offshore drilling" and COAL should be "the center of the countries energy strategy"....
What a moron. I used to think that he was just playing stupid so he could be excused for making mistakes, but damn!
Coal is quite possibly the dirtiest of ANY fossil fuel, and will make our air as dirty as China's and is a LONG way from EVER being used as a Motorcar Fuel. Also, drilling off shore will bring little relief in the short term, and will only divert more resources towards the same OLD fuel sources.
We need a short term fuel until alternatives get more viable, but the answer is Natural Gas NOT COAL. Natural gas is considerably cleaner to burn, abundantly available in the US, cheap and can be used with TODAY'S technology as both a motorcar fuel and a fuel for industrial use and electrical generation.
Spending millions of dollars to try and make COAL cleaner, will still never make it as clean to burn as Natural gas without any further modifications.
With this kind of thinking, is it any wonder that McCain and the GOP are falling all over themselves every time they say anything.....
Obama may not be the savior, but Damn, compared to the alternative, I have to go with Obama....
BRAVO....too bad he isnt running for president.
Does that mean that he'll cut expenses with his mistresses, too?
That's what happens when the corrupt gov pumps millions of illiterate illegals to suck welfare while breeding like flies and disrespecting ordinances and laws. Who would think that this ultraliberal idea would turn out to be a disgrace. Just look at California. WA and OR will be next.
And Florida has to thank Jimmy Carter for allowing Castro to ship every thug and mentally-disabled person from Cuba prisons to Miami, during the Mariel fiasco. Just watch the disaster that Hussein Carter will cause along with freaks like Pelosi, Reid, and Feinstein.
The idiot Schummer was making speeches today, too. They're all out faking like they care.
"True vision from a blind man..."
Couldn't have said it better.
Remember, this man is an AMERICAN who actually cares about America.
He is not some global corporate elitist who neither cares nor respects this country. The people who rule us are a junta comprised of corporate scum who only see "possibilities" for raping and pillaging the wealth and resources of this country, or any other "globalized" country. Who do you think is gonna pay for bailing out banks/wall street?
America is not run by AMERICANS, we are run by a "club" of corporate elitists who control us thru the FED which has roots go back to The Bank of England. If you thought 1776 was the end of European rule. Think again, when the FED was created in 1913, 1776 was undone. Our tax dollars no longer benefit us. They are used by the "military police force" of the global elite. BTW...without OUR KIDS to use as cannon fodder they would be up the creek. Think about it.
Do some research. And then get mad...REAL MAD!!
Hats off to governor of New York....a true patriot, not some fear-mongering elitist with an agenda.
The day you start believing what politicians say is the day you become mentally impaired.
I don't believing in a word that comes out of their mouths. Only if it's from Ron Paul.
Annnnd the rigged stock market will rally on that speech. Crooks!
Regardless of how effective all of this might be, it is still amazing to see any politician suddenly yell STOP to the reckless abandon that has been our government spending policy over all these years.
At least one guy said something.
Afaik this speech was not the 31st but the 29th of July. Impressive straight talking.
Jesus Man-- Can someone PUH LEEEZE share this video with Dubya, the FED, Bernanke and Congress??
They need to see how a REAL man deals with this crisis!! You don't dig your way out of astronomical debt by BORROWING MORE and billing the taxpayers!!
New Yorks in a finacial crisis again. Is there anyone that still believes that we have left the worst behind us? That we've had our correction, our gloom and bust period, and that we are starting another round of booming times because the fundamentals are so strong?
Wall Street caused this mess, they should suffer.
The governor of California ARNOLD said the same thing 4 years ago.. Cut up the credit cards.. and look where that got California "18 billion in the hole".. look out below Boys and girls..
step 1: eliminate half of state employees
step 2: reduce the salaries of remaining state employees by 25%
step 3: eliminate all future and present state pension plan benefits
budget crisis solved. after my three-step plan they'll be able to cut taxes..
will work in most states, not just NY!
I should be elected Gubbernor!
"...the only reason Spitzer is not there is because he was set up by the investment banks and elites who he was going after..."
Which is worse: a sleazebag like Clinton goofing off on the clock, a piss-poor front man/embarrassment like Bush, or the guys who put them in office to sell us out?
Cut spending!? Anything but that! Oh pleeeeease!!!!!
This just in.
Naked bicycle riding in Saint Louis today. All they can wear are hats.
That should get everyone's attention off of the failed Libertarian policies of the Demopublicans & Republicrats.
Funny how nobody reveals that mayor Bloomberg had a $90 billion surplus for NYC this year.
Here we have Democratic governors who bankrupted the state of NY, while the conservative Bloomberg had a huge surplus for the city.
If McCain was smart, he would choose Bloomberg for VP. But I'll take Mitt Romney.
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