That's it.
I can't take any more of this monkey.
Someone make him stop.
He makes David Lereah, Lawrence Yun and the Iraqi Information Minister actually look honest by comparison.
Sen. Dodd calls Fannie, Freddie 'fundamentally strong'
Embattled mortgage finance giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are "fundamentally strong" and questions about their capital are unwarranted, a top U.S. Senate Democrat said Friday afternoon.
"This is not a time to be panicking about this. These are viable, strong institutions," Sen. Christopher Dodd, D-Conn., said at a Capitol Hill press conference.
The comments came as the two government-sponsored enterprises continued to be the focus of growing fears they could be insolvent or could face a capital crunch. Shares of Freddie Mac were recently down 10% following strong declines earlier this week, while Fannie Mae shares were down 24%.
"The economics are fine in these institutions and people need to know that," Dodd said. There's no reason "to talk about failure," he added.
July 13, 2008
Senator Chris Dodd - we are all laughing at you now. Resign. Go away. You failed America. Stop digging.
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Labels: chris dodd failed america, chris dodd is a monkey, chris dodd is corrupt
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Sound as the dollar?
Screw the bankers. If we have to bail them out every time they get their ass in a sling, then it is time to regulate the banks like public utilities. Make every CEO who wants a big raise run it past the taxpayers first. Debate it in public.
Deregulation of business is a mistake. Libertarianism has failed.
Hopefully he's feeling a little worse every day.
Monday will be interesting...
Market crash, check
Gold back over $1000, check
Oil up $30 BBL, check
Fed emergency meeting, check
Lots of "banking", check
Sudden interest in T-Bills, check
Clean moms basement, check
GWB ponders nuclear testing, check
What do you expect from the guy that while supposedly heading up the committee that is supposed to have there eyes on these financial institutions at the same time has his hands in their pockets and is taking sweet heart deals on financing.
Don't worry there is another committee that keeps an eye on jokers like these, soon he will be hauled before them an be given his comeuppance. Right??
Or, NOT!!
Dodd will yell rail and scream and bailout all of his buddies, they will slap each other on the back and and grin all the way to the bank that we the tax payer would then carry all of the risk on.
Hopefully, if there is any true justice in the universe, Dodd will be one of the first against the wall when the revolution / uprising comes.
Oh... Forgot another option...
People figure out that Dodd is lying tomorrow because....
A) His lips are moving.
"An opinion or judgment that is not made as a representation of fact."
"Puffing is generally an expression or exaggeration made by a salesperson or found in an advertisement that concerns the quality of goods offered for sale. It presents opinions rather than facts and is usually not considered a legally binding promise. Such statements as "this car is in good shape" and "your wife will love this watch" constitute puffing."
"the exaggeration of the good points of a product, a business, real property, and the prospects for future rise in value, profits and growth. Since a certain amount of "puffing" can be expected of any salesman, it cannot be the basis of a lawsuit for fraud or breach of contract unless the exaggeration exceeds the reality. However, if the puffery includes outright lies or has no basis in fact ("Sears Roebuck is building next door to your store site") a legal action for rescission of the contract or for fraud against the seller is possible."
"West's Encyclopedia of American Law, edition 2."
Must read
"Iraqi PM walks streets, hands out cash" is the headline on CNN right now. I guess he couldn't get a helicopter.
He coughed up some phlegm to stop Paulson answering another rambling question from Ron Paul on 10 July.
That looks more like Obama!
Chris Dodd - didn't he brag about sandwiching some poor waitress with his buddy Ted Kennedy? Fine fellows all. And to think some Dems are touting him as Obama's best VP pick - LOL!
Those comments will live in infamy just like these
Corrupt is written all over the face of Dodds . How dare this guy bring down Freddie and Fannie with his bail-out plan ,or I should say set up the taxpayers for a big loss in the future . Get rid of all of them people ,get rid of all of them .They are going to far ,America is going to sink fast if the right moves aren't made .
The guy is irrelevant. Big question is: who's gonna vote for this guy again?
Short clip:
McCain=Bush on sign at McCain Open Town meeting lands 60 year old librarian with a trespass ticket and a 4 cop escort off city property and a court date.
un fu@king believable.
Do you have about 40 minutes.
Watch and then DO Something.
Chris Dodd is becoming Enemy #1
Libertarianism has failed.
The Federal Reserve System and bailing out businesses are examples of socialism, not libertarianism.
Einhorn anyone;
Can't remember the exact Lehman quote but it was something like:
"They are raising money they said they didn't need to cover losses they said they didn't have..."
The guy is irrelevant. Big question is: who's gonna vote for this guy again?
I gaurantee 100% the bum will be re-elected if he chooses to run again - unless he is in prison.
More bailouts and free fiat money.
Soon the working poor will getting one gallon an hour for their work.
Obama says that Bush should stop threatening to veto the bailout bill. Imagine the monster bailout and welfare bill if Obama is elected with a huge democrat majority in congress.
Fannie Mae
Freddie Mac
Federal Reserve
Where is the libertarianism I keep hearing about? It seems more like socialism and you know those in power always take advantage of the laws they write to help themselves and their friends.
It's nice to know the greedy political pigs don't want people to "panic", even though they're largely responsible for this ongoing mess - which is just getting warmed-up.
anon wrote: That looks more like Obama!
As usual the anons are idiots.
That is a chimp = Bush. Obama is more of a spider monkey. Dodd is an orangutan.
This reminds me of how things were in the old USSR. All good on the outside, and all crumbling inside.
Guys like C. Dodd are politicians, they defend their own interests and the interests of their sponsors.
It is frustrating to see these things happening in such a wonderful country.
While the Amerocano sits home with his shrink wrapped Wally-World snapper turtle turning on the backyard Blue Rhino spittle, and the dualie eFF'r 350 sits in the driveway unable to move because Joe Six Pack has no black gold, the men in suits at the Treasury Department frantically work the phones to help Frederico Mac pimp his worthless realtywhore warez tomorrow.
Tis a futile race, far messier than the anal run of the bulls, as all of the players have already had their nuts ripped off by the angry cattle on Wall Street. But this is a race against daylight as the globe spins out of control. For when the glare that the orange man worships rises over Asia, it will set on Freddie and Fannie.
Expect the bailout of Fannie and Freddie to be announced Monday morning right before the market opens.
Introducing the next President of the United States.....
My GOD!!
Dodd - When are you going to realize you are human toilet paper for Bernanke and Paulson??
They use you WORSE than that Monkeyboy!!
Expect the bailout of Fannie and Freddie to be announced Monday morning right before the market opens.
which is why I have been loading up on financials. BAC at $20 is the buy of a lifetime. this stock will be at $75 in 2 years. yes that's right, BAC.
LOL @ Buzz's anonypuss primate category study.
Well said.
BTW, I am back cuz I am really worked up over current market events. Missed you guys.
Chris Dodd is a demoRAT. Aren't demoRATS supposed to look out for the little guy?
Me confused.
Buzz: "Woody, this is no time to panic."
Toy Story Quote
Andrew Crack, that was brilliant. You're no hack. Really good!
Chimps and orangutans are apes... not monkeys.
Hi FMW. Drop by the blog sometime.
Dodd is an idiot. All these years of graft, and well into his senior years too, and he still needs a mortgage from CFC. BWAHAHA!! What a loser!
"It's doomsday in America"...
"Chimps and orangutans are apes... not monkeys."
This bugs the crap out of me too.
Calling a chimp a monkey is the biological equivalent of calling a lion a dog.
Come on Keith...we need a good monkey picture. I've seen them in zoos. The boy ones like to pleasure themselves while they stare at you. I avoid the monkey house now. Chimps do look good in suits, though. But looks aren't enough.
Dodd is an Obama suppoerter
The Federal Reserve System and bailing out businesses are examples of socialism, not libertarianism.
The conservative Libertarians wanted to deregulate the banks (and everything else). Guess what. It doesn't work. Twice in the last 20 years the deregulation of the financial system has failed, and the banks had to be bailed out by the taxpayers.
Libertarianism is a total failure.
"It seems more like socialism and you know those in power always take advantage of the laws they write to help themselves and their friends."
If that is true, why do the Libertarians want to deregulate the crooks?
Expect the bailout of Fannie and Freddie to be announced Monday morning right before the market opens.
which is why I have been loading up on financials. BAC at $20 is the buy of a lifetime. this stock will be at $75 in 2 years. yes that's right, BAC.
which is why I continue to short financials.
Financials are not a good investment if the government keeps stepping in to save them.
BAC will not be at 75 in 2 years. BAC will be a single digit midget before things start to turn the corner.
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