"When I picked up my newspaper yesterday, I thought I was in France"
"Where is the money going to come from?"
And he gets Paulson to finally admit it - "The taxpayer"
Folks, watch Bunning do what Ron Paul should have done. Watch Jim Bunning tell it like it is. WATCH JIM BUNNING SHOW SOME RAGE!
To see a Republican dress down the Republican Treasury Secretary was inspiring. Maybe this shows the GOP, one person at a time, is on the way back to finding its soul. Hey, I'm an optimist.
July 17, 2008
Jim Bunning vs. Hank Paulson. Finally, a Senator with some balls. The other 99 of 'em - worthless. But Bunning's lookin' good out of the pen
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Jim Bunning for President .
I really got a kick out of Jim Bunning .Here you had Paulson asking for a blank check ,and Congress and the Senate are just suppose to trust Paulson ,right .
Bunnings objections were great .
It really take balls to ask for a blank check in the first place . This only proves that Paulson and the Fed Chairman have way to much power right now.
The full two hours is here for you wonks
Starts off with Chris Dodd kissing the ring.
Well, Bunning did have a lot of balls. He is the first US Senator who threw a perfect game in the Majors, and probably the last.
Paulson seems very rattled, like his been up all night dealing with another bailout we don't know about yet. i'm scared now.
For a politician, Bunning actually comes across as an honorable man that actually cares about the little guy.
Paulson's demeanor is that of a shady crook.
Bernanke a little less so.
Paulson is a shame. He is shameful. He is nuts! He's all nuts!
In the name of all that's holy, how did this guy get in to a position of power? Witless and clueless.
Based on Paulson's response to Bunning, it appears to me that anyone, educated or not, young or old, could easily meet the qualifications to be Treasury Secretary. Paulson really is an idiot.
I can also say with pure honesty that I am scared for our future with Paulson at the position he is in.
I cannot believe this . . . this stuttering buffoon is the Secretary of the Treasury?????? How the f**K did this a**hole run an investment bank?? Who the f**k does he think he is asking for a blank check??? You want to pay for the bailout??? Sure we will tax the f**ck out of wall street and the reic. The new tax rate for investment bankers, fund managers, bank executives, realtors, mortgage brokers, government contactors (Halliburton, et al), and any other in the industry that caused this f**king mess will pay a 75% tax rate, retroactively going back to 2001. I don't care if you made $20,000 or $20,000,000. Tough sh!t, you made your bed, now sleep in it. Don't want to pay, fine go directly to jail, do not pass go, and do not collect your production bonus. Pricks.
The republicans never HAD a soul. They've always been useless, divisive brainstems who exploit the worst in people to gain power.
But hey, maybe you libertarians can start a new cult built around Bunning! Why give all your worship time to Ron Paul?
I'll give these senators some props when they leap over the tables, grab Paulson and Bernanke by the throats and throttle them to death. That's all those bastards deserve!!
Anon said:"Paulson seems very rattled, like his been up all night dealing with another bailout we don't know about yet. i'm scared now."
Agree. Shift change...Benanke did the all-nighter last week.
What the f*ck is wrong with Paulson's pinky? it's as crooked as he is..
Jim Bunning is a major racisr A-hole, who's been in the US Senate for several terms and has done NOTHING of any legislative or political merit.
Most the A-Holes who now found a new "hero", don't even know what state he represents...
Americano JERKOFFS!
Along with Ron Paul, Bunning can stay.
With so much violence in this country, why is it that no one puts a cap on their asses?
Apparently you dont need to be too bright to run Goldman. One of their ex-CEOs was the yammering stammering idiot on that video. Another one is now in charge of New Jersey where his chief accomplishments are raising taxes, pandering to state worker unions (while he smashes out their soon to be frog marched leader - talk about corruption!), chasing people to North Carolina, and chasing jobs to Pennsylvania. Seems like a chimp can run that place and it will do just fine in spite of it.
Hey Bitterrenter
You have a problem with Republicans, I get that. But aside from being a d!ck in everyone's @ss on some website, what are you doing to help your fellow man? Are you just sitting in your boxers with one hand on your joystick and the other on a mouse, waiting for the government to support you?
I work my @ss off everyday! My wife and I both work, and make enough to support ourselves. We do okay. We're happy, but by no means rich. Why should we have to work harder to support lazy pudpounders who didn't think it important to learn a skill or trade and get off their stupid, lazy, 'gimme gimme' @sses and start providing for themselves like adults.
You call conservatives 'brain-stems', as if we're evil. No, I don't think I should have to pay for the ills of the world. I don't think it is fair that for every dollar I EARN there are hundreds of space-wasters with their hand out and their mouth open, waiting for the glory hole to be 'manned'.
Grow the F- up, take responsibility for your own actions and yourself, and stop expecting government to take better care of you than you can.
Remember pulp fiction? Bunning should have pulled out his gat and shot Bernanke when Paulson started stuttering. " Oh I'm sorry, did I break your concentration?" More realistically, I'd like to have seen Bunning order the sargeant-at-arms to arrest Paulson for not answering his question. Maybe a week of cold and hunger would improve his speech impediment.
Keith this twit was chastising Bernanke for raising rates a year or so ago. "your chasing an inflation monster that's not even there." he said.
So before you praise him to much remember he's just reading the tea leaves. His approval sucks in his own state and the populist message sells.
He's a complete tool who never complained about spending tax payer money on Pork or for shifting the debt burden onto future taxpayers via deficit spending.
The republicans never HAD a soul. They've always been useless, divisive brainstems who exploit the worst in people to gain power.
Kinda like the Dems try to keep people in victim mode so they can set themselves as their saviors?
You call conservatives 'brain-stems', as if we're evil. No, I don't think I should have to pay for the ills of the world. I don't think it is fair that for every dollar I EARN there are hundreds of space-wasters with their hand out and their mouth open, waiting for the glory hole to be 'manned'.
Grow the F- up, take responsibility for your own actions and yourself, and stop expecting government to take better care of you than you can.
Don't worry, nobody takes Bitterrenter seriously around here. He/she is just some Marxist unemployed twit sipping soy lattes at Starbucks from their Chairman Mao coffee mug in their Che Guevera t-shirt and beret.
Geez, getting a straight answer out of Paulson is like pulling teeth.
You may be a criminal if....
Kudos to Bunnings for finally ferreting out the an admission of the truth from the scumbag Paulson.
Corporate America on trial....love it.
I know I'll get heat here for saying this, but if Paulson were to answer the question about what would be cheaper for the taxpayer 'truthfully', there would of been dire panic in the markets. Everyones 401K/pension wiped out. Thats not cheaper for the taxpayer or the USA. We can get out of this.. there will be sweeping reform, and many of these crooks are going to prison. Lets not get carried away with wanting death to America. Do you want flour and ammunition to be the only thing of value?
At this point I really don't care what position Senator Bunnings takes on other issues .I just like the position he is taking on the biggest attempted bail out in history of the bad guys .
Paulson is bias toward bailing out the Wall Street gang of bubble making thieves ,because he was one of them not to long ago .
The Fed Chairman reminds me of a scared little boy who has decided that pumping money into the situation is the only way out, along with inflation . I knew that
BB was going to be conned when he started allowing lenders to go to the Discount window using junk
loans/ Why didn't the Chairman demand the best loans to protect the taxpayers ?
Senator Dodds was the jerk that
started this PR campaign of saving
borrowers that had over extended themselves ,when it really was a bail-out for the lenders . We all know what motivates Dodds ,and some people might say that Mozillo had some information on him . Also ,where was Dodds ,as Chairman of the Finance Committee ,in 2005 when it was necessary to address the lenders ? All these public servants
failed on their job,yet we are letting these clowns solve the housing crisis ,which seems to be a cover-their own incompetent ass type of thinking going on here .These clowns are bias to say the least .
These clowns just want a "blank check ",and don't want to have to answer to Congress and the Senate ,or the taxpayers for that matter .
We are going to let these clowns pick and choose who gets bail-outs ,in spite of it not being just in many instances ,or even a obstruction of Justice .
Paulson rational that having a big gun of a "blank check" would tend to restore the confidence to the markets,is BS . What market is he referring to . The Wall Street crime boys who are trying to avoid the day of reckoning ?
What market ? The secondary market has already been destroyed to the point that it looks like the GSE's are going to be the only lender in town . Is Paulson saying that if
investors knew they would always get a bail-out ,than they would lend easy money again knowing that it was backed by the promise of the government,and Banks and Wall Street investment houses could make money again,with the taxpayers taking the risk?
And why would Paulson think that you would have a robust market when your coming out of a fake housing market ,with house prices declining
and people losing jobs ?
Sitting up a tax debt for taxpayers that will make people poorer in the future is not my idea of how you create a robust economy . You do it by job creation ,and I mean local job creation ,not Global job creation .
Every since this 9-11 thing ,people lost all bearings on common sense .
While the Nation was in trauma over
being attacked ,a forced called unchecked crime wave of Wall Street market -makers took over and took advantage of the situation . This was a evil that knew no bounds ,just like the evil that attacked innocent people in the World Trade Center with intent to harm .
At least Senator Bunnings understands that this blank check that Paulson wants is at the expense of the taxpayers and Bunnings feels accountable to the taxpayers (he said so in so many words ).
Is anybody getting sick of the out of the blue emergencies that take place and than all of a sudden a back room deal is worked out over the weekend ?
I have always been suspect of the "emergency ploy" ,that is really a device to get parties to give a better deal than they would of gotten ,had all the facts been available. Have we not reached a level in government that we shouldn't have to give in to Wall Streets demands by the "emergency ploys ",that make the public servants compromised . If you spend Billions of dollars of public funds ,or put those funds as risk, you better not do it based on a weekend back-room deal .
"When I picked up my newspaper yesterday, I thought I was in France"
Haha. What a Libertarian Retard.
France is a much better country to live in (unless you are rich).
No - it doesn't take balls to ask these questions, Mr. Bunning (unlike too many of the rest), is just fed-up with their continual lies and bailing out of rich crooks - he's just asking for the truth from Paulson/Bernanke.
Besides, too many of the representatives (what a joke that is) in that room have benefited from the housing crash as well, and are more than happy to pass the problem back onto the defenseless public in the form of higher taxes.
I cannot believe this . . . this stuttering buffoon is the Secretary of the Treasury?????? How the f**K did this a**hole run an investment bank?? Who the f**k does he think he is asking for a blank check??? You want to pay for the bailout??? Sure we will tax the f**ck out of wall street and the reic. The new tax rate for investment bankers, fund managers, bank executives, realtors, mortgage brokers, government contactors (Halliburton, et al), and any other in the industry that caused this f**king mess will pay a 75% tax rate, retroactively going back to 2001. I don't care if you made $20,000 or $20,000,000. Tough sh!t, you made your bed, now sleep in it. Don't want to pay, fine go directly to jail, do not pass go, and do not collect your production bonus. Pricks.
Nice rant. Love the passion. Not a chance in hell of happening. I share your sentiment though.
Bunning was never afraid to throw a little chin music...the old fart is still doing it.
aaah...aaahh...aahuh...aaah..the money will come from - the illegals!!! legalize them now so they can contribute to our tax system and bail out irresponsible Americanos.
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