Looks like Sheila and the FDIC are HP'ers.
Hello Sheila!
Sorry we caused that little ol' IndyMac failure. Not the rampant and organized mortgage fraud. Not the lending to people with no jobs and no income. Not the criminal activity of Michael Perry and his gang of thieves.
Nope, it was little ol' HP and the bubble blogs that took IndyMac down. Odd, right, since IndyMac wasn't even on your troubled banks list (even though it was obvious they'd fail).
Well, if you liked IndyMac Sheila, you're gonna LOVE toxic lender Washington Mutual (in my personal first-amendment protected opinion)
Monkeys folks. The US is run by monkeys and political-appointee hacks. And when the going gets tough, blame the blogs. Unreal.
FDIC learns it ignores bloggers at its peril
The federal agency insuring bank deposits learned that it can't afford to ignore the blogs following its seizure this month of IndyMac Bank, the largest bank failure since the 1980s.
"The blogs were a bit out of control," Sheila Bair, chairman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., told the San Francisco Business Times after a speech in San Francisco this week.
That's putting it mildly. Following the FDIC's takeover of Pasadena's IndyMac on July 11, widely followed blogs were speculating on bank runs on some of California's largest banks based on nothing more than people waiting for their branch to open or large deposits moving between financial institutions. The FDIC plans to pay closer attention to the blogosphere in the future.
"We're very mindful of the media coverage and blogs in controlling misinformation. All I can say is were going to continue to stay on top of it," Bair said. "The misinformation that came out over the weekend fed a lot of depositors' fears."
July 29, 2008
HousingPANIC has this message for the FDIC and its incompetent head, Sheila Bair - PEOPLE OF AMERICA GET YOUR MONEY OUT OF WASHINGTON MUTUAL NOW!!!!!!
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Misinformation must be centrally controlled.
WOW! The cyber-pen really IS mightier than the propaganda machine.
Keep up the good work, but watch your back.
I just wonder how Sheila is gonna stay on top of HP
Should I expect a call? Maybe a knock on the door?
That IndyMac was in trouble wasn't the misinfo, it was the FDIC hiding this fact from the people to help their buddies, that was the misinfo.
Look for the most egregious GDP and chain deflator number for Q2.
Misinformation is how the Bush regime rose to power, and is how they kept in power.
But over time, the people of America started to see their bullshit through their lies and propaganda news networks.
And in the end, the house of cards fell in, the truth remained and gave the proof to the people, that the Bush and Cheney regime was one big sack of shit.
All GOP criminal-network members should be on a red alert. A court room, a lie-detector test and prison cell awaits you.
"Should I expect a call? Maybe a knock on the door?"
I think Sheilas comment was a sign of extraordinary aggression, just think of the whole process she went through from start to finish there.
From specifying an innocent group of people, making a dire accusation, to vaguely threatening them. Now combine that with an additional tracking method being placed in an unrelated bill.
Its desperation to control the masses. The heat is on and they are just going to get bolder and make more and grander power grabs as/if/when things tank.
In answer to your question: Not yet, but I expect we will all encounter problems as/if/when things get worse.
Note to Sheila!!
The "misinformation" coming from the blogs, has nothing on the LIES coming from the FDIC and the FED!!
We saw the video clips of a completely pissed off depositer base as they waited HOURS in the hot sun to get their money out of Indy Mac....
We saw the clips of depositers who are now OUT their life savings, because the FDIC did not pro-actively notify every depositer with over 100K in your banks...
We that follow the blogs knew DAYS in advance that IMB was going to be taken down. I bet all those people with money there would have given ANYTHING to have a little advance warning of what was to come!!
Don't wonder why TRUST is completely gone!! You do nothing but foster that with YOUR policy of lies and misinformation to the public.
Nobody trusts the FED, FDIC or Govt...and you have brought that on yourselves.
Thank you to all the independent bloggers out there who simply seek to get the TRUTH out to the public--WE HAVE BEEN SCREWED ENOUGH by our govt and the elected officials who were hired to protect us.
Sheila is a joke...keep up the good work. I have been telling my WAMU friends to get their money out.
What is your thoughts on Wachovia? I have noticed lately their advertisements to join their bank...should we be worried?
R from Silver Spring, MD
Sheila Bair you hack
I stand with you Kieth!
Look Ma! The bankers don't have any clothes on!
Instead of blaming the blogs, they should be listening to the blogs.
It's interesting how people want to ignore the blogs until the predictions come true.
When you were telling people what was going to happen about a year ago Keith, the mainstream media and "educated people" thought you were a "gloom and doom" Chicken Little. Now that people are starting to see the truth, starting to take the red pill, they want to "stay on top of it" (it being information).
Stay safe and keep doing what you're doing. It opened my eyes.
"We saw the clips of depositers who are now OUT their life savings, because the FDIC did not pro-actively notify every depositer with over 100K in your banks..."
These depositors are NOT victims, they are lazy dumb asses. Fuck them. Let them eat cat food and dumpster leftovers.
They WERE warned. They DESERVE to be POOR.
How long do you really think the government is going to let you continue to exercise your first amendment rights in speaking of the fraud and corruption of those in the government and high positions in corporations?
I can smell a crack down on free speech in Sheila Bair's comments ---- the government and those who committed the fraud don't want others pointing fingers at them as the severity of the consequences of their crimes trickles into the consciousness of the ignorant masses.
Bloggers are blind to the governments likely audacity to curtail free speech as this continues to unwind. In fact, 10 to 1 the government/power players in the wall street are going to do a clever turn around where they make those who proclaimed the demise in housing the ones who will be blaimed as causing it --- It is foretold. The government already manipulated the financial markets by changing the shorting rules on the financials what is a little old thing like stepping on freedom of speech (don't forget the new credit card tracking in the new bill that will soon be signed into law).
The only question is how many months are left before the government crackdown happens or phony litigation arises (probably by some front organization claiming to be acting for the rights of the civil liberties of citizens --- If the countrywide CEO really did give judges special mortgage deals then what makes you think they will have any regard for the law and constitution if their masters say attack the blogs.
You have a very left sided lean politically but I think you will find soon that the judiciary appointed by the left is even more corrupt than the right.
I have had an intense dislike of WAMU for a long time; various reasons re the demographics they targeted and gouged. Glad to see Karma at work.
This is the funniest thing I've seen for a long time!
Is she challenging our constitutional right, and if so would she like to meet my little friend?
I think we should pack up our laptops and go to the front of her building and blog there.
I once said long ago that I will only post anonymously here because I don't want ANY records of what I wrote in the past.
At one point, this site will be labeled a terrorsit blog (you terrified so many people that you brought down the banks - that's a terrorist activity according to the patriot act) which makes everyone who contributed to this blog either a terrorist or an enemy combatant.
Either way - it'll earn you a one way ticket to gitmo.
As for those of you who think that you're safe because you opposed the views of this blog... in most dictatorships, those who rule tend to cast as wide a net as possible to remove any trace of anyone who even knew anything about what they want forgotten. They don't need bootlickers who can one day talk about some blog which tried to speak the truth... you'll be blindfolded, sleep deprived and water tortured with the rest of em!
Keith... expect your door to be smashed in... no knocks. Just read about the British guy Gary McKinnon who was looking for UFO's on unprotected US military computers. (And he didn't do anywhere NEAR the amount of damage you did.)
Do yourself a favor and watch part 7 of 8 beginning at 4:00 and watch the REIC 6%er attack Schiff.
Schiff absolutely destroys the opponent with reason, facts and calm presentation.
WHO would EVER place their trust in a used-house salesman on comissiom?
How stupid are you?
It must be tough to debate idiots each and every interview.
When the Phoenix moderator/broker asks if he should 'slit his wrists' my answer would be YES, do the world a favor and immediately slit your wrists, both of them. Also, kill your children so they cannot reproduce and poison the world.
Jeezus, will they EVER Get It?
Anonymous Anonymous said... "I once said long ago that I will only post anonymously here because I don't want ANY records of what I wrote in the past."
Guess what? There is nothing about your posts that is anonymous, whether you choose to give yourself a moniker or not.
Why am I starting to believe the only reason Keith keeps cheerleading for a wamu BK is that then he won't have to pay taxes on his short gains?
Give it a rest dude. They aren't going BK. 150 billion in deposits and 50 billion in capital. And hate to break it too you but I walk by a couple wamu branches everyday where I work and there has been no lines or bank run activity occuring. That you claim on the home page under your wamu death watch that a bank run began on them only displays more proof of your bias. Admit it Keith, you're short wamu and that's why you want it to fail.
BMW - I don't have the guts or the smarts to short stocks under $5
Anon worried about my door being smashed in - I actually think it's to my benefit to be blogging from overseas at this point. The REIC is none to happy with yours truly based on the email I get. Schiff also hopefully has some good security. And lawyers.
I hope the bloggers keep busting on the banks. Push their stocks lower and lower.
The one thing I learned from this blog is to BUY when there is widespread fear and capitulation.
I think it's time for you guys to take your own advice.
I just bought 100 shares of WM at 3.97 should i hold or dump?
Guess what? There is nothing about your posts that is anonymous, whether you choose to give yourself a moniker or not.
True enough... but I never blog from home and I'm hoping the company firewall will keep the men in black at bay for a while. They have to actually look at the servers here first.
Yes... it's a vain hope if this blog is specifically tracked though.
Anon worried about my door being smashed in - I actually think it's to my benefit to be blogging from overseas at this point. The REIC is none to happy with yours truly based on the email I get.
Maybe I did sound too alarmist... but I always wonder how far they would go (how far anyone would go) to cover up their billion dollar crimes.
A million bucks would buy alot of hits at 20K a cap.
I mean... these are the guys that sacrificed an entire team of their own undercover agents in order to try to embarass Valerie Plame's husband in that yellowcake fiasco.
Some of those agents might even still be alive in some hell hole somewhere. You think they're going to try and find them so that they can blab?
So when you think that's what they do to people who work for them... what do you think they'll do to someone that pops up on their radar screens. The fact they are already sending you hate mail...
it doesn't bode well. (Just make sure there are no skeletons in your closet.)
Best of luck! You're now in the same boat as Roccland.
I hope the bloggers keep busting on the banks. Push their stocks lower and lower.
The one thing I learned from this blog is to BUY when there is widespread fear and capitulation.
There was widespread fear and capitulation last year too. you're as stupid as Bair if you think the bloggers are causing this mess.
Can you do a post with the "Best of" your hate mail?
It would be enlightening.
Keith...you information controller!
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