America got the worst possible president at the worst possible time these past eight years.
And now we all pay the price.
July 30, 2008
George W. Bush - imbecile and former oil man - "we need to increase the supply of oil". HousingPANIC's new word for George W. Bush - "conservation"
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Yeah let's all live in 400 sq ft apartments and drive a Honda Fit. Or we can drill for more oil and tell the eviro-nazis to go to hell.
Hmmm...I choose option b.
How many more days?
Lets do a major shift on both up offshore drilling, and at the same time lower the speed limit to 60 mph, and raise the CAFE standard by 10 mpg in the next 5 years.
So now the picture is getting clear...Some rich American businessmen see the oil sitting out there and want to get it out and turn crazy profit...problem is those darn rules.
Plan: Let the price of oil spike and the people suffer until their cry is answered...Get that oil @ any cost...we have got to have it NOW...Be dammed all rules & regulations.
The oil markets did not just turn on its own had help because the agenda called for it.
Better get ready. The price of oil has been going down. Bush will probably respond by invading another country.
If they started drilled today on the OCS it would be f*cking years before it made it to my gas tank. These people all ride around in limos and are completely out of touch with the real world. I say F*CK YOU and the horse you rode in on.
How can we conserve when people like you and other flaming liberals are jetsetting around the globe?
It will take years for the oil to reach the market.
If you are 40 it will take 25 years for you to be able to access your IRA or 401k.
Apply logic here.
Oh my, if only Cartyr the Martyr where President life would have been soo good, we all would be sitting under an olive tree munching on boiled peanuts..
Wait, don’t peanuts contribute to greenhouse gasses?
Does anyone here know what the Carbon footprint of a peanut is ? What about them triplets?
And why is Europe infested with a carbon foot fungus?
This is dumber than anything the President said in the movie Idiocracy. That's really sad.
The inhabitants on Easter Island after they cut down the last tree...."We need to increase the supply of trees!"
Keith said...
America got the worst possible president at the worst possible time these past eight years.
The reason that it has been "the worst possible time these past eight years" is BECAUSE of the "worst possible president". The past 8 years would have been fine (without the bankrupting wars) if this bunch of cretins hadn't been elected twice by our country full of granite head retards.
we bought our first hybrid in 2005 and our second hybrid in 2006.
Anyone who didn't see that was where things were going is simply clueless (and hopeless).
Your an idiot.
Thank You,
Responsible American Citzen
"If they started drilled today on the OCS it would be f*cking years before it made it to my gas tank."
not really. some fields could be pumping oil in a year or two. and even if it were 5 or 10 years, so what? do you want to be paying $10 a gallon in 10 years or $4? had clinton not blocked anwr 10 years ago it would be producing 750,000 bbl a day today.
How much does George Soros pay you to rant against Dubya?
Maybe you missed my rants against Pelosi, Dodd, Reid and Clinton?
Both parties suck.
Wake up.
He gets excited when he talks about more profit for him and his cronies.
Replace "America" with "me and my cronies" in the speech.
Common sense would've meant you would've been impeached by now. And he's right. It's the Democrats standing in the way and he should not leave the Office without doing so. Thank you very much!
"If they started drilled today on the OCS it would be f*cking years before it made it to my gas tank."
not really. some fields could be pumping oil in a year or two. and even if it were 5 or 10 years, so what? do you want to be paying $10 a gallon in 10 years or $4? had clinton not blocked anwr 10 years ago it would be producing 750,000 bbl a day today.
July 30, 2008 9:42 PM
Uh, that would make sense if this was a multiple choice exam with the answers being a) oil b) oil c)oil d) oil e) oil.
However, there are other possible answers, you dimwit. Try looking into the concept of sustainability, maybe talk to a farmer here and there and find out how it is beneficial to use resources in a sustainable manner so that resources aren't just day.
"we bought our first hybrid in 2005 and our second hybrid in 2006."
Do you mind if I ask what you drove before 2-3 years ago?
The reason I ask is because I have always driven fuel-efficient cars. It amuses me when people say they sold their Hummer 2 years ago to get a hybrid and suddenly everyone else is a dolt.
America got the worst possible president at the worst possible time these past eight years.
And now we all pay the price.
Worst possible time? I doubt it. Imagine we'd had this dumbass at the helm during WWII or during the Cold War.
It's probably the best time we could have had a dumbass like Bush but that doesn't mean he hasn't caused a shitload of damage.
AlGore's brilliant idea is to replace our whole electric grid with wind power by 2018. And yet somehow you liberal loons think he should be president.
liberal = mental disease
Anonymous said...
we bought our first hybrid in 2005 and our second hybrid in 2006.
Anyone who didn't see that was where things were going is simply clueless (and hopeless).
July 30, 2008 9:24 PM
You don't state whether you had been driving a Hummer before you went hybrid, so I won't direct this solely at you.
However, that sanctimonious tone irritates the hell out of me for the reason that my primary driver for the last 30 DAMN YEARS has gotten 30+ mpg, eff these newbie hybrid snob ass poseur's...where the eff were you sanctimonious rat bastards at during the last 30 YEARS... Yeah you could say I "saw it where it was going" 30 effing years ago...
Thanks I feel better now...
"not really. some fields could be pumping oil in a year or two. and even if it were 5 or 10 years,"
but the oil companies apparently controlled the number of refineries they built to insure to flucuation in the price.
All commercial and private jet aircraft should be limited to 275mph, now that would save some fuel but then we would hear how this approach would create lost revenue for business. F*ck em' all, enjoy the die-off all you dems and repubs.
J. Browning
Thank god for term limits.
Without them, I'd actually be worried that the American voters would be dumb enough to put this idiot back in office for another term.
If Bush was running for a third term, I wonder what would be his big issue.
Flag burning maybe?
Or how about gay adoption?
Oh, no, I've got it. Guns. Yup, that'd do the trick. Forget about Iraq, forget about the economic collapse, forget about inflation, forget about the debt, a good second amendment dust-up would do the trick.
Sucker born every minute. Or every four years in America.
A little cold water. If every drop of oil, estimated at 88 billion barrels, were extracted from the outer shelf it would amount to roughly an 11 year supply at current rates of consumption. A big help but far from the blissfull state of energy nirvana being hawked by bush and co.
Secondly, there is a 5 year backlog on rig leasing. If the ban were dropped today the earliest drilling could start is 2013. Add 2 years to get online you are talking 2015. Not much help for gas prices in the near or middle term. Chalk that one up as one more big lie from the lier and chief. What a surprise.
Why the huge push now? Because the time is right for the handmaidens of the oil companies to generate enough political smoke to get the ban repealed. The oil companies and their well paid political lackies know perfectly well that any benefit is far into the future.
Should we drill the continental shelf. Yes, but in a controlled rational manner with lots of safeguards and oversight. Certainly not oversight by the gutted and politically charged regulators left by the bush admin.
Will this make american in any way energy independent. Pure Bush BS. We must pursue any and all sources of energy including conservation. But, this must be done without the prejudice of having the oil shills twins in charge of the country.
He does have a valid point. The democrats want to drive oil prices down by increasing the supply of oil via tapping into the strategic reserve. But they are against going to the outer continental shelf because it will increase our supply and thats bad economics? Makes no sense, Bush is right on that point.
Additionally, people act as though 5 years from now will never come. The argument of "oh well it wont come online until 2013 so lets not do it!" is just silly. When 2013 rolls around will the argument then be "oh well if we could have them up and running tomorrow then maybe, but they wont be online until 2018 so forget it!"? How about a little planning ahead for once?
And Keith man, you are flying all over the world, but you are preaching conservation? Do you have any idea how much oil jets burn through? Every time one of those things goes anywhere its a five figure fuel bill. Kind of makes driving a hummer seem economical.
A frightening possibility is that the regime ordered a terror attack to have an excuse to cancel the election - to install Bush for life. The Bush clan and bin Laden clan are so close that if they were any closer we'd have a George W bin Laden chasing an Osama Bush. With bin Laden once a CIA operative and Papa Bush once a CIA spymaster, ordering 9/11 like a pizza to have an excuse for wars is plausible and high probability.
If this comes to pass the Bush supporters will have some explaining to do...until they snitch to the Reichsecuritypolice!
While I am not a big fan of Bush, this has to be done and the sooner the better. I think it goes without saying that we need to go back to conserving oil, but obtaining more is not mutually exclusive of that goal.
Right now China is drilling only a few hundred miles off the coast of Florida, we let them do it, while we ourselves don't.
We have to have those resources, assuming that they are there, even if we never use them. It is an extremely valuable bargaining chip and a means to protect ourselves when, not if, the next oil drama starts.
If the SHTF in a biblical way and catches us without those resources, we would most likely get steamrolled as other countries moved in to take the resources for themselves.
It's just better to head all of that off.
There's plenty of oil.
You dopes need to get rid of Washington.
Anonymous said...
Your an idiot.
Thank You,
Responsible American Citzen
July 30, 2008 9:35 PM
Dubya Shrub + Penis Shooter = "Little Boy" + "Fat Man"
This nation and its Americano citizen is as toasted as a snapper turtle skewered from mouth to ass on a green Chinese bamboo stick all sizzling, sputtering, roasting nicely, juices dripping, fat popping over a bed of white hot charcoal grill.
Americano = Grilled Snapper Turtle
Americano = Bushy Shrub
Heeeee... Haaaaa... Arrrrr...
Gasoline is now at its lowest level in the history of the Americano. It is only $145.00 a barrel of oil and it will head to $200 Shitty-Americano dollar currency in a blink. Cheap, ain't it ?
So, tell me, does the average Americano, Joe6Pack and JaneZinfandel take it enough in the rear orifice yet by the forceful penetration of "Little Boy" + "Fat Man", or do you want more "Enter The Dragon" ?
Americano = Being Entered By The Dragon up the Kazook
"BORKAFATTY" AKA The Pig is swallowing, roosting, snouting, chomping at the maggot feed trough.
Heeeee... Haaaaa... Arrrrr...
And all of you retards, ass-head that voted for SHRUB and worshipped his ASS over the last 8 years, guess what, the chicken are coming home to roost on your head-ass. The ancient snapper turtle probably have more brain cell than you and your children combined together. Are you sorry yet ? Do you feel ashamed and stupid about your shallow thinking, narrow-minded love and blind, ignorant worshipping for DUBYA ? Do you, do you, do you ???
Up until recently, during times of extended conflict we've always had government intervention in the marketplace: price controls, quasi- or outright nationalization of companies, rationing, etc.
But not this time. This time we let a relative few capitalize on the effect of our military intervention in an oil-rich region. It's profiteering, which was once a hanging offense but is now considered business as usual.
So, while the 21st century robber barons have been getting fatter, 90% of the country has suffered. Not exactly the national sacrifice one expects during a time of war.
Maybe we should convert GITMO into a retirement home for war profiteers, and use their ill-gotten gains to pay for a free college education for the offspring of slain soldiers.
The man traded away Sammy Sosa to the Cubs for Christsakes !!
The only imbeciles among us are those who can't see the logic in doing both - drill and conserve (and I would add invest in alternatives). That includes you Keith.
You don't state whether you had been driving a Hummer before you went hybrid, so I won't direct this solely at you.
However, that sanctimonious tone irritates the hell out of me for the reason that my primary driver for the last 30 DAMN YEARS has gotten 30+ mpg, eff these newbie hybrid snob ass poseur's...where the eff were you sanctimonious rat bastards at during the last 30 YEARS... Yeah you could say I "saw it where it was going" 30 effing years ago...
Thanks I feel better now...
Sorry no one on this blog is putting down your 1978 toyota celica with the T-tops!
Anonymous said...
"How can we conserve when people like you and other flaming liberals are jetsetting around the globe?"
Keith he does have a point.. You better buy a horse.. I here Walmart is going to start selling them soon.
Its funny that they invade another country illegally and now say the democrats are holding them back from
There is no cheap oil in the gulf, the prices have to be high to even try to get at it.
Do americans really think that if the oil in the gulf can be extracted, that US oil companies could be held back from it by environmentalists?
Until now there was no profit in it. It takes $200oil to even consider it as an investment.
We eat oil.
We are out of oil.
We die.
Pretty simple stuff.
The housing bust is really nothing folks.
It really is nothing.
Enjoy the die off!!
I hope the entire Bush Administration commits mass suicide. Look at them- totally pathetic. A shame and disgrace to the country. Bush opens by thanking them for working hard to serve the American people. Yeah they serviced the Americans like Chris Rock says in his routine... bend over and get serviced by big gov't.
As the last poster said, additional drilling is OK but it's effectively going to do nothing to help our our gas prices. Even extracting all this oil in 10 years will not even offset the production declines in the big oil fields of Saudi Arabia and others. The best thing is to focus on conservation and switching to renewables but you would never hear an oil man say this.
Is Bush still alive already? We need a mass suicide pact of the administration, maybe a Christian leader can help us out. Anyone, anyone?
"...This is a difficult period for millions of American families. Every extra dollar they have to spend because of high gas prices is one less meet their mortgages..."
"A little cold water. If every drop of oil, estimated at 88 billion barrels, were extracted from the outer shelf it would amount to roughly an 11 year supply at current rates of consumption. A big help but far from the blissfull state of energy nirvana being hawked by bush and co."
Prices are set at the margin, so yes, it would have an effect. Not a drop of oil's been produced yet, and oil's been crashing in anticipation of the additional oil.
It also seems that anywhere where a lot of oil is found, more oil is actually found than expected.
Who could of thought that Brazil, of all places, would find a bunch of oil when they looked for it, and now will have the 3rd largest oil field in the world, and now becoming a major oil exporter.
"at the same time lower the speed limit to 60 mph, and raise the CAFE standard by 10 mpg in the next 5 years."
One word, ASININE. What right do you have to artificially restrict people's movement and fill the coffers of the police state?
Raising the CAFE std. would do nothing. Javan's Paradox shows that raising MPG results in people driving more.
I would be for opening more land to offshore drilling if we raised our national royalty rates to 50%, were given exclusive rights to all of the oil, and could force the oil companies to pay for all damages related to spills (no dragging it through the courts for decades like the Valdez incident).
Venezuela gets 80% royalties, and the oil companies still drill. What do we get for handing over our pristine wilderness and coastal shores? The lowest royalties of any oil-producing country and our oil sold off to China while a few connected CEOs get filthy rich.
"Sorry no one on this blog is putting down your 1978 toyota celica with the T-tops!"
Cars with 30+MPG capabilities were made all through the 90s, at least. Not hybrids either. His point was that the technology for high MPG has existed for decades. If they had 30+MPG technology back in the 90s, they can do a heck of a lot better now.
I think they just go for more horsepower right now. I can understand the need for powerful trucks, but sports and other such small autos? Who actually needs that? Where are you going to drive 150 MPH in the states?
It is proven fact that the last election was stolen. And if you think a five-four supreme court decision represents "the American people", well some of the justices disagree with you. Neither time did Bush "win" the election fairly. We don't want him and never did.
this argument is typical of the us vs. them, black vs. white, dem vs. rep insanity that has taken over this country. Why not drill AND conserve AND invest in alt. energy. Why doees it have to be one or the other? Do all 3 and in 10 years we'll have 75 MPG clean burning cars with gas at $1.50.
Why the hell cant you morons see this?
America got the worst possible president at the worst possible time these past eight years.
Could you imagine Al Gore or John Kerry after a 9-11? We would all be under Sharia Law by now...
>> where the eff were you sanctimonious rat bastards at during the last 30 YEARS...
I'm 20, so for 10 of those 30 years, I DIDN'T EVEN F'N EXIST, YOU MORON!
Great energy plan, put all our eggs in one basket. What could go wrong?
Oh, well it can't be any worse than his housing plan:
Where is the guarantee that drilling for "our oil" will result in lower prices?
Is it cheaper to buy "our oil"? Oil companies are currently drilling and pumping "our oil" and the price we pay are still outrageous.
Is all of "our oil" being delivered to "us"? Why do we export 1.6 million barrels of refined oil product daily?
Does any one remember the great Alaska oil pipeline? Do you know that the oil from Alaska was sold to Japan? Do you know that a refinery in Anacortes, WA processes Alaskan oil and has some of the highest gas prices in the state of Washington?
The oil market is a global market. This is no guarantee that we will get "our oil". If we do not have a guarantee that "our oil " will be delivered to us, then how do we break our dependence on forgiven oil? How do we obtain cheaper energy prices if "our oil" will be sold on the world market?
The oil companies have millions of acres under lease and yet THEY DO NOT DRILL. WHY?
If you think that the oil companies want to produce more oil to lower the price, think again.
Until there is a guarantee that the oil companies will either sell "our oil" to us exclusively and cheaper why should we give away "our oil" to them?
Are they going to pay us a fair price for what the take out of "our oil" reserves? Think again under Bush, they have been given billions is tax subsidies and what have we received in return? Higher prices at the pump, while the oil companies rake in billions in profits every quarter. Money earned from making us pay huge prices for the energy.
Should we drill offshore for "our oil"? Not until we have laws that force the oil companies to either pay the taxpayer a fair price for "our oil" or sell "our oil" to us exclusively at a lower price.
It is a common mindset among boomers and especially boomer aged children of the affluent families that the solution to any problem is to always "grow" out of any problem rather than take conservation measures or (here is a concept) a balanced approach using conservation, moderation and growth.
Why do our cars have to be twice the size of those in the rest of the world? Just because our butts are three times as big? We pay a fraction the price of gas in most of the developed world.
We have been played.
We are are still being played.
As long as they control the Bush/Cheney White House, Big Oil will continue to promote the illusion of a supply and demand reason for the price spike.
In actuality, they are restricting the domestic supply via reserve/inventory/delivery manipulation and pumping the windfall profits into the futures market to drive up prices.
"If they started drilled today on the OCS it would be f*cking years before it made it to my gas tank."
Tell that to the wildcatter who began drilling under Stephen Forbes park in IL (vertical and then horizontal drilling) just a few years ago and who is now netting $58,000 per day on the investment made just a few years ago. That was just one dude with a little knowledge and some big cajones. Conservation, moderation, a 55 mph speed limit that is permanent, serious and corruption free investment in real alternative energy sources and increased drilling would put this country back on some sort of path to normalcy faster than you think. Oh and for all the dolts who don't think this will be "a game of inches" to quote my old football coach and that alternative engery is a waste of time - tell that to the dutch who doubled the size of their country for farmland using windmills and archemedes screws to pump seawater out of the property they use to do their farming with now. T. Boone has a point about wind energy but you have to keep the players honest.
Why not drill? Yes, eventually oil will run out. OK.
Some history. OIl in 1980 is $40 per barrel. Predictions that it is runnign out and will go up in price forever. Sound familiar? I read in National Geographic that "some experts say there will be no oil by the year 2000.".
6 years later oil is $10 per barrel!
What happened? North Sea. Gulf of Mexico. They found more.
So allow them to find more now?
Conserve? Sure. New technologies? Absolutely.
But oil won't be ready for 10 YEARS!! They said that 10 years ago when they decided not to drill in Barren ANWR (drilling area about the size of an airport). Will plug in hybrids be here in a year? Will "hydrogen cars"? Probably not. So then why demand a solution from oil that it will be here immediately.
Conservation is ultimately a personal decision. Only way gov't affects it is by raising gas taxes. We don't live in a command economy with gas ration cards. That's the only way you could enforce conservation. Don't think that would work.
"What do we get for handing over our pristine wilderness and coastal shores?"
Where does this idea come from that oil extraction means environmental destruction? Drilling on the North Slope of alaska had a positive effect on wildlife. During Katrina, a cat 5 hurricane, not a single oil rig spilled oil in the gulf.
"Is all of "our oil" being delivered to "us"? Why do we export 1.6 million barrels of refined oil product daily?"
Because oil is a world market. It's cheaper to export the oil and import the oil from somewhere else. Why take alaskan oil and ship it to NYC when japan is so much closer? It's cheaper to sell to japan and buy from Venezuela for NYC.
July 30, 2008 9:24 PM said...
we bought our first hybrid in 2005 and our second hybrid in 2006.
Anyone who didn't see that was where things were going is simply clueless (and hopeless).
pfftt Hybrids... so what..
Sorry to rant.... this will be long but I CAN'T STAND THE SMUGNESS OF HYBRID OWNERS!! It makes me nuts...
I call Smug Alert!!
You know there were cars that got 40-50 MPG in the U.S. long before hybrids appeared.
80-90s Suzuki Swift / Geo Metro
75 - Current Model Year Volkswagen Diesels.
Many 80- Current Hondas, Toyotas, Kias to name a few.
I haven't owned a car with an engine larger than 4 cylinders, that got less than 30 MPG since I started driving 24 years ago...
Since 91 all the cars I have owned have averaged 50 MPG or better and that is highway at 70 MPH all day long not just in stop and go traffic, try that with a hybrid.
I know at least 3 people that have jumped on the hybrid band wagon in the last 2 years and talk about how awesome the mileage is and that they have "Gone Green", yet they commute at least 60 miles of interstate a day. They seem to forget that on the highway hybrids get them nothing more than the full gas version of the same car.
Not only do hybrid owners feel hybrids are the answer to everything. Somehow they have suddenly discovered a magic bullet and are mentally ahead of everyone else. Like they are in on some secret discovery that everyone else is just to stupid to figure out.
They feel like they are somehow better humans, Toyota should have named it the "Pious".
I'll see your hybrid and raise you, 70MPG all day long not just in stop and go city driving.
Unfortunately, as has always been the practice, The U.S. governments policy of propping up and protecting Detroit's big 3 from any real competition makes having cars like that available in the U.S. impossible.
The U.S. Doesn't need hybrids, it needs (or needed as it is too late now for Detroit's big 3 are dead men walking.) to not drop MPG standards and adopt real ones like the rest of the world.
Recently when the Government tried to actually do do something right and raise MPG to 27.5 MPG by 2020 the Big 3 stomped their feet and cried "YOU'LL BANKRUPT US!!!"
Meanwhile most of the rest of the world is already surpassed 27.5 MPG oh and it looks like the Big 3 are bankrupt anyway.
My desire for high MPG cars stems from the permanent mental scars caused by many hours waiting in gas lines with my dad as a kid during the 70's oil crisis...
My personal answer is owning two cars that get 50 MPG that sit parked and hardly driven because I live in a walking town that has mass transportation to a major city. The best way to save money on fuel is to not use it.
I am happy for you and and your hybrids and thanks for joining the High MPG party 2 years ago. Come on in, maybe after a few drinks, all of you hybrid owners will relax and stop acting so superior to the rest of us.
The poster who said that "we won't get OUR oil" as it will be sold, misses the point completely.
Why is oil sold to Japan? I don't know, maybe it's more effecient.
Oil is a global market as you say. Everyone pays the same price.
Allowing more supplies to come on line, tends to lower the price. But you are right that it isn't really "our" oil, even though it's on US territory and the US gov't probably gets a lot of fees from it. It won't necessarily be USED HERE. But it doesn't matter. It adds to the total supply and thus all other things being equal lowers prices.
Oil companies aren't drilling on fed'l leases they have now? Because they looked for oil there and couldn't find any. Why would oil companies drilling dry holes make you happy? Should they be required to do that in the name of "fairness" to the leases w/o oil (treat them the same as leases w/ oil)?
Brazil has celebrated 10B barrel oil find!! WE have 20 times that much and it's simply off limits for religious grounds. It's ludicrous. And now you need a "guarantee" that it will lower prices. I give up.
'America got the worst possible president at the worst possible time these past eight years.'
The Petroleum/Military Industrial Complex got the BEST possible president at the BEST possible time these past eight years.
not really. some fields could be pumping oil in a year or two. and even if it were 5 or 10 years, so what? do you want to be paying $10 a gallon in 10 years or $4? had clinton not blocked anwr 10 years ago it would be producing 750,000 bbl a day today.
July 30, 2008 9:42 PM
of all the comments posted here, I haven't seen one that responds to the main problem, and that is Americans consume like 21 MILLION bpd! So yes, it would be nice to have an extra 750k bpd, but that is NOTHING! Further, its been estimated by our gov that there are like 10 - 12 billion gallons of oil in ANWR. If we were to somehow magically pump all the oil we need, 21 mill bpd,we would have less than a 2years supply! And that is assuming that we wouldn't go on increasing daily consumption because of us being able to lower the price in the first place. I really don't think this is such a great idea, but then again, it just might shut the idiot right wingnuts up about it! So hey, go for it! Drill, drill, drill and when all is said and done, and gas is still sky high, don't forget to blame Obama/Hillary/[enter some dem name here].
Uh, you dolts. Maybe we should be spending the money used on exploration for oil instead on developing a power grid and transportation system that uses less oil and more renewable energy. Denmark and Israel are doing it. However, with idiots like you in this country who think China is drilling off the coast of Florida, we're just going to be left behind. While other nations rid themselves of their oil addiction, we're just going to fritter away our finances and become the next bloated former superpower. Do you all like Russia that much that you want to become it?
Yeah let's all live in 400 sq ft apartments and drive a Honda Fit. Or we can drill for more oil and tell the eviro-nazis to go to hell.
Let's not forget that most Americans can't afford to sell their cars tomorrow and buy overpriced hybrids.
Although the Messiah Obama may order them to under threat of gulags, just like his idol Stalin.
The parallels between Obama and Hitler scare the sh*t out of me. Go back and read your history books, boys and girls, and you will see that pre-chancellor Hitler and Obama's words are the same.
Just wait till all those toxic batteries from those hoity-toity hybrid cars end up in land fills.
Just wait till all those toxic energy-saving light bulbs end up in land fills.
Bush always has a way of speaking as though he is addressing an audience of retards. The press core must just stare at him in stunned silence and Bush knows he is not connecting. At least he has a lot of dopes behind him nodding like idiots.
(At least Hitler, Gerbbels and Goering committed suicide.)
Unfortunately the folks don't want to conserve, just talk about it, even most liberals.
The only thing that makes them conserve is higher prices. And the poor are the ones who get hurt the most. Tragic.
Dear Anon @ July 30, 2008 9:35 PM
"Your" means ownership. "You're" means You are ... as in being.
Looks like YOU'RE the idiot.
Thanks for playing.
Now get lost.
Lamaria, China is not drilling off of the coast of Florida. Stop listening to the neo-con/far right wing liars.
a very stupid liberal (but I repeat myself) said:
"of all the comments posted here, I haven't seen one that responds to the main problem, and that is Americans consume like 21 MILLION bpd! So yes, it would be nice to have an extra 750k bpd, but that is NOTHING!"
Nothing eh? Then why did Nancy Pelosi demand that we stop filling up the Strategic Oil Reserve? That amounts to only 70,000 a day.
So in the world of Obama/Pelosi, 70,000 a day makes a difference. But 750,000 a day is nothing.
You sir are today's IMBECILE OF THE DAY. Thanks for playing and have a nice day.
4:08pm, what car do you own that gets 70mpg? I'd buy that shit in a second if it were real.
""[d]rilling is underway 60 miles off Florida. The drilling is being done by China, in cooperation with Cuba, which is drilling closer to South Florida than U.S. companies are."
OK fine China isn't drilling 10 feet from Miami, but it's close enough.
If Bush was running for a third term, I wonder what would be his big issue.
Or how about gay adoption?
Well, gay marriage seems to be a priority to bankrupt California, Keith. So it's ok to be an issue only when it serves your ultraliberal gay freaks.
Meanwhile, 17-year old illegals are shooting entire families with AK-47s because of traffic disputes in San Fran, and because the ultraliberals decided to make the state a safe heaven for gang members.
Hey but gay marriage is more important and the Birkenstock-code monkey idiots posting here are all for it. Now I let you all go back to s*ck Hussein's d!ck. He'll will wave his magic wand and make it taste like granola bar for you retards.
Just wait till all those toxic batteries from those hoity-toity hybrid cars end up in land fills.
Just wait till all those toxic energy-saving light bulbs end up in land fills.
You do realize that we've been recycling batteries for years now. You should watch more "How It's Made". But I do hate the Idiocracy cars that the stupid ultraliberals want to push. They want to be French, driving that pathetic Smart POS car. I will never drive those POS cars.
Is there a HousingPANIC reading list? Here's one to add:
Rise and Fall of the Third Reich
"The oil companies have millions of acres under lease and yet THEY DO NOT DRILL. WHY?"
Dumbass, they do drill for oil that's profitable to bring out of the ground. Remember, oil companies, just like any company loves PROFITS. If there's land that's not getting drilled it's because there's no oil there, or the oil is too expensive to get.
"If you think that the oil companies want to produce more oil to lower the price, think again."
Oil companies make money by taking oil out of the ground and selling it on the market. If they aren't allowed to get it out of the ground, then they get no money.
At current prices, every Tom, Dick, and Harry want to drill and put as much oil on the market and get FAT profits due to the current high price of oil. Don't you understand that? Are you really that ignorant?
"Think again under Bush, they have been given billions is tax subsidies and what have we received in return?"
Spending bills originate in the House, not the White House. congress deserves just as much blame as Traitor Bush.
You also forgot about the big, sloppy, wet kiss the ethanol program is to big agribusiness.
"what car do you own that gets 70mpg? I'd buy that shit in a second if it were real."
It's the VW Jetta diesel hybrid, which as of now is vaporware.
I just cannot believe one thing:
after 8 years of superconservative government that caused:
-illegal invasion of iraq (with more than 4000 soldier died, not to mention countless Iraqi civilians)
whose cost is approaching half trilion dollars (BTW, how much oil can you buy with ahlf trilion?)
-Housing bubble (need to say more?)
-the demise of the dollar
-the freedom for the government to spy on citizen, and the ability to be imprisoned without habeas corpus
After all this, some people still think the problem are the conservatives!!!
Ok, anyone has the right to be idiot, but someone is really abusing it!!
Yeah let's all live in 400 sq ft apartments and drive a Honda Fit. Or we can drill for more oil and tell the eviro-nazis to go to hell.
Or maybe, we can drill for more oil and not very much comes out because we've all fucking used most of it up.
And we live in 400 sq foot apartments having wasted good money on massive wasted capital rusting in the oil fields.
Guess what? You can drill and NO OIL COMES OUT. More realistically--the value of the oil you get is less than the money you spent to get to it and pipe it out.
There is a delusion that petroleum is like planting soybeans. No, it doesn't grow by itself.
Mother Nature doesn't give a crap how much USD you show up with.
The parallels between Obama and Hitler scare the sh*t out of me. Go back and read your history books, boys and girls, and you will see that pre-chancellor Hitler and Obama's words are the same.
Right. And "Audacity of Hope" is a straight ripoff of Mein Kampf.
What sort of insane sick BS right wing radio are you listening to?
Mein Kampf (1925):
Hitler announces his hatred of what he believed to be the world's twin evils: Communism and Judaism. The new territory that Germany needed to obtain would properly nurture the "historic destiny" of the German people; this goal explains why Hitler invaded Europe, both East and West, before he launched his attack against Russia. Laying Germany's chief ills on the parliament of the Weimar Republic, he announces that he wants to completely destroy that type of government.
Mein Kampf has additionally been examined as a book on foreign policy. For example, Hitler predicts the stages of Germany's political emergence on the world scene: in the first stage, Germany would, through a program of massive re-armament, overthrow the shackles of the Treaty of Versailles and form alliances with the British Empire and Fascist Italy. The second stage would feature wars against France and her allies in Eastern Europe by the combined forces of Germany, Britain and Italy. The third and final stage would be a war to destroy what Hitler saw as the "Judeo-Bolshevik" regime in the Soviet Union that would give Germany the necessary Lebensraum
Let's see lets be real intelligent and blame President Bush for all our problems... that should solve everything.
I have now voted for six presidents and President Bush is the second best in my experience. The problem with housing rests with people not presidents or even Congress (though they have more to account for).
The character of our people is the problem. Those would reneg'd on their fiduciary responsibilites and those who lied and committed fraud and those who borrowed what they could not pay back and finally those who were greedy.
The solution to the housing debacle is to require 20% down, remove tax write-offs for non-owner occupied residential real estate and lower property taxes on owner-occupied residential while raising them on non-owner occupied and requiring monthly tax payments on non-owner occupied residential properties. There is no reason the taxpayer should subsidize the home buyer and home owner especially those that are investors and speculators.
The energy crisis will be resolved as alternatives are allowed to grow especially solar. Every new home and building or any substantial size built in a good solar area should be required to have a 1,000 watt solar panel in 2009 and a 2,000 watt in 2010 and a 2,500 watt in 2011 and a 3,000 watt in 2012.
Electricity generation is much more efficient than the gasoline engine and so we should rapidly convert to electric hybrid cars requiring each car to have a solar array that generates more electricity.
We should also require geothermal heat pumps for heating and cooling in every area of the country where they are cost effective.
Finally we should subsidize these with the gasoline and fossil fuel taxes.
The removal of tax incentives in real estate would force the banks to unload the REO inventory as it would the investor. This would make homes more affordable and lower the cost of property taxes freeing up income for use on items that are produced.
Nothing eh? Then why did Nancy Pelosi demand that we stop filling up the Strategic Oil Reserve? That amounts to only 70,000 a day.
Hey stupid, answer the damn question! What is 750000 bpd gonna do? Its so marginal that it wouldn't even matter, even if you did assume those 750k bpd could come on line tomorrow, or at some point in the short term! Better yet, let me put it this way: 'What is 21 million divided by 750,000?' Originally, I asked the board, and now you in general. But I see there are too many zeroes in the question I posed to you, its probably way over your head, so don't worry, dummy, your ignorance says it all. And no I don't give a good damn what nancy pelosi says, I can do my own math thank you! Come back when you find out what rush limbaugh has told you what to think, stupid...
What is 750k bpd goign to do? A lot more than not having 750k bpd.
All other things being equal, more supply is lower prices. Besides you never know how much oil it is until you start pumping. ANWR could have 100bb barrels, the same as Kuwait....bringing a couple million more barrels a day might keep prices from spiking further. It might give high prices the time to cause conservation, new technology etc.
A note about solar panels. A sq meter of earth gets about 1000 w at noon on a sunny day. A 10% efficiency solar panel (which is HIGH) would give you about...1/6 of a hp per square meter. That's why it's nonsensical to have "solar cars"....not enough energy is coming down to power a car. It's also why solar is still far more expsensive than coal or wind.
There should be a multi-pronged approach:
1. forced conservation through higher gas taxes,
2. more technology (paid for by PRIVATE companies not gov't. So many people say "we" shouldn't spend "our" money drilling. "WE" don't. That's private oil company money, they just want permission to drill). Plug in hybrids will come along shortly (did the US gov't fund the Prius? they how is it here?).
3. Nuclear power (France gets 80% of electricity from nuclear and has the lowest rates in Europe)..the US used to be the leader before enviro-wackos wet their pants and forced them out of business.
4. MORE DRILLING. There's no reason not to other than religious phony morality reasons.
brianbb said...
What is 750k bpd goign to do? A lot more than not having 750k bpd.
No, again as a percent, which no one wants to offer here, it would be at 3.5%, using todays consumption rate of 21 million bpd. In reality, we would be using so much more by the time this came online. Right now we are without the 750k bpd, so having that extra 750k bpd wouldn't do that much more!.
Besides you never know how much oil it is until you start pumping
Uh, no, the eia has roughly said that there are 10 billion barrels recoverable. There was however, noted a 5% chance that there may be up yo 16 billion barrels, which would be nice but pinning your hopes on dumb luck doesn't sound like a sound strategy to me.
ANWR could have 100bb barrels, the same as Kuwait
Why would you expect to find 10 times as much oil as what is expected? I guess we could just as easily find 100 bb barrels in your backyard? Or mine? Anyway, again, lets just start drilling anywhere and everywhere cuz brianbb said it could be there...
As far as solar cars, I don't know where you got on that subject from. But anyway MIT just announced a breakthrough in solar power, yuo may wanna check it out (I actually haven't fully checked it out yet).
As far as your multipronged approach:
1) Don't know, any tax should be thoroughly investigated.
2) Well, technology is born from r&d. And if not public, then private, but hey, we are giving tax give aways to big corporations anyway, why not trade some of these tax giveaways for more r&d credits? Why not public R&D?
3) I agree those enviro whackos wet their pants and halted production of some power plants. Can you believe in CA a bunch of community 'activists' protested when PG&E wanted to build a nuclear power plant on an FAULT LINE!?!? Yea they sure wet their pants on that one. Boy I still can't get over them enviro whackos...
4)You will see in my earlier post that is what i said, if it shuts the right wing nuts up, go for it! Drill drill drill!
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