"You know, God bless him, bless his heart, president of the United States, a total failure, losing all credibility with the American people on the economy, on the war, on energy, you name the subject"
- Nancy Pelosi, The Worst Speaker of the House Ever, speaking about The Worst President in the History of the United States, July 2008
Meanwhile, Rome burns.
July 17, 2008
And then one Total Failure said to the other Total Failure....
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We've hit bottom folks, and the reason is very simple. The United States of America has promise to bail out the housing market by helping to bail out Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae.
Whether HPer's like it or not it will be good news from here on. Housing sales will pick up, its already happening here in Palm Beach County Florida.
Nancy Pelosi. Now there's an opinion that holds a lot of value.........
You heard of the Keating Five?
Here's the Clueless Two...
Worst, Most Corrupt EVER.
isnt that the pot calling the kettle black
Best Blog on the Internet.
If you replace 'bless' with damn and 'heart' with ass, her statement would have a lot more appeal...
Hat Tip Glenn Beck: Politicians talking on foreign oil dependency re-caped from 1977 to today in "three depressing minutes."
My fuc#ing God they have all been full if sh!t for 31 years.
Baby Boomers are going to start to lose power very rapidly now and let's hope that once they do, they'll never get it back. They've been the most worthless generation in American history.
Amen! What a bunch of twits we have running this government. I want another option...I couldn't imagine anyone doing a worse job. I hope the Baby Boomers suffer for putting this burden on their children's backs! Once hippies, now turned careless and greedy...oh the irnony...fake wealth corupts...an now that it is gone no one wants to blame the real culprit...themselves.
Hello, Americano, the Great Snapper Turtle of the Ancient of Time.
How does it feel to be roasted by your relative, Uncle Bushy, skewered on a stick from head to ass on a green Chinese bamboo stick, slathered with butter and wasabi, marinated in Chinese spicy yellow mustard sauce with a dash to the hot Tabasci, all sizzling nicely, juices dripping, fat popping over a bed of white hot charcoal grill ???
Americano = Grilled Snapper Turtle
Americano = Bushy Shrub
Heeeee... Haaaaa... Arrrrr...
Gasoline is now at its lowest level in the history of the Americano. It is only $145.00 a barrel of oil and it will head to $200 Shitty-Americano dollar currency in a blink. Cheap, ain't it ?
So, tell me, does the average Americano, Joe6Pack and JaneZinfandel take it enough in the rear orifice yet by the forceful penetration of "Little Boy" + "Fat Man", or do you want more "Enter The Dragon" ?
Americano = Being Entered By The Dragon up the Kazook
"BORKAFATTY" AKA The Pig is swallowing, roosting, snouting, chomping at the maggot feed trough.
Heeeee... Haaaaa... Arrrrr...
And all of you retards, ass-head that voted for SHRUB and worshipped his ASS over the last 8 years, guess what, the chicken are coming home to roost on your head-ass. The ancient snapper turtle probably have more brain cell than you and your children combined together. Are you sorry yet ? Do you feel ashamed and stupid about your shallow thinking, narrow-minded love and blind, ignorant worshipping for DUBYA ? Do you, do you, do you ???
I know...right? And what is your credibility, Nancy? 9%, right?
It's crap like this that makes me take meds!
Remain calm! All is well!
God bless you Nancy. Keep pointing fingers, smear others. Congress has yet to do anything about asking for transparency in the banking sector. Stay in the employ of Mozilla and others.
"Whether HPer's like it or not it will be good news from here on."
Why wouldn't we like to see an upturn in the economy? A disaster avoided is the salvation of lives and the quality of those lives.
"Baby Boomers <...> been the most worthless generation in American history."
Hate to disagree with you there. The most destructive and worthless generation in America right now would be my own and by a wide margin. The tween-early thirties group.
Looks like she might have had a nice rack when she was younger.
what a funking idiot! which one you ask? both but peeloser is worse. She has the power to do something about it but what is she doing?
She could have brought the troops home by not passing any funding legislation.
She could ram any legislation past the president by telling the repubs that if they don't over-ride bush's veto then she won't let anything go through the house.
but no, she just points fingers and does nothing.
Name me on thing Pelosi has done "wrong". On the contrary, she has had to work hard to try and reverse the damage of 13 years of a republican Congress and 8 years of bush.
You brainstems are so afraid to get behind the liberals you'll make shit up to try and convince yourselves that democrats are as bad a republicans.
Maybe when you're all suffering, living in tents you'll come around. Meanwhile, I'll enjoy watching you resist the correct way of thinking. I'll get a bigger kick out of watching your anxiety escalate as your kids face a very dark future due to your ignorance.
Only the most stupid people think the democrats can do anything with such a slim margin of control and a republican president with nothing to lose.
And the brainstems are the most stupid people on the planet.
Pelosi is a traitor both to the DNC and America as Bush is to the RNC and America.
WTF happend to the 100 day agenda after the 06 elections?
This name calling is just to get Obama elected. BTW, he is calling for 1980s Solviet domestic spy programs with secret police and civilian paid govt. informants.
A total nation of snitches and cops in ski masks = the future of the US.
F*ck these un-American criminals! What a job these assholes have done on America.
They illegally wiretap Americans before 9/11.
They stage 9/11.
They stage the anthrax attacks.
Introduce the "Patriot" Act. The Military Commissions Act. The John Warner Defense Authorization Act. The president can now declare martial law for any reason and become a military dictator.
Creates the Orwellian/Hitlerian Department of Homeland Security.
Invade Afghanistan and bomb a bunch of third world goat herders in the "global war on terror".
Invade Iraq, destroy the country and kill over a million Iraqis.
Secret rendition.
Promote torture.
Destroy the biggest economy in the world with the "ownership society" initiative and rampant fraud and corruption.
And you say George Bush and Co has been a failure?? None of the above was accidental boys.
You don't just accidentally stage a coup!!
"...it will be good news from here on. Housing sales will pick up..."
Amen brother.
As long as wages skyrocket along with everything else, we'll all be in fine shape.
Pelosi is an idiot. She doesn't even realize that she makes herself an idiot by stooping to the level of calling the president an idiot.
Bush is gone in Jan 09. who knows how long we will be stuck with idiot pelosi, which makes her the bigger threat of the two.
And some people have the nerve to bad mouth Jimmy Carter. He seems like a visionary now. "W" is the worst president ever! Hear that Fillmore, Hoover and Tyler!
Takes one to know one.
DOW up 500 this week and set to go up another 100 or so this morning based on futures.
The bottom was here kidz. Hope you loaded on on financials like I said to do last week. Buying up Wamu, Citi and BofA calls all last week was probably the best investment I have ever made.
Senior Jorge Bushco and Bella Lugosi Pelosi discuss whether in times of US market meltdown and financial panic featuring massive protest and street violence it is safer for them to emigrate to Mexico or Dubai and stay with Shotgun Dick for awhile over at the new Halliburton world HQ until the food and water runs out and the FEMA camps are full and the rest of their former US constituents just, die like the nation has.
George is reviewing the Zagruder tapes again and again and Grandma Pelosi is still wondering what day it is...
Bushco keeps mumbling repeatedly: 'the fundamentals are sound'...
Whether HPer's like it or not it will be good news from here on. Housing sales will pick up, its already happening here in Palm Beach County Florida.
Sure buddy, that's why there was a huge article on the WSJ re: how mortgage companies are demanding 20 to 35% down payments, proof of income, low LTV ratios, etc. According to realtors and brokers, 80% of applications are being denied. Not too many buyers have $60k for down payment on a $300k home in FL. Plus who would commit to an ankle-iron ball during an economic downturn and mass unemployment.
Just remember, with St. Barry in charge, Mancy Pelosi and Fairy Reid can do WHATEVER they want to us. This includes the forcible removal of intrensic motivation to get off our stupid, lazy, gimme gimme asses.
People will beg for the return of sanity, but it will be too late. Andrew Hac's Americano snapping turtle will become the North Americano Union limbless sloth.
It takes one to know one
Well, you know it takes one to know one.
Andrew Hac for president.
As the silly bitch waxed rhapsodic over her ascension to the unimaginable
(for her, a poor, Italian-American, woman) heights of her speaker position,
and then took impeachment 'off the table',
I knew for sure.
She was dangerously useless.
Total works - but I prefer abject
Well, some of my past collegues - smart (at least they thought), educated, yuppies - voted for this clod 2 times!
Many of them now are feeling the hard pinch in their wallet books, and taking more and more over-the-counter meds to cope with all the stress - legalized drug addiction.
Here in HB Ca., reality is beginning to really sink in for many residents. The shops aren't as full, and the streets are not nearly as busy on the weekends.
Many over priced houses sit empty within the city, as more and more forsale signs for cars and trucks dot the streets.
What are you smoking? :)
Alot of people across the country could use some.
Anonymous said...
We've hit bottom folks, and the reason is very simple. The United States of America has promise to bail out the housing market by helping to bail out Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae.
Whether HPer's like it or not it will be good news from here on. Housing sales will pick up, its already happening here in Palm Beach County Florida.
"It's crap like this that makes me take meds!"
My best wishes for you, that you do not ever have a real problem...
Were dead, how do you say suckie suckie 5 dollars in chinese or spanish.
Hey Andrew,
Wasabi is Japanese not Chinese. Get this straight. Where are you from anyway, boy?
I've read that Pelosi and the Chimp exchange notes with little hearts drawn on them. That's one of the reasons impeachment was taken "off the table" two years ago.
"Baby Boomers are going to start to lose power very rapidly now and let's hope that once they do, they'll never get it back. They've been the most worthless generation in American history."
The Bushtard and Pelosi may be Baby Boomers. But I'm not sure they run anything. They just go with what the elite tell them to do.
We've hit bottom folks, and the reason is very simple. The United States of America has promise to bail out the housing market by helping to bail out Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae.
Whether HPer's like it or not it will be good news from here on. Housing sales will pick up, its already happening here in Palm Beach County Florida.
Ha ha ha ha!
What a moron! You believe the "it's just psychology" line spouted recently by Dubya, McCain, Chris Dodd, etc.
The worst is yet to come, Skippy.
Andrew Hac said...
Hello, Americano, the Great Snapper Turtle of the Ancient of Time.
How does it feel to be roasted by your relative, Uncle Bushy, skewered on a stick from head to ass on a green Chinese bamboo stick, slathered with butter and wasabi, marinated in Chinese spicy yellow mustard sauce with a dash to the hot Tabasci, all sizzling nicely, juices dripping, fat popping over a bed of white hot charcoal grill ???
Andrew, you off your meds today?
"Baby Boomers are going to start to lose power very rapidly now and let's hope that once they do, they'll never get it back. They've been the most worthless generation in American history."
You think they are bad, wait until the "Rap" generation gets out in the world. You already see the symptoms of it - MTV Cribs, American Idol, Rock of Love, need I say more.
Dumb and Dumber I tell ya. As the other poster said so well - Heard of the Keating Five - They are the clueless two. Hat tip to the anon on that one!
two moronic pagans talking about God........isn't that special?
That's like Kobe calling Shaq black.
Pelosi and Bush kissing in a tree.. F-I-S-A
We need to do a moneybomb for Cindy Sheehan. Seriously!
Andrew Hac is awesome.
His posts are really starting to make me hungry though. Too bad food is now too expensive for the starving Americano! Perhaps I will have to go eat my own head-ass.
We've hit bottom folks, and the reason is very simple. The United States of America has promise to bail out the housing market by helping to bail out Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae.
Whether HPer's like it or not it will be good news from here on. Housing sales will pick up, its already happening here in Palm Beach County Florida.
Absolute rubbish....
We've not even started looking at foreclosures that are backed up by 6 months or so at the least. Banks are so overwhelmed that they don't know what to do with their inventory.
What on earth are you talking about? We've not hit bottom at all...we don't even have a clear understanding of how low the floor really is.
Nancy Pelosi - IMPEACHMENT IF OFF THE TABLE - what a f_cking fool she is. This stupid two-bit professional politician removed the one process available to the American People to get rid of Bush.
I say impeach Pelosi,she's worse than Bush - well almost.
Don't worry guys, the candidate of "change" is about to take the helm.
Change? What change? I don't know. No change on the war front and no signs of change as yet, but he does say the word a lot, so it must mean somemthing.
And if the empty suit gets elected, W will look like one of the best presidents that we've seen. Obama doesn't have a clue and doesn't even know enough to buy a vowel. McCain is no panacea, but Obama is the next great American Disaster times 100.
Be nice to Nancy. The House has tried to do a lot, only to see every proposal die in the non Republican filabuster proof Senate. Unfortunately, lack of compromise/consensus means nothing gets done unless the Dems get close to 60 Senate seats in the Fall.
Bush, of course, is a moron.
Pelosi is not a boomer – too old as are Cheney, Rumsfield, and the rest of the gang. Bush is a boomer – just barely, and so is Obama.
"Whether HPer's like it or not it will be good news from here on. Housing sales will pick up, its already happening here in Palm Beach County Florida."
First of all, most HPer's aren't going to like news of a housing pickup.
Secondly, I wish we knew each other because I would bet you $100 that housing will be much worse in a year. This is only the beginning of the housing downturn my friend.
“Democrats have a commonsense plan to help bring down skyrocketing gas prices by cracking down on price gouging, rolling back the billions of dollars in taxpayer subsidies, tax breaks and royalty relief given to big oil and gas companies, and increasing production of alternative fuels.”
Nancy Pelosi, April 24, 2006
I would like to present the corrupt Tom Delay as the worst House Speaker ever.
Biterrenter asked to provide one thing that St. Pelosi has done wrong...
Here you go...
According to Wikipedia "In 2001, she voted in favor of the USA Patriot Act"
Anonymous Anonymous said...
"Baby Boomers are going to start to lose power very rapidly now and let's hope that once they do, they'll never get it back. They've been the most worthless generation in American history."
Well....except maybe for their off spring. Two GenXers were talking in the store today: "Why do you want to get a job?". She answered "So that I can buy food." He replied: "Just have your parents buy it for you".
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