What. A. Disaster.
Poor guy.
I think McCain's campaign must be run by monkeys.
"OK, John, we're gonna send you out on the same night Obama clinches in front of thousands and thousands of ecstatic supporters, and we're gonna give you one of the worst, most boring and most backward-looking speeches we can find, because we think if you're gonna go down, go down HISTORICALLY. Let's lose all 50 states!"
Congrats again to Obama. The general election campaign is gonna be fun. Anyone think some in the GOP might be thinking of ways to replace McCain with a viable candidate right about now?
June 04, 2008
Today, after watching these two performances, I actually feel sorry for John McCain
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For those who hate blacks more than they love themselves (e.g. West Virginians) the choice will be an easy one. For the rest of us, the choice will also be easy.
Which group has more people in it and which group is more likely to lead America into a brighter future?
PS The 'pubes could have chosen Ron Paul...
Love the green background
The wide swath of red areas between the coasts will do in Barack in the same way they did in Kerry in 2004.
"something's up, and they're cheering"
Yes, they are
The super delegates killed the only chance McCain had: Clinton dragging the race to the convention.
I zapped randomly to about 10:15 in the McCain speech and it was HORRIFIC. Unbelievably bad. He was spouting some crap about how often he disagreed with Bush over Iraq. You could tell even he knew it was bullshit as he stumbled over the lines so badly.
Even Frank's got to admit he's backing a sure loser
But everywhere you look-- web sites, newspapers, tv news -- McSame's remarks are plastered everywhere.
Hillary is a psycho, a clinical psycho. She is so disconnected from reality that she can't let go even after tonight. I puke at the thought of any of these people but I don't want her anywhere near the nuclear button. If the donkeys put her on the ticket I'll vote McCain even if it requires serious medication on election day.
I think McCain is a piece of trash. I will still gladly vote for him over Barry O. And no you tools it is not because Barry O is black. It's because he is a far-left radical. Take your PC glasses off for 2 seconds are realize what he really is.
Mc Same
Mc Insane
Mc Bush
PS The 'pubes could have chosen Ron Paul...<<
they still might. nobody really wants mccain. they all know who he really is. nobody likes this guy. then you have ron paul lurking in the background. he has not officially quit yet....strange things can happen at the convention.....
obama promises the moon and will deliver nothing. he is bought and paid for. he is from chicago. is there any further discussion necessary? the guy is dirty as the day is long. it goes with the territory of chicago politics. will anyone bring this up? hard ot say at this time. mccain is dirty too. oh well. we are finished as a nation. when the final candidates are scumbags, then you know we are at the end of the line financially, economically and politically.
USEFUL IDIOTS definition:
In political jargon, the term "useful idiot" was used to describe Soviet sympathizers in western countries and the alleged attitude of the Soviet government towards them. The implication was that the person in question was naïve, foolish, or in willful denial, and was being cynically used by the Soviet Union, or another Communist state.
His 'global poverty act" is Welfare bill for 3rd world paid for by US tax payers 1/2 Billion $.
Amnesty Agenda.
Reconquista by La Raza.
All Taxes going UP.
Watch out!!!
Thought Police, PCness, further destruction of the family and bow down to the NANNY STATE.
Ok, John's speech last night wasn't his best. But still if you listen to the words instead of just the style it was meaningful.
BTW, the green background was to lessen the drama of the event. It was Barack's night after all. Believe me campaigns know about the use of colors.
>Mc Same
>Mc Insane
>Mc Bush
Wow. Very clever argument mreynolds. Why don't you get your head out of your ass and do some real thinking.
I can't stand Barak Obama, but I hope he wins so you left wing morons will suffer the consequences of what his administration will do. You are all so blinded by political correctness, you're incapable of seeing how racist and evil this guy is because he looks clean cut and is well spoken.
After he becomes President, you'll all find out why he was willing to attend that crazy-loon church for 20 years.
You are delusional. Obama limped into the nomination. He has been exposed for what he is... a radical elitist with no hope of winning in November. An empty suited demagogue who thinks families making $250k in Boston, NY, SF, Chicago or LA are rich and deserve to be taxed into oblivion. Someone who thinks it s a great idea to meet with the Presidents of Iran, N Korea and Venezuela. Point me to a recent party nominee who lost most of the last 10 primaries in his own party.
You must remember, November is about delegates not popular votes. Will he swamp McCain in NY, CA, MA and other states that Dems always carry... of course. But he WILL NOT win FL, OH, WV and other hugely important swing states. He may not even carry MI and PA which have been in the Dem column for the last two (losing) elections.
Finally, don't underestimate the anger of Hilary followers who may choose McCain or even to stay home.
In MA we elected a similar "hope" filled empty suit who is a complete embarassment as govenor. Obama is the national version of Deval Patrick.
Wheather it is Obama or MaCain, MIC wins. Don't get carried away by this farce.
noticed that there are few repubs posting on this thread. think they've headed for the tall grasses. That speech was AWFUL -- so bad that no one even wants to admit it happened. Obama is the only choice. Iraq war voters Clinton and McCain are deadenders and both are insane in there own ways. No matter whichever candidate wins there will Alot of changes are coming for US and we'll be fighting against some strong crosscurrents , Obama will be best at the helm.
I truly don't understand the Obama hatred by the far right wing.
What has Obama ever done or said that would make you hate him so?
I understand hating on liars like Clinton (or Clinton). Or scum like Nixon, or fools like Bush.
But as Americans, even if you don't agree with his policies, don't you haters see an upstanding, moral, honest, level-headed, ethical person with Obama?
I'm not in the US - are far-right fire-breathers like Rush or Hannity doing the personal-destruction personal-hatred thing, or are they just going against him on policy?
Help me understand the hate.
There are no viable candidates Keith. Each one of these fools will willingly serve as israels bitch, just as each one of any number of replacements would. They are merely puppets A and B afterall.
Honica Jewinski
It is all a matter of time before they go at Obama hot and heavy. The hate is for the democratic process which will get us out of this Bush mess.
BTW, can you make people have an identity, i cant tell if it is one Anon making all the anti Obama entries or a bunch?
What a wonderful day in America!
Hitlery Pres hopes dead, last seen on her broom adjusting the crotch on her pantsuit headed towards AR and BK court.
181 year old McCain is not even a viable candidate and appears senile,MAYBE even dumber than Bushco (well, not that bad).
The GOP is DEAD.
I cannot wait for debates to begin. Obama will beat McCain like the proverbial red-headed stepchild. Who knows, maybe they are related after all? No Mercy.
Welcome President Obama!
(Step up security Obama, the Madwoman is still allegedly alive and is truly deperate now. Who knows how low she will stoop. We know about her husband. Remember RFK...)
"I think McCain is a piece of trash. I will still gladly vote for him over Barry O. And no you tools it is not because Barry O is black. It's because he is a far-left radical. Take your PC glasses off for 2 seconds are realize what he really is."
You think Obama is a far-left radical, yet provide no reasoning as to why, and say you think McCain is trash but you would still vote for him?
Wow, that is exactly the kind of idiotic thinking that got us George W Bush for 8 years.
Bravo, you should be proud of yourself.
The contrast between these two couldn't be greater. You've got the dumb, old, senile warmonger pig on one side and on the other you have an intelligent, young charismatic, sharp diplomat on the other side.
It's going to be so embarassing for McCain when he stands on a stage with Obama. It was embarassing enough for McCain when he was made a fool of by Ron Paul. Expect to see more of this:
John McCain on Economics
But of course, I realise that we live in a nation of rednecks, islamophobes, racists and ignorant hicks so McCain still has a fighting chance.
I'm not in the US - are far-right fire-breathers like Rush or Hannity doing the personal-destruction personal-hatred thing, or are they just going against him on policy?
Help me understand the hate.
It's the lies and distortions of the right wing media (the left wing media is just as bad mind you but far more subtle) that are still living in 2001 when Iraq had WMDs and Bush was the heroic commander saving us from the islamo fascist threat. They still trade in the same lies and distortions that lead to Iraq and are constantly demonizing the Muslim world, elevating Israel and pushing for war.
I'm talking about hosts like Medved, Prager, Ingraham, O'Reilly, Hannity, and the entire fake conservative right wing media.
They know that the jig is up but they will continue the charade until they lose their entire audience.
I listen to these hosts every day and can't help but laugh and cry. It's as if they are living in a parallel universe where Iran has a hidden nuclear arsenal, a formidable military and is invading it's neighbors. Truly bizarre. But then I know that they are simply pushing the propaganda of the military and Israel. Operation Mockingbird is still in full effect.
Possibly his actions would result in the slaughter of the fewest number of Arabs. But slaughter he will. For Israel? No, for the empire in the name of Israel.
Nice to finally see an African-American (if they say white, why can't I say black?).
I truly don't understand the McCain hatred by the far left.
You would think with the repubs choosing the most moderate candidate in the fold, one that rush limblahhh lothes, would gain a little credence on the left.
But then agian the left wing is facist. Free speech all day long so long as you agree with them.
I love the Digg comments page as it spot-lights this mentality. Say something off the talking points sheet and they 'digg you down', your comment becomes hidden.
>What has Obama ever done or said that would make you hate him so?
That's item 1, the guys a freshman senator with a very thin resume. He hasn't done much of anything except run a damn good campaign for president.
For the first time in my adult life, I am afraid.
I am conservative by nature. I don't believe that someone in DC knows what is in MY best interests, nor do I believe they can take care of my family and me better than I could. I make decisions and live with the consequences. I pay taxes so that the state and country can do the things that are needed to be done, like building roads, schools, hospitals, and jails and prisons; and paying for teachers, police officers, fire fighters, and postal workers. I don't pay so that other people aren't held responsible for the consequences of their actions. I don't pay so that criminals can get better care than I do.
I strongly believe in God. I believe in the teachings of others who believed in God more strongly than I do. I believe that the Bible is a spectacular example of that strength of belief. Do I believe it was written by God? Not even a little. One of the most important things that book teaches us is that we have been given free will to believe or not as we choose. Does that make it less important? Not even a little.
I don't care if gays want to get married. If they are willing to live with the consequences of their decisions, as I am, I don't believe the government should get in their way.
I think abortion hurts more than it helps and is unfair. That it hurts the child is obvious. It also hurts the mother, and it hurts the father. As a society, I believe we each die a little when abortion is used as contraceptive. I think people who attack doctors and abortion clinics in the name of god are perverting one of the most basic messages of God: Love thy neighbor as thyself. Do unto your neighbor as you would have them do unto you. Forgive those who trespass against us (I throw that last one in there from the Lord's Prayer). I think that somebody who gets into the position where they believe the only way out is to get an abortion should be pitied, forgiven, loved, and cared for.
I believe there are laws for a reason. When those laws prove to be unjust, they need to be changed, and there is a process to enact that change. They shouldn't be ignored or broken for the convenience of the offender. I believe we are a nation of laws, and we need to be vigilant to make sure we stop those who want to destroy that aspect.
I believe in charity, after all of the necessities have been paid for and my family is living at a comfortable standard.
I believe I should be paid an honest wage for an honest days work. I don't think unions should be able to take money away from me for the promise of protecting my interests, especially when they are best served when my interests aren't. If I own a business and someone comes in demanding that I pay them to make sure nothing happens to my business, this is a protection scam. If I am an employee, the same situation is a union.
I'm afraid because people confuse my conservatism with being a Republican. In the past this might have been, but not anymore. John Mc Cain shares none of my beliefs. Obviously Barack Obama doesn't either. In the past, I would have voted for the lesser of two evils. Today, there is no lesser, just evil. Obama won't be better for this country. He will destroy all that made America great. So will Mc Cain.
I truly hope that if Barack wins (and it is a possibility) that the Conservatives out there take the next four years and figure out where our party went wrong. If John wins, I hope he honors his pledge to be a one-term president and we spend the next four years getting back to what is important. Either way, for the next four years, America will sustain irreparable damage.
For those who want to snark and make asinine personal attacks on the candidates or conservatives or liberals, THIS is what you have brought upon this world. Enjoy the sh!t sandwich you have made for the world.
Barack Obama..... here somes the new Jimmy Carter.
I love how conservatives in America throw the words "marxist" or "socialist" around without any real understanding of what they mean.
I spent 10 years of my life in Europe and I've seen real socialists up close. Trust me, Obama is a centrist at best. As for McCain he's a sad old man, barely a shadow of his old self. He's betrayed everything he used to stand for in order to get the nomination. Should he win in November it will be the victory of cynicism and politics as usual.
Anyone think some in the GOP might be thinking of ways to replace McCain with a viable candidate right about now?
Are you kidding me? They could dig up old Ronald Raygun, dust him off, prop him up, pump him full of stem cells and cortisone and even he couldn't win after eight years of Chimpy in the WH. The Gipper just rolled over in his grave.
McLoser sucks but no way am I going to vote for a socialist. I don't care if the socialist is black, white, or other.
I can't stand Barak Obama, but I hope he wins so you left wing morons will suffer the consequences of what his administration will do. You are all so blinded by political correctness, you're incapable of seeing how racist and evil this guy is because he looks clean cut and is well spoken.
I am curious: how can someone who is half black and half white be racist? His mother is white in case you weren't aware. And she raised him from birth after his father left. Yet you equate him as being racist because his idiotic pastor (not him) made some slanderous statements and you equate the two of them together.
And what makes him evil? How about your douchebag fruitloops who continually spout rubbish with no substance try BACKING UP YOUR CLAIMS WITH DATA OR SALIENT POINTS!
It's relatively simple. For example, consider the following:
Statement: I think Bush is an idiot.
Reasons: Not paying attention to FBI reports, resulting in the worst terrorist attack on American soil. Bungling an invasion of a country, causing the deaths of 4000 American troops. Inadequate response to Hurricane Katrina contributing to the death of 1000 American citizens and countless billions in damages.
See? Pretty easy.
I can even give you one more example.
Statement: Bush is corrupt.
Reasons: Richard Clarke and Scott McClellan statements indicating he misled the American people with false statements resulting in engaging us in an un-just and fabricated war. Or how about outing a CIA agent who was undercover? I believe that is actually called 'treason'.
So there are a few examples of how you can make points and then justify your statements. Because spouting jibberish and regurgitating Sean Hannity talking points is something a well trained parrot can do.
I truly don't understand the Obama hatred by the far right wing.
for me it is not hatred. for me it is confusion. I don't see the lefts fascination with Obama.
The guy is very positive but he never says anything of substance. he says he will get us out of Iraq which everyone takes to mean "completely out" but then when pressed, admits that it won't be completely but people don't notice this. Then McLoser says we will have troops there for a long time and he gets hammered for it.?! McLoser basically said the same thing Obama did, it is just that McLoser spoke the truth and people don't want to hear cold hard truth. What troops obama pulls out of iraq he will put into darfur.
Anyway, bottom line for me is obama is a socialist and I won't vote for a socialist. McLoser isn't much better so I am not sure I am going to vote for him either.
Nice post, Wil.
Who did you steal it from?
How about giving some credit to your source?
"...don't you haters see an upstanding, moral, honest, level-headed, ethical person with Obama?"
Fuck no! I see a politician! Immoral, greedy, egotistical, and willing to say or do anything to get elected. Obama is portraying himself the way you want to believe he really is. Focus group data - simple stuff.
Past the repeated sound bites, I saw a guy last night who couldn't remember his lines and couldn't go off the cuff. I think Obama is backed by a great speech-writing team, but that's about it.
I just got off the phone with McCain and I told him I'm going to burn his teleprompter the next time I see him using it.
So Mr. O reads a speech off a teleprompter better. WooHooo!!!
Keith, if there's one thing I've learned from you and that you beat like a dead horse, it's that the majority of Americans are stupid and brainless and always wrong.
And now you praise the majority of Americans for supporting Marxist Obama.
Ahh, the irony.
I truly don't understand the Obama hatred by the far right wing.
What has Obama ever done or said that would make you hate him so?
If you're serious and not mocking us with that question, you obviously haven't gone to his website and read every last page of his proposed policies, because if you did you'd hate him too.
If you think Bernanke hates America, you have NO IDEA what this Marxist revolutionary has in store for you.
And by the way, it's not the "Far Right Wing" who hates Obama. It anyone who isn't either on the far left, or who isn't a lazy-ass looking for a gubmint handout. Even moderate Democrats can't stand him and have vowed to vote for McCain.
Obama running with Hilary is like Caesar running with Brutus. Beware the Ides of March.
Democratic presumptive presidential nominee Barack Obama vowed Wednesday he would work to "eliminate" the threat posed by Iran to security in the Middle East and around the globe.
here we have obama kissing up to AIPAC.
what this tells me is that there will be no difference between mccain and obama when it comes to the middle east policies. the wars will continue whoever is president. the killing of arab peoples will continue. so i ask you. who benefits from all of this? the united states? our people?
I liked John's speech better than Obama's; perhaps that's because I think Clinton is such a phoney and grimaced as Obama patronized her.
Oh my god are Republicans pathetic..."waaaah! waaah! marxist! waaah! socialist! waaah!"
grow the f up you bunch of whiney a$$ teety babies
Obama for prez. To hell with McCain.
And the reason I say "Obama for Prez" is not because I like Obama. In fact, I despise him. But I believe it's far preferable to have a liberal Democrat in the White House than a liberal Republican.
Because at least with a liberal Democrat, the Republicans will listen to the people instead of their idiot "leader".
Best situation: GOP House, Dem Senate, Dem White House.
Hmm.... maybe that's why the second half of the 1990s were relative good times in America. Not because of Billy Boy, but because of the checks and balances.
Obama for Prez. Vote for your GOP House candidate. For U.S. Senate, vote for the Dem if the Repub is an incumbent.
I am curious: how can someone who is half black and half white be racist? His mother is white in case you weren't aware. And she raised him from birth after his father left. Yet you equate him as being racist because his idiotic pastor (not him) made some slanderous statements and you equate the two of them together.
He's racist against white people. By now it should be obvious, but apparently it isn't to most Obamatons out there.
Just because he's half white does NOT mean he can't be a far-left Marxist anti-white racist. Halle Berry is another example of this.
But better him than McCain. We don't need some hothead starting a war with Iran AND China AND Russia, AND granting amnesty to all the illegals. (The GOP would fight Obama harder than McCain on amnesty for illegals.)
They hate because the are old and useless. You can tell this by the label far left or marxist that a right winger bandies about. The stupids couldn't name a policy that BO supports that would be found in a Marx text. I often ponder this segment of society and I find that many of the right wingers are older and badly damaged by the cold war. I'm sure hiding under ones desk in a nuclear fall out drill will sharpen the political reflexes. I think that many of the right wingers are reflexive reactionaries, immediatly branding anyone or anything as marxist or socialist that is status quo. Another thought is that they are just plain racist. I think its a mix of both.
Just STFU and go back to your overconsuming ways. Because, as a gifted writer, you deserve to live in opulence and luxury!
Now go log off and gaze lovingly at that framed poster of McCain hanging on the wall of your living room.
The Management
The biggest irony here is that the far right is going to sabotage McCain since they won't back him since he's not another bible-thumping pro-life nutjob.
Obama is an empty suit with 0 foreign policy experience. And you dems want to make him president of this country because he speaks well and makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside?
Grow up for godsakes.
Can't wait for all the tin foil hat excuses the dems come up with when McCain wins by a landslide.
Stolen election!!
Right-wing conspircy!!
Confusing ballots!!
Global warming!!
This post is a preview of what the media will be like for the next 5 months. Anyone who dares question Obama will be a KKK member.
I truly fear for the future of this country. Not so much because the damage Obama will do. That can be fixed. The fear is that a majority of Americans are too ignorant to see what is really happening. A majority of Americans is so stupid and gullible it falls for empty slogans and promises because Obama speaks well.
This once great nation is finished.
"But as Americans, even if you don't agree with his policies, don't you haters see an upstanding, moral, honest, level-headed, ethical person with Obama?"
I see a slick talking Marxist who will level the US through total wealth re-distribution.
I see a slick talking Dude, who spent 20 years listening to God Damn America speeches and praying at the foot of Farrakhan worshipers.
I see a slick talking Black guy that has the PC Kool-Aid drinkers hoodwinked.
I hear the message, change and hope.
I hope the change he brings isn't like what the Marxists brought upon the heads of millions in the Soviet Union under Stalin.
The guy is dangerous, McCain is an idiot and Hillbillery finally gets it that she is not the anointed one.
We really have no choice in November, I will write in Ron Paul or Daffy Duck before I vote for one of these dingbats.
any chance of hillary running as an independent?
@Anon 6:17
Thank you for the compliment. Actually, I did credit the source. I used my real name because this is actually how I feel. I never steal someone else's work, it just isn't worth the effort.
"Ok, John's speech last night wasn't his best. But still if you listen to the words instead of just the style it was meaningful.
BTW, the green background was to lessen the drama of the event. It was Barack's night after all. Believe me campaigns know about the use of colors."
Boy, this sounds just like the excuses I heard about GW Bush when he would speak. And look what happened - an idiot on the podium equals an idiot in office. Contrary to what these GOP idiots spout out about, if McSame gets elected, and we stay in Iraq another 4 years (at least) this country will be in depression. This country simply cannot afford to occupy other coutries anymore. Maybe the dems will raise some taxes, and may have a few more social programs, but they will certainly be a lot cheaper than the 10 BILLION A MONTH this country currently is spending on "liberating" people who have been fighting for 2000 years, not to mention our sons and daughters in the military can concentrate on actually DEFENDING the home land, instead of being jerked around by the Bush Administration under the guise of defense. Obama at least has enough sense to know that. Even some in the GOP know this, they just arent as vocal as the turds that get the airtime.
Those of you who won't vote for Obama - start sending your paychecks to Iraq - because that is what the rest of the country will be doomed to do if this war continues. Our paychecks will go to two things 1. Middle East Oil 2. War costs. Any you have left over will go to rising food costs and debt service to China, because that is who is financing this war on our behalf with a Trillion Dollar sub prime mortgage!
We really have no choice in November, I will write in Ron Paul or Daffy Duck before I vote for one of these dingbats.
June 04, 2008 9:05 PM<<<<
isn't that the way it always is? funny how things like that work isn't it? and what do we see? both of them going over to aipac and kissing ass. someone needs to ask them. are the needs and wishes of this country more or less important than those of israel???
Anyone else notice how he thanked everyone at the beginning of his speeech like it was the F-ing Academy Awards? Best Actor would be fitting actually.
Especially nauseating when he mentioned his grandmother and said "this night's for her." It's not about the people, the nation, the economy, the troops, the world, our survival. Hell, it's not even about the party. Like the other two, it's all about them, them, them and what they covet. Power.
Are most of your commenters in this thread really just one person? I can't believe so many people would all use the same lame "marxist" and "socialist" labels like we are living in the 1950's still.
He's racist against white people. By now it should be obvious, but apparently it isn't to most Obamatons out there.
And there you go again: labelling him as being something and then providing no foundation or reference to back your claims!
What has he done, is planning to do or even comtemplating that you would equate with racism?? Is he looking to remove rights from whites? Is he looking to only appoint blacks to the Supreme court? Is he planning on making us use our own bathrooms marked "non-colored"?? WTF dude?!
Seriously, it's times like this where I am ashamed to call myself an American. Knowing that dingbats in this country continue to make un-substantiated claims with no corroborative evidence a la Sean Hannity or Bill O'Reilly is just plain sad. I guess they have trained you well.
You're lucky I am not running for office. After reading that type of tripe, I would demand that every voting ballot contain an IQ test and that intelligence should be weighted with the vote. If that existed, imbeciles like Bush would never have been elected.
Republican senators have contempt for Obama’s post-partisan image, arguing that he and his staff refused to even participate in backroom bipartisan discussion groups.
There's your "new type of politics" cult zombies.
Sí se puede!!!
One of Obama's chums goes down.
I can hear Alan Colmes tonight.
So, Blah Blah Blah guilt by association Blah Blah Blah.
The man hangs out with criminals and racists for Christs sake.
It's Rezco this time.
This article puts the arguments of all the fake conservatives for going to war in Iraq to rest:
Delusions of McCain
There's really no room for argument here boyz. The war in Iraq was based on BS and the same war drum beating BS is being aimed at Iran today.
You fake conservatives need to ask yourselves who are you fooling? You're not fooling the rest of us. You're just living in your own little bubble of George Bush loving denial. McCain is a dangerous old fool that will take America into another disastrous war that it can NOT AFFORD!!
Will Obama be any better? I don't know but I know for sure that he won't be any worse.
It's funny how fake conservatives get all worked up about social spending and they bring out the big C word and M word : Communist and Marxist. I personally would prefer a move towards less welfare and freer markets BUT the thing this idiot fake conservatives miss is the huge unproductive cost of WAR and an overblown MILITARY.
Wars and huge defense spending are a BURDEN on a nation. They take away from the productive capacity and make a nation less competitive. It also makes YOU POORER!
Why is this so difficult for you fake conservatives to understand? Do you really feel so strongly about defending Israel that you want to see so much of your hard earned money go into fighting Israel's enemies?
WAR is not free. FREEDOM is.
This is too funny.
While the fake conservatives push for endless preemptive war against the scary A-rabs and sink their hard earned peso-dollars into the military industrial complex and defense of Israel, Henry Paulson is out looking for wealthy A-rabs to bail out the US economy:
America for Sale
Yeah, good job you dumbass fake conservatives. Defending America from the phantom Al Qaeda threat while the rest of the world buys up America from under your feet.
Man, there's a lot of dumbsh!ts around here!
It seems that Hill's supporters on the campaign blog are pledging to vote against Obama & are urging her to run as an independent. Good god!
What's interesting is there isn't a single critical comment on Hill's blog. Guess anything negative or constructive is filtered out. So sad that her campaign is still pumping their supporters for cash to pay her debts.
"But as Americans, even if you don't agree with his policies, don't you haters see an upstanding, moral, honest, level-headed, ethical person with Obama?"
People who throw their grandmothers under a bus are not ethical.
Level-headed? He had Jeremiah Wright as his pastor for more than 20 years. If I had David Duke as my pastor, could you say I'm level-headed?
How about his connection to Bill Ayers?
"I'm not in the US - are far-right fire-breathers like Rush or Hannity doing the personal-destruction personal-hatred thing, or are they just going against him on policy?"
The don't like the guy or his policies.
The guy is as far-left as it gets. He's the most liberal of any other senator, including Bernie Sanders, an admitted socialist. The guy will socialize energy, health care, housing, and finance.
Can you name a single economic policy of Obama's that you agree with?
How can you agree with 90% of what ron paul believes and 60% of what obama believes?
Political views can be described as believing or not believing in personal freedom and economic freedom.
Obama believes in most personal freedoms like legalization of drugs, abortion, gay marriage, etc.
But Obama doesn't believe in any economic freedom at all. The guy's a full-fledged socialist. And it scares the hell out of me.
I just hope that Bush ends up being the worst president we've ever had and not Obama.
John McCain's DOA. It's only a matter of how bad he loses and how many seats the repugnents lose. I predict that the rats will have supermajorities in both houses of congress.
Keith, your online poll has 62% of your readers voting for Obama. Pretty impressive as the rightwing MSM (Hannity, Limbaugh, others) are running down the Democrats non-stop now. For that reason alone I hope he sweeps all 50 states and the conservative Republican/Neo-con/Libertarians join the Whigs in the dust bin of history.
"These are the Clintons," he said. "They are never going away, folks. No matter what happens here, they aren't going away."
rush limbaugh. rush limbaugh radio show 6/4/08
limbaugh is a tool for the globalist but this particular case he is right. keith, the clintons are never going away. these are the clintons. they will not give in so easy. i promise you. they will destroy the democratic party rather than lose. they are the people who brought us the politics of personal destruction and they will never give in or give up. mark my words. this thing is going to the convention.....
I see a slick talking Dude, who spent 20 years listening to God Damn America speeches and praying at the foot of Farrakhan worshipers.
There is exactly ONE video out there of Obama's pastor making a "God Damn America" speech. As far as we know Obama wasn't even present when that speech was made. But somehow for the morons who put G.W. Bush in charge TWICE this translates to "Obama spent 20 years listening to racist speeches".
This accurately reflects our world today ... our "leaders", our way of life ...
This will be like peeling a Band-Aid off for five months. Love it. Suck it, 'Pukes.
This comment section is like the last scene in Scorcese's "Cape Fear," with the right wing scum playing Deniro (no offense, Bob), spouting gibberish as they are dragged into the abyss by their own designs. Bon voyage, troglodytes.
The Republicans want to turn the clock back to the 1950s.
So far, they have only managed to get us to 1979.
Please note that if Obama loses this election, he'll send blacks back 50 years. No candidate will ever pay attention again to the black vote or potential black candidates for the presidential race. And he's going to lose. Don't believe it? Check these maps out:
Still under the Obama spell I see. Wake the **** up.
Obama is spewing the exact same propaganda Bush has been spreading for the past 4 years:
So what "change" is Obama talking about? Changing the way you FEEL. That's it. NO substantive changes will be made to the power structure. They are all bought and sold. Even the Daily Show understands:
Wow, if this is the mentality of the average person who "cares" about their finances, wtf does that say about ourselves....shameful, almost psychotic group of internet surfing, media humping junkies....to hell with you all. Go outside, look around...you are alive you know...I think...
Yeah, right.
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