"It is pay-back big time for the occupants of the Land of the Snapper Turtle. Driving the honker Ford F250 down the dirt road, singing honkey-tonk trash lyrics, and running down the cow !!!"
- Andrew Hac, who scares the living crap out of me while cracking me up, June 2008
June 10, 2008
OilPANIC Quote of the Day
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Labels: anyone ever watch taxi driver?
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The middle of America, sometimes known as the 'heartland' is under water today. Houses floating down the river, literally.
Where is the useless asshole American President, worst ever, 43 George W. Bushco? Why, travelling out-of-the-country, of course. Meeting with his other oilmen buddies trying to stir up WW 4 with Iran.
Note to voters in Indiana (where) being 'underwater is taking on a whole new meaning):
How are you liking the Bushc-McCain response to your tragic circumstances? Is it your location, color, voting status?
Can you say "Katrina"? Do you feel well represented by your federal government? How is FEMA doing. You may like trailer living after all or the camps are right around the corner from you anyway...
Remember how your Republican-led Federal Government 'helped' you through your crisis time when you vote in November. Please, please vote.
F*ck John McCain and Bushco 3rd term. These maniacs MUST BE thrown out and stopped.
The electorate is pissed and poised for action. Look out all incumbants, especially in Western States...
Nevermore croaked the Raven...
Impeach Bushco and Cheneyburton before they fake up another war. There is still time to punish the guilty.
Seize their assets and revoke their passports...
McCain will lose 49 out of 50 states in November, although I hear they like him South of the Border Senior!
you know what is even funnier? The poor japanese auto manufacturers.
For years they have been working hard to come up with a pickup truck design that would knock the americans out of the #1 position in truck sales. some think they finally got it right in the Tundra (huge truck with one of the largest engines around) this year only to see truck sales crater.
Hey, that's me the Hacster is describing. Except it's a one ton truck, and I only run down Deer in self defense. Heck, a Cow could bend my push bar.
How sad with so many Americans thinking its the end of the world (economically at least), when all thats really happening is they now have to live within their means, and not buy more than what they need. No more McMansions when a 1200-1400 sq. ft. home will do just fine. No more driving around town in 13mpg tanks when a 20+ mpg sedan will do. Pity them, life is so tough and unfair.
If Obama were president he would miracle all the water away! No more floods with messiah Obama! No more tornadoes, no more anything! Just peace! Obama is the 12th Imam and the second coming all rolled into one.
Am seriously considering writing in 'Andrew Hac' for President.
"singing honkey-tonk"...
"running down the cow"...
Sounds to me like Andrew Hac Lives in Texas!
Indiana floods = thousands of homedebtors don't have to bother burning their houses down!
The flyover country didn't run-up nearly as high the coastal blue states. The heartland is going to be fine. It's the blue states that are in for hell.
Anonymous said...
How sad with so many Americans thinking its the end of the world (economically at least), when all thats really happening is they now have to live within their means, and not buy more than what they need. No more McMansions when a 1200-1400 sq. ft. home will do just fine. No more driving around town in 13mpg tanks when a 20+ mpg sedan will do. Pity them, life is so tough and unfair.
Amen Brother Anon...Amen
Amen Brother Anon...Amen
Yes, I have a Tundra and its way, way better than any american truck out there, not counting diesels which should only be owned by people towing more then 50 percent of the time. The tundra gets around 17 in town and 20 on the highway, its paid for and I don't drive it that much so the price of gas hasn't hurt me. I love giving guys rides to construction job sites, first your a traitor for driving a jap truck. Then they start asking questions about the tundra and then they start saying how smooth, quiet and quick it is. Then I turn the knife in their backs by telling them its build in american and has more american labor and parts then their American truck( hello canada and mexico)
The middle of America, sometimes known as the 'heartland' is under water today. Houses floating down the river, literally.
Where is the useless asshole American President, worst ever, 43 George W. Bushco? Why, travelling out-of-the-country, of course. Meeting with his other oilmen buddies trying to stir up WW 4 with Iran.
Yes, because the President has magical powers and can magically part the waters like Moses.
Ignorant dope.
At first it was a little weird but once I got the lingo sorted it was kinda funny. It's still hard to tell if the Hacster is a genius or completely whacked out on scooby snacks and snapper turtle. He's certainly unique and adds to the entertainment at the meltdown circus.
Funny story that happened when I was a kid. I remember that, when Carter was on his mission of destroying the country, there was always long lines of cars that would stretch from the gas station all the way back to our home. Since it was hot like hell that summer, my mom and I would go down the street offering free ice cold lemonade and water to all the drivers waiting in line. We decided to make lemonade out of Carter's administration. And the thing is that Carter ain't got $hit on Obama.
McCain will lose 49 out of 50 states in November, although I hear they like him South of the Border Senior!
Not if all of us, 18 million pissed off/disenfranchised Clinton voters, can help the Maverick out. McCain 2008 / Clinton 2012. Nice try with your Indiana troll, though.
The real payback will be in November, against the DNC and its Messiah. Sorry, Hillary didn't convince 18 million of her voters to roll over to the Messiah on that speech.
I think Andrew Hac is on to something. Why would someone have the need to drive an F-250?
Have you seen this behemoth?
And the F-350: with the four tires in the back. Why would anyone seriously want to buy this monstrosity?
Further inspection reveals that the vast majority of the people who drive these monster trucks dont even have anything on the flatbed part of their truck.
so, then the question remains: in this day and age, why drive the F-250?
Is it a pathology? Are they sick? Do they have "size" issues? Are they unhappy?
I believe all of the above is in order. But the root cause of all of this has to be one thing: VANITY. PRIDE COMETH BEFORE THE FALL.
With gas prices exploding, these giant trucks will become remnants of a bygone era when foolish, arrogant, greedy people decided they would thumb their noses at ordinary citizens and say "Look at ME!!! I'm the big tough guy. I'm the MAN!!! I drive the F-250. Everyone else is a little magot."
And how many of these monster trucks have had their shock absorbers altered so their already over sized truck could appear even larger.
We, the normal citizens who drive econo friendly 6 or 4 cylinder sedans now LAUGH at you. But we dont just LAUGH at you. We also have one thing we'd like to say:
FU%K YOU!!!!And may you go bankrupt paying for gas to fill up your ridiculous over sized F-250!!!
Andrew Hac rocks! He (or she, never know) is the most entertaining commenter on this entire blog. Andrew's been around awhile so let's give this person the kudos they deserve.
Hac is right.
I am disgusted by the waste in this country. I am sorry to admit that my family is as guilty as any of them, although there is some hope that they can be saved.
I have always been looked at as a weirdo because of my conservative ways. I suppose some people probably think I'm cheap, but I just can't deal with waste.
When I see my parents, relatives, or friends throw away food that has gone bad, or items that still work but aren't "the shit", or live beyond there means, or just buy crap because they can, I am bothered a great deal.
I honestly feel, "fuck 'em, they deserve to feel some pain", should it ever come to them. Then there are the people who have never had a lot of money, but have managed because they don't waste.
These people will now have to pay more for less because of the actions of the greedy, self absorbed, wasteful hoard.
They will be able to adapt because it is in their nature, but it still makes me angry...
Showing your ignorance again, keith. The quote is funny but if you want to get serious about it, there are many people here in the South that do need their big trucks. They raise livestock and must move them to market (and buy feed for 'em until then) as just one example.
And let's not forget the many tradespeople that must carry tools and materials from job site to job site - plumbers, welders, carpenters, painters and cabinetmakers. They can't fit that stuff in a compact car. The prices the trades charge will go up, impacting the cost not only of new homes but also of RENTALS. Hmmm. Hope nobody's priced out of the rental market.
Hac is funny but it's shortsighted to stereotype southerners who drive trucks; the roof they replace may be your own, the cow they take to market may end up on your table, and you'll end up paying more for it...
You know it's true... even though he's taunting everyone, he's also kinda scary and I wouldn't want to meet him in a dark ally.
I'd be just scared sh*tless that someone will say "HEY... snapper turtle!" out of the shadows.
I think he's given up trying to educate and save people from their stupidity... so now he's watching with glee from the sidelines as the lemmings jump off the cliff.
So we are interviewing candidates for an Engineering position here at work. This has been quite enlightening, since I am not very experienced at sitting on ‘the other side’ of the interview table,
No need to reject any ex-realtors or mortgage brokers, as these people do not have the mental capacity it takes to earn an Engineering degree. My first decision was to automatically reject anyone who comes to an interview wearing a flag pin on his lapel, expecting to swoon a potential employer with his insincere display of patriotism.
One candidate, when asked why he was applying for a job at this company, responded with,
“Well, I am out of work and need to pay my mortgage.”
…Sometimes it can be quite difficult to restrain yourself from laughing out loud in a professional setting.
Another candidate, who wore socks & sandles and seemed a bit ‘flaky’ commented,
“Since this is my second interview here, I do not need to wear a business suit and tie.”
Well, maybe so bud, but we are not going to hire a person who does not understand what is appropriate and what is not, and when.
Then there was this Asian interviewee who wore a strange-looking tie clip. I swear - this silver tie clip resembled a snapping turtle that was skewered on a bamboo stake! I thought the guy – whose name was Andrew – was right on, but the other interviewers rejected him, saying that he had way too much attitude.
So we’re still looking, and no doubt will interview more candidates in the coming weeks.
I have always been looked at as a weirdo because of my conservative ways. I suppose some people probably think I'm cheap, but I just can't deal with waste.
Tell me about it... at the office I'm the only one who's saying that "man-made" global warming is a crock. But at the end of the day, I'm the only guy who turns off the two neon lights in my cubicle while everyone else's burns through the night and weekends.
It amazes me how people can be so stupid as saying that they "care what kind of world they're leaving they're children" and don't even do the smallest change in their lives to help improve the future.
Love Hac. Like Dopes, too.
One candidate, when asked why he was applying for a job at this company, responded with,
“Well, I am out of work and need to pay my mortgage.”
Hire him while you have the chance.
He's honest and he's not trying to join to be "loyal to the company" BS. The only reason any of us work is because we need to pay the bills. In all honesty... would you be working if you had no bills to pay?
If this guy is competent - hire him. He's the last guy who will stab you in the back. He might stab you in the front... but hey I can live with people like that - they stand up for what they believe in and are not going to skulk in the shadows waiting for some weak prey.
But then... I'm not sure what kind of company you work for. If it doesn't reward honesty, and you always have to hide mistakes for fear of getting fired, then it's probably not the right place for this guy.
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