"They have abandoned their responsibilities, acting like boys instead of men. And the foundations of our families are weaker because of it"
- Barack Obama, throwing caution and political correctness to the wind, speaking up in regards to African-American fathers, June 15, 2008
June 15, 2008
HousingPANIC Quote of the Day
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The truth almost always hurts.
Raise your Damn kids!
Forget the bling, crack and rap!
Get to school or work!
Welfare isn't a way of life!
No one wants to see your underwear, pull up your pants!
You bring up MLK but you don't show his words by your actions!!
Your pissed at white America,
Well, white America is tired of supporting your lazy ASS!
Have one or two kids! Not 6 or 9
If your here, your an American!
I'm of Norwegian heritage, but I refer to myself as American. Not Norwegian American!
O.J. Simpson was guilty!
So was Rodney King! Face it!
Reginald Denney was an innocent bystander that was beaten for being in the wrong place at the wrong time!
If you lose an NBA playoff you riot...if you win, you riot!
If Obama loses, you'll riot. If he wins you'll riot!
God forbid anything happens to him, you'll go insane!!
I wonder what Arugula is going for these days.
and i blame white people for it. no jobs no education no respect exclusionary policies and welfare to keep them out of the work force for decades. Layaway to keep them from credit and redlining neighborhoods to keep them in decaying neighborhoods, name calling, hatred, steriotyping, teaching them no one likes you so them don't like themselves, highrise ghettos, and the one thing white people love the most nasty, mean, evil police who love to shoot and kill black people, whites make the laws and make sure black people get the book thrown at them but someone like Hulk Hogans son can whine (along with Paris Hilton) and cry about the LAW not being fair and get all sorts of breaks. whites make the rules for which every race must live especially blacks. But it appears now the Middle East and Asia is going to start rewriting the laws because greedy self centered white people who will sell their souls for the almighty dollar and there is no welfare for blacks. Hope you have your guns cocked and loaded for the black men you have left out of society.
You GO Obama!!
I'm sorry, but this community needs to hear the unvarnished TRUTH!! It takes more than being a "Baby Mama" or "Baby Daddy" to be a GREAT parent.
If you have kids, you should prioritize education, (yours first)-and giving them a solid 2 parent home if at all humanly possible. Otherwise, why not work on yourself and post-pone having kids until you can do it right??!!
It's like so many people just don't get the concept of personal responsibility!! I love that he isn't afraid to talk about reality!
Maybe like only Nixon could go to China, maybe only Barack can civilize the inner city barbarians.
Let him use all the tricks in the book to get them to stop acting like (worse than) animals.
This is outrageous! How dare him!
What a racist! I now see how those 1/2 white people are!
The firestorm that Bill Cosby brought down on himself for comparable points. Is Barak immune from the black community? This could be interesting.
In my opinion, this was not just a bunch of dead-beat dads who are African-American. Although that's part of it.
This more like the moral decay of Western Civilization via the feedback loop between an undereducated, 'entitled' population, an electoral system that favours the short-term and a mainstream media as lazy and incompetent as the people who support it.
I don't want a black or white president. I want an AMERICAN PRESIDENT that understands issues of ETHNICITY are outside the framework of our government under the DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. Additionally, I challenge anyone to provide any scientific proof that any race is superior to another or to even define superiority without prejudice or opinion.
Good for him. I worked for years in Detroit, as part of my job, I had to ask about family history. So often, so sadly, many did not have good connections, or often any connections with their fathers. It was so clear how psychologically it cost people when the family was incomplete, and people knew it, they felt the pain of it clearly and deeply. Making families strong, supporting and encouraging, in real terms, and in oral exhortation is something I truly believe in.
Now that's what I call the Straight Talk Express!!
People need a good swift kick in the A$$ right now, and Obama is just the person for the job!!
Can't afford to take care of those 5 kids?? Gee, ya' shoulda' thought about that when you dropped out of highschool pregnant, with ZERO prospects for making a living!
Sorry, but we all need to be held personally responsible for our decisions in our lives....there is no one to blame but ourselves in the end.
THROW political corectness out the window- we can't afford to be "PC" anymore folks...We are BROKE!
And so we will institute and support massive government programs that basically replace the father of the family in what the government thinks it should be....
The truth hurts and convicted felons can't vote anyway. Race is so passé it is all about class people.
Burn Baby Burn
He is pandering. He needs the female vote so he starts doing some man-bashing.
For every single parent father there is a single parent mother. Why throw stones at the males rather than the females? They both made the same choices. (If anything the woman had more decision making power than the man did)
Politics, thats why.
Well, good.
What's next? Hey, I have a good speech for the candidates.
"In most places, home prices are still too high.
Speculation on houses is as bad as speculation on oil.
The path to homeownership is lower prices, and higher wages, not flim flam loans."
The truth is out there, if you want to find it. No one is going to bring it to you on a platter.
Obama urged black parents to demand the best from themselves and their children.
He compared it to his own presidential campaign and early comments from black voters who said they liked him but didn't think a black man could ever be elected president. He said they were admitting defeat before the competition had even begun.
"That was when I wasn't black enough. Now I'm too black," he said in a joking aside.
He said parents who proudly tell him their child gets great grades, all B's, should encourage them even more.
"All B's? Is that the highest grade?" Obama said. "It's great that you can get a B, but you can get a better grade. It's great that you've got a job, but you can get a better job."
So Obama's solution is to scold them?
If this is the "change" we're getting, we're getting short-changed.
The problem with black people, just like the problem with homosexuals are the predominant subculture and stereotypes in these minorities. For blacks that's the gangsta and hip-hop subculture, for homosexuals there are the stereotypes that you have to be effeminate and dress in a certain way.
good comment... about 30years too late.
our U.S. cities look like mini zimbabwes.
it's over. major cities not coming back.
no hope for baltimore, philly, south chicago, 4/5 nyc buroughs, LA done, st.louis. etc. all cesspools.
Pretty hard to raise your kids from in jail.
Pretty hard to raise your kids without a job. Sometime you have to break the law, it seems.
So -- we all know that answer is to just not have sex.
Most white people expect a level of priveledge to be enjoyed by everyone. They are shocked and in disbelief that it does not exit for everyone like it does for them. They just cannot wrap their minds around life on the streets of the iner city.
I am a 36 year old African American man. 3rd year HP'r. I am from the Midwest and currently live not to far from Frank (the guy who loves Scottsdale). I must say that most of the comments I have read so far in some form or fashion is true. I just ask that you all remember a few things things about Black people.
We are not a monolithic people.
We have the some of the same issues that everyone else has.
We want the same things for our kids that you want for yours.
We will weather the oncoming Depression better than most of you.
Most of us outside of Chicago heard about Barack Obama the same time you did.
Mozilo could care less about any color as long as it was green. (I do think he has a thing for Orange though).
We really don't have a problem with white people.
Most of us are not poor.
We hate the fact that other races think we hate them.
As mall security follows us around the store everyone else is robbing them blind.
We started saying "That's Hot" years before Paris Hilton.
Every year we have a meeting to determine what's cool and what isn't around the world.(Spinning Rims was a unanamous decision last year...Not Cool! This year there is talk about taking the price tag and hologram sticker off our Red Yankees fitted caps. Maybe we will even decide to bend the brim slightly too! Stay tunned to BET to find out!
Barack Obama
Colin Powell
Bill Cosby
Tiger Woods
Oprah Winfrey
Condelesa Rice
Nothing makes you color blind like intelligence, talent and hardwork. (PS I don't follow basketball or football)
Bill Cosby has been saying this for years. He is dismissed as an Uncle Tom. Then Obama says it and it's some kind of epiphany.
It's funny...people here constantly criticize the new paradigm thinking of the REIC but sense no irony when using the same circular thinking about the oil bubble. Just because some of you want this particular bubble to change things to fundamentally towards your way of thinking does not change the course of all bubbles which is dramatic collapse. Just ask a Realtor.
Shawanda, Shaneel, Shaquile.
Jane, Susan, William.
Hmmm. I wonder what MLK would have thought....
Supervisor, Boss, Owner.
Crackhead, Whore, Prisoner.
Connect the dots, DOPES
So is this Obama Hussein Barack's "Sister Souljah" moment?
Slavery separating families didn't help the situation - although you can't blame that forever I'm sure it did a lot to create a culture where it was considered normal not to live as a family unit and to have babies with multiple partners. There is however still rampant discrimination against blacks in the workplace - more against men than women it seems - if they get hired at all - it's rare that they move very far up the ladder - collectively that has to weigh heavily but it should make them try harder, not less. I am a white female and I bet I'm not the only one that has been a room after a black person left where someone in a managerial or higher position made a racist comment afterwards believing it was okay. It shouldn't be an issue at all in the Presidential election - but I hope if he wins it will teach people on both sides of the argument that race alone doesn't define who you are or what you're capable of.
Yeah sure -- call me cynical but I see this as just another ploy to grab a few more votes from that important block of middle-aged women. You know the ones, they were pissed and bummed when HRC dropped out and are now emotionally vulnerable. Obama is like the smarmy guy who trolls bars looking for jilted women because he knows they're an easy lay.
Almost as slick as Bill Clinton...
I agree with everything, everyone has said here.
Stereotypes are hard to break. There is raging in our land a "meth" epidemic of epic proportions. In white, rural America, meth has become the drug of choice, and it is wiping out families. White males are succumbing to this drug culture at rates surpassing the crack epidemic in the Black community. Children of meth addicts across regions are being left without BOTH parents. Oregon is considered the birthplace of the meth explosion; some of the early dealers in meth (1970's) having migrated up from California.
Divorce, single parent, step parent households are features in every racial, ethnic, economic group in this country (although the rates are higher among blacks and hispanics). In fact, fewer than 25% of today's households contain 2 parents (both biological) and children.
The fact is that family life as we think we know it, is no longer the norm in America. And it hasn't been that way for a while. That goes for whites, blacks and everyone else.
The solution? An economy that generates decent paying jobs for Americans and a values shift that emphasizes adulthood and responsibility.
For all the irresponsible financial tycoons that now want the government to bail them out, what signal of responsibility does that send out across America?
moral decay of Western Civilization via the feedback loop between an undereducated, 'entitled' population, an electoral system that favours the short-term and a mainstream media as lazy and incompetent as the people who support it.
It has nothing to do with education. It has to do with morals, as 1000 years ago peasants did not have have access to public schools and couldn't even read, but they took care of their children and there weren't grandparents raising children due to the parents being i nprison or high on crack.
If Bush were to say this, he would be called a racist. That is our retarded politically correct society where the truth is taboo unless it comes from a certain person or group
Anonymous @1:07,
Get over it and yourself! Poverty is the result of many bad choices and many of those african american families are generational. You know what, learn from your da*n mistakes! This housing crash was an opportunity for many african american families to live in a community that normally they would not have been able to afford (via great rent prices) and many took advantage of that but rather than take advantage of the better schools, better community, they have made the choice, cause it's all personal choices baby, to vandalize, call each other "my ni**ers" for all the neighbors to hear (idiots), vandalize, get kicked out of the schools, have no pride in their home by not maintaining, etc. You get my drift?? You want to be respected? Earn it. As far as the gun thing, ps. watch South Central, you guys will shoot each other first.
Obama's style is to sound like a preacher, which resonates with many. To me he trys to sound like Martin Luther King, Jr.
Joel Osteen (read Elmer Gantry) is a white version of feel good philosophy/theology. Just tell American's what they want to hear. Never talk about real life, like St Paul getting his head chopped off or the poor widow. Black people know the truth of their fatherless homes. White people are too stupid to figure it out. 80% of the time at the mall if the black woman has kids, the man is no where to be found. Obamanomics is telling people everything they want to hear, without telling them the cost. Black people have been hearing moralizing about their promiscuous ways from the pulpit for decades. Dumb white people who think everyone is the same still have not "heard" this fact about black men.
Single dead-beat dads don't vote. They are an easy target. The single mom vote is the new power block for 2008 thanks to Hillary. His comments also go to the centrists who abhor the welfare culture. Love him or hate him, Obama is a master politician.
The irony is that it seems that Obama's dad knocked up a white woman (while already married and was thus a polygamist) and then seems to have left Obama's raising to the white grandparents in Hawaii. Obama's dad was a Kenyan and was certainly not poor and uneducated.
Some are relieved to see black people get a good lecture about their failure to adopt monogamy, as if that is all that is missing.
"Barack Obama
Colin Powell
Bill Cosby
Tiger Woods
Oprah Winfrey
Condelesa Rice
Nothing makes you color blind like intelligence, talent and hardwork. (PS I don't follow basketball or football)"
Many of those folks seem like idiots to me; Colin Powell did that anthrax thing at the UN so blacks lie and Condelesa Rice was even worse.
Bill Cosby? Yuck. Of course he's known for his brain rotting TV but, when people note his moral lapses, he goes into a fit and wants people to see him through the characters he portrays on TV.
My list might include:
MLK, Rosa Parks, Harriet Tubman, Cynthia A. McKinney
since those people had courage and conviction; the names on your list seem quite narcissistic and definitely not martyrs.
I think Obama's words were codespeak for his opinion about George Bush and Dick Cheney.
anon 12:04pm
You are so Absolutely Right
No one could have said that better!
Many blacks have spoke of this,
with No effect!
Da Thug life is to appealing i guess
Did you guys see the new BO proposal for savings? Guess the Wall Street fund managers are seeing declining funds inflows, so there has to be government mandatory inflows and matching government fund to feed the pigs at the trough.
I'm all for savings, but why does it have to be government sanctioned retirement accounts where people's money is locked up while the government spends it for them at the back end? Why not just have a higher interest rate? that would be the simplest and most effective incentive for savings and disincentive for wasting. Are the dopes really that stupid?
Barack Obama: NOPE!
Shawanda, Shaneel, Shaquile.
Jane, Susan, William.
Hmmm. I wonder what MLK would have thought....
Supervisor, Boss, Owner.
Crackhead, Whore, Prisoner.
Connect the dots, DOPES
Ok DOPES I connected the dots...These are all your children
Happy Fathers Day DOPES! I am sure you are a proud parent.
lost cause:
"They just cannot wrap their minds around life on the streets of the iner city."
I want to wrap my mind about this: Why is it that I cannot go into the inner city anymore? Why is a white pulled over in South Chicago and told they "don't belong" in that area? Why is it that when I went to elementary school in the projects, all I heard about was white-on-black racism but I only seemed to get all of the black-on-white? Why is it that when I moved to the suburbs, any black families in the area were treated like little kids, with everybody talking really nice? Why is it that I have never called someone a racist name in my life, but have been called honky/whitey/white boy/cracker more times than I can count, probably over a thousand times? Why are we supposed to believe that blacks are treated so badly when in fact they have it made?
[url=http://contrapunctusxiv.blogspot.com/2007/03/barack-obamas-father-polygamist-and.html"Mr Obama's 40-year-old cousin Said Hussein Obama told The Mail on Sunday: "Clearly, Barack has been very deeply affected by what he has learned about his father, who was my father's older brother.
"You have to remember that his father was an African and in Africa, polygamy is part of life.
"We have assured Barack that his father was a loving person but at times it must be difficult for him to reconcile this with his father's drinking and simultaneous marriages."[/url]
The word slavery finally appeared at 2:22 PM. What took so long?
Why the hell would white people want to stand on the street corners gangbanging? Leave that for the morons in the inner city. Smart people work hard and leave that garbage behind.
Pandering 101 is what this was. Obama is trying to reach out to the white folk to get their votes.
Please people, he doesn't give a rats ass about this issue. And he shouldn't either. It has nothing to do with the job of president.
Good for him! I've only heard him and Bill Cosby say that. But here's where his social programs will make matters worse. Collectivism feels like a good Robin-Hood policy, but it turns into "Take from the rich, give to the government and make the poor reliant on the government".
The message to Dads is "You're not needed. The government will take care of your children. Feel free to abandon your family, because they'll just get a welfare check."
And when we support those types of entitlement programs, we give those dead-beat dads good reason to run.
Love your list baybeee--Thanks for breakin' it down!!
p.s...All white people aren't racist morons...
Didn't Bill Cosby say something like this a while back?
Have one or two kids! Not 6 or 9
The least productive members of our society get paid to reporduce. The G gives them "baby-siitting" checks. This will be the death knell of America.
whites make the laws and make sure black people get the book thrown at them but someone like Hulk Hogans son can whine (along with Paris Hilton) and cry about the LAW not being fair and get all sorts of breaks.
Come to Cook County, Illinois, Obama's home. Google: Judge Leo "Let'em Go" Holt. He let a high ranking black gangbanger walk on a bond for MURDER. The g/b went out and tried to kill the witnesses against him in the first case.
Won't hear THAT on MSNBC....
Can't afford to take care of those 5 kids?? Gee, ya' shoulda' thought about that when you dropped out of highschool pregnant, with ZERO prospects for making a living!
Ya, but it is white peoples fault they can't get a job they want.
Why is there no looting in the Iowa floods like there where in the New Orleans floods???
All white people aren't racist morons
but we can be nudged over that fine line!
Sure, maybe it is courageous for a Democrat to say those things, but then he goes right back to the traditional liberal / democrat playbook:
"We should reward fathers who pay that child support with job training and job opportunities and a larger Earned Income Tax Credit that can help them pay the bills. We should expand programs where registered nurses visit expectant and new mothers and help them learn how to care for themselves before the baby is born and what to do after – programs that have helped increase father involvement, women’s employment, and children’s readiness for school. We should help these new families care for their children by expanding maternity and paternity leave, and we should guarantee every worker more paid sick leave so they can stay home to take care of their child without losing their income."
That is "change"? We have been hearing that forever.
Have you ever noticed that if your black you can have 'Black Pride,
or if your Hispanic you can have 'Brown pride',
Pride in your heritage.
But why is it if your white and have pride in your heritage your automatically branded a White Racist, Nazi, bigot, homophobe, skinhead or whatever!
Why can't I have pride in my Scandinavian roots?
Why is this?
The reality is that Obama has nothing to lose from these comments. He won't lose the black vote, and he may gain the votes of some whites. So, while the comments are appreciated, this is certainly no act of political courage. It seems very calculated to me.
> Have you ever noticed that if your black you can have 'Black Pride, (...)
> But why is it if your white and have pride in your heritage your automatically branded a White Racist, Nazi, bigot, homophobe, skinhead or whatever!
> Why can't I have pride in my Scandinavian roots?
You can't? Come to Svenskarnas Dag in Minneapolis, every forth Sunday in June? The Swedish (and the other Scandinavians) celebrate their heritage there at Minnehaha falls every year. In fact, I will be there, not because I have Swedish forefathers but because I lived in Sweden for six years. Similarly, you can celebrate your Polish, Irish, or other roots, as you like and as it is done in many places. What you should not do is celebrating your whiteness, because white was the ruling class in this country until now. I find celebrating blackness without cultural roots also silly but not as offensive.
Maybe I should rephrase what I meant,
Lets put it this way,
If you have a tattoo that says Black pride or Brown pride....thats O.K.,
but if your white and have a tattoo that says White pride...your branded a racist, nazi, bigot ...
Anonymous said...
Love your list baybeee--Thanks for breakin' it down!!
p.s...All white people aren't racist morons...
Love you too Ma
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