Not only should John McCain return the $1,000 in tainted cash given to him on March 26 of this year, he should disavow Mozilo's support, immediately call for a formal Senate investigation into Mozilo's bribing of McCain's fellow Senators, and he should vote against the Senate's laughably-corrupt $300 billion Angelo Mozilo and Housing Gambler Bailout Plan.
I find it especially interesting that McCain would accept cold hard cash from Mozilo, even after saying this about Obama's connection to former Fannie CEO James Johnson, who's now resigned:
“I think it suggests a bit of a contradiction talking about how his campaign is gonna be not associated with people like that. Clearly he is very much associated with that"
Being funded by Mozilo in this environment is like taking money from a drug dealer. And Mozilo's stench will be seen throughout the halls of power, once the investigations begin.
Enjoy the feeding frenzy on this on HP'ers. MoziloGate is gettin' fun...
Props to Newsmeat - the campaign donor search engine..
June 19, 2008
HP EXCLUSIVE: John McCain has taken $1,000 from corrupt Countrywide CEO Angelo Mozilo. HP calls on McCain to return the toxic cash and disavow Mozilo
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Labels: angelo mozilo is going to jail, angelo mozilo self enrichment program, angelo mozilo supports john mccain
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This kind of "guilt by donation" politics is ridiculous Keith. I dislike McCain and Orangzillo as much as the next guy but this is stupid. McCain is not endorsing Orangzillo by taking his campaign donation. What is he supposed to do? Go through and vet every donation and check the background and moral standing of each and every donor?
This stupid "guilt by association" politics disgusts me and is a total distraction.
There's enough dirt on both of these guys that we don't need silly distractions like this.
Comes full circle now!
All McCain has to do is return the cash, disavow his support, and call for a formal investigation into the bribery, and all will be fine.
I expect McCain to do exactly that within the next few days once this goes public. Plus he can score points by calling for the investigation - that's in his sweet spot.
Follow the money.
On Capitol Hill, Countrywide also spread support the old-fashioned way. Since 1990, Mozilo and his family have contributed at least $110,000 to federal political committees, according to data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics. Mozilo donated $1,000 to Conrad in 1999, and Countrywide's political action committee gave Conrad $6,000 in 2005 and 2006. Countrywide's PAC has given Dodd donations totaling $21,000 since 1997.
Nice picture of McShitstain.
Looks like he is a swallower...
Mozilo is AIDS
Don't worry McCain flip flops every day
Has there ever been a picture taken of Mozilo where he doesn't look like some sort of mob boss?
so, politicians should take contributions from any criminal?
Don't worry McCain flip flops every day
that is so, so 2004, come up with something new.
Mr. I_voted_for_it_before_I_voted_against_it is the one true flipflopper.
All McCain has to do is return the cash, disavow his support, and call for a formal investigation into the bribery, and all will be fine.
It's still completely ridiculous. Where do you draw the line with this "guilt by donation"? I bet there are far more unsavory characters donating to all candidates and this is just another form of weak-minded political point scoring. Almost every financial corporation donation should be returned by this logic. It's ridiculous.
Condi Rice is John McCain's love child.
How the heck can you compare a legal campaign contribution, according to the LAW, with bribery.
If I recall your hero Ron Paul got $500 from a KKK grand wizard. He didn't give it back. That was OK by you. And when Obama hired an ex-Fannie Mae exec to his campaign, that was just fine as well.
But god forbid McCain gets a contribution from someone who works in the mortgage industry. Then it's all hell breaks loose.
Try a little consistency for once.
Mozilo has openly bribed two sitting members of Congress, two peers of McCain.
McCain should call for an investigation, return Mozilo's money, and be out front on this issue. It's a winner for him. A softball.
Just wait...
While I agree that McCain should return the money, I can't see how you guys can point the finger when the all holuy Ron Paul is still holding the $500 he got from StormFront. Anyone? Hello?
frog march for some Bear patsies
I still can't believe the sheeple were dumb enough to choose McCain in the primaries.
Now the even dumber majority of people will vote for Osamabama and really screw us.
Funny, I didn't see the same reaction here when inmate Rezko gave $250k to Obama's campaign in the past. Hey, but this is the new America, where double standards are the norm.
You guys are all a bunch of ass clowns. I've been checking this web site for over a year hoping to glean some usable info, and all I see is that this web site has turned into a tabloid press.
Why don't you all get your thumbs out yer asses, get to work and stop your goddamn bitching?
Did Angelo sire Samwise Gamgee?
What, he didn't qualify for Tangelo's "special friends" discounted mortgage rates?
"If I recall your hero Ron Paul got $500 from a KKK grand wizard."
Tell me, what is wrong with it?
$1000 is nothing.
Big difference between a campaign contribution that is public knowledge and a under the table bribe on a favorable loan ,plus waving of loan fees .
First ,the CounbtryWide CEO is barred from making such loans. Second, a Federal employee or a Senator is barred from receiving any kind of below market loan rates or fees discounts that the public would not get under the same credit underwriting circumstances .
Because the bail-out bill directly benefits Countrywide Funding ,who has one of the biggest default rates on loans ,CountryWide can off-load all their junk paper on the taxpayers(pursuant the pending bail out bill ),thus making it possible for BOA to take them over .CW might of passed off a bunch of defaulting loans already.
Since CountryWide has so many lawsuits against them right now ,I wonder if they shouldn't be barred from using any federal program give-a-ways anyway.
As many have said ,the bail-outs were for the banks anyway . They know those loans are going to go into default . You can't save borrower when the loans were fraudulent to begin with .
Also ,it's interesting how Dodds is calling for buying up already foreclosed property from the banks Just how does that aspect of the housing bill rescue any borrowers ,since the house is vacant .It's to take the loan off the books of the lenders at the taxpayers expense .Mozilo's Company must have a ton of those kind of loans .Why do you think that Dodds sought to get the loan limits raised on the government backed loans . It was for old loans already on the books ,not for new loans .
The public should be outraged that Senators like Dodds want 300 billion in tax dollar backing to bail out creeps like Mozillo ,when his lending practices should be expose for the fraud that they were .
In part a government bail-out would prevent true Justice of exposure of Mozilo and his lending practices and his fraudulent breach of passing junk loans onto not only government back loans but other investors .
Mozilo's default rate is so high on his loan leading up to the crash ,that it would be unacceptable under any circumstance to have a 37% default rate ,and one could say ,the fraudulent agents knew where to go.
Mozilo's objective was to pump up his stock holdings and dump the stock. With Countrywide being as big as they are ,they would have a big influence on the market .
Mozilo got caught holding the bag when his loans where rejected and he couldn't pass his junk to investors because of the credit crunch and rapid change in the market . Mozilo was just about ready to board the ship of making it out of town with his money ,when real estate stopped going up and his junk loans started defaulting in record numbers .
BOA isn't going to take Countrywides bad paper in this buy-out....that junk will go to the taxpayers .
Dodds and his Buddy Mozilo had to start this absurd "bail-out for borrowers "PR campaign from day one .The reason why this bail out borrowers never made sense to begin with was because these creeps know these borrowers are going to default and can't be bailed out .
Let's see... Saint Obama HAND PICKS a former head of Fannie Mae as a close advisor and one of 3 people entrusted with vetting his VP choice and this gets narry a mention on HP (actually Obama is lauded for dumping the guy in "hours" after it turns out he got special loans from AM even though it took 4 days not hours).
John McCain gets an unsolicited contribution from AM, who also has donated tens of thousands of dollars to Democrats, and it is a headline on HP.
Please get back to reporting on housing as your political coerage is juvenile at best.
Who cares, its only $1,000. This is NOT a substantial contribution.
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