Seems the hard-core Democrats are pissed at HousingPANIC.
Seems the hard-core Republicans are pissed at HousingPANIC.
Wonder what that means...
June 20, 2008
Elephants and Asses
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"Wonder what that means..."
It means that we didn't sell out and still think that Ron Paul was a better candidate. Some people *aham* sell themselves so cheap.
Did they mention HP?
if they're NOT pissed off at you, then you're not doing it right.
Probably because on real estate you are almost 100% on the button. On the other side of things you support a staunch socialist weasel thats going to usher in a whole new era of corruption beyond what you perceived Bush did.
Obama is the last thing this great Nation needs.
I am still voting Ron Paul. The only thing that can change that is if Hillary gets the VP nod.
Then I would have to vote McCain, as putrid as that would be.
Things are always better under democrat rule. ALWAYS. Even the Carter years were better than any time under republicans and he followed 8 years of bumbling republican criminals.
The stats bear this out.
So Keith, are you going to visit Russia to see what the US will become under Obama's reign?
Because you nailed it on the housing thing, but even though you should know better, you support someone who is going to make the housing issue even worse than it is, (not to mention taking down what's left of America).
It means you better run and hide!
First they came for the minions..
Then they came for Angelo..
Now they will come for you!
Because no one is safe from the Housing Holocaust.
Both parties are full of bought and paid for corporate whores.
The corrupt Democratic Congress is hellbent on bailing out the banks, hedge funds, homebuilders, and flippers with $300 billion of taxpayer money. This after their $162 billion welfare bill for corporate farms and the ethanol industry. The Iraq War continues. So what has changed?
"Probably because on real estate you are almost 100% on the button. On the other side of things you support a staunch socialist weasel thats going to usher in a whole new era of corruption beyond what you perceived Bush did."
It means you are in the middle of the road. Nothing wrong with that - being a freak to either extreme is not healthy.
It also means you are getting the hang of life, youngster.
Congress has decided push the bail-out through with no investigations. Look for updates implicating Bank of America, supposedly the real author of the bail-out legislation.
It means that anyone who blindly allies himself with a single political party is a moron.
"Both parties are full of bought and paid for corporate whores."
Ding Ding Ding. We have a winner!
Even the Carter years were better than any time under republicans
It is official. Bitter idiot renter has gone off the deep end for good.
Oh the delicious irony that Keith's beloved Democrats are passing a housing bailout bill which the evil Bush will veto.
Keith must be beside himself wondering what to do.
Keep voting for Democrats and all will be well, I promise.
It means that anyone who blindly allies himself with a single political party is a moron.
That's not quite so. I disagree with Democrats 90% of the time. I disagree with Republicans 35% of the time. Of course I will vote Republican. Doing otherwise would be retarted.
"Oh the delicious irony that Keith's beloved Democrats are passing a housing bailout bill which the evil Bush will veto."
How many times do I have to say it until it's clear?
The Democrats are corrupt. The Republicans are corrupt. I can't stand either party. And I encourage the few of you who do to start thinking for yourselves, instead of having others think for you.
Democrats? Republicans? The USA is a one party state. The ruling party has two heads, one calls itself "Republicans" and the other "Democrats". They may bite each other on the back once in a while. But there is little difference between them. Both are well to the right side of the spectrum.
Wanna see what Jimmy Carter did to Florida with his Mariel fiasco? Have fun reading all these cases:
Anonymous said...
It means that anyone who blindly allies himself with a single political party is a moron.
That's not quite so. I disagree with Democrats 90% of the time. I disagree with Republicans 35% of the time. Of course I will vote Republican. Doing otherwise would be retarted.
Would moron be synonymous with retarted?
HP is the real party for 'change'
oh i'm lost in the city
"Even the Carter years were better than any time under republicans and he followed 8 years of bumbling republican criminals.
The stats bear this out."
You can't even maintain the validity of the one single stat in your post, the number years of continuous Republican adminstration there was before Carter. LOL.
Guillotine all hard core Elephants and Jackasses!!!!!
Ron Paul really is the ONLY true Fiscal Conservative. He's the only one running from either party that actually says, "We can't afford it; We can't raise taxes so we CAN afford it; And we should shrink and focus the government's influence until we live within our means."
The other republicans don't consider him "in the club", but he's the only true conservative.
He really is the man for the job. I think I'm just going to follow his lead here and stay involved with his efforts. He knows he can't win, but he's up to something, anyway.
It means you must be doing something right! Which of course could spoil their get rich quick schemes.
The bottom line is the public is now aware of the games going on in Washington and with a corrupt real estate industry that will now doom many good Americans.
Sadly, the corruption goes to the highest level of the banking and securities industry.
If we Americans want to take back control of vital resources such as oil we should just stop buying gas powered vehicles, period! Send a message we will not continue to subsidize foreign countries that hate us and in the end want us to suffer.
Americans have to take control of their finances because we are just getting started with much, much more severe weather and natural disasters which will cause rampant inflation and higher interes rates.
Good luck all. Have a nice weekend!
This is how the establishment maintains it's hold over society. We're fed this false left-right paradigm largely from the mainstream media where you will very rarely hear an analysis of the real issues instead you hear endless, childish attacks between the two parties.
As Ron Paul has so effectively illuminated, there is no real difference between the two parties except on the most frivolous of issues. There is no effective opposition between the parties because they are both corrupt and serve the same lobbyists, for example, AIPAC is a big one:
Obama Pledging His Allegiance To Israel's Security Above All Else
McCain Pledges His Undying Allegiance To Israel (Cue The Dramatic Orchestral Theme)
Hillary Clinton Pledges Her Allegiance To Israel
Pelosi Pledges Her Allegiance To Israel at AIPAC
Now how many other nations in the world have so much sway over US politics? That would be NONE.
And you wonder why we're fighting in Iraq and planning an attack on Iran. Let there be no mistake - it has nothing to do with your freedom.
BTW - Did you see Ron Paul at AIPAC pledging his allegiance to the security of Israel? No you did not, because he is concerned with the security of the US and that's all. The way it should be. Israel has enough nukes to take care of itself.
The Israel Lobby : The Influence of AIPAC on US Foreign Policy
And here's a little added bonus if you made it through all of the videos above:
The Five Dancing Israelis on 9/11
Disclaimer: None of the comments above are aimed at Jews in general. They are should be interpreted as a critique of Israel's undue influence over US foreign policy not an attack on the character of the Jewish people.
...because you say things that can't easily be classified as pro-republican and pro-democrat.
Partisans can't get outside of their ideological box enough to even realize that the box even exists. To see someone cavorting around outside the box they don't even know they're in is perplexing and enraging.
Invariably the response is to try and cram you into the opposition's box.
This all used to annoy me, but I have learned to use it as a way to identify morons, and exploit them appropriately.
Exploitation of morons is nature's way. Don't get mad...get their cash.
Keith sez:
The Democrats are corrupt. The Republicans are corrupt. I can't stand either party. And I encourage the few of you who do to start thinking for yourselves, instead of having others think for you.
Partisan hears:
"I am attacking your party, and I want to destroy your very way of life and all you hold dear"
It's "Your either with US, or against US" with these mouth breathers.
Condo Company Unwraps Plan For Clothing-Optional Pool
By KEITH MORELLI | The Tampa Tribune
Published: June 17, 2008
Updated: 06/17/2008 07:29 pm
* Clothing-Optional Pool Proposed
COUNTRYWAY -- Swimmers will have the option of wearing nothing at all at the Arbors at Branch Creek, a complex of 390 homes that landed on the idea to help move units in a down market.
One pool is being set aside for nude swimmers, sunbathers and hot tubbers, said Christine Pirkle, director of sales with the Web site for the project's developers.
It will be several months before the nudity rules are put in place, Pirkle said. Landscaping is needed to keep out prying eyes, for one thing, plus condo owners must approve. But there are few owners among all the developers hold a number of units.
Eden purchased the property three years ago with a condo conversion plan in mind. It encompasses 76 acres, half of it undisturbed wetlands, on West Hillsborough Avenue between Race Track and Sheldon roads.
Attention, attention! Calling all sheep to jump in the rigged market so they can be fleeced a few days later by the crooks on Wall Street. Attention!
DOW = -220 pts
NAS = -2.27%
S&P = -1.87%
AAPL = -6% for the month (and Keith was putting his money in AAPL last month)
Where are the stupid cheerleaders now? That's right, you better hide in shame. And this is just the beginning.
You underestimate the corruption in the Republican and Democrat party if you do not think they can and won't shut your blog down or tie you up in phony bogus "legal" proceedings or perhaps seize your assets. Remember the courts are as corrupt as the policians. Way too much corrupt money is and has been changing hands. As long as your blog had one side of the corruption pitted against the other you were safe. You no longer are since you now are calling to light the corruption of both parties. We live in dangerous times.
Call me a conspiracy freak if you will, but I think you would be wise if you had preset spiral blogger network ready to initiate (preferrably from locations throughout the world) and carry on your blog in the event that the corrupt officials somehow manage to shut down your site. Seriously --- think about it and take appropriate precautions -- before its too late and the ______ silence another intelligent voice of reason.
Anon 9:08pm,
Hey, cut Keith some break, will ya? I was among the first to call SPX 1440 as the top of the trading range, not a launch point to the moon, after Keith's original market call. However, in this fiat Oz land of ours, everyone has to look for something somewhere to park their wealth, as money is intrinsicly worthless. Keith was only suggesting one possibility. No one can be always correct.
What's your brilliant idea? I have been short the market since SPX1440, and closed more than half my shorts at my trading range lower target of 1330. Remember? I mentioned the non-zero possiblity of spking down to SPX1200's, so I have kept some of my shorts pending market conditions. Today, the market closed at SPX1318. High-jinx market intervention over the weekend or a washout next week as margin calls go out on Monday?
Attention, attention! Calling all sheep to jump in the rigged market so they can be fleeced a few days later by the crooks on Wall Street. Attention!
DOW = -220 pts
NAS = -2.27%
S&P = -1.87%
More like 'calling all sheep to get their weak money out of the market'. I put in several buys today.
boom shakalaka boom
We need more mainstream political parties. Right now the political choices for the world's greatest democracy's voters is restricted to Black and white, Pepsi or Coke or the devil and the deep blue sea.
More options would mean better choices for the citizens. How about a Freedom party ( left leaning), Red white and blue party ( RWB) ( right leaning) and a new centrist party ( Revolution party) ?
Ron Paul needs to start a new one.
So does Howard Dean and so do true centrists like John McCain and Rudy Giuliani.
If you, Keith, are an Obama supporter simply because America would be a better place once we finally have a black president, then that's fine - just say it. Your credibility will remain in tact.
But to support a guy who will spend more money than Bush for any other reason really makes me question why I come to this site every day.
You know the rules of this site. You can bash only some democrats, but can't say anything bad about Messiah Obama or the mod dumps your post.
Keith, I suspect this campaign you are running for Obama is clouding your judgement.
Did you not see this story in the Wall Street Journal on May 28, 2008: "Obama Uses Housing to Target Swing States"? (subscription req.)
The article points out that Obama has pledged $30B for housing bailouts. It also points out that McCain has promised $3-10B.
If the numbers were reversed, would you have been all over that story?
I need to give you the benefit of a doubt and assume that you just missed that story. But I can't help but wonder.
To all the "Every party sucks and is corrupt" crowd, please (I'm saying it very nicely) grow the F**k up! Try belonging to something bigger than your own ego for a while. Neither party is perfect, but a lack of perfection does not equal everything sucking. Pick a side and work to make your side better.
And by the way, I see what you're doing at your computer..., you'll get hairy palms and you'll go blind if you don't stop. And stop drinking the Mountain Dew; try getting out in the real world and going for a walk once in a while.
you support a candidate calling for the bailout. kind of contradicts the whole point of your blog. not a surprise you've upset the lot.
It means we HPers are right on track.
Burn Baby Burn
Keith, you have been 150% on target with the Housing Crash; we all owe so much to you and your blog. But as others have said here, this blog has a decidedly left-wing bias...that''s your blog. But the left-wing is up to its eyeballs in the housing scam...they are the ones who are pushing most for a bailout and they are the ones who got in bed with banks and politicians to have creative loans made to their credit-unworthy borrower constituents. I am not saying Repubs are blameless...they are, and in a big way too.
I'm not voting in my State's election for president (if you can understand that sentence then you may understand where i am politically); in fact, i don't vote in those elections anymore since i know the system is corrupt and rigged by two parties. the have a duopoly on politics and they intend to keep it that way. my feeling is that the best way to change the system is to stop voting so a message is sent to the duopolists that their duopoly must end. does that mean i'm not involved? not at all. i am very active in calling congress, state legislators, writing letters, and blogging. i'm not a voter anymore, i'm just an actvist. voting means nothing; activism means's the activists who get what they want. how do you think all those people with minority points of view get their way all the time...they have money and they are active in their pursuits. that's they way we have to be. stop voting; by continuing to vote you validate for the duopolists that they system they have set up is a good one. the won't change it if you still are involved with it, so just stop i did.
There has to be a mass purging of the current politicians, by voting them out .The corrupt politicians just aren't operating in the best interest of America anymore .
keith ,don't worry ,they still allow people free speech ,as long as you don't promote weird stuff like burning down the white house,or something weird like that .
Since when is debate not allowed involving discontent with the political parties or persons ,especially if they are corrupt .
We are at a very critical point in history and it is necessary to have politicians in there that have the best interest of the United States at heart .
If you suggest to someone to vote with their pocketbook ,by refusing to buy a corrupt product or have dealings with corrupt people ,than its simply a allowable and lawful protest that is effective.
It shows one thing:
HP goes against special interests, and that can only mean that it is somehting good for ordinary people.
The United State is now Communist. Think I am wrong. Who elects President u or Big Corporations? Who writes bills elected officaials or Big Corporations. USA is not the best counrty anymore nor is it FREE.
There is one problem with purging the corrupt politicians by voting them out. Who's going to replace them? Why, of course, MORE corrupt politicians! Who are even more corrupt than the last batch!
The biggest problem is that candidates must get money by prostituting themselves out to donors including giant corporations with nearly infinite reserves of campaign money, which buys laws. That's why except for abortion or gay marriage they are virtually from the same factory's cookie cutter.
Comparing the two parties is like comparing road-going diesel and home heating oil. Except for some red dye, they burn the same. You can burn the diesel in a home furnace and (illegally) burn the "red diesel" in a semi.
If politicians are a dime a dozen, you must blow up the idiot with the dimes or blow up the factory in China manufacturing them. Or both.
Our best hope is to cut off the dime supply by banning ALL donations but there's the Catch 22. You have to elect a batch willing to cut off the dimes which are their lifeblood.
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