"My friends, I will have an energy policy that we will be talking about, which will eliminate our dependence on oil from the Middle East that will prevent us from having ever to send our young men and women into conflict again in the Middle East"
- John McCain, May 2008
(too bad our politicians feel they can't tell the truth and stick to it. it makes much more sense than the lies.)
May 03, 2008
Oops! McCain slips up and tells the truth (before withdrawing the truth hours later under the pressure from Bush & Co. to keep The Big Lie going)
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Bush should just admit his blunders, and resign.
What a great new day that would be! The dark cloud over DC is getting old.
"The Congressional Record is very clear: I said we went to war in Iraq because of weapons of mass destruction," he [John McCain] said.
John McCain in a way is still telling the truth in the above quote. All you need is the proper point of view to understand the true meaning of his words.
Before the Iraqi invasion, they stopped selling oil for USD some 6 months prior... the removal of IRAQI oil from the backing of the US BUCK was in fact the use of a FINANCIAL WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION AGAINST THE UNITED STATES. They pulled the trigger and drew first blood. We responded by invasion and promptly got their oil trade back under the USD.
Now that IRAN has done the same thing, its only a matter of time before that country is bombed into oblivion. With all the demonizing going on in the western media now, it could be only weeks or a few months away.
It appears that the PPT is really stomping on PM to get the BUCK to appear strong before the big kick off. This in fact may be one of the last good chances to stock up on long term GLD positions under $1K.
The global geo-political forces now gathering are colliding head to head with a first class world finacial banking and credit crisis; a perfect storm indeed.
This storm of the century may last several months or a few short years, afterwhich the geo-political, geo-economic, and global energy distribution will be as different from today as today is from the pre-WWII era.
He slipped up and told the truth. He must be senile.
WTF? Isn't Bush at 21% or 19% or something?
Why the heck does McCain think he has to """"clarify"""" anything?
Is that wicked Eye of Karl Rove still so damn powerful?
Get over it. W = Ninteen percent = Worst Ever.
The reality:
we went in for cheap oil, and we got al-Qaeda, Iranian Revolutionary Guards and $4.00 gasoline. WWWWWWway to go. not.
Here is an energy policy which will result in a major change: multiply the gasoline tax by TWENTY times. 18c -> $3.60. That's just a start. Then we will need massive serious investment in engineering and infrastrucure.
Cancel ALL oil + gas and farming subsidies.
Tax gas guzzling cars + trucks by MPG---no provision for trucks versus cars---and funnel the money back into credits for high MPG cars, no matter how they get their MPG.
And do it enough that it hurts----like $5k on a luxury SUV, so that a Civic is $3k cheaper and a Prius is $6k cheaper.
OMG. All of them are complete idiots. Maybe Obama is the least idiotic of the three but I'm always reminded of this picture every time one of them says somehing stupid:
The Three Presidential Stooges
Can there be any doubt that elections are just charades created by the elite to make the public think they have free choice. Seriously, don't the rest of you Americans feel like a bunch of manipulated rodents in a cage?
so we will never have to invade the middle-east?
invade the following:
none of them have much of a military. most US oil imports actually come from the later two anyhow. cuts shipping costs for both the troops AND the oil.
The reason why our nation is at war with evil regimes is because we want to give the gift of freedom. America stands for freedom and we will fight for freedom whenever it is necessary.
How many dead soldiers per barrel are we at?
complain all you want, my LMT, Northrop, and Raytheon stocks are thru the roof! more war = more money for meeeeeee!!!!!! what's 4,000 dead Americans? seriously, we lose that many on the roads each YEAR! now, calculate those 4,000 lives for all the equity and profit made by any holding a war profiteer stock and you've seen real VALUE and a death:$ ratio that's obscene. and those 4,000 were the destitute 18 year old sons of rednecks who had no real future anyway = better off dead.
and since i'm filthy rich there's no way my kids will have to choose between either poverty or military :) suck on that, suckers! now, try to guess which Senator i am :)
My respect for mcain just soared 10points. that was such a truthful statmenet it hurts.
I also felt the same way when obama stated his "cling to guns" antiimmigration". Blaming immigrants for our problems is a short cut to thinking. Evangilists cling to this crap and they are just creepy.
Can't we just let people talk withought cutting them down for a percieved "blunder"?
oh come on keith. our country needs our young people to fight and die for nothing. just like it always has.....
It's cheaper to buy the oil, and it's better for our information / nano economy if we get off carbon energy.
Bottom line: fighting for oil in the Middle East is the worst possible approach to America's long-term well being; but they know that. They are going for a feudal aristocracy; the most common form of government currently and historically.
These aren't good people. They are evil.
Dear:"The reason why our nation is at war with evil regimes is because we want to give the gift of freedom. America stands for freedom and we will fight for freedom whenever it is necessary." Boy, ask Iraqis and Americans how free they feel right now. I don't feel free and I'm American. I feel like like my rights and civil liberties have been trounced on by an oil-grubbing/cronie-adoring mad man who is our vice-president and president who sounds and acts like an eighth-grader. We are not altruistic in this invasion, we are self-serving.
Facts are stubborn lil fockers....they just won't go away.
These slip-ups remind me of a line from the old Nancy Sinatra song 'These Boots Are Made For Walking'......
"you've been lyin,
when you shoulda been truthin."
When I heard the quote I seriously almost fell out of my chair
Blood for oil? From the GOP nominee? Man, talk about throwing Cheney and Bush under the bus.
And then, of course, it happened.
McCain (who has no backbone) was forced to withdraw the comment.
I'm not sure I have a single thread of respect for him. He's just another slimey, dishonest, uninspiring politician. Like Hillary.
Anon 6:38 said
Here is an energy policy which will result in a major change: multiply the gasoline tax by TWENTY times. 18c -> $3.60. That's just a start. Then we will need massive serious investment in engineering and infrastrucure.
Faggetabout it. I's a nearly 60 year old engineer of the hard iron variety. I's a been waitin' on a turnaround since 1982 when the utility industry took a nose dive. The pendulum, rather than swingin back, just plum broke the hell off. If'n the good 'ole U.S. of A. wants engineering talent now, they's a gonna hafta re-train all of them there folks that makes a livin pushin pixles and packaging financial "instruments". Yo engineers - make em pay through the f'in nose when they do come calling (problematic - they first hafta diagnose the problem - as if).
Funniest thing to me about that quote, is that I didn't even understand the significance of it at first. I had actually forgot that blood-for-oil was still not the accepted reality.
none of them have much of a military. most US oil imports actually come from the later two anyhow.
That's some great intel you got there. Canada is the largest supplier of oil to the US and always will be.
Besides, Canada has something more powerful than a military. It's called cold weather. Minorities and hicks are crippled by cold weather which means 89-93% of your military will be useless.
From McShitstain:
"My Friends" = Assholes, F*ck You all...
The time for bombing of Iran will be sooner than you think. Thhe time is about now. You can't do it in the depths of summer in that part of the world when your machinery and human assets are subject to breakdown more quickly.
Anonymous: "The reason why our nation is at war with evil regimes is because we want to give the gift of freedom. ..."
Hey I hear there's a condo you could by in AZ for $895,000. They say it'll double in price by next year. Sounds like the perfect place for someone with your level of insight to buy.
Exactly. You have done your homework. It's not about the oil, but rather dollar hegemony. I almost fell out of my chair yesterday when the media started pushing the story that the US dollar is picking up steam. What the f%$#*(%^%$^???!
The reason why our nation is at war with evil regimes is because we want to give the gift of freedom. America stands for freedom and we will fight for freedom whenever it is necessary.
Shutup you idiot. Tell that to all the dead or displaced Iraqis. Tell them how America has brought them freedom. While Bushco takes away your basic freedoms here at home and shreds the Constitution. Do you enjoy paying your taxes for Bush to spend on destroying muslim nations for Israel?
"...we want to give the gift of freedom. America stands for freedom ..."
Majority of our oil comes from Canada, Mexico and Venezuela and not the Middle East. We are not in Iraq for its oil for Americans. Google the Mosul to Haifa pipelines geeezzz. Besides ever heard of the neocons?
Ok, here's the deal. Ready...
McCain wants to start building NUCLEAR power plants again. This will provide virtually UNLIMITED electricity which can be used to produce hydrogen, to fuel the FUELCELL powered cars.
This path is so clearly obvious that no question there are big (I mean BIG) money interests (think big oil, coal, arabs) using every pr trick in the book to see that it don't happen.
Instead we got a president that talks about making fuel from switch grass (whatever that is) and corn. And not surprisingly Obama and Hillary don't even have that much of an idiotic plan.
Here's a really good article on the nuclear power issue. Everyone in the country should be forced to read it (except that sheeple can't read anything more detailed than the tv guide of course).
Thank you lowdown. I'm glad there are other people out there who understand what is happening.
Invest accordingly.
But did Mc Cain tell you that he was born in Panama, and is, therefore, disqualified to become president?
Saddam Hussein...
Spreading Democracy...
911 was an inside job.
Enjoy the dieoff!
Hey Paperplate,
Great article. I'll pass it along
"The reason why our nation is at war with evil regimes is because we want to give the gift of freedom. America stands for freedom and we will fight for freedom whenever it is necessary."
I agree, we want to free them from their evil and toxic crude oil. You know that you can die from drinking crude oil? But these little fuckers are not very appreciative of our selfless efforts. To hell with 'em, let 'em drink oil.
Message to McCain: Remove foot from mouth and insert thumb. Take other hand and pick up your teddy bear, "fuzzy" and repeat after me: fuzzy wuzzy was a bear... fuzzy wuzzy had no hair...
Repeat until you fall back asleep.
He said that to somebody he thought wanted to hear it, and then said something else to somebody who didn't.
That's just the way politicians roll.
the war was for Israel
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