So, with the election looming, should we count on gas prices plummeting and a couple terror alert warnings again?
(Add those two to the $600 checks from Big Daddy Government and stupid-low interest rates, and those crafty little incumbents might be able to live another day after all...)
May 27, 2008
HousingPANIC Stupid Question of the Day
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Labels: incumbent corruption, inflation, terror alerts, the sheep really are quite stupid
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It's funny. during the week I read HP on a regular basis. I read about how we live in a depression. Nobody has money. Anyone with an SUV is starving. The world is ending.
Then on the weekend I go up to my cabin. And I see nothing but SUVs and trucks pulling boats, seadoos, trailers, 5th wheels, you name it. And then I look out onto the lake and see hundreds of boats guzzling $5.60 gas pulling tubers, fishing, and just having a good time. And as an added bonus on Memorial Day weekend, when $4 gas is supposed to kill the American driver, it takes me 2.5 hours just to get out of the city. Yeah, nobody's driving anymore and the economy's dead.
There will be some type of Warning issued before the elections. I don't think gas prices will go down, they will go up and up and "they" GOP will blame it on the DEM when one of them takes the president office. I had a nice talk about the chance of a terrorist attack in usa. If there were sleeper cells in country they would do some sooner than later. The longer they wait the more likely they could be found out or caught. So since nothing has happen, I don't think they are here. Most americans fear that some middle east guy is hiding in their attic.
In case you have not noticed.
The terrorists want the Obama and the democrats to win (they even say so in their own communications). They perceive them as weak and that they will cut and run from all conflicts with the jihadists. They also perceive that Obama and the democrats try to appease them (which they will).
The jihadists will wait until after the election. Then they will laugh as the mightiest military in the history of the world is cowered into a corner and how after every terrorists attack on Americans - they see Obama on TV apologizing for "Americas” wrongs for causing the terrorist attack.
The terrorists are rooting for the best dhimmi infidels to be elected.
Gas prices plummeting?
Not this time.
Terror alerts?
Big time, along with October surprises, all kinds of crap. The $hit is about to hit the fan. The moronic PTB will not go down without a fight. They'll kill us all.
I bet Bushco are ready to launch their next false flag attack on the American people any day now to justify a pre-emptive nuclear attack on Iran.
The crazies are still running the country.
Gas prices will go down simply because people can't afford it, but ALSO because elections are coming up.
Terror alert warnings will increase? DUH! Another false flag event isn't out of the question either.
I WAS GOING TO TEAR UP THAT $600 WHEN IT ARRIVED IN THE MAIL, I WAS THAT PISSED! Instead, I gave the whole damn thing to charity. Thank God I could afford to do it. It felt real good!
This country is going to go down so hard.......
Oh, don't forget the sudden willingness to grant Ocean Reserves in effort to appear to be a "Blue Prez". This completely out of character bone that Bush threw to environmentalists (which will never fool anybody) is just a ploy so Republicans can try to soften the blow when they try to drill in the Alaskan Wildlife refuge.
Some of the biggest terrorists we have live within our own borders -
"Bushco and Associates."
Gas will continue to climb up to and past $5.00/gal. before year-end, that is a certainty.
You should be worried with the real propaganda/puppet masters such as Oprah:
NYT -- The average audience for “The Oprah Winfrey Show” has fallen nearly 7 percent this year, according to Nielsen Media Research — its third straight year of decline. “Oprah’s Big Give,” an ABC philanthropic reality show, beat every program on television except “American Idol” in its premiere week this winter, but steadily lost nearly one-third of its audience during the rest of its eight-week run, according to Nielsen.
The circulation of O, The Oprah Magazine, has fallen by more than 10 percent in the last three years, according to the Audit Bureau of Circulations, and the magazine is now seeking a new editor in chief after the announced retirement of its longtime steward, Amy Gross.
What happened, the stupid people aren't buying that "vote for Obama while I rent an island in the Caribbean for $50,000 per day, so I don't have to be close to you stinky commoners?" Yep, stupid people, throw money at her so she can buy more $10k handbags from France. She's soooo concerned about Africa and poor America!
Never count the Clintons out.
HP Quote Of The Day:
Ted Kennedy's car has killed more people than my guns
Be orange afraid ... be very, very orange afraid ... now be red afraid!
Good dog.
Oh yeah, nothing says market rally like today's headlines:
* Consumer Sentiment at 16-Year Low
* Case-Shiller: House Prices Fall 14%
* From Tokyo to London to New York, financial companies announced plans to shed more than 83,000 jobs
* Inflation Erodes the Confidence of German Consumers, French Manufacturers
* A bear market in European stocks will last another six to 12 months and a ``superbearish'' scenario featuring a prolonged period of stagflation can't be ruled out.
* Optimism about growth in trade, especially between Asia and the U.S., has eroded among executives of small to midsize enterprises in Asia
* British truck drivers jammed a major route into London to protest the rising price of fuel. In Spain, truckers joined fishermen in calling for government help to cover fuel costs.
* Trichet Says 'Shocks' Aren't Over
And the market takes off at 2 PM, like clockwork. It's all rigged!!!
Attention, attention! Calling all sheeple to jump in the rotten market just to be fleeced in the coming days by the crooks on Wall Street.
Is this site still active?
I want you to go to this site to check all the waste from democrats in the House and Senate:
The Congressional Pig Book is CAGW's annual compilation of the pork-barrel projects in the federal budget. The 2008 Pig Book identified 11,610 projects at a cost of $17.2 billion in the 12 Appropriations Acts for fiscal 2008. A "pork" project is a line-item in an appropriations bill that designates tax dollars for a specific purpose in circumvention of established budgetary procedures. To qualify as pork, a project must meet one of seven criteria that were developed in 1991 by CAGW and the Congressional Porkbusters Coalition.
Just wait until the Messiah (elected by MTV Pot Smoking College Idiots, $10k handbag celebs, rappers, and ghetto) gets to sign anything that the ultraliberal majority in the Senate and House send to his desk. Prepare the wallet middle-class, because you'll be hammered with new taxes and waste to support the welfare queens here and in Africa. There won't be any checks and balances to stop that irresponsible crowd. Bailouts for housing fraudsters, anstey to millions of illiterate illegals who send 80% of their cash outside the country while sucking welfare and breeding like flies, or giving billions to rich farmers who are making a killing with skyrocketing commodity prices are nothing compared to what's coming. The Democrat majority is already signaling what's coming with these wasteful bills, but you don't want to see it. Imagine 20 million illegals who are now unemployed during this recession, getting citizenship just to suck welfare, while they ear cash on the side. Guess why the Colorado river is drying up? We are doomed!
bill clinton says its a conspiracy and his wife is the victim of a coverup....
ha ha ha
i told you keith. they ain't ever going away buddy. never....
And as an added bonus on Memorial Day weekend, when $4 gas is supposed to kill the American driver, it takes me 2.5 hours just to get out of the city. Yeah, nobody's driving anymore and the economy's dead.
Nice trolling and unreliable measure tools. Yep, I saw three people in line today to buy a Krispy Kreme; there's no crisis:
(CNN) -- At a time when gas prices are at an all-time high, Americans have curtailed their driving at a historic rate.
The Department of Transportation said figures from March show the steepest decrease in driving ever recorded.
Compared with March a year earlier, Americans drove an estimated 4.3 percent less -- that's 11 billion fewer miles, the DOT's Federal Highway Administration said Monday, calling it "the sharpest yearly drop for any month in FHWA history." Records have been kept since 1942.
The crazies are still running the country.
You mean the Democrat majority in the House and Senate for the last 2 years?
Have you idiots ever stopped to think that Osama Bin Laden issues terror threats before elections to mess with your heads and our election?
The crazies are running the show - you should always expect the worse from the criminally insane:
President George Bush and his tag-along buddy John McCain are repeating almost word for word about Iran the pattern of lies and threats they used to justify the war against Iraq.
Our intelligence agencies have said that Iran gave up the pursuit of a nuclear weapon three years ago. President Bush makes speeches as if he’s never heard of any intelligence agencies. That’s what worries me about President Bush. His words very often defy and contradict reality.
Recently, he almost repeated word for word a theme he often used in the buildup to the Iraq aggression. It was, he said, unthinkable to allow “the most dangerous regime to acquire the most dangerous weapons.” This guy might actually launch an attack on Iran before his term expires. If he does, you can kiss the world economy goodbye. You don’t like $4-a-gallon gas? How about $10 a gallon?
In the first place, Iran is far from the most dangerous regime in the world. I would say it is not dangerous at all, so far as the United States is concerned. Except for idiots, sane people assess threats based on capability, not on political rhetoric, intentions or imagination.
So what are the capabilities of Iran? It has no nuclear weapons. We have about 3,000 or more. One American submarine could destroy the entire country of Iran and its population. Iran has no missiles that could reach us. It has no aircraft that could reach us. Its army couldn’t even defeat Iraq.
The jihadists will wait until after the election. Then they will laugh as the mightiest military in the history of the world is cowered into a corner and how after every terrorists attack on Americans - they see Obama on TV apologizing for "Americas” wrongs for causing the terrorist attack.
The terrorists are rooting for the best dhimmi infidels to be elected.
Are you F*CKING retarded? I know morons like you can't help yourselves when you listen to Zionist fake-Conservative radio all day long with your hosts Limbaugh, Medved, Prager, Hannity and O'Reilly but could you please explain how the JIHADISTS are such a big threat to America? All the lies of the Bush crime family have been exposed and admitted by the Bush crime family but for you fake conservatives the charade goes on.
We're talking about a minority of religious fanatics that have a legitimate gripe with the USA - that is the USA has been interfering in their affairs for decades - and you idiots think they are a dangerous threat to Western civilization.
They don't have a fraction of the military capabilities that the USA has. Are you freaking retarded?!!
It's like saying Scientologists are going to take over the world. Gain some perspective moron and stop listening to that Zionist radio bullshit!
How about the real issues facing the USA? How about the over a million Iraqis that have been killed in this "War on Terror" AND the Gulf "War"? How many of those were terrorists vs how many were CHILDREN??!! Do you have any idea how much this war on terror has cost you?
George Bush and Co are a group of LYING, MURDERING WAR CRIMINALS. This isn't conjecture, it's an established FACT:
The Prosecution of George W Bush for Murder
You fake conservatives can stick your heads in the sand and call yourselves righteous patriots defending liberty and supporting the troops yada yada but you are only deluding yourselves and are complicit in these war crimes.
YOU are paying for this "war", long term we're talking trillions.
YOUR soldiers are dying for no good reason in this "war".
The very latest polls. Swing states included:
Gallup - Clinton 49% McCain 45% - McCain 47% Obama 45%
Newsweek - Clinton 48% McCain 44% - McCain 46% Obama 46%
Rasmussen - Clinton 47% McCain 45% - McCain 45% Obama 45%
Rasmussen (KY) - Clinton 51% McCain 42% - McCain 57% Obama 32%
Quinnipiac (FL) - Clinton 48% McCain 41% - McCain 45% Obama 41%
Quinnipiac (OH) - Clinton 48% McCain 41% - McCain 44% Obama 40%
Oh, and Hillary has the popular vote by a large margin, after Puerto Rico. We don't even ahve to include FL and MI. The Messiah and delegates think that Colorado alone is going to save him. Amazing, the DNC will lose another election that was so easy to win.
Just wait until the Messiah (elected by MTV Pot Smoking College Idiots, $10k handbag celebs, rappers, and ghetto) gets to sign anything that the ultraliberal majority in the Senate and House send to his desk. Prepare the wallet middle-class, because you'll be hammered with new taxes and waste to support the welfare queens here and in Africa. There
Hey IDIOT! First up I'm not a Dem, I'm a Republican.
We're already being HAMMERED by inflation in case you hadn't noticed and it has a lot to do with an illegal "war" that is going on right now!
I would rather have a socialist dipshit like Obama spending billions of tax dollars on programs that might have some benefit to society rather than waste trillions on killing innocent Iraqis and plundering other muslim nations. Now we've got this senile retard McCain aching to bomb Iran. What do you think that is going to do to YOUR standard of living??!!
You fake conservatives blow me away with your ignorance. Do you think wars are free or benefit society? Sheeesh!
I went to Laughlin NV over the weekend, on the way home on Monday, It was a traffic jam "almost" with large SUVs and large 1 ton and 4 door pickups passing me continuously as I was going 75 (in my 07 Corolla, at almost 40 MPG). Like the first poster mentions, many were pulling boats and jetskis. There were places between Victorville to the El Cajon pass where traffic just stopped on the 3 lane I-15.
it now costs $2 for a mcdonalds sundae with extra peanuts. so the price wsa doubled! I was going to say something but a family came in expecting to get a cheap treat and then there was a bit of commotion when they get their bill. so now I'll have to stock some ice cream at home!
Here comes the dems getting ready with their portfolio of usual tin-foil hat excuses of why they didn't win the whitehouse.
1) Fake terror alerts
2) Confusing election ballots
3) Right-wing Conspiracy
4) Big Oil
5) Haliburton
6) Yada-yada-yada
Why are Bush and McCain against college educations for our GIs?
A more cynical person might think they are insincere.
all these dumb-ass republicans are ruining this blog keith.
Would love to hear your opinion of the "Farm Bill" which includes the Enron Loophole which will expose the electronic trading of energy. Apparently, this past week, the bill had a "typo" that caused a delay in Bush signing his veto and then it was passed over riding his veto. Could this be the reason for the speculation of oil prices going down. That the cockroaches will leave the darkroom when the light is turned on?
The crazies are still running the country.
no, the crazies are posting on blogs.
i keep telling you all, Hillary is correct, Hussien is not electable. There are too many racists who would never vote for a black man but will grudgingly vote for a white woman.
The democrats will nominate Hussien and McLoser will win.
note, i don't like hillary.
Why are Bush and McCain against college educations for our GIs?
A more cynical person might think they are insincere.
uh, cause we can't afford it? what happened to the dems pack with america? the one where the wouldn't increase the budget deficit?
I think we should find a way to pay for it.
all these dumb-ass republicans are ruining this blog keith.
Hussien is going to lose. he will take CA, OR, SC, WA, and GA. and that is it.
I know the fake conservative right wingers that frequent this blog won't pay any attention to this because they have their heads so firmly implanted in their own asses that it would take the jaws of life to remove them but here's two books in the same week that provide even more evidence (like we needed more) of the crimes of the Bush crime syndicate:
Ex-Press Aide Writes That Bush Misled US on Iraq
Vincent Bugliosi: The Prosecution of George Bush for Murder
How these fake conservative clowns on the radio and Faux News can keep pushing the "Bush as Savior from Terror" line I find absolutely incredible. Or take Dennis Prager, one of the most transparently phony conservative agents for Israel condoning torture because America and the terrorists are not "morally equivalent". Keep eating that horse-sh!t boys!
With their heads so far up their own asses they form a perfect shit recycling feedback loop. I think that's the perfect analogy for the average fake conservative of the Super-Patriot-Support-The-Troops-Support-The-War crowd.
The 4.3% fewer drivers were the $11 an hour McWorker types that keep posting here about gas prices.
For the other 96.7% of us, it's life as usual. If you got out of your mom's basement, took off the tinfoil hat and stopped blogging 24/7 you might realize what's going on.
95.7 that is
Hussien is going to lose. he will take CA, OR, SC, WA, and GA. and that is it.
GA? Not likely. He will take 99.99% of Atlanta. Outside the city he will get about 5% of the vote.
"...the average fake conservative of the Super-Patriot-Support-The-Troops-
Support-The-War crowd...
...can't afford to pay for GI's college."
Yet they SURE AS SHIT coughed up BILLIONS in embezzled Iraq CPA funds; didn't they?
"95.7 that is"
You're stupid
"Then on the weekend I go up to my cabin. And I see nothing but SUVs and trucks pulling boats, seadoos, trailers, 5th wheels, you name it. And then I look out onto the lake and see hundreds of boats guzzling $5.60 gas pulling tubers, fishing, and just having a good time. [...] Yeah, nobody's driving anymore and the economy's dead."
Ain't credit cards wonderful? Last hurrahs are often the best.
Ain't credit cards wonderful? Last hurrahs are often the best.
May 28, 2008 5:30 PM
Weren't you idiots saying this last year too? And 2 years ago? This last hurrah is one long ass hurrah on credit that supposedly insn't there anymore.
Or maybe despite what you think not everyone is living on credit. You all assume since you make $11 an hour everyone makes $11 an hour. Wrong. Lots of people out there who can easily afford a cabin, a boat, a gas guzzler at $4 a gallon without breaking a sweat.
RE anonopussy 8:23 PM
Last year and in '06 the fun was financed with HELOC and refi money. That's all gone now, and the credit cards are coming out big time. Unlike your stupidity and arrogance, credit cards have a limit.
Check back in December and tell us all how the party is swingin'.
I expect Al-CIAda to stage another false flag attack with a small nuke and it will be blamed on Iran
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